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SCENE SIX: in Juliet's House On The Night of The Party: Romeo

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SCENE SIX: In Juliet’s House on the Night of the Party

The party scene is established and those present should include JULIET, TYBALT and
LORD CAPULET. ROMEO, BENVOLIO and MERCUTIO enter and stand on a different
part of the stage.

ROMEO: I don’t think we should be doing this, lads. I’ve got a

really bad feeling about gatecrashing this party.

MERCUTIO: What’s up with you?! We’re not gatecrashing, we’ve

been invited!

ROMEO: Yeah, but not by the Capulets, though.

BENVOLIO: Well, they’re not likely to invite us, are they? We’re their
sworn enemies.

ROMEO: Exactly what I’m saying. There’s going to be trouble,

I can feel it.

MERCUTIO: There’ll be no trouble, not from us, anyway. (Pause) Not

unless they start it first.

ROMEO: There! That’s what I’m saying!!

BENVOLIO: Don’t get so worked up, Romeo! (To MERCUTIO) There

won’t be any trouble, will there? (MERCUTIO doesn’t
answer, BENVOLIO raises his voice to him) Will there?!

MERCUTIO: All right, all right! (To BENVOLIO) No!

BENVOLIO: Look, we’ll just go in and have a few drinks, a bit of a

dance, chat up a few ladies and then go home again, all

ROMEO: (Still unsure) Okay.

MERCUTIO: (To ROMEO) I hope you’re not going to be chasing after

Rosaline all night, ‘cause if you are, it’s going to be really

BENVOLIO: Stop winding him up, Mercutio!

MERCUTIO: (To ROMEO) You ought to do what I do, just chill out
and have a laugh. Don’t take things so seriously! Life’s
too short to get yourself hitched to one lady before
you’ve experienced lots of different ones!

BENVOLIO: (Shocked) Mercutio!!

ROMEO: (To MERCUTIO) You just don’t understand.

MERCUTIO: No, you’re right, I don’t. You need to be more casual,

learn to love ‘em and leave ‘em like I do.

BENVOLIO: (Trying to stop an argument) Right! Are we going in

then, or what?

ROMEO: (Worried) I’m still not sure.

MERCUTIO: (Grabs ROMEO and drags him into the party) Oh, come
on, lover boy! Don’t be such a wimp!!

MERCUTIO, ROMEO and BENVOLIO enter the party. Other guests are already there,
including TYBALT and JULIET. BENVOLIO goes off and returns with drinks.
MERCUTIO and ROMEO stand chatting until he returns.

BENVOLIO: Here you go, I’ve got us some drinks.

MERCUTIO: Thanks, Benvolio. Good crowd, isn’t it? I might go for a

wander in a minute, see if there’s anyone interesting.

BENVOLIO: (Laughing) You’re terrible!

ROMEO: (Looking round) I can’t see Rosaline... (He stops dead

and points at JULIET) Who’s that?!

MERCUTIO: (Following his gaze) I don’t know. Cute isn’t she?

ROMEO: Cute?! She’s wonderful! She’s the most beautiful

woman I’ve ever seen in my life!

BENVOLIO: I thought that was Rosaline.


MERCUTIO: Oh, here we go again!

ROMEO: I have to talk to her. I must find out who she is.

Suddenly TYBALT appears beside them.

TYBALT: (To ROMEO) What are you doing here?! You weren’t

ROMEO: Oh, hello, Tybalt. Well we were invited, sort of.

TYBALT: Don’t be stupid! What on earth makes you think that

you, a Montague, would be a welcome guest at a party
thrown by the Capulets?! Get out! (He indicates the

MERCUTIO: (To TYBALT) And who’s going to make us?

TYBALT: (Looking at MERCUTIO) What’s it to do with you? It’s

the organ grinder I’m talking to, (Nods at ROMEO) not
the monkey. Now are you and your little pals here going
to leave quietly, or am I going to have to throw you

The argument is just about to get heated when LORD CAPULET comes over.

LORD CAPULET: What’s going on?

TYBALT: This is Romeo, a Montague. Him and his friends have

gatecrashed the party, but it’s all right, I was just asking
them to leave.

MERCUTIO: And being most unpleasant about it as well.

TYBALT: Shut it, you!

LORD CAPULET: (Angrily to TYBALT) Tybalt! That’s enough! Leave them

alone. You’re welcome to stay gentlemen.


LORD CAPULET: I said that’s enough! Remember your manners, Tybalt.

These people are guests in my house and I’ll have no
trouble while they’re here, all right?

TYBALT: (Angrily) But they weren’t invited! They’re Montagues!

They have to go! (Menacingly) Let me sort it.

LORD CAPULET: (Shouting) Leave it, Tybalt! I want no arguments here

and I don’t need any trouble from you. (Brief pause)
I think you’d better leave.

TYBALT: (Astounded) Me?!

LORD CAPULET: Yes. Go on. Go and cool off somewhere. Leave this to


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