SCENE SIX: in Juliet's House On The Night of The Party: Romeo
SCENE SIX: in Juliet's House On The Night of The Party: Romeo
SCENE SIX: in Juliet's House On The Night of The Party: Romeo
The party scene is established and those present should include JULIET, TYBALT and
LORD CAPULET. ROMEO, BENVOLIO and MERCUTIO enter and stand on a different
part of the stage.
BENVOLIO: Well, they’re not likely to invite us, are they? We’re their
sworn enemies.
MERCUTIO: (To ROMEO) You ought to do what I do, just chill out
and have a laugh. Don’t take things so seriously! Life’s
too short to get yourself hitched to one lady before
you’ve experienced lots of different ones!
BENVOLIO: (Shocked) Mercutio!!
MERCUTIO: (Grabs ROMEO and drags him into the party) Oh, come
on, lover boy! Don’t be such a wimp!!
MERCUTIO, ROMEO and BENVOLIO enter the party. Other guests are already there,
including TYBALT and JULIET. BENVOLIO goes off and returns with drinks.
MERCUTIO and ROMEO stand chatting until he returns.
ROMEO: I have to talk to her. I must find out who she is.
TYBALT: (To ROMEO) What are you doing here?! You weren’t
ROMEO: Oh, hello, Tybalt. Well we were invited, sort of.
The argument is just about to get heated when LORD CAPULET comes over.
LORD CAPULET: Yes. Go on. Go and cool off somewhere. Leave this to