First Do No Harm An Explorati
First Do No Harm An Explorati
First Do No Harm An Explorati
1 Institute for Biomedical Ethics, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 2 Division of Clinical Psychology
and Psychotherapy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
a1111111111 * [email protected]
a1111111111 Abstract
Research ethics has traditionally been guided by well-established documents such as the
Belmont Report and the Declaration of Helsinki. At the same time, the introduction of Big
Data methods, that is having a great impact in behavioral research, is raising complex ethi-
OPEN ACCESS cal issues that make protection of research participants an increasingly difficult challenge.
By conducting 39 semi-structured interviews with academic scholars in both Switzerland
Citation: Favaretto M, De Clercq E, Gaab J, Elger
BS (2020) First do no harm: An exploration of and United States, our research aims at exploring the code of ethics and research practices
researchers’ ethics of conduct in Big Data of academic scholars involved in Big Data studies in the fields of psychology and sociology
behavioral studies. PLoS ONE 15(11): e0241865.
to understand if the principles set by the Belmont Report are still considered relevant in Big
Data research. Our study shows how scholars generally find traditional principles to be a
Editor: Daniel Jeremiah Hurst, Rowan University
suitable guide to perform ethical data research but, at the same time, they recognized and
School of Osteopathic Medicine, UNITED STATES
elaborated on the challenges embedded in their practical application. In addition, due to the
Received: July 22, 2020
growing introduction of new actors in scholarly research, such as data holders and owners,
Accepted: October 21, 2020 it was also questioned whether responsibility to protect research participants should fall
Published: November 5, 2020 solely on investigators. In order to appropriately address ethics issues in Big Data research
projects, education in ethics, exchange and dialogue between research teams and scholars
Copyright: © 2020 Favaretto et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the from different disciplines should be enhanced. In addition, models of consultancy and
Creative Commons Attribution License, which shared responsibility between investigators, data owners and review boards should be
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
implemented in order to ensure better protection of research participants.
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
appropriately by the data requester and in dissemination of research outcomes, and fair participant selection (e.g. to avoid additional
accordance with all applicable local requirements. burden to vulnerable populations) [7].
Upon request, a data sharing agreement will be
As data stemming from human interactions is more and more available to scholars, thanks
stipulated between the Institute for Biomedical
Ethics and the one requesting the data that will to a) the increased distribution of technological devices, b) the growing use of digital services,
state that: 1) The shared data must be deleted by and c) the implementation of new digital technologies [8, 9], researchers and institutional bod-
the end of 2023 as stipulated in the recruitment ies are confronted with novel ethical questions. These encompass harm, that might be caused
email sent to the study participants designed in by the linkage of publicly available datasets on research participants [10], the level of privacy
accordance to the project proposal of the NRP 75
users expect in digital platforms such as social media [11], the level of protection that investiga-
sent to the Ethics Committee northwest/central
Switzerland (EKNZ); 2) The people requesting the
tors should ensure for the anonymity of their participants in research using sensing devices
data agree to ensure its confidentiality, they should and tracking technologies [12], and the role of individuals in consenting in participating in
not attempt to re-identify the participants and the large scale data studies [13].
data should not be shared with any further third Consent is one of the most challenged practices in data research. In this context subjects are
stakeholder not involved in the data sharing often unaware of the fact that their data is collected and analyzed and lack the appropriate con-
agreement signed between the Institute for
trol over their data, preventing them the possibility to withdraw from a study, that allows for
Biomedical Ethics and those requesting the data; 3)
The data will be shared only after the Institute for autonomous participation [14, 15]. When it comes to the principle of beneficence, Big Data
Biomedical Ethics has received specific written brings about issues with regard to the appropriate risk-benefit ratio for participants as it
consent for data sharing from the study becomes more difficult for researchers to anticipate unintended harmful consequences [8].
participants. For example, it is increasingly complicated to ensure anonymity of the participant as risks of
Funding: The funding for this study was provided re-identification abound in Big Data practices [12]. Finally, interventions and knowledge
by the Swiss National Science Foundation in the developed from Big Data research might benefit only part of the population thus creating
framework of the National Research Program “Big issues of justice and fairness [10]; this is mainly due to the deepening of the digital divide
Data”, NRP 75 (Grant-No: 407540_167211,
between people who have access to digital resources and those who do not, on the basis of a
recipient: Prof. Bernice Simone Elger). We confirm
that the Swiss National Science Foundation had no
significant number of demographic variables such as income, ethnicity, age, skills, geographi-
involvement in the study design, collection, cal location and gender [10, 16].
analysis, and interpretation of data, the writing of There is evidence that researchers and regulatory bodies are struggling to appropriately
the manuscript and the decision to submit the address these novel ethical questions raised by Big Data. For instance, a group of researchers
paper for publication. based at Queen’s Mary University in the UK used a model of geographic profiling on a series
Competing interests: The authors have declared of publicly available datasets in order to reveal the identity of famous British artist Banksy [17].
that no competing interests exist. The study was criticized by scholars for being disrespectful of the privacy of a private citizen
and their family and a deliberate violation of the artist’s right of and preference for remaining
anonymous [18]. Another example is the now infamous case of the Emotional Contagion
study. Using a specific software, a research team manipulated the News Feeds of 689,003 Face-
book users in order investigate how “emotional states can be transferred to others via emo-
tional contagion, leading people to experience the same emotions without their awareness”
[19]. Ethics scholars and the public criticized this study because it was performed without
obtaining the appropriate consent from Facebook users and it could have cause psychological
harm by showing participants only negative feeds on their homepage [20, 21].
Given these substantial challenges, it is legitimate to ask whether the principles set by the
Belmont Report are still relevant for digital research practices. Scholars advocate for the con-
struction of flexible guidelines and for the need to revise, reshape and update the guiding prin-
ciples of research ethics in order to overcome the challenges raised in data research and
provide adequate assistance to investigators [22–24].
As ethics governance of Big Data research is currently at debate, researchers’ own ethical
attitudes influence significantly how ethical issues are presently dealt with. As researchers are
experts on the technical details of their own research, it is also useful for research ethicists and
members of ethical committees and Institutional Review Boards (IRB) to be knowledgeable of
these attitudes. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the code of ethics and research practices
of behavioral scientists involved in Big Data studies in the behavioral sciences in order to
investigate perceived strategies to promote ethical and responsible conduct of Big Data
research. We have conducted interviews with researchers in the fields of sociology and psy-
chology from eminent universities both in Switzerland and the United States, where we asked
them to share details about the type of strategies they develop to protect research participants
in their projects; what ethical principles they apply to their projects; their opinion on how Big
Data research should ideally be conducted and what ethical challenges they have faced in their
research. The present study aims to contribute to the existing literature on the code of conduct
of researchers involved in digital research in different countries and the value of traditional
ethical principles [14, 22, 23] in order to contribute to the discussion around the construction
of harmonized and applicable principles for Big Data studies. This manuscript aims at investi-
gating the following research questions: 1) what are the ethical principles that can still be con-
sidered relevant for Big Data research in the behavioral sciences; 2) what are the challenges
that Big data methods are posing to traditional ethical principles; 3) what are the investigators’
responsibilities and roles in reflecting upon strategies to protect research participants.
professors affiliated to the departments of psychology and sociology of all twelve Swiss Univer-
sities and the top ten American Universities according to the Times Higher Education Univer-
sity Ranking 2018. Other candidates were identified through snowballing. Through our
systematic selection we also identified a consistent number of researchers with a background
in data science that were involved in research projects in behavioral sciences (in sociology, psy-
chology and similar fields) during the time of their interview. Since their profile matched the
selection criteria, we included them in our sample.
We conducted 39 semi structured interviews with academic scholars involved in research
projects that adopt Big Data methodologies. Twenty participants were from Swiss universities
and 29 came from American institutions. They comprised of a majority of professors (n = 34)
and a few senior researchers or postdocs (n = 5). Ethics approval was sought from the Ethics
Committee northwest/central Switzerland (EKNZ) who deemed our study exempt. Oral
informed consent was sought prior the start of each interview. Interviews were administered
using a semi-structured interview guide developed, through consensus and discussion, after
the research team had the time to familiarize with the literature and studies on Big Data
research and data ethics. The questions explored topics like: ethical issues related to Big Data
studies in the behavioral sciences; ethics of conduct with regards to Big Data research project;
institutional regulatory practices; definition and understanding of the term Big Data; and
opinions towards data driven studies (Table 1).
Interviews were tape recorded and transcribed ad-verbatim. We subsequently transferred
the transcripts into the qualitative software MAXQDA (version 2018) to support with data
management and the analytic process [34]. Analysis of the dataset was done using thematic
analysis [35]. The first four interviews were independently read and coded by two members of
the research team in order to explore the thematic elements of the interviews. To ensure con-
sistency during the analysis process, the two researchers subsequently confronted the prelimi-
nary open-ended coding and they developed an expanded coding scheme that was used for all
of the remaining transcripts. Several themes relevant for this study were agreed upon during
the coding sessions such as: a) responsibility and the role of the researcher in Big Data
research; b) research standards for Big Data studies; c) attitudes towards the use of publicly
available data; d) emerging ethical issues from Big Data studies. Since part of the data has
already been published, we refer to a previous publication [33] for additional information on
methodology, project design, data collection and data analysis.
Researcher’s code of ethics for Big Data studies was chosen as a topic to explore since partic-
ipants, by identifying several ethical challenges related to Big Data, expressed concerns regard-
ing the protection of the human subject in digital research and expressed shared strategies and
opinions on how to ethically conduct Big Data studies. Consequently, all the interviews that
were coded within the aforementioned topics were read again, analyzed and sorted into sub-
topics. This phase was performed by the first author while the second author supervised this
phase by checking for consistency and accuracy.
For this study we conducted 39 interviews with respectively 21 sociologists (9 from CH and 12
from the US), 11 psychologists (6 from CH and 5 from the US), and 7 data scientists (5 from
CH and 2 from the US). Among them, 27 scholars (12 from CH and 21 from US) stated that
they were working on Big Data research projects or on projects that involve Big Data method-
ologies, four participants (all from CH) noted that they were not involved in Big Data research
and eight (7 from CH and one from the US) were unsure whether their research could be
described or considered as Big Data research (Table 2).
Respondents, while discussing codes of ethics and ethical practices for Big Data research,
both a) shared their personal strategies that they implemented in their own research projects
to protect research subjects, and b) generally discussed the appropriate research practices to be
implemented in Big Data research. Table 3 illustrates the type of Big Data our participants
were working with at the time of the interview.
Our analysis identified several themes and subthemes. They were then divided and analyzed
within three major thematic clusters: a) ethical principles for Big Data research; b) challenges
that Big Data is introducing for research principles; c) ethical reflection and responsibility in
research. Table 4 reports the themes and subthemes that emerged from the interviews and
their occurrence in the dataset. Representative anonymized quotes were taken from the inter-
views to further illustrate the reported results.
Three of our participants, generally referred to the principles stated in the Belmont Report
and the ones related to the Declaration of Helsinki.
I think the Belmont Report principles. The starting point so. . . .you know beneficence,
respect for the individuals, justice. . . and applying those and they would take some work
for how to apply those exactly or what it would mean translating to this context but that
would be the starting point (P18, US–data science).
A common concern was minimization of harm for research participants and the impor-
tance of beneficence as prominent components of scholarly research.
And. . .on an ethical point of view. . . and I guess we should be careful that experiment
doesn’t harm people or not offend people for example if it’s about religion or something
like that it can be tricky (P25, CH–psychology).
Beneficence, in the context of digital Big Data research, was sometimes associated with the
possibility of giving back to the community as a sort of tradeoff for the inconvenience that
research might cause to research participants. On this, P9, an American sociologist, shared:
I mean it’s interesting that the ethical challenges that I faced. . . (pause) had more to do with
whether I feel, for instance in working in the developing world. . .is it really beneficial to the
people that I’m working with, I mean what I’m doing. You know I make heavy demands on
these people so one of the ethical challenges that I face is, am I giving back enough to the
While another American scholar, a psychologist, was concerned about how to define
acceptable risks in digital research and finding the right balance between benefit and risks for
research projects.
P17: Expecting benefit from a study that should outweigh the respective risks. I mean, I
think that’s a pretty clear one. This is something I definitely I don’t know the answer to and
I’m curious about how much other people have thought about it. Because like what is an
acceptable sort of variation in expected benefits and risks. Like, you could potentially say
“on average my study is expected to deliver higher benefits than risks”. . . there’s an open
question of like, . . . some individuals might regardless suffer under your research or be
hurt. Even if some others are benefitting in some sense.
For two researchers, respect for the participant and their personhood was deemed particu-
larly important irrespective of the type of research conducted. P19, an American sociologist,
What I would like to see is integrity and personhood of every single individual who is
researched, whether they are dead or alive, that that be respected in a very fundamental
way. And that is the case whether it’s Big Data, and whether is interviews, archival, ethno-
graphic, textual or what have you. And I think this is a permanent really deep tension in
wissenshaftlich (scientific research) activities because we are treating the people as data. And
that’s a fundamental tension. And I think it would be deeply important to explicitly sanitize
that tension from the get-go and to hang on to that personhood and the respect for that
Informed consent and transparency. Consent was by far the most prominent practice
that emerged from the interviews as three quarters of our participants mentioned it, equally
distributed among American and Swiss researchers. Numerous scholars emphasized how
informed consent is at the foundation of appropriate research practices. P2, a Swiss psycholo-
gist, noted:
But of course it’s pretty clear to me informed consent is very important and it’s crucial that
people know what it is what kind of data is collected and when they would have the possibil-
ity of saying no and so on. I think that’s pretty standard for any type of data. (. . .) I mean it
all goes down to informed consent.
For a few of our participants, in the era of Big Data, it becomes not really a matter of con-
sent but a matter of awareness. Since research with Big Data could theoretically be performed
without the knowledge of the participant, research subjects at least have to be made aware that
they are part of a research project as claimed by P38 a Swiss sociologist who said:
I think that everything comes down to the awareness of the subject about what is collected
about them. I mean, we have collected data for ages, right? And I mean, before it was using
pen and paper questionnaires, phone interviews or. . .there’s been data collection about pri-
vate life of people for, I mean, since social science exists. So, I think the only difference now
is the awareness.
Another practice that was considered fundamental by our participants was the right of par-
ticipants to withdraw from a research study that, in turn, was translated in giving the partici-
pants more control over their data in the context of Big Data research. For example, while
describing their study with social media, a Swiss sociologist (P38) explained that”the condition
was that everybody who participated was actually able to look at his own data and decide to
drop from the survey any time”. Another Swiss sociologist (P37), when describing a study
design in which they asked participants to install an add-on on their browser to collect data on
their Facebook interactions, underlined the importance of giving participants control over
their data and to teach them how to manage them, in order to create a trust based exchange
between them and the investigators:
And there you’d have to be sure that people. . .it’s not just anonymizing them, people also
need to have a control over their data, that’s kind of very important because you need kind
of an established trust between the research and its subjects as it were. So they would have
the opportunity of uninstall the. . .if they’re willing to take part, that’s kind of the first step,
and they would need to download that add-on and they’d also be instructed on how to
uninstall the add-on at any point in time. They’d be also instructed on how to pause the
gathering of their data at any point in time and then again also delete data that well. . .at
first I thought it was a great study now I’m not so sure about, I want to delete everything
I’ve ever collected.
The same researcher suggested to create regulations that ensure ownership of research data
to participants in order to allow them to have actual power over their participation past the
point of initial consent.
And legal parameters then should be constructed as such that it has to be transparent, that
it guards the rights of the individual (. . .) in terms of having ownership of their data. Partic-
ularly if it’s private data they agree to give away. And they become part of a research process
that only ends where their say. And they can always withdraw the data at any point in time
and not just at the beginning with agreeing or not agreeing to taking part in that. But also at
different other points in time. So that i think the. . .you have to include them more through-
out your research process. Which is more of a hassle, costs more money and more time, but
in the end you kind of. . . .it makes it more transparent and perhaps it makes it more inter-
esting for them as well and that would have kind of beneficial effects for the larger public I
In addition, transparency of motives and practices was also considered a fundamental prin-
ciple for digital research. For instance, transparency was seen as a way for research participants
to be fully informed about the research procedures and methods used by investigators.
According to a few participants transparency is key to guarantee people’s trust the research
system and to minimize their worry and reservations about participating in research studies.
On this P14, an American psychologist, noted:
I think we need to have greater transparency and more. . . . You know our system, we have
in the United States is that. . .well not a crisis, the problem that we face in the United States
which you also face I’m sure, is that. . .you know, people have to believe that this is good
stuff to do (participating in a study). And if they don’t believe that this is good stuff to do
then it’s a problem. And so. . . .so I think that that. . . .and I think that the consent process is
part of it but I think that the other part of it is that the investigators and the researchers, the
investigators and the institutions, you know, need to be more transparent and more
accountable and make the case that this is something worth doing and that they’re being
responsible about it.
A Swiss sociologist, P38, who described how they implemented transparency in their
research project by giving control to participants over the data they were collecting on them,
highlighted that the fear individuals might have towards digital and Big Data research might
come from lack of information and understanding about what data investigators are collecting
on them and how they are using it. In this sense transparency of practices not only ensures
that more individuals trust the research systems, but it will also assist them in making a truly
informed decision about their participation in a study.
And if I remember correctly the conditions were: transparency, so every subject had to have
access to the full data that we were collecting. They had also the possibility to erase
everything if they wanted to and to drop from the campaign. I guess it’s about transparency.
(. . .) So, I think this is key, so you need to be transparent about what kind of data you col-
lect and why and maybe what will happen to the data. Because people are afraid of things
they don’t understand so the better they understand what’s happening the more they would
be actually. . . . not only they will be willing to participate but also the more they will put the
line in the right place. So, this I agree, this I don’t agree. But the less you understand the fur-
ther away you put the line and you just want to be on the safe side. So, the better they under-
stand the better they can draw the line at the right place, and say ok: this is not your
business, this I’m willing to share with you.
But I think part of it is just having more transparency among researchers themselves. I
think you need to have like more discussions like: here’s what I’m doing. . .here’s what I’m
doing. . .just more sharing in general, I think, and more discussion. (. . .) People being more
transparent on how they’re doing their work would just create more norms around it.
Because I think in many cases people don’t know what other people have been doing. And
that’s part of the issues that, you know, it’s like how do I apply these abstract standards to
this case, I mean that can be though. But if you know what everybody is doing it makes a lit-
tle bit easier. (P3-US, Sociologist)
On the other hand, however, a sociologist from Switzerland (P37), noted that the drive
towards research transparency might become problematic for ensuring the anonymity of
research participants as more information you share about research practices and methods the
more possibilities of backtracking and re-identifying the participants to the study.
It’s problematic also because modern social science, or science anyway, has a strong and
very good drive towards transparency. But transparency also means, that the more we
become transparent the less we can guarantee anonymity (. . .) If you say: "well, we did a
crawl study", people will ask "well, where are you starting, what are your seeds for the
crawler?". And it’s important to, you know, to be transparent in that respect.
Privacy and anonymity. Respect for the privacy of research participants, and protection
from possible identification, usually achieved through anonymization of data, were the second
most mentioned standards to be considered while conducting Big Data research. P33, a Swiss
sociologist, underlined how “If ever, then privacy has. . .like it’s never been more important
than now”, since information about individuals is becoming increasingly available thanks to
digital technologies, and how institutions now have a responsibility to ensure that such privacy
is respected. A Swiss data scientist, P29, described the privacy aspect embedded in their
research with social media and how their team is constantly developing strategies to ensure
anonymity of research subjects. They told:
Yeah, there is a privacy aspect of course, that’s the main concern, that you basically. . .if
you’re able to reconstruct like the name of the person and then the age of the person, the
address of the person, of course you can link it then to the partner of the person, right? If
she or he has, they’re sharing the same address. And then you can easily create the story out
of that, right? And then this could be an issue but. . .again, like we try to reapply some kind
of anonymization techniques. We have some people working mostly on that. There is a
postdoc in our group who is working on anonymization techniques.
In the social science world people have to be at least sensitive to the fact that they could be
collecting data that allows for the deductive identification of individuals. And that proba-
bly. . .that should be a key focus of every proposal of how do you protect against that.
I think that that the kind of informed consent that we, you know, when we sign on to Face-
book or Reddit or Twitter or whatever, you know, people have no idea of what that means
and they don’t have any idea of what they’re agreeing to. And so, you know the idea that
that can bear the entire weight of all this research is, I think. . .I think notification is really
important, you can ask for consent but the idea that that can bear the whole weight for
allowing people to do whatever/ researchers to do whatever they want, I think it’s
Similarly, P18, an American scholar with a background in data science, felt that although
there is still a place for informed consent in the digital era, this practice should be appropriately
revisited and reconsidered as it cannot be applied anymore in the stricter sense, for instance
when analyzing aggregated databases where personal identifiers are removed and it would be
impossible to trace back the individual to ask them for consent. Data aggregation is the process
of gathering data from multiple sources and presenting it in a summarized format. Through
the process of data aggregation, data can be stripped from personal identifiers thus ensuring
anonymization of the dataset and analyzing aggregate data should, theoretically not reveal per-
sonal information about the user. The participant shared:
Certainly, I think there is [space for informed consent in digital research]. And like I said I
think we should require people to have informed consent about their data being used in
aggregate analysis. And I think right now we do not have informed consent. (. . .) So, I
think again, under the strictest interpretation even to consent to have one’s data involved in
an aggregate analysis should involve that. But I don’t know, short of that, what would be an
acceptable tradeoff or level of treatment. Whether simply aggregating the analysis is good
enough and if so what level of aggregation is necessary.
As for consent, many of our participants while recognizing the importance of privacy and
anonymity, also reflected on some of the challenges that Big Data and digitalization of research
are creating for these research standards. First, a few respondents highlighted how in digital
research the risk of identification of participants is quite high as anonymized datasets could
almost always be de-anonymized, especially if data is not adequately secured. On this, P1, an
American sociologist explained:
I understand and recognize that there are limits to anonymization. And that under certain
circumstances almost every anonymized dataset can be de-anonymized. That’s what the
research that shows us. I mean sometimes that requires significant effort and then you ask
yourself would someone really invest like, you know, supercomputers to solve this problem
to de-anonymize. . .
A Swiss sociologist (P38) described how anonymization practices towards the protection of
the privacy of the research participant could, on the other hand, diminish the value of the data
for research as anonymization would destroy some of the information the researcher is actually
interested in.
You know, we cannot do much about it. So. . . there is a tendency now to anonymize the
data but basically ehm. . .anonymization means destruction of information in the data. And
sometimes the information that is destroyed is really the information we need. . .
Moreover, it was also claimed how digital practices in research are currently blurring the
line between private and public spaces creating additional challenges for the protection of the pri-
vacy of the research participant and practices of informed consent. A few of our researchers
highlighted how research subjects might have an expectation of privacy even in public digital
spaces such as social media and public records. In this context, an American sociologist, P9, noted
how participants could have a problem in allowing researchers to link together publicly available
datasets as they would prefer information stemming from this linkage to remain private:
P9USR: Well because the question is. . .even if you have no expectation of privacy in your
Twitter account, you know Twitter is public. And even if you have no expectation of privacy
in terms of whether you voted or not, I don’t know, in Italy maybe it’s a public record
whether if you show up at the pool or not. Right? I can go to the city government and see
who voted in the last elections right? (. . .) So. . .who voted is listed or what political party
they’re member of is listed, is public information. But you might have expectation of pri-
vacy when it comes to linking those data. So even though you don’t expect privacy in Twit-
ter and you don’t expect privacy in your voting records, maybe you don’t like it when
someone links those things together.
In addition, a sociologist, P19 from the US, noted how even with just linking information
of some publicly available data, research subjects could be easily identified.
However, when one goes to the trouble of linking up some of the aspects of these publicly
available sets it may make some individuals identifiable in a way that they haven’t been
before. Even though one is purely using publicly available data. So, you might say that it
kind of falls into an intermediate zone. And raises practical and ethical questions on protec-
tion when working with publicly available data. I don’t know how many other people you
have interviewed who are working in this particular grey zone.
Two of our participants while describing personal strategies to handle matters of expecta-
tion of privacy and consent, discussed the increased blur between private and public spaces
and how it is becoming increasingly contextual to adequately handle matters of privacy on
social media.
P2USR: So, for example when I study journalists, I assume that their Tweets are public data
just because Twitter is the main platform for journalists to kind of present their public and
professional accomplishments and so I feel fine kind of using their tweets, like in the con-
text of my research. I will say the same thing, about Facebook data for example. So, some of
the journalists kind of. . . that I interviewed are. . . are not on Facebook anymore, but at the
time we became friends on Facebook and there were postings and I. . . I wouldn’t feel as
comfortable, I wouldn’t use their Facebook data. I just think that somehow besides the
norms of the Facebook platform is that it’s more private data, from. . .especially when it’s
not a public page so. . . But it’s like. . . it’s fuzzy.
I also want to re-emphasize that I think that as researchers in this field we need to have
training in ethics because a lot of the work that we’re doing (pause) you know can be on the
border of infringing on people’s privacy.
And it is interesting by the way around Big Data because in many cases those data were gen-
erated by people who didn’t sign any consent form. And they have their data used for
research. Even (for the) secondary analysis of our own data the question is: what can you do
without consent?
Similarly, P26, a sociologist from Switzerland, reflected upon the difficulties that research-
ers might encounter in evaluating what type of data investigators can consider unproblematic
to collect and analyze even in digital public spaces, like social media:
Even though again, it’s often not as clear cut, but I think if people make information public
that is slightly different from when you are posting privately within a network and assume
that the only people really seeing that are your friends. I see that this has its own limits as
well because certain things. . .well A: something like a profile image I think is always by
default public on Facebook. . .so. . . there you don’t really have a choice to post it privately. I
guess your only choice is not to change it ever. And then the other thing is that. . .I know it
because I study (. . .) internet skills, I know a lot of people are not very skilled. So, there are
a lot of instances where people don’t realize they’re posting publicly. So even if something is
public you can’t assume people had meant it to be public.
Moreover, reflection and evaluation of the intent behind a research study was considered
important by P31, a Swiss data scientist, for ethical research in Big Data. The researcher recog-
nized that this is difficult to put into practice as investigators with ill intent might lie about
their motivations and you could have negative consequences even with the noblest of intents.
I find it really difficult to answer that. I would say, the first thing that comes to my mind is the
evaluation of intent. . . rather than other technicality. And I think that’s a lacking point. But
also the reason why I don’t give that answer immediately is like. . .intent is really difficult to
probe. . . and it’s probably for some people quite easy to know what is the accepted intent. And
then I can of course give you a story that is quite acceptable to you. And also with good intent
you can do evil things. So, it’s difficult but I would say that discussion about the intent is very
important. So that would be maybe for me a minimal requirement. At least in the discussions.
In this context, some scholars also discussed their perception regarding responsibility of
protecting research participants in digital studies and the role investigators play in overcoming
ethical issues.
For a few of them it was clear that the responsibility of protecting the data subjects should
fall on the investigators themselves. For instance, an American scholar, P22 sociologist, while
discussing the importance of creating an ethical framework for digital research that uses pub-
licly available data of citizens shared:
So, I do think (the responsibility) it’s on researchers (. . .) and I get frustrated sometimes
when people say "well it’s not up to us, if they post it there then it’s public". It’s like well it is
up to us, it’s literally our job, we do it all day, try to decide, you know, what people want
known about them and what people don’t. So, we should apply those same metrics here.
However, other researchers also pointed out how the introduction of digital technologies
and digital methods for behavioral research is currently shifting the perceived responsibility
scholars have. P16, an American sociologist, shared some concerns regarding the use of sensor
devices for behavioral research and reflected on how much responsibility they, as investigators,
have in assuring data protection of their research subjects since the data they work with is
owned by the company that provided the device for data collection:
There’s still seems to be this question about. . .whether. . . .what the Fitbit corporation is
doing with those data and whether we as researchers should be concerned about that.
We’re asking people to wear Fitbits for a study. Or whether that’s just a separate issue. And
I don’t know what the answer to that is, I just know that it seems like the type of question
that it’s going to come up over and over and over again.
One a similar note, P14, an American psychologist, noted that while researchers actually
have a responsibility of preventing harm that might derive from data research, it should be a
responsibility in part shared with data holders. They claimed:
Do I think that the holders of data have a responsibility to try to you know, try to prevent
misuse of data? Yeah, I think they probably do. (. . .) I think there is a notion of stewardship
there. Then I think that investigators also have an independent obligation to make sure to
think about the data they’re analyzing and trying to get and think about what they’re using
it for. So not to use data in order to harm other people or those kinds of things.
Finally, a few participants hinted at the fact that research ethics boards like Institutional
Review Boards (IRBs) and Ethics Committees (ECs) should play a bigger role of responsibility
in ensuring that investigators actually perform their research ethically. For instance, P16, an
American sociologist, complained that IRBs do not provide adequate follow-up to researchers
to ensure that they are appropriately following the approved research protocols.
There does seem to be kind of a big gap even in the existing system. Which is that a
researcher proposes a project, the IRB hopefully works with the researcher and the project
gets approved and there’s very little follow-up and very little support for sort of making
sure that the things that are laid out at the IRB actually in the proposal and the project pro-
tocol actually happen. And not that I don’t believe that most researchers have good inten-
sions to follow the rules and all of that but there are so many of kind of different projects
and different pressures that things can slip by and there’s. . . there’s nobody.
As Big Data methodologies are becoming widespread in research, it is important to reach interna-
tional consensus on whether and how traditional principles for research ethics, such as the ones
described in the Belmont Report, are still relevant for the new ethical questions introduced by Big
Data and internet research [22, 23]. Our study offers a relevant contribution to this debate as it
investigated the methodological strategies and code of ethics researchers from different jurisdic-
tions—Swiss and American investigators—apply in their Big Data research projects. It is interest-
ing to notice how, despite regional difference, participants shared very similar ethical priorities.
This might be due to the international nature of academic research, where scholars share similar
codes of ethics and apply similar strategies for the protection of research participants.
Our results point out that in their code of conduct, researchers mainly referred to the tradi-
tional ethical principles enshrined in the Belmont report and the Declaration of Helsinki, like
respect for persons in the practice of informed consent, beneficence, minimization of harm
through protection of privacy and anonymization, and justice. This finding shows that such prin-
ciples are still considered relevant in behavioral sciences to address the ethical issues of Big Data
research, despite the critique of some that rules designed for medical research cannot be applied
in sociological research [36]. Even before the advent of Big Data, the practical implementation of
the Belmont Report principles has never been an easy endeavor as they were originally conceived
to be flexible to accommodate a wide range of different research settings and methods. However
it has been argued that exactly this flexibility makes them the perfect framework in which investi-
gators can “clarify trade-offs, suggest improvements to research designs, and enable researchers to
explain their reasoning to each other and the public” in digital behavioral research [2].
Our study shows how scholars still place great importance on the practice of informed con-
sent. They considered crucial that participants are appropriately notified of their research par-
ticipation, are adequately informed about at least some of the details and procedures of the
study, and are given the possibility to withdraw at any point in time. A recent study, however,
has highlighted that there is currently no consensus among investigators on how to collect
meaningful informed consent among participants in digital research [37]. Similarly, a few
researchers from our study recognized that consent, although preferable in theory, might not
be the most adequate practice to refer to when designing ethical frameworks. In the era of Big
Data behavioral research, informed consent becomes an extremely complex practice that is
intrinsically dependent on the context of the study and the type of Big Data used. For instance,
in certain behavioral studies that analyze track data from devices related to a limited number
of participants, it would be feasible to ask for consent prior to beginning of the study. How-
ever, recombination and reanalysis of the data, possibly across ecosystems far removed from
the original source of the data, makes it very difficult to fully inform participants about the
range of uses to which their data would be put through, the type of information that could
emerge from the analysis of the data, and the unforeseeable harms that the disclosure of such
information could cause [38]. In online studies and internet-mediated research, consent often
amounts to an agreement to unread terms of service or a vague privacy policy provided by dig-
ital platforms [18]. Sometimes valid informed consent is not even required by official guide-
lines when the analyzed data can be considered ‘in the public domain’ [39], leaving
participants unaware that research is performed on their data. It has been argued however that
researchers should not just assume that public information is freely accessible for collection
and research just because it is public. Researchers should take into consideration what the sub-
ject might have intended or desired regarding the possibility for their data to be used for
research purposes [40]. At the same level, we can also argue that even when information is har-
vested with consent, the subject might a) not wish for their data to be analyzed or reused out-
side of the purview of the original research purpose and b) fail to understand what is the extent
of the information that the analysis of the dataset might reveal about them.
Matzner and Ochs argue that practices of informed consent “are widely accepted since they
cohere with notions of the individual that we have been trained to adopt for several centuries”
[41], however they also emphasize how such notions are being altered and challenged by the
openness and transience of data-analytics that prevent us from continuing to consider the sub-
ject and the researcher within a self-contained dynamic. Since respect for persons, in the form
of informed consent, is just one of the principles that needs to be balanced when considering
research ethics [42], it becomes of outmost importance to find the right balance between the
perceived necessity of still ensuring consent from participants and the reality that such consent
is sometimes impossible to obtain properly. Salganik [2], for instance, suggests that in the con-
text of digital behavioral research rather than “informed consent for everything”, researchers
should follow a more complex rule: “some form of consent for most things”. This means that,
assuming informed consent is required, it should be evaluated on a case by case basis whether
consent is a) practically feasible and b) actually necessary. This practice might however leave
too much space to the discretion of the investigator who might not have the skills to appropri-
ately evaluate the ethical facets of their research projects [43].
Next to consent, participants from our study also argued in favor of ensuring more control
to participants over their own data. In the past years, in fact, it has been argued that individuals
often lack the control to manage, protect and delete their data [20, 28]. Strategies of dynamic
consent could be considered a potential tool to address ethical issues related to consent in Big
Data behavioral research. Dynamic consent, a model where online tools are developed to have
individuals engage in decisions about how their personal information should be used and
which allows them some degree of control over the use of their data, are currently mainly
developed for biomedical Big Data research [44, 45]. Additional research could be performed
to investigate if such models can be translated and applied also for behavioral digital research.
Strictly linked to consent is the matter of privacy. Many researchers underlined the impor-
tance of respecting the privacy and anonymity of research participants to protect them from
possible harm. At the same time, they also recognized the many challenges related to such
practice. They highlighted the difficulty of ensuring complete anonymity of the data and pre-
vent re-identification of participants in Big Data research, especially since high level of anon-
ymization could cause the loss of essential information for the research project. The
appropriate trade-off between ensuring maximum anonymization for participants while main-
taining quality of the dataset is still hotly debated [12]. Growing research in data science strives
towards developing data models to ensure maximum protection for participants [46]. On the
other hand, our participants also referred to the current debate surrounding the private nature
of personal data as opposed to publicly available data and how Big Data and digital technolo-
gies are blurring the line between private and public spheres. Some respondents expressed
concern or reservation towards the analysis of publicly available data–especially without
informed consent–as it could still be considered an infringement of the privacy of research
participants and also cause them harm. This shows how researchers are well aware of the prob-
lems of considering privacy a binary concept (private vs public data) and that they are also will-
ing to reflect upon strategies to protect the identity of participants even when handling
publicly available data. According to Zook et al. [47], breaches of privacy are the main means
by which Big Data can do harm as it might reveal sensitive information about people. Besides
the already mentioned “Tagging Banksy” project [17], another distressing example is what
happened in 2013, after the New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission released an anon-
ymized dataset of 173 million individual cab rides–including the pickup and drop-off times,
locations, fare and tip amount. Many researchers who freely accessed this database showed
how easy it was to elaborate the dataset so that it revealed private information about the taxi-
drivers, such as their religious belief, average income and even an estimation of their home
address [48]. It becomes therefore increasingly crucial that investigators in the behavioral sci-
ences recognize how privacy is contextual, situational and changes over time as it depends on
multiple factors such as the context in which the data were created and obtained, and the
expectations of those whose data is used [2, 47, 49, 50]. For instance, as reported by one of our
respondents, users might not have expectations of privacy on some publicly available informa-
tion when taken singularly or separately–e.g. social media and voter data, but they might have
privacy concerns on the information that the linkage of this data might reveal–e.g. who they
voted for. This difficulty, if not impossibility, of defining a widespread single norm or rule for
protecting privacy, shows again the intrinsic context dependency of Big Data studies, and
highlights how researchers are increasingly called to critically evaluate their decisions on a case
by case basis rather than by blindingly applying a common rule.
As new methods of data collection and analysis in behavioral sciences create controversy
and appropriately balancing and evaluating ethical principles is becoming a source of difficult
decisions for researchers [2], our participants underlined the importance of ethical reflection
and education towards the appropriate development of research projects. They also recognized
how investigators are called to critically reflect about the design of their studies and the conse-
quences they might have for research participants [51]. However, as claimed by one of our par-
ticipants, not all researchers, especially those coming from more technical disciplines like data
science, might have the expertise and tools to proactively think about ethical issues when
designing a research project [22] and might need additional guidance. We therefore argue that
education in ethics, exchange and dialogue between research teams and scholars from different
disciplines must be implemented. As suggested by Zook et al. [47] discussion and debate of
ethical issues are an essential part of establishing a community of ethical practitioners and inte-
grating ethical reflection into coursework and training can enable a bigger number of scholars
to raise appropriate ethical questions when reviewing or developing a project.
Within the current discussion, we have seen how context-dependency, although never
spelled out explicitly by our participants, becomes a major theme in the debate over ethical
practices in Big Data studies. Our results have in fact highlighted that a one-size fits all
approach to research ethics, or a definite overarching set of norms or rules to protect research
participants, is not opportune to appropriately handle the multifaceted ethical issues of Big
Data. The context-dependent nature of some of the ethical challenges of Big Data studies, such
as consent and privacy, might require a higher level of flexibility together with a more situa-
tional and dialogic approach to research ethics [23]. For instance, the Association of Internet
Researchers (AoIR) in the development of their Ethical Guidelines for Internet research agrees
that the adequate process approach for ethical internet research is one that is reflective and dia-
logical “as it begins with reflection on own research practices and associated risks and is con-
tinuously discussed against the accumulated experience and ethical reflections of researchers
in the field and existing studies carried out” [52]. As a consequence we argue that applying
context specific assessments increases the chances of solving ethical issues and appropriately
protecting research participants [53]. Many authors in the field are thus promoting methodo-
logical approaches that focus on contextually-driven decision-making for Big Data research.
Zimmer, for example, suggests the application of contextual integrity’s decision heuristic on
different research studies to appropriately assess the ethical impact of the study on the privacy
of its participants and consequently overcome the conceptual gaps left by the Belmont Report
for Big Data research ethics [50]. Similarly, Steinmann et al. [53] provide an heuristic tool in
the form of a “privacy matrix” to assist researchers in the contextual assessment of their
research projects.
But what should drive investigators’ ethical reflection and decision making? Despite the
multifaceted challenges introduced by Big Data and digital research, we argue that the princi-
ples stated in the Belmont Report can still be considered a valuable guidance for academic
investigators. As argued by Rothstein [28], we believe Big Data exceptionalism is no viable
option and new challenges should not serve as a catalyst for abandoning foundational princi-
ples of research ethics. This is in line with the current best practices suggested by institutional
bodies like the American Psychological Association (APA), that claim that the core ethical
principles set by the Belmont report should be expanded to address the risks and benefits of
today’s data [6]. Numerous research groups are striving towards the design of ethical frame-
works in Big Data research that stay true to the foundational principles of research ethics, but
at the same time accommodate the needs and changes introduced by Big Data methods. Stein-
mann et al. [53], for instance, suggest to consider five principles (non-maleficence, benefi-
cence, justice, autonomy, and trust) as a well-defined pluralism of values that, by having clear
and direct utility in designating practical strategies for protecting privacy, should guide
researchers in the evaluation of their research projects. Xafis et al. [38], in the development of
an ethical framework for Biomedical Big Data research, provide a set of 16 values relevant for
many Big Data uses divided in substantive values (such as justice, public benefit, solidarity or
minimization of harm) and procedural values (accountability, consistency, transparency and
trustworthiness) that should be used by investigators to identify and solve ethical issues within
their research project. Vitak et al. [22] recommend the implementation of the principle of
transparency, intended as a flexible principle that finds application in different ethical compo-
nents related both to intent of research (what you are doing with data and why) and practice
(how you’re getting the data–informed consent (disclosing purpose and potential use) and
how you are processing the data–data anonymity). Also, according to some of our participants,
enhancement of transparency in research practices would be positive on different levels. First,
it would assist participants in trusting the research system and minimize their worry about
participating in research studies; in addition, enhanced transparency between research teams
would assist in building up the knowledge to face the ethical issues that emerge in heteroge-
neous research projects. Although the principle of transparency is becoming increasingly
embedded in research practices as something highly recommended, there is still some uncer-
tainty regarding how this principle would actually translate in practice, in order to overcome
challenges posed to ethical practices like consent. At the moment much of the debate on trans-
parency mainly focuses on the implementation of algorithmic transparency with Big Data
[54], more research should focus on how put research transparency in practice
Finally, a very relevant theme that our participants reflected upon, that it is rarely addressed
by the current literature on Big Data studies, was the topic of responsibility. Some of our
respondents in fact interrogated themselves whether the introduction of digital technologies
and methods implies a shift of responsibility in protecting research participants. Although all
those who discussed responsibility admitted that at least part of it should definitely fall on
investigators themselves, some pointed that also other actors involved in Big Data research
could share some of this responsibility such as data holders, data owners–in case of the use of
corporate data. Digital research has in fact changed the traditional research subject/investiga-
tor dynamic [18] by introducing other factors/actors in the process (social media platforms,
private firms etc.) and therefore raises ethical challenges for which researchers do not always
have the necessary skills to either anticipate or face [25, 43]. To the best of our knowledge, it
seems that this aspect of responsibility has not yet entered the ethics debate. This might be due
to the practical difficulties that such a debate would necessarily imply such as communication,
coordination and compromise between stakeholders with very different goals and interests at
stake [55, 56]. However, our results show that there are relevant questions and issues that
should be further addressed such as: who should bear the responsibility of protecting the
research subject in Big Data studies? How much should data owners, data holders, ethics com-
mittees and even users be involved in sharing such responsibility? We believe that academic
investigators should not bear all the responsibility of the ethical design of research projects
alone, or singularly confront themselves with the ethical implications of digital research [57].
At the moment, models of consultancy between ethics committees and researchers are advo-
cated to assist investigators foresee ethical issues [25, 43]. These models, together with the
implementation of sustainable and transparent collaboration/partnership with data holders
and owners [58], could assist the creation of appropriate paradigms of shared responsibility
that could definitely play a significant role in the development of ethically sound research
First, since our respondents were mainly from the fields of psychology and sociology, the
study might have overlooked the perspectives of other relevant fields for human subject
research that make use of Big Data methodologies (e.g., medicine, nursing sciences, geography,
urban planning, computer science, linguistics, etc.). In addition, the findings of this study are
based on a small sample of researchers from only two countries that share similar ethical
norms and values. For these reasons, the findings from this analysis are not generalizable glob-
ally. Future research that takes into account additional disciplines and different countries
might contribute to delivering a more comprehensive understanding of the opinions and atti-
tudes of researchers. Finally, a limitation must be acknowledged regarding the definition of
Big Data used for this study. Using the term Big Data as an umbrella term prevented us from
undertaking a more nuanced analysis of the different types of data used by our participants
and their specific characteristics (for instance the different ethical challenges posed by online
social media data as compared to sensor data obtained with the consent of the participants). In
our discussion we referred to the contextual dependency of the ethical issues of Big Data and
the necessity of a continuous ethical reflection that assesses the specific nuances of the different
types of Big Data in heterogeneous research projects. However we already recognized the risks
of conceptualizing Big Data as a broad overarching concept [33]. As a consequence, we believe
that future research on Big Data ethics will benefit from a deconstruction of the term into its
different constituents in order to provide a more nuanced analysis of the topic.
This study investigated the code of ethics and the research strategies that researchers apply when
performing Big Data research in the behavioral sciences and it also illustrates some of the chal-
lenges scholars encounter in practically applying ethical principles and practices. Our results point
out how researchers find the traditional principles of the Belmont Report to be a suitable guide to
perform ethical data research. At the same time, they also recognized how Big Data methods and
practices are increasingly challenging such principles. Consent and protection of privacy were
considered still paramount practices in research. However, they were also considered the most
challenged practices since digitalization of research has blurred the boundary between “public and
private” and made obtaining consent from participants impossible in certain cases.
Based the results and discussion of our study, we suggest three key items that future
research and policymaking should focus on:
• Development of research ethics frameworks that stay true to the principles of the Belmont
Report but also accommodate the context dependent nature of the ethical issues of Big Data
• Implementation of education in ethical reasoning and training in ethics for investigators
from diversified curricula: from social science and psychology to more technical fields such
as data science and informatics;
• Design of models of consultancy and shared responsibility between the different stakehold-
ers involved in the research endeavor (e.g. investigators, data owners and review boards) in
order to enhance protection of research participants.
Supporting information
S1 File. Interview guide. Semi structured interview guide that illustrates the main questions
and themes that the researchers asked to the participants (questions relevant for this study are
highlighted in yellow).
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Maddalena Favaretto.
Data curation: Maddalena Favaretto.
Formal analysis: Maddalena Favaretto, Eva De Clercq.
Funding acquisition: Bernice Simone Elger.
Methodology: Maddalena Favaretto, Eva De Clercq.
Supervision: Eva De Clercq, Bernice Simone Elger.
Validation: Eva De Clercq, Jens Gaab, Bernice Simone Elger.
Writing – original draft: Maddalena Favaretto, Eva De Clercq.
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