Design A Decade Counter.: What Is VHDL?

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 Advantage of CMOS and TTL.

 What technology is used in cmos logic?

 What are VLSI and ULSI? What is the number of components in both?

 How many components are there in the Pentium processor that we use?

 Which is the latest Pentium processor? What is its speed?

 Explain the technology used in the manufacture of Pentium processor.

 Design a decade counter.

 Explain asynchronous and synchronous counter.

 Minimize function using Quine McCluskey: f = xy + x'y + yz + x' y 'z'.

 What is a prime implicant?

 How does a diode look (internally)? Explain working using internal diagram.

 Explain processes taking place in the depletion junction of a forward biased diode.

 What is an op amp?

 What is a buffer? what is the gain of a buffer?

 What is an oscillator?

 How do you forward bias a transistor?

 What are the practical applications of transistors?

 What is reverse recovery time and how does it affect a diode?

 What is a compiler?

 How can you test a compiler with certain boundary conditions?

 What is VHDL?

 What is FSF? What do you know about it? Any current relevance?

 Differentiate between open loop and closed loop control systems?

 Draw and explain the working of a monostable vibrator using op-amp.

 State Thevenin's theorem and Norton's theorem. What is their application?

 What is the mathematics used in DSP and from which domain to which domain is signal

 Difference between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor.

 Draw an internal block diagram of a normal voltage stabilizer.

 What is a reference variable?

 Volume control in TV is logarithmic. Why?

 Does MATLAB have an interpreter or a compiler?

 What do you know about segmentation of memory in 8086?

 What is virtual memory?

 Differentiate between macros and functions in C.

 Explain the significance of electromagnetic interference in PCBs and computer boards.

 What are the various pin connections to peripherals, memory and interrupts?

 Draw a rough diagram of a mother board using 8086 with relevant connections.

 What is the tri-state or high impedance state?

 What are the differences between open collector output and totem pole output?

 Find the highest clocking frequency of a digital circuit given the rise time, fall time and
propagation delay?

 Implement Boolean expression using MUX (2 to 4, 3 to 8 etc).

 Draw the state graphs of a given problem like sequence generator, flip flops etc.

 Why is the accumulator called so?

 How can we implement a stack?

 Construct a D flip flop from a T flip flop.

 What is virtual ground in an opamp?

 Why is uplinking frequency higher than down linking frequency?

 Explain the booting procedure of a computer?

 What is metastable state in flip-flops?

 What is round robin technique of interrupt arbitration?

 What is avalanche breakdown? When does it occur?

 Explain the operation of a zener diode.

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