Design A Decade Counter.: What Is VHDL?
Design A Decade Counter.: What Is VHDL?
Design A Decade Counter.: What Is VHDL?
What are VLSI and ULSI? What is the number of components in both?
How many components are there in the Pentium processor that we use?
How does a diode look (internally)? Explain working using internal diagram.
Explain processes taking place in the depletion junction of a forward biased diode.
What is an op amp?
What is an oscillator?
What is a compiler?
What is VHDL?
What is FSF? What do you know about it? Any current relevance?
What is the mathematics used in DSP and from which domain to which domain is signal
What are the various pin connections to peripherals, memory and interrupts?
Draw a rough diagram of a mother board using 8086 with relevant connections.
What are the differences between open collector output and totem pole output?
Find the highest clocking frequency of a digital circuit given the rise time, fall time and
propagation delay?
Draw the state graphs of a given problem like sequence generator, flip flops etc.