International Journal of Mining Science and Technology: J.J. Ran
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology: J.J. Ran
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology: J.J. Ran
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Mining under wide span is of concern as it increases the probability of back caving causing personnel
Received 9 September 2018 injury and equipment damage in underground mines in open stoping and underhand drift-and-fill meth-
Received in revised form 12 January 2019 ods. Though restricting personnel access to well supported lateral development is commonly practiced, it
Accepted 21 March 2019
is not always possible to implement this requirement due to various factors such as ore loss control, dril-
Available online 25 June 2019
ling equipment limitations, availability of remote operating capacity and consideration of productivity.
Even with rules implemented to limit personnel entry into openings with wide spans, the hazards of
equipment damage and back caving still exist. Over the years, different practices have been reported
Mine safety
Wide span
and adopted to minimize risks associated with exposure to large spans in various underground mines.
Back stability Lessons from these practices are beneficial to current and future mines with challenges of safe extraction
Underhand mining of thick deposits in a non-caving setting. This paper briefly summarizes practices in mining wide orebod-
Hanging pillar ies using the open stoping method without personnel access and underhand mining using the drift-and-
fill method with personnel exposure in the industry and presents cases from Kinross mines where the
hanging pillar design was tested, and stope backs were naturally and artificially supported for extraction
under wide spans using the open stoping method.
Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction Openings such as stopes in the open stoping method and cuts or
stopes in the drift and fill approach have shorter service lives and
In underground mines, the lesser dimension of the back may or may not require personnel access. When the span of these
between two walls of an opening in an approximate rectangular openings is less than 8 m, mine support standards for long term
shape is commonly referred to as the span of the opening. There development are normally modified to incorporate products with
is no clear definition of a wide span as it much depends on the a shorter service life or that do not generate problems for trans-
mine geotechnical setting. portation or mineral processing. For openings with wide spans,
Though support types may be selected using empirical methods stope dilution and equipment damage are the primary concern
such as the Q chart, the field observations indicate that the length when personnel access is not required. When the back stability
of ground support elements that are systematically installed gen- needs to be maintained for access, longer support elements may
erally ranges between 2 and 3 m in mines where the open stoping be installed or backfill with a high strength is placed and condi-
or underhand drift and fill method is used and the host rock mass tioned for underhand mining. Other forms of natural and artificial
is ‘‘fair” or better in terms of various classification schemes [1]. This support to reinforce the rock mass or reduce the effective span
limitation implies a supported span of 4–6 m, according to the have also been tested in the industry.
design rules given by Lang [2]. With practical considerations such This paper briefly summarizes practices in mining wide orebod-
as development over break, formation of intersections and produc- ies using the open stoping method without personnel access and
tivity, many mines require that openings wider than 8 m in span be underhand mining using drift and fill with personnel exposure
supported with additional elements such as longer cable or con- and presents cases from Kinross mines where the hanging pillar
nectable bolts and in some cases, steel and concrete structures. design was tested and long cable bolts, operational controls and
This practice is generally applied to excavations with a long service permafrost effects were used or taken advantage of to stabilize
life such as mine infrastructure and level accesses. stope backs for personnel access.
2095-2686/Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
536 J.J. Ran / International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 29 (2019) 535–540
2. Mining under wide spans in conventional open stoping up to 2 MPa except two cases-one under testing and the other
using remote operation [7].
Operations that adopt the conventional open stoping method Barrick’s Cortez Hill underground mine tested the underhand
minimize personnel exposure to wide spans by supporting the drift and fill approach by exposing the CRF up to 10.7 m in 2016
drifts or cross cuts for drilling and blasting and making use of [8]. The CRF was designed to have a 28-day uniaxial compressive
the remote operating capacities of loading and dumping equip- strength of 4.8 MPa at a binder content of 7.5%. From the same ref-
ment for mucking and backfilling. In mines where hydraulically erence, 97% of the test samples exceeded the design strength based
placed backfill is used, discharge points of the pipe lines are located on 511 data points.
near the stope edges. For example, the Kidd Creek mine extracted When mining under CRF, the general practice is that no artificial
open stopes located in rock masses with quality values ranging support is installed on the back, but it is checked and scaled before
between 10 and 23 in the Q system using the transverse primary personnel entry. This requirement is important in preventing mine
and secondary sequence [3]. All panels had a panel strike length accidents. The Mine Safety and Health Administration of the USA
of 20 m, level interval of 30 m and stope length ranging between (MSHA) has reported a few fatalities caused by the fall of back in
13 and 47 m as reported by Ran and Disley [4]. A similar sequence CRF. For example, one miner was killed by fall of CRF off the back
adopted at Glencore’s Nickel Rim South mine was reported by Jal- at Getchell mine in 2008 [9]. When paste fill or similar material are
bout and Simser as shown in Fig. 1 where panels of 12.5 and 17.5 m used, the back is usually supported with wire mesh and elements
in width were designed [5]. such as friction, rebar or cable bolts either before or after fill is
In this mining approach, drilling and blasting activities are car- placed [7].
ried out in the supported overcut drifts and broken ore is mucked
out remotely on the undercut level. Backfill is placed at the stope 4. Trial of the hanging pillar design at Kinross’ Paboase Mine
edge if delivered by pipes or progressively into stope under a wide
span by a remotely operated loader. In essence, the method applied The Paboase underground mine is one of the operating mines at
either longitudinally or transversely does not expose underground Chirano Gold Mines Ltd, a subsidiary of Kinross Gold Corporation
personnel to wide spans. and situated in southwestern Ghana, 100 km southwest of the city
The primary concern of this approach is caving of stope backs in of Kumasi (Fig. 2).
either ore or backfill. If the stope back is exposed in ore, it may be The area of interest is a mining block of 75 m in height and
designed in an arch shape and supported with longer elements located approximately 165 m below the mined out open pit as
while in backfill, the placed fill has to achieve adequate strength shown in Fig. 3. Footwall access drifts on all sublevels at 25 m
through design and implementation of quality control procedures intervals were initially developed for conventional open stoping
[6]. in a transverse mining layout but due to lack of cement supply
and its high cost, the mining method was changed to AVOCA with
3. Mining under consolidated fill two or three ore drives along strike of the deposit with unconsoli-
dated rock fill (URF). The typical overall stope width from the
When the ore rockmass is of poor quality or unsuitable geome- hanging wall (HW) to footwall (FW) is approximately 25 m (Fig. 3).
try for complete recovery with open stoping methods, and in mines Based on the geotechnical study carried out by AMC Consul-
where high seismic activities persist, mining under placed consol- tants, the rock mass quality in terms of the Q system is shown in
idated fill is sometimes implemented. As personnel access to the Table 1 for the ore zone, HW and FW [10]. The dominant geological
mining face is required in this scenario, strict quality assurance structures are faults and shears parallel to ore and host rock con-
and control procedures must be enforced. Pakalnis et al. complied tacts in a steep angle of approximately 85°.
more than 20 cases of mining under consolidated rock fill, and an Production drills were set up and operators were trained to drill
examination of the database shows that the exposed span is up to up holes. Therefore, drilling and blasting were carried out in ore
9.1 m in consolidated rock fill (CRF) of a strength greater than drives on the undercut levels. As stopes were mined retreating lon-
4 MPa at 28 days and in cemented paste or hydraulic fill of strength gitudinally from one end to the centre or the other end, the wide
Fig. 1. Transverse primary and secondary layout used at Glencore’s Nickel Rim South mine (reproduced from study by Jalbout and Simser with minor adjustment of labeling
for legibility) [5].
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Fig. 4. Section showing the hanging pillar between two drill drifts (reproduced from [11]).
Fig. 7. An exposed stope back with a span exceeding 20 m and support of mesh and
friction bolts of less than 3 m in length.
Fig.5. Cable bolt reinforced hanging pillar, looking south on 2025 level when the
stope was exposed at 25 m along strike.
panels but when the back was assessed to be inaccessible for per-
sonnel, fill was remotely placed using loaders.
6. Conclusions
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