American International University-Bangladesh: Faculty of Business Administration
American International University-Bangladesh: Faculty of Business Administration
American International University-Bangladesh: Faculty of Business Administration
Supervised By:
Dulce Corazon. Z Lamagna
Submitted By:
Islam Toufikul
ID# 12-21524-2
Major: Accounting & Finance
Submission Date:
2 6th December 2015
Internship Affiliation Report on
Process, requirements and steps of account opening and inland
remittance under general banking of Janata Bank Ltd
Mr. RoomeeTarequeMoudud
Dear Sir,
With due respect I would like to submit the report on “Process, requirements and steps of
account opening and inland remittance under general banking of Janata Bank Ltd”.which
was the topic of my internship program. I would like to mention that this report was prepared by
me under the supervision of my internship supervisors.
While preparing this report I have tried utmost to include all the relevant information and
analysis to make the report comprehensive as well as workable one.
Thank you,
ID# 12-21524-2
Letter of Endorsement
The Internship Affiliation Report entitled “Process, requirements and steps of account
opening and inland remittance under general banking of Janata Bank Ltd”has been
submitted to the Office of Placement & Alumni, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Major in Accounting and Finance, Faculty of
Business Administration on 31th Oct 2015 by Islam, Toufikul, ID# 12-21524-2. This report has
been accepted and may be presented to the Internship Defense Committee for evaluation.
(Any opinions, suggestions made in this report that are of the author of the report. The University
does not condone nor reject any of these opinions or suggestions).
Internship Supervisor
At First of all, I wish to express my thanks to the almighty Allah for giving me the strength to
perform my responsibilities as an intern and complete the report within the stipulated time.
I would like to extend my gratitude to TahminaKhatun, Assistant Executive, Janata Bank Ltd.
BREB Corporate Branch (my organizational supervisor) and my colleague who helped me by
providing informative instructions and also grateful to all employees. I was closely attached with
them during my internship tenure. Without them this project would have been very difficult.
I must mention the wonderful working environment and group commitment of this organization
that has enabled me to deal with a lot of things. And finally I express my sincere gratitude to all
those participated to prepare the report. Most of them were busy employees of Janata Bank Ltd.
I would like to acknowledge my deepest gratitude to the honorable supervisor Dulce Corazon
Z.Lamagna again who has given me suggestions regarding the writing of the report and to go
through the process, which has become an excellent way of understanding the topic of my
Equally, I would also like to thank the authority of American International University-
Bangladesh, for their kind co-operation.
The report represents the three-month working experience Janata Bank Ltd. I was assigned in the
BREB Branch of JB. This report gives a clear idea about the activities and the operation
strategies of the Bank.
JANATA Bank Limited is a state owned commercial bank and is catering the need of the mass
business people. It was corporatized on 15th November 2007. Janata Bank was born with a new
concept of purposeful banking sub serving the growing and diversified financial needs of
planned economic development of the country through providing financial supports to small
business persons to industrial conglomerates.
Janata Bank Ltd provides its customers with a wide range of supports and services. This report is
focused on some actives under general banking. This report contains information regarding
account opening, pay order, demand draft, outward bills for collection, and inward bills for
collection. The requirements, steps and process of those activities were given focused in this
The whole report is based on specific activities under general banking of JB. I strongly believe
that the content of this report will help the reader to acknowledge all aspects regarding account
opening and inland remittance of JB.
Table of Content
Chapters and Contens
CHAPTER I: Title of the Report i-iv
CHAPTER II: Introduction
2.1. Rationale: 1
2.2. Objective: 2
2.3. Overview of Janata Bank Ltd 2
2.3.1. Corporatization: 3
2.3.2. The Vision 3
2.3.3. The Mission 3
2.3.4. Objectives: 3
2.3.5. Products and Services offered by JB 4-6
CHAPTER III: Activities Undertaken
3.1. Work related/organization wide 7
3.2. Job Responsibilities 7
3.3. General Banking of JB 7
3.3.1. Accounts Opening 8-10
3.3.2. Inland remittances 11 Pay Order 11 Demand draft 12 Process and Steps of OBC & IBC 13-15
CHAPTER IV: Constraints And Proposed Course of Action for Improvement
4.1. Organizational Perspective 16
4.2. Academic Preparation 17
4.3. Missing Knowledge & Skills
CHAPTER V: Lesson Learned from Internship Program
5.1. Implications to Organization/Company 18
5.2. Implications to University's Internship Program 18
5.3. Others 18
CHAPTER VI: Concluding Statements
6.1. Summary 19
6.2. Recommendations for Future Strategic Actions 19
I have completed my internship program from Janata Bank Ltd, BREB corporate branch,
Khilkhet, Dhaka-1229. I was supervised as well as instructed by a very polite and broad
minded officer of JB, Mrs. TahminaKhatun (Assistant executive officer).
After completing the internship program an intern must conduct a report based on the three
month working experiences. The report will be basically focused on those factors that an intern
faced and observed. After consulting with the supervisor of my intern program the topic of my
report is Process, requirements and steps of account opening and inland remittance under
general banking.
2.2. Objective:
Broad objective
The basic objective of the report is to discuss the process, requirements and steps of account
opening and inland remittance under general banking of Janata Bank Ltd.
Specific objectives:
to work as nationalized commercial bank all over the country. With the increase of
responsibility and by virtue of performance within a few years, it becomes the largest
commercial bank of the country with 906 branches including 4 overseas branches at United
Arab Emirates. It is linked with 1239 foreign correspondents all over the world. Total
employees of JB are more than 14 thousands (14,244). Its head office located at Janata
Bhaban at Motijheel C/A, the heart of the capital city, Dhaka
2.3.1. Corporatization:
In 15 November, 2007 Janata Bank got registered with the Joint Stock of Registrars and
restructured it as a public limited company with the name Janata Bank Limited.
2.3.2. The Vision of Janata Bank Ltd. is to become the effective largest commercial bank
in Bangladesh to support socio- economic development of the country and to be a leading
bank in South Asia.
2.3.3. The Mission of the bank is to actively participate in the socio- economic
development of the nation by operating a commercially sound banking organization,
providing credit to viable borrowers, efficiently delivered and competitively priced,
simultaneously protecting depositor‘s funds and providing a satisfactory return on equity
to the owners.
2.3.4. Objectives:
The objectives for which the bank is established as follows:
To carry on, transact, undertake and conduct the business of banking in all
Full implementation and utilization of the Bank‘s excellence program which aimsto
provide services to customers.
To carry on business as financiers, promoters, capitalists, financial and monitory
agents, concessionaires and brokers, dealing in exchange, securities and all kinds of
mercantile banking etc.
2.3.5. Products and Services offered by JB
Personalized Service:
Janata Bank Limited extends all the major personal banking facilities and provides Local and
Foreign Remittance in the quickest possible time. Foreign Remittance is available in both T.C
and taka draft.
1. Transfer of fund from one branch to another by
- Demand Draft saving A/C
- Mail Transfer FDR A/C
- Telegraphic Transfer Trade Finance
2. Transfer of fund on Standing Instruction Agreement
3. Collection of cheques through clearing house.
4. Issuance of payment order.
5. Locker facilities for safe keeping of valuable.
6. Corporate client services with computerized systems at selective branches.
Deposit schemes section:
Bank is the largest organization of mobilizing surplus domestic savings. The savings rate in
Bangladesh is one of the lowest in the world rate of domestic saving being 17.78 %. In order to
improve the savings rate, Financial Institutions responsible for mobilization of savings should
offer attractive Savings Schemes so that the marginal propensity to save increases.
Deposits are life-blood of a commercial bank. Without deposits there are no businesses for the
commercial banks. Accepting deposits is one of the most important classic functions of
commercial banks. Bank deposits can be broadly classified as follows:
Demand Deposits: Demand deposits can be withdrawn without any prior notice,e.g.
current deposits. Janata Bank BREB Corporate Branch accepts demand deposits
through the opening of Current Account and Savings Bank Account.
General conditions or rules in respect of operating Current/Saving A/C in JB BREB
Corporate Branch are as follows:
A minimum balance of tk500 and tk1000 must be maintained in the Saving and
Current A/C respectively.
A suitable instruction by an introducer acceptable to the branch is required.
Recent photographs of the A/C openers duly attested by the introducer must be
Withdrawal of deposit can be made two times in a week in case of saving A/C
For Saving A/C, an application must be submitted to the branch authority if
withdrawal is tk50, 000 or more but customer rarely follow this rule.
Interest rate for Saving bank A/C is 5% per year
Time Deposits: A deposit that is payable at a fixed date or after a period of notice is
called ‗Time Deposit‘. JB has:
Fixed Deposit Recei (FDR)
Short Term Deposit (STD)
Janata Bank Deposit Scheme(JBDS)
Deposit Pension Scheme (DPS)
Inland remittance:
In JB, local remittance covers basically 2 types of services- Pay Order & Demand Draft. If any
client who has remittance to collect from a branch of JB but has no account with this bank, can
also do Pay Order to take his money.
Banking clients can also have a scope of doing Pay order or Demand Draft to carry his amount
of money by following some prerequisites which is also applicable for non-clients- Walking/
Non client of a bank can also take Pay order because of not to take the amount in cash, then he
have to make fill up the application form of Pay Order by his own name or if he wants to give
the amount to anyone else then by the assigned person‘s name, the walking client can carry his
money. In this case, the client must fill up the personal information form for the need of a bank
in a permission of the authority
Other Services:
Financing on Export
Facilitating Import
Financing on SME‘s
3.1. Work related/organization wide:
During my internship period, I have been assigned in the General Banking Department. General
Banking department performs the majority functions of a bank as it is the core department of a
bank it‘s known that bank operates with the people‘s money and the process starts with the
General Banking Department.
3.2. Job Responsibilities:
Banks operates in a systematic process as for JB, the process are lengthy compared to private
commercial banks. I was allocated at REB Corporate Branch, Janata Bank Limited on a fixed
desk. Although the job responsibilities were not much but there job or activities pressure were
high. In that case I tried to collect data/information from the following sources:
Account opening and inland remittance under general banking.
Process of OBC & IBC.
Practical desk work.
Direct observations
Face to face conversation with the officer and the client
Consultation with the Following Persons
3.3.1. Accounts Opening:
If a customer wills to build a legal financial relationship with a bank then the first step will be
opening an account. Opening of an account binds the Banker and customer into contractual
relationship. But selection of customer for opening an account is very crucial for a Bank.
Indeed, fraud and forgery of all kinds start by opening account. So, the Bank takes extremely
cautious measure in its selection of customers.
Types of Account:
Janata Bank BREB Corporate Branch basically works with following types of accounts:
Current Account:
Non-interest-bearing bank account
Can withdraw without any notifications
Source of liquidity for bank customers
Savings Account:
Is a time deposit in a bank
Interest is paid
Limited withdrawn in a month
(1) For opening an account, at first the prospective account holder will apply for opening an
account by filling up account opening form. Account opening form consists of the name of
the branch, type of account, name of the applicant(s), present address, permanent address,
passport number (if any), date of birth, nationality, occupation, nominee(s), special
instruction (if any), initial deposit, specimen signature(s) of the applicant(s), introducer‘s
information etc.
The prospective customer should be properly introduced by the followings:
i. An existing customer of the bank.
ii. Officials of the bank not below the rank of Assistant Officer.
iii. A respectable person of the locality who is well known to the Manager or authorized
(2) Two copies of passport size photograph duly attested by the introducer.
(3) Signature of the prospective account holder in the account opening form and on the
specimen signature card duly attested by the introducer.
(4) Two copies of passport size photograph, photocopy of NID of nominee(s).
(5) Then the concerned authority will allocate a number for the new account.
(6) The customer than deposit the ―initial deposit‖ by filling up a deposit slips. Initial deposit to
open a current account in JB is Tk. 10000.00 and saving account is Tk. 1000.00.
###After doing the above formalities, the branch provides the customer pay-in-slip and a
The cheque-book may be off 10 pages, 20 pages, 50 pages or 100 pages depending on the type
of account the customer has opened. A customer has to fill up the ‗Requisition Slip‘for cheque-
book. Then a new cheque-book will be filled with the account number of the customer and
name of the branch in each page of the cheque-book. Then name and account number of the
customer are registered in the ‗Cheque-book Issue Register‘. After depositing the initial deposit,
the account is considered to be opened. The requisition slips are maintained and recorded as
vouchers. The serial number of the cheque-book is also entered in the computer for maintenance
of records and to prevent any attempt of forgery.
Limited Company:
For the opening of an account of a limited company, following documents have to be
A copy of
List of Directors with address (a latest certified copy of Form-XII)
Following documents have to be obtained in case of the account of the club or society:
Up to date list of office bearers.
Certified copy of Resolution for opening and operation of account.
Certified copy of Bye-Law and Regulations/Constitution.
Copy of Government resolution of the company that the company decided to open
an account in the Janata Bank.
Certified true copy of the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company
Certificate of Incorporation of the company for inspection and return along with a
duly certified Photocopy for Bank‘s records.
Latest copy of balance sheet.
Extract of Resolution of the Board/General Meeting of the company for opening the
account and authorization for its operation duly certified by the Chairman/Managing
Director of the company.
Approval (if registered).
Cooperative Society:
Following documents have to be obtained in case of the account of Cooperative Society:
Copy of Bye-Law duly certified by the Co-operative Officer.
Up to date list of office bearers.
Resolution of the Executive Committee as regard of the account.
Certified copy of Certificate of Registration issued by the registrar, Cooperative
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3.3.2. Inland remittances:
The term inland means transfer of funds from one branch to another within the country through
banking instruments. Inland remittances is one of the activities under general banking of Janata
Bank Ltd. Janata Bank provides a trusted services so customers are encouraged to do their
transactions as a result money supply in financial industries keeps active. Janata Bank BREB
Corporate Branch uses two tools to deal with inland remittances:
i) Pay Order
ii) Demand Draft.
Commission on PO: For below tk.1000 the commission is tk.20 and for tk.1001 to tk.100,000
the commission charge is tk.30 and for above tk.100,001 it will be tk.50.
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Process of Conducting a Pay Order:
The process of conducting a pay order at JB BREB Corporate Branch is show bellow:
Demand draft is a written order, drawn by one branch of a bank upon another branch
of the same bank to pay a certain sum of money.
Demand draft is a negotiable instrument.
Demand draft is neither payable to bearer nor drawn on branches situated within the
same city.
Banks issue draft for nominal commission. The commission depends upon the
amount to be transmitted
It is to ensured that the purchaser of the demand draft is able to at least sign his name
Parties to a draft:
• Purchaser
• Issuing or drawing branch which issues a draft on another branch.
• Drawee branch: is one on which a draft is drawn.
• Payee: is a person named in the demand draft to which the money is to be paid.
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Process of Conducting a Demand Draft:
Outward Bills for Collection (OBC) is the handling of domestic sales, export and application
documents, which are presented to the Bank by the seller, exporter and appointer to collect
payment from the buyer, importer and applicant through the buyer‘s bank
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Inward bill for collection:
Inward Bills for Collection (IBC) is the receiving of domestic sales, export and application
documents on the behalf of seller, exporter and appointer to collect payment from the buyer,
importer and applicant through the buyer‘s bank
*GEP Service:
3. GEP Service extended to 429 Upazila Post offices & all Post Offices of
Dhaka city. GEP delivery service in Dhaka city has been reorganized. Now
all delivery Post Office has been converted in to GEP delivery office which
has dramatically improved the service standard.
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5. Committed to delivers the GEP articles at earliest possible time
6. GEP rate
Taka 12.00 for a weight above 20 grams but not exceeding 50 grams and
Taka 2.00 for every additional 50 grams or fraction thereof
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CHAPTER IV: Constraints and Proposed Course of Action for Improvement.
4.1. Organizational Perspective: There are some noticeable constrains at REB Corporate
Br, Janata Bank that I have pointed out during my internship period. With some careful steps
and proper monitoring system those that particular branch can overcome those constrains.
The air condition channel is available JB should look into this matter
Air-condition but air condition is not installed. and assign air condition budget
Officer uses stand fans on summer. and develop the maintain
Security There is only one guard on the main Skilled guard should be
door with a normal Rifle. recruited or outsourced
Computers are not upgraded and use JB should walk with the recent
Technology technology to prevent uncertain
windows XP as operating system.
loss or interfering.
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4.2. Academic Preparation: This is one of the critical parts of the report which will focus on
the miss match activities of the organization against the academic preparation.
4.3. Missing Knowledge & Skills: During my internship program I faced some problems of
not being acknowledged about some factors or some factors that I faced less.
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CHAPTER V: Lesson Learned From Internship Program.
On the basis of academic knowledge and practical experience of 3 months internship program,
the following skills that I learned during the internship period:
5.1. Implications to Organization/Company:
We know that General Banking is the starting point of all the banking operating task.
For that reason I was concentrated myself in this section during my internship. I was
learned about account opening and different type of accounts.
I was learned about different types of characteristics that are very much required during
opening accounts such as client‘s photography, client‘s signature, national ID card or
passport, nominee‘s information, nominee‘s photography etc.
I became to know the process of OBC as well IBC elaborately. And also brief process of
online balance transaction.
I also learned about different types of requirements that are varies based the type of
customers such as for Sole Proprietorship valid registration card, tin certificates are
required, for partnership, Partnership Deed and Partners letter of authority to open
account and authorization for operation are specially required.
I was learned about pay order and demand draft. Where to issue which one.
This Internship is developed my skills in the application of theory to practical work
situations, to cope with new environment, and understand interpersonal relationship.
5.2. Implications to University's Internship Program:
One of the courses under the BBA department is Bank Fund Management which taught
us about the banking system in our country. During my internship program I found
many terms match with that particular course which was so helpful.
As Janata Bank follows branch banking system, I had theoretical knowledge about
branch banking but after internship program I acknowledged about the practical
knowledge about branch banking.
5.3. Others:
The internship program taught me how to talk to senior officers and corporate persons
and also how to value the customers.
I have acknowledged the value of attending office regularly and reaching office timely.
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CHAPTER VI: Concluding Statements
6.1. Summary:
Janata Bank Ltd is one of the largest state owned commercial banks of Bangladesh. JB captured
vast portion of customers through their extend number of branches. The area where there is no
branch of any bank of the modern competitive banking sector, there one can find a branch of
Janata Bank.
Banks play an active role for the economic and overall development of the country. Janata Bank
Ltd has made commendable improvement over the past years. I am proud to get an opportunity
to continue my internee and my career in my organization. I tried to gather experience in
general banking and summarize all the information within the report. It will also be helpful for
the bank management if they carefully analyze the problem and consider recommendation in
this paper and take necessary actions for corrective measures.
General Banking is undoubtedly one of the major departments of any bank. To take any banking
services, one has to fulfill all the requirements of this department first. The nature of the
relationship between a banker and a customer depends upon the service rendered by the
personnel of general banking department. General Banking department usually give optimum
services to their customers though they have some limitations. If the management of the bank
can turn these limitations positively then they can attain the ultimate goal. I am certain that the
experience that I get through my internship in Janata Bank will help me a lot in my future
banking profession.
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Chapter VII: Suggestion for Improvement or Course of Action
JB should make the account opening procedure more easier as it takes about 30 minutes
to open a new account, so if five person wants to open a new account it will take a lot of
Branches should be more attractive for customers as not all of their branches are
properly decorated.
Bank should formulate simple process for issuing cheque book, Pay order, and Bank
To hire and install sufficient modern sophisticated technology because of present market
demand of the customer and the educated customers now want technology based
banking but customs are confused about services.
To recruit sufficient skilled manpower because the bank employees should communicate
properly with customers about their deposit and other schemes.
Ensure Proper Maintenance and cleanliness of Office Premises. Every branch is
supposed to be very neat and clean and well decorated because it matters to attract
It is necessary to implement modern banking process instead of traditional system. It
should be more computerized means dynamic.
Branch should give requisition for new more printers and photocopy machines to
improve their service.
Ensuring transparency of its financial reports.
Safety and security protocols should be upgraded by recruiting more guards and fake
money identifiers machine for each branch should be provided.
Proper training should be given to all employees on regular basis to identify the
suspicious transactions for Anti Money Laundering compliance policy.
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Books, Periodicals & Annual Report:
Annual Report of Janata Bank Limited
Bangladesh Bank Guideline for General Banking
Circulars of Janata Bank Limited
Bank Management and Financial Services By Peter S. Rose, eighth Edition
Financial Markets and Institutions, Jeff Madura.
Websites Search:
REB: Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board
PO: Pay Order
DD: Demand Draft
OBC: Outward bill for collection
IBC: Inward Bills for Collection
GEP: Guaranteed Express Post
ATM: Automated teller machine
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Toufikul Islam
Career Objective:
I am a team player; highly motivated, fast learner and goal oriented individual expected to be
graduating from American International University Bangladesh majoring in Accounting and
Finance and looking forward to obtain a career that is relevant to my major.
Academic Qualification:
Training Summary:
Software Skills: Microsoft Office, Internet browser, and other application software.
Personal Skills: Leadership, Communicative Skill.
Language Proficiency:
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Interests and Hobbies:
High performance cars
Knowing people‘s perceptions
Social Works
Personal Information:
Dr. SahinAkterSarker
Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing
American International University Bangladesh.
Mobile: +8801712-294507
E-mail: [email protected]
Md. JoynalAbedin
Faculty Member
Department of Finance
American International University Bangladesh.
Mobile: +8801925-201501
E-mail: [email protected]
>>>The End<<<
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