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Facts at Your Fingertips-201105-Pressure Measurement Considerations

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Department Editor: Scott Jenkins considerations

ressure measurement in the chemical Main Factors to Consider for Chemical Pressure Measurements
process industries (CPI) is crucial to Factor Reason Solution
many unit operations, and selecting the
Media A pressure-sensing element will Pressure sensors constructed from
most effective pressure sensors for a given compatibility come in contact with varying one-piece 316L stainless steel,
situation can be complicated by a range of concentrations of chemicals, nickel and cobalt-based superal-
factors. An initial key to selection is establish- temperatures and pressure ranges loys are free from internal welds,
ing an accurate understanding of exactly depending on the industry sector O-rings and very thin isolation
in which the application appears, diaphragms offer excellent media
what is meant when the term “pressure” is including petrochemicals, food, compatibility for most chemicals.
used, since there are different types. Other pharmaceuticals, water, refrigera- The one-piece design ensures
critical considerations include the following: tion, alternative energy or power outside media do not permeate
media compatibility, environment, process generation the sensor body
control, electrical isolation and output signal. Process New processes for heavy oil, Pressure sensors with new tech-
control alternative energy and water puri- nologies and wetted materials are
fication systems demand extreme needed. High-temperature, oil-free,
Pressure types operating conditions, such as low bulk silicon piezoresistive sensors
Pressure measurements can be affected by ambient temperatures (–50ºC), are ideal for these emerging mar-
what type of pressure sensing equipment is high media temperature (150ºC), kets. Superalloys, such as Inconel,
used, and understanding the different types as well as complex and volatile Hastelloy and Waspalloy, with thick
gas-liquid mixtures sensing diaphragms, offer the
of pressure is a prerequisite for selecting sen- best solutions without the need for
sors or gages for your application. Accuracy complex sensor packaging and
can suffer if pressure types are misunder- expensive secondary seals
stood. Differences in pressure types have Environment Rain, ice, dust and pressure Absolute and sealed-gage refer-
everything to do with the reference point for washers can cause water to seep ence pressure sensors protect
into sensor housings and cause electronics from these conditions.
a given pressure measurement. Here are electronics to shortcircuit If venting is required to maintain
definitions for five common pressure types: accuracy at low pressures, provi-
Gage pressure — Gage pressure, the type sions must be made for dry, non-
that most people first imagine when thinking corrosive environments for sensors
to “breathe”
of measuring pressure, covers a positive
pressure range. Its zero (reference) point is set Electrical Improper grounding and lightning Pressure sensors with custom
isolation strikes can cause electrical electronics and a sensing element
at ambient pressure, and it is unaffected by failures of pressure sensors, as a able to withstand 500 V d.c. isola-
changes in barometric pressure because the result of isolation failure tion can work in extreme electri-
sensor is open to the atmosphere. This allows cal conditions
the current atmospheric pressure to be the ref- Output signal Depending on distance and en- A 4–20-mA output signal is recom-
erence against which all subsequent changes vironment, certain output signals mended for transmission lengths
can experience signal loss or greater than 15 ft in environments
in pressure are measured. Gage pressure ef-
generate noisy signals with electrical noise
fectively can measure pressures below 1 psi,
Table content submitted by Karmjit Sidhu, vice president of business development at American Sensor
as well as pressures up to 200,000 psi. Technologies (Mount Olive, N.J.; www.astsensors.com)
Vacuum pressure — Like gage pressure,
vacuum pressure’s zero point is ambient pres-
Reference Gage Vacuum Compound Sealed Absolute
sure, and sensors measuring it are vented
— and therefore unaffected by barometric Positive
change. Since vacuum pressure refers to
a negative pressure range, the distinction Ambient
between vacuum and gage pressure is really
a function of direction and magnitude. Sen- Negative
sors measuring this type are commonly used Source: APG
in vacuum pump systems and applications
where suction is required. sealing. This pressure then becomes the ref- Absolute pressure — Absolute pressure
Compound gage pressure — This pres- erence pressure against which all pressure is used when the zero point must be set to
sure type is the combination of gage and changes are measured. absolute zero. To achieve this, the sensor is
vacuum pressure in that it involves both Because it is sealed, unvented pressure also sealed, but under a vacuum condition, so
positive and negative pressure changes. sensors are unavoidably affected by baro- that air molecules are removed from the enclo-
Its zero is therefore set at atmospheric metric pressure changes. It is not typically sure. This then becomes the reference point
pressure, and it is vented. The value of a used in low-pressure applications because and allows measurements to be made with
compound gage is seen when used in ap- the barometric shift of a few psi would affect reference to absolute zero. By definition and
plications where the pressure fluctuates from measurement accuracy significantly. How- design, this is sensitive to barometric changes.
positive to negative and vice-versa. Sensors ever, at 1,000 psi and above, the relatively Unlike sealed pressure, absolute pressure
measuring this pressure type typically do small shift would go unnoticed and can be is often used in low-pressure applications
not exceed 100 psi in range. smaller than the error band of the sensor. measuring atmospheric conditions, such as in
Sealed pressure — Sealed pressure refers In one real-world case, a sealed pressure weather stations, aircraft and laboratories.
to a situation where the pressure sensor is type sensor was calibrated at a manufac-
not vented. This is primarily done to protect turing facility in Utah and then shipped to Notes
the sensor, by avoiding the introduction of Indiana. The atmospheric pressure differ- Material on pressure types was contributed by
moisture or dust into the sensor housing. ences between the locations caused the unit Elden Tolman, product design engineer at Automa-
The sensor is sealed with a pressure equal to fail in Indiana, while it worked properly tion Products Group Inc. (APG; Logan, Utah;
to the atmospheric pressure at the time of in Utah. www.apgsensors.com).

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