Semester 4, 2019/2020 FEM 3004 Statistik Sains Sosial: Abdul Wahab

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Semester 4, 2019/2020

FEM 3004

Statistik Sains Sosial

Nama Pensyarah : Dr. Husniyah binti Abdul Rahim @

Abdul Wahab

Nama Demonstrator : Dr. Nuradibah binti Mokhtar

Ahli Kumpulan :

Nama No. Matrik

Mardhiah binti Ahmad Nawi 195898
Siti Aida Syamimi binti Mohd Nor 196635
Yasmin binti Ismail 196644
Nur Diyana Izzati binti Rosle 198233
Praktikal 1


Question 1

Population Sample

· The measureable quality is called a · The measureable quality is called a

parameter. statistic.

· The population is a complete set. · The sample is a subset of the


· Reports have a margin of error and

· Reports are a true representation of
confidence interval.
· It is a subset that represents the
· It contains all members of a
entire population.
specified group.
Question 2

Type of Scale and Description Example Type of Data

i. Nominal Scale Left-handed; Right-handed Discrete

· Scale that does not have any


ii. Ordinal Scale Rank order of runners in a Discrete

· For a scale with specific
arrangement or logical order.

iii. Interval Scale Body temperature in Continuous

Celcius, if it is 0oC that
· No true zero but the does not mean no
sequence and the exact temperature at all
difference between values are

iv. Ratio Scale Height; Weight; Time Continuous

· True zero, the sequence and

the accurate difference between
its values are known, other than
having a true zero.

Question 3
i. Nominal Scale; because the name of course in the curriculum of a
program study does not have an order or a ranking.

ii. Interval Scale; if the level of happiness is zero, that does not mean it
should be zero or do not have any feelings.

iii. Nominal Scale; because race of a student is categories, so it do not have

specific arrangement.

iv. Ratio Scale; if the health status based on the frequency to fall sick is zero,
that means it is absolutely zero.

v. Ratio Scale; if white blood cell count is zero, that means it is absolutely zero.

vi. Nominal Scale; because residential place of a worker is categories, so it do

not have specific arrangement.

Question 4

i. Quantitative; discrete

ii. Quantitative; continuous

iii. Quantitative; discrete

iv. Quantitative; continuous

v. Quantitative; discrete

Praktikal 2

Question 1

● Skewness is a measure of the symmetry in a distribution. A symmetrical data set will

have a skewness equal to 0. So, a normal distribution will have a skewness of 0.
Skewness essentially measures the relative size of the two tails.

The skewness for a normal distribution is zero, and any symmetric data should have a
skewness near zero. Negative values for the skewness indicate data that are skewed
left and positive values for the skewness indicate data that are skewed right

Question 2

There are two variables that can be visualized using bar chart, histogram, pie chart
and line plot. Which are:

● Independent variable. Which is the variable that stands alone and isn't changed or
affected by the other variables or factors.
● Dependent variable. Which is the variable that can’t stand alone and it can be
influenced by other factors.

Question 3

Meaning Bar chart is a pictorial representation Histogram refers to a

of data that uses bars to compare graphical representation,
different categories of data. that displays data by way
of bars to show the
frequency of numerical

Indicates Used to compare of discrete variables Used to show the

distribution of non-
discrete variable

Presents Categorical data Quantitative data

Bars Bars do not touch each other, there is Bars touch each other,
space between bars. there are no space between

Width of Must be the same for each bar. No need to be same


Question 4
Line charts are used to show resulting data relative to a continuous variable whereby it is
most commonly used on time or money. Line graphs are used to track trends, fluctuations
and patterns that change over short and long periods of time and seasonal effect. When
smaller changes exist, line graphs are better to use than bar graphs. Line graphs can also be
used to compare changes over the same period for different yet related data more than one
group or multiple series.

Question 5

The stem-and-leaf plot use the actual value for each data. It is also the simplest graph for a
quantitative data. Each measurement is divided into two parts which is the stem and the leaf.
The stem part is presented by a column with a horizontal line at the right. The leaf part
records at the same line with the relevant stem. The leaves are arranged from the lowest value
to the highest value (left to right) for each stem.

Question 6

Advantages - Ogives can:

1. Visually approximate raw data.

2. Summarize a large dataset in visual form.
3. Highlight each interval in the frequency distribution.
4. Clarify rates of change between classes better compared to other graphs.
5. Provide a visual check of the accuracy or reasonableness of calculations.
6. Become more smooth as data points or classes are added.
7. Be easily understood due to widespread use in business and the media.
8. Show the number or proportion of the data points above or below a particular value.


Question 7
Box-plot is a uniform way in visualizing the data distribution based on five values:

1. Minimum

2. First / lower quartile

3. Second quartile (median)

4. Third / upper quartile

5. Maximum

Question 8

i) Bar Chart

ii) Pie Chart

Question 9

Happiness Score Frequency Percentage Cumulative Cumulative

Frequency Percentage

3 6 20 6 20.0

4 3 10 9 30.0

5 4 13.3 13 43.3

6 6 20.0 19 63.3

7 1 3.33 20 66.63

8 8 26.7 28 93.33

9 2 6.67 30 100
i) Histogram

ii) Line Plot

iii) Dot Plot

iv) Stem-and-Leaf Plot

Stem Leaf







v) Ogive
vi) Box Plot

9, Maximum

8, Upper Quartile

6, Second Quartile

4, Lower Quartile

3, Minimum

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