Real Power Loss Reduction in Distribution Network Through Distributed Generation Integration by Implementing SPSO
Real Power Loss Reduction in Distribution Network Through Distributed Generation Integration by Implementing SPSO
Real Power Loss Reduction in Distribution Network Through Distributed Generation Integration by Implementing SPSO
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India. Dec 14-16, 2016
Abstract— Renewable sources based Distributed Generation researchers have applied different optimization techniques to
(DG) are placed in the vicinity of either customers or the load analyze and demonstrate the DG placement and rating
centers with the intention of minimization of the network power problem.
losses, improve voltage profile and recover substation capacity
delivery. Thus, while placing DG units caution has to be taken so The incomes of the power companies as well as the power
as to maximize the benefits. The current work presented in this transfer expenses are significantly affected by the real power
paper describes several techniques to get optimal siting of DG losses. A possible way to reduce these losses is the integration
units and their preliminary sizes to reduce power loss that of DG units in the distribution networks [5].
enhance the reliability of power distribution system. Optimal
sizing of DG is carried out using PSO and SPSO with arbitrarily The deregulation and restructuring market in some nations
generation of DG sizes. Here, objective function is taken to conveys novel discernments for DG with utilization of
reduce the real losses of distribution network. An analysis of renewable energy resources with little evaluations. To analyze
system operation has been done on IEEE-12 and 33 test systems the multi-objective optimization problem for the reduction of
and results obtained express the efficiency of proposed voltage error at DG and pilot buses, a technique called Optimal
approaches. The distinct approaches have been implemented on Coordinated Voltage Control (OCVC) was suggested by J. R.
standard networks in MATLAB®, in which SPSO diminishes Castro et al. [6]. N. Mohandas et al. suggested a multi
real power losses up to 49.587 for 12-bus network while 48.09% objective performance index (MOPI) for the betterment of
for 33-bus network. voltage stability of the distribution network under various
operating limits through Chaotic Artificial Bee Colony
Keywords— optimal placement; distributed generation (DG); (CABC) [7]. Other methods were also applied by P. S. Babu et
distribution network; real power loss; particle swarm optimization al. like fuzzy approach and Harmonic Search Algorithm (HSA)
(PSO); selective particle swarm optimization (SPSO) for DG placements in distribution network for the minimization
of power loss and voltage profile improvement [8]. E. K.
I. INTRODUCTION Bindumol et al. used a fast load flow method to obtain real
The power system is conventionally composed of power losses and voltage profile [9]. For this, backward
centralized power plant that foster a complex interconnected forward sweep algorithm (BFSA) was carried out by setting up
high voltage transmission and related distribution networks. different sizes of DG units at various sites in distribution
This network is utilized to supply power to the customer sites network. R. S. Al Abri et al. illustrated a scheme to make
present at large distances [1]. With the recent increase in the available a solution for DG location and rating, by choosing
power demand there is a need to deregulate and restructure the candidate buses where DG units are installed. In this method,
electric generating units. This can be viewed as a prospect for candidate buses sensitive to voltage profile were prioritized and
the emergence of discrete sources like distributed generators consequently, voltage stability margin was improved [10].
(DG) and sophisticated operating bases to provide an ample Kalman filter algorithm and power loss sensitivity calculation
and consistent supply of power. The betterment in the power was used to find a more authentic method for the optimal
systems is promoting the implementation of electricity solution of DG placement and size based on renewable
generation and storage at the site of distribution. Application resources. Optimal locator index (OLI) was developed to place
of DG and load management, both are important factors that DG units [11]. Other important techniques to prioritize the
contribute to consistent supply of power [2]. placement of DG units for minimization of power consumption
during power shortage are Continuous load flow and Modal
The level of incursion of DG units is the determining factor analysis [12]. Reconfiguration of the network in the presence
which minimizes the challenges in power system. The location
of DG units is mostly at the vicinity of load centers in the
power distribution systems. A suitable incursion of DG units
will influence the network in the desired way [3]. Several
gbest. The particles modify their location according to best ݐ݆݅ݒͳ ൌ ݐ݆݅ݒ ܿͳ ݐ݆ͳݎ൫ܾܲ݁ݐݏ
ݐ ݐ ݐ
ǡ݅ െ ݆݅ݔ൯ ܿʹ ݆ʹݎሺݐݏܾ݁ܩ
position confronted by them and their neighbors [16].
The particle position in n-dimensional search space can be െ ݐ݆݅ݔሻ
written as: Step-6: If new value is improved than pbest value
ܼ݉ ൌ ሺ ͳ݉ݖǡ ʹ݉ݖǡ ǥ ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ݊݉ݖሻ (6) than pbest value is modified as new value and pbest
location is modified as new location.
The current position of particle can be calculated as: Step-7: Compare the estimated best new fitness with
݇ͳ ݇ ݇ͳ
the gbest of population. If new value is improved
ܵ݅ܦ ൌ ܵ݅ܦ ܵ݅ܦ ݅ ൌ ͳǡʹǡ ǥ ǡ ݊ǡ than gbest. Then, gbest value is modified as best new
ܦൌ ͳǡ ʹǡ ǥ ǥ Ǥ ǡ ݉ (7) fitness value.
Step-8: Check the maximum number of evaluations
Where ܵ ݇ is the present particle position and ܵ ݇ͳ the new is met if not go to the step 5.
position. Step-9: Gbest value is the optimal value of DG size.
Calculate PLRI for corresponding DG location according to
The particle velocity in n-dimensional search space is: DG size.
ܸ݉ ൌ ሺ ͳ݉ݒǡ ʹ݉ݒǡ ǥ ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ݊݉ݒሻ (8) The DG unit constraints are fixed (0, 4) when PSO technique
is applied in MATLAB. The DG values are selected as
The updated velocity of particle is shown by the following particles to be optimized to minimize the network power loss.
B. Selective Particle Swarm Optimization (SPSO)
݇ ͳ
ܦ݅ݒ ݇
ൌ ݅ݓൈ ܦ݅ݒ ݇
ܿͳ ൈ ݀݊ܽݎൈ ൫ ܦ݅ݐݏܾ݁െ ܵ݅ܦ ൯ ܿʹ ൈ Currently, a variation came in PSO technique which
݀݊ܽݎൈ ሺܾ݃݁ ܦ݅ݐݏെ ܵ݅ ܦሻ݇
(9) recommends advance versions of improved PSO technique
that have many advantages. The convergence speed increment,
Where ݇ ݒͳ is the updated velocity; ݇ ݒis the present best optimal solution provident, applications widespread etc.
velocity; pbest shows the individual best velocity; gbest are the benefits of advanced PSO techniques. The binary PSO
represents the best velocity over all participated particles; n is (BPSO) is also a novel version of PSO by modulating search
the number of particles in a populace; m is the number of space to be binary, which is a discrete version of PSO, has
participants in a particle; rand is the random values originated; been proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart [18]. A sigmoid
ܿ݅ acceleration coefficient of particle; ݅ݓis the inertia weight transformation is operated to restraint the velocity components
for every participated particle. in a prescribed limits [0, 1] and particles constraint (0, 1) in
݇ ͳ ͳ
The inertia weight is given by the following equation: ݃݅ݏ൫ܦ݅ݒ ൯ൌ ݇ ͳ (11)
ͳ ൫െ ܦ݅ݒ൯
ݔܽ݉ ݓെ݊݅݉ ݓ
ݓൌ ൈ ݇ (10) ݇ ͳ
ͳǡ ݂݅ߪ ൏ ݃݅ݏ൫ܦ݅ݒ ൯
݇ ݉ܽݔ ݇ͳ
Where ݔܽ݉ݓis the maximum and ݊݅݉ݓis the minimum inertia ܦ݅ݔ ൌቊ ݇ ͳ
Ͳǡ ݂݅ߪ ݃݅ݏ൫ܦ݅ݒ ൯
weights; k is the current inertia weight and ݇݉ܽ ݔis
themaximum iterations. The appropriate value of ܿͳ and ܿʹ is An advanced version of BPSO is SPSO was developed by
2 and the range randomize between 1 & 2. The values of ݔܽ݉ݓ Khalil and Gorpinich [19], where search space is undertaken
and ݊݅݉ݓhave been chosen by hit and trial method [17].The as selected space by approving sigmoid transformation of
steps given below demonstrate DG optimal placement and velocity function and upsurge the superiority of solution. In
sizing in distribution system through PSO. SPSO technique, a set of DN positions for search space is
ܵ ܦൌ ሾܵ ͳܦǡ ܵ ʹܦǡ ǥ ǥ ǡ ܵ ܰܦሿ for each D dimension, where DN
Step-1: Select the parameters which have to be are the selected positions in dimension D.
optimized through PSO. ݇ ͳ
݃݅ݏ൫ܦ݅ݒ ൯ ൌ ܰܦ
݇ ͳ
ͳ ൫െ ܦ݅ݒ൯
Step-2: Select swarm size.
Step-3: Randomly generate the DG size between (0, ݇ ͳ
ܵ ݂݅݃݅ݏ൫ܦ݅ݒ ൯൏ͳ
4). ͳܦ ۓ
݇ ͳ
Step-4: Assign pbest value to the initial particle. ۖ ܵ݃݅ݏ݂݅ ʹܦ൫ ܦ݅ݒ൯ ൏ ʹ
ۖ Ǥ
Step-5: Change the particle position and velocity ۖ
ܦ݅ݔ ൌ Ǥ (14)
according to equations Ǥ
ݐ݅ݔͳ ൌ ݐ݅ݔ ݐ݅ݒͳ ۖ Ǥ
ۖ Ǥ
݇ ͳ
݃݅ݏ݂݅ ܰܦܵە൫ ܦ݅ݒ൯ ൏ ܰ
Where ܵ ͳܦ, ܵ ʹܦ,…..,ܵ ܰܦare the selected values for each dimension for IEEE-12, 33 bus systems. For a particular bus,
particle in dimension D. the DG sizes are arbitrarily created which should perform only
Velocity constraints ሾܸ݉݅݊ ǡ ܸ݉ܽ ݔሿ can be calculated using in one dimension at a time. The SPSO can be introduced to
the following equation: determine optimal solution for improvement in electric power
݇ ͳ
ܸ݉ܽ ݔǡ ݂݅ܦ݅ݒ ܸ݉ܽݔ quality after detection of search space for every dimension.
ܦ݅ݒൌ ቐ ܦ݅ݒǡ ݂݅ห ܦ݅ݒห ܸ݉ܽ ݔ
݇ ͳ ݇ ͳ ݇ ͳ
݇ ͳ
ܸ݉݅݊ ǡ ݂݅ܦ݅ݒ ൏ ܸ݉݅݊ The proposed approaches have been widely studied on two
The consistency of i-th particle velocity value in a D- standard IEEE-networks consisting of 12 & 33 radial
dimension at the lower and upper limits can be avoided using distribution network. The DG size has been optimized through
the equation given below and drive the particles moving load flow by applying all approaches (presented here) in order
through the selected space. to diminish the objective function. Then, Power Loss
Reduction Index (PLII) is computed for optimal solution
݀݊ܽݎൈ ܦ݅ݒ ݇ ͳ
ǡ ݂݅หܦ݅ݒ ݇ ͳ ݇
ห ൌ หܦ݅ݒ ห composing two cases which are without DG& with DG
݇ ͳ
ܦ݅ݒ ൌ ቊ ݇ ͳ (16) integration in distribution network. Here, comparisons of how
݁ݏ݅ݓݎ݄݁ݐ ܦ݅ݒ integration of optimal DG placement effect network real
The following steps show the SPSO algorithm for power losses are presented through operating proposed
obtaining DG optimal location and size: approaches for two test systems.
Step-1: Select swarm size and the parameters which A. 12-Bus System
has to be minimized using SPSO. The analysis has been performed on IEEE-12 bus distribution
Step-2: Initialize the values of particles of system to diminish network real power losses. The radial
acceleration constants ‘ܿͳ ’, ‘ܿʹ ’; iteration number ‘k’, network of 12-bus system is shown in figure 1. The system
and inertia weight ‘w’. voltage considered here is 12.66 kV, total real and reactive
Step-3: Initialize the values of particles (DG) in power losses before DG integration are 18.564 kW and
each D-dimension with the initial values of position 7.2149kVAR. The total apparent power loss is 19.916 kVA
and velocity. for the base case and minimum voltage profile is 0.99268 at
Step-4: Randomize the search space in each D- bus-12. The network for 12-bus distribution system is shown
dimension. by figure 1.
Step-5: Compute power flow for distribution
Step-6: Checkradially constraints exit or not, if not,
then go to step 8.
Step-7: Compute the network power loss ܲ ݏݏܮሺ݇ሻ. Fig.1. IEEE-12 Bus Distribution System
Step-8: Check ܲ ݏݏܮሺ݇ ͳሻ is less than ܲ ݏݏܮሺ݇ሻ.
Then Through implementing various approaches, optimal DG
ܲ ݏݏܮሺ݇ ͳሻ ൌ ܲ ݏݏܮሺ݇ሻ size has been obtained on that bus where overall real power
And, identify the equivalent bus number. loss is found to be minimized. For this corresponding size of
Step-9: Modify the values of velocity and position DG, power losses for every branch of distributed network are
of ݅ ݄ݐparticle for each D-dimension using equations calculated. Comparisons of power loss for different
(13), (14), (15), and (16). approaches are shown in figure 2.
Step-10: Increment the value of ‘k’ as
݇ ൌ݇ͳ
Step-11: Check the maximum number of iterations is
met. If not go to step 7.
Step-12: Print optimal DG size and bus location
Step-13: Obtain PLRI for equivalent DG location and
The results after DG integration are demonstrated by table-I. power losses before DG integration are 210 kW and 143.0
kVAr. The total apparent power loss is 254.065 for the base
TABLE-I case minimum voltage profile is 0.90377 at bus-18.
Real Power Loss 10.5 kW 9.3585 kW
Optimum DG size & 3.143 MW 1.58MW
location Bus-6 Bus-6
Minimum Voltage 0.99767 0.99800
profile Bus 12 Bus 12
% Reduction in Loss 43.438% 49.587%
After computing power loss, PLRI also obtained which Fig.4. IEEE-33 Bus Distribution Network
shows how much real power losses are affected for the
presence of DG in distribution network by applying various By implementing various approaches, optimal DG size has
approaches. Figure 3 illustrates about PLRI with DG been obtained on that bus where overall real power loss is
integration for PSO, and SPSO. found to be minimized. For this corresponding size of DG,
power loss in distribution network has been calculated.
Comparisons of real power loss for different approaches are
displayed in figure 5.
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