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Translated and Published by
Japanese Standards Association

JIS A 1481-2 : 2016


Determination of asbestos in building

material products - Part 2: Sampling and
qualitative analysis for judgement
of existence of containing asbestos

les 13.040.20
Reference number: JIS A 1481-2 : 2016 (E)

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A 1481-2 : 2016

Date of Establishment: 2014-03-28
Date of Revision: 2016-03-22
Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette: 2016-03-22
Investigated by: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
Standards Board for ISO area
Technical Committee on Architecture

JIS A1481-2 : 2016, First English edition published in 2016-07

Translated and published by: Japanese Standards Association

Mita MT Building, 3-13-12, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0073 JAPAN

In the event of any doubts arising as to the contents,

the original JIS is to be the final authority.

© JSA 2016
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in Japan NH/HN

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A 1481-2 : 2016



Introduction································································································· 1
1 Scope································································································· 1
2 Normative references············································································ 1
3 Terms and definitions··········································································· 2
4 Qualitative analytical method and principle············································· 2
4.1 Summary of qualitative analytical method .............................................. · 2
4.2 Principle of qualitative analytical method ................................................ 3

5 Sampling···························································································· 5
5.1 Method of sam pIing .............................................................................. 5
5.2 Transportation and storage of sample ..................................................... 6
5.3 Sam pIing record .................................................................................. 6

6 Preparation of primary analytical sample ················································6

6.1 Preparation of primary analytical sample from inorganic component
sample······························································································· 6
6.2 Preparation of primary analytical sample from organic component
sample······························································································· 7
7 Qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction method on secondary
analytical sample" ............................................................................... 8

8 Qualitative analysis using a dispersion staining phase-contrast

microscope on primary analytical sample ................................................ 11
8.1 Preparation of specimens .................................................................... ·11
8.2 Dispersion staining method using a phase-contrast microscope················· ·12
9 Qualitative analysis for vermiculite spraying material .............................. 15
9.1 Potassium chloride treatment······························································ ·15
9.2 Analytical method for presence of asbestos in vermiculite spraying
material··························································································· ·15
10 Judgement of presence of asbestos ........................................................ ·16

11 Report of judgement result ···································································1 7

Annex A (normative) Conditions of X-ray diffractometer used for qualitative
analysis related to asbestos .......................................... ·18

Annex B (normative) Specification of dispersion staining phase-contrast

microscope ................................................................. ·20

Annex C (informative) Example of format for judgement result report··············· ·21


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A 1481-2 : 2016

Annex D (informative) Comparison table between previous and current

editions of this Standard on technically significant
revisions .................................................................. 30


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A 1481-2 : 2016


This translation has been made based on the original Japanese Industrial
Standard revised by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry,
through deliberations at the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
in accordance with the Industrial Standardization Law. Consequently
JIS A 1481-2:2014 is replaced with this Standard.
This JIS document is protected by the Copyright Law.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some parts of this Standard
may conflict with patent rights, applications for a patent after opening to
the public or utility model rights. The relevant Minister and the Japanese
Industrial Standards Committee are not responsible for identifying any of
such patent rights, applications for a patent after opening to the public or
utility model rights.
JIS A 1481 series consists of the following 4 parts:
JIS A 1481-1 Air quality - Bulk materials - Part 1: Sampling and
qualitative determination ofasbestos in commercial bulk materials
JIS A 1481-2 Determination of asbestos in building material products
- Part 2: Sampling and qualitative analysis for judgement of existence
of con taining asbestos
JIS A 1481-3 Determination of asbestos in building material products
- Part 3: Quantitative analysis of containing asbestos by X-ray diffrac-
tion method
JIS A 1481-4 Air quality - Bulk materials - Part 4: Quantitative
determina tion of asbestos by gra vimetric and microscopical methods


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Determination of asbestos in building

material products - Part 2 : Sampling and
qualitative analysis for judgement
of existence of containing asbestos

This Japanese Industrial Standard was established in 2014. The reVISIon at this
time has been made for the purpose of maintaining its consistency with other stand-
ards in JIS A 1481 series. The comparison table between previous and current editions
of this Standard on technically significant revisions is given in Annex D.
No corresponding International Standard has been established at this point.

1 Scope
This Standard specifies matters concerning determination of the presence of asbestos
in samples taken from building products; namely, the analytical sample preparation
(primary and secondary analytical samples), the qualitative analysis method using an
X -ray diffractometer and a dispersion staining phase-contrast microscope, and the
method for determination of the presence of asbestos.
This Standard is applicable to qualitative analysis of: fire proofing spraying materi-
als and the like, spraying materials made of vermiculite, interior finishing materials
(moulded boards), floor tiles, exterior finishing materials (moulded boards, mortar),
roofing materials, chimney materials, heat insulating materials, textile goods (cloths),
sealing compounds and expansion joints.
This Standard is not applicable to natural minerals which can contain asbestos or
any products made of such natural minerals (excluding spraying material made of
vermiculi te).

2 Normative references
The following standards contain prOVISIons which, through reference in this text,

constitute provisions of this Standard. The most recent editions of the standards (in-
cluding amendments) indicated below shall be applied.
JIS K 3850-1 Determination of airborne fibrous particles - Part 1 : Optical mi-
croscopy method and scanning electron microscopy method
JIS K 8121 Potassium chloride (Reagent)
JIS K 8264 Formic acid (Reagent)
JIS R 3503 Glass apparatus for chemical analysis
JIS R 3702 Cover glasses for microscopes

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A 1481-2 : 2016

JIS R 3703 Slide glasses for microscope

3 Terms and definitions

For the purpose of this Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 asbestos
fibrous silicate minerals belonging to serpentine group (chrysotile) and those belonging
to amphibole group (amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, actinolite, and anthopyllite) among
the minerals which constitute rock
3.2 vermiculite
a swelling clay mineral resembling mica
It has a hydrated magnesium layer in its structural layer, and it typically includes,
between its structural layers, hydrobiotite which contains a comparatively large
amount of potassium.
The term is also used as a generic name for all mineral products of vermiculite.
3.3 fibrous particles
particles that are three or more in aspect ratio (length/width)
3.4 sample
a portion extracted from building material products for analysis purpose
3.5 primary analytical sample
sample prepared by pulverizing or heat-treating the sample defined above and passing
it through a sieve meeting the specified conditions
3.6 secondary analytical sample
sample prepared by treating the primary sample with formic acid
3.7 immersion liquid
liquid in which the sample to be used for microscopic qualitative analysis is immersed
3.8 dust-free water
water prepared by filtering purified water or distilled water through a membrane filter
of 0.45 /-lm aperture
3.9 standard sample
vermiculite sample containing 0.5 % of tremolite and that containing 0.8 % of chryso-
lite, to be used for the analysis of spraying material made of vermiculite

4 Qualitative analytical method and principle

4.1 Summary of qualitative analytical method
Presence of asbestos in building material products is determined by the qualitative
analytical method using X-ray diffraction and that using microscope. Presence of as-


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A 1481-2 : 2016

bestos in vermiculite spraying material is determined by comparing the diffraction in-

tensity of the sample tested with that of the standard sample. The analysis for deter-
mining the presence of asbestos consists of the following main steps (see Figure 1).
a) An amount of sample adequate for analysis is taken from the building material
manufactured in factory, building material applied in buildings or imported build-
ing material.
b) Analytical sample is prepared by pulverizing or heat-treating the above sample ac-
cording to the matrix of the building material.
c) The primary analytical sample is qualitatively analysed by the dispersion staining
method using a phase-contrast microscope for presence of asbestos, and the sec-
ondary analytical sample, by the X-ray diffraction method. When the primary ana-
lytical sample is a spraying material in which vermiculite is found by X-ray diffrac-
tion analysis, the analysis for presence of asbestos is carried out according to the
qualitative analytical method for vermiculite spraying material [see Figure 1 b)].
4.2 Principle of qualitative analytical method
The principle of qualitative analytical method is as follows.
a) In the X-ray diffraction method, the sample is exposed to X-ray radiation and as-
bestos presence in that sample is determined based on the indicated diffraction
peak angles that are characteristic of particular types of asbestos.
b) In the dispersion staining method using a phase-contrast microscope, the asbestos
presence is determined based on the shape of the sample and specific colour change
by the refractive index of fibrous particles in the sample.


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A 1481-2 : 2016

Collection of sample
(Sample type: Spraying material, moulded board,
plastic material, etc.)
(see clause 5)

Transportation and storage of sample
(see 5.2)

Preparation of primary analytical
(see clause 6)
Qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction
Qualitative analysis using a dispersion
method on secondary analytical sample staining phase-contrast microscope on
(see clause 7) primary analytical sample
(see clause 8)
Vermiculite spraying material
[see Figure 1 b)]
(see clause 9)

" "
Judgement of presence of asbestos
I (see clause 10) I
In the case of 10
I In the case of 10 d)
In the case of 10 c), re-analysis using primary
a) and b) analytical sample is performed by the
qualitative analytical method using a dispersion
,r staining phase-contrast microscope (clause 8). ,,.
I Containing asbestos I I Not containing asbestos I

a) Flowchart for qualitative analysis and judgement of asbestos presence in building mate-
rial products
Figure 1 Summary of qualitative analysis and judgement of asbestos presence

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A 1481-2 : 2016

Result of clause 7
Vermiculite spraying

Potassium chloride treatment (see 9.1)

Diffraction peak Diffraction peak

observed not observed

Calculation of diffraction peak area

of the standard sample (3.9) and of
the sample treated with potassium
chloride (9.1)

b) Flowchart for qualitative analysis and judgement of asbestos presence for vermiculite
spraying material
Figure 1 (concluded)

5 Sampling
5.1 Method of sampling
The samples shall be taken from the building material manufactured in factory, the
building material applied in building and the like or the imported building material,
while taking care of the following matters. Appropriate measures shall be taken so that
the persons involved in sampling do not inhale asbestos dust (hereafter referred to as
"dust") at the time of sampling.
a) In the case of sampling at job site, care shall be taken so that the present condition
is not disturbed and dust is not scattered. Sampling shall be carried out by using a
sharp knife and the like.
b) In the case of taking from the building material manufactured or imported, the
sample representing the lot shall be taken.
c) The size of sample shall be sufficiently large so that it represents the building ma-
terial under test. In the case of soft materials such as spraying material or heat
insulating material, three samples, each about 10 cm 3 in volume, taken at three
different positions in the material shall be put in separate sealed containers, all of
which shall then be put together in a larger sealed container to be supplied as a
sample representing the position of sampling. In the case of a board shaped and


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A 1481-2 : 2016

comparatively rigid material, three samples, each about 100 cm 2 in area, taken at
three different positions in the material shall be put in separate sealed containers,
all of which shall then be put together in a larger sealed container to be supplied as
a sample representing the position of sampling.
d) The building material product under test, depending on the period of construction,
may consist of both asbestos-containing parts and non-containing parts. Further,
some asbestos-containing building material products may have been replaced with
other non-containing products during repair work. With these cases taken into ac-
count, sampling positions shall be selected referring to construction records such as
the design document.

e) Samples from products with small and widely varying asbestos contents such as
spraying materials shall be taken so as to contain the entire depth down to the
substrate, instead of being taken from only near-surface layers. This also applies to
thermal insulating materials which have been used under continuous exposure to
high -temperature atmosphere for a long period of time, and the asbestos contained
in which may have been partially deteriorated.
f) Building material products that are a paste or fluid used for joining or repairing of
joints are likely to contain asbestos, and the sample shall be taken only from the
part containing the asbestos, which is generally a joint.
5.2 Transportation and storage of sample
The collected sample shall be stored in a sealed container in order to avoid scattering
of the dust when it is transferred from the sampling place to the place of analysis.
5.3 Sampling record
Necessary information required for identification of the collected sample, as listed in
the following, shall be recorded.
a) Name of building material
b) Name and use of building, piping installation, machinery and the like
c) Year of construction and date on which the building material (in addition to other
materials, in some cases) was installed in the building.
d) Position and location of sampling in the building or the like
e) General sample identification (type or material: board; spraying material; plastics,
etc., size of sample: approximate amount of sample), sampling method and date of
f) Person who conducted the sampling

6 Preparation of primary analytical sample

6.1 Preparation of primary analytical sample from inorganic component sample
Primary analytical sample shall be prepared from inorganic component sample as

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a) Take out three inorganic component samples, having been taken from three posi-
tions and put together in one sealed container, take a required and equal amount
from each of the three samples, and put them all in the same pulverizer. The sam-
ple to be pulverized and the pulverizer shall be as follows.
1) When the sample is rigid, scrape the side surface with a cutter knife, board sand-
er nozzle, etc. before putting it in a pulverizer.
2) For the pulverizer, use a mortar (porcelain mortar, agate mortar, alumina mortar,
or the like), Wiley mill, an ultracentrifugal cutter, a vibrating mill, a ball mill or
the like, either by itself or in combination.
b) Pulverize them by means of a draft chamber or the like taking care not to scatter
the dust so that there is no contamination by asbestos.
c) Sift out the pulverized sample using a sieve of 425 ).lm to 500 ).lm mesh. Repeat the
operation of pulverization and sifting until all the sample has come under the sieve.
From this sifted sample, the entire volume of which is taken as the primary ana-

lytical sample, take three samples for X-ray diffraction analysis and one sample for
dispersion staining phase-contrast microscopic analysis.
The degree and time of pulverization influence the fibrous form of asbestos. Care
shall be taken, therefore, that pulverization is performed in as short a time as pos-
sible, and sifting, as many times as possible, so as to avoid excess pulverization.
6.2 Preparation of primary analytical sample from organic component sample
The preparation of primary analytical sample from organic component sample shall
be as follows.
a) Take out three samples containing organic components, having been taken from
three positions and put together in one sealed container, take a required and equal
amount from each of the three samples, and put them all in the same porcelain
crucible. Weigh the whole mass, ma, of the crucible. Prior to this procedure, weigh
the mass, me, of the crucible.
b) Place the crucible containing the sample in an electric furnace set at 450°C ± 10°C
and heat for 1 h or longer.
NOTE: Care should be taken when crocidolite is heated at 450°C, since the
X -ray diffraction peak can shift toward the higher angle side or refrac-
tive index can change.
c) After heating leave the sample to cool under clean condition until it reaches room
temperature and weigh the total mass, mb, of respective crucibles. Then, prepare
the primary analytical sample in accordance with 6.1. In this case, calculate the
weight loss ratio, r, according to Formula (1), and round the result to one decimal
place. The obtained weight loss ratio shall be used for calculation of asbestos con-
tent in JIS A 1481-3.

r = mb - me m .................................................................... (1)
ma -me mo

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A 1481-2 : 2016

where, r weight loss ratio

ma mass of sample and crucible before heating (g)
mb mass of sample and crucible after heating (g)
me mass of crucible (g)
mo mass of primary analytical sample before heating (g)
m mass of primary analytical sample after heating (g)

7 Qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction method on secondary analytical sample

The qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction method shall be as follows.
NOTE 1 If a high asbestos content is expected in the collected sample based on
the data such as information about the building material product, the
primary analytical sample may be directly used for X-ray diffraction
analysis instead of using the secondary analytical sample.
a) Weigh the required amount of the primary analytical sample to be put in the sam-
ple holder in the X-ray diffractometer, put it in a conical beaker, and add, per 100
mg of the sample, 20 ml of 20 % solution of formic acid specified in JIS K 8264 and
40 ml of dust-free water, and disperse by the ultrasonic cleaner for 1 min.
b) Put in a thermostatic bath set at 30°C ± 1°C, vibrate continuously for 12 min, and
filter under reduced pressure using the reduced-pressure filtration apparatus of
glass filter base 25 mm in diameter fitted with a white membrane filter of 0.8 /lm
pore size. Take the dried sample as the secondary analytical sample for X -ray dif-
fraction analysis.
c) Fill the sample holder, which is a metal or glass plate having a hole or recess for
the sample, with the secondary analytical sample so that the sample surface is
even and flush with the surface of the sample holder.
d) Subject the filled sample holder to the measurement by the X-ray diffractometer
under the conditions specified in Annex A and observe the obtained X-ray diffrac-
tion patterns to examine whether they resemble the patterns of target asbestos
shown in Figure 2 or those of vermiculite shown in Figure 3.
Tremolite and actinolite, which are solid solutions continuously changing in
chemical composition, and thus difficult to be discriminated from each other ac-
cording to X -ray diffraction patterns, shall be regarded as the same kind in the
context of analysis, with their analytical result indicated as that of tremo-
e) The kind of asbestos determined, and other crystalline substances indicating the
angle of diffraction similar to asbestos, if found by this qualitative analysis, shall
be used for the analysis specified in clause 8.
f) For examination of diffraction peaks, compare the X-ray diffraction patterns of the
tested sample with those of the asbestos standard sample obtained under the same
conditions as the sample. Alternatively, examine all the refraction peaks using
ICDD (International Centre for Diffraction Data).


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A 1481-2 : 2016

NOTE 2 Asbestos X-ray diffraction peak characteristically show a peak near 10°
to 12° or the first or second diffraction peak near 24° to 30°.
g) When the diffraction peaks of vermiculite are found in d), the analysis shall be car-
ried out in accordance with the method specified in clause 9.
Chry : Chrysotile
~ 3500
Bru: Brucite -
-3 3000
.~ 2500
~ Chry
.S 2000
.S 1500
ro 1000
'-+-< Chry Chry Chry
500 "
Bru .r~~_~~J\~
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Diffraction angle (2 rr, Cu Ka)
a) Chrysotile
-3 2000
~ 1500

.S 1000
'-+-< 500
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Diffraction angle (2 rr, Cu Ka)
b) Amosite
--3 2000
~ 1500

'-+-< 500
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Diffraction angle (2 rr, Cu Ka)
c) Crocidolite

Figure 2 X-ray diffraction patterns for target asbestos


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A 1481-2 : 2016


~ 10000
.~ 8000
.S 6000
~ 4000
is 2000

o ~
5 10 15
30 35
40 45
50 55
1\ J.M
65 70
Diffraction angle (2 8°, Cu Ka)

d) Tremolite/actinolite

§ 8000
t:: 6000

is 2000

5 10 15
20 25
J tM
.1 A
11. AJ,.

Diffraction angle (2 8 0, Cu Ka)

e) Anthophylite
Figure 2 (concluded)


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A 1481-2 : 2016


• Vermiculi te
rn 2500
T Phlogopite
-3 v Augite
.-;:: 2000 o Apatite
.S •
<:..l 1000


,t 0
'-i-i ,. v
is 500

\~ i.&l
~ ....... .1
- A JI.
A. .A.

Diffraction angle (2 eo, Cu Ka)

a) Hydrobiotite

.-2rn 40000
.S 30000
~ 20000
is 10000

1 1 I
60 80
Diffraction angle (2 eo, Cu Ka)

b) Vermiculite

Figure 3 X-ray diffraction patterns for vermiculite

8 Qualitative analysis using a dispersion staining phase-contrast microscope on pri-

mary analytical sample
8.1 Preparation of specimens
8.1.1 Where the X-ray diffraction patterns of the sample show a peak characteristic of
The preparation of specimens in the case where the X-ray diffraction peak of asbes-
tos is observed in 7 d) shall be as follows.
NOTE: In the case of samples showing no asbestos peak in the X-ray diffraction
pattern, specimens may be prepared by selecting all the asbestos refrac-
tive indexes showing the sensitive colour indicated in Table 1 for deter-
mination of asbestos.

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a) Place 10 mg to 20 mg of primary analytical sample and 20 ml to 40 ml of dust-free

water in a 50 ml test tube with ground stopper, and shake it vigorously. Then
transfer it into a 50 ml conical beaker specified in JIS R 3503.
b) Put a rotor in the conical beaker and take 10 1-11 to 20 1-11 from it by using a micropi-
pette while agitating with a magnetic stirrer.
c) Drip it in the circular guide placed on a clean-wiped slide glass (standard type)
specified in JIS R 3703 and then dry the slide glass on a hot plate. When drying is
complete, remove the circular guide.
d) Select the immersion liquid of which the refractive index indicates the sensitive
colour in Table 1 among the refractive indexes (n~5 °C) corresponding to the asbestos
with X-ray diffraction peak found in 7 d).
e) Drip three or four drops of immersion liquid on each slide glass, and cover it with a
clean -wiped cover glass specified in JIS R 3702 to prepare a specimen.
f) Make three of the specimens obtained in e) and put analytical sample number on
each of the slide glasses.
8.1.2 Where the X-ray diffraction patterns of the sample do not show asbestos peak
The preparation of specimen in the case where the X-ray diffraction peak of asbestos
is not observed in 7 d) shall be as follows.

a) Prepare the slide glasses for specimens in accordance with 8.1.1 a) to c).
b) Select the immersion liquid corresponding to the asbestos, which have possibly
been used, from the refractive indexes [n~5 °C = 1.550, 1.618, 1.620, 1.626 (or 1.628),
1.680 and 1.690] showing the sensitive colour in Table 1 based on the data obtained
in 5.3 and clause 7. If no data has been obtained in 5.3 and clause 7, select all the
refractive indexes of asbestos showing the sensitive colour in Table 1.
When asbestos is not detected by using the immersion liquid of the refractive in-
dex showing the sensitive colour, reconfirmation shall be performed by selecting
from the immersion liquids of other refractive indexes than that showing the sensi-
tive colour shown in Note b) to Table 1 [see 8.2 e)].
c) Drip three or four drops of immersion liquid on each slide glass, and cover it with a
clean -wiped cover glass specified in JIS R 3702 to prepare a specimen.
d) Prepare three such specimens as obtained in c) for every immersion liquid selected
in b), and put the number of analytical sample on respective slide glasses.
8.2 Dispersion staining method using a phase-contrast microscope
The dispersion staining method using a phase-contrast microscope shall be as fol-
NOTE 1 In addition to a dispersion staining phase-contrast microscope, the
qualitative analysis of asbestos can be conducted by using a polarizing
microscope, or by using either a scanning electron microscope or a
transmission electron microscope and the like. Refer to JIS A 1481-1 for

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A 1481-2 : 2016

analysis using a polarizing microscope, JIS K 3850-1 for that using a

scanning electron microscope, and JIS K 3850-2 or JIS K 3850-3 for that
using a transmission electron microscope.
NOTE 2 Chrysotile, among other asbestos, tends to have differing fibre lengths
depending on the place of production, and the chrysotile from Coalinga
is especially of short fibre under 5 /-lm in length. The diffraction peak of
chrysotile can, however, be observed when it is subjected to the X-ray
diffraction analytical method. When such a sample is observed by a
dispersion staining phase-contrast microscope or a polarizing micro-
scope, instead of judging by the fibre length, the aspect ratio of particle
should be examined to see if it is 3 or more. When the confirmation of
aspect ratio is difficult, a scanning electron microscope or a transmis-
sion electron microscope should be used for determination of whether it
is chrysotile.
a) Mount the specimen prepared in 8.1.1 or 8.1.2 on the stage of the dispersion stain-
ing phase-contrast microscope.
b) Examine if the particles are uniformly dispersed by using the dispersion objective
lens with 10 magnifications.
c) For the specimen of which the uniformity of dispersion has been confirmed in b),
change the magnification of dispersion objective lens to 40 and check if there is any
fibre showing the dispersion colour in Table 1.
NOTE 3 For the identification of dispersion colour, the analyzer attached to
the microscope should be used, and the dispersion colour observed
with the polarized light vibrating direction parallel to and that cross-
wise to the fibre length should be examined.
d) Count the particles including all of the fibrous particles which exist in the circle of
100 /-lm diameter of eyepiece graticule drawn in 10 magnifications of the ocular of
dispersion staining phase-contrast microscope by moving visual field until the total
number of particles has reached 1 000, and record the kind of asbestos indicating
the dispersion colour in Table 1 and the number of particles.
The specification of the dispersion staining phase-contrast microscope shall be in
accordance with Annex B. The handling of eyepiece graticule and the boundary of
eyepiece graticule shall be in accordance with JIS K 3850-1.
NOTE 4 Specimens used for measurement of 1 000 particles should be adjust-
ed so that about 10 particles per visual field can be observed and
counting can be performed over 100 visual fields.
e) When the X-ray diffraction peak of asbestos is found by the analysis described in 7
d), carry out the operations of a) to d) on three specimens for each kind of asbestos
found. When the X-ray diffraction peak of asbestos is not found in 7 d), carry out
the operations of a) to d) on three specimens for each kind of asbestos which have
possibly been used.
Since asbestos fibres are natural minerals and may have different refractive in-
dexes depending on the place of production, in the case where asbestos was not de-


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tected by the microscopic analysis using the immersion liquid of refractive indexes
showing the sensitive colours in 8.1.2, examine further by using immersion liquids
of refractive indexes before and after the sensitive colour shown in Table 1, and al-
so prepare three more specimens for each immersion liquid of remaining refractive
indexes, and carry out operations similar to a) to d) to examine the change of col-

Table 1 Dispersion colour of asbestos

Kind of as- Refractive in- Dispersion Polarized Polarized
25 DC
bestos dex nD a) colour light vibrating light vibrating
direction direction
I I {informa- ~ (informa-
tive) c) tive) c)
Chrysotile 1.550 b) Reddish pur- Orange Blue
pIe to blue
Amosite 1.680 b) Pink Orange Blue
1.700 Blue Dark bluish Pale blue
purple to pur-
Crocidolite 1.680 Orange to Dark orange Pale orange
reddish brown
1.690 b) Pink Pink Pink
1.700 Blue Pale blue Dark blue
Tremolite 1.605 Golden yellow Golden yellow Purple
1.620 b) Reddish pur- Orange Blue
1.640 Blue Blue Pale blue
Actinolite 1.626 or 1.628 b) Reddish pur- Orange to Blue
pIe to pink reddish pur-
1.630 Pink to pale Orange to Blue
blue reddish pur-
Anthophylite 1.605 Golden yellow Pale golden Orange
1.618 b) Orange to Orange Reddish pur-
reddish pur- ple to blue
1.640 Blue Pale blue Pale blue
Notes a) Refractive indexes shown are those at 25°C when a colour compensat-
ing filter is not used.
b) The refractive indexes indicating the sensitive colour of respective as-
c) The polarized light vibrating direction, applicable when the analyzer
attached to microscope is used, is indicated for reference .
. II : polarized light vibrating direction parallel to the fibre length .
. ~: polarized light vibrating direction crosswise to the fibre length.


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9 Qualitative analysis for vermiculite spraying material

9.1 Potassium chloride treatment
The treatment of the primary analytical sample shall be as follows.
a) Prepare 1 mollL potassium chloride aqueous solution using potassium chloride
specified in JIS K 8121. Put 1.0 g of primary analytical sample in a beaker, and
disperse it sufficiently in 100 ml of 1 mollL potassium chloride aqueous solution.
b) Leave it to stand in a thermostatic bath maintained at 70 DC to 80 DC for an hour or
c) Centrifuge it by uSIng centrifugal separator, wash it sufficiently with dust-free
water and take the sediment.
d) Dry the sediment sufficiently in a dryer or in a silica gel desiccator.
9.2 Analytical method for presence of asbestos in vermiculite spraying material
The analytical method for presence of asbestos in vermiculite spraying material shall
be as follows.
a) Fill the sample holder of the X-ray diffractometer with the sample treated with po-
tassium chloride obtained in 9.1 so that it is even and flush with the surface of
sam pIe holder.
b) Subject this filled sample holder to the qualitative analysis under the conditions
specified in Table A.2 to see whether the diffraction peaks of chrysotile and tremo-
lite/actinolite as shown in Figure 2 are found or not.
c) If the diffraction peaks characteristic of chrysotile and tremolite/actinolite are ob-
served, obtain the diffraction peak areas of chrysotile and tremolite/actinolite in
the standard sample treated in accordance with 9.1 and those in the potassium
chloride treated sample to determine the presence of chrysotile and tremolite/ac-

NOTE 1 In this method, in which the presence of asbestos is determined based
on comparison of the peak height between the standard sample and
the test sample, overestimation of asbestos is liable to occur if the
potassium chloride treatment was insufficient or if the treatment of
X-ray diffraction peak area applied was doubtful. To avoid such cases,
the procedure in a) to c) should be reviewed for any flaw in treatment
method, and if there is any, re-judgement should be made by the cor-
rected procedure.
NOTE 2 "Diffraction peaks characteristic of tremolite/actinolite" will show a
peak near 10.4°.
NOTE 3 Where the sample is suspected to contain coexisting or mixed miner-
als showing X-ray diffraction peaks similar to that of chrysotile, such
as serpentine (antigorite, lizardite), chlorite and kaolin minerals (ka-
olinite, halloysite), analysis should be performed with due attention,
and should preferably be carried out by the dispersion staining
method using a polarizing microscope or phase-contrast microscope.

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10 Judgement of presence of asbestos

The judgement of presence of asbestos shall be as follows (see Figure 1).
a) When, as the result of the qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction method, the dif-
fraction peak of asbestos shown in Figure 2 is observed in at least one of the three
samples regardless of the intensity, and the result of the microscopic qualitative
analysis show that 4 or more fibrous particles of asbestos are contained in total of
3 000 particles counted of total three specimens, the sample shall be judged to be
"containing asbestos".
b) When, as the result of the qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction method, the dif-
fraction peak of asbestos shown in Figure 2 is not observed in any of the three
samples, but the result of the microscopic qualitative analysis show that 4 or more
fibrous particles of asbestos are contained in total of 3 000 particles counted of total
three specimens, the sample shall be judged to be "containing asbestos".
c) When, as the result of qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction method, the diffrac-
tion peak of asbestos shown in Figure 2 is observed in at least one of the analytical
samples, but the result of the microscopic qualitative analysis show that less than
4 fibrous particles of asbestos are contained in total of 3 000 particles counted of
three specimens, the sample shall be further subjected to the qualitative analysis
using a dispersion staining phase-contrast microscope as described in 8.2.
In the case of performing this re-analysis by the dispersion staining method us-
ing a phase-contrast microscope described in 8.2, either identify the kind of asbes-
tos using the secondary analytical sample specified in 7 a) and b) according to the
method described in 8.2, or prepare new specimens in accordance with 8.1.2 using
the primary analytical sample and perform the analysis by targeting the asbestos
suspected by the X-ray diffraction peak and the other asbestos which have possibly
been used.
When, as the result of the re-analysis, less than 4 fibrous particles of asbestos
are observed, the sample shall be judged to be "containing no asbestos" and when 4
fibrous particles or more are observed, judged to be "containing asbestos".
NOTE 1 Identification of the kind of asbestos may be performed by using a
scanning electron microscope or a transmission electron microscope.
d) When, as the result of the qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction method, the dif-

fraction peak of asbestos shown in Figure 2 is not observed in any of the three
samples, and the result of the microscopic qualitative analysis show that less than
4 fibrous particles of asbestos are contained in total of 3 000 particles counted of
total three specimens, the sample shall be judged to be "containing no asbestos".
NOTE 2 Minerals of which the X-ray diffraction peak is similar to that of
chrysotile are: serpentine (antigorite, lizardite), chlorite, kaolin min-
erals (kaolinite, halloysite) and brown-millerite. Further, a mineral of
which the X-ray diffraction angle is similar to those of amosite, cro-
cidolite, and anthopyllite (9 0 to 100) is talc.
e) For judgement of the presence of asbestos in vermiculite spraying material, when

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the diffraction peak characteristic of asbestos (see Figure 2) is not observed in the
primary analytical sample treated with potassium chloride or when the integrated
intensity of asbestos in the primary analytical sample treated with potassium chlo-
ride is equal to or under the integrated intensity of that of the standard sample,
the sample shall be judged to be "containing no asbestos". In other cases than these,
the sample shall be judged to be "containing asbestos".

11 Report of judgement result

The following items shall be reported.
a) Facility which conducted the analysis
b) Date of analysis
c) Sampling record (see 5.3)
d) Pulverization method of sample (pulverizer, sieve)
e) Measuring instruments used and measurement results
1) Manufacturer's name and type of the X -ray diffractometer
2) Manufacturer's name and type of the dispersion staining phase-contrast micro-
scope (including the type of the lighting system, capacitors and objective lens).
f) Assessment result
1) Qualitative analysis conditions of X-ray diffractometer (items relevant to Annex A
and Annex C) and results of the qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction method
2) Results of qualitative analysis by dispersion staining phase-contrast microscopy
(including the temperature of analytical laboratory and refractory index of im-
mersion liquid)

3) Judgement result based on results of qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction

method and those of qualitative analysis using a dispersion staining phase-con-
trast microscope
NOTE: Annex C shows an example of format for asbestos judgement result
It should be noted that the format shown in Annex C only contains
the most basic of the information to be reported.

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Annex A (normative)
Conditions of X-ray diffractometer used for qualitative
analysis related to asbestos

A.I Conditions of X-ray diffractometer used for qualitative analysis related to asbes-

The X-ray diffractometer used for qualitative analysis related to asbestos shall be
capable of meeting the analytical conditions given in Table A.I. Alternatively, the
equipment which can secure at least the equivalent accuracy to this may be used.

Table A.I Conditions of X-ray diffractometer for qualitative analysis

Setting item Measurement condition
X -ray counter cathode Copper (Cu)
Tube voltage (kV) 40
Tube current (rnA) 30 to 40
Monochromatic colouring Ni -filter or graphite monochrometer
(removal of K~ ray)
Full scale (cps) 1 000 to 2 000
Time constant (s) 1
Scan rate (o/min) 1 to 2
Divergence slit (0) 1
Scattering slit (0) 1
Acceptance slit (mm) 0.3
Scanning range(2 e) (0) 5 to 70

A.2 Conditions of X-ray diffractometer used for qualitative analysis of vermiculite

spraying material
The X-ray diffractometer used for qualitative analysis of vermiculite spraying mate-
rial shall be capable of meeting the analytical conditions given in Table A.2. Alterna-
tively, the equipment which can secure at least the equivalent accuracy to this may be

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Table A.2 Conditions of qualitative analysis of vermiculite spraying

material by X-ray diffractometer
Setting item Measurement condition
X-ray counter cathode Copper (Cu)
Tube voltage (kV) 40
Tube current (rnA) 30 to 40
Monochromatic colouring Ni-filter or graphite monochrometer
(removal of K~ ray)
Full scale (cps) 1 000 to 2 000
Time constant (s) 1
Scan rate (o/min) 1 to 2
Di vergence slit (0) 1
Scattering slit (0) 1
Acceptance slit (mm) 0.3
Scanning range (2 e) (0) 2 to 70

A.3 Analytical conditions of X-ray diffractometer used for determination of presence

of asbestos in vermiculite spraying material
The X-ray diffractometer used for determination of presence of asbestos in vermicu-
lite spraying material shall be capable of meeting the analytical conditions given in
Table A.3. Alternatively, the equipment which can secure at least the equivalent accu-
racy to this may be used.

Table A.3 Conditions of X-ray diffractometer used for determination of

presence of asbestos in vermiculite spraying material
Setting item Measurement condition
X-ray counter cathode Copper (Cu)
Tube voltage (kV) 40
Tube current (rnA) 30 to 40
Monochromatic colouring Ni -filter or graphite monochrometer
(removal of K~ ray)
Time constant (s) 1
Continuous 118 to 1116
Scan rate
Step scan- 0.02°x10 s to 0.02°x20 s
Divergence slit (0) 1
Scattering slit (0) 1
Acceptance slit (mm) 0.3
Scanning range (2 e) (0) Chrysotile 11.0 to 13. 0
(Diffraction peak position near 12.1)
Tremolite 10.0 to 11.0
(Diffraction peak position near 10.4)


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Annex B (normative)
Specification of dispersion staining phase-contrast

B.1 Specification of dispersion staining phase-contrast microscope

The specification of dispersion staining phase-contrast microscope shall be as fol-
a) It shall be provided with the light source of transmitted illumination (halogen of
not less than 100 W) and its condenser shall have a built-in ring stop corresponding
to the phase-contrast and dispersion objective lens.
b) Its stage (mounting table) shall be capable of fixing one or more slide glasses
(standard type) specified in JIS R 3703 and moving it for whole surface observa-
c) Its objective lens shall be the dispersion objective lens for observation of dispersion
staining provided with 10 magnifications (numerical aperture 0.25) and 40 magni-
fications (numerical aperture 0.75).
d) Its revolving nose piece shall be capable of accommodating the objective lens de-
scribed in c) simultaneously.
e) Its ocular shall be provided with 10 magnifications or 15 magnifications, and both
shall be provided with the eyepiece graticule for counting (on either of the two
lenses, in the case of binocular microscope).
NOTE: The microscope should preferably be provided, between the objective
lens and ocular, with a device having a built-in analyzer (polarization

plate) with the vibrating direction display, which can rotate through

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Annex C (informative)
Example of format for judgement result report

C.l Example of format for judgement result report

Table C.1 shows an example of format for judgement result report.

Table C.l Example of format for judgement result report

a) Facility which conducted the analysis
Name of
Name repre- Seal


(working envi-
ronment meas-
urement agency)
Principal con-
Item Name Item Name
Preparation of analysis by
primary analyti- X-ray dif-
cal sample fraction
Group num-
Item Name Name
Group ber
Qualitative number of
analysis using a slides for
dispersion stain- HSE/NPL
Ing detection
phase-contrast limit test

b) Date of analysis
IDate of analysis I From to

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Table C.l (continued)

c) Sampling record
Date of sampling I Sample No. I
Name of building mate-
N arne and use of build- Name
ing, piping installation,
machinery and the like Use

Year of construction
and date on which the
building material was
installed in a building
Position and location of Sampling position
sampling in a building
or the like Sampling location
General identification Type or material
of sample
Size of sam pIe
(type or material, size,
sam pIing method) Sam pIing method
Sampling conducted by

d) Preparation of primary analytical sample (sample pulverizing method)

Name of pulver-
N arne and type of pul- Izer
verizer used for pulver-
izing of sample Man ufacturer' s
name and type of
Aperture of standard

e) Measuring instruments used

1) Manufacturer's name and type of the X-ray diffractometer

Manufacturer's name Man ufacturer' s


and type of the X -ray name

diffractometer Type

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Table C.l (continued)

2) Type of dispersion staining phase-contrast microscope
Manufacturer's name and factur-
type of the X-ray diffrac- er's
tometer name
Lighting system Type
Capacitor Type
Objective lens Type

f) Judgement result
1) Conditions of qualitative analysis by X-ray diffractometer

Setting item Measurement condition
X-ray counter cathode
Tube voltage (kV)
Tube current (rnA)
Monochromatic colouring
(removal of K13 ray)
Full scale (cps)
Time constant (s)
Scan rate (O/min)
Divergence slit (0)
Scattering slit (0)
Acceptance slit (mm)
Scanning range (2 f) (0)

1.1) Qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction method Diffraction line profile

"Symbols of peak"
Chr: Chrysotile Amo: Amosite Cro: Crocidolite Tre/Act: Tremolite/Actinolite
Ant: Anthopyllite Ca: Calcite Q: Quartz Tr: Tridymite Cr: Cristobalite
V c : Vermiculite Hb: Hydrobiotite Br: Brucite Se: Sepiolite
CI : Chlorite Mc: Mica (Illite) FI: Feldspar Un: Unkown peak
"NOTE" Attach X-ray diffraction profile of (2f) 5° to 70°.

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Table C.l (continued)

1.2) Result of qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction method

Kind of asbestos Result of qualitative analysis

Chrysotile Contained I Not contained
Amosite Contained I Not contained
Crocidoli te Contained I Not contained
Tremolite/Actinolite Contained I Not contained
Anthophylite Contained I Not contained

2) Qualitative analysis using a dispersion staining phase-contrast microscope

2.1) Temperature of the laboratory

I Temperature of the labora-

. tory (oC)

2.2) Analysis result

. Kind of asbestos ( ) Refractive index nD25 °C =

n Count of particles developing the dispersion colour

Number Count of
of visual particles Count of fibrous particles that
No. Count of particles
fields are three or more in aspect ratio
1 1000
2 1000
3 1000
Total 3000

2.3) Result of qualitative analysis using a dispersion staining phase-contrast micro-

Kind of asbestos Result of qualitative analysis
Chrysotile Contained I Not contained
Amosite Contained I Not contained
Crocidolite Contained I Not contained
Tremolite Contained I Not contained
Actinolite Contained I Not contained
Anthophylite Contained I Not contained


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Table C.l (concluded)

3) Final judgement result based on results of qualitative analysis by X-ray diffrac-
tion method and that using a dispersion staining phase-contrast microscope

Result of qualitative analysis Final asbestos
judgement result
X-ray diffraction
Dispersion staining method
Kind of
asbestos Count of fibrous
particles, out of

3 000 particles,
Diffraction peak Asbestos
that are 3 or
more in aspect
Observed I Not Contained I Not Contained I Not
observed contained contained
Observed I Not Contained I Not Contained I Not
observed contained contained
Observed I Not Contained I Not Contained I Not
observed contained contained

Tremolitel Observed I Not Contained I Not
actinolite observed contained

Contained I Not Contained I Not
contained contained

Contained I Not Contained I Not
contained contained
Observed I Not Contained I Not Contained I Not
observed contained contained

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Table C.2 shows an example of format for judgement result report for qualitative
analysis of vermiculite spraying material.

Table C.2 Example of format for judgement result report for qualitative
analysis of vermiculite spraying material
a) Facility which conducted the analysis
Name of rep-
Name Seal

(wor king envi-

ronment meas-
urement agency)
Principal con-
Item Name Item Name
Quali ta ti ve
Preparation of
analysis by
primary analyt-
X-ray diffrac-
ical sample
tion method

b) Date of analysis
IDate of analysis I From to

c) Sampling record
N arne of build-
ing material
Date of sampling
Year of con-
struction and
date on which
the building
material was in-
stalled in a
Sampling con-
ducted by

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Table C.2 (continued)

d) Preparation of primary analytical sample (sample pulverizing method)
N arne and type N arne of pulverizer
of pulverizer
Manufacturer's name and
used for pulver-
izing of sample type of the pulverizer used

Aperture of
standard sieve

e) Measuring instruments used

1) Manufacturer's name and type of the X-ray diffractometer used for qualitative


Manufacturer's name and Manufacturer's

type of the X -ray diffrac- name
tometer used Type

2) Manufacturer's name and type of the X-ray diffractometer used for qualitative
analysis for determination of presence of asbestos

Manufacturer's name and Manufacturer's

type of the X -ray diffrac- name
tometer Type

f) Judgement result
1) Conditions of qualitative analysis of X-ray diffractometer
1.1) Conditions of the X-ray diffractometer used for qualitative analysis

Setting item Measurement condition

X -ray counter cathode
Tube voltage (kV)
Tube current (rnA)
Monochromatic colouring
(removal of KB ray)
Full scale (cps)
Time constant (s)
Scan rate (o/min)
Divergence slit (0)
Sca ttering slit (0)
Acceptance slit (mm)
Scanning range (2 f) (0)

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Table C.2 (continued)

1.2) Conditions of X-ray diffractometer used for determination of presence of asbestos

Setting item Measurement condition

X -ray counter cathode
Tube voltage (kV)
Tube current (rnA)
Monochromatic colouring
(removal of KB ray)
Full scale (cps)
Time constant (s)
Scan rate (o/min)
Divergence slit (0)
Scattering slit (0)
Acceptance slit (mm)
Scanning range (2 fJ) (0)

1.3) Result of qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction method

Kind of asbestos Result of qualitative analysis

Chrysotile Contained/ Not contained
Contained/ Not contained

1.4) Qualitative analysis by X-ray diffraction method Diffraction line profile

[Result of qualitative analysis]

[Analysis result after potassium chloride treatment]

"Symbols of peak"
Chr: Chrysotile Tre/Act: Tremolite/ Actinolite Ca: Calcite Q: Quartz
Vc : Vermiculite Hb: Hydrobiotite Mc: Mica (illite) Fl: Feldspar
Un : Unknown peak
"NOTE" For [Result of qualitative analysis] and [Analysis result after potassium chloride
treatment] ,attach X-ray diffraction profile of (2fJ) 2° to 70°.

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Table C.2 (concluded)

2) Final asbestos judgement result
Kind of asbestos Final judgement result
Chrysotile Over 0.1 % contained/ Not contained
Over 0.1 % contained/Not contained

JIS A 1481-1 Air quality - Bulk materials - Part 1 : Sampling and qualitative
determination of asbestos in commercial bulk materials
JIS A 1481-3 Determination of asbestos in building material products - Part 3 :
Quantitative analysis of containing asbestos by X-ray diffraction
JIS K 3850-2 Measuring method for airborne fibrous particles - Part 2 : Direct-
transfer transmission electron microscopy method
JIS K 3850-3 Measuring method for airborne fibrous particles - Part 3 : Indirect-
transfer transmission electron microscopy method


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Annex D (informative) I

Comparison table between previous and current editions of this Standard on technically significant revisions tv
Current edition (JIS A 1481-2 : 2016) Previous edition (JIS A 1481-2 : 2014) Reason for revision I--'

No. and Content No. and Content

title of title of
clause clause
5.1 d) The building material product under test, depending 5.1 NOTE 1 The building material product under test, The description given
Method of on the period of construction, may consist of both Method of depending on the period of construction, as a note in the
sampling asbestos containing parts and non-containing parts. sampling may consist of both asbestos containing previous edition has
d) Further, asbestos-containing building material product c) parts and non -containing parts. Further, been moved to 5.1 d)
~ may have been replaced with non-containing product asbestos-containing building material in the main body,
r-3 during repair work. For these reasons, sampling product may have been replaced with since sampling
(1 positions shall be selected referring to construction non-containing product during repair work. position should be
t:rj records such as the design document. For these reasons, sampling positions shall treated as a
U be selected referring to construction records requirement.
~ such as the design document.
o 5.1 e) Samples from products with small and widely 5.1 NOTE 2 Samples should be taken so as to contain The description given
Method of varying asbestos contents such as spraying materials Method of the entire depth down to the substrate, in- as a note in the
;:3 sampling shall be taken so as to contain the entire depth down sampling stead of being taken from only near-surface previous edition has
o"""" e) to the substrate, instead of being taken from only c) layers. In the case of building material been moved to 5.1 e)
r-3 near-surface layers. This also applies to insulating products only partially composed of asbes- in the main body,
materials which have been used under continuous tos-containing products for particular pur- since sampling
exposure to high -temperature atmosphere for a long pose of use, sample should be taken only position and method
period of time, and the asbestos contained in which from the part containing asbestos, which is should be treated as
may have been partially deteriorated. generally a joint. requirements.
Description has been
added regarding
samples taken from
parts used under
exposure to heat over
500°C, the asbestos
contained in which
may be undetected
due to deterioration.

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Current edition (JIS A 1481-2 : 2016) Previous edition (JIS A 1481-2 : 2014) Reason for revision
No. and Content No. and Content
title of title of
clause clause
5.1 f) Building material products that are a paste or fluid 5.1 NOTE 2 Samples should be taken so as to contain The description given
Method of used for joining or repairing of joints are likely to Method of the entire depth down to the substrate, in- as a note in the
sampling contain asbestos, and the sample shall be taken only sampling stead of being taken from only near-surface previous edition has
f) from the part containing the asbestos, which is c) layers. In the case of building material been moved to 5.1 f)
generally a joint. products only partially composed of asbes- in the main body,
tos-containing products for particular pur- since sampling
pose of use, sample should be taken only position and
from the part containing asbestos, which is sampling method
generally a joint. should be treated as
~ requirements. This is
o also an addition of
o sampling
r-3 requirement directed
U specifically to
t:d thermal insulating
o building materials to
o which
~ asbestos-containing
(1 paste may have been
::r: applied at the joints.
8.1.1 NOTE: In the case of samples showing no asbestos 8.1.1 -
Procedure for

Where the peak in the X -ray diffraction pattern, speci- Where the asbestos
X-ray mens may be prepared by selecting all the X-ray determination to be
diffraction asbestos refractive indexes showing the sen- diffraction followed in the case of
patterns sitive colour indicated in Table 1 for confir- peak of samples showing no
of the mation of asbestos. asbestos is asbestos peak in the
sample observed X -ray diffraction ~
show a pattern has been f-'
peak added as a note. 00
character- ~

istic of ~
asbestos o
f-' c.c

Copyright Japanese Standards Association

Provided by IHS under license with JSA Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic University/9976803100, User=gao, jinlin
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 11/13/2016 17:10:44 MST
I--' •
Current edition (JIS A 1481-2 : 2016) Previous edition (JIS A 1481-2 : 2014) Reason for revision I

No. and Content No. and Content
title of title of t:--:l
clause clause I--'
8.1.2 Select the immersion liquid corresponding to the 8.1.2 Select the immersion liquid corresponding to the Procedure to be
Where the asbestos, which have possibly been used, from the Where the asbestos, which have possibly been used, from the followed if no data
X-ray 25°C X-ray 5 was obtained in 5.3
refractive indexes [n D =1.550, 1.618, 1.620, 1.626 (or refractive indexes [n1 uc =1.550, 1.618, 1.620, 1.626 or
diffraction 1.628), 1.680 and 1.690] showing the sensitive colour diffraction 1.628, 1.680 and 1.690] showing the sensitive colour in and clause 7 has been
patterns peak of added.
in Table 1 based on the data obtained in 5.3 and clause Table 1 based on the data obtained in 5.3 and clause 7.
of the asbestos is
7. If no data has been obtained in 5.3 and clause 7,
""d sample do not
~ select all the refractive indexes of asbestos showing the
o not show observed
r-3 asbestos sensitive colour in Table 1. b)
(1 peak
t:rj b)
t:d 10 Judge- In the case of performing this re-analysis by the 10 In the case of performing this re-analysis by the Procedure to be
~ ment of dispersion staining method using a phase-contrast Determina dispersion staining method using a phase-contrast followed in the case of
o presence microscope described in 8.2, either identify the kind of tion of microscope described in 8.2, prepare new specimens in performing
""d of asbestos asbestos using the secondary analytical sample presence accordance with 8.1.2 using the primary analytical re-analysis has been
;:3 c) specified in 7 a) and b) according to the method of sample, and perform the analysis targeting the added.
o"""" described in 8.2, or prepare new specimens in asbestos asbestos suspected by the X -ray diffraction peak and
r-3 accordance with 8.1.2 using the primary analytical c) the other asbestos which have possibly been used.
sample and perform the analysis by targeting the
asbestos suspected by the X -ray diffraction peak and
the other asbestos which have possibly been used.
NOTE 1 Identification of the kind of asbestos may -

be performed by using a scanning electron

microscope or a transmission electron mi-
10 Judge- NOTE 2 Minerals of which the X-ray diffraction 10 NOTE: Minerals of which the X-ray diffraction peak is In the NOTE,
ment of peak is similar to that of chrysotile are: Determina similar to that of chrysotile are: serpentine (antigorite, brown-millerite has
presence serpentine (antigorite, lizardite), chlorite, tion of lizardite), chlorite and kaolin minerals (kaolinite, hal- been added to the
of asbestos kaolin minerals (kaolinite, halloysite) and presence loysite). T Further, a mineral of which the X-ray dif- minerals having
d) brown-millerite. Further, a mineral of of fraction angle is similar to those of amosite, crocidolite, X -ray diffraction peak
which the X -ray diffraction angle is similar asbestos and anthopyllite (9° to 10°) is talc. similar to that of
to those of amosite, crocidolite, and an- d) chrysotile.
thopyllite (9° to 10°) is talc.

Copyright Japanese Standards Association

Provided by IHS under license with JSA Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic University/9976803100, User=gao, jinlin
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 11/13/2016 17:10:44 MST
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monthly by the Japanese Standards Association, and also provided to subscribers of JIS
(English edition) in Monthly InfOl'mation.

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