Results Factor & Regression Ana
Results Factor & Regression Ana
Results Factor & Regression Ana
Initial Extraction
PEV3 1.000 .929
PEV1 1.000 .980
PC3 1.000 .898
PC1 1.000 .951
PC4 1.000 .772
PC2 1.000 .947
PSI3 1.000 .799
PSI1 1.000 .874
PSI2 1.000 .838
PSI4 1.000 .693
PI4 1.000 .800
PBQ2 1.000 .969
PI1 1.000 .960
PEV4 1.000 .906
PI3 1.000 .905
PI2 1.000 .935
PBQ4 1.000 .952
PEV2 1.000 .935
PBQ1 1.000 .967
PBQ3 1.000 .957
PU4 1.000 .837
PU3 1.000 .858
PU1 1.000 .954
PU2 1.000 .919
PBI2 1.000 .915
PBI3 1.000 .681
PBI1 1.000 .937
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
90% of data is useful
Model Summaryb
Multiple regression analysis. The output of this table shows the model summary and overall statistics. The adjusted R square of the model is.980
with R square also having the same value i.e., .980 that means the linear regression explains 98% of the variance in the data. The Durbin-Watson
d=1.644 which is in between two critical values of 1<d<3 and therefore we can assume that there is no first order linear auto-correlation in the data.
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 178.698 6 29.783 2554.639 .000b
1 Residual 3.649 313 .012
Total 182.347 319
a. Dependent Variable: PI
b. Predictors: (Constant), PBI, PSI, PC, PU, PEV, PBQ
The above ANOVA table is F-test, the linear regression’s F-test has the null hypothesis that there is no linear relationship between the purchase
intention and Perceived brand image, perceived social influence, perceived Uniqueness, perceived emotional values and perceived brand quality
with F=2554.639 and ___ degrees of freedom the test is highly significant, thus we can assume that there is a linear relationship between the
variables in our model.
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 4.428 .006 733.628 .000
PBQ .024 .006 .032 3.988 .000
PEV .732 .006 .968 121.019 .000
1 PU -.008 .006 -.010 -1.311 .191
PC .149 .006 .196 24.568 .000
PSI .041 .006 .054 6.709 .000
PBI -.024 .006 -.032 -4.000 .000
a. Dependent Variable: PI
This table shows the regression coefficients, the intercept and the significance of all coefficients and the intercept in the model. The linear
regression analysis estimates the linear regression function to be y=4.428+0.024x ; y=4.428+0.732x and so on.