Lesson 5 - The Number 4: Learning Objectives Key Vocabulary

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Lesson 5 • The number 4

Learning objectives Key vocabulary

Children will: 4, four, 1, 2, 3, one, two, three, number, word, count,
• identify the numeral 4 and the word four. match
• count and recognise groups of 4. ESL/ELL
• write the numeral 4.
The homophones four and for can be confusing for early
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions learners. Be sure to address this, explaining the differences
between their spellings and meanings. Give students
Number and Algebra opportunities to identify which spelling is used for which
Number and place value meaning, particularly focusing on matching four with the
ACMNA001 identify the number words in sequence, numeral 4 and groups of 4 items.
backwards and forwards, and reason with the number
sequences, establishing the language on which Classroom activities
subsequent counting experiences can be built; develop Make it!
fluency with forwards and backwards counting in Give each student some playdough, plasticine or clay to
meaningful contexts, including stories and rhymes; make the number 4. They could also collect natural items
understand that numbers are said in a particular order and such as leaves and twigs to combine with their modelling
there are patterns in the way we say them material to make the series of numbers from 1–4.
ACMNA002 understand that each object must be counted Match Up!
only once, that the arrangement of objects does not
Give half the class a numeral and the other half a number
affect how many there are, and that the last number
word from 1–4. Give them a time limit to find a matching
counted answers the ‘how many’ question
partner and sit together. Then ask them to draw that
ACMNA003 use subitising as the basis for ordering and number of an item or the matching die face.
comparing collections of numbers


sequence Content and skills Children will:
Animated Lesson: Introduce the word four and identify the numeral 4. Worksheet 1
Recognise and count the numeral 4. Counting Understand that the counting Counting
continues with 4. Recognise sequence continues with 1,
groups of 4 and items which 2, 3, 4. Recognise and make
come in 4s. groups of 4.
Songs: One Potato and The
4-Legged Parade

Write: Reinforce correct formation of write the numeral 4. Worksheet 2

Number Dot to Dot the numeral 4. Handwriting

Find: Visual discrimination: select the numeral 4 amongst Worksheet 3

Butterflies, Jumping Lions, identify the numeral 4 and other numerals. Select the Number sense
Number Grid, Number Word the word four. Match the word four amongst other
Clouds, Build the Robots, Ice numerals and the number number words. Select the
the Cakes words. numerals and words for each
Count: Counting skills: count out 1 gift to each child. Worksheet 4
Give a Gift, Flower Petals one-to-one correspondence. Move a given number of Check
Recognise numerals and count items.
out items.

Read: Read aloud book. listen, follow the reading and Mathseeds book 5:
Book read along. Four

4 Lesson 5 • Worksheet 1 Counting

four Name

1 Which pictures have 4? Match.

2 Draw.

4 legs 4 petals
28 Copyright © Mathseeds and Blake eLearning 2015
4 Lesson 5 • Worksheet 2 Handwriting

four Name

Trace and write.

four corners

4 4 4 4 4 4
four legs

four Find and tick your best writing. ✓
four flowers

Copyright © Mathseeds and Blake eLearning 2015 29

4 Lesson 5 • Worksheet 3 Number sense

four Name

1 How many fish in each bowl?

2 Which box has 4 things? Colour them.

4 Copyright © Mathseeds and Blake eLearning 2015
4 Lesson 5 • Worksheet 4 Check

four Name

1 Write the number 4.

2 Give each chair 4 legs.

3 Colour. 1 red, 2 blue, 3 green, 4 yellow.

4 1
2 4 1 2


Copyright © Mathseeds and Blake eLearning 2015 31

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