Moulton, Forest Ray - An Introduction To Astronomy PDF
Moulton, Forest Ray - An Introduction To Astronomy PDF
Moulton, Forest Ray - An Introduction To Astronomy PDF
Cornell University
Weto goris
The Uniteksitt of Chicago,
September 25, 1916.
Preliminary Considerations
1. Science
2. The value of science
The origin of science
The methods of science
... 2
5. The imperfections of science 10
6. Great contributions of astronomy to science 14
7. The present value of astronomy . 16
8. The scope of astronomy 19
I. The Shape op the Earth
9. Astronomical problems respecting the earth 26
10, 11. Proofs of the earth's sphericity 27
12, 14, 15. Proofs of the earth's oblateness 31
1-3. Size and shape of the earth 33
16. The theoretical shape of the earth 38
17. Different kinds of latitude . 39
18. Historical sketch on the shape of the earth 40
The principle by which mass is determined
The mass and density of the earth
.....45 43
earth ...
. .
24. Temperature and pressure in the earth's interior 51
25, 26. Proofs of the earth's rigidity and elasticity . 52
27. Historical sketch on the mass and rigidity of the earth 62
EErBRENCE Points and Lines
63. Object and character of reference points and lines 121
64. The geographical system .
65. The horizon system . 123
66. The equator system . 125
67. The ecliptic system . 127
68. Comparison of systems of coSrdinates 127
69, 70. Finding the altitude and azimuth 130
73. Other problems of position ....
72. Finding the right ascension and declination 133
The Constellations
74. Origin of the constellations 138
75. Naming the stars 138
76. Star catalogues 141
77. The magnitudes of the stars 142
78. The first-magnitude stars 143
79. Number of stars in first six magnitudes 145
80. Motions of the stars 145
81. The Milky Way, or Galaxy
82. The constellations and their positions (Maps)
83. Finding the pole star
.... 146
84. Units for estimating angular distances 150
85-101. Ursa Major, Cassiopeia, Locating the equinoxes, Lyra,
Hercules, Scorpius, Corona Borealis, Bootes, I^eo, An-
dromeda, Perseus, Auriga, Taurus, Orion, Canis Major,
Canis Minor, Gemini 150
102. On becoming familiar with the stars 167
103. Definitions of equal intervals of time 169
104. The practical measure of time . 170
105. Sidereal time 171
Solar time
Variations in length of solar days
Mean solar time
. . ... 172
The equation of time l'?6
110. Standard time
111. Distribution of time
... 177
112. Civil and astronomical days 181
113. Place of change of date
114-116. Sidereal, anomalistic, and tropical years
117. The calendar
.... 181
118. Finding the day of week on any date 185
The Moon
119. The moon's apparent motion among the stars 188
120. The moon's synodical and sidereal periods 189
121. The phases of the moon . 190
diurnal circles of the
distance of the
dimensions of
moon ....
the moon
The moon's and sun
125, 126.
127. The mass of the moon
128. The rotation of the moon
orbit with respect to earth
129. The librations of the moon 201
130. The density and surface gi-avity of the moon 202
131. The question of tl\e moon's atmosphere . 203
132. Light and heat received from the moon . 204
133. The temperature of the moon . 205
134-138. The surface of the moon . 207
139. Effects of the moon on the earth 217
140-142. Eclipses of the moon and sun . 218
AETS. Page
145. Kepler's laws of motion 229
146, 147. The law of gravitation 230
The conic sections
The question of other laws
of force ....;. 234
151. The discovery of Neptune 238
152. The problem of three bodies 241
158. Cause of the tides 242
154. Masses of celestial bodies 244
155. surface gravity of celestial bodies 245
I. Mercurt and Venus
163. Phases of Mercury and Venus 266
164. Albedoes and atmospheres of Mercury and Venus
165. Surface markings and rotation of Mercury
166. The seasons Mercury
..... . . 268
167. Surface markings and rotation of Venus 271
168. The seasons of Venus 272
II. Mars
169. The satellites of Mars 273
170. The rotation of Mars 274
171. The albedo and atmosphere of Mars 276
The polar caps and temperature of Mars 277
The canals of Mars ....
Explanations of the canals of Mars .
III. Jupiter
176, 176. Jupiter's satellite system . . . .
177, Discovery of the velocity of light 291
178, 179. Surface 'markings and rotation of Jupiter . 292
180. Physical condition and seasons of Jupiter 296
IV. Saturn
I. Comets
II. Meteors
202. Meteors, or "shooting stars 337
203. The number of meteors 338
204. 205. Meteoric showers 339
206. Connection between comets and meteors . . : . . 341
207. Effects of meteors on the solar system 34.3
208. Meteorites . . 343
209 Theories respecting the origin of meteors 345
I. The Sun's Heat
The problem
of the sun's heat
of energy received
Sources of energy used by man
from sun .... 349
213. Amount of energy radiated by sun 353
214. The temperature of the sun 354
215. Principle of the conservation of energy . ... 355
216. 217. Theories of the sun's heat
218. Fast and future of sun on contraction theory
219. The age of the earth
.... 356-359
II. Spectkum Analysis
The nature
of light
the production of light
.... . .365
222. Spectroscopes and the spectrum 369
223-226. The laws of spectrum analysis 371-375
Yerkes Observatory)
.... . 158
61. Great Orion Nebula (Ritchey Yerkes Observatoi-y) ; . 164
68. The earth-lit moon (Barnard Yerkes Observatory) ; . . 192
75. Moon at 9| days (Ritchey Yerkes Observatory)
; . . . 208
77. The Crater Theophilus (Ritchey Yerkes Observatory) ; . . 210
78. Great Crater Clavius (Ritchey Yerkes Observatory) ; . 212
79. The full moon (Wallace Yerkes Observatory)
; . .215
86. Johann Kepler (Collection of David Eugene Smith) \ . . 229
87. Isaac Newton (Collection of David Eugene Smith) . . . 232
90. William Herschel (Collection of David Eugene Smith) . 239
91. John Couch Adams (Collection of David Eugene Smith) . 240
92. Joseph Leverrier (Collection of David Eugene Smith) . . 240
99. Trail of Planetoid Egeria (Parkhurst Yerkes Observatory) ; . 259
Mars (Barnard Yerkes Observatory)
and Ritchey)
....... ;
. . 401
154. The sun's corona (Barnard
157. Eruptive prominences (Slocum ; Yerkes Observatory) . . 426
159. Great spiral nebula M. 51 (Ritchey Yerkes Observatory) ; . 429
160. Great spiral nebula M. 33 (Ritchey ; Yerkes Observatory) 430
162. Laplace (Collection of David Eugene Smith) . . . 449
165. Milky Way in Aquila (Barnard ; Yerkes Observatory) 462
166. Star clouds in Sagittarius (Barnard Yerkes Observatory) ; 472
167. Region of Rho Ophiuchi (Barnard Yerkes Observatory) ; 474
171. Hercules star cluster (Ritchey Yerkes Observatory) ; 501
173. Spectra of Mizar (Frost Yerkes Observatory)
; 511
174. Spectra of Mu Orionis (Frost Yerkes Observatory); 513
180. Nova Persei (Ritchey Yerkes Observatory)
; . 525
181. The spectrum of Sirius (Yerkes Observatory) . 527
182. The spectrum of Beta Geminorum (Yerkes Observatory) 528
183. The spectrum of Arcturus (Yerkes Observatory) . . 529
184. The Pleiades (Ritchey Yerkes Observatory)
; . . 537
187. Nebula in Cygnus (Ritchey Yerkes Observatory)
; . 651
188. Bright and dark nebulae (Barnard Yerkes Observatory) ; 554
189. The Trifid Nebula (Crossley reflector ; Lick Observatory) 555
190. Spiral nebula in Ursa Major (Ritchey Yerkes Observatory) ; . 556
191. Spiral nebula in Andromeda (Crossley reflector Lick Observ- ;
atory) 657
192. Great nebula in Andromeda (Ritchey Yerkes Observatory) ; . 559
193. Ring nebula in Lyra (Sullivan Yerkes_Observatory) ; . . 660
194. Planetary nebula (Crossley reflector Lick Observatory) ; . 561
1. Science. — The progress of mankind has been marked
by a number movements. At one tinie
of great intellectual
the ideas of menwere expanding with the knowledge which
they were obtaining from the voyages of Columbus, Magel-
lan, and the long list of hardy explorers who first visited the
remote parts of the earth. At another, milUons of men laid
down their lives in order that they might obtain toleration
in religious behefs. At another, the struggle was for poUtical
freedom. It is to be noted with satisfaction that those
movements which have involved the great mass of people,
from the highest to the lowest, have led to results which
have not been lost.
The present age is known as the age of science. Never
before have so many men been actively engaged in the
pursuit of science, and never before have its results con-
tributed so enormously to the ordinary affairs of life. If all
its present-day appUcations were suddenly and for a con-
among men. For example, there are many persons who be-
side so that trains will not leave the track. Or, the
knowledge of the laws of projectiles enables gunners to hit
are all true to the extent that they picture nature. The
relations are the important things. When firmly established
they are a permanent acquisition; however the mode of
representing them may change, they remain. A scientific
served that the moon and stars have similar motions and ;
he inferjed from these things that the earth was of finite ex-
tentand that the heavenly bodies moved around it. This
ledhim to believe it could be circumnavigated. Eelying
upon the conclusions that he drew from his observations of
the motions of the heavenly bodies, he maintained control
of his mutinous sailors during their perilous voyage across
the Atlaptic, and made a discovery that has been of immense
consequence to the human race.
2160 miles, and that its mass is about one eightieth that of
the earth. The earth holds the moon in its orbit by its gravi-
tational control, and the moon in turn causes the tides on the
earth. It is found that there is neither atmosphere nor water
than the earth and four are larger. The smallest, Mercury,
has a volume about one twentieth that of the earth, and the
largest, Jupiter, has a volume about one thousand times that
of the earth. The great sim, whose mass is seven himdred
times that of all of the planets combined, holds them in their
orbits and lights and warms them with its abundant rays.
Those nearest the sun are heated much more than the earth,
but remote Neptune gets only one nine-hundredth as much
light and heat per unit area as is received by the earth.
Some of the planets have no moons and others have several.
The conditions on one or two of them seem to be perhaps
favorable for the development of life, while the others cer-
tainly cannot be the abode of such life as flourishes on the
In addition to the planets, over eight hundred small
planets, or planetoids, and a great number of comets circu-
late around the sun in obedience to the same law of gravita-
tion. The orbits of nearly all the small planets lie between
the orbits of Mars and Jupiter the orbits of the comets are
Enumerate as many ways as possible in which science is
beneficial to men.
2. What is the fmidamental basis on which science rests, and
what are its chief characteristics ?
3. What is induction ? Give examples. Can a science be de-
veloped without inductions ? Are inductions always true ?
4. What is deduction? Give examples. Can a science be de-
veloped without deductions ? Are deductions always true ?
5. In what respects may science be imperfect ? How may its im-
perfections be most largely eUminated ? Are any human activities
perfect ?
6. Name some superstition and show in what respects It differs
from scientific conclusions.
7. Why did science originate in astronomy ?
I. The Shape of the Eakth
9. Astronomical Problems respecting the Earth. The —
earth is one of the objects belonging to the field of astronom-
ical investigations. In the consideration of it astronomy
has its closest contact with some pf the other sciences, par-
ticularly with geology and meteorology. Those problems
respecting the earth that can be solved for other planets also,
or that are essential for the investigation of other astronom-
ical questions, are properly considered as belonging to the
field of astronomy.
The astronomical problems respecting the earth can be
The first class consists of
divided into two general classes.
those which can be treated, at least to a large extent, with-
out regarding the earth as a member of a family of planets
or considering its relations to them and the sun. Such prob-
lems are its shape and size, its mass, its density, its interior
temperature and rigidity, and the constitution, mass, height,
and effects of its atmosphere. These problems will be treated
in this chapter. The second class consists of the problems
involved in the relations of the earth to other bodies, partic-
ularly its rotation, revolution around the sun, and the con-
sequences of these motions. The treatment of these prob-
lems will be reserved for the next chapter.
It would be an easy matter simply to state the astronom-
ical facts respectingthe earth, but in science it is necessary
not only to say what things are true but also to give the
reasons for believing that they are true. Therefore one or
more proofs will be given for the conclusions astronomers
have reached respecting the earth. As a matter of logic
CH. II, 10] THE EARTH 27
FiG. 7. -
The base line A\Ai is measured directly and the other distances
are obtained by triangulation.
in part, from the fact that the angles are measured by in-
struments which magnify them. The fact that the stations
are not all on the same level, and the curvature of the earth,
introduce little difBculties in the computations that must
be carefully overcome.
The direction of the plumb Una at the station Ai, for
example, is determined by noting the point among the stars
at which it points. The plumb line at A2 will point to a
dififerent among the stars. The difference in the two
places among the stars gives the difference in the directions
of the plumb lines at the two stations. The stars apparently
move across the sky from' east to west during the night and
are not in the same positions at the same time of the day
on different nights. Hence, there are here also certain cir-
cumstances to which careful attention must be given in
order to get accurate results.
11. Other Proofs of the Earth's Sphericity. — There are
many reasons given for believing that the earth is not a
plane,and that it is, indeed, some sort of a convex figure
but most of them do not prove that it is actually spherical.
It will be sufficient to mention them.
(a) The
earth has been circumnavigated, but so far as
this fact alone is concerned it might be the shape of a cu-
cumber. (6) Vessels disappear below the horizon hulls first
and masts last, but this only proves the convexity of the
surface, (c) The horizon appears to be a circle when viewed
with respect to the stars. This is the reason that a sea cap-
tain refers to the heavenly bodies in order to find his loca-
tion on the ocean. It is found by actual observations of the
stars and measurements of arcs that the length of a degree
of arc is longer the farther it is from the earth's equator.
This proves that the earth is less curved at the poles than
it is at the equator. A body which is thus flattened at the
poles and bulged, at the equator is called oblate.
In order to see that in the case of an oblate body a degree
of latitude is longer near the poles than it is at the equator,
consider Fig. 8. In this figure E represents a plane section
of the body through its poles.
The curvature at the equator is
the same as the curvature of the
circle Ci, and a degree of latitiide
< on S at its equator equals a
degree of latitude on Ci. The
curvature of E at its pole is the
same as the curvature of the
circle d, and a degree of lati-
""-- .--' tude on E at its pole equals a
I^G. 8. — The length of a degree degree of latitude on C2. Since
it is subject to no other
forces. Suppose for the moment that the earth is a sphere,
as would be if it were not rotating on its axis, and con-
< = 27rV|7^,
g =
In order to prove the sphericity of the earth by measurement
pendulum in 10 days ?
9. Suppose the soMd part of the earth were spherical and per-
fectly rigid what would be the distribution of land and water over
the surface ?
10. Is the astronomical latitude greater than, or equal to, the
geocentric latitude for all points on the earth's surface ?
11. What distance on the earth's surface corresponds to a degree
of arc, a minute of are, a second of are ?
12. Which of the proofs of the earth's sphericity depend upon
modern discoveries and measurements ?
t = 2 xVi/f,
where t is the time of a complete oscillation of the rod
joining h and h, I is the distance from A to h, and / is the
E^ 2B ^
is that a very large mass is. employed, and the forces are
larger. In the torsion balance the balls BB are brought
near those suspended by the quartz fiber and are removted
at will. A mountain cannot be moved, and the advantage
of using a large mass is at least partly coimterbalanced by
this disadvantage. The necessity for moving the attracting
body (in this case
^' ^ A the moimtain) is
obviated in a very
ingenious manner.
For simpUcity let
the oblateness of
the earth be neg-
lected in explaining
the mountain
method. In Fig.
15, C is the center
of the earth, M is
the east of it is elevated and the pipe is raised with it. More-
over, the elevation of the surface is, under the present
hypothesis, just that necessary for equiUbrium. Therefore,
in this case there is no tide at all with respect to the pipe.
The is neither absolutely rigid nor perfectly
actual earth
fluid. Consequently the tides in the pipe will actually be
neither their theoretical maximum nor zero. The amount
by which they fall short of the value they would have if the
earth were perfectly rigid depends upon the extent to which
it yields to the moon's forces, and is a measure of this yield-
from the surface iS are equal. Now suppose the water rises
since P and P' are equidistant from S, the change in their
apparent distance is twice the change
in the water level. The distances
between P and P' were accurately /
measured with the help of perma- /
nently fixed microscopes, and the '— | ,
Consider the tidal bulges A and B, Fig. 17, which give an idea
ofwhat happened to the water in the pipes. For simpKcity,
fixthe attention on the east-and-west pipe, which in the ex-
periment was about 13° north of the highest latitude A ever
attains. The rotating earth carried it daily across the merid-
ian of A to the north of A, and similarly across the meridian
of B. When the relations were as represented in the dia-
gram there were considerable tides in the pipe before and
after it crossed the meridian at A
because it was, so to speak,
well on the tidal bulge. On the other hand, when it crossed
the meridian of B about 12 hours later, the tides were very
small because the bulge B was far south of the equator.
But the moon was not all the time north of the plane of the
earth's equator. Once each month it was 28° north and
once each month 28° south, and it varied from hour to hour
in a rather irregular manner. Moreover, its distance, on
which the magnitudes of the tidal forces depend, also changed
continuously. Then add to all these complexities the cor-
responding ones due to the sun, which are unrelated to those
of the moon, and which mix up with them and make the
phenomena more involved. Finally, consider the north-
and-south pipe and notice, by the help of Fig. 17, that its
tides are altogether distinct in character from those in the
some restricted region and spread all over the earth, diminish-
ing in intensity as they proceed. Modem instruments,
depending primarily on some adaptation of the horizontal
pendulum, can detect important earthquakes to a distance
of thousands of miles from their origin. Earthquake waves
are of different types; some proceed through the surface
rocks around the earth in undulations like the waves in the
ocean, while others, compressional in character like waves of
sound in the air, radiate in straight Unes from their sources.
CH. II, 26] THE EARTH 61
In the case of the earth all these factors except the last may
be regarded as known. If it were known, the rate of wab-
1. What is the difference between mass and weight ? Does the
weight of a body depend on its position? Does the inertia of a
body depend on its position ?
2. Can the mass of a small body be determined from its inertia ?
Can the mass of the earth be determined in the same way ?
3. the average weight of a cubic mile of the earth ?
What is
4. Discuss the relative advantages of the torsion-balance method
and mountain method in determining the density of the earth.
Which one has the greater advantages ?
5. What is the pressure at the bottom of an ocean six miles
deep ?
6. Discuss the character of the tides in east-and-west and north-
and-south pipes during a whole day when the moon is in the posi-
tion indicated in Fig. 17, and when it is over the earth's equator.
atmosphere were
much shallower, FlG. 20. —
Determination of the height of the
atmosphere from the duration of twilight.
it would not be
visible to him. The region P is midway between and the
sunset point. 18 degrees from the sunset point, it
Since is
lecting the resistance of the air, it will leave the earth and
never return. This is the velocity of escape, and for the
earth it is a little less than 7 miles per second.
The molecules in the earth's atmosphere may be con-
sidered as projectiles which dart in every direction. It has
the earth and warms it. Besides this, at night the earth
radiates the heat it has received in the daytime. The at-
mosphere above reflects some of the radiated heat directly
back to the earth. Another portion of it is absorbed and
radiated in every direction, and consequently in part back
which the light comes when it strikes the observer's eye. The
angle between OS" and OS' is the angle of refraction. It is
zero for a star at the zenith and increases to a httle over
one-half of a degree for one at the horizon. For this reason a
1. What is the weight of the air in a room 16 feet square and
10 feet high?
2. How many pounds of air pass per minute through a windmill
12 feet in diameter in a breeze of 20 miles per hour ?
3. Compute the approximate total atmospheric pressure to which
a person is subject.
4. What is the density of the air, compared to its density at the
surface, at heights of 50, 100, and 500 miles, the density being deter-
mined by the law given at the end of Art. 32 ? This gives an idea
of the density required for the phenomena of twilight, of meteors,
and of aurorsB.
5. Draw a diagram showing the earth and its atmosphere to scale.
6. The earth'smass is slowly growing by the acquisition of
meteors if there is nothing to offset this growth, will its atmosphere
the northern sky will show that most of the stars whose
trails are seen are quite invisible to the unaided eye.
Since all the heavenly bodies rise in the east (except those
so near the pole that they simply go around it), travel across
the sky, and set
^^ in the west, to
reappear again in
the east, it fol-
lows that either
they go around
the earth from
east to west, or
the earth turns
from west to
east. So far as
the simple mo-
tions of the sun,
moon, and stars
are concerned
both hypotheses
are in perfect
harmony with
the observations,
and it is not pos-
sible to decide
which of them is correct without additional data. All the
apparent motions prove is that there is a relative motion
of the earth with respect to the heavenly bodies.
It is often supposed that the ancients were unscientific,
if not stupid, because they believed that the earth was fixed
and that the sky went around it, but it has been seen that
so far as their data bore on the question one theory was as
good as the other. In fact, not all of them thought that
the earth was fixed. The earliest philosopher who is known
to have believed in the rotation of the earth was Philolaus,
a Pythagorean, who lived in the fifth century b.c. His
reason is, of course, that the weak man does not give the
strong one an opportunity to use his full strength. If the
strong man is heavier than the weak one and pulls enough,
he will move the latter while he remains in his tracks. This
seems to contradict the statement of the law in terms of
the acceleration; but the contradiction disappears when it
isremembered that the men are subject not only to the forces
they exert on each other, but also to their friction with the
earth. If they were in canoes in open water, they would
both move, and, if the weights of the canoes were included,
their motions would be in harmony with the third law.
Since the laws of motion are to be used fundamentally in
considering the motion of the earth, the question of their
truth at once arises. When they are applied to the motions
of the heavenly bodies, everything becomes orderly. Be-
sides this, they have been illustrated millions of times in
ordinary experience on the earth and they have been tested
in laboratories, but nothing has been found to indicate they
are not in harmony with the actual motions of material bodies.
In fact, they are now supported by such an enormous mass
of experience that they are among the most trustworthy con-
clusions men have reached.
41. Rotation of the Earth' Proved by Its Shape. —
shape of the earth can be determined without knowing whether
or not it rotates. The simple measurements of arcs (Art. 12)
prove that the earth is oblate.
It can be shown that it follows from the laws of motion
and the law of gravitation that the earth would be spherical
if it were not rotating. Since it is not spherical, it must be
rotating. Moreover, it follows from the laws of motion
that if it is rotating it will be bulged at the equator. Hence
the oblateness of the earth proves that it rotates and deter-
mines the position of its axis, but does not determine in
which direction it turns.
42. Rotation of the Earth Proved by the Eastward Devi-
ation of Falling Bodies. — Let OP, Fig. 27, represent a
is carried in this
direction by the
rotation of the
earth. Moreover, Fig. 27. —
The eastward deviation of falling bodies
proves the eastward rotation of the earth.
PP' is the dis-
tance through which it would be carried if it were not
dropped. But the earth's attraction causes it to descend,
and the force acts at right angles to the Une PP'. There-
fore, by the second law of motion, the attraction of the earth
The pole wanders from its mean position not more than
30 corresponding to a change of latitude of 0.3 of a
Fig. 30. — The position of the pole from 1906 to 1913.
Fig. 31. — The attraction of the moon for the earth's equatorial bulge
causes the precession of the equinoxes.
1. Which of the proofs of the rotation of the earth depend upon
the laws of motion ?
2. Give three practical illustrations (one a train moving around
a curve) of the first law of motion.
3. Give three illustrations of the second law of motion.
4. Why is the kick in a heavy gun, for a given charge, less than
in a hght gun ?
If a man fixed on the shore pulls a boat by a rope, do the
interactions not violate the third law of motion ?
6. For a body falUng from a given height, in what latitude will
the eastward deviation be the greatest ?
7. For what latitude will the rotation of the Foucault pendulum
be most rapid, and where would the experiment fail entirely ?
8. In what latitude will the easterly (or westerly) deviation of
wind or water currents be most pronounced ?
9. Is it easier to stop a large or small wheel of the same mass
rotating at the same rate ?
10. a wheel rotating without friction should diminish in size,
would its rate of rotation be a,ffected ?
11. Are boundaries that are defined by latitudes affected by the
wabbling of the earth's axis ? By the precession of the equinoxes ?
12. Would the precession be faster or slower if the earth were
more oblate? If the moon were nearer ? If the earth were denser?
Fig. 32. — The hypothesis that the sun revolves around the eirth explains
the apparent eastward motion of the sun with respect to the stars.
FlG. 33. —
The hypothesis that the earth revolves around the sun explains
the apparent eastward motion of the sun with respect to the stars.
volves around the sun. Let S, Fig. 33, represent the sun,
assumed fixed, and suppose Ei is the position of the earth at
a certain time. The sun will appear to be among the stars at
Si'. Suppose that at the end of 25 days the earth has moved
forward in a path around the sun to E2. the sun will then
other by the distance from the earth to the sun, is the par-
allax of the star. In Fig. 35 let S represent the sun, A a
star, and Ei and E2 two positions of the earth such that the
line E1E2 is perpendicular to SA and such that E1E2 equals
^i-S. Let EiB be parallel to EiA. Then, by definition,
the angle AE^B is the parallax of A. This angle equals
E1AE2. Therefore an alternative definition of the parallax
of a star is that it is the angle subtended by the radius of
the earth's orbit as seen from the star.
It is obvious that the parallax is more remote
smaller the
the star. The nearest known star. Alpha Centauri, in the
southern heavens, has a parallax of only 0.75 second of arc,
from which it can be shown that its distance is 275,000 times
called the -perihelion -point, and the latter the aphelion point.
obvious that an ellipse may be very nearly roimd or
It is
much The extent of the elongation is defined
by what is known as the eccentricity, which is the ratio CS
divided by CP. If the line CS is very short for a given hne
CP, the eccentricity is small and the ellipse is nearly circular.
In fact, a circle may be considered as being an ellipse whose
eccentricity is zero.
about ^ of CP.
if the earth's orbit were
drawn to scale, its elonga-
tion would be so slight that
it would not be obvious by
simple inspection.
The question arises as to
what occupies the second
Fig. 38. —
The earth moves so that focus of the elliptical orbit
the line from the sun to the earth of the earth. The answer
sweeps over equal areas in equal inter-
vals of time.
is that there is no body
there; nor is it absolutely
fixed in position because the earth's orbit is continually
modified to a very slight extent by the attractions of the
other planets.
It is easy to see how the earth might revolve around the
sun in a circle if it were started with the right velocity.
But it is not so easy to understand how it can revolve in an
elliptical orbit with the sun at one of the foci. While the
matter cannot be fully explained without so'me rather for-
midable mathematical considerations, it can, at least, be
made plausible by a little reflection. Suppose a body is at
P, Fig. 38, and moving in the direction PT. If its speed is
exactly such that its centrifugal acceleration balances the
velocity will be so low that the sun will pull it inside of a cir-
cular orbit tangent at that point. It will then proceed
back to the point P, its velocity increasing as it decreases in,
it descends.
55. Inclination of the Earth's Orbit. — The plane of the
and the point where the earth's axis, extended, pierces the
sky is called the pole of the equator or, simply, the celestial
pole. The orbit of the earth is so very small in comparison
with the distance to the sky that the motion of the earth in
its orbit has no sensible effects on the position of the celestial
Fig. 41. — The altitude of the celestial pole equals the .latitude of the
north pole of the sky. Since the sky is extremely far away
compared to the dimensions of the earth, the line from
to the celestial pole is essentially parallel to P'P. The angle
between the plane of the horizon and the line to the pole
is called the altitude of the pole. Since ON is perpendicular
SWNE, where the letters stand for the four cardinal points.
Then it follows from the relation of the altitude of the pole
to the latitude of the ob-
server that NP, where P
represents the pole, is 40°.
being exactly half the time above the horizon and half the
time below it. This is true whatever the latitude of the
observer. But the height at which it crosses the meridian
depends, of course, upon the latitude of the observer, and is
greater the nearer he is to the earth's equator.
Suppose now that it is June 21 and that the sun is at the
summer solstice S, Fig. 42. It is then 23°. 5 north of the
equator and will have essentially this distance from the
equator all day. The diurnal path of the sun in this case
isEiQiWiQi', Fig. 43, which is a circle parallel to, and 23°.5
north of, the equator. In this case the sun rises north of
the east point by the angle EEi, and sets an equal distance
north of the west point. Moreover, it is more than half
the twenty-four hours above the horizon. The fact that its
altitude at noon is 23°. 5
greater than it is when the sun is
Fig. 44. — Because of the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, summers in the
northern hemisphere are longer than the winters.
ingly, the earth is nearer to the sun than the average, and
consequently the temperature does not fall so low as it would
if the eccentricity of the earth's orbit were zero. The re-
sult is that the seasonal variations in the northern hemi-
sphere are less extreme than they would be if the earth's
orbit were circular; and, for the opposite reason, in the
southern hemisphere they are more extreme. This does
not mean that actually there are greater extremes in the
temperature south of the equator than there are north of the
equator. The larger proportion of water in the southern
hemisphere, which tends to make temperature conditions
uniform, may more than offset the effects of the eccentricity
of the earth's orbit.
The attractions of the other planets for the earth change
very slowly both the eccentricity and the direction of the
perihelion of the earth's orbit. It has been shown by
mathematical discussions of these influences that the re-
lation of the periheUon to. the line of the equinoxes will be
reversed in about 50,000 years. In fact, there is a cyclical
change in these relations with a period of somewhat more
than 100,000 years. It was suggested by James Croll that
the condition of long winter and short summer, such as
now prevails in the southern hemisphere, especially when the
eccentricity of the earth's orbit was greatest, produced the
glaciation which large portions of the earth's surface are
known to have experienced repeatedly in the past. This
theory has now been abandoned because; on other grounds,
it is extremely improbable.
62. Historical Sketch of the Motions of the Earth. —
The history of the theory of the motion of the earth is inti-
mately associated with that of the motions of the planets,
and the whole problem of the relations of the. members of
the solar system to one another may well be considered
The planets are readily found by observations, even
without telescopes, to be moving among the stars. Theories
1. Note carefully the position of any conspicuous star at 8 p.m.
and verify the fact that in a month it will be 30° farther west at the
same time in the evening.
2. From which of the laws of motion does it follow that two
attracting bodies revolve around their common center of gravity ?
3. What are the fundamental principles on which each of the
four proofs of the revolution of the earth depend ? How many
reaUy independent proofs of the revolution of the earth are there ?
4. Which of the proofs of the revolution of the earth give also
the size of its orbit ?
5. Theaberration of light causes a star apparently to describe a
small curve near its true place what is the character of the curve if
surface beyond all the stars and on which they are all pro-
jected, at such an enormous distance from the earth that
two lines drawn toward a point on it from any two points
on the earth, or from any two points on the earth's orbit,
are so nearly parallel that their convergence can never be
detected with any instrument. For short, it is said to be
an infinite sphere.
While the real problem giving rise to reference points and
lines is that of describing accurately and concisely the direc-
tions of celestial objects from the observer, its solution is
SWNE his horizon, and Z his zenith. The point where the
earth's axis pierces the sky is perfectly definite and is repre-
sented P in the diagram. The vertical circle which passes
through Z and P is the meridian. The points at which the
meHdian cuts the horizon are the north and south points.
The north point, for positions in the northern hemisphere
of the earth, is the one nearest the pole P. In this way the
cardinal points are uniquely defined.
Consider a star at A. Its altijiude is BA, which, in this
case, isabout 40°, and its azimuth is SWNEB, which, in
about 300°. It is, of course, understood that
this case, is
the object might be below the horizon and the azimuth
might be anything from zero to 360°. When the object is
above the horizon, its altitude is considered as being positive,
and when below, as being negative.
66. The Equator System. —
The poles of the sky have
been defined as the points where the earth's axis prolonged
intersects the celestial sphere. It might be supposed at
first that these would not be conspicuous points because the
through the vernal equinox, that is, the place at which the
sun in its apparent annual motion around the sky crosses
the celestial equator from south to north.
The coordinates in the equator system are (a) the angular
distance north or south of the celestial equator, which is called
declination, and (b) the angular distance eastward from the
vernal equinox along the equator to the point where the
hour through the object crosses the equator. This
distance is The direction eastward is
called right ascension.
defined as that in which the sun moves in its apparent
motion among the stars.
In Fig. 46, let represent the position of the observer,
NESW his horizon, PNQ'SQ his meridian. Suppose the
star is at A and that the ver-
nal equinox is at V. Then the
declination of the star is the
arc CA and its right ascension
is VQC. In this case the dec-
'about 40° and the
;j/vlination is
right ascension is about 75°.
It is not customary to express
the right ascension in degrees,
but to give it in hours, where
an hour equals 15°. In the
FiQ. 46. — The equator system. , , . , ,
, ,
in the way in which they arise and in the purposes for which
their use is convenient.
The honzon system depends upon the position of the
observer and the direction of his plumb line. It always
has the same relation to him, and if he travels he takes it
with fifen. The equator system is defined by the apparent
date and time of day. Then the pole of the echptic XVX'A
is at R and the ecliptic crosses the meridian below the
then taking the difference between this result and the right
ascension of the object. This gives the hour angle of the
sun at the required time. If the sun is west of the meridian,
its hour angle is the time of day if it is east of the meridian,
1. Make a table showing the correspondences of the points,
10 hours and they appear on Nov. 14. At what time of the night
are they visible ?
15. What isthe right ascension of the point on the celestial sphere
toward which the earth is moving on June 21 ?
16. What are the altitude and azimuth of the point toward which
the earth is moving to-day at noon ? At 6 p.m. ? At midnight ?
At 6 A.M. ?
Observe some conspicuous star (avoid the planets), estimate
its and azimuth, approximately determine its right ascen-
sion and declination (Art. 71), and with these data identify it in
Table I, p. 144.
Fig. 54. — The 40-inch telescope of the Yerkes Observatory.
138 "
74. Origin of the Constellations. —A moment's obser-
vation of the sky on a clear and moonless night shows that
the stars are not scattered uniformly over its surface. Every
one is acquainted with such groups as the Big Dipper and
the Pleiades. This natural grouping of the stars was' ob-
served in prehistoric times by primitive and childlike peoples
who ima^ned the stars formed outhnes of various living
creatures, and who often wove about them the most fantastic
The earliest list of constellations, still in existence, is that
of Ptolemy (about 140 A.D.), who enumerated, described,
and located 48 of them. These constellations not only did
not entirely cover the part of the sky visible from Alexandria,
where Ptolemy lived, but they did not even occupy all of
the northern sky. In order to fill the gaps and to cover the
southern sky many other constellations were added from
time to time, though some of them have now been aban-
doned. The lists of Argelander (1799-1875) in the northern
heavens, and the more recent ones of Gould in the southern
heavens, contain 80 constellations, and these are the ones
now generally recognized.
75. Naming the Stars. — The ancients gave proper
names to many and identified the others by
of the stars, •
Table I
Table II
There are, therefore, in the whole sky only about 5000 stars
which are visible to the imaided eye. At any one time
only half the sky is above the horizoh, and those stars which
are near the horizon are largely extinguished by the absorp-
tion of Ught by the earth's atmosphere. ,
Therefore one
never sees at one time more than about 2000 stars, although
the general impression is that they are countless.
It is seen from the Table II that the number of stars in
each magnitude is about three times as great as the number
in the preceding magnitude. This ratio holds approxi-
mately down to the ninth magnitude, and in the first nine
magnitudes there are in all nearly 200,000 stars. Since
a telescope 3 inches in aperture will show objects as faint as
the ninth magnitude, it is seen what enormous aid is ob-
tained from optical instruments. Only a rough guess can
be made respecting the number of stars which are still
fainter, but there are probably more than 300,000,000 of
them within the range of present visual and photographic-
80. The Motions of the Stars. — The stars have motions
with respect to one another which, in the course of immense
ages; appreciably change the outlines of the constellations,
but which have not made important alterations in the visible
sky during historic times. Nevertheless, they are so large
that they must be taken into account when using star cata-
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never be mistaken
for any other group
of stars. It is
made up of 7 stars Fig. 56. — The Big Dipper.
of the second mag-
nitude which form the outline of a great dipper in the sky.
Figure 56 is a photograph of this group of stars distinctly
showing the dipper. The stars Alpha and Beta are called
The Pointers because they are almost directly in a line with
the pole star Polaris. In order to find the pole star, start with
Beta, Fig. 55, go through Alpha, and continue abou^t five
times the distance from Beta to Alpha. At the point reached
there will be found the second-magnitude star Polaris with
no other one so bright anywhere in the neighborhood.
Besides defining the north-and-south hne and serving as
a guide for a study of the constellations in the northern
heavens, the pole star is an interesting object in several
other respects. It has a faint companion of the ninth mag-
nitude, distant from it about 18.5 seconds of arc.
that this was the first double star that was discovered. The
distance of 11 '.5 between them is so great, astronomically
speaking, that it is no longer regarded as a true double star.
It has been supposed by some writers that the word Alcor
is derived from an Arabic word meaning the test, and the
East and west on the sky must be understood to be measured along
declination circles. Consequently, near the pole east may have any direc-
tion with respect to the horizon. Above the pole, east on the sky is toward
the eastern part of the horizon, while below the pole it is toward the
of the
part of the horizon. All statements of direction in descriptions
indicated, and
constellations refer to directions on the sky unless otherwise
care inust be taken not to understand them in any other sense.
about 50° from the pole, and its position can easily
be determined by using the directions for finding the vernal
and autumnal equinoxes. Or, its distance east or west of
the meridian can be determined by the methods of Art.
69. With an approximate idea of its location, it can always
be found because it contains the brilhant Huish-white,
first-magnitude star Vega. If there should be any doubt in
regard to the identification of Vega, it can always be dis-
pelled by the fact that this star, together with two fourth-
magnitude stars, Epsilon and Zeta Lyrse, form an equi-
lateral triangle whose about 2° in length. There
sides are
are no other stars so near Vega, and there is no other con-
figuration of this character in the whole heavens.
As was stated in Art. 47, the attractions of the moon and
sun for the equatorial bulge of the earth cause a precession
of the earth's equator, and therefore a change in the location
of the pole of the sky. About 12,000 years from now the
north pole will be very close to Vega. What a splendid
pole star it will make It is approaching us at the rate of
nearly 20° south of, and a little east of, Algol. Six of them.
the distance from the earth to the nearest star. The stars
in this region of the sky are generally supposed by astronomers
to be in an early stage of their development ; most of them
FiQ. 61. — The Great Orion Nebula. Photographed by Ritchey with the
two-foot reflector of the Yerkes Observatory.
quately, but because enough has been said to show that the
sky is full of objects of interest which can be found and en-
joyed with very httle optical aid. The reader is expected
to observe all the objects which have been described, so far
as the time of year and the instrumental help at his coih-
mand he does this, the whole subject will
will permit. If
have a deeper and more lively interest, and it will be a pleas-
ure to make constant appeals to the sky to verify statements
and descriptions.
The general features of the constellations are very simple,
but the whole subject cannot be mastered in an evening.
One should go over it several times with no greater optical
aid than that furnished by a field glass.
1. Show why about 22,000 plates will be required to photograph
'the whole sky as described in Art. 76.
2. Find the brightness of the stars in Table I compared to that
of a flrst-magnitude star.
3. Find the amount of light received from the sun compared to
that received from a first-magnitude star.
4. Take the amount of light received from a first-magnitude
star as unity, and compute. the amount of light received from each
of the first six magnitudes (Table II).
5. If the ratio of the number of stars from one magnitude to the
next continued the same as it is in Table II, how many stars would
there be in the first 20 magnitudes ?
6.At what time of the year is the most northerly part of the
Milky Way on the meridian at 8 p.m. ? What are its altitude and
azimuth at that time ?
7. What constellations are within two hours
of the meridian at
103. Definitions of equal Intervals of Time. It is impos- —
sible to givea definition of time" in terms which are simpler
and better understood than the word itself but it is profit-
CH. VI, 110] , TIME 177
local times do not differ more than half an hour from' that of
some convenient meridian shall use the local time of that
meridian. Thus, while the extreme difference in local time
of places using the local time of the same meridian may be
about an hour, neither of them differs more than about half
an hour from its standard time. In this manner a strip of
country about 750 miles wide in latitudes 35° to 45° uses
the same time, and the next strip of the same width an hour
different, and so on. The local time of the standard meridian
of each strip is the standard time of that strip.
At present standard time is in use in nearly every civiUzed
part of the earth. The United States and British America
are of such great extent in longitude that it is necessary to
use four hours of standard time. The eastern portion uses
what is called Eastern Time. time of the
It is the local
meridian 5 hours west of Greenwich. This meridian runs
through Philadelphia,' and in this city local time and standard
time are identical. At places east of this meridian it is later
by local time than by standard time, the difference being
one minute for 12 or 13 miles. At places west of this meridian,
but in the Eastern Time division, it is earlier by local time
than by standard time. The next division to the westward
is called Central Time. It is the local time of the meridian
6 hours west of Greenwich, which passes through St. Louis.
The next time division is called Mountain Time. It is the
local time of the meridian 7 hours west of Greenwich. This
meridian passes through Denver. The last time division
is called Pacific Time. It is the local time of the meridian
8 hours west of Greenwich. This meridian passes about 100
miles east of San Francisco.
If the exact divisions were used, the boundaries between
one time division and the next would be 7°.5 east and west of
the standard meridian. As a matter of fact, the boundaries
are quite irregular, depending upon the convenience of
CH. VI, 111] TIME 179
change from
cult as it is to sidereal time to mean solar time.
It remains to explain how time is distributed from the
places where the observations are made. In most countries
the time service is under the control of the government,
and the time signals are sent out from the national observa-
tory. For example, in the United States, the chief source
of time for railroads and commercial purposes is the Naval
Observatory, at Georgetown Heights, Washington, D.C.
There are three high-grade clocks keeping standard time
at this observatory. Their errors are found from observations
of the stars ; and after applying corrections for these errors,
the mean of the three clocks is taken as giving the true
standard time for the successive 24 hours. At 5 minutes
before noon. Eastern Time, the Western Union Telegraph
Company and the Postal Telegraph Company suspend their
ordinary business and throw their Unes into electrical con-
nection with the standard clock at the Naval Observatory.
The connection is arranged so that the sounding key makes
a stroke every second during the 5 minutes preceding noon
except the twenty-ninth second of each minute, the last 5
seconds of the fourth minute, and the last 10 seconds of the
fifth minute. This gives many opportunities of determin-
ing the error of a clock. To simphfy matters, clocks are
connected so as to be automatically regulated by these
signals, and there are at present more than 30,000 of them
in use in this country. The time signals are sent out from
the Naval Observatory with an error usually less than 0.2
of a second; but frequently this is considerably increased
when a systefai of relays must be used to reach great distances.
CH. VI, 113] TIME 181
earth eastward, he would give two days the same date and
day of the week. The change is usually made at the 180th
meridian from Greenwich. This is a particularly fortunate
selection, for the 180th meridian scarcely passes through any
land surface at all, and then only small islands. One can
easily see how troublesome matters would be if the change
were made at a meridian passing through a thickly popu-
lated region, say the meridian of Greenwich.On one side
IPS' 120° 135" 150' 165" 180' 165" 150" 135" 120° IPS' 80' 78
tion around the sun, directions from the sun being deter-
mined by the positions of the stars. Its length in mean
solar time is 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 9.54 seconds, or
more than 365.25 days.
just a little
115. The Anomalistic Year. —
The anomalistic year is
the time required for the earth to move from the perihelion
of its orbit around to the perihelion again. If the perihelion
point were fixed, this period would equal the sidereal year.
But the attraction of the other planets causes the perihelion
point to move forward at such a rate that it completes a
revolution in about 108,000 years ; and the consequence is
years of 365 days each and then one year, the leap year, of
366 days. This mode of reckoning, which makes the aver-
age year consist of 365.25 days, was put into effect at the
beginning of the year 45 b.c.
It is seen from the length of the tropical year, which was
given in Art. 116, that this system of calculation involves a
small error, averaging 11 minutes and 14 seconds yearly.
In the course of 128 years the JuUan Calendar gets one day
behind. To remedy this small error, in 1582, Pope Gregory
XIII introduced a sUght change. Ten days were omitted
from that year by making October 15 follow inunediately
after October 4, and it was decreed that 3 leap years out of
every 4 centuries should henceforth be omitted. This again
CH. VI, 118] TIME 185
the error does not amount to a day until after more than 3300
years have elapsed.
To simplify the apphcation, every year whose date
number is exactly divisible by 4 is a leap year, unless it is
exactly divisible by 100. Those years whose date numbers
are divisibleby 100 are not leap years unless they are exactly
divisible by 400, when they are leap years. Of course, the
error which still remains could be further reduced by a rule
for the leap years when the date number is exactly divisible
by 1000, but there is no immediate need for it.
The calendar originated and introduced by Pope Gregory
XIII in 1582, and known as the Gregorian Calendar, is now
in use in all civilized countries except Russiaand Greece,
although was not adopted in England until 1752. At that
facts give the basis for determining the day of the week on
which any date falls, after it has been given in a particular
Consider first the problem of finding the day of the week
on which January 1 falls. In the year 1900 January 1 fell
on Monday. To fix the ideas, consider the question for
1915. If every year had been an ordinary year, January 1
coming one day later in the week in each succeeding year,
it would have fallen, in 1915, 15 days, or 2 weeks and one
ary 1 falls then take the day of the year, which can be
1. Give three examples where intervals of time in which you
have had many and varied intellectual experiences now seem longer
than ordinary intervals of the same length. Have you had any con-
tradictory experiences ?
2. If the sky were always "covered with clouds, how should we
measure time ?
3. What is your sidereal time to-day at 8 p.m. ?
4. What would be the relations of solar time to sidereal' time if
119. The Moon's apparent Motion among the Stars. —
The apparent motion of the moon can be determined by
observation without any particular reference to its actual
motion. In fact, the ancient Greeks observed the moon
with great care and learned most of the important pecul-
iarities of its apparent motion, but they did not know its
distance from the earth and had no accurate ideas of the
character of its orbit. The natural method of procedure is
first to find what the appearances are, and from them to
infer the actual facts.
The moon has a diurnal motion westward which is pro-
duced, of course, by the eastward rotation of the earth.
Every one is familiar with the fact that it rises in the east,
goes across the sky westward, and sets in the west. Those
who have observed it except in the most casual way, have
noticed that it rises at various points on the eastern horizon,
crosses the meridian at various altitudes, and sets at various
points on the western horizon. They have also noticed that
the interval between its successive passages across the
revolution around the sun, all expressed in the same units as,
for example, days. Then 1/M is the fraction of a revolution
that the moon moves eastward in one day, 1/E is the fraction
of a revolution that the sun moves eastward in one day,
and 1/M- 1/ E is, therefore, the fraction of a revolution that
the moon gains on the sun in its eastward motion in one day.
Since the moon gains one complete revolution on the sun in
1_^ 1 1
S M E'
new, as seen frona the earth, the earth would be full as seen
from the moon. The phases of the earth corresponding to
every other position of
the moon can be inferred
from the diagram. The
phases of the moon and
earth are supplementary;
that is, the illuminated
portion of the moon as
seen from the earth plus
the illuminated portion of
the earth as seen from the
moon always equals 180°.
When the moon is nearly
new, and, consequently,
Fig. 68. — The moon partially illu-
minated by light reflected from the the earth nearly full as
earth. Photographed by Barnard at seen from the moon, the
the Yerkes Observatory.
dark side of the moon is
somewhat illuminated by simlight reflected from the earth,
as is shown in Fig. 68.
122. The diurnal Circles of the Moon. Suppose first —
that the moon moves along the ecliptic and consider its
diurnal circles. Since they are parallel to the celestial
Fig. 71. — Ascending node of the moon's orbit at the autumnal equinox.
in the triangle O1MO2 two angles and the included side are
known, and all the other parts of the triangle can be com-
puted by trigonometry. Suppose OiM has been found;
ages 2288.8 miles per hour, or about 3357 feet per second.
A body at the surface of the earth falls about 16 feet the
first second at the distance of the moon, which is approxi-
of the moon.
It has been stated that the mean apparent diameter of
the moon is 31' 5".2. The apparent diameter of the moon
varies both because its distance from the center of the earth
varies, and also because when the moon is on the observer's
meridian, he is nearly 4000 miles nearer to it than when
it is on his horizon. In the observations of other celestial
objects the small distance of 4000 miles makes no appre-
ciable difference in their appearance; but, since the dis-
tance from the earth to the moon is, in round numbers, only
240,000 miles, the radius of the earth is of the whole ^
CH. VII, 126] THE MOON 197
Fig. 73. — The orbit of the moon is concave to the sun.
when the earth is behind the center of gravity, the sun will
has been found that the sun is displaced in this way about
6".4. Since the distance of the sun is known, the amount
of displacement of the earth in miles necessary to produce
this apparent displacement of the sun can be computed.
It has been found in this way that the distance of the center
of gravity of the earth and moon from the center of the earth
is 2886 miles.
Now consider the problem of finding the ratio of the mass
of the earth to that of the moon. In Fig. 74 let represent E
the earth, C the center
of gravity of the earth
and moon, and the M [ £_?_?] t-'
moon. Let the distance
EC be represented by x,
Fig. 74. — Center of gravity of the earth
andJ the distance
.1 i.EiTi/T
and moon.
which is 238,862 miles,
by r. Since the mass of the earth multiplied by the distance
of its center from the center of gravity of the earth and moon
equals the mass of the moon multipHed by its distance from
the center of gravity of the earth and moon, it follows that
X X E = (r-x) M.
Since x = 2886 miles and r = 238,862 miles, it is found
E= 81.8 M.
Fig. 81. The side toward the earth is subject to the per-
pendicular rays of the sun and has a higher temperature
than any other part of its surface. It is easy to measure
with some approximation the amoxmt of heat received from
the moon, but it is not easy to determine what part of it is
reflected and what part is radiated. Now suppose the moon
passes on into the earth's shadow so that the direct rays of
the sun are cut off. Then all the heat received from the
moon is that radiated from a surface recently exposed to the
sun's rays. This can be measured and, from the amoxmt
gravity on the moon, and to the fact that there has been
no erosion by air and water.
The height of a lunar mountain is determined from the
its shadow when the sun's rays strike it obliquely.
length of
«>'-" ';y
Fig. 78. — The great crater Clavius with smaller craters on its rim
and Photographed by Ritchey with the 4.0-inch telescope
in its interior.
of the Yerkes Observatory.
CH. VII, 136] THE MOON 213
called rays, radiating from them like spokes from the axle of
a wheel. They are not interfered with by hill or valley,
and they often extend a distance of several hundred miles.
They cast no shadows, which proves that they are at the
same level as the adjacent surface, and they are most con-
Fig. 80. — The condition for eclipses of the moon and sun.
receive the direct light of the sun. In Fig. 80, E represents
the earth and PQR the earth's shadow, which comes to a
point at a distance of 870,000 miles from the earth's center.
The only light received from the sun within this cone is
Fig. 81. — Condition in which eclipses of the moon and sun fail.
not echpsed, its own light or that of the sim will make it
Fig. 82. — Path of the total eclipse of the sun, August 29-30, 1905.
identify the eclipses and thus fix the dates for historians in
the present system of counting time. The infrequency of
eclipses at any particular place.
evident from Fig. 83,
which gives the paths of all the total eclipses of the sun
from 1894-1973. In this long period the greater part of
the world is not touched by them at all.
So far the discussion has referred only to total ecUpses of
the sun but in the regions on the earth's surface which are
Fig. 83. — Paths of total eclipses of the sun. (From Todd's Total Eclipses.)
1. Verify by observations the motion of the moon eastward
among the stars, and its change in declination during a month.
2. For an observer on the moon describe, (a) the apparent
motions of the stars (6) the motion of the sun with respect to the
with respect to the stars (e) the motion of the earth with respect to
the sun (/) the diurnal motion of the earth [g) the librations of the
; ;
3. Describe the phases the moon would have throughout the
year if the plane of its orbit were perpendicular to the plane of the
4. What would be the moon's synodical period if it revolved
around the earth from east to west in the same sidereal period ?
5. Show by a diagram that, if the moon always presents the same
face toward the earth, it rotates on its axis and its period of rotation
equals the sidereal month.
6. Is it possible that the moon has an atmosphere and water on
the side remote from the earth ?
7. Suppose you could go to the moon and live there a month.
CH. VII, 142] THE MOON 225
Give details regarding what you would observe and the experiences
you would have.
8. What are the objections to the theory that lunar craters are
of volcanic origin ? Tliat they were produced by meteorites ?
9. How
do you interpret rays and rills under the hypbthesis that
lunar craters were produced by meteorites ?
10. If the earth's reflecting power is 4 times that of the moon,
how does earthshine on the moon compare with moonshine on the
earth ?
then the period of Mars can be found from the time re-
1 1
P E s
Now return to the problem of finding the distance of a
superior planet in terms of the astronomical unit. In
Fig. 85, let S represent the
sun, and Ei and Mi the
positions of the earth and
Mars when Mars is in oppo-
sition. Let E2 and M2 rep-
resent the positions of the
earth and Mars when the
angle at E2 is, for example,
a right angle. Mars is then
said to be in quadrature, and
the time when it has this
position can be determined
Fig. 85.- - Finding the distance of a
superior planet. by observation. The angles
M1SE2 and M1SM2 can be
determined from the periods of the earth and Mars and the
interval of time required for the earth and Mars to move
from El and Mi respectively to E2 and M2. The difference
of these two angles is M2SE2, from which, together with
the right angle at E2, the distance SM2 in terms of SE2 can
be computed by trigonometry.
A httle complication in the processes which have been
described arises from the fact that the orbit of the earth is
rected toward the sun. This was the first time that the sun
and planets were shown to be connected dynamically. Be-
fore Newton's time it was generally supposed that there
was some force acting on the planets in the direction of their
motion which kept them going in their orbits.
The first law of Kepler led to the conclusion that the planets
are acted on by forces directed toward the sun, but gave no
information whatever regarding the manner in which the
forces depend upon the position of the planet. The second
law furnishes a basis for the answer to this question, and
from it Newton proved that the force acting on each planet
varies inversely as the square of its distance from the sun.
The law of the inverse squares is encountered in many
phenomena besides gravitation. For example, it holds for
magnetic' and electric forces, the intensity of light and of
sound, and the magnitudes of water and earthquake waves.
The reason it holds for the radiation of light is easily under-
stood. The area of the spherical surface which the rays
cross in proceeding from a point is proportional to the
square of its radius. Since the intensity of illumination is
future, even beyond the time when the human race shall
the body will describe the eUipse E', and will be the peri-
hehon point. If the initial velocity is exactly V2 times
that for the circular orbit,
the body will move in the
parabola P. If the initial
so great that more than four hours are required for its hght
tocome to us, yet it is bound to the remainder of the sys-
tem by the invisible bonds of But its attrac-
tion slightly influenced the motions of Uranus, and from
these shght disturbances its existence and position were
inferred. Notwithstanding the fact that both Adams and
Leverrier made assumptions
respecting the distance of the
unknown body which were son^ewhat in error, their work
stands as a monument to the reasoning powers of the human
mind, and to the perfection of the theory of the motions of
the heavenly bodies.
152. The Problem of Three Bodies. —
While the prob-
lem of two mutually attracting bodies presents no serious
mathematical troubles, because the motion is always in some
kind of a conic section, that of three bodies is one of the
most formidable difliculty. It is oftensupposed that it has
not been, and perhaps that it cannot be, solved. Such an
idea is incorrect, as will now be explained.
The theory of the perturbations of the planets is really a
problem of three, or rather of eight, bodies, and has been
completely solved for an interval of time not too great. That
is, while the orbits of the bodies cannot be described for an
On dividing the second equation by the first, it is found that
g \RJ
from which the surface gravity G can be found in terms of
that of the earth when the mass and radius of M
are given.
It is sometimes convenient to have the expression for the
ratio of the gravities of two bodies in terms of their densities
and dimensions. Let d and D represent the densities of
the earth and the other body respectively. Then, since
m = f Trdr* and.M = |-7rZ)i?^'it is found that
G^ DR_
g d r
1. period of a planet were half that of the earth,
If the sidereal
what would be its period from greatest eastern elongation to its next
succeeding greatest eastern elongation ?
2. If the sidereal period of a planet were twice that of the earth,
what would be its period from opposition to its next succeeding
opposition ?
3. What would be the periodof a planet if its mean distance from
the sun were twice that of the earth ?
4. What would be the mean distance of a planet if its period were
Table IV
OR BiT OF ^M Rs ,
Table V
1 = 1-1
On the basis of the sidereal periods given in Table IV, these
Table VI
Jupiter is white and next to Venus in brilliance. Saturn is
of the first magnitude and slightly yellowish.
160. The Planetoids. —
On examination it is found that
the distance of each planet from the sun is roughly twice
that of the preceding, with the exception of Jupiter, whose
distance is about 3.5 times that of Mars. In 1772 Titius
derived a series of numbers by a simple law which gave the
distances of the planets (Uranus and. Neptune were not
known then) with considerable accuracy, except that there
was a number for the vacant space between Mars and
Jupiter. The law is that if 4 is added to.each of the num-
bers 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, the sums thus obtained are nearly
proportional to the distances of the planets from the sun.
This law, commonly called Bode's law, because the writings
of Bode made it widely known, rests on no scientific basis
and entirely breaks down for Neptune, but it played an
important role in two discoyeries. One of these was that
both Adams and Leverrier assigned distances to the planet
Neptune on the basis of this law, and computed the other
elements of its orbit from its perturbations of Uranus (Art.
151). The other discovery to which Bode's law contributed
was that of the planetoids.
Toward the end of the eighteenth century the idea became
widespread among astronomers that there was probably an
undiscovered planet between Mars and Jupiter whose dis-
tance would agree with the fifth number of the Bode series.
In 1800 a number of German astronomers laid plans to search
for it, but before their work was actually begun Piazzi, at
Palermo, on January 1, 1801, the first day of the nineteenth
century, made the discovery when he noticed an object (appar-
ently a star) where none had previously been seen. Piazzi
called the new which was of small dimensions, Ceres.
After the discovery of Ceres had been made, but before
the news of it had reached Germany by the slow processes
of communication of those days, the philosopher Hegel
pubhshed a paper in which he clainaed to have proved by
fore, for some time the search for new planetoids was largely
confined to the regions about the points where the orbits
of Ceres and Pallas intersect. But this theory of their
much in doubt.
162. The Zodiacal Light and the Gegenschein. — The
zodiacal light is a soft, hazy wedge of light stretching up
CH. viii, 162] THE SOLAR SYSTEM 263
generally can be followed 90° from the sun, and sometimes
it can be seen as a narrow, very faint band 3° or 4° wide
tirely aroimd the sky. It is very difficult to decide precisely
what its limits are, for it shades very gradually from an
illumination perhaps a httle brighter than the Milky Way
into the dark sky.
The best time to observe the zodiacal hght is when the
echptic is nearly perpendicular tc the horizon, for then it is
- - :
-' - - beyond the zenith and across the
It not clear from this theory
1. Which of the methods of measuring the distance from the earth
to the sun depend upon our knowledge of the size of the earth, and
which are independent of it ?
2. Make a single drawing showing the orbits of all the planets
to the same scale. On this scale, what are the diameters of the earth
and of the moon's orbit ?
3. If the sun is represented by a globe 1 foot in diameter, what
I. Mercury and Venus
163. The Phases of Mercury and Venus. The inferior —
planets Mercury and Venus are alike in several respects and
may conveniently be treated together. They both have
phases somewhat analogous to those of the moon. When
they are in inferior conjunction, that is,at A, Fig. 101, their
dark side is toward
..- ^"-,-. the earth and their
phase is new. Since
""--., the orbits of these
ce-— <^ <?^ ->t planets are inclined
an inferior planet.
, , across the sun's disk.
If they do not make
a transit, they present an extremely thin crescent when they
have the same longitude as the sun. As they move out
from Atoward B. their crescents increase, and their disks,
as seen from the earth, are half illuminated when they have
their greatest elongation at B. During their motion from
inferior conjunction at A to their greatest elongation at B,
and on to their superior conjunction at C, their distances
from the earth constantly increase, and this increase of
distance to a considerable extent offsets the advantage
arisingfrom the fact that a larger part of their illuminated
areas are visible. In order that an inferior planet may be
seen, not only must its illuminated side be at least partly
toward the earth, but it must not be too nearly in a line with
the sun. For example, a planet at C, Fig. 101, has its il-
luminated side toward the earth, but it is invisible because
it isalmost exactly in the same direction as the sun.
Thevariations in the apparent dimensions of Venus are
greater than those of Mercury because, when Venus is near-
est the earth, it is much nearer than the closest approach of
Mercury, and when, it is farthest from the earth, it is much
farther than the most remote point in Mercury's orbit.
At the time of inferior conjunction the distance of Venus is
25,700,000 miles, while that of Mercury is 56,900,000 miles
and at superior conjunction their respective distances are
160,100,000 and 128,900,000 miles. These numbers are
modified somewhat by the eccentricities of the orbits of
these three bodies, and especially by the large eccentricity
of the orbit of Mercury.
Mercury and Venus transit across the sun's disk only
when they pass through inferior conjunction with the sun
near one of the nodes of their orbits. The sun is near the
nodes of Mercury's orbit in May and November, and con-
sequently this planet transits the sun only if it is in inferior
conjunction at one of these times. Since there is no simple
relation between the period of Mercury and that of the
earth, the transits of Mercury do not occur very frequently.
A transit of Mercury is followed by another at the same node
of its orbit after an interval of 7, 13, or 46 years, according
to circumstances, for these periods are respectively very
nearly 22, 41, and 145 synodical revolutions of the planet.
Moreover, there may be transits also when Mercury is near
the other node of its orbit. The next transits of Mercury will
occur on May 7, 1924, and on November 8, 1927. Mercury
is so small that its transits can be observed only with a
The transits of Venus, which occur in June and December,
are even more infrequent than those of Mercury. The
transits of Venus occur in cycles whose intervals are, starting
II. Mass
169. The Satellites of Mars. — In August, 1877, Asaph
Hall, at Washington, discovered two very small sateUites
revolving eastward around Mars, sensibly in the plane of its
equator. They are so minute and so near the bright planet
that they can be seen only with a large telescope, and usually
it is advantageous, when observing them, to obscure Mars
by a small screen placed in the fodal plane. These satellites
are called Phobos and Deimos. The only way of determin-
ing their dimensions is from the amount of fight they reflect
to the earth. Though Phobos is considerably brighter
than Deimos, its diameter probably does not exceed 10 miles.
Not only are the satellites of Mars very small, but in other
respects they present only a rough analogy to the moon
revolving around the earth. The distance of Phobos from
the center of Mars is only 5850 miles, while that of Deimos
is 14,650 miles. That is, Phobos is only 3680 miles from the
©', ~-^
their periods of revolu-
tion are very short, the
period of Phobos being
7 hrs. 39 m. and that
^- ....-'' 1 of Deimos being 30 hrs.
18 m. Since Mars ro-
tates on its axis in 24 hrs.
"^'•. ,-•-''
and 37 m., Phobos makes.
more than 3 revolutions
Fig. 102. — Mars and the orbits of its , . , ,
, .
one rotation. It there-
fore rises in the west, passes eastward across the sky, and
sets in the east. Here is an example in which the direction
of apparent motion and actual motion are the same. The
period of Phobos from meridian to meridian is 11 hrs. and
7 m. On the other hand, Deimos rises in the east and sets
in the west with a period from meridian to meridian of
131 hrs. and 14 m.
170. The Rotation of Mars. —
In 1666 Hooke, an English
observer, and Cassini, at Paris, saw dark streaks on the
ruddy disk of Mars, and these features of the planet's sur-
face are so definite and permanent that even to-day astrono-
mers can recognize the objects which these men observed
and drew. Some of them are shown in Fig. 103, which is a
CH. IX, 170] THE PLANETS 275
series of 9 photographs, taken one after the other at short
intervals, by Barnard, at the Yerkes Observatory. By
comparing observations at one time with those made at
later date the period of rotation of the planet can
be found.
In fact, considerable rotation is observable in the short
interval covered by the photographs iri Fig. 103. Hooke
and, therefore, while its day is only a little longer than that
of the earth, its year is nearly twice as long. It is not meant
to imply by these statements that the chmate of Mars is
similar to that of the earth. Its distance from the sun is
so much greater that the amount of light and heat it receives
per unit area is only about 0.43 of that which the earth
171. The Albedo and Atmosphere of Mars. — According
to the observations of Miiller, the albedo of Mars is 0.15,
which indicates probably a thin atmosphere on the planet.
The surface gravity of Mars is only 0.36 that of the earth,
and, consequently, would be expected on the basis of the
a phenomenon
of the atmos-
Fig. 104. — Barnard's drawings of Mars.
planet. Besides
this. Mars undergoes seasonal changes, not only in the polar
caps, which be considered in the next article, but also
even in conspicuous markings of other types. Figure 104
gives three drawings of the same side of Mars by Barnard,
on September 23, October 22, and October 28, 1894, showing
notable temporary changes in its appearance.
172. The Polar Caps and the Temperature of Mars. —
The surface of Mars on the whole is dull brick-red in color,
but its polar regions during their winter seasons are covered
with snow-white mantles. One of these so-called polar
caps sometimes develops in the course of two or three days
over an area reaching down from the pole 25° to 35°; it
remains undiminished in brilliancy during the long winter
of the planet; and, as the spring advances, it gradually
The polar cap around the south pole of Mars has been
more thoroughly studied than the one at the north pole
because the south pole is tijrned toward the earth when Mars
is in opposition near the perihelion point of its orbit. The
eccentricity of the orbit of this planet is so great that its
that its surface is like that of the earth, the proportion becomes
X 519
: = -v/OiiS : </I,
little water vapor in the air surrounding it, the snow evapo-
rates into water vapor without first melting. On the other
hand, if the atmosphere contains an abundance of water
vapor, the snow -does not evaporate until after its tempera-
ture has risen above the freezing point. But at the freezing
point the snow turns into water.
The whole matter is this
gist of the If the water vapor
sons and to develop with great rapidity when the sun was
at the Martian equinox.
The history of the observations of the markings of Mars
since the time of SchiaparelU is filled with the most remark-
able contradictions. The observations of the keen-eyed
Italian have been confirmed by a number of other astrono-
mers, among whom may be mentioned Perrotin and ThoUon,
of Nice, Williams, of England, W. H. Pickering, of Harvard,
and especially Lowell, who has a large 24-inch telescope
CH. IX, 174] THE PLANETS 285
Fig. 108. — Photograph ofMars (the 60-inch reflector of the Mt. Wilson
Solar Observatory)
not only are the canals real but that they prove the existence
on the planet of highly intelligent beings. He argues for
the reahty of the canals on the ground that they always
appear at well-defined positions on the planet and that they
change in a systematic way with the seasons. He argues that
they are artificial because they always run along the arcs of
great circles, because several of them sometimes cross at a
point with the utmost precision, and because in many cases
two of them run perfectly parallel for more than a thousand
miles. Obviously this remarkable -regularity could not be
the result of such processes as the erosion of rivers or the
cracking of the surface.
W. H. Pickering first suggested that the canals may be
due to vegetation, and Lowell's theory is an elaboration of
this idea. Lowell believes the streaks, known as canals,
are strips of vegetation 20 or more miles wide, which grow
on a region irrigated by lateral ditches from a large central
canal. This explains their seasonal character. Moreover,
he finds the streaks first developing near the dark (marshy ?)
regions and extending gradually out from them even across
the equator of the planet to regions having the opposite sea-
son. The explanation given for this phenomenon is that
when the snow of the polar caps melts, the resulting water
first collects in the marshes and is led thence out into the
is less than on the earth, the hght and heat received from
the sun are less and the temperature is probably far lower,
years ago they may have passed through the stage of strife
and deadly competition in which the human race is to-day.
It is a curious fact that those who know but little about
astronomy are nearly always very much interested iri the
question whether other worlds are inhabited, while as a rule
astronomers who devote their whole lives to the subject
scarcely give the question of the habitability of other planets
a thought. Astronomers are doubtless influenced by the
knowledge that such speculations can scarcely lead to cer-
tainty, and they are .deeply impressed by the fundamental
laws which they find operating in the universe. Nevertheless,
there seems to be no good reason why we should not now
and then consider the question of the existence of life, not
only on the other planets of the solar system, but also on the
millions of planets. that possibly circulate around other suns.
Such speculations help to enlarge our mental horizon and
to give us a better perspective in contemplating the origin
and destiny of the human race, but we should never forget
that they are speculations.
CH. IX, 175] THE PLANETS 289
III. Jupiter
175. Jupiterls Satellite System. —
The first objects dis-
covered by Galileo when he pointed his little telescope to
the sky in 1610 were the four brightest moons of Jupiter.
They are barely beyond the limits of visibility without optical
aid and, indeed, could be seen with the unaided eye if they
Table VII
CH. IX, 177] THE PLANETS 291
- -^;;:s»s;;«(iHE3i.*(;Ji>
CH. IX, 181] THE PLANETS 297
IV. Satukn
181. Saturn's System.
Satellite —
Saturn, like Jupiter,
has 9 satelHtes. The largest one was discovered by Huyghens
in 1655, then four more were found by J. D. Cassini between
1671 and 1684, two by Wilham Herschel in 1789, one by
G. P. Bond and Lassell in 1848, and the ninth by W. H.
Pickering in 1899^ Pickering suspected the existence of
a tenth in 1905, but the supposed discovery has not been
Saturn is so remote that the dimensions of its sateUites are
only roughly known from their apparent brightness. All
their masses are unknown except that of Titan, which, from
its perturbation of its neighboring satellite Hyperion, was
Table VIII gives the Ust of Saturn's satelUtes, together
with their mean distances from its center, their periods, and
their approximate diameters. It will be observed that an
enormous gap separates the first eight from the ninth.
Figure 115 gives to scale the orbits of Saturn's satellites,
with the exception of the ninth, which is too remote to be
shown. The eight satellites revolve around Saturn from
west to east, the direction in which it rotates, but the ninth,
Hke the eighth and ninth satelUtes of Jupiter, revolves in
the retrograde direction. This satellite was the first object
discovered in the solar system having retrograde motion,
and it aroused great interest. These retrograde revolutions
have a fundamental bearing on the question of the origin
of the satellite systems.
Table VIII
Table IX
Fig. 117. — Saturn. Photographed Nov. 19, 1911, with the 60-inch telescope
of the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory.
jlQ and 117. When their plane passes through the earth,
they appear to be a very thin hne and even entirely disap-
pear from view for a few hours, as Barnard found when
observing them with the great 40-inch telescope in 1907.
It follows that the rings must be very thin, their thickness
probably not exceeding 50 miles When the rings were nearly
the places which are entirely vacant when they are highly
incUned to the earth, were found to be brighter than the places
where the rings are really briUiant (Fig. 118). Barnard
and a little less for solid satellites, but not much less if they
were of large dimensions. It is seen from the numbers
in Table IX, or from Fig. 116, that the rings are within this
limit. It is not supposed that they are the pulverized
remains of satellites that ever did actually exist, but rather
that the material of which they are composed is' subject
to such forces that the mutual gravitation of the separate
sities,and that the inner ones are more oblate, and, there-
fore, rotate faster, than the outer ones.
184. On the Permanency of Saturn's Rings. — The ques-
tion at once arises whether the meteoric constitution of the
rings, in which there is abundant opportunity for collisions,
is a permanent one. The fact that the rings exist and are
separated from the planet by a nimiber of thousands of
miles, while beyond them there are 9 satelUtes, indicates
that they are not transitory in character. The only cir-
the earth receives and it follows that its surface is very cold
1. Find by the method of Art. 172 what the mean temperatures
of the earth would be at the distances of Mercury and Venus.
2. If the earth always presented the same face toward the sun,
and if there were no distribution of heat by the atmosphere, what
would be the mean temperature of its illuminated side? What
would be the result if the earth were at the distance of Venus from
the sun?
3. If the mean temperature of the equatorial zone of the earth
is 85°, and if it receives, per unit area, 2.5 times as much heat as the
you give for the fact that the canals are always along the arcs of
great circles ?
8. Try the experiment of Maunder and Evans.
9. What would be the total area of 400 canals having an aver-
age width of 20 miles and an average length of 300 miles ? Suppose
to irrigate this area for a season a foot of water is required ; how
much would this water weigh on the earth ? On Mars ? Suppose
a fall of four feet per mile is required to get a flow in the canals at
the necessary rate suppose it is necessary to pump the water out
Pig. 119. — Brooks' Comet, Oct. 19, 1911. Photographed by Barnard at the
Yerkes Observatory.
the sun they actually pass through its corona (Art. 238).
About 25 comets pass within the orbit of Mercury nearly ;
come within the orbit of Jupiter. This does not mean that
there are no comets with great perihehon distances, or even
that those with perihehon distances greater than the distance
from the earth to the sun are not very numerous. Comets
are relatively inconspicuous objects until they come con-
siderably within the orbit of Mars. Sometimes their bright-
ness increases a hundred thousandfold while they move from
the orbit of Mars to that of Mercury. Consequently, even
if comets whose perihelia are beyond the orbit of Mars were
^y-^-Jtt^v" y v->,.
is iS
tides move, that is, the Une from the sun through the nucleus
(see Fig. 121).
Electrical repulsion acts on the surfaces of particles, while
gravitation depends on their masses. Therefore, while large
masses are attracted by the sun more than they are elec-
trically repelled, the opposite may be true for small particles,
and the electrical repulsion is relatively stronger the smaller
they are. tails which are produced out
Consequently, the
of small particles will be more nearly straight than those
which are composed of larger particles. Bredichin advanced
the theory that the long, straight tails are due to hydrogen
gas, the ordinary slightly curved tails to hydrocarbon gases,
and the short, stubby, and much curved tails to vapors of
metals. Spectroscopic observations have to a considerable
extent confirmed these conclusions. Some comets have tails
of more than one type, as for example Delavan's comet
(Fig. 124).
If the electrical repulsion theory is adopted, the question
at once arises why the sun and the materials of which the
tails of comets are composed are similarly electrified. A
plausible answer to this question can be given. At least"
the hydrogen in the sun's atmosphere seems to be negatively
electrified. Suppose a comet approaches the sun from a
remote part of space without an electrical charge. Labora-
tory experiments show that the ultra-violet rays from the
sun, striking on the nucleus of the comet, will probably drive
off negatively charged particles which will be repelled by
the negative charge of the sun,, and they will thus form a
tail for the comet. The repulsion will depend upon the
and the electrical potential of the sun.
size of the particles
After the negatively electrified particles have been driven
off, the nucleus will be positively charged and, consequently,
willbe electrically attracted by the sun. But since the par-
driven off will be only an exceedingly small part of the
whole comet, this attraction will not be great enough sen-
sibly to alter the comet's motion.
Fig. 124.- -Delavan's comet, Sept. 28, 1914, showing a long, straight taU
and one having considerable curvature (Barnard).
their way out they may pass near a planet which will exert
analogous forces, and may so disorganize them that they
will never again be united into a single body.
The theory which has just been outlined is clear. Now
what have been the observed facts? Biela's comet was
broken into two parts by some unknown forces, and the two
components subsequently traveled in independent paths.
The great comet of 1882 was seen to have a number of out-
lying fragments when it was in the vicinity of the sun, and
many other comets have exhibited analogous phenomena.
Another source of disturbance to which comets are sub-
ject is the scattered meteoric material which may more or
less fill the space among the planets. The phenomenon of
the zodiacal light gives an almost certain proof of its exten-
sive existence. Such scattered particles would have little
effect on a dense body like a planet, but might cause serious
disturbances in a tenuous comet. In fact, there are many
instances in which comets and comets' tails seem to have
been subjected to unknown exterior forces. They are now
and then more or less broken up, and occasionally the tails
of comets have been apparently cut off and brushed aside.
Many comets which have been observed at two or three
perihelion passages have been found to be fainter at each
successive return than they were at the preceding, and some
have eventually entirely disappeared. It seems to be a safe
conclusion that comets are slowly disintegrated under the
disturbing forces of the sun and planets and the resisting
meteoric material which they may encounter. As confirma-
tory of this view, it may
be noted that the members of Jupi-
ter's family have small tails or none at all that this comet
140,000 miles from its surface. It flew along this part of its
orbit at the rate of 370
miles per second, and
its tail, 100,000,000 miles
long, changed its direc-
tion to correspond with
the motion of the comet
in its orbit.
The Great Comet of
1811. — The great comet
of 1811 was visible from
March 26, 1811, until
August and was
17, 1812,
Fig. 125. — Encke's comet (Barnard).
ei .^
f,,;f<f^nn mlES _
rMjrc/f ~tl^
6 sgi*r
\//jooo,ooo/M/Les. _
f7^oaooo/}/ZE3rF5/7'^''"^s ~^A,
Fig. 129. — The relations of the sun, earth, and Halley's comet in 1910.
II. Meteors
Meteors, or Shooting Stars.
202. —
An attentive watch
of the sky on almost any clear, moonless night will show one
or more so-called " shooting stars." They are little flashes
*^1 \
Fig. 133. — Stony meteorite which fell at Long Island, Kansas ; weight,
700 pounds (Farrington).
Fig. 134. — Iron meteorite from Canon Diablo, Arizona weight, 265
pounds (Farrington)
near each other that their planets (if they have any) are
1. What observations would prove that comets are not in the
7. On the
repulsion theory should a comet's tail be equally long
when it is approaching the sun and when it is receding ?
8. Draw the diagram mentioned in the first paragraph of Art. 203.
9. Count the number of meteors you can observe in an hour on
some moonless night;
10. observe the Leonid or Andromid meteors.
If possible,
11 Make a list of the fairly well-explained cometary phenomena,
' The mean radius of the earth is 3955 miles and there are 1760 yards in
a mile.
CH. XI, 212] THE SUN 351
all over the surface of the sun and it would; melt a globe of
the sun might not supply it with heat to take the place of
that which it radiates so lavishly. With the insight of
genius, Helmholtz saw the nature of the question and fore-
saw its probable answer. In 1854, at a celebration in com-
memoration of the philosopher Kant, he gave a solution of
the problem under the assumption that the sun- contracts
in such a way as to remain always homogeneous. With
our present data regarding its rate of radiation, its volume,
and its mass, it is found by the methods of Helmholtz that,
under the assumption that it is homogeneous and remains
homogeneous duririg its shrinking, a contraction of its radius
of 120 feet per year would produce as much heat as it radi-
ates annually. This contraction is so small that it could
not be detected from the distance of the earth with our most
powerful telescopes in less than 10,000 years.
So far in this discussion it has been assumed that the sun
contracts,and the consequences of the contraction have been
deduced. It remains to consider the question whether under
the conditions which prevail it actually does contract. The
reason does not at once shrink under the mutual gravita-
The question a
of the variation in the rate of radiation of
contracting sun with increasing age an important one. is
Lane showed that, so long as the sun obeys the law of gases,
its temperature is inversely as its radius. By Stefan's law
the rate of radiation is proportional to the fourth power of
the absolute temperature. Consequently the rate of radi-
ation, per unit area, of a contracting gaseous sphere is in-
versely as the fourth power of its radius. But the whole
radiating surface is proportional to the square of the radius.
Therefore the rate of radiation of the entire surface of a
contracting gaseous sphere is inversely as the square of its
the earth will gradually decline, and all life on the earth will
eventually become extinct. The sun, a dead and invisible mass,
will speed on through space with its retinue of lifeless planets.
219. The Age of the Earth. — After the development of
the contraction theory of the sun's heat, physicists, among
CH.xi,219] '
had made them famiUar must have taken place within this
time. But no one science or theory should be placed above
all others, and other Unes of evidence as to the age of the
generation has been going on'in them. This method has led
CH. XI, 219] THE SUN 363
1. How many horse power of energy per inhabitant is received
by the earth from the sun ?
2. What is the average amount of energy per square yard re-
gas under great pressure passes through a cooler gas (or gases),
then the result is a bright spectrum which is continuous except
where it is crossed by dark lines, and the dark lines have the
positions which would be occupied by bright lines if the
intervening cooler gas were the source of light; and con-
versely, if a bright spectrum is continuous except where it is
The explanation of the shift of the hues of the spectrum
when there is relative motion of the source and the re-
ceiver very simple. If the source is stationary, it sends
1. What problems can be solved approximately for the sun and
stars by the first principle of spectrum analysis ?
2. What would be the
character of the spectrum of moonlight ?
3. Comets have continuous bright spectra crossed by still brighter
lines what interpretation is to be made of these facts, remembering
these phenomena ?
5. of the earth With respect to the sun and moon
Can the motion
be determined by spectroscopic means ? The motion of the earth
with respect to the planets?
6. If an observer were approaching a deep red star with the veloc-
ity of light, what color would the star appear to have ? If he were
receding with the velocity of light ?
7. What effect would the rapid rotation of a star have on its spec-
tral lines ?
8. Suppose an observer examines the spectra of the eastern and
western Umbs of the sun how would the spectral lines be related ?
Fig. 141. — The Sun. Photographed by Fox with the Jfi-inch telescope of the
Yerkes Observatory.
/ /
* f. «i,ji
I" I ' 1
T > i I
Fig. 144. — Great sun spot of July 17, 1905. Photographed by Fox with the
40-inch telescope of the Yerkes Observatory.
has been somewhat more active than the northern. For the
period from 1874 to 1902, 57 per cent of the total spot area
was in the southern hemisphere of the sun and only 43 per
cent in the northern. That is, the activity in the southern
hemisphere was about one third greater than that in the
}lB77[lB7a|lfl73|lBaoll6Bl[lBB2[lBB3[l8M[l885|l8Ba[l887[l88B}lBS9|ia90[ ||ia52|lBB3[lBB4|lBB5|lB96[ie37[l6B8[l839|l90o]l90l
Fig. 145. — Distribution and magnitudes of sun spots for the period from
1876 to 1902 (Maunder).
Fig. 146. —
Sun spots having opposite polarity. Photographed cd the Mi.
Wilson Solar Observatory with the spectroheliograph (Hale)
FlG. 147. — The Mt. Wilson Solar Observatory of the Carnegie Institution
of Washington. Pasadena, California.
Table X
the sun, it has been found that the reversing layer is 500 or
600 nailes deep.
As a rule the effect of pressure on an absorbing gas is to
cause the dark hues to shift slightly toward the red end of
the spectrum. Extensive studies by various astronomers of
the displacements of the Fraunhofer lines have led to the
conclusion that the pressure of the reversing layer, even at
itslower levels, does not exceed 5 or 6 times that of the
earth's atmosphere at sea level. This is a very remarkable
result in view of the great extent of the sun's atmosphere
and the fact that gravity at the surface of the sun is nearly
28 times as great as it is at the surface of the earth. Pos-
sibly electrical repulsion from the sun and light pressure
partly offset the great surface gravity of the sun.
234. Chemical Constitution of the Reversing Layer. —
Of the 14,000 hues in Rowland's spectrum about one third
are due to the absorption by the earth's atmosphere, and
the remainder are produced by the sun's reversing layer
and chromosphere. By comparing the positions of the lines
of the sun's spectrum with those given by the various ele-
ments in laboratory experiments, it is possible to infer the
chemical constitution of the material which produces the
absorption. In this manner 38 elements are known cer-
more than 6000 of the lines
tainly to exist in the sun, but
mapped by Rowland have not as yet been identified as
belonging to any element.
The presence by more than 2000
of iron is estabhshed
line coincidences, carbon by more than 200, calcium by more
than 75, magnesium by 20, sodium by 11, copper by 2, and
lead by 1. It will be noticed that nearly all the elements
in the table which follows are metals, the exceptions being
hydrogen, helium, carbon, and oxygen. Qn the other hand,
a number of heavy metals, such as gold and mercury, are
missing. The following table gives the elements found in the
sun and their atomic weights
CH. XI, 234] THE SUN 393
Table XI
Fig. 152. — Spectroheliogram of the sun taken with the doubly reversed
calcium line. Photographed by Hale and Ellerman at Yerkes Observatory.
coming from the lower levels where the gas is denser. Fol-
lowing out these principles, and using a very narrow sHt,
Hale first obtained photographs of different levels of the .
solar atmosphere.
CH. XI, 238] THE SUN 401
Fig. 153. —Spectroheliograms of a sun spot with the doubly reversed H-line
of calcium. Hale and EUerman, Solar Observatory, Aug. 7 and 9, 1915.
fg,ctory explanation.
Fig. 155. — Curves of magnetic storms, prominences, faculae, and sun spotd
from 1882 to 1904.
1 The apparent diameter of the sun as seen from the earth is about
32' ; what are the apparent thicknesses of the corona, chromosphere,
and reversing layer ?
2. The sun's disk is considerably brighter at its center than near
its margin (Fig. 141) can this phenomenon be explained by the ab-
According to the fundamental principle of science the
universe was orderly yesterday, is orderly to-day, and will
be orderly to-morrow; according to the doctrine of evolu-
tion, the order of yesterday changed into that of to-day in
a continuous and lawful manner, and the order of to-day
will go over into that of to-morrow continuously and sys-
tematically. That is, the universe is not only systematic
and orderly in space,but also in time. The real essence of
the doctrine of evolution is that it maintains the orderliness
1. Is the erosion of the chasm below Niagara an example
of an evolution? Is the clearing away and the prep-
of the forests
aration of the land for cultivation ? Is an explosion of dynamite ?
2. Would the direct creation of men and lower animals be an
example of evolution?
3. Do the changes in scientific ideas constitute an evolution?
4. Are religious ideas undergoing an evolution?
5. Will the doctrine of evolution undergo an evolution?
6. The universe
in our vicinity at the present time is believed
to be orderly reasonable to suppose that in remote regions or
; is it
In fact, all the planets together contain less than one seventh
of one per cent of the mass of the entire system. Although
the mass of Jupiter is more than 2.5 times that of all the
1. What is when 3 coins are tossed up they
the probability that
win aU heads up ? What is the probability that in a throw of
4 dice there will be 4 aces up ? If 100 coins were found heads up,
could it reasonably be supposed that the arrangement was acci-
dental? How would its probability compare with that that the
positions of the orbits of the planets and planetoids are accidental ?
2. Suppose a star should pass near the solar system in the plane
of the orbits of the planets ; would it disturb the positions of the
planes, or the eccentricities, of their orbits ?
3. How many
tons of meteors would have to strike the earth
. mass in 200,000,000 years ? How many
daily in order to double its
would daily strike each square mile of its surface ?
4. What is the definition of moment of momentum? How
does it differ from momentum ? Is it manifested in various forms
hke energy ? Does the loss of energy of a body by radiation change
its^ moment of momentum?
5. The mass of the earth is 1.2 times that of Venus (Table XII)
why is its moment of momentum more than 1.2 times that of
Venus ?
6. Could the total energy of the solar system have been infinite
at the start? Can
the system have existed in approximately its
present condition for an infinite time ?
7. When carbon and oxygen unite chemically, heat is produced
is this heat energy developed at the expense of the kinetic, potential,
(Art. 183), Roche showed that a fluid satelUte could not re-
volve withih 2.44 radii of a planet without being broken
up, unless its density were greater than that of the planet.
Since the rings of Saturn are within this limit, it follows
that they could not have formed a satellite, and that a
large nucleus revolving among them, instead of sweeping
them up, would itself have been reduced to the planetesimal
condition, unless it was solid and strong enough to withstand
great tidal strains.
The examples of planetesimal organization which have
1551 it is easy to see that, for the mass ejected toward "g".
the curvature is in the right direction"; "a discussion based
on the resolution of the forces involved (Art. 153) proves
that, for the mass ejected in the other direction, the indicated
curvature is also correct. E ventually S' would move on in
it s orbit so far that it would no longer have sensible at trac-
tio n for the ejected masses, and they would be left revolving
around S in elhptical orbits If the initial speed of the
Fig. 159.— The great spiral nebula in Canes Venatici (M. 51), showing
the two arms. Photographed by Ritchey at the Yerkes Observatory.
might cross
particles them at a great variety of angles, and
some of them might continue to recede indefinitely.
Fig. 160. — The great spiral nebula in Triangulum (M. 33). Photographed
by Ritchey at the Yerkes Observatory.
Consider, therefore, a central body surrounded by an
enormous swarm of planetesimalswhich move in intersecting
elliptical orbits, some close to the sun and others far away.
The system of planetoids now in the solar system gives
a fair picture of the hypothetical situation, especially if, as
seems very probable, there are countless numbers of small
ones which are invisible from the earth. Suppose, also, that
number of nuclei revolving at various distances.
there exist a
They gradually sweep up the smaller masses, and the problem
is to determine what happens to the planes of their or bits.
Consider a nucleus and all the planetesimals which it will
elliptic orbits F^ = —
Hence, the inequality becomes
\r oo' ^r oo' ^ r a'
where a is the major semi-axis of the combined mass. It follows from this
inequality that
M+jn^M_±m,^ whence a<m. That is, under the cir-
Since Oo > a, it follows that V(l — eo^X Vl —e'', and therefore that e < eo.
The reason that loss of heat may be important for them and
not for the sohd planets is that it can be carried to the sur-
face rapidly by convection in a gaseous or liquid body, while
in a sohd body it is transferred from the interior only by the
excessively slow process of conduction.
The duration of the sun is a very important factor in the
future of the planets. There is no known source of energy
the solar system and its energy man can use, to say nothing
of that in the hundreds of millions of other systems which
are found in the sky !
life on the earth and the manner of its origin are lost in the
1. Are the particles which produce the zodiacal light an example
of the planetesimal organization?
2. In the case of one star passing by another, why would their
ejections of material be largely toward or from each other?
446 AN INTRODUCTION TO AbTituiN uivj. i lv^^. ^..,
for med from rings which were left off b y the contracting plan -
ets, Satur n's rings being t he on ly examples still re maining.
si ble for successive ring sJaJje left off- Kirkwood long ago
pointed out that if instability in the equatorial zone onc e
set in, itwould persist, and Chamberlin has shown that the
result would be a continuous disk of particles de scribing
nearly circular orbits. Further, if a ring were left off, it
cou ld not even be gin to cojadense .intcL a planet becausBJ>oth
gas eous expansion and the tidal forces due to th e sun wo uld
more than offset the mutual gravitation of its parte. It has
been seen how large and dense ' a planet must be in order
to hold an atmosphere; while the ring would be large, its
density would be extremely low and it could not control the
Ughter elements. And it has been shown that even if a cir-
cular ring had in some way largely condensed into a plane t,
the pr ocess~coul d not" hav e c ompleted itsilE In order that
a nucleus may
gather up scattered materials, it is necessaiy
that they shall be moving ianonsiderablv-eccentric orbits.
Since the Laplacian hypothesis fails in the fundamental
requirement of mom ent of momentum, as well as in a num-
ber of other essential respects, it will be sufficient simply to
enumerate some of the phenomena which are obviously not
in harmony with it
(1) It does not provide for the planetoids with their
1 Attempts have been made, though not successfully, to avoid this diffi-
culty by invoking tidal friction (Art. 264).
and their distance apart are increased. The reason that the
period of rotation of M is increased is that m has a component
of attraction back on both Ti and T^, Fig. 164, as can be
shown by resolving the forces as they were resolved in Fig.
163. If m pulls Ti and Ta backward, it follows from the
reaction of forces that Ti and T^ pull m forward. The result
of a forward component on m is to increase the size of its
they are exactly equal. Even if they were equal at one time,
they would become unequal with a changed distance of the
moon from the earth. That is, the present is not a fixed state
of equilibrium, and the consideration of the tides does not
remove the It seems probable from this line of
thought that some influence so far not considered has caused
the moon always to present the same face toward the earth.
266. Effects of the Tides on the Motions of the Earth. —
The theory of the tidal evolution of the earth-moon system,
on the basis of certain assumptions regarding the physical
condition of the earth, was elaborated by Sir George Darwin
in a splendid series of investigations. While the experiment
of Michelson and Gale (Art. 25) proves that his assumptions
are not satisfied, at least at the present time, the possible
sequence of events which he worked out is interesting.
Since the tides are increasing the lengths of both the
day and the month, both of these periods were formerly
shorter and the moon was nearer the earth. On the basis
of his assumptions, Darwin traced the day back until it was
only four or five of our present hours. At that time the
moon was revolving close to the earth in a period almost
equally short. This led him to the conclusion that at an
earher stage the earth and moon were one body, that they
divided into two parts because of the rapid rotation of the
combined mass, and that they have attained their present
state as a consequence of tidal friction. The same reason-
ing leads to the conclusion that in the future they will con-
tinue to separate and that the day will continually increase
in length.
The critical question is whether the physical properties
of the earth are such that the rate at which tidal evolution
takes place makes it an appreciable factor in the history of
the earth. Darwin supposed the main effects were due to
bodily tides in the earth which he assumed to be viscous.
Since highly elastic, they cannot at present be important,
it is
1. According to Kant's theory, why should the sun rotate in the
direction the planets revolve ?
2. Is the assumption of Laplace that the original nebula was
highly heated in harmony with the present temperature of the sun
and Lane's law? Why did Laplace make the assumption?
3. Why did Laplace assume that the original nebula was rotating
as a sohd ?
4. To what extent does the contraction theory of the sun's heat
Table XIV
not quite a great circle, from which it follows that the sun
is somewhat out of the plane near which the stars are con-
Let the center of the Milky Way be the circle from which
galactic latitudes are counted. Chapman and Melotte
divided the sky up into eight zones, the first including the
Table XV
This does not mean that the relative velocities would need to
be great enough to be easily observed they would, in fact,
1. Prove that the magnitudes of stars of equal absolute bright-
object at the distance of 10.8 miles when seen first with one
eye and then with the other. Not only is the difference in
the apparent position of a star very small as seen from dif-
ferent parts of the earth's orbit, but it can be determined
only from observations separated by a number of months
' This number is the number of seconds in the arc of a circle which equals
its radius in length.
S can be found.
In practice the position of Sis measured with respect to
a number of comparison stars. At present the work is done
almost entirely by photography. Plates of a star and the
surrounding region are secured at different times of the year,
and the distances between the stars are measured under a
microscope on a machine designed for the purpose. The
scale of the photograph is proportional to the focal length
of the telescope, and consequently for this purpose only
large and excellent instruments are of value.
With present means of measurement, a parallax of 0".02
or less cannot be determined with sufficient accuracy to be
of much value; in fact, the probable error in one of 0".05
is large. The great distances of the stars can be inferred
from the fact that only about 100 are known whose parallaxes
come within the wider of these Umits.
The distances of stars whose parallaxes are 0".2 or greater
can be measured with an error not exceeding about 25 per
cent of the quantity to be determined. There are at present
19 such stars known, 9 of which are too faint to be seen with-
out optical aid. These stars are given in Table XVI. When
the distance of a star of known magnitude has been deter-
mined, the total amount of Hght it radiates, or its luminosity,
as compared with the sun can be computed. The luminosity
of each of the nineteen stars is given in the fifth column.
Table XVI
Since both the linear speed across the line of sight and the
angular velocity, or proper motion, have been found, the
distances of the stars can be computed.
The false hypothesis that all the stars except the sun are
relatively at rest has greatly simjpUfied the problem. As a
matter of fact, the stars are moving with respect to one an-
other in various directions and with various speeds, and the
proper motion of a star is due both to its own motion and also
to the motion of the sun with respect to the system. Since
the actual motion of any particular star is in general un-
known, it is necessary to take the average motions of many,
and then the results will be consistent, for the motion of the
sun is defined with respect to the many. For any class of
stars the average proper motion perpendicular to the direc-
tion of the sun's motion will be zero, while the average proper
motion in the direction of the sun's' motion will depend only
on their distance and the speed of the sun.
This statistical study of the stars was taken up about 20
years ago by Kapteyn, of Groningen, who pursued it with
rare skill and great industry. A number of other astronomers
have also made important contributions to the subject. It
is interesting to note the different, kinds of work which -con-
able area in the sky the point toward which they are moving
isvery well determined.
It will now be shown that if, in addition to the data already
in hand, the radial velocity of one of the stars of the group
can be obtained, then the actual motions, the distances, and
the lummosities of all of them can be determined. Let 0,
Pig. 169, be the position of the observer and OP the direction
of motion of the stars of the group. Let S be one of the
toward the sun less than one eighth of an inch the first second.
The distance of the relatively near star Sirius is 500,000
times as great ; in spite of the fact that its mass is 3.4
times that of the sun, in a whole year it would give the sun
the distance from the earth to the sun. Since the cluster
moves at the rate of about 16 miles per second with respect
to the stars now surrounding it, about 40,000 years will be
required for it to describe one parsec and to pass 'over
5700 parsecs will require more than 200 million years. But
5700 parsecs is probably far beyond the limits of the visi-
ble universe, and before the cluster shall have traversed any
The mean velocity of the stars near the sun is about 22 miles
per second. This fact and the assumptions which have been
made imply that the radius of the Galaxy is about 1100
Fia. 171. —
The great globular star cluster in Hercules (M. 13). Photo-
graphed by Ritchey with the 40-inch telescope of the Yerkes Observatory.
distant much more than 100 parsecs, and that their distances
probably range from 1000 to 10,000 parsecs.
The actual dimensions of the clusters are appalUng. The
distance across one whose apparent diameter is 30' is j^ of
its distance from the earth, or probably of the order of at
number is too large (it may be many times too small), and
it follows that either the stars exist an enormous time as
1. Prove that, in Pig. 168,Z. EiSEi - Z EiS'Ei
= Z SEiS' - Z SEiS'.
2. Suppose there are 30 stars within 5 parseos of the sun ; what is
the average distance between adjacent stars ?
3. Draw a diagram to prove that Herschel's observations, Art.
274, are explained by the conclusion which he drew. If this conclu-
sion is denied, what other must be accepted ?
4. If an angle of 1".0 can be measured with an error Hot exceeding
10 per cent, how small a parallax can be determined with this degree
of accuracy by the method of Art. 275 in 100 years?
6. Show by a diagram that if two stars are moving in parallel
Unes, then the great circles in which they apparently move, as seen
from the earth, intersect in a point whose direction from the earth is
the direction in which the stars move (Art. 277).
6. Since the velocity of our sun is somewhat below the average of
the velocities so far measured, what are the probabihties of the rela^
tion of its mass to the masses of the observed stars ?
^ 7. If the radius of the Galaxy is 1100 parsecs (end of Art. 279),
how long would it tak^ the sun at its present speed to pass from the
center of the sidereal system to borders ?
8. 1830 Groombridge is 200 miles per
If the velocity of the star
second and remains constant, how long will be required for it to
recede to a distance from which our Galaxy will appear as a hazy
patch of light 1° in diameter?
Fig. 172. — Orbit of a speutroscopic binary star.
173), for the lines from one will be shifted toward the red
while the lines from the other will be displaced toward the
violet. When the stars have made a quarter of a revolution
around their center of gravity and have arrived at A'
and B', the lines will not be displaced because the stars are
neither approaching toward nor receding from the observer.
After another quarter of a revolution they will be double
again because A will be approaching and B receding.
The data furnished in this way by the spectroscope are
very important because, in the first place, the separation of
the lines determines the relative velocity of the stars in their
orbits. This is true whether the system as a whole is sta-
Fig. 173. — Spectrum of Mizar, showing double lines above and single lines
below (period 20.5 days). {Frost; Yerkes Observatory.)
The period given in this case, but only the velocity of the
and the size of the orbit and mass of the system based on it
are both too small. Since the planes of the orbits of binary
stars may have any relation to the observerj the measured
radial velocities are in general smaller than the actual
velocities; on the average the former are 0.63 of the
latter. On the average the calculated masses are about 60
per cent of the true masses.
The spectroscope is particularly valuable in the study of
binary stars because is not necessary that they should be
Fig. 174. — Spectra of Mu Orionis (Frost; Yerkes Observatory).
the more massive. The larger stars kre generally less than
twice as massive as the smaller. Of course, the difference is
those of the sun, seems probable that the or,bit of the pair
binary pair passes very nearly through the earth, the stars
partially or to-
tally eclipse each
other every time
they are in a line
with the earth.
If one of the two
is a dark star and
nearly as large as
the bright one, it
is clear that the
light received
Fig. 175. — Light curve of typical eclipsing variable from the pair will
remain constant
except when the brighter star is eclipsed. As the dark star
begins to eclipse the brighter one, the light diminishes very
rapidly until the time of greatest obscuration, after which as
a rule the star rapidly regains normal brightness. How-
the same as that given in Fig. 175. About 100 stars of this
type are known, and they are often called Algol variables.
They are characterized by the shortness of their periods,
many of which are less than 5 days and only 12 of which
are longer than 10 days, and by the regularity of their light
curves. Doubtless the explanation of their short periods
is that when the two stars are far apart they do not eclipse
trum was examined in any detail, the dark lines and bright
Hnes were both visible at one time. The displacement of the
bright lines showed, on the basis of the Doppler-Fizeau
principle, a velocity away from the earth of over 200 miles per
second, while the dark hnes showed, on the same basis, an
approach toward the earth of more than 300 miles per second.
There are abundant 'grounds for doubting the correctness of
this interpretation, but no satisfactory explanation is at hand.
These phenomena are characteristic of novse in general. As
they become fainter the dark lines vanish and the bright lines
characteristic of nebulse appear, except that in the novse they
are broad while they are narrow in the nebulae.
Sy;i--y^S^^.' >.'.
credibly small.
Lindemann has developed the hypothesis that novse are
produced by collisions of stars with stars. If one star should
encounter another in central collision with the great speed
at which they would move as a consequence of their initial
motion and mutual gravitation, the heat generated would
be enormous. If they were of equal mass and started from
rest, the heat developed would be five sixths of that
which would be generated, according to the principles of
Helmholtz, by the contraction of both of them from infinite
expansion. This heat would be developed in a few hours,
or days at the most, and the temperature of the combined
mass would rise enormously. But with increase of tem-
perature there would be corresponding expansion, which
would result in a diminution of the temperature. If the
stars were originally gaseous, the final temperature after
expansion would be lower than that before collision because
the conditions are the opposite of those in Lane's law (Art.
216), according to which the temperature of a gaseous star
increases as it loses heat by radiation and contracts. Or,
stated directly^ if heat could be applied to a gaseous star by
radiation or otherwise, it would expand and increase. its
potential energy at the expense, not only of all the heat sup-
plied, but also partly at the expense of that which it already
Secchi's : Wolf-Rayet I II III ; IV.
Harvard Types O B, A ; F, G, K ; M ; N.
If the gaseous nebulae were included, they would be put
•ahead of the Wolf-Rayet stars. There is a fairly continu-
ous sequence of spectra from Type O to Type M, but there
isan abrupt break between Types and N, M
Theprincipal phenomena which are associated with the
spectral types and which agree on the whole, in arranging
the stars in the same order, are :
(6) The average velocities of the stars across the line of
sight, as determined by Lewis Boss, show a similar relation
to the spectral type. The results are
Types: B, A, F, G, K, M.
Velocities: 3.9, 6.3, 10.0, 11.5, 9.4, 10.6.
and continue
contract, their temperature will inevitably rise
and monatomic.
to rise until they cease to be entirely gaseous
Consequently; if the stars of the types B, A, F, G, K, M
are in the order of decreasing temperature and are gaseous,
the logical conclusion on the basis of the supplements to
Laplace's theory is that the evolution proceeded in the re-
verse order. Of covu-se, the stars may not all be completely
gaseous. This has given rise to the theory, proposed by
Lockyer and amplified and ably supported by Russell, that
the nebulse contract into tenuous red stars of which M
have low temperatm-es with loss of heat they contract,
Fig. 184. — The Pleiades. These stars are surrounded by nebulous masses
of enormous volume. Photographed by Bitchey with the two-foot reflector
of the Yerkes Observatory.
Fig. 185. — For a given density, the more massive the star the higher its
hundred miles per second take the most favorable case where
Now let us follow out the history of the star after such a
collision as has been described. If there are no subsequent
Fig. 187. —
Irregular nebula in Cygnus (N. G. C. 6960). Photographed by
Ritchey with the two-foot reflector of the Yerkes Observatory.
objects, the average speed being over 150 miles per second.
This suggests that these aggregations of stars have velocities
with respect to our own Galaxy of a higher order than the
average internal velocities, in harmony with the suggestion
in Art. 300.
Barnard has recently brought forward strong evidence
for the conclusion that there are relatively dark and opaque
Fio. 188. —Oij the left a bright nebula (in Cygnus) and on the right a
dark patch which is probably due to a dark nebula. Photographed by
Barnard at the Yerkes Observatory.
of the spectrum.
The brightness of
the arms was
much more re-
duced than that
of the central
nuclei, indicating
that a consider-
able part of their
light is similar to
that from gases.
Moreover, their Fig. 189. —
The Trifid Nebula. The dark lanes
transparency im- by which it is crossed are probably due to inter-
vening dark material. Photographed with the
plies that they are Crossley reflector of the Lick Observatory.
tenuous. Hence,
they seem to be vast swarms of incandescent sohd or Uquid
particles, perhaps with many larger masses, surrounded by
gaseous materials. There is difficulty in explaining their
luminosity, though Lockyer attempted to account for the
light of all nebulae by ascribing it to heat generated by the
collisions of meteorites of which he supposed they are largely
composed. The obscure material in and around nebulae
may be very abundant. This supposition is confirmed in the
case of spiral nebulae, for when one is seen edgewise the dark
Fig. 190. — Spiral nebula in Ursa Major fM. 101). Photographed by Ritchey
at the Yerkes Observatory.
The spiral nebulae range in magnitude all the way from the
Great Nebula in Andromeda (Fig. 192), which is about 1°.5
long and 30' wide, to minute, faint objects,which are barely
discoverable after long exposures with powerful photographic
telescopes. There is no reason to beUeve there are not others
still smaller. Since the Andromeda nebula is certainly as
It has been more than once suggested that the spiral neb-
ulae are not in reality nebulae at but distant galaxies.
If this is true, it is difficult to explain their distribution
respect to the Milky Way, or their strong central condensa-
tions, or the fact that they are crossed by dark streaks when
they are presented edgewise to us. Besides, the results of
Seares' photographs are opposed to this hypothesis.
303. Ring Nebulae. —A
few nebulse have the form of
almost perfect rings, the best example of which is the one
between Beta Lyrse and Gamma
Lyrse (Fig. 193). This nebula has
a fifteenth-magnitude star near its
center which has been suspected
of being variable. It is probably
associated with the nebula, though
this is not certain. The spectrum
of the ring nebula in Lyra has
been examined and it has been
found that hydrogen extends out
considerably beyond the heUum.
The origin and development of
Fig. 193. — Thering nebula these remarkable objects are quite
in Lyra. Photographed by
Sullivan at the Yerkes Ob- beyond conjecture at present.
servatory with the 40-inch 304. Planetary Nebulae. —The
planetary nebulae are supposed to
be next to the 0-type stars in evolution, and the 0-type stars
are supposed to precede the B-type stars. They are in all
cases apparently small in size, usually rather dense, particu-
larly near their centers, and they have rather well-defined
outhnes. They were named by Herschel from their resem-
blance to faint planetary disks;-
The spectra of about 75 planetary nebulae have been ex-
amined. Perhaps the most important result of this examina-
tion is that their radial velocities (24 miles per second) are
1. 500,000,000 stars were scattered uniformly over the celes-
what would be the apparent angular distance between
tial sphere,
adjacent stars? If another star were placed at random on the
sky, what would be the probability that it would be within 1"
of one of these stars?
2. In the part of the sky covered by Aitken's survey of double
stars (north of decUnation —14°) there are about 200,000 stars
brighter than the tenth magnitude what is the average distance
their combined mass one tenth that of the sun? Equal to that
of the sun? Ten times that of the sun? What are their relative
velocities in the respective oases? What are their temperatures
in the respective oases [Art. 298 (c)]? What are their luminosities
in the respective oases ?
Year, sidereal, 183. 429, 4.30, 462, 501, 511, 513, 525,
tropical, 183. 528, 529, 537, 551, 554, 556, 559.
Yerkes Observatory, 77, 139, 158,
161, 163, 164, 192, 208, 210, 212, Zenith, 124.
215, 259, 275, 285, 291, 300, 301, Zodiacal light, 262, 328, 442.
302, 312, 333, 376, 397, 400, 426,
Professor of Astronomy in the University of Chicago
A Text-book of the Weather, the Causes
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FOR THE Student and General Reader
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Astronomer in the Lick Observatory