Event Created by Someone Who Typically Referenced The Primary Sources For Their Information. Knowledge Skills Attitudes Values

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DLP No.: 16 Learning Area: English Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 3 Duration: 50min
Learning Organize information from secondary sources in preparation for Codes:
Competencies: writing, reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration with EN6SS-IIIc-4
Key Concepts/ SECONDARY SOURCES are documents, texts, images, and objects about an
Understandings to be event created by someone who typically referenced the primary sources for
Developed: their information.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Define secondary sources

Skills Organize information from secondary sources is preparation for writing,

reporting and similar academic tasks in collaboration w/ others

Attitudes Observe politeness at all times

Values Demonstrate honesty at all times

2. Content demonstrates understanding of the research process to write a variety of texts

3. Learning Voyages in English 6 Writing and Grammar; Brookes, et.al.; pp. 278- 281
s/Equipment EnglishTek 6 3rd Edition; Saqueton, et.al.; pp. 198- 199


“What It Really Means” card, tag board, note cards

Power point Presentations/ Charts
4. Procedures
Introductory Activity What reading materials do you have at home? List down the
(5minutes) reading materials that can be found in your home.


1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.

Activity Group the pupils into five. Let them tell whether the source scenario comes from a Primary
(10 minutes) Source or not.
If it comes from a primary source, raise your tag board with a YES. If it does not, raise NO.

When I visit my Aunt, I am writing a report on I found a letter to one

she shows me pictures George Washington and of my friends in the
of my parents when they my friend lends me her locker room after school
were little. What am I encyclopedia. What the other day. I know it’s
looking at? am I using? private, but I want to
read it! What is the

I like to read magazines My mom has CDs of my At school we use

for kids. I really like the grandparents telling textbooks to find out
stories about famous stories about when about many different
people who are in they were kids. We love people and events.
movies. When I read to listen to them before When we use textbooks,
these stories, what am I bedtime. What are we what are we using?
reading? listening to?
I was playing with my My sister leaves a letter I was watching the
friends and found an old she wrote to her best Disney channel and one
wedding dress in the friend on the kitchen of the reporters said I
attic. My father said it table. I want to read it should see a movie
was his mother’s. What but I don’t because I she really liked. When
is the dress? know it’s private. What she talks about the
is her letter? movie, what is she
Analysis SECONDARY SOURCES are documents, texts, images, and objects about an event
(7minutes) created by someone who typically referenced the primary sources for their

SECONDARY SOURCE is_____________________

Secondary— Secondhand—
coming from or not original;
created using an taken from
original source someone or
something else
Source—a person,
publication, or
object that gives

What are the points to remember in writing reports?

Abstraction What gives the reader an idea about what will be in the report?
(5 minutes) We write paragraph using an outline by writing the topics following their correct order in the
Application Arrange the following sentences to form a report. Follow the format below.
(7 minutes) ( GROUP ACTIVITY)



Main Points




4. ________________



2. ________________

3. ________________

Classes from preschool to secondary levels will be suspended in all

affected areas. Alert is up for all those living near rivers and coastal
Evacuation is advised to those in the danger zone because of possible
floods and landslides due to the amount of water typhoon Pablo is set
to release.

A powerful typhoon will be entering the Philippine Area of

Responsibility on Monday, June 15. PAGASA said, typhoon Pablo will
pass trough parts of Visayas and Mindanao tomorrow at 8:00 o’clock in
the morning and will possibly leave the country on Tuesday evenings.
According to PAGASA, typhoon Pablo is a signal No.2 typhoon.

5. Assessment Arrange the following sentences to form a report. Follow the format
(10 minutes) given.

 Parents have the right to use what is called reasonable

chastisement to keep their children under control.
 Parents may hit them but not too hard enough to cause serious
 A 13 year old boy won the right to go to the European Court of
human Right in Strasbourg last week.
 His Stepfather beat him with a garden cane when he was nine
years old.
 Should parents be allowed to smack their children?
6. Assignment Write summary or brief news report about your community. Be able to follow the points to
(3 minutes) remember in writing a report.
ning the Day’s
7. Concluding Activity “People who pretend to be your friends but secretly put you down are more dangerous than
(3 minutes) your enemies that who fight or criticize you openly.”

Prepared by:

Name: Sarah J. Escoton School: Taytay Integrated School

Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 0943-367-4885 Email address: [email protected]

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