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Pediatric Post Test With Answer

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Prepared By: Prof. John Anthony Octubre

JOSE, a 4 years old had no problem in his growth and development. You advise the parents what they
expect from jose in the coming years.

1. The nurse has assessed four children of varying ages; which one requires further evaluation?
a. 7 month-old who is afraid of strangers
b. 4 y/o who talks to an imaginary playmate
c. 9 y/o with enuresis
d. 16 y/o male who had nocturnal emissions

2. which age group does JOSE belong

a. pre-schooler b. toddler
c. school-age d. infants

3. . Baby lucia is 6 months old,what is the appropriate toy for lucia?

a. push and pull toys b. wooden blocks
c. soft stuffed toys d. walkei takei

4. A toddler who has been treated for a foreign body aspiration begins to fuss and cry when the parents
attempt to leave the hospital for an hour. The nurse interprets this behavior as indicating separation
anxiety involving which of the following?
A. Protest B. Despair
C. Regression D. Detachment

JOSE, a 4 years old had no problem in his growth and development.You advise the parents what they
expect from jose in the coming years.

5. All the following takes place in this age group,except?

a. alldecidous teeth are present
b. the secondary sex structure develops
c. osssification and calcification of bone
d. the digestive tract becomes functionally mature

6. The most reliable pain indicator for child is:

a. crying and sobbing b. changes in behavior
c. decrease in heart rate d. verbal report of pain

7. The concept of death of child ages 2 years old

a. sleeping b. punishment and reversible
c. end of life d. none of the above

8. Nurse Hannah is assessing a healthy neonate upon admission to the nursery. Which characteristic would the
admitting nurse record as normal?
A. Head circumference measuring 31 cm B. Hypertonia
C. Irregular respiratory rate of 50 bpm D. High-pitched or shrill cry



9. The initial nursing observation of newborn is:

a. weight in kilogram b. height
c. APGAR d., breast circumference

10. Boy Francisco,36 weeks AOG has cryptorchidism,which refers to

a. undescended testes
b. unretracted foreskin on penis
c. ventral location of urethral meatus
d. dorsal location of urethral meatus

11. Boy greg develops jaundice.When does physiologic jaundice occurs

a. 24 hours b. 12 hours
c. 36 hours d. 3 to 5 days

12. When the crib of greg is jarred,she develops sudden outward extension of her arms then slowly
relaxes.What reflex is this
a. tonic neck b. babinski
c. rooting d. morofeflex

13. Soon after birth the nurse stimulates infants respiration by:
a. gentle slapping of the feet b. bringing the feet upside down
c. immerging him in a cold water d. digital dilation of anus

14. The mother brought her child to the clinic with nose bleeding.The nurse showed the mother the most
appropriate position for the child?
a. sitting position b. with low back rest
c. with moderate back rest d. lying semi flat

15. A physician has prescribed oxygen PRN for an infant with congestive heart failure (CHF). In which situation
would the nurse plan to administer the oxygen to the infant?
a. During feeding
b. When the mother is holding the infant
c. When changing the infant’s diapers
d. When drawing blood for electrolyte values

16. An infant with congestive heart failure (CHF) is receiving diuretic therapy, and a nurse is closely monitoring
the intake and output (I & O). The nurse uses which most appropriate method to assess the urine output?
a. Inserting a Foley catheter
b. Weighing the diapers
c. Comparing intake with output
d. Measuring the amount of water added to formula

17. A nurse is monitoring the daily weight of an infant with congestive heart failure (CHF). Which of the
following alerts the nurse to suspect fluid accumulation and the need to call the physician?
a. Bradypnea
b. Diaphoresis
c. Decreased blood pressure (BP)
d. A weight gain of 1 pound in 1 day



18. Judy,12 years old is at what stage of psychosocial stage

a .trust vs mistrust b. autonomyvs shame
c. initiaitive versus guilt d. identity vs role confusion

19. For dental check up…the nurse encourages parents that child should be brought to a dentist at what age?
a. 2 years old b. 5 years old
c. 7 years old d. 25 years old

20. Tonton,12 months old child.When choosing toy,What criteria should be considered as priority
a. educational purpose b. developmental function
c. safety d. recreational use

21. A 7 month old the child could already able to

a. social smile b. mmmm----when crying
c. say mama/dad d. say 2 words other than mama\dada

22. The normal visual acuity of pedia

a. 20/20 b. 20/100
c. 20/200 d. 20/10

23. A mother brings her baby in the primary care clinic reporting that her baby always vomits after breast
feeding. Which of the following question asked by the nurse will support the diagnosis of intussusception?
a. Is the child having difficulty to pass stool regularly?
b. Does he have a jelly-like stool?
c. Is there a presence of olive-shaped mass in the child’s epigastric area?
d. Does the stool resemble a ribbon-like appearance?

24. Treatment was delayed for a 4-year-old child with congenital hip dysplasia. The child has now undergone
surgery and is on a spica cast. Which object should the nurse immediately remove from the child’s bed
because of its potential safety hazards?
a. Legos b. A sponge ball
c. A stuffed animal d. A toy gun

25. An essential clinical feature of autistic disorder

a. inattention
b. attachement to inanimate object
c. easilydistucted
d. hyperactivity

26. Head banging is common to a autistic child,A relevant diagnosis would be

a. potencial for activity intolerance
b. potenial for injury
c. impaired physical mobility
d. potential impaired skin integrity

27. Typical changes in the environment,a autistic child would manifest one of the following
a. clinging behavior b. temper tantrums
c. destructive behavior d. masturbates



28. According to freud super ego is develop during:

a. infant b. toddler
c. pre-schooler d. adolescence

29. In the pubescent boys,the pubic hair star to grow at

a. base of penis b. base of scrotum
c. base of glans penis d. penile shaft

30. At what day does complete bath should be done

a. afterdelivey b. 3 days postpartum
c. 7 days postpartum d. during the day umbilical cord had slough off

31. The specific age where sense of humor developed:

a. 4 years old b. 5 years old
c. 10 years old d. 15 years old

32. .This is an appropriate topic to start when teaching sexuality to adolescence

a. dating issues
b. menstruation and wet dreams
c. family planning
d. sexually transmitted disease

33.The nurse gives the mother home instruction regarding digoxin administration.Correct instruction includes:
a. give full glass of water
b. drug should be given before meals
c. sign of toxicity is tachycardia
d. normal blood therapeutic level is 0.9-3meq/l

34. The characteristic stool of client with intussusception

a. currant jelly b. ribbon like stol
c. steatorrhea d. bloodflect

35. The brain reaches its adult size at what age

a. 3 years old b. 4 years old
c. 6 years old d. 5 years old

36. Foramen ovale shunts blood

a. from left atrium to right atrium
b. from right atrium to left atrium
c. from left ventricle to right ventricle
d. from right ventricle to left ventricle

37. A child delivered at 30 weeks gestation,is considered as:

a. full term b. pre term
c. post term d. none of the above

38. small for gestational age newborn are those delivered at term who weights less than
a. 2,500grams b. 1500 grams
c. 3,000 grams d. 4,300 grams



39. If the child is resistant to brush his teeth,which of the following fruits should be given?
a. pears b. apple
c. papaya d. guyabano

40. Which of the following fruit is given to asthmatic client?

a. apple b. pears
c. papaya d. guyabano

41. The immunoglobulin present on breast milk

a. G b. A
c. E d. D

42. Baby boy Alvin has persistent vomiting, The mother tells you that aside from being persistent,she vomits
forcibly.Pyloric stenosis is diagnose,which of the following physical assessment would you consider very
a. presence of vomiting b. peristaltic wave
c. dehydration d. crakles

43. Baby boy roy a post cheiloplasty and uranoplasty is transferred to the ward…which of the following is
appropriate restrain for the client.
a. mummy restrain b. elbow retrain
c. hand restrain d. jacket restrain

44. A nurse admits a child to the hospital with a diagnosis of pyloric stenosis. On admission assessment, which
data would the nurse expect to obtain when asking the mother about the child’s symptoms?
a. Vomiting large amounts of bile
b. Watery diarrhea
c. Increased urine output
d. Projectile vomiting

45. A clinic nurse reviews the record of a 3-week-old infant and notes that the physician has documented a
diagnosis of suspected Hirschsprung’s disease. The nurse reviews the assessment findings documented in the
record, knowing that which symptom most likely led the mother to seek health care for the infant?
a. Diarrhea
b. Projectile vomiting
c. Regurgitation of feedings
d. Foul-smelling ribbon-like stools

46. Baby Louise, born with a myelomeningocele with accompanying hydrocephalus. She should be placed in
which of the following positions?
a. Trendelenburg’s
b. On her back
c. With her legs abducted
d. On her abdomen

47. A 4 y/o with TOF is seen in squatting position near his bed. The nurse should
a. Administer oxygen
b. Take no action if he looks comfortable but continue to observe him
c. Pick him up and place him in Trendelenburg’sposiyion in bed
d. Have him stand up and walk around the room



48. A nurse provides home care instructions to the parents of a child with celiac disease. The nurse teaches
the parents to include which of the following food items in the child’s diet?
a. Rice
b. Rye toast
c. Oatmeal
d. Wheat bread

49. A nurse is gathering supplies in preparation to administer a tepid bath to a child with a fever. The nurse
understands that which of the following items would not be needed for the bath?
a. Washcloths and towels
b. A bottle of alcohol
c. Toys
d. Lightweight pajamas

50. The nurse is aware that children born with a missing chromosome are most likely to have:
a. Cretinism b. Phenylketonuria
c.Down syndrome d.Turner’s syndrome

51. A nurse admits a child to the hospital with a diagnosis of pyloric stenosis. On admission assessment, which
data would the nurse expect to obtain when asking the mother about the child’s symptoms?
a. Vomiting large amounts of bile
b. Watery diarrhea
c. Increased urine output
d. Projectile vomiting

52. A 3-year-old child is hospitalized because of persistent vomiting. A nurse monitors the child closely for:
a. Diarrhea
b. Metabolic acidosis
c. Metabolic alkalosis
d. Hyperactive bowel sounds

53. A nurse provides home care instructions to the parents of a child with celiac disease. The nurse
teaches the parents to include which of the following food items in the child’s diet?
a. Rice
b. Rye toast
c. Oatmeal
d. Wheat bread

54. A sweat test is performed on a child with a suspected diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. (CF). The nurse
reviews the test results and determines that which of the following is a positive result for CF?
a. Chloride level of 20 mEq/L
b. Chloride level of 30 mEq/L
c. Chloride level of 40 mEq/L
d. Chloride level of 70 mEq/L

55. Christopher, 2 months-old, is suspected of having coarctation of the aorta. The cardinal sign of this
defect is
a. clubbing of the digits and circumoral cyanosis
b. pedal edema and portal congestion
c. systolic ejection murmur
d. upper extremity hypertension



56. An infants intestines are sterile at birth, therefore lacking the bacteria necessary for the synthesis of
a. Prothrombin
b. Bile salts
c. Intrinsic factor
d. Bilirubin

57. On April 16 at 3:45pm, a 34 week 1550gm female infant is delivered to Dina. The infant demonstrates
nasal flaring, intercostals retractions, expiratory grunt, and slight cyanosis. An umbilical catheter is inserted
with IV infusion of 5% Dextrose and water 30cc to run over a ten hour period. Blood gases and electrolyte
studies are ordered immediately. The premature baby is placed in a heated isolette because:
a. The premature infant has a small body surface for her weight
b. Heat increases flow of oxygen to extremities
c. Temperature control mechanism is immature
d. Heat within the isolette facilitates drainage of mucus

58. The premature infant has a difficulty in concentrating urine and may have large amounts of fluid lost. The
nurse caring for Dina’s baby would:
a. Force fluid every half hour
b. Observe color and amounts of urine and check its specific gravity
c. Administer only high protein fluids
d. Warm fluids before administering them

59. A newborn develops cephalhematoma. The nurse should plan to explain to the mother that:
a. The swelling may cross the suture line
b. The soft sac will bulge when the infant cries
c. It will resolve spontaneously in 3-6 weeks
d. This condition is unusual with vaginal delivery

60. A lumbar puncture is performed on a child suspected of having bacterial meningitis. Cerebrospinal fluid is
obtained for analysis. A nurse reviews the results of the CSF analysis and determines that which of the
following results would verify the diagnosis?
a. cloudy CSF, decreased protein, and decreased glucose
b. cloudy CSF, elevated protein, and decreased glucose
c. clear CSF, elevated protein, and decreased glucose
d. clear CSF, decreased pressure and elevated protein

61. A home care nurse provides instructions to the mother of an infant with cleft palate regarding feeding.
Which statement if made by the mother indicates a need for further instructions?
a. “I will use a nipple with a small hole to prevent choking.”
b. “I will stimulate sucking by rubbing the nipple on the lower lip.”
c. “I will allow the infant time to swallow.”
d. “I will allow the infant to rest frequently to provide time for swallowing what has been placed in the

62. A nurse is caring for a newborn infant with a suspected diagnosis of imperforate anus. The nurse monitors
the infant, knowing that which of the following is not a clinical manifestation associated with this disorder?
a. The presence of stool in the urine
b. Failure to pass a rectal thermometer
c. Failure to pass meconium in the first 24 hours after birth
d. The passage of currant jelly-like stools



63. A nurse is gathering supplies in preparation to administer a tepid bath to a child with a fever. The nurse
understands that which of the following items would not be needed for the bath?
a. Washcloths and towels
b. A bottle of alcohol
c. Toys
d. Lightweight pajamas

64. A clinic nurse is assessing a child for dehydration. The nurse determines that the child is moderately
dehydrated if which symptom is noted on assessment?
a. Flat fontanels
b. Moist mucous membranes
c. Pale skin color
d. Oliguria

65. A nurse interviews the parents of a child recently diagnosed with glumerulonephritis. The nurse understands
that which information collected during the assessment is most often associated with the diagnosis of
a. Streptococcal throat infection 2 weeks prior to diagnosis
b. Child fell off a bike onto the handlebars
c. Nausea and vomiting for the last 24 hours
d. Urticaria and itching for 1 week prior to diagnosis

66. A nurse is assigned to care for child suspected of having glumerulonephritis. The nurse reviews the child’s
record and notes that which finding is associated with the diagnosis of glumerulonephritis?
a. Low blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
b. Hypotension
c. Low urinary specific gravity
d. Red-brown urine

67. A nurse is developing a plan of care for a 7-year-old child diagnosed with acute glumerulonephritis. The
nurse includes which priority intervention in the plan of care?
a. Encourage limited activity and provide safety measures
b. Catheterize the child to strictly monitor intake and output
c. Force oral fluids to prevent hypovolemic shock
d. Encourage classmates to visit and to keep the child informed of school events

68. A mother brings her 2-week-old infant to a clinic for treatment following a diagnosis of clubfoot made at the
time of birth. Which of the following statements, if made by the mother, indicates a need for further
education regarding this disorder?
a. “I need to bring my infant back to the clinic in 1 month for a new cast.”
b. “Treatment needs to be started as soon as possible.”
c. “I need to come to the clinic every week with my infant for the casting.”
d. “I realize my infant will require follow-up care until full grown.”

69. When performing a physical assessment of a newborn with Down syndrome, the nurse should carefully
evaluate the infant’s:
a. Heart sounds
b. Anterior fontanel
c. Pupillary reaction
d. Lower extremities



70. A 12-year-old is diagnosed as having idiopathic scoliosis. Because proper exercise and avoidance of fatigue
are essential components of care, the nurse is aware that the most therapeutic sport for this child would be:
a. Golf
b. Bowling
c. Swimming
d. Badminton

71. A 3-month-old infant has been diagnosed as having congenital hypothyroidism. If care is not instituted until
after early infancy, the child will probably have:
a. Myxedema
b. Thyrotoxicosis
c. Some mental retardation
d. Abnormal deep tendon reflexes

72. A 6-year-old has received partial-thickness burns of the face and chest in a house fire. For the first 24 hours
after hospitalization, the nurse should primarily observe this child for:
a. Wound sepsis
b. Separation anxiety
c. Pulmonary distress
d. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance

73. An infant is diagnosed a having pyloric stenosis. When palpating this infant’s abdomen, the nurse would
expect to find:
a. An impacted and distended colon
b. Marked tenderness around the umbilicus
c. An olive-sized mass in the right upper quadrant
d. Rhythmic peristaltic waves in the lower abdomen

74. A test that is done on all neonates to detect PKU is:

a. Phenistix test
b. Guthrie blood test
c. Ferric chloride urine test
d. Clinitest serum phosphopyruvic acid

75. The cardiac defects associated with tetralogy of Fallot include:

a. Right ventricular hypertrophy, atrial and ventricular defects, and mitral valve stenosis
b. Origin of the aorta from the right ventricle and of the pulmonary artery from the left ventricle
c. Right ventricular hypertrophy, ventricular septal defect, stenosis of pulmonary artery,
and overriding aorta
d. Abnormal connection between the pulmonary artery and the aorta, right ventricular hypertrophy, and
atrial septal defects

76. When observing a newborn with Down syndrome, the nurse should be aware that a common defect
associated with this condition is:
a. Deafness
b. Hydrocephaly
c. Muscular hypertonicity
d. Congenital heart defect



77. The nurse analyzes the laboratory values of a child with leukemia who is receiving chemotherapy. The nurse
notes that the platelet count is 20,000/mm³. On the basis of this laboratory result, which intervention will
the nurse document in the plan of care?
a. Initiative protective isolation precautions
b. Monitor the temperature every 4 hours
c. Monitor closely for signs of infection
d. Use Toothettes for mouth care

78. Which of the following definitions best describes the form of clubfoot called talipes equino varus?
a. inversion of the foot
b. eversion of the foot
c. plantar flexion
d. dorsiflexion

79. A cleft lip predisposes an infant to infections primarily because of:

a. poor nutrition from disturbed feeding
b. poor circulation of the defective area
c. waste products that accumulate along the defect
d. mouth breathing, which dries the oropharyngeal mucous membranes

80. The nurse should carefully observe the infant with a tentative diagnosis of pyloric stenosis for:
a. quality of cry
b. quality of stool
c. signs of dehydration
d. coughing and gagging after feeding

81. Children with nasal infection usually may have problems of developing otitis media because?
a. Eustachian tubes are shorter, narrower
b. The tympanic membranes are more prone to adhere microorganisms
c. The eustachian tubes in children are shorter and horizontal
d. The eustachian tubes in children are longer and sloped compared to adults

82. Tonya a 6 year-old child is rushed to the ER due to cyanosis after playing with her older sister. She is
known to have Tetralogy of Fallot since birth. Three of the following are congenital defects associated with
Tetralogy of Fallot. Which ONE is NOT included?
a. Deviation of the aorta
b. Stenosis of the mitral valve
c. Stenosis of the pulmonary artery
d. Intraventricularseptal defect

83. A mother arrives at an ER with her 5-year-old child. The mother states that the child fell off a bunk bed. A
head injury is suspected, and a nurse is assessing the child continuously for signs of increased intracranial
pressure (ICP). Which of the following would indicate a late sign of increased ICP in this child?
a. Nausea
b. Dilated scalp veins
c. Bulging fontanel
d. Widened pulse pressure



84.Most newborns void in the first 24 hrs after birth. Which of the following may cause a reddish stain
sometimes called as “red brick dust” on the diaper?
a. Uric acid crystals in the urine
b. Mucus and urate in the urine
c. Bilirubin in the urine
d. Excess iron in the urine

85. The nurse is performing a newborn assessment, which of the following is considered normal?
a. presence of 2 veins and 1 artery in umbilical cord
b. presence of tuft of hair at the lumbar area of baby’s back
c. presence of “witch milk” in the breast
d. presence of ortolani’s click

86. A nurse assigned in a newborn nursery receives a telephone call from the delivery room and is told that a
newborn with spina bifida (meningomyelocele type) will be transported to the nursery. Which of the following
priority items would the nurse prepares at the newborn’s bedside?
a. A specific gravity urinometer.
b. A bottle of sterile normal saline.
c. A rectal thermometer.
d. A blood pressure cuff.

87. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results for a child scheduled for tonsillectomy. The nurse determines
that which of the following laboratory values is the most significant to review?
a. Creatinine
b. BUN
c. Sedimentation rate
d. Prothrombin time

88. While assessing a child with coarctation of the aorta, the nurse would expect to find which of the
a. Absent or diminished femoral pulses
b. Cyanotic (“tet”) episodes
c. Squatting posture
d. Severe cyanosis at birth

89. The nurse is assessing an 11-month old infant. Which of the following is a normal assessment?
a. tonic-neck reflex b. babinski reflex
c. moro reflex d. rooting reflex

90. The nurse knows which of the following is a normal assessment for an 9-month old infant?
a. infant able to roll over
b. infant crawls
c. infant able to stand alone
d. infant able to walks with support

91. A neonate after delivery is having routine newborn care. When administering oxygenation to the infant,
the nurse knows to take caution with the level of oxygen delivery and not exceed it because of the possibility
of the child to develop:
a. ChoanalAtresia
b. RetrolentalFibroplasia
c. Hypospadias
d. Phenylketonuria

92. This kind of immunity is acquired resulting form previous effect of a disease or repeated exposure to doses
of an organism?
a. Anaphylactic b. Active
c. Passive d. artificial

93. The nurse is caring for a child with tetralogy of Fallot who experiences an episode of acute cyanosis. Which
of the following is the primary clinical manifestation the nurse will assess?
a. Loss of consciousness
b. Anxiousness and irritability
c. Decreased respiratory rate
d.Decreased pulse rate and blood pressure

94.When preparing discharge teaching for a family of a child recovering from rheumatic fever, the nurse’s
priority instruction is
a. Parents should inform the school nurse of the child’s illness
b. Parents should monitor the child for poor appetite and growth
c. The child should resume school activities as soon as tolerated
d. The child needs to take prophylactic antibiotics to prevent endocrditis

95. Wendy, a pediatric nurse gives lecture on appropriate games/toys for children among mothers and
caregivers in the pediatric ward. For 2-year old Raphael, what kind of toy will she prescribe most likely?
a. Colorful and attractive b. Safe to play by himself
c. Competetive d. Can share with his siblings

96. Which of the following interventions is a priority for the nurse to implement in the postoperative care of a
child with a cleft lip repair?
a. Encourage the parents to limit their visits to allow the child to rest
b. Restrain the child’s arms with blankets to prevent the rubbing the suture line
c. Place the child prone to facilitate drainage
d. Assess for edema of the tongue, lips and mucus membranes

97. Which of the following activities will enhance the growth and development of a 6-year-old child?
a. Allow her to explore her surroundings
b. Allow ample time when toileting
c. Have her take care of his sister
d. Let her choose the clothes she wants to wear

98. Which of the following is the first intervention to include in the initial postoperative care of an infant
following a bilateral cleft lip and palate repair?
a. Maintain nothing by mouth until the incision is sealed
b. Restrain all extremities to prevent rubbing of the face and lip
c. Clean the suture line to prevent formation of crusts
d. Administer sedation to prevent picking at the incision site

99. The nurse seeks to provide appropriate diversional activities for a school-age child with chorea associated
with rheumatic fever. The best activity for the nurse to select would be:
a. Cutting out paper dolls
b. Watching educational television
c. String beads to make necklace
d. Assembling a puzzle



100.A priority nursing diagnosis in the care of a child with pyloromyotomy is

a. Ineffective breathing
b. Trauma
c. Fluid deficit Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
d. Acute pain


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