Meghan Mutants and Masterminds
Meghan Mutants and Masterminds
Meghan Mutants and Masterminds
Mutants & Masterminds, M&M Superlink, the M&M Superlink logo, and Green Ronin are trademarks of Green
Ronin Publishing (www. and are used with permission.
Power points and Hero points are Product Identity of Green Ronin Publishing and are used with permission.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc
("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game
Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations
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improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or
adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or
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means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but
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plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses,
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and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special
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6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the
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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to
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10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to
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13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed
only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
g as an indication as to
with the owner of each element of
with any Trademark or Registered
s expressly licensed in another,
emark. The use of any Product
p of that Product Identity. The
s, title and interest in and to that
Hero/Villain 0
Height 4-8 ft. (based on size)
Quote ###
1st Appearance
Player email
PL 10
PP 100 150 recommended (based on PL)
Adjustment Max
Max Attack 10 = + 10
Max Defense 10 = + 10
Max Save DC Modifier 10 = + 10
Max Toughness 10 = + 10
Max Save/Ability Bonus 15 = + 15
Max Ability Score 40 = + 40
Max Skill Rank 15 = + 15
Starting 0 Points 1
Bonus 0 Points
Luck Points 0
Total 0 Points 1
Physical Appearance
Battle Tactics
Team name Team Name
Other Members
Team Notes
Dan (2020-11-
12 19:38:08)
Select Standard
PC or Construct.
If you are
building a
Construct PC, ======
you can buy up
any other save.
Dan (2020-11-
If any Abilities
12 19:38:08) ======
start at 0, be Enter ID#AAAAKxAUs ======
Standard PC ======
sure to enter
====== miscellaneous
"0" w4 ID#AAAAKxAUs
in the relevant
ID#AAAAKxAUs enhancements Dan (2020-11-wg
base ability.
wY to abilities,12
Dan (2020-11-
Dan (2020-11
Also, don't
Dan (2020-11-
Enter ability12 19:38:08)
XP:0 12 19:38:08)
to add
12 19:38:08)
yourdetected powers.
modifiers that
Enter your Add
basethese not affect yourEnhanced Ability
no-skill strength
attribute invalues
in the in this
skills. STRScores.
from Do not
score from
Abilities Cost: 20 Ability Total Base Powers
Misc Tab.
No Skill Most
Density Control
Enhanced enter anything in
Density Control
0 STR 10 (0) 10 + + ability + should 0 +be auto-
0 area.
6 DEX 16 (+3) 16 + + enhancements + calculated.
0 + =
should auto-
10 CON 20 (+5) 20 + + + 0 + =
detect and enter
2 INT 12 (+1) 12 + + in the Enhanced
+ 0 + =
4 WIS 14 (+2) 14 + + column. + 0 + =
-2 CHA 8 (-1) 8 + + + 0 + =
If you are building a construct character and you want to zero out an ability, xk
(for example, Constructs do not have Constitution),======replace the Base Ability with "NA" Dan (2020-11-
12 19:38:08)
====== any
XP:0 Dan (2020-11-
12 19:38:08)
====== save bonuses
Enter your base
ID#AAAAKxAUs here.
Dan Values
save values here
Saves Cost: 12 Save Total Base xU Ability Mod Misc listed here are
12 19:38:08)
4 FORT +9 4 + Dan+5 (2020-11-
ï CON + not
4 REF +7 4 + +312 19:38:08)
ï DEX + into the PP cost.
4 WILL +6 4 + Enter
+2 base ï WIS + Toughness
====== Toughness save bonuses here.
here for Values listed
Toughness Save Total Base Ability Mod Misc Def Roll Protection
wQ Constructs only! here are not
0 TOUGH +6 +5
Dan (2020-11- ï CON + + calculated
1 + into
Flat Footed +5 12 19:38:08) the PP cost.
Enter your
Knockback Modifier Total 1/2common
Tough Immov. Imperv.
Knockback +3 Defense
3 + Types
0 0
here. The
Flat Footed +1 1 + 0
Powers tab
sources in
Defense Types defenses, such
Rank Sheet Output
as Protection ====== ======
and Force Field. ID#AAAAKxAUs ID#AAAAKxAU
You can override yg wI
this by entering Dan (2020-11- SM (2020-11-
your own values 12 19:38:08) 12 19:38:08)
in these cells. Enter any Enter any
Dan (2020-11- miscellaneous
====== miscellaneous
XP:0 12 19:38:08) values that apply values that app
====== your base to
wc your Defense, to your Defense
ID#AAAAKxAUs value and are Dodge
Dan (2020-11- and are NOT
here bonuses, here. Dodge bonuses
ID#AAAAKxAUs 12 19:38:08)
Dan (2020-11- This
Enter isany
not here. This is no
x8 calculated into calculated into
(2020-11- miscellaneous
Enter your base the PP cost.
values that apply the PP cost.
12 19:38:08)
Enter values to your Attack
miscellaneous here. This is not
calculated into
====== Dan (2020-11- SM (2020-11-
ID#AAAAKxAUs 12 19:38:08) 12 19:38:08)
yU Enter any Enter any
Dan (2020-11- miscellaneous
====== miscellaneous
12 19:38:08) values that
ID#AAAAKxAUs apply values that app
====== your base to
wc your Defense, to your Defense
Defense value
ID#AAAAKxAUs and are Dodge
Dan (2020-11- and are NOT
Combat Cost: 24 Total Base
Size Misc bonuses,
Dodge here.
Other Dodge bonuses
ID#AAAAKxAUs 12 19:38:08)
Dan (2020-11- This
not here. This is no
10 Defense Bonus 5 = 5 + x8 0 + + calculated
0 + into + calculated into
(2020-11- miscellaneous
Flat Footed 3 Enter your base the PP that
values cost.apply the PP cost.
12 19:38:08)
Enter values to your Attack
Total Base here
miscellaneousMisc here. This is not
14 Base Attack +7 = 7 + bonuses
0 + to calculated into
====== grappling here. the PP cost.
Base This
Size is not
Melee Attack STR Mod Super STR
Grappling +7 = x4 + calculated
0 + +7 +in the 0 + 0
Dan (2020-11-
PP cost.
12 19:38:08)
Total Base Feat
Enter your
Adj (Melee) +7 +7
common attack 0
Adj (Ranged) +7 +7 here. 0
Unarmed is
Attack Type auto-calculated
Rank Att Bonus Sheet Output
based on your Unarmed +0
Total Dex Misc Imp. Init Superspeed
Initiative +3 = +3 + 0 + 0 + 0
ID#AAAAKxAUs ======
====== wk ID#AAAAKxAUs
ID#AAAAKxAUs Dan (2020-11-yE
yc 12 19:38:08) Dan (2020-11-
Dan (2020-11-
Dan (2020-11- Add any extra12 19:38:08)
12 19:38:08)
12 19:38:08) Super Strength
This cell will
Auto-calculated not calculated
in any
Enhanced Ability
no-skill strength here. This instances
is of
Scores. Do not
score from Super Strength
enter anything
Total in Super STR Auto S. STR
Density Control. that's not added
on the powers
this area. 10
to0your base tab.
16 Grappling stat.
20 Lifting
Light: 33 lbs, Med: 66 lbs, Heavy: 100
14 lbs, Max: 200 lbs, Push: 500 lbs
Dan (2020-11-
12 19:38:08)
====== any
save bonuses
Dan Values
listed here are
12 19:38:08)
into the PP cost.
bonuses here.
Values listed
Protection Force Field
here are not
calculated into + 0
the PP cost.
Sheet Output
SM (2020-11-
12 19:38:08)
Enter any
values that apply
to your Defense,
and are NOT
Dodge bonuses,
here. This is not
calculated into
the PP cost.
SM (2020-11-
12 19:38:08)
Enter any
values that apply
to your Defense,
and are NOT
Dodge bonuses,
Shield Uncanny Dodge
here. This is not
calculated into
the PP cost.
Sheet Output
Unarmed +0
Skills Cost: 13 Total Ranks Misc Ability Mod Sheet output
1 Acrobatics * +7 = 4 + + 3 ï DEX Acrobatics*
2 Bluff +7 = 8 + + -1 ï CHA Bluff
0.5 Climb +2 = 2 + + 0 ï STR Climb
0 Computers * = + + 1 ï INT Computers*
0.5 Concentration +4 = 2 + + 2 ï WIS Concentration
0 Craft * Craft*
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 Diplomacy -1 = + + -1 ï CHA Diplomacy
0 Disable Device * = + + 1 ï INT Disable Device*
0 Disguise -1 = + + -1 ï CHA Disguise
0 Drive * = + + 3 ï DEX Drive*
0 Escape Artist +3 = + + 3 ï DEX Escape Artist
0 Gather Info -1 = + + -1 ï CHA Gather Info
0 Handle Animal -1 = + + -1 ï CHA Handle Animal
3 Intimidate +11 = 12 + + -1 ï CHA Intimidate
0 Investigate * = + + 1 ï INT Investigate*
0 Knowledge * Knowledge*
0.5 Arcane Lore * +3 = 2 + + 1 ï INT Arcane Lore*
0.5 Theology and Philosophy * +3 = 2 + + 1 ï INT Theology and Philosophy*
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 = + + 1 ï INT
0 Medicine * = + + 2 ï WIS Medicine*
0 Notice +2 = + + 2 ï WIS Notice
0 Perform * Perform*
0 = + + -1 ï CHA
0 = + + -1 ï CHA
0 = + + -1 ï CHA
0 = + + -1 ï CHA
0 = + + -1 ï CHA
0 = + + -1 ï CHA
0 = + + -1 ï CHA
0 = + + -1 ï CHA
0 = + + -1 ï CHA
0 Pilot * = + + 3 ï DEX Pilot*
0 Profession * Profession*
0 = + + 2 ï WIS
0 = + + 2 ï WIS
0 = + + 2 ï WIS
0 = + + 2 ï WIS
0 = + + 2 ï WIS
0 = + + 2 ï WIS
0 = + + 2 ï WIS
0 = + + 2 ï WIS
0 = + + 2 ï WIS
0 Ride * = + + 3 ï DEX Ride*
0.5 Search +3 = 2 + + 1 ï INT Search
1 Sense Motive +6 = 4 + + 2 ï WIS Sense Motive
0 Sleight of Hand * = + + 3 ï DEX Sleight of Hand*
1.5 Stealth +9 = 6 + + 3 ï DEX Stealth
1 Survival +6 = 4 + + 2 ï WIS Survival
0 Swim = + + 0 ï STR Swim
0 = + + 1 ï INT
English, Infernal,
Abyssal, Latin,
1 Language * +4 = 4 +
+5 Languages
1 English
2 Infernal
3 Abyssal Abyssal,
4 Latin Latin,
5 Primordial Primordial,
Sheet output
4 (+7)
8 (+7)
2 (+2)
2 (+4)
12 (+11)
2 (+3)
2 (+3)
2 (+3)
4 (+6)
nglish, Infernal,
byssal, Latin,
Dan (2020-11-
FEATS ======
12 19:38:08)
Select your feat
here. The feat
description Detected Feats
Dan (2020-11-
should Defensive Roll 1
12 19:38:08)
automatically fill
If a feat can be
in the description
ranked, noted by
based on the
"(+)", enter the
feat and the
number of ranks
Feat Cost: 4 Ranks Feat Name ranks of the Featfeat.
Auto Description
in this column.
1 2 2 Rage (+) +6 Str,If +4
you want
Fort to -2 Defense
& Will,
Default is 1.
1 1 1 Luck (+) change
+1 hero point the
1 1 1 Defensive Roll (+) description, use
+1 Toughness save bonus
the "Edit Feat
Dan (2020-11-
12 19:38:08)
The feats
====== here
are auto-
yY in the
ed Feats Abilities Tab.
Daniel Simpson
ve Roll 1 Verify that the
feats selected
are calculated
If you want to
change the Feat
Edit Feat Description
Auto Description,
Sheet Output
enter a new
Rage (2)
description here.
Luck (1)
Defensive Roll (1)
[list][*][b]Rage (2):[/b] +6 Str, +4 Fort & Wi
[*][b]Luck (1):[/b] +1 hero point
Feat List Roll (1):[/b] +1 Toughness s
Sheet Output [/list]
[*][b]Rage (2):[/b] +6 Str, +4 Fort & Will, -2 Defense
+1 Toughness save bonus [*][b]Defensive Roll (1):[/b] +1 Toughness save bonus [*][b]Defensive Roll (1):[/b] +1 Toughness save bonus
Improved Initiative
Jack of all Trades
Defensive Roll
Dodge Focus
(2):[/b] +6 Str, +4 Fort & Will, -2 Defense
/b] +1 hero point Defensive Roll 1
Roll (1):[/b] +1 Toughness save bonus rank rank rank rank
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Defensive Roll (1), #VALUE! #VALUE! 1 1 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Rage (2), Luck (1), Defensive Roll (1),
Grappling Finesse
Uncanny Dodge
XP:0 ======
A: PP cost of the Use Sub for a
ID#AAAAKxAUs ======
power Sub-Power of a
B: PP used in Container and
Owner (2020- ys
that alternate Alt# for the #th Detected Powers
11-12 19:38:08) Jeff Head
power seperate power Flight 1
Put in the +1/-1 (2020-11-12
configuration of grouping in an
total gained from 19:38:08)
an array Array. Use Alt0
Power Feats and This is the name
C: Total PP or just Alt for the
Drawbacks for of the power, ex:
available for an base power of
this power. DO Blast, not what
array an Array power.
NOT put Type
in you call the
37 configuration
Cost/Rank PF/DB Ranks Power Name
Extras/Flaws! power, ex:
25 NA D:5 PP used5 in a 4 Array DEMONIf you have FORM an
Do those on Energy Beam
0 Container array Line
Cutting withinofaFire
NA Cost/Rank Cannon
21 (21/20) E:3 Total PP 7 Alt5 Blastcontainer
(Fire) or a
NA instead.
0 available in a container within
NA Form of Fire
container an array, use
15 (23/20) NA
F:3 Equipment 5 Alt4 Insubstantial
SubArray or(Energy Form)
8 (23/20) NA 2
points used 4 Alt4 Strike
AltCont (Fire) for its
0 NA G: Total Extinguish
base power. the Flame
24 (24/20) NA equipment
2 8points 8 Alt3 Suffocate
you have a
0 NA available Container
Spirit Channel as the
8 (24/20) NA 1 8 Alt2 Mind Reading of
base power
16 (24/20) 2 8 Alt2 an Array, use
0 NA Breath of Fire
12 (25/20) NA 1 4 8 Alt1 Damage/Cone
Equip is for the
13 (25/20) NA 1 5 8 Alt1 Drainpowers (Toughness)/Cone
from a
0 NA piece ofDimensional, Incurable, Reversible, Selective
Affect Insubstantial,
0 NA Equipment.
0 NA
Leave blank for
0 NA
all other powers.
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
5 NA 1 5 Base Immunity (Fire)
2 NA 2 1 Base Flight (Wings)
5 NA 1 5 Base Super Senses (See Magic, Infravision, Darkvision, Scent)
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
Select Power -> Absorption
Effect Trait/Defense
Action Reaction
Range Personal
Duration Continuous
Save -
Cost 4
Rank Value Time Extended Range
1 1 3 seconds 10 ft
2 2 6 seconds 100 ft
3 5 1 minute 1,000 ft
4 10 5 minutes 1 mile
5 25 20 minutes 5 miles
6 50 1 hour 20 miles
7 100 5 hours 200 miles
8 250 1 day 2,000 miles
9 500 1 week 20,000 miles
10 1,000 1 month 200,000 miles
11 2,500 3 months 2 million miles
12 5,000 1 year 20 million miles
13 10,000 5 years 200======
million miles
14 25,000 10 years ID#AAAAKxAUs
2 billion miles
15 50,000 50 years xg
yM in solar system
16 100,000 Dan
100 years Nearby (2020-11-
12 19:38:08)
12 19:38:08)
500 years Distant star systems
Using this
This section
18 500,000 1,000 years Anywhere in Galaxy
doesn't you can
19 1,000,000 5,000 years Nearby
add Galaxies
up different
do anything to
20 2,500,000 10,000 years Anywhere
values inthat
the powers you
up a device.
have purchased
in the your
Power ranks
in device
Section. This in this
cell. In the cells
area is strictly for
keepingenter tabsthe
Ranks in Device: costs for
your math. Just Hard to Take Device:
item in aarea
use this device.
try different the
will display
ranks, device
combos, cost
etc. the rank that
you need to
afford your
device items.
the powers that make
havea device.
in the your
Power ranks
in device
Section. This in this
cell. In the cells
area is strictly for
keepingenter tabsthe
costs for each
your math. Just
PP in Device: 0 item in aarea
use this device.
to Easy to Take Device:
try different the
will display Equipment:
ranks, device
Alternate Form:
etc. the rank that
Rank Required: 0 you need to Shapeshift:
Total Device Cost: 0 afford your
Device costs: device items.
Dan (2020-11-
12 19:38:08)
Any powers
listed here are
in the "Abilities"
====== and "Movement"
ID#AAAAKxAUs tabs. Look for
ected Powers ys the listed powers
light 1 Jeff Head in the
(2020-11-12 Abilities/Moveme
19:38:08) nt tabs to make
This is the name sure they are
of the power, ex: calculated
Blast, not what appropriately.
you call Extras
the Flaws Power Feats Drawbacks
power, ex:
Energy Beam
Cost Ranks
4 x 5 = 20
3 x 3 = 9
1 x 2 = 2
5 x 5 = 25
8 x 5 = 40
ID#AAAAKxAUs Abilities & Saves
yQ STR: 10 (0) DEX: 16 (+3) CO
Jeff Head INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 14 (+2)
19:38:08) FORT: 9 REF: 7 WILL: 6 T
If this is a piece
of equipment
(ex: pistol), put Description Sheet output
the name of the
equipment here.
Tough 7
Tough 4
Fort 8
Will 8
Will 8
Ref 8
Fort 8
[b]Alternateof Power
[b]Mind Reading[/b] Will
{} {}
Will Pow
of --[i
[b]Breath Power 1 {}
of [i-
[i]Description:[/i] Will -[i
[b]Alternateof Fire[/b]
Power Will
{} 2- {}
[b]Breath of Power Ref
[b]Alternate Power {} 1 {}
2- {}
Will Pow
of [i-
[i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action
[b]Damage/Cone[/b] Ref {}
[b]Breath of Power
[b]Alternate Power 1
Will of
{} 2- of
Pow -[i-
[i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action
[b]Damage/Cone[/b] Ref {}
[b]Breath of Power
[b]Alternate Power 1
{} of
2- of
Pow -[i-
[i]Flaws:[/i] Power
[b]Alternate Power
[b]Breath of Fire[/b] 1
[i]Description:[/i] Ref
1 of
of -[i
[b]Telepathy[/b] {} - {}
Will Pow
[b]Drain (Toughness)/Con
[i]Flaws:[/i] Power 1
[b]Damage/Cone[/b] Ref of [i
[b]Alternate Power
[b]Breath of Fire[/b]
[i]Description:[/i] Will{} -[i-
1 {}
[i]Flaws:[/i] Power Fort
[b]Alternate Ref of
of -[i
{} [i-
[b]Breath of Power
Fire[/b]1 {}
[i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action
[i]Description:[/i] Fort
[b]Alternate Power 1
[b]Damage/Cone[/b] Ref of
{} -[i
[b]Breath of Power
Fire[/b]1 {}of [i-
[i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action
[i]Description:[/i] Fort
[b]Alternate Power 1
[b]Damage/Cone[/b] Ref of
{} -[i
[b]Breath of Power
Fire[/b] 1 {}
of [i-
[b]Affect Insubstantial,
[i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action
[i]Description:[/i] D
[i]Flaws:[/i] PowerFort
[b]Alternate Power 1
1 of
[b]Alternate Ref {} [i
of [i-
Abilities & Saves [b]Affect
[b]Drain Insubstantial,
[i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action
[i]Flaws:[/i] 1 of
[i]Description:[/i] Ref of D[i
[b]Alternate Power 1 {} [i -
STR: 10 (0) DEX: 16 (+3) CON: 20 (+5) [b]DEMON
[b]Affect HERITAGE[/b]
[i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action
[b]Alternate PowerFort
[b]Drain (Toughness)/Con1 of
of D[i
[b]Alternate Full-Action
Power Ref
1 {} [i -
INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 14 (+2) CHA: 8 (-1) [b]DEMON
[b]Alternate Power Fort
1 of D[i
[i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action
[b]Damage/Cone[/b] Ref
[b]Affect (Fire)[/b]{}{}
[b]Drain PowerFort1 of D[i
[i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action
[i]Description:[/i] Ref
[b]Affect (Fire)[/b] {}
[b]Drain 1 of D[i
[i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action
[b]DEMON (Wings)[/b]
[b]Immunity (Fire)[/b]
[b]Affect (Toughness)/Con
Insubstantial, {}{}-
[b]Alternate PowerFort1 of D[i
Power (Wings)[/b]
[b]Affect (Fire)[/b]
Insubstantial, {}{}-
[b]Drain 1{}of- D[i
Sheet output DC TYPE [b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]Affect (Fire)[/b]
Insubstantial, {}{}
[Array] DEMON FORM 14 0
[b]Alternate PowerFort
[b]Drain (Toughness)/Con
[b]EQUIPMENT[/b] 1{}of- D[i
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]Immunity (Fire)[/b] {} D-
[i]Flaws:[/i] Fort {}
[b]Drain (Toughness)/Con
Cutting Line of Fire #VALUE! 0 [b]EQUIPMENT[/b]
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b] {}{}- P
[i]Flaws:[/i] (Fire)[/b]
Fort {}
[i]Description:[/i] D-
22 Tough [b]EQUIPMENT[/b]
[b]Flight {} - P
[b]Affect (Wings)[/b]
(Fire)[/b]{}{} D-
[Alt5] Blast (Fire) [Ex: Penetrating] Tough: 22 [b]Immunity
[i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action
[b]Flight {} - P
[b]Affect (Wings)[/b]
(Fire)[/b]{}{} D-
Form of Fire [b]Immunity
15 0 [b]EQUIPMENT[/b] {}{}-{}
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b] DP-
[Alt4] Insubstantial (Energy Form) [Ex: Immune to Physical and Energy] [b]Immunity (Fire)[/b]
[b]Affect HERITAGE[/b]
19 Tough [b]EQUIPMENT[/b] {} -
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b] {} DP-
[Alt4] Strike (Fire) [Ex: Aura Fort: 14] [Fl: Mighty] Tough: 19 [b]Immunity (Fire)[/b] {}
[b]Affect HERITAGE[/b]
Extinguish the Flame #VALUE! 0 [b]EQUIPMENT[/b]
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]DEMON {}{}
(Fire)[/b] {}
[Alt3] Suffocate [Ex: (Area/Selective)] Fort: 18 18 Fort [b]EQUIPMENT[/b]
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]DEMON {} -
Spirit Channel #VALUE! 0 [b]EQUIPMENT[/b]
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]DEMON {} -
[Alt2] Mind Reading Will: 18 18 Will [b]EQUIPMENT[/b]
[b]DEMON (Wings)[/b]
[b]Immunity {}{}-{}
[Alt2] Telepathy Will: 18 18 Will [b]EQUIPMENT[/b]
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]Immunity {}
[b]DEMON HERITAGE[/b] {}-{} P-
Breath of Fire #VALUE! 0 [b]EQUIPMENT[/b]
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]DEMON {}{}
(Fire)[/b] {}
[Alt1] Damage/Cone [Fl: Full-Action] Ref: 18 18 Ref [b]EQUIPMENT[/b]
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]DEMON {}{}
(Fire)[/b] {}
[Alt1] Drain (Toughness)/Cone [Fl: Full-Action] Fort: 18 18 Fort [b]EQUIPMENT[/b]
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]DEMON {} -
Affect Insubstantial, Dimensional, Incurable, Reversible, Selective #VALUE! 0 [b]EQUIPMENT[/b]
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]DEMON {} -
[b]DEMON (Wings)[/b]
[b]Immunity {}{}-{}
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]Immunity {}
[b]DEMON HERITAGE[/b] {}-{} P-
[b]DEMON (Wings)[/b]
[b]Immunity {}{}
(Fire)[/b] {}
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]DEMON {} -
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]Immunity {} -
(Fire)[/b]{}{} P-
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]Immunity {}{}-{}
(Fire)[/b] P-
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]
[b]Immunity {}{}-{}
(Fire)[/b] P-
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]{}{}- P-
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]{}{}- P-
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b]{}{}- P-
[Base] Immunity (Fire) 15 0 [b]EQUIPMENT[/b] {} - P
[Base] Flight (Wings) 11 0 [b]Super Senses (See Ma
[Base] Super Senses (See Magic, Infravision, Darkvision, Scent) 15 0
#VALUE! 0 [b]EQUIPMENT[/b] {} - P
[b]Alternate Power 5 of [i]DEMON FORM[/i] (21/20)[/b]
[b]Blast FORM[/b]
Name{} -{}
Fin (Fire)[/b] - Power
Power CostRank Rank 4
7 -Desc - Cost
Cost 21 (3 25 *(5
Ex7)* 4 + 5)Flaw Feat Draw Array
[b]Cutting [b]DEMON
[i]Description:[/i]of Fire[/b]
Tough FO
25 (5
{} *
- 4 +
[b]Alternate Power 4 of [i]DEMON FORM[/i] (23/20)[/b]Rank - Cost 0 (0 * )
[b]Alternate [b]Cutting
[b]Strike (Fire)[/b] 4 of
{} -L0Power
(0 * )RankFORM[/i]
[i]DEMON 4 - Cost 8(23/20)[/b]
(2 * 4) [b]Alternate Power 5 of [i]DEMON
[b]Form of [b]Blast
[b]Insubstantial (Fi
[i]Description:[/i] Tough - 21 (3
Power *
{}- -Cost 0
Power [i]Extras:[/i]
(0 *
Rank ) Tough
5 - CostPenetrating
15 (3 * 5)
[i]Extras:[/i] Immune 3ofof
Aura Fort:
Power toF014 (0 * ) and
[i]DEMON Energy (24/20)[/b]
FORM[/i] [b]Alternate Power 4 of [i]DEMON
[b]Suffocate[/b] {} - Power (3Rank
* 5) 8 - Cost 24 (2 [i]Extras:[/i]
* 8 + 8) Immune to Physical and Energy [b]Alternate Power 4 of [i]DEMON
[b]Extinguish [b]Strike
Fort(F8 (2 *{}4)- Power
the Flame[/b]
[i]Description:[/i] [i]Description:[/i]
Rank [i]Extras:[/i]
- Cost Tough
0 (0 *[i]Flaws:[/i]
) Fort: 14
[b]Alternate (Area/Selective)
Power (0 * )
2 of [i]DEMON FORM[/i] (24/20)[/b] [b]Alternate Power 3 of [i]DEMON
[b]Mind [b]Suffocat
Reading[/b] {}
{} 24-
- (2
Power* 8 + [i]Description:[/i]
[b]Alternate Power 2 of [i]DEMON FORM[/i] (24/20)[/b]8 - -Cost
Cost 0[i]Extras:[/i]
(1 **Fort
) 8) (Area/Selective)
[b]Alternate [b]Spirit
Power {} 1-Ch0
Will Power
of (0 *Rank
[i]DEMON ) 8FORM[/i]
- Cost 16(25/20)[/b]
(2 * 8) [b]Alternate Power 2 of [i]DEMON
[b]Alternate Rea
1 of 8 (1
{} [i]DEMON* 8)
- Power Rank [i]Description:[/i]
8 - Cost
FORM[/i] Will
12 (1 * 8 + 4)
(25/20)[/b] [b]Alternate Power 2 of [i]DEMON
[b]Drain Ref{} - Power (2 * 8){} [i]Description:[/i]
Rank - Cost
- Power Will 13 (1 * 8 + 5)
0 (08*- )Cost
[i]Description:[/i] Fortof0 (0 * )
Full-Action [b]Alternate Power 1 of [i]DEMON
Full-Action 12 (1 * 8 +[i]Description:[/i] Ref [i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action [b]Alternate Power 1 of [i]DEMON
[b]Drain (T 13
[b]Affect Insubstantial, (1 * 8 +[i]Description:[/i]
Dimensional, Fort [i]Flaws:[/i]
Incurable, Reversible, Full-Action
Selective[/b] {} - Power Rank - Cost 0 (0 * )
[b]Affect In0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0{}* -) Power Rank - Cost 0 (0 * )
(Fire)[/b] HE 0{}(0- Power
*) Rank 5 - Cost 5 (1 * 5)
[b]Flight (Wings)[/b] {}5 -(1 * 5) Rank 1 - Cost 2 (2 * 1)
[b]Super Senses (See(W 2 (2 * Infravision,
Magic, 1) Darkvision, Scent)[/b] {} - Power Rank 5 - Cost 5 (1 * 5)
[b]Super Sen 5 (1 * 5)
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {}
[b]EQUIPMENT[/b] {}--0Power (0 * ) Rank - Cost 0 (0 * )
[b]EQUIPMEN 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
[b][/b] {} - 0 (0 * )
Equip List
Container Indent Start Indent End Fin Name
1 [b] {DEMON
2 [b] {Cutting
3 [b] {Blast (
4 [b] {Form of
5 [b] {Insubst
6 [b] {Strike
7 [b] {Extingu
8 [b] {Suffoca
9 [b] {Spirit
10 [b] {Mind R
11 [b] {Telepat
12 [b] {Breath
13 [b] {Damage
14 [b] {Drain
15 [b] {Affect
16 [b] {}[/b] -
17 [b] {}[/b] -
18 [b] {}[/b] -
19 [b] {}[/b] -
20 [b] {}[/b] -
21 [b] {}[/b] -
22 [b] {}[/b] -
23 [b] {}[/b] -
24 [b] {}[/b] -
25 [b] {}[/b] -
26 [b] {DEMON
27 [b] {Immunit
28 [b] {Flight
29 [b] {Super S
30 [b] {}[/b] -
31 [b] {}[/b] -
32 [b] {EQUIPM
33 [b] {}[/b] -
34 [b] {}[/b] -
35 [b] {}[/b] -
36 [b] {}[/b] -
37 [b] {}[/b] -
38 [b] {}[/b] -
39 [b] {}[/b] -
40 [b] {}[/b] -
Equip Equip Pool Container
Desc 0
[i]Description:[/i] Tough 25 0 0 0
[i]Extras:[/i] Penetrating 0 0 0 0
[i]Description:[/i] Tough 21 0 0 0
[i]Extras:[/i] Immune
Aura Fort:to14
Physical and Energy 0 0 0 0
[i]Flaws:[/i] Mighty 15 0 0 0
[i]Description:[/i] Fort 8 0 0 0
[i]Extras:[/i] (Area/Selective) 0 0 0 0
24 0 0 0
[i]Description:[/i] Will 0 0 0 0
[i]Description:[/i] Will 8 0 0 0
[i]Description:[/i] Ref 16 0 0 0
[i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action
[i]Description:[/i] Fort 0 0 0 0
[i]Flaws:[/i] Full-Action 12 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Sub Array Alt Power
0 0 0 25 0 0 5 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 5 20 0
0 0 0 0 5 21 5 20 21
0 0 0 0 0 0 4 20 0
0 0 0 0 4 15 4 20 23
0 0 0 0 4 23 4 20 23
0 0 0 0 0 0 3 20 0
0 0 0 0 3 24 3 20 24
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 20 0
0 0 0 0 28 2 20 24
0 0 0 0 2 24 2 20 24
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 20 0
0 0 0 0 1 12 1 20 25
0 0 0 0 1 25 1 20 25
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
25 DEMON FO 0 1/5 4
0 DEMON FO 0 1/4 0
0 (21/20) DEMON FO 0 1/3 7
0 DEMON FO 0 1/2 0
0 (23/20) DEMON FO 0 1 5
0 (23/20) DEMON FO 0 2 4
0 DEMON FO 0 3 0
0 (24/20) DEMON FO 0 4 8
0 DEMON FO 0 5 0
0 (24/20) DEMON FO 0 6 8
0 (24/20) DEMON FO 0 7 8
0 DEMON FO 0 8 0
0 (25/20) DEMON FO 0 9 8
0 (25/20) DEMON FO 0 10 8
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
5 DEMON FO 0 5
2 DEMON FO 0 1
5 DEMON FO 0 5
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
0 DEMON FO 0 0
Flight 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
power? ranks: power? ranks: power? ranks: power? ranks:
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
10 / 5 / 2
[b]Base Speed:[/b] 30 ft/r / 60 ft/r / 120 ft/r
[b]Leap:[/b] 10 ft / 5 ft / 2 ft
Burrowing: 0m/h, 0f/r 0 0
ft/r 100f/r 10 100
Spatial Ctrl: 0 0
Speed: 0m/h, 0f/r 0 0
Super-Speed: 0m/h, 0f/r 0 0
Swimming: 0m/h, 0f/r 0 0
Teleport: 0 0
Time Control: 0m/h, 0f/r 0 0
Drawbacks Cost: -10 Name Description Frequency Severity
-4 Weakness any Divine +10 Freq DC 10 Sev DC 15
-3 Involuntary Transform Lose self to RAGE Freq DC 10 Sev DC 10
-3 Noticeable outsider to society Freq DC 10 Sev DC 10
[b]Weakness[/b] - Points -4
FREQ INTENS Draw List Fin Name any Divine
[i]Description:[/i] Desc +10 - Freq DC 10 - Sev D
-2 -2 Weakness -a [b]Weakness
[i]Description:[/i] any Divine +1
-2 -1 Involuntary
-2 -1 Noticeable -
0 0
Weakness -any Divine +10 [Freq DC 10] [Sev DC 15], Involuntary Transform -Lose self to R
Weakness -any Divine +10 [Freq DC 10] [Sev DC 15], Involuntary Transform -Lose self to R
[i]Description:[/i] Losemyself when S.O.U.L is involved
Fin Name Desc
[b]Addiction[/b] [b]Enemy[/b]
[i]Description:[/i] to the drug
"X" Losemyself when S.O.U.L is involved
[b]Enemy[/[i]Description:[/i] Losemyself w
[i]Description:[/i] to the drug "X"
[b]Addiction[i]Description:[/i] to the drug "X
[i]Description:[/i] any Divine +10 - Freq DC 10 - Sev DC 15
luntary Transform -Lose self to RAGE [Freq DC 10] [Sev DC 10], Noticeable -outsider to society [Freq DC 10] [Sev DC 10],
luntary Transform -Lose self to RAGE [Freq DC 10] [Sev DC 10], Noticeable -outsider to society [Freq DC 10] [Sev DC 10]
STR 10 +0 FORT +9
ATT M/R +7 / +7
DEX 16 +3 REF +7 Unarmed +0
CON 20 +5 WILL +6
INT 12 +1 TOUGH +6 (Flat: 5)
WIS 14 +2
Defensive Roll: 1
8 -1 Knockback: 3 / Flat: 1 Losemyself when S.O.U.L is involvedto the drug "
Search 2 (+3)
Sense Motive 4 (+6)
Stealth 6 (+9)
Survival 4 (+6)
5 [Base] Immunity (Fire)
1 [Base] Flight (Wings)
5 [Base] Super Senses (See Magic, Infravision, Darkvision, Scent)
Base 30 / 60 / 120 Leap 10 / 5 / 2
Flight: 10m/h, 100f/r
Weakness -any Divine +10 [Freq DC 10] [Sev DC 15] Languages +5
Involuntary Transform -Lose self to RAGE [Freq DC 10] [Sev DC 10] LIFTING English, Infernal, Abyssal, Latin,
Noticeable -outsider to society [Freq DC 10] [Sev DC 10] Light: 33 lbs, Med: 66 lbs, Heavy: 100 lbs
Max: 200 lbs, Push: 500 lbs
Abilities 20 + Skills 13 (0 ranks) + Feats 4 + Powers 37 + Combat 24 + Saves 12 – Drawbacks -10 = 100 / 100
MnM 2nd Edition, Issue #2.0
PL:10 PP:100
TEAM NAME real name
base origin
city allegiance
ASPECTS occupation
1st appearance
team notes eyes
What motivates you? What are your ambitions?
Bruises Non-Lethal
Conditions ### Succeeds No Effect
Result 1 Fails Bruised
5 Fails by 5 or more Stunned + Bruised
### Fails by 10 or more Staggered + Stunned
### Fails by 15 or more Unconscious
Damage DC Lethal
Lethal/Nonlethal Non-Lethal SAVING THROW… EFFECT
Penetrating ### Succeeds No Effect
Toughness Roll 1 Fails Bruised + Injured
Toughness +6 5 Fails by 5 or more Stunned + Bruised + Injured
Impervious 0 ====== ### Fails by 10 or more Staggered + Disabled + Stunned
Result ID#AAAAKxAUs ### Fails by 15 or more Unconscious + Dying
Jeff Head
Modifies the
number of ranks
used in the auto-
Jeff Head
Modifies the
number of ranks
Active Ranks used in the auto- Power
[Array] [Rank 4] DEMON FORM
[Rank ] Cutting Line of Fire
[Alt5] [Rank 7] Blast (Fire) [Ex: Penetrating]
[Rank ] Form of Fire
[Alt4] [Rank 5] Insubstantial (Energy Form) [Ex: Immune to Physical and Energy]
[Alt4] [Rank 4] Strike (Fire) [Ex: Aura Fort: 14] [Fl: Mighty]
[Rank ] Extinguish the Flame
[Alt3] [Rank 8] Suffocate [Ex: (Area/Selective)]
[Rank ] Spirit Channel
[Alt2] [Rank 8] Mind Reading
[Alt2] [Rank 8] Telepathy
[Rank ] Breath of Fire
[Alt1] [Rank 8] Damage/Cone [Fl: Full-Action]
[Alt1] [Rank 8] Drain (Toughness)/Cone [Fl: Full-Action]
[Rank ] Affect Insubstantial, Dimensional, Incurable, Reversible, Selective
Ranks Power Name Descriptor
+2) | CHA: 8 (-1)
INIT: +3
No Effect -50
Bruised 1
Stunned + Bruised 5
Staggered + Stunned 10
Unconscious 15
No Effect -50
Bruised + Injured 1
Stunned + Bruised + Injured 5
Staggered + Disabled + Stunned 10
Unconscious + Dying 15
PL 10
SKILLS 13 0 Skill ranks
Abilities 20 + Skills 13 (0 ranks) + Feats 4 + Powers 37 + Combat 24 + Saves 12 – Drawbacks -10 = 100
0 PTS 1 o
2 oo
3 ooo
4 oooo
5 ooooo
6 ooooo o
7 ooooo oo
8 ooooo ooo
9 ooooo oooo
10 ooooo ooooo
11 ooooo ooooo o
12 ooooo ooooo oo
13 ooooo ooooo ooo
14 ooooo ooooo oooo
15 ooooo ooooo ooooo
16 ooooo ooooo ooooo o
17 ooooo ooooo ooooo oo
18 ooooo ooooo ooooo ooo
19 ooooo ooooo ooooo oooo
20 ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo
STR 10 +0 10 0
DEX 16 +3
CON 20 +5
INT 12 +1
WIS 14 +2
CHA 8 -1
REF +7
TOUGH +6 +6/ +5
Size Attack/ height weight height (US) height (metric) weight (US) weight (metric)
1 Miniscule 12 1 inch or less .06 lbs or less 1 inch or less 2.5 cm or less .06 lbs or less .02 kg or less
2 Fine 8 1 -6 inches .06-.13 lbs. 1 -6 inches 2.5 - 15 cm .06-.13 lbs. .02-.05 kg
3 Diminutive 4 6-12 inches .25-1 lbs. 6-12 inches 15-30 cm .25-1 lbs. .1-.4 kg
4 Tiny 2 1-2 ft. 1-8 lbs. 1-2 ft. .3-.5 m 1-8 lbs. .4-3.6 kg
5 Small 1 2-4 ft. 8-60 lbs. 2-4 ft. .5-1 m 8-60 lbs. 3-27 kg
6 Medium 0 4-8 ft. 60-500 lbs. 4-8 ft. 1-3 m 60-500 lbs. 27-225 kg
7 Large -1 8-16 ft. 500-4,000 lbs.8-16 ft. 3-7 m 500-4,000 lbs. 225-900 kg
8 Huge -2 16-32 ft. 4,000-32,000 l16-32 ft. 7-14 m 4,000-32,000 lbs.
900-14400 kg
9 Gargantuan -4 32-64 ft. 32,000-250,000
32-64 ft. 14-28 m 32,000-250,000 14400-11250
lbs. kg
10 Colossal -8 64-128 ft. 250,000-2,000,64-128 ft. 28-56 m 250,000-2,000,00011250-900000
11 Awesome -12 128 ft.+ 2,000,000+ lbs128 ft.+ 56 m + 2,000,000+ lbs.900000 + kg
00 0 0
1 3 seconds 1 10 ft
2 6 seconds 2 100 ft
3 1 minute 5 1,000 ft
4 5 minutes 10 1 mile
5 20 minutes 25 5 miles
6 1 hour 50 20 miles
Strength: 10
Super Strength: 0
Effective STR Light Med Heavy Max Push/Drag
1 3 6 10 20 50
2 6 13 20 40 150
3 10 20 30 60 200
4 13 26 40 80 200
5 16 33 50 100 250 15 kg
6 20 40 60 120 300 30 kg
7 23 46 70 140 350 45 kg
8 26 53 80 160 400 91 kg
9 30 60 90 180 450 227 kg
10 33 66 100 200 500
11 38 76 115 230 575
12 43 86 130 260 650
13 50 100 150 300 750
14 58 116 175 350 875
15 66 133 200 400 1000
16 76 153 230 460 1150
17 86 173 260 520 1300
18 100 200 300 600 1500
19 116 233 350 700 1750
20 133 266 400 800 2000
21 153 306 460 920 2300
22 173 346 520 1040 2600
23 200 400 600 1200 3000
24 233 466 700 1400 3500
25 266 533 800 1600 4000
26 306 613 920 1840 4600
27 346 693 1040 2080 5200
28 400 800 1200 2400 6000
29 466 933 1400 2800 7000
30 532 1064 1600 3200 8000
31 612 1224 1840 3680 9200
32 692 1384 2080 4160 10400
33 800 1600 2400 4800 12000
34 932 1864 2800 5600 14000
35 1064 2132 3200 6400 16000
36 1224 2452 3680 7360 18400
37 1384 2772 4160 8320 20800
38 1600 3200 4800 9600 24000
39 1864 3732 5600 11200 28000
40 2128 4256 6400 12800 32000
41 2448 4896 7360 14720 36800
42 2768 5536 8320 16640 41600
43 3200 6400 9600 19200 48000
44 3728 7456 11200 22400 56000
45 4256 8528 12800 25600 64000
46 4896 9808 14720 29440 73600
47 5536 11088 16640 33280 83200
48 6400 12800 19200 38400 96000
49 7456 14928 22400 44800 112000
50 8512 17024 25600 51200 128000
51 9792 19584 29440 58880 147200
52 11072 22144 33280 66560 166400
53 12800 25600 38400 76800 192000
54 14912 29824 44800 89600 224000
55 17024 34112 51200 102400 256000
56 19584 39232 58880 117760 294400
57 22144 44352 66560 133120 332800
58 25600 51200 76800 153600 384000
59 29824 59712 89600 179200 448000
60 34048 68096 102400 204800 512000
61 39168 78336 117760 235520 588800
62 44288 88576 133120 266240 665600
63 51200 102400 153600 307200 768000
64 59648 119296 179200 358400 896000
65 68096 136448 204800 409600 1024000
66 78336 156928 235520 471040 1177600
67 88576 177408 266240 532480 1331200
68 102400 204800 307200 614400 1536000
69 119296 238848 358400 716800 1792000
70 136192 272384 409600 819200 2048000
71 156672 313344 471040 942080 2355200
72 177152 354304 532480 1064960 2662400
73 204800 409600 614400 1228800 3072000
74 238592 477184 716800 1433600 3584000
75 272384 545792 819200 1638400 4096000
76 313344 627712 942080 1884160 4710400
77 354304 709632 1064960 2129920 5324800
78 409600 819200 1228800 2457600 6144000
79 477184 955392 1433600 2867200 7168000
80 544768 1089536 1638400 3276800 8192000
81 626688 1253376 1884160 3768320 9420800
82 708608 1417216 2129920 4259840 10649600
83 819200 1638400 2457600 4915200 12288000
84 954368 1908736 2867200 5734400 14336000
85 1E+06 2183168 3276800 6553600 16384000
86 1E+06 2510848 3768320 7536640 18841600
87 1E+06 2838528 4259840 8519680 21299200
88 2E+06 3276800 4915200 9830400 24576000
89 2E+06 3821568 5734400 11468800 28672000
90 2E+06 4358144 6553600 13107200 32768000
91 3E+06 5013504 7536640 15073280 37683200
92 3E+06 5668864 8519680 17039360 42598400
93 3E+06 6553600 9830400 19660800 49152000
94 4E+06 7634944 11468800 22937600 57344000
95 4E+06 8732672 13107200 26214400 65536000
96 5E+06 10043392 15073280 30146560 75366400
97 6E+06 11354112 17039360 34078720 85196800
98 7E+06 13107200 19660800 39321600 98304000
99 8E+06 15286272 22937600 45875200 114688000
100 9E+06 17432576 26214400 52428800 131072000
101 1E+07 20054016 30146560 60293120 150732800
102 1E+07 22675456 34078720 68157440 170393600
103 1E+07 26214400 39321600 78643200 196608000
104 2E+07 30539776 45875200 91750400 229376000
105 2E+07 34930688 52428800 104857600 262144000
106 2E+07 40173568 60293120 120586240 301465600
107 2E+07 45416448 68157440 136314880 340787200
108 3E+07 52428800 78643200 157286400 393216000
109 3E+07 61145088 91750400 183500800 458752000
110 3E+07 69730304 104857600 209715200 524288000
111 4E+07 80216064 120586240 241172480 602931200
112 5E+07 90701824 136314880 272629760 681574400
113 5E+07 104857600 157286400 314572800 786432000
114 6E+07 122159104 183500800 367001600 917504000
115 7E+07 139722752 209715200 419430400 1048576000
116 8E+07 160694272 241172480 482344960 1205862400
117 9E+07 181665792 272629760 545259520 1363148800
118 1E+08 209715200 314572800 629145600 1572864000
119 1E+08 244580352 367001600 734003200 1835008000
120 1E+08 278921216 419430400 838860800 2097152000
121 2E+08 320864256 482344960 964689920 2411724800
122 2E+08 362807296 545259520 1090519040 2726297600
123 2E+08 419430400 629145600 1258291200 3145728000
124 2E+08 488636416 734003200 1468006400 3670016000
125 3E+08 558891008 838860800 1677721600 4194304000
126 3E+08 642777088 964689920 1929379840 4823449600
127 4E+08 726663168 1090519040 2181038080 5452595200
128 4E+08 838860800 1258291200 2516582400 6291456000
129 5E+08 978321408 1468006400 2936012800 7340032000
130 6E+08 1115684864 1677721600 3355443200 8388608000
131 6E+08 1283457024 1929379840 3858759680 9646899200
132 7E+08 1451229184 2181038080 4362076160 10905190400
133 8E+08 1677721600 2516582400 5033164800 12582912000
134 1E+09 1954545664 2936012800 5872025600 14680064000
135 1E+09 2235564032 3355443200 6710886400 16777216000
136 1E+09 2571108352 3858759680 7717519360 19293798400
137 1E+09 2906652672 4362076160 8724152320 21810380800
138 2E+09 3355443200 5033164800 10066329600 25165824000
139 2E+09 3913285632 5872025600 11744051200 29360128000
140 2E+09 4462739456 6710886400 13421772800 33554432000
141 3E+09 5133828096 7717519360 15435038720 38587596800
142 3E+09 5804916736 8724152320 17448304640 43620761600
143 3E+09 6710886400 10066329600 20132659200 50331648000
144 4E+09 7818182656 11744051200 23488102400 58720256000
145 4E+09 8942256128 13421772800 26843545600 67108864000
146 5E+09 10284433408 15435038720 30870077440 77175193600
147 6E+09 11626610688 17448304640 34896609280 87241523200
148 7E+09 13421772800 20132659200 40265318400 1.00663E+11
149 8E+09 15653142528 23488102400 46976204800 1.17441E+11
150 9E+09 17850957824 26843545600 53687091200 1.34218E+11
---Combat Feats--- ---Combat Feats---
Accurate Attack Reduce dAccurate Attack [Reduce damage bonus to increase attack bonus]
All-out Attack Reduce dAll-out Attack [Reduce defense bonus to increase attack bonus]
0 Attack Focus (Melee) (+) +1 bonusAttack Focus (Melee) (+) [+1 bonus to melee attack rolls]
0 Attack Focus (Ranged) (+) +1 bonusAttack Focus (Ranged) (+) [+1 bonus to ranged attack rolls]
0 Attack Specialization (+) +2 bonusAttack Specialization (+) [+2 bonus to attack rolls with a specific attack]
Blind-Fight Re-roll Blind-Fight [Re-roll miss chances from concealment]
Chokehold Cause anChokehold [Cause an opponent you are grappling to suffocate]
Critical Strike Score cri Critical Strike [Score critical hits against targets normally immune to them]
Defensive Attack Reduce aDefensive Attack [Reduce attack bonus to increase defense bonus]
1 Defensive Roll (+) +1 ToughDefensive Roll (+) [+1 Toughness save bonus]
0 Dodge Focus (+) +1 dodgeDodge Focus (+) [+1 dodge bonus]
Elusive Target Double peElusive Target [Double penalties for ranged attacks against you in melee]
0 Evasion (+) Suffer le Evasion (+) [Suffer less damage from attacks allowing a Reflex save]
Fast Overrun Make mult Fast Overrun [Make multiple overrun attempts in a round]
0 Favored Environment (+) +1 attackFavored Environment (+) [+1 attack or dodge in a particular environment]
0 Favored Opponent (+) +1 damag Favored Opponent (+) [+1 damage bonus against a type of opponent]
Grappling Finesse Grapple Grappling Finesse [Grapple checks use Dex & retain dodge bonus]
Improved Aim Double nImproved Aim [Double normal aiming bonuses]
0 Improved Block (+) +2 bonusImproved Block (+) [+2 bonus on attack rolls to block]
0 Improved Critical (+) ThreatenImproved Critical (+) [Threaten a critical hit on 19 or 20 with specific attack]
0 Improved Defense (+) +6 dodgeImproved Defense (+) [+6 dodge bonus from the total defense action]
0 Improved Disarm (+) +2 bonusImproved Disarm (+) [+2 bonus on attack rolls to disarm]
Improved Grab Grapple aImproved Grab [Grapple as a free action after a successful attack]
Improved Grapple Make graImproved Grapple [Make grapple checks with only one hand]
0 Improved Initiative (+) +4 bonusImproved Initiative (+) [+4 bonus on initiative checks]
Improved Overrun +4 bonusImproved Overrun [+4 bonus on trip checks while overrunning]
Improved Pin -4 penaltImproved Pin [-4 penalty on grappling checks against you]
Improved Sunder +4 bonusImproved Sunder [+4 bonus on attack rolls to hit an object]
Improved Throw OpponentImproved Throw [Opponent uses lesser of Str or Dex against trip attacks]
Improved Trip +4 bonusImproved Trip [+4 bonus on trip checks, opponent can't trip you]
Move-by Action Move bothMove-by Action [Move both before and after a standard action]
Power Attack Reduce aPower Attack [Reduce attack bonus to increase damage bonus]
0 Precise Shot (+) No penaltPrecise Shot (+) [No penalty for shooting or throwing into melee]
Prone Fighting No penaltProne Fighting [No penalty for fighting while prone]
0 Quick Draw (+) Draw, reaQuick Draw (+) [Draw, ready, or reload a weapon as a free action]
0 Rage (+) Bonus to Rage (+) [Bonus to Str, Fort & Will saves, penalty to Defense]
Ranged Pin Make graRanged Pin [Make grapple attacks with ranged weapons]
Redirect Trick an Redirect [Trick an opponent into hitting someone else]
Set-Up Transfer Set-Up [Transfer the benefit of a combat bonus to an ally]
0 Sneak Attack (+) +2 damag Sneak Attack (+) [+2 damage when you surprise attack an opponent]
Stunning Attack Your unaStunning Attack [Your unarmed attack can stun an opponent]
0 Takedown Attack (+) Gain addTakedown Attack (+) [Gain addtl melee attack when you drop an opponent]
0 Throwing Mastery (+) +1 damag Throwing Mastery (+) [+1 damage with thrown weapons]
Uncanny Dodge Retain yoUncanny Dodge [Retain your dodge bonus while flat-footed]
Weapon Bind Follow a Weapon Bind [Follow a successful melee block with a free disarm attempt]
Weapon Break Follow a Weapon Break [Follow a successful melee block with a free sunder ]
Beginner's Luck Spend a H Beginner's Luck [Spend a Hero Point to gain 5 temp skill ranks]
0 Inspire (+) Grant all Inspire (+) [Grant allies a bonus to attacks, saves, & checks]
Leadership Spend her Leadership [Spend hero point to remove adverse conditions from ally]
0 Luck (+) +1 hero Luck (+) [+1 hero point]
Seize Initiative Spend a hSeize Initiative [Spend a hero point to go first in combat]
0 Ultimate Effort (+) Spend her Ultimate Effort (+) [Spend hero point for a auto roll of 20]
Acrobatic Bluff Feint andAcrobatic Bluff [Feint and trick using Acrobatics rather than Bluff]
Animal Empathy Use Handl Animal Empathy [Use Handle Animal to affect the attitudes of animals]
Artificer Use Knowl Artificer [Use Knowledge (arcane lore) & Craft to create magical inventions]
0 Attractive (+) +4 bonusAttractive (+) [+4 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks]
Connected Make a DiConnected [Make a Diplomacy check to call in favors or aid]
Contacts Make a GContacts [Make a Gather Information check in one minute]
0 Distract (+) Bluff or Distract (+) [Bluff or Intimidate check to daze an opponent for 1 round]
0 Fascinate (+) Hold a suFascinate (+) [Hold a subject's attention with an interaction skill]
Hide in Plain Sight You don'tHide in Plain Sight [You don't need cover or concealment to hide]
Improvised Tools No penaltImprovised Tools [No penalty for not having tools for a skill]
Inventor Can creaInventor [Can create temporary devices]
Jack-of-All-Trades Use any sJack-of-All-Trades [Use any skill untrained]
Ritualist Can creatRitualist [Can create and cast arcane rituals]
0 Skill Mastery (+) Choose foSkill Mastery (+) [Choose four skills you can take 10 with even under pressure]
Startle Feint usi Startle [Feint using intimidate rather than bluff]
Taunt DemoralizTaunt [Demoralize using Bluff rather than Intimidate]
Track Use SurviTrack [Use Survival to follow tracks]
Well-Informed Gather I Well-Informed [Gather Information check when meeting someone]
-----POWER FEATS-----
-----POWER EXTRAS-----
-----POWER FLAWS-----
Full Power
Involuntary Transform
Normal Identity
One-Way Transform
Power Loss
Weak Point
Freq DC 15 -1
Freq DC 10 -2
Freq DC 5 -3
Sev DC 5 0
Sev DC 10 -1
Sev DC 15 -2
What motivates you? What are your ambitions?
What kind of distinctive features do you have?
Do you have any compulsive mannerisms?
Are you plagued by a recurring dream, what is it?
How did you obtain your costume?
How do you feel about the laws of your country?
What emotions do you not reveal in public?
What are your turn-ons & turn-offs?
How do you get your laundry done?
What is your style of dress?
What's your most valuable asset?
What was your life like growing up?
Who had the biggest impact in your life? Why?
Do you have any hobbies or other interests?
What is your favorite kind of music?
What is your favorite book or movie?
Do you have tatoos, scars, or identifiable jewelry?
Do you have any religious/philosophical beliefs?
How do you spend your free time?
Do you have any pet peeves?
Have you had any traumatic experiences?
Do you have any past experiences you regret?
How do you define a hero?
What does your room/house/apt look like?
What kinds of fans & followers do you have?
What would you do if you killed someone?
What guidance would you give a rookie hero?
How would your family describe you?
Describe your first super hero battle
How far would you go to protect your Secret ID?
How do you relax? Where do you go?
Adventurer seeks to recapture a spirit of adventure
Animal Naturehas a savage side that must be kept in check
Demolisher causes destruction for destruction's sake
Exemplar symbolizes a group that needs greater visibility
Explorer devoted to the discovery of new ideas and environments
Gloryhound seeks publicity for personal accomplishments
Greed overwhelmed by desire for wealth
Guardian desires to protect beloved persons or places
Idealist stands for a specific cause for which they would gladly die
Investigator loves to unravel mysteries
Majesty leads a people and acts as the preserver of their interests
Mentor encourages responsibility & competence among students
Outcast is hated or feared for some reason
Peace of Mind seeks self-perfection or freedom from inner demons
Protector protects innocents from harm, regardless of who they are
Repentant acts to gain redemption for past sins
Responsibility burdened with undesired powers, but feels they must act selflessly
Soldier follows or gives orders unless it conflicts with their moral code
Thrill-seeker acts because of a hedonistic desire for danger and risk
Uncontrolled seeks to learn control of their powers
Vengeance seeks revenge against someone
Vestige of Hu envies the emotion & humanity of others
World Dominatwants dominion over as many people as possible
Youthful Exub pursues the life of a super-being with the joy of youth
Accurate Attack Reduce damage bonus to increase attack bonus
All-out Attack Reduce defense bonus to increase attack bonus
Attack Focus (Melee) (+) +1 bonus to melee attack rolls
1 1Attack Focus (Melee) (+) +1 bonus to melee attack rolls
2 2Attack Focus (Melee) (+) +2 bonus to melee attack rolls
3 3Attack Focus (Melee) (+) +3 bonus to melee attack rolls
4 4Attack Focus (Melee) (+) +4 bonus to melee attack rolls
5 5Attack Focus (Melee) (+) +5 bonus to melee attack rolls
6 6Attack Focus (Melee) (+) +6 bonus to melee attack rolls
7 7Attack Focus (Melee) (+) +7 bonus to melee attack rolls
8 8Attack Focus (Melee) (+) +8 bonus to melee attack rolls
9 9Attack Focus (Melee) (+) +9 bonus to melee attack rolls
10 10Attack Focus (Melee) (+) +10 bonus to melee attack rolls
Attack Focus (Ranged) (+) +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls
1 1Attack Focus (Ranged) (+) +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls
2 2Attack Focus (Ranged) (+) +2 bonus to ranged attack rolls
3 3Attack Focus (Ranged) (+) +3 bonus to ranged attack rolls
4 4Attack Focus (Ranged) (+) +4 bonus to ranged attack rolls
5 5Attack Focus (Ranged) (+) +5 bonus to ranged attack rolls
6 6Attack Focus (Ranged) (+) +6 bonus to ranged attack rolls
7 7Attack Focus (Ranged) (+) +7 bonus to ranged attack rolls
8 8Attack Focus (Ranged) (+) +8 bonus to ranged attack rolls
9 9Attack Focus (Ranged) (+) +9 bonus to ranged attack rolls
10 10Attack Focus (Ranged) (+) +10 bonus to ranged attack rolls
Attack Specialization (+) +2 bonus to attack rolls with 1 specific attack
1 1Attack Specialization (+) +2 bonus to attack rolls with 1 specific attack
2 2Attack Specialization (+) +2 bonus to attack rolls with 2 specific attacks
3 3Attack Specialization (+) +2 bonus to attack rolls with 3 specific attacks
4 4Attack Specialization (+) +2 bonus to attack rolls with 4 specific attacks
5 5Attack Specialization (+) +2 bonus to attack rolls with 5 specific attacks
6 6Attack Specialization (+) +2 bonus to attack rolls with 6 specific attacks
7 7Attack Specialization (+) +2 bonus to attack rolls with 7 specific attacks
8 8Attack Specialization (+) +2 bonus to attack rolls with 8 specific attacks
9 9Attack Specialization (+) +2 bonus to attack rolls with 9 specific attacks
10 10Attack Specialization (+) +2 bonus to attack rolls with 10 specific attacks
Blind-Fight Re-roll miss chances from concealment
Chokehold Cause an opponent you are grappling to suffocate
Critical Strike Score critical hits against targets normally immune to them
Defensive Attack Reduce attack bonus to increase defense bonus
Defensive Roll (+) +1 Toughness save bonus
1Defensive Roll (+) +1 Toughness save bonus
2Defensive Roll (+) +2 Toughness save bonus
3Defensive Roll (+) +3 Toughness save bonus
4Defensive Roll (+) +4 Toughness save bonus
5Defensive Roll (+) +5 Toughness save bonus
6Defensive Roll (+) +6 Toughness save bonus
7Defensive Roll (+) +7 Toughness save bonus
8Defensive Roll (+) +8 Toughness save bonus
9Defensive Roll (+) +9 Toughness save bonus
10Defensive Roll (+) +10 Toughness save bonus
Dodge Focus (+) +1 dodge bonus
1Dodge Focus (+) +1 dodge bonus
2Dodge Focus (+) +2 dodge bonus
3Dodge Focus (+) +3 dodge bonus
4Dodge Focus (+) +4 dodge bonus
5Dodge Focus (+) +5 dodge bonus
6Dodge Focus (+) +6 dodge bonus
7Dodge Focus (+) +7 dodge bonus
8Dodge Focus (+) +8 dodge bonus
9Dodge Focus (+) +9 dodge bonus
10Dodge Focus (+) +10 dodge bonus
Elusive Target Double penalties for ranged attacks against you in melee
Evasion (+) Suffer 1/2 damage from attacks allowing a Reflex save
1Evasion (+) Suffer 1/2 damage from attacks allowing a Reflex save
2Evasion (+) Suffer no damage from attacks allowing a Reflex save
Fast Overrun Make multiple overrun attempts in a round
Favored Environment (+) +1 attack or dodge in one particular environment
1 1Favored Environment (+) +1 attack or dodge in one particular environment
2 2Favored Environment (+) +1 attack or dodge in 2 environments
3 3Favored Environment (+) +1 attack or dodge in 3 environments
4 4Favored Environment (+) +1 attack or dodge in 4 environments
5 5Favored Environment (+) +1 attack or dodge in 5 environments
6 6Favored Environment (+) +1 attack or dodge in 6 environments
7 7Favored Environment (+) +1 attack or dodge in 7 environments
8 8Favored Environment (+) +1 attack or dodge in 8 environments
9 9Favored Environment (+) +1 attack or dodge in 9 environments
10 10Favored Environment (+) +1 attack or dodge in 10 environments
Favored Opponent (+) +1 damage bonus against a type of opponent
1 1Favored Opponent (+) +1 damage bonus against a type of opponent
2 2Favored Opponent (+) +1 damage bonus against 2 types of opponents
3 3Favored Opponent (+) +1 damage bonus against 3 types of opponents
4 4Favored Opponent (+) +1 damage bonus against 4 types of opponents
5 5Favored Opponent (+) +1 damage bonus against 5 types of opponents
6 6Favored Opponent (+) +1 damage bonus against 6 types of opponents
7 7Favored Opponent (+) +1 damage bonus against 7 types of opponents
8 8Favored Opponent (+) +1 damage bonus against 8 types of opponents
9 9Favored Opponent (+) +1 damage bonus against 9 types of opponents
10 10Favored Opponent (+) +1 damage bonus against 10 types of opponents
Grappling Finesse Grapple checks use Dex & retain dodge bonus
Improved Aim Double normal aiming bonuses
Improved Block (+) +2 bonus on attack rolls to block
1 1Improved Block (+) +2 bonus on attack rolls to block
2 2Improved Block (+) +4 bonus on attack rolls to block
3 3Improved Block (+) +6 bonus on attack rolls to block
4 4Improved Block (+) +8 bonus on attack rolls to block
5 5Improved Block (+) +10 bonus on attack rolls to block
6 6Improved Block (+) +12 bonus on attack rolls to block
7 7Improved Block (+) +14 bonus on attack rolls to block
8 8Improved Block (+) +16 bonus on attack rolls to block
9 9Improved Block (+) +18 bonus on attack rolls to block
10 10Improved Block (+) +20 bonus on attack rolls to block
Improved Critical (+) Critical hit on 19 or 20 with 1 attack
1 1Improved Critical (+) Critical hit on 19 or 20 with 1 attack
2 2Improved Critical (+) Critical hit on 19 or 20 with 2 attacks
3 3Improved Critical (+) Critical hit on 19 or 20 with 3 attacks
4 4Improved Critical (+) Critical hit on 19 or 20 with 4 attacks
5 5Improved Critical (+) Critical hit on 19 or 20 with 5 attacks
6 6Improved Critical (+) Critical hit on 19 or 20 with 6 attacks
7 7Improved Critical (+) Critical hit on 19 or 20 with 7 attacks
8 8Improved Critical (+) Critical hit on 19 or 20 with 8 attacks
9 9Improved Critical (+) Critical hit on 19 or 20 with 9 attacks
10 10Improved Critical (+) Critical hit on 19 or 20 with 10 attacks
Improved Defense (+) +6 dodge bonus from the total defense action
1 1Improved Defense (+) +6 dodge bonus from the total defense action
2 2Improved Defense (+) +8 dodge bonus from the total defense action
1 1Improved Disarm (+) +2 bonus on attack rolls to disarm
2 2Improved Disarm (+) +4 bonus on attack rolls to disarm
3 3Improved Disarm (+) +6 bonus on attack rolls to disarm
4 4Improved Disarm (+) +8 bonus on attack rolls to disarm
5 5Improved Disarm (+) +10 bonus on attack rolls to disarm
6 6Improved Disarm (+) +12 bonus on attack rolls to disarm
7 7Improved Disarm (+) +14 bonus on attack rolls to disarm
8 8Improved Disarm (+) +16 bonus on attack rolls to disarm
9 9Improved Disarm (+) +18 bonus on attack rolls to disarm
10 10Improved Disarm (+) +20 bonus on attack rolls to disarm
Improved Grab Grapple as a free action after a successful attack
Improved Grapple Make grapple checks with only one hand
Improved Initiative (+) +4 bonus on initiative checks
1 1Improved Initiative (+) +4 bonus on initiative checks
2 2Improved Initiative (+) +8 bonus on initiative checks
3 3Improved Initiative (+) +12 bonus on initiative checks
4 4Improved Initiative (+) +16 bonus on initiative checks
5 5Improved Initiative (+) +20 bonus on initiative checks
6 6Improved Initiative (+) +24 bonus on initiative checks
7 7Improved Initiative (+) +28 bonus on initiative checks
8 8Improved Initiative (+) +32 bonus on initiative checks
9 9Improved Initiative (+) +36 bonus on initiative checks
10 10Improved Initiative (+) +40 bonus on initiative checks
Improved Overrun +4 bonus on trip checks while overrunning
Improved Pin -4 penalty on grappling checks against you
Improved Sunder +4 bonus on attack rolls to hit an object
Improved Throw Opponent uses lesser of Str or Dex against trip attacks
Improved Trip +4 bonus on trip checks, opponent can't trip you
Move-by Action Move both before and after a standard action
Power Attack Reduce attack bonus to increase damage bonus
Precise Shot (+) No penalty for shooting or throwing into melee
1Precise Shot (+) No penalty for shooting or throwing into melee
2Precise Shot (+) Ignores concealment unless total cover
Prone Fighting No penalty for fighting while prone
Quick Draw (+) Draw & ready a weapon as a free action
1Quick Draw (+) Draw & ready a weapon as a free action
2Quick Draw (+) Draw, ready, & reload a weapon as a free action
Rage (+) +4 to Str, +2 Fort & Will, -2 Defense
1 1Rage (+) +4 Str, +3 Fort & Will, -2 Defense
2 2Rage (+) +6 Str, +4 Fort & Will, -2 Defense
3 3Rage (+) +8 Str, +5 Fort & Will, -2 Defense
4 4Rage (+) +10 Str, +6 Fort & Will, -2 Defense
5 5Rage (+) +12 Str, +7 Fort & Will, -2 Defense
6 6Rage (+) +14 Str, +8 Fort & Will, -2 Defense
7 7Rage (+) +16 Str, +9 Fort & Will, -2 Defense
8 8Rage (+) +18 Str, +10 Fort & Will, -2 Defense
9 9Rage (+) +20 Str, +11 Fort & Will, -2 Defense
10 10Rage (+) +22 Str, +12 Fort & Will, -2 Defense
Ranged Pin Make grapple attacks with ranged weapons
Redirect Trick an opponent into hitting someone else
Set-Up Transfer the benefit of a combat bonus to an ally
Sneak Attack (+) +2 damage when you surprise attack an opponent
1 1Sneak Attack (+) +2 damage when you surprise attack an opponent
2 2Sneak Attack (+) +3 damage when you surprise attack an opponent
3 3Sneak Attack (+) +4 damage when you surprise attack an opponent
4 4Sneak Attack (+) +5 damage when you surprise attack an opponent
Stunning Attack Your unarmed attack can stun an opponent
Takedown Attack (+) Gain addtl melee attack when you drop an opponent
1 1Takedown Attack (+) Gain addtl melee attack when you drop an opponent
2 2Takedown Attack (+) Gain addtl melee attack & 5 ft step when you drop an opponent
Throwing Mastery (+) +1 damage with thrown weapons
1 1Throwing Mastery (+) +1 damage with thrown weapons
2 2Throwing Mastery (+) +2 damage with thrown weapons
3 3Throwing Mastery (+) +3 damage with thrown weapons
4 4Throwing Mastery (+) +4 damage with thrown weapons
5 5Throwing Mastery (+) +5 damage with thrown weapons
6 6Throwing Mastery (+) +6 damage with thrown weapons
7 7Throwing Mastery (+) +7 damage with thrown weapons
8 8Throwing Mastery (+) +8 damage with thrown weapons
9 9Throwing Mastery (+) +9 damage with thrown weapons
10 10Throwing Mastery (+) +10 damage with thrown weapons
Uncanny Dodge Retain your dodge bonus while flat-footed
Weapon Bind Follow a successful melee block with a free disarm attempt
Weapon Break Follow a successful melee block with a free sunder
Beginner's Luck Spend a Hero Point to gain 5 temp skill ranks
Inspire (+) Grant allies +1 to attacks, saves, & checks
1 1Inspire (+) Grant allies +1 to attacks, saves, & checks
2 2Inspire (+) Grant allies +2 to attacks, saves, & checks
3 3Inspire (+) Grant allies +3 to attacks, saves, & checks
4 4Inspire (+) Grant allies +4 to attacks, saves, & checks
5 5Inspire (+) Grant allies +5 to attacks, saves, & checks
Leadership Spend hero point to remove adverse conditions from ally
Luck (+) +1 hero point
1 1Luck (+) +1 hero point
2 2Luck (+) +2 hero points
3 3Luck (+) +3 hero points
4 4Luck (+) +4 hero points
5 5Luck (+) +5 hero points
6 6Luck (+) +6 hero points
7 7Luck (+) +7 hero points
8 8Luck (+) +8 hero points
9 9Luck (+) +9 hero points
10 10Luck (+) +10 hero points
Seize Initiative Spend a hero point to go first in combat
Ultimate Effort (+) Spend hero point for auto 20 for 1 action
1 1Ultimate Effort (+) Spend hero point for auto 20 for 1 action
2 2Ultimate Effort (+) Spend hero point for auto 20 for 2 actions
3 3Ultimate Effort (+) Spend hero point for auto 20 for 3 actions
4 4Ultimate Effort (+) Spend hero point for auto 20 for 4 actions
5 5Ultimate Effort (+) Spend hero point for auto 20 for 5 actions
6 6Ultimate Effort (+) Spend hero point for auto 20 for 6 actions
7 7Ultimate Effort (+) Spend hero point for auto 20 for 7 actions
8 8Ultimate Effort (+) Spend hero point for auto 20 for 8 actions
9 9Ultimate Effort (+) Spend hero point for auto 20 for 9 actions
10 10Ultimate Effort (+) Spend hero point for auto 20 for 10 actions
Ambidexterity Eliminate off-hand penalties
Assessment Know a subject's relative offensive and defensive ability
Benefit (+) Gain 1 minor benefit
1 1Benefit (+) Gain 1 minor benefit
2 2Benefit (+) Gain 2 minor benefits
3 3Benefit (+) Gain 3 minor benefits
4 4Benefit (+) Gain 4 minor benefits
5 5Benefit (+) Gain 5 minor benefits
6 6Benefit (+) Gain 6 minor benefits
7 7Benefit (+) Gain 7 minor benefits
8 8Benefit (+) Gain 8 minor benefits
9 9Benefit (+) Gain 9 minor benefits
10 10Benefit (+) Gain 10 minor benefits
Diehard Automatically stabilize when dying
Eidetic Memory Perfect recall of everything you've experienced
Endurance (+) +4 bonus on checks requiring endurance or stamina
1 1Endurance (+) +4 bonus on checks requiring endurance or stamina
2 2Endurance (+) +8 bonus on checks requiring endurance or stamina
3 3Endurance (+) +12 bonus on checks requiring endurance or stamina
4 4Endurance (+) +16 bonus on checks requiring endurance or stamina
5 5Endurance (+) +20 bonus on checks requiring endurance or stamina
6 6Endurance (+) +24 bonus on checks requiring endurance or stamina
7 7Endurance (+) +28 bonus on checks requiring endurance or stamina
8 8Endurance (+) +32 bonus on checks requiring endurance or stamina
9 9Endurance (+) +36 bonus on checks requiring endurance or stamina
10 10Endurance (+) +40 bonus on checks requiring endurance or stamina
Environmental Adaptation Suffer no penalties from a particular environment
Equipment (+) Acquire 5 points worth of equipment
1 1Equipment (+) 5 points worth of equipment
2 2Equipment (+) 10 points worth of equipment
3 3Equipment (+) 15 points worth of equipment
4 4Equipment (+) 20 points worth of equipment
5 5Equipment (+) 25 points worth of equipment
6 6Equipment (+) 30 points worth of equipment
7 7Equipment (+) 35 points worth of equipment
8 8Equipment (+) 40 points worth of equipment
9 9Equipment (+) 45 points worth of equipment
10 10Equipment (+) 50 points worth of equipment
Fearless Immunity to fear effects
1 Fearsome Presence (+) Inspire fear in others, DC:11 range: 5
1 1Fearsome Presence (+) Inspire fear in others, DC:11 range: 5
2 2Fearsome Presence (+) Inspire fear in others, DC:12 range: 10
3 3Fearsome Presence (+) Inspire fear in others, DC:13 range: 15
4 4Fearsome Presence (+) Inspire fear in others, DC:14 range: 20
5 5Fearsome Presence (+) Inspire fear in others, DC:15 range: 25
6 6Fearsome Presence (+) Inspire fear in others, DC:16 range: 30
7 7Fearsome Presence (+) Inspire fear in others, DC:17 range: 35
8 8Fearsome Presence (+) Inspire fear in others, DC:18 range: 40
9 9Fearsome Presence (+) Inspire fear in others, DC:19 range: 45
10 10Fearsome Presence (+) Inspire fear in others, DC:20 range: 50
Instant Up Stand up as a free action
Interpose Trade places with an adjacent ally subject to attack
Master Plan Bonus in situations when you have a chance to plan
1 Minions (+) 15pp of followers
1 1Minions (+) 15pp of followers
2 2Minions (+) 30pp of followers
3 3Minions (+) 45pp of followers
4 4Minions (+) 60pp of followers
5 5Minions (+) 75pp of followers
6 6Minions (+) 90pp of followers
7 7Minions (+) 105pp of followers
8 8Minions (+) 120pp of followers
9 9Minions (+) 135pp of followers
10 10Minions (+) 150pp of followers
11 11Minions (+) 165pp of followers
12 12Minions (+) 180pp of followers
13 13Minions (+) 195pp of followers
14 14Minions (+) 210pp of followers
15 15Minions (+) 225pp of followers
16 16Minions (+) 240pp of followers
17 17Minions (+) 255pp of followers
18 18Minions (+) 270pp of followers
19 19Minions (+) 285pp of followers
20 20Minions (+) 300pp of followers
21 21Minions (+) 315pp of followers
Quick Change (+) You can change clothes as a free action
1 1Quick Change (+) You can change clothes as a free action
2 2Quick Change (+) Change into any outfit at will
Second Chance (+) You get a second check or save against 1 hazard type
1 1Second Chance (+) You get a second check or save against 1 hazard type
2 2Second Chance (+) You get a second check or save against 2 hazard types
3 3Second Chance (+) You get a second check or save against 3 hazard types
4 4Second Chance (+) You get a second check or save against 4 hazard types
5 5Second Chance (+) You get a second check or save against 5 hazard types
6 6Second Chance (+) You get a second check or save against 6 hazard types
7 7Second Chance (+) You get a second check or save against 7 hazard types
8 8Second Chance (+) You get a second check or save against 8 hazard types
9 9Second Chance (+) You get a second check or save against 9 hazard types
10 10Second Chance (+) You get a second check or save against 10 hazard types
Sidekick (+) 5pp Sidekick
1 1Sidekick (+) 5pp Sidekick
2 2Sidekick (+) 10pp Sidekick
3 3Sidekick (+) 15pp Sidekick
4 4Sidekick (+) 20pp Sidekick
5 5Sidekick (+) 25pp Sidekick
6 6Sidekick (+) 30pp Sidekick
7 7Sidekick (+) 35pp Sidekick
8 8Sidekick (+) 40pp Sidekick
9 9Sidekick (+) 45pp Sidekick
10 10Sidekick (+) 50pp Sidekick
11 11Sidekick (+) 55pp Sidekick
12 12Sidekick (+) 60pp Sidekick
13 13Sidekick (+) 65pp Sidekick
14 14Sidekick (+) 70pp Sidekick
15 15Sidekick (+) 75pp Sidekick
16 16Sidekick (+) 80pp Sidekick
17 17Sidekick (+) 85pp Sidekick
18 18Sidekick (+) 90pp Sidekick
19 19Sidekick (+) 95pp Sidekick
20 20Sidekick (+) 100pp Sidekick
Teamwork (+) Additional +1 bonus for aid actions
1 1Teamwork (+) Additional +1 bonus for aid actions
2 2Teamwork (+) Additional +2 bonus for aid actions
3 3Teamwork (+) Additional +3 bonus for aid actions
Trance Go into a deathlike trance that slows breathing
Acrobatic Bluff Feint and trick using Acrobatics rather than Bluff
Animal Empathy Use Handle Animal to affect the attitudes of animals
Artificer Use Knowledge (arcane lore) & Craft to create magical inventions
Attractive (+) +4 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
1 1Attractive (+) +4 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
2 2Attractive (+) +8 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
3 3Attractive (+) +12 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
4 4Attractive (+) +16 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
5 5Attractive (+) +20 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
6 6Attractive (+) +24 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
7 7Attractive (+) +28 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
8 8Attractive (+) +32 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
9 9Attractive (+) +36 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
10 10Attractive (+) +40 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
Connected Make a Diplomacy check to call in favors or aid
Contacts Make a Gather Information check in one minute
Distract (+) Bluff or Intimidate check to daze an opponent for 1 round
1 1Distract (+) Bluff or Intimidate check to daze an opponent for 1 round
2 2Distract (+) Use Bluff & Intimidate check to daze an opponent for 1 round
Fascinate (+) Hold a subject's attention with 1 interaction skill
1 1Fascinate (+) Hold a subject's attention with 1 interaction skill
2 2Fascinate (+) Hold a subject's attention with 2 interaction skills
3 3Fascinate (+) Hold a subject's attention with 3 interaction skills
4 4Fascinate (+) Hold a subject's attention with 4 interaction skills
Hide in Plain Sight You don't need cover or concealment to hide
Improvised Tools No penalty for not having tools for a skill
Inventor Can create temporary devices
Jack-of-All-Trades Use any skill untrained
Ritualist Can create and cast arcane rituals
Skill Mastery (+) Choose 4 skills you can take 10 with even under pressure
1 1Skill Mastery (+) Choose 4 skills you can take 10 with
2 2Skill Mastery (+) Choose 8 skills you can take 10 with
3 3Skill Mastery (+) Choose 12 skills you can take 10 with
4 4Skill Mastery (+) Choose 16 skills you can take 10 with
5 5Skill Mastery (+) Choose 20 skills you can take 10 with
6 6Skill Mastery (+) Choose 24 skills you can take 10 with
7 7Skill Mastery (+) Choose 28 skills you can take 10 with
8 8Skill Mastery (+) Choose 32 skills you can take 10 with
9 9Skill Mastery (+) Choose 36 skills you can take 10 with
10 10Skill Mastery (+) Choose 40 skills you can take 10 with
Startle Feint using intimidate rather than bluff
Taunt Demoralize using Bluff rather than Intimidate
Track Use Survival to follow tracks
Well-Informed Gather Information check when meeting someone
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Luck Check:
Accurate AttacReduce damage bonus to increase attack bonus 7
All-out Attack Reduce defense bonus to increase attack bonus 8
1Attack Focus +1 bonus to melee attack rolls
1Attack Focus +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls 9
1Attack Specia+2 bonus to attack rolls with a specific attack 10
Blind-Fight Re-roll miss chances from concealment
Chokehold Cause an opponent you are grappling to suffocate
Critical Strike Score critical hits against targets normally immune to them
Defensive AttaReduce attack bonus to increase defense bonus
Defensive Roll +1 Toughness save bonus
1Defensive Rol+1 Toughness save bonus
2Defensive Rol+2 Toughness save bonus
3Defensive Rol+3 Toughness save bonus
4Defensive Rol+4 Toughness save bonus
5Defensive Rol+5 Toughness save bonus
6Defensive Rol+6 Toughness save bonus
7Defensive Rol+7 Toughness save bonus
8Defensive Rol+8 Toughness save bonus
9Defensive Rol+9 Toughness save bonus
10Defensive Ro +10 Toughness save bonus
Dodge Focus (+1 dodge bonus
1Dodge Focus +1 dodge bonus
2Dodge Focus +2 dodge bonus
3Dodge Focus +3 dodge bonus
4Dodge Focus +4 dodge bonus
5Dodge Focus +5 dodge bonus
6Dodge Focus +6 dodge bonus
7Dodge Focus +7 dodge bonus
8Dodge Focus +8 dodge bonus
9Dodge Focus +9 dodge bonus
10Dodge Focus+10 dodge bonus
Elusive Target Double penalties for ranged attacks against you in melee
Evasion (+) Suffer 1/2 damage from attacks allowing a Reflex save
1Evasion (+) Suffer 1/2 damage from attacks allowing a Reflex save
2Evasion (+) Suffer no damage from attacks allowing a Reflex save
Fast Overrun Make multiple overrun attempts in a round
Favored Envir +1 attack or dodge in one particular environment
1 1Favored Envi +1 attack or dodge in one particular environment 1
2 2Favored Envi +1 attack or dodge in 2 environments 2
3 3Favored Envi +1 attack or dodge in 3 environments 3
4 4Favored Envi +1 attack or dodge in 4 environments 4
5 5Favored Envi +1 attack or dodge in 5 environments 5
6 6Favored Envi +1 attack or dodge in 6 environments 6
7 7Favored Envi +1 attack or dodge in 7 environments 7
8 8Favored Envi +1 attack or dodge in 8 environments 8
9 9Favored Envi +1 attack or dodge in 9 environments 9
10 10Favored Env+1 attack or dodge in 10 environments 10
Favored Oppon+1 damage bonus against a type of opponent
1 1Favored Oppo+1 damage bonus against a type of opponent 1
2 2Favored Oppo+1 damage bonus against 2 types of opponents 2
3 3Favored Oppo+1 damage bonus against 3 types of opponents 3
4 4Favored Oppo+1 damage bonus against 4 types of opponents 4
5 5Favored Oppo+1 damage bonus against 5 types of opponents 5
6 6Favored Oppo+1 damage bonus against 6 types of opponents 6
7 7Favored Oppo+1 damage bonus against 7 types of opponents 7
8 8Favored Oppo+1 damage bonus against 8 types of opponents 8
9 9Favored Oppo+1 damage bonus against 9 types of opponents 9
10 10Favored Opp+1 damage bonus against 10 types of opponents 10
Grappling FineGrapple checks use Dex & retain dodge bonus
Improved Aim Double normal aiming bonuses
Improved Bloc+2 bonus on attack rolls to block
1 1Improved Blo+2 bonus on attack rolls to block 1
2 2Improved Blo+4 bonus on attack rolls to block 2
3 3Improved Blo+6 bonus on attack rolls to block 3
4 4Improved Blo+8 bonus on attack rolls to block 4
5 5Improved Blo+10 bonus on attack rolls to block 5
6 6Improved Blo+12 bonus on attack rolls to block 6
7 7Improved Blo+14 bonus on attack rolls to block 7
8 8Improved Blo+16 bonus on attack rolls to block 8
9 9Improved Blo+18 bonus on attack rolls to block 9
10 10Improved Bl+20 bonus on attack rolls to block 10
Improved CritiCritical hit on 19 or 20 with 1 attack
1 1Improved CritCritical hit on 19 or 20 with 1 attack 1
2 2Improved CritCritical hit on 19 or 20 with 2 attacks 2
3 3Improved CritCritical hit on 19 or 20 with 3 attacks 3
4 4Improved CritCritical hit on 19 or 20 with 4 attacks 4
5 5Improved CritCritical hit on 19 or 20 with 5 attacks 5
6 6Improved CritCritical hit on 19 or 20 with 6 attacks 6
7 7Improved CritCritical hit on 19 or 20 with 7 attacks 7
8 8Improved CritCritical hit on 19 or 20 with 8 attacks 8
9 9Improved CritCritical hit on 19 or 20 with 9 attacks 9
10 10Improved CriCritical hit on 19 or 20 with 10 attacks 10
Improved Defe+6 dodge bonus from the total defense action
1 1Improved Def+6 dodge bonus from the total defense action 1
2 2Improved Def+8 dodge bonus from the total defense action 2
Improved Dis +2 bonus on attack rolls to disarm
Improved Gra Grapple as a free action after a successful attack
Improved GrapMake grapple checks with only one hand
Improved Initi+4 bonus on initiative checks
1 1Improved Init+4 bonus on initiative checks 1
2 2Improved Init+8 bonus on initiative checks 2
3 3Improved Init+12 bonus on initiative checks 3
4 4Improved Init+16 bonus on initiative checks 4
5 5Improved Init+20 bonus on initiative checks 5
6 6Improved Init+24 bonus on initiative checks 6
7 7Improved Init+28 bonus on initiative checks 7
8 8Improved Init+32 bonus on initiative checks 8
9 9Improved Init+36 bonus on initiative checks 9
10 10Improved Ini+40 bonus on initiative checks 10
Improved Ove+4 bonus on trip checks while overrunning
Improved Pin -4 penalty on grappling checks against you
Improved Sun +4 bonus on attack rolls to hit an object
Improved Thr Opponent uses lesser of Str or Dex against trip attacks
Improved Trip+4 bonus on trip checks, opponent can't trip you
Move-by Actio Move both before and after a standard action
Power Attack Reduce attack bonus to increase damage bonus
Absorption heal
Heroic (1), HorFeedback (-1), Real (-1), Unconscious (-1)
Alternate powers
Alternate powers
Alternate powers
Alternate powers 2
Alternate powers 3
Fog of forgetfulness, Light of truth, Mystic blast, Mystic binding, Mystic passage, Alternate powers 5
Alternate powers 6
Mental weapon (-2) 7
Continuous (1)Limited (-1), Overload (-1), Resisted (-1), Tainted (-1) 8
Mental link Conscious (1),One command (-1), Sense dependent (-1) 9
Sensory link ( Limited (-1) 10
Sicken (-1) 1
Duration (1), Nullifying field (0), Power resistance (1) 3
Selective Partial (-1) 5
Slow (-1) 6
Alternate powers, Photosynthesis 7
Alternate powers 8
Might, ThrownRanged
Limited (-1) 1
Progression, Me
Fanatical (1), Attitude (-1) 3
Alternate power
Share speed (1) 6
Shockwave, Super-breath, Thunderclap 7
Alternate poweDamaging (1),Limited (-1) 9
Alternate Power 10
Change directiAccurate (1), PLong-range (-1), Medium (-1), Short-range (-1)
Alternate power 1
Tainted (-1) 1
Continuous (1 Touch (-1) 2
Knockback (1) 3
Alternate Power 4
Alternate Power 5
Accurate Attack Reduce damage bonus to increase attack bonus
All-out Attack Reduce defense bonus to increase attack bonus
Attack Focus (+) +1 bonus to either melee or ranged attack rolls
1Attack Focus (+) +1 bonus to either melee or ranged attack rolls
2Attack Focus (+) +1 bonus to both melee or ranged attack rolls
Attack Specialization (+ +2 bonus to attack rolls with 1 specific attack
1Attack Specialization ( +2 bonus to attack rolls with 1 specific attack
2Attack Specialization ( +2 bonus to attack rolls with 2 specific attacks
Attractive (+) +4 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
1Attractive (+) +4 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
2Attractive (+) +8 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
3Attractive (+) +12 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
4Attractive (+) +16 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
5Attractive (+) +20 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
6Attractive (+) +24 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
7Attractive (+) +28 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
8Attractive (+) +32 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
9Attractive (+) +36 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
10Attractive (+) +40 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
Connected Make a Diplomacy check to call in favors or aid
Contacts Make a Gather Information check in one minute
Distract (+) Bluff or Intimidate check to daze an opponent for 1 round
1Distract (+) Bluff or Intimidate check to daze an opponent for 1 round
2Distract (+) Use Bluff & Intimidate check to daze an opponent for 1 round
Fascinate (+) Hold a subject's attention with 1 interaction skill
1Fascinate (+) Hold a subject's attention with 1 interaction skill
2Fascinate (+) Hold a subject's attention with 2 interaction skills
3Fascinate (+) Hold a subject's attention with 3 interaction skills
4Fascinate (+) Hold a subject's attention with 4 interaction skills
Hide in Plain Sight You don't need cover or concealment to hide
Improvised Tools No penalty for not having tools for a skill
Inventor Can create temporary devices
Jack-of-All-Trades Use any skill untrained
Ritualist Can create and cast arcane rituals
Skill Mastery (+) Choose 4 skills you can take 10 with even under pressure
1Skill Mastery (+) Choose 4 skills you can take 10 with
2Skill Mastery (+) Choose 8 skills you can take 10 with