Sample Submit

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The Tenderer shall submit the following additional documents with its e-

Tender. Failure to do so shall cause rejection of the tender.

a) Documents in support of the requirements stated in ITT Sub-Clauses 15.1(a), 15.1(c)

and 16.1(a);

b) If the tenderer did not manufacture/produce offered goods, then the tenderer shall
have to submit Manufacturer's Authorization Letter (Form G-5);
d) Warranty Certificate from the tenderer/manufacturer (Form G-5-1);

c) Schematic wiring diagram and outline dimension of the offered item(s);

d) At least 01 (one) sample of the offered meter (110 V, 3-Phase, 4-Wire, 3-Element,
Double Tariff Programmable Type Net Meter) shall be submitted before submission of the
tender to the office of SE (P,I&T), DESCO.

Non-submission of sample and/or failure of the sample to pass the

required tests as stated in Article 3.1 (Tests on Sample Meters) of Section 8: Particular
Requirements (uploaded in the Drawings section) shall make the tender ineligible for
further evaluation and accordingly the tender shall be declared technically non-

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