Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Biaxial Voided Square Slabs
Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Biaxial Voided Square Slabs
Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Biaxial Voided Square Slabs
Fig. 3—Details of test specimen TF-Solid. Fig. 4—Details of test specimen TF-S90V.
minimum reinforcement ratio specified as per IS 45624 was tensile tests on reinforcements were conducted, and the
provided to ensure flexure failure rather than shear failure properties are summarized in Table 2.
because the voided slabs are vulnerable to shear. These rein-
forcements were arranged in the form of mesh along the Experimental test setup and instrumentation
longitudinal and transverse directions. The size of reinforce- Test setup—Sixteen-point load test was conducted to
ment bars was restricted to 6 and 12 mm (0.24 and 0.47 in.). study the two-way flexural behavior of the slab. Figures 7(a)
The specifications of test specimens such as plan dimension, and (b) show the schematic and actual test setup, respec-
cross section, and reinforcement details are summarized in tively. To avoid localized premature punching shear failure,
Table 1. The details of voided slab specimens are shown in the point load was applied through steel plate of size 170 x
Fig. 3 through 6. 170 x 12 mm (6.69 x 6.69 x 0.47 in.) as patch load, as shown
in Fig. 8. A pair of pseudo-dynamic hydraulic actuators were
Material properties of test specimens used to apply the load. The load was transferred through
Test specimens were cast using ready mixed concrete. hot-rolled steel sections to the slab specimens. The steel
Concrete cubes with a size of 150 mm (5.91 in.) were cast sections were supported on the rollers at their ends to enable
and cured under similar exposure conditions as that of slab free rotation along with specimen deformation. Discon-
specimens. The compression test on cubes was carried out tinuity of supports at corners minimizes the experimental
simultaneously with the flexure test on the companion slab errors such as stress concentration and generation of fixed
specimen. The observed mean compressive strength of end moment.12 This is achieved by employing a line-type
concrete cubes (fcm) is summarized in Table 1. Similarly, reaction hinge of length 2800 mm (110.24 in.) as support on
Ky = Py/δy (1)
where Tb and Tt are the force in the bottom and top rein-
forcements, respectively; de and d′ are effective depth to
bottom and top reinforcements, respectively; and x̅ is depth
of resultant compressive force in concrete. The x̅ depends
on neutral axis depth (xu). The neutral axis depth needs to
be estimated based on an iteration by equating compressive
and tensile force.
Fig. 11—Observed typical crack pattern. The theoretical ultimate moment capacity of the slab
section is estimated using Eq. (3). The change in the magni-
Fig. 12—(a) Observed crack pattern of slab specimen TF-Solid; (b) observed crack pattern of slab specimen TF-S180V; and
(c) observed crack pattern of slab specimen TF-CV-1.
Brotchie and 12 400 x 400 x 38.10 — 309.88 23.30 379.21 (0.0019) 482.63
Solid UDL
Holley19 19 400 x 400 x 76.20 — 657.86 16.14 365.42 (0.0018) 484.70
Solid Solid 3300 x 3300 x 250 432.30 767.90 19.36 473.00 (0.0024) 665.00
Chung et
TF-D-S-P.P Voided 3300 x 3300 x 250 432.30 767.90 12-point 19.36 473.00 (0.0024) 665.00
TF-D-M-P.P Voided 3300 x 3300 x 250 432.30 767.90 19.36 473.00 (0.0024) 665.00
TF-Solid Solid 3300 x 3300 x 150 343.00 343.00 31.20 560.00 (0.0033) 650.00
TF-S90V Voided 3300 x 3300 x 150 343.00 343.00 31.00 560.00 (0.0033) 650.00
Current study TF-S180V Voided 3300 x 3300 x 250 257.00 257.00 16-point 29.40 560.00 (0.0033) 650.00
TF-CV-1 Voided 3300 x 3300 x 260 146.00 274.00 26.10 560.00 (0.0033) 650.00
TF-CV-2 Voided 3300 x 3300 x 260 146.00 274.00 24.40 560.00 (0.0033) 650.00
Concrete cylinder strength is taken as 80% of cube strength if required.
Contribution from presence of top reinforcement is not considered as it is above neutral axis and under compression.
Note: 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 m = 39.37 in.; 1 N/mm2 =145 psi.
symmetrically in both longitudinal and transverse directions; Yield line pattern with deformation contour for test config-
hence the value of θx can be assumed to be 45 degrees. Based uration (16-point load) is shown in Fig. 16. The moment
on Eq. (7) and the afore-assumed value of θx, the equation of developed by the externally applied load must be balanced
flexural strength (Eq. (6)) can be written as Eq. (8). by the component of the yield line moments, as shown in
Fig. 19.
mx = my = m (7)
P 3l 3P l
mθ = m (8) ∑ M AB = 0 ⇒ n × e + n × e − mθ l = 0 (9)
16 8 16 8
From Eq. (8), it can be interpreted that if the flexural From Eq. (9), the ultimate load-carrying capacity (Pn) of
capacity of slab per unit length is the same in the two orthog- the slab specimen is calculated as Eq. (10).
onal directions, then the flexural capacity of the slab will
remain the same in any direction. Pn = 64mθl/3le (10)
2b w
em = (13)
3 (3 + g 0 ) d e , n
b 2 (1 − g 0 )
eb = 1 − (14)
3 (3 + g 0 )
e = em + eb ≥ 1.0 (15)
b = 1.5 u (16) Fig. 19—Moment capacity of yield line and application of
fy equilibrium of slab parts.
where fu and fy are ultimate and yield stress of reinforcement, voided slab under two-way flexure can be estimated using
respectively. The calculated load enhancement factor for all yield line theory.
specimens are summarized in Table 6. The enhancement 4. The shape of the void former does not affect the flexural
factor is based on the deflection observed at maximum load capacity of the biaxial RC voided slab as the neutral axis
in the experiment. It is found that the ratio between exper- lies in the cover concrete to top reinforcement, with a minor
imental and estimated capacity including tensile membrane difference in the flexural stiffness.
action was in the range of 0.99 to 1.55. It evidences that 5. Although the initial flexural stiffness of solid slab was
the tensile membrane action is applicable for biaxial voided 37% more than that of the biaxial RC voided slab, the secant
slab as well. The observed wide variation in the ratio stiffness corresponding to yield load of voided and solid slab
between current experimental and estimated capacity may specimens were observed to be almost the same.
be attributed to the effects of presence of significant top 6. The capacity of the biaxial voided slab can be estimated
reinforcement and reinforcement orientation18; more experi- by conventional flexural theory, and it was observed that the
ments are required to validate the same. tensile membrane action is applicable for biaxial voided slab
as well.
Structural behavior of voided slab specimens was studied AUTHOR BIOS
considering parameters such as load-versus-deflection Radha Sagadevan is a PhD Scholar in the Civil Engineering Depart-
behavior, crack pattern, load-carrying capacity, and flexural ment at Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), Chennai, India. He
received his BE from College of Engineering Guindy (CEG), Anna Univer-
stiffness. The following observations are drawn based on the sity, Chennai, India, and his MTech from IITM. His research interests
experimental and analytical investigations conducted on the include studies on the behavior of reinforced concrete members and struc-
slabs under two-way flexure. tures, analysis and design of reinforced concrete, and steel and composite
1. The 16-point loading condition closely matches with
the uniformly distributed loading condition in comparison B. N. Rao is a Professor in the Civil Engineering Department at IITM.
with single-point, five-point, and 12-point loading condi- He received his BTech from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Univer-
sity, Hyderabad, India; his ME from The Maharaja Sayajirao University
tions. Thus, 16-point load can be adopted to simulate the of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India; and his PhD from the University
uniformly distributed load on the slab. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. His research interests include studies on hollow-
2. The voided slabs showed typical two-way flexure core reinforced concrete slabs, computational mechanics, finite element
analysis, meshless analysis, stochastic mechanics, and related fields.
behavior similar to the solid slab. The major cracks were
observed in an X-shaped pattern, which originated at the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
center of the slab and progressed toward the corners. This work was supported by Department of Science & Technology, India
3. The observed maximum load-carrying capacity of (SR/S3/MERC/0040/2012) and M/s Post Tension Services India Pvt. Ltd.
(PTSI), Vadodara, Gujarat, India (WO/GEN/0001/16-17). The authors wish
voided and solid slabs was almost equal. The ratio of exper- to acknowledge the assistance and facilities offered by the Technical Staff,
imental to estimated capacity lies in the range of 0.99 to Structural Engineering Laboratory, IITM, Chennai, India.
1.55. The theoretical load-carrying capacity of the solid and
voided slab using the yield line method along with ACI 318 NOTATION
and IS 456 provisions by incorporating the tensile membrane Ast = area of reinforcement
Ast,b = area of bottom reinforcement
effect are the same. Thus, the load-carrying capacity of the Ast,t = area of top reinforcement