R C K & Co: Duedate For GST Returns
R C K & Co: Duedate For GST Returns
R C K & Co: Duedate For GST Returns
C K & Co
Duedate for GST returns
Notification No. 31/2020, 32/2020, 33/2020, 34/2020, 36/2020‐ Central Tax, dated 03.04.2020
Last date to avail
Type of Assessee (Turnover Payment of Tax
Sr No Tax period Due Date benefit of reduced Rate of Interest Late Fee Type of return
bassed)* without Interest
interest and late fee
9% if paid after 15 NIL till
February 2020 20‐Mar‐2020 24‐Jun‐2020 4‐Apr‐2020 GSTR 3B
day from due date 24/06/2020
9% if paid after 15 NIL till
March 2020 20‐Apr‐2020 24‐Jun‐2020 5‐May‐2020 GSTR 3B
Turnover of more than day from due date 24/06/2020
rupees 5 crores 9% if paid after 15 NIL till
April 2020 20‐May‐2020 24‐Jun‐2020 4‐Jun‐2020 GSTR 3B
day from due date 24/06/2020
NIL till
May 2020 27‐Jun‐2020 rate of int 18% 27‐Jun‐2020 GSTR 3B
NIL till
February 2020 20‐Mar‐2020 29‐Jun‐2020 Nil 29‐Jun‐2020 GSTR 3B
Turnover of more than NIL till
2 rupees 1.5 crores and up to March 2020 20‐Apr‐2020 29‐Jun‐2020 Nil 29‐Jun‐2020
rupees five crores
NIL till
April 2020 20‐May‐2020 30‐Jun‐2020 Nil 30‐Jun‐2020 GSTR 3B
NIL till
February 2020 20‐Mar‐2020 30‐Jun‐2020 Nil 15‐Jul‐2020 GSTR 3B
NIL till
3 Turnover of up to rupees 1.5 March 2020 20‐Apr‐2020 3‐Jul‐2020 Nil 18‐Jul‐2020 GSTR 3B
NIL till
April 2020 20‐May‐2020 6‐Jul‐2020 Nil 24‐Jul‐2020 GSTR 3B
18% after due date 12‐Jul‐2020 NIL till due date GSTR 3B
Turnover of less than rupees Depending on state
4 May 2020
5 14/07/2020
18% after due date 14‐Jul‐2020 NIL till due date GSTR 3B
Depending on state
March, April and May
All assessee who files GSTR
5 and for the quarter 30‐Jun‐2020 NA NA NIL till due date GSTR 1
ending 31st March, 2020,
Assessee registered under
For the quarter ending
6 Section 10 Composition 15‐Jul‐2020 18% 7‐Jul‐2020 NIL till due date GSTR 4
31st March, 2020,
* Turnover means
1. For Feb and March 2020 return ‐ Turnover for 18‐19 to be considered
2. For April and May 2020 return ‐ Turnover for 19‐20 to be considered