GIZ Service Package For Development Workers New
GIZ Service Package For Development Workers New
GIZ Service Package For Development Workers New
We are delighted that you have shown an interest in working for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. On the following pages, we will explain some things you need to know
about GIZ’s package of services for employees
What is special about our work is the fact that our staff support change processes inside our partner coun-
tries. They are actively involved in delivering advice to governments and ministries. Biodiversity, water, good
governance, education, financial systems development, development-oriented emergency and transitional
aid, and much more besides: the wide range of fields in which GIZ operates allows you to continuously
develop your skills, and also gain experience in new areas.
The Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) is GIZ’s training centre for international human re-
sources development and offers a range of different courses. Before you leave Germany to take up an as-
signment in a partner country, we provide you with an induction comprising comprehensive modules on the
country and culture as well as language classes and familiarisation with GIZ’s expertise. Quite apart from the
great diversity of tasks and freedom to make your own decisions and take action, GIZ also offers the chance
to combine professional and family commitments. For assignments outside Germany in particular, it’s im-
portant for us that your family is involved.
GIZ specialises in working in different cultural contexts. We offer you an attractive service package.
Services for employees incurred in this regard will be reimbursed in accordance with
working in Germany our guidelines on relocation costs. This applies if it is unrea-
sonable to commute from your current place of residence on
Below you will find information about the pecuniary a daily basis. In addition, we offer the option of a separation
elements of our service package for staff working in allowance if you need to maintain two households. You can
Germany. This refers to all employees engaged in our find out about specific entitlements during your contract ne-
various offices around Germany. gotiation.
Basic remuneration
To support your work-life balance, GIZ offers a number of GIZ has a group accident insurance scheme for all our
services to help you better reconcile your professional and employees, both inside and outside Germany. This covers ac-
private needs (e.g. health-related courses, seminars, e-learn- cidents at work and in the private sphere and provides 24-
ing, massages). hour cover in the case of death or invalidity. It is possible to
supplement this cover at your own cost. You can also co-
insure family members at the same rate. The respective insur-
Travelling to work ance premiums are withheld from your salary payments.
If you drive to work in a car, at our Bonn and Eschborn of- In line with legal stipulations, salary payments will continue
fices we provide you with parking facilities in our under- for up to 42 days in the event of illness, provided the employ-
ground car parks. If you choose to make use of these facili- ment relationship has existed uninterrupted for at least four
ties, please register your vehicle with the In-House Service weeks. According to paragraph 16 of the Collective Bargain-
Centre. At our Berlin office, space in the underground car ing Agreement, for the remainder of the time you are incapa-
park is unfortunately very limited so we recommend the use ble of working you will receive a payment supplementary to
of public transport instead. In Berlin, Bonn and Eschborn your sickness or injury benefit, amounting to the difference
alike, GIZ provides financial assistance for public transport between the gross benefit sum and your usual net salary en-
costs. We also have parking spaces for bicycles. titlement. In the event that your salary payments cease, you
will receive a letter from the time recording system informing
you of how to apply for the supplement.
Preparation and training
If you are not yet a member of the German social security
To help you get off to a good start in your work with GIZ,
system, we will gladly assist you with the registration process.
we give you an individual preparation course lasting one or
two weeks. As well as preparing you thoroughly to carry out
Official travel In future, from salary band 3, GIZ will pay an employer’s
social security contribution of 6.9%, with the employee’s
In the Bonn and Eschborn offices there are travel agencies share set at 0.8%. Those employed in salary bands 1 and 2
for GIZ staff, which are managed by the service providers pay a share of 0.4% and receive an employer’s contribution
BCD Travel Germany GmbH (BCD Travel). The travel of 7.3%. Entitlements to retirement benefits which accrue
agency is there to provide advice, planning and reservations from the employer’s contributions up to the moment you
for your travel needs. Its services for employees working in leave our employment become vested after a twelve-month
Germany include, for example, official travel to other GIZ period of employment. Retirement benefits derived from the
locations inside Germany or abroad. The contact details for employee’s contributions are vested with immediate effect.
these colleagues can subsequently be found on the intranet
by searching for the keyword ‘travel agency’. If your work Services for employees
with us increasingly involves official travel, our Medical Ser- working outside Germany
vices are available to you for advice and preliminary check-
ups. On request, you can obtain a first-aid kit. This is de- Below you will find information about the pecuniary
signed as a one-off item of personal equipment, which is only elements of our service package for staff working out-
intended for use during official travel.. You can obtain med- side Germany.
icines that are specifically required for a particular country
from the Medical Services in Bonn or Eschborn. These also
offer replacements for medicines and materials that have Basic remuneration
been used up or are out of date.
GIZ’s remuneration system is subject to the Collective
Agreement on Remuneration as well as the supplementary
agreements covering the company as a whole. The system is
structured according to job categories, some of which fall un-
der the purview of the collective bargaining agreement and
some of which do not, and is defined in terms of salary bands.
The level of the basic remuneration and the categorisation in
the salary structure take into consideration an employee’s ex-
isting skills and experience, as well as the requirements of the
job they perform. The annual basic remuneration is paid in
13 instalments, with the 13th instalment being transferred in
November of each year. Your salary development depends
Once you are an employee, you will also find an online tool both on an assessment of your overall performance, and on
on the intranet, called ‘Preparing for an official trip’, which collective bargaining agreements.
provides practical advice on travel preparations. Likewise, the
Corporate Security Unit uses the intranet to regularly share In addition, you also have the option of being paid a variable
safety and security advice and travel warnings with employ- remuneration. This variable instalment recognises the
ees. achievement of targets agreed on a voluntary basis at the an-
nual staff assessment and development talk.
Company pension
Foreign allowance
As a company, we want to guarantee our employees’ long-
term provisions for their old age. As such, we continue to For the duration of your assignment abroad, you will receive
observe our social responsibility to our employees and con- a foreign allowance in addition to your basic salary. This is
tribute significantly to their ability to enjoy their current intended to compensate for the additional expenses of an as-
standard of living after their retirement and provide their signment abroad. The foreign allowance applies from the
families with adequate security. The new company pension first day after arriving in the country of assignment. This en-
scheme takes the form of a system of contributions to a prov- titlement exists only as long as you are actually working at the
ident fund, and consists of annual pension entitlement cred- place of assignment. The amount of the foreign allowance is
its, the value of which depends on the respective annual in- based on the country levels used for international supple-
come. ments for places of employment. The allocation of countries
to these levels is determined by the German Federal Foreign Secondment
Office and the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, and
is based on the 20 zone levels of the Federal German system. GIZ submits an ‘application to remain in the German social
The countries or regions security system’ to your respective health insurance scheme.
in which CTO (compensated time off) regulations apply are It is not GIZ, but rather the collecting agency responsible for
automatically assigned to level 20. For part-time employ- your social security contributions – i.e. your statutory health
ment, a percentage of the foreign allowance is paid, commen- insurance scheme – that decides whether or not you count as
surate with the level of employment. ‘seconded’ or ‘not seconded’ in terms of the social security
When working under exceptionally challenging conditions, system, and the extent to which you may be exempt from
GIZ will pay you a ‘danger supplement’ in addition to the statutory insurance payments.
foreign allowance, for a limited duration. This is paid from For employees who are not part of a statutory health insur-
the moment determined by the Federal Foreign Office. ance scheme (privately insured persons), this is the Allge-
Please note that this supplement is only paid for days actually meine Ortskrankenkasse Hessen (AOK). In some cases,
spent in the country of assignment. therefore, GIZ’s statutory social insurance provisions may be
corrected by the relevant collecting agency. If the relevant
The foreign allowance is paid together with the salary and is health insurance scheme does not confirm the seconded sta-
adapted according to any changes. If you are unable to draw tus, we can make a contractual agreement with you regarding
child allowances or similar payments, you can receive a a flat-rate social security payment. This flat-rate payment pro-
monthly child supplement to the foreign allowance for each vides blanket coverage of all your social security expenses.
accompanying child. You agree to take out an appropriate insurance policy that
ensures adequate coverage, especially for health insurance.
When an employee works a regular five-day week, the collec- incur more costs in connection with your departure, we will
tively agreed period of leave amounts to 30 working days per be happy to provide a contractually agreed, tax-free and in-
calendar year, based on 12 full months of employment. This terest-free advance on the outward travel lump sum, which is
leave can be taken up to 31 October in the following year. paid to you at the end of the first month of your contract.
For an agreed part-time position with fewer than five work-
ing days per week, this entitlement is reduced accordingly.
Depending on the country of your assignment, you may be
entitled to additional days of leave. National holidays also ap-
ply. The local country offices may also determine further days
as being generally work-free. Furthermore, you may apply for
two days of special leave if you have to move home for com-
pany reasons.
Each country of assignment has its own specific characteris- such like. It should be repeated regularly every two years, or
tics and procedures with regard to passports and visas. You whenever you are relocated to undertake a new assignment
will receive support for the necessary administrative steps abroad.
from our internal passports and visa desk, and from your
contact person in the Human Resources Department. The
outward flight for you and your family will also be booked by
us, and we will promptly register you locally as our employee.
For this we just need a copy of your CV in the respective
official language. Once you are in the country, please register
with your relevant embassy.
Relocation Service
The designation as a CTO location is regularly assessed by
the country office and the risk managers on the ground, in
cooperation with the Corporate Security Unit.
Before travelling to a CTO location, new employees are re-
quired to complete a course of safety and security training
and, depending on the country in question, may be required
to complete additional preparation courses.
Further information
On the intranet, GIZ has also set up the ‘Employee Self Ser-
vice System’. This not only provides access to important in-
house systems, such as ‘Urlaub-online’, ‘Fobi-Online’ and
SAP Travel Management, but is also designed to help you
maintain your personal data easily and to download im-
portant documents (e.g. salary statements, emergency ad-
Publishing information
Published by:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Registered offices
Bonn and Eschborn, Germany
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Author/responsible/editor etc.:
53113 Bonn Roberta Diglyte, Eschborn
T: +49 228 44 60-0 F +49 228 4460-1766
Department Recruitment and Follow-on assignments
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65760 Eschborn Design/Layout etc.:
T +49 61 96 79-0 Roberta Diglyte, Eschborn
F +49 61 96 79-11 15 Department Recruitment and Follow-on assignments
E [email protected]
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