Teaching Material: By: Fitriah Kaprodi Bahasa Inggris Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe Email
Teaching Material: By: Fitriah Kaprodi Bahasa Inggris Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe Email
Teaching Material: By: Fitriah Kaprodi Bahasa Inggris Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe Email
By: Fitriah
Kaprodi Bahasa Inggris Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe
Email: [email protected]
Ada lima komponen penting dalam proses pengajaran yaitu; siswa,
guru, bahan ajar, metode mengajar dan evaluasi. Bahan ajar
merupakan salah satu komponen yang sangat penting untuk
kelancaran proses belajar dan mengajar dalam kelas yang dapat
membantu guru dan siswa. Jadi, hendaknya isi bahan ajar
disesuaikan dengan kemampuan yang memakainya, baik guru
maupun murid. Bahan ajar bisa dibuat dalam bentuk dan ukuran
apapun seperti lazimnya untuk mendukung dan meningkatkan
kualitas proses pembelajaran karena bahan ajar itu sendiri
bermanfaat untuk keefektifan mengajar. Kualiatas bahan ajar
sangatlah berpengaruh terhadap kualitas mengajar. Bahan ajar
dapat dipilih dalam bentuk textbook yang disesuaikan dengan
kurikulum yang meliputi isi sebagai tambahan aktivitas kelas,
latihan, lembaran, peta atau grafik, lembaran ulangan dan lain
Kata kunci: Teaching and Material.
Language instruction has five important components that they are
students, a teacher, materials, teaching methods and evaluation.
Teaching materials should help the students to learn or as part of
the activities of instruction learning in the class that help both
teacher and learners. Ideally, teaching materials will be tailored to
the content in which they are being used, to the students in whose
class they are being used, and the teacher. Teaching materials
come in many shapes and sizes, but they all in common the ability
to support students learning. So, teaching material can support
students learning and increase student success, because
instructional materials for effective teaching. The quality of those
materials directly impact to the quality of teaching. Knowing how
to find the best instructional materials is a valuable skill for a
teacher to have. Materials chosen in teaching learning include
A. Introduction
Language instruction has five important components that they are students,
a teacher, materials, teaching methods and evaluation. The learners are the center
of instruction and learning. The curriculum, the methods of learning and also the
teaching material is a statement of the goals of learning process for both teachers
and learners. So, a teacher has to follow the curriculum and provide the materials
for teaching class.
Most people think about teaching process as the overt presentation of
information by teachers to learners. Teaching is any activities done in the class
room as learning ways. Tomlinson (1998:3) states that teaching is anything done
by materials developers or teachers to facilitate the learning of the language.
Hence, a teacher often prepares exercises or sets of materials for his/her own
classes, which can be refined over a period of time on the basis of topics that will
be taught for the students in the class.
Teaching materials are the resources that a teacher uses to deliver
instruction. Tomlinson (1998:2) views that “materials is used to refer to anything
which is used by the teachers or the learners to facilitate the learning of a language.
Materials could obviously be cassettes, videos, CD- Rom, dictionaries, grammar
books, readers, workbook, or photo copied exercises. In other words, they any be
anything which is deliberately used to increase the learners’ knowledge or
experience of the language”. Each teacher requires a range of tools to draw upon
in order to assist and support students learning. These materials play a large role in
making knowledge accessible to learner and can encourage a student to engage
with knowledge in different ways.
The teacher must prepare the comfortable materials for teaching learning and
avoid of feeling anxious, uncomfortable or tense of learner feeling. Making
comfortable materials is the responsibility of the teacher to help the students to feel
c. Materials should help learners to develop confidence
Most materials developers recognize the need to help learners to develop
confidence. They become aware that the process is being simplified for them and
that what they are doing bears little resemblance to actual language use. The
students also become aware that they are not really using their brains and their
apparent success is an illusion, and this awareness can even lead to reduction in
e. Materials should provide the learners with opportunities to use the target
Learners should be given opportunities to use language for communication
involves attempts to achieve a purpose in a situation in which the content,
strategies and expression of interaction are determined by the learners. Such
attempts can enable the learners to check the effectiveness of their internal
hypotheses, especially if the activities stimulate them into pushed output.
f. Materials should take into account that the positive effects of instruction
It is important for materials to recycle instruction and to provide frequent
and ample exposure to the instructed language features in communicative use. It is
equally important that the learners are not forced into premature production of the
instructed features that the teachers will get the students wrong, and that tests of
proficiency are not conducted immediately after instruction that they will indicate
h. Materials should take into account that learners differ in affective attitudes
Ideally language learners should have strong and consistent motivation and
they should also have positive feelings towards the target language, their teachers,
their fellow learners and the materials they are using. The ideal learner does not
exist and even if she did exist one day should no longer be the ideal learner the
next day. Each class of learners using the same materials will differ from each
other in terms long and short term motivation and of feelings and attitudes about
the language, their teachers, their fellow learners and their learning materials.
Obviously, no materials developer can cater for all these affective variables but it
is important for anybody who is writing learning materials to be aware of the
evitable attitudinal differences of the users of the materials.
powerful and informative source about language use. It is very important that
materials developers can make the language production activities have intended
outcomes other than just practicing language. The value of outcome feedback is
stressed to find out more some of the principles of language learning.
Ideally, teaching materials will be tailored to the content in which they are
being used, to the students in whose class they are being used, and the teacher.
Teaching materials come in many shapes and sizes, but they all in common the
ability to support students learning. So, teaching material can support students
learning and increase student success, because instructional materials for effective
teaching. The quality of those materials directly impact to the quality of teaching.
Knowing how to find the best instructional materials is a valuable skill for a
teacher to have.
Materials chosen in teaching learning include textbooks that extent to
which a curriculum will involve teacher made materials which content of
additional activities and exercises, handouts, charts, review sheets, etc. J. Brown
in Brown (2007: 158) lists five major categories to consider in choosing a text
(a) Author’s and publisher’s reputation
(b) Fit to the curriculum, included meeting needs, goals, etc,
(c) Physical characteristics (layout, organization, etc
(d) Logistical Factors; price, auxiliary aids, workbooks
(e) Teach ability especially the usefulness of a teacher’s edition.
whiteboard and everything which presents or informs about the language being
learned. Henceforth, anything that is used to help the teacher to teach language
learners. The last important material that must be given to the students is
evaluation. Evaluation as the systematic appraisal of the value of materials in
relation to teachers’ objectives during the teaching process and to the objectives
of the learner using materials during learning process in the classroom. Tomlinson
(1998:3) states that evaluation refers to attempts to measure the value of materials
and it forms can be pre-use and therefore focused on predictions of potential value.
It can be whilst- use and therefore focus on awareness and description of what
learner are actually doing in whilst the materials are being used. Evaluation can
also be post-use and therefore focused on analysis of what happened as a result of
using materials.
E. Conclusion
Teaching is any activities done in the class room as learning ways. Most
people think about teaching process as the overt presentation of information by
teachers to learners. But the real teaching learning process is depends on how the
teacher and the learner feel comfortable in that situation.
Ideally, teaching materials will be tailored to the content in which they are
being used, to the students in whose class they are being used, and the teacher.
Teaching materials come in many shapes and sizes, but they all in common the
ability to support students learning. So, teaching material can support students
learning and increase student success, because instructional materials for effective
teaching. The quality of those materials directly impact to the quality of teaching.
Knowing how to find the best instructional materials is a valuable skill for a
teacher to have. Materials chosen in teaching learning include textbooks that
extent to which a curriculum will involve teacher made materials which content of
additional activities and exercises, handouts, charts, review sheets, etc.
Brown. H. Douglas. (2007). An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy.
Third Edition.Longman.
Burkill Bob & Eaton Ray. (2011). Developing Teaching and Learning. Cambridge
University Press.
Ellis,R. (1990). Instructed Second Language Acquisition. Oxford ; Basil
Graves Kathleen. (2010). The Language Curriculum: A Social Contextual
Perspective. In Innovation in Language Curriculum. Published by Deakin
University, Geelong Australia.
McDonough and Shaw Christopher. (2003). Materials and Methods in ELT A
teacher Guide. 2nd Ed. Blackwell Publishing.
Nunan David. (1999). Second Language Teaching & Learning. Heile & Heinle
O’Neill,R. (1990). Why use textbooks? In R.Rossner and R. Balitho, (Eds),
Currents in Language Teaching. Oxford University Press.
Richards. J. (2001). Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge,
UK. Cambridge University Press.
Tomlinson Brian. (1998). Materials Development in Language Teaching.
Cambridge University Press.