Milk and Cheese Tests
Milk and Cheese Tests
Milk and Cheese Tests
Peter Dixon
Dairy Foods Consulting
The majority of gas that is produced within 10 days of making cheese originates from problems with
hygiene and sanitation prior to cheesemaking. Coliform bacteria and yeasts are the cause of early gas in
cheese. It is often difficult to figure out if the cause of gassy cheese is related to the quality of the milk.
The lactofermentation test is a simple, definite, inexpensive way to determine the quality of the milk at
any moment in the process from milking up to adding starter culture. When the results are known, you
can backtrack to find out if the milk was at fault.
Materials needed:
- ladle for taking the sample
- test tubes
- test tube brush
- sterile cotton
- water bath or incubator set at 86-98 °F
- Clean and rinse the test tubes and ladle
- Boil the test tubes and ladle to sterilize them
- Deposit the milk sample into a test tube
- Put on a sterile stopper
- Incubate the samples at 86-98 °F
- Wait for a curd to form in 24 hours for cow and goat milk and 48 hours for sheep milk
The appearance of gas in cheese is indicates a problem with the equilibrium between two
categories of bacteria:
• good lactic acid producing bacteria (some of which produce small amounts of carbon
dioxide gas)
• contaminating gas producing bacteria
The contaminating bacteria and the lactic bacteria are in competition for their nourishment. The
contaminating bacteria have a better ability to adapt to the milk environment. If large numbers
get into the milk then the lactic bacteria are at a disadvantage and their growth will be suppressed.
This disequilibrium can be accentuated by poor techniques during cheesemaking, which leads to
gassy cheese.
The lactofermentation test is a powerful test that gives the cheesemaker an idea about the
potential success of the cheesemaking operation. The test takes into account:
• the bacteria that are capable of growing at temperatures used in the setting step of
• the physical and chemical qualities of milk,
• the capacity of the bacteria to adapt to the milk environment.
The water bath or incubator is maintained at 86-98 °F, which is the general range for making
cheese using mesophilic starter cultures but thermophilic bacteria are also active in this range.
There are three more results that may provide helpful information:
• If the curd takes a longer time to form, say closer to 48 hours then the milk has a low
population of lactic bacteria.
• If the curd has a flaky (fleecy) appearance then psychrotroph bacteria are present. The
texture is a result of proteolysis.
• The curd may smell yeasty or fruity, which indicates yeast is present.
Since the lactofermentation test if affordable and easy to do, I highly recommend using it. You
will be surprised at how it can help you figure out where the gas is coming from. It is always nice
to have that sample with a good curd to give you confidence about the potential for good quality.
If you get a bad result then you can anticipate some problems with gas during aging. I have seen
a cheesemaker in Armenia using this test, which he had learned from a French cheesemaker. I
quickly adopted the test and taught all of the cheesemakers I worked with how to set it up and use
Clostridia Tyrobutyricum (late gas) Test
This test identifies Clostridia tyrobutricum, which is the bacteria responsible for
gas production later on, e.g. after two months, in cheese ripening. Large amounts of gas
can be produced by the “butyrics” creating large cracks and fissures in the interior of the
cheese. The source of this contaminant is improperly fermented silage and wrapped
bales, manure, and the animals. The butyrics come from and spread from the soil. They
multiply in certain conditions:
• when the ensiled feed is poorly prepared (there should be less than 100
spores of butyric bacteria per gram of feed),
• after the animals eat the feed the spores are concentrated in their manure,
• udders become contaminated from bedding and other environmental sites.
The butyrics can survive heat treatment and pasteurization by forming spores. Later on
when conditions are appropriate (pH > 5.4, low salt, and higher temperatures, e.g., > 50
°F) they will grow very well and cause major problems. These conditions are normal for
the affinage of certain cheeses, like Grana and hard Alpine types. Silage and wrapped
bales are forbidden for feed to animals making milk for cheeses like Gruyere,
Emmenthaler, and Parmagiano-Reggiano because of the inherent risk of butyric
Wrapped bales are much more commonly used as feed now. I know several
cheesemakers that use it. My advice is to monitor the quality of the feed closely. Have
some bales tested for spores. If the feed is too wet or in any way compromised then
don’t feed it to the milkers. I would stay away from it altogether if you are making hard
Alpine cheeses.
The test uses the same materials as the lactofermentation test.
• The milk is pasteurized in the test tube, which means it is heated to 145 °F and
held for 30 minutes or heated to 161 °F and held for 15 seconds,
• seal the top of the test tube with a paraffin plug (heat some wax and push it into
the top),
• incubate the sample at 100 °F for 12-24 hours,
• watch for the plug to move up in the test tube.
Laboratory Milk Tests
There are two tests that are extremely helpful in locating sources of contamination
in raw milk. These can be done by a laboratory, which does routine milk testing. I use
the Agri-Mark Central Laboratory in West Springfield. MA. These dairy cooperative
labs are set up to analyze milk samples on a regular basis. Send in a raw milk sample at
least every other week and have them do a Coliform Count and a Lab Pasteurized
Count (LPC). While they are at it, have them test the fat, protein, somatic cell count
(SCC), and standard plate count (SPC).
• The Coliform count is an indicator of the quality of hygiene and sanitation;
stay below 25 CFU per ml.
• The Lab Pasteurized count measures the thermoduric (spore forming)
bacteria and indicates the cleanliness of the equipment; stay below 250 CFU
per ml.
• The somatic cell count gives you an idea of the health of your herd; stay
below 250,000 for cows and sheep and below 750,000 for goats.
• The standard plate count is also known as the “raw count” and measures all
of the bacteria in the milk; stay below 10,000 CFU (colony forming units)
per ml.
Coliform >100 <25
LPC >2,500 <250
Testing for Residual Lactose in Cheese
Thermophilic starter cultures are used to make higher pH cheeses such as hard Alpine
types and soft-ripened washed rind varieties. When the starter bacteria metabolize
lactose they split it into glucose and galactose. The Streptococcus thermophilus and
Lactobacillus bulgaricus bacteria do not ferment galactose. Therefore, it is possible to
have cheeses with some residual sugar in them after the cheese is made. During the early
stages of ripening the galactose can be used by other bacteria and yeasts to make acid and
carbon dioxide. This “post acidification” can create problems in the ripening process.
Cheeses can become harder, gassy, and poorly knit together. Using small amounts of
mesophilic starter culture or Lactobacillus helveticus can solve the problem of post
acidification. To find out if your cheese has residual lactose heat the curd in a microwave
until the water is gone. The browner the color of the dry cheese is the more residual
sugar is in the cheese.
The Dairy Practices Council ( has several guidelines that are
helpful to cow dairy farmers, farmstead cheesemakers and small ruminant dairy farmers.
These are some of the offerings.
• Farmers Guide to Somatic Cell Counts in Sheep
• Farmers Guide to Somatic Cell Counts in Goats
• On-Farm and Small Scale Dairy Products Processing
• Food Safety in Farmstead Cheesemaking
• Bacteria Counts (Troubleshooting of Raw Milk)
• Regulation and Quality of Goat Milk
Lactofermentation Test was translated and adapted from Fromage Fermiers, by
S.I.C.A. CREOM, 64120 Ordiarp, France
Table from Dairy Pipeline, Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research, U of