Fibran GEO - Katalog PDF
Fibran GEO - Katalog PDF
Fibran GEO - Katalog PDF
product catalogue
Stonewool thermal insulation, sound insulation
and fire protection products for building applications
stonewool building insulation
Manufacturing of FIBRANgeo
FIBRANgeo stonewool products are industrially produced from molten rock spun
into fibres. They are classified as mineral wool products for use in building insulation,
according to the European Standard EN 13162 (Mineral Wool insulation products for
All FIBRANgeo stonewool insulation products meet the QUALIT Y and SAFET Y
requirements of the European Standards.
Stonewool insulation is a natural inorganic fibrous material, widely recognised for its
thermal and sound insulating properties, as well as its excellent performance towards
fire protection.
FIBRANgeo is produced from mineral rock, initially fused in an electric furnace at 1520°C
and then spun into fibres. The use of electric furnace technology for its production allows
for the precise control of the melt’s temperature, in comparison to the blast furnace
method employed by more than 90% of stonewool manufacturers. The maintenance of
steady temperatures during the melting process ensures the fibres’ dimensional stability
and provides excellent technical characteristics to the final products. Moreover, non-use
of fossil fuels (e.g. coke) as a main production fuel minimises polluting gas emissions
in the environment.
Once past the spinning phase, the loose stonewool fibres, with the addition of adhesive
resin, oil and special silicon compounds that provide hydrophobicity, become cohesive,
elastic and water-repellent.
FIBRANgeo stonewool is formed in boards, rolls and loose fill in a variety of dimensions,
and is, finally, packed.
Boards and rolls may also be manufactured with facings.
Advantages of FIBRANgeo
Thermal insulation
Excellent thermal insulation, with a very low thermal conductivity coefficient
and maximum thermal resistance even at high temperatures.
The fibres’ softening temperature is over 1.000 °C and their binder starts to
evaporate when its temperature exceeds 200 °C, the materials’ insulating
properties remaining unchanged. Therefore, FIBRANgeo products are also
suitable for applications where high temperatures occur.
Sound insulation
High sound absorption coefficient and optimum air flow resistivity. These
properties provide increased sound reduction and improved acoustic
performance of spaces. Facings maximise sound reduction required in certain
High compressive strength and very low dynamic stiffness, i.e. very rigid, yet
efficiently resilient. These properties reduce impact noise transmission, such
as in floating floor applications.
Fire Protection
Non-combustible materials (Class A1 in accordance to EN 13501-1) which
maintain their insulating properties in high temperatures, contributing to the
inhibition of the spread of fire, saving lives and protecting built structures
and properties.
Therefore, they constitute key parts of fire resistant walls, floors, roofs,
prefabricated panels, doors or other passive fire protective systems.
Passive Ventilation
Open hive structure materials with water vapour diffusion resistance similar
to the resistance of air (μ=1). These properties enhance the construction
elements’ breathability, by allowing the flow of very small quantities of air
and vapour through the building envelope, due to air pressure differences
occurring between indoors and outdoors (Passive Ventilation).
Ventilation replenishes oxygen, regulates the spaces’ relative humidity and
removes unpleasant smells, smoke, dust, airborne bacteria and carbon
FIBRANgeo products assure the maximum passive ventilation of buildings,
satisfying the requirements of Bioclimatic Design.
Resistant to vibrations
Types of FIBRANgeo
Facings of FIBRANgeo
FIBRANgeo products are available with the following standard facings to meet
particular application requirements:
FIBRANgeo Product Range
Packaging of FIBRANgeo
For details about packages and pallets for particular FIBRANgeo product types,
please refer to pages 08 to 14 (
Applications of FIBRANgeo
FIBRANgeo products are suitable for use in all building types. They are
applicable for the insulation of all building elements, such as walls, floors,
ceilings, roofs, terraces, building equipment, mechanical installations, sound
insulating and passive fire prevention systems.
For selection of the suitable product type, please refer to the Product Selector
by Application on page 07.
Certifications of FIBRANgeo
A l l F I B R A N g e o s t o n e w o o l i n s u l a t i o n p r o d u c t s m e e t t h e Q UA L I T Y a n d S A F E T Y r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e E u r o p e a n S t a n d a r d s .
CE certification
All FIBRANgeo stonewool insulation products conform to the European Directive 89/106/EEC since 2004. In compliance with the above Construction
Products Directive, all types of FIBRANgeo stonewool products hold the CE marking and are in conformity with the European Norm EN 13162, which
refers to mineral wool insulation products used in building applications. In accordance with the aforementioned European Standard, every insulation
product acquires a designation code which declares its technical characteristics.
For example:
MW - EN 13162 – Ti - CS(10)i – TRi - PL(5)i – CPi – WS - WL(P) – MUi – SDi - AFri – AWi
• MW – Factory made mineral wool insulation material, industrially manufactured from molten rock, slag or glass.
• EN 13162 – The European Standard number.
• Ti – Thickness Tolerances. Classes for thickness tolerances from the nominal thickness (e.g. Class T4 : - 3mm + 5mm).
• CS(10)i – Minimum compressive stress at 10% thickness deformation (kPa).
• TRi – Minimum tensile strength perpendicular to faces (kPa).
• PL (5)i – Point Load (N). Minimum compressive load (applied on a small area of 50 cm²) at 5 mm thickness deformation.
• CPi – Compressibility (mm). The max. difference between the thickness dL, under a light load of 0.25 kPa, and the thickness dB, under a load of 2 kPa (+ - 48 kPa).
• WS – Short Term Water Absorption (kg/m²) with partial immersion in water for 24 hours <1 kg/m².
• WL(P) – Long Term Water Absorption (kg/m²) with partial immersion in water for 28 days <3 kg/m².
• MUi – Water Vapour Transmission. The maximum ratio (factor μ) of water vapour diffusion resistance of the material to the resistance of an equal
thickness of air.
• SDi – Dynamic Stiffness (MN/m³). The maximum ratio (factor s’) of dynamic compressive stress to dynamic change in thickness.
• AFri – Air flow resistivity (kPa s/m²). The minimum air flow resistance coefficient of 1m thickness material >5 kPa s/m².
• AWi -Weighted Sound Absorption Coefficient. The value of the sound absorption coefficient αw in the frequency of 500Hz, measured on the
standard weighted sound absorption curve.
The thermal conductivity λD and the thermal resistance RD, as well as the fire classification should also be declared.
• λD - Declared Thermal Conductivity (W/mK). The maximum expected nominal thermal conductivity during the material’s working life, at mean
temperature 10 °C (greater than the test results), in accordance with EN 13162.
Thermal conductivity λ (W/mK) is the heat amount transmitted through a layer of material, with 1 m² surface area and 1 m thickness, when a constant
temperature difference of 1 K is maintained between the layer’s faces.
• RD - Declared Thermal Resistance (m²K/W). The minimum expected nominal thermal resistance during the material’s working life, at mean temperature
10 °C (less than the test results), in accordance with EN 13162.
Thermal resistance R (m²K/W) is the ratio of the material’s thickness d to the material’s thermal conductivity λ.
• Fire Classification – Building materials are classified depending on their reaction to fire in Classes A1 (non-combustible), A2, B, C, D, E to F (no
performance determined), in accordance with EN 13501-1.
The quality of FIBRANgeo products is assured in accordance with EN 13162 and EN 13172 standards.
These standards establish the type and frequency of measurements executed both by recognized and independent institutions, as well as by
0751 FIBRAN laboratories.
EUCEB Certification
All FIBRANgeo stonewool insulation products also carry the certification mark EUCEB (European Certification Board for Mineral Wool Products). EUCEB
is an independent organisation whose procedures ensure compliance of mineral wool insulation products with the Directive’s 97/69/EC, Note Q,
regarding their fibres biosolubility and their non-classification as ‘carcinogenic’ materials.
Moreover, according to EC Regulation 790/2009 (August 10, 2009) stonewool insulation products are no longer classified as products causing skin
irritation (R38).
The quality management system of FIBRAN S.A. complies with EN ISO 9001:2008 for the design and manufacture of Mineral Wool (MW), as certified
by the independent body TÜV NORD CERT, with initial Certificate Registration No. 04 100 960680.
FIBRAN S.A. shall not be held liable for any damage caused by improper use of the products, transportation, storage and handling.
Stonewool Building Insulation Products FIBRANgeo
Symbol according to
EN standard
EN 13162
Product Type
BP - 021
B - 571
Β - 051
B - 001
B - 570
B - 050
B - 040
R - 050
BP 70
BP 50
BP 40
Technical data
Thickness dN mm 40-150 40-150 30-160 40-180 20-100 20-120 20-160 20-160 30-160 30-160 30-100 EN 823
Length L mm 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 2500 EN 822
- 10000
Width B mm 1200 1200 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 1000 EN 822
EN 13162
Thermal conductivity λD W/mK 0.039 0.038 0.040 0.040 0.035 0.035 0.033 0.033 0.035 0.035 0.035 EN 12667
declared at 10o C
EN 12939
Softening temperature - C
> 1000 0C
Compressive stress
at 10% thickness CS(10)i kPa 70 50 40 30 20 20 5 3 EN 826
Point load for 5mm PL(5)i N 600 550 350 350 350 200 EN 12430
thickness deformation
Compressibility EN 13162
(cp=dL-dB) CPi mm CP2 CP2 CP2 CP2 CP2 CP4
EN 12431
Air flow resistivity (r) AFr i kPa s/m2 140 91 120 66 49 31 15 EN 29053
Weighted sound dN mm 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
EN ISO 354
absorption coefficient
EN ISO 11654
(αw) AWi - 1 0.95 0.95 0.95 1 1 1 1
dN mm 80 80 50 50 80 50
Dynamic stiffness (s’) EN 29052-1
SDi MN/m3 32 23 27 20 9 10
B -570 YM
B -570 AX
R -050 AX
B P-021
B P 70
B P 50
B P 40
B -571
B -051
B -001
B -050
B -040
R -050
Product Type
Application Area Rigid Boards Semi Rigid Boards Flexible Boards/Rolls
Floating concrete screed floor (e.g. marble, tile, industrial floor finish) • • • • • •
Floating dry floor (e.g. solid wood/laminate flooring finish) • • • • • •
Insulation between wooden floor timber joists • • • • • •
Product Selector presents the most indicative building solutions. For any other solution please contact the technical support department of FIBRAN S.A.
MW-EN 13162-T7-CS(10)70-TR20-PL(5)600-WS-WL(P)-MU1-SD32-CP2
FIBRANgeo Thickness Boards Quantity per
Thermal Design
Resistance R compressive load
BP 70 [mm] per package package [m2]
(m2K/W) kN/m2
• Thermal Conductivity λD: 0.039 W/mK 40 5 3,60 1,00 15
• Point Load > 600 N 50 4 2,88 1,25 15
• Compressive stress > 70 kPa
60 4 2,88 1,50 15
• A1 - Non combustible
• Edge Profile: I, L*, L L* (*only in 1200x2000) 70 3 2,16 1,75 15
80 3 2,16 2,00 15
100 2 1,44 2,55 15
120 2 1,44 3,00 15
140 2 1,44 3,55 15
150 2 1,44 3,80 15
Board dimensions: 1200 x 600 mm or 1200 x 2000 mm
BP 50 Thickness
per package
Quantity per
package [m2]
Resistance R
compressive load
(m2K/W) kN/m2
• Thermal Conductivity λD: 0.038 W/mK
• Point Load > 550 N 40 6 4,32 1,00 12
• Compressive stress > 50 kPa 50 5 3,60 1,30 12
• A1 - Non combustible
60 4 2,88 1,55 12
• Edge Profile: I, L*, L L* (*only in 1200x2000)
70 3 2,16 1,80 12
80 3 2,16 2,10 12
100 3 2,16 2,60 12
Rigid Boards
MW-EN 13162-T7-CS(10)70-TR20-PL(5)600-WS-WL(P)-MU1-SD32-CP2
FIBRANgeo Boards Quantity
Thermal Design
Thickness [mm] Resistance R compressive load
BP 70-ΒΙΤ per pallet [m2]
(m2K/W) kN/m2
MW-EN 13162-T7-CS(10)50-TR15-PL(5)550-WS-WL(P)-MU1-SD23-CP2
FIBRANgeo Boards Quantity
Thermal Design
• with polymer waterproofing
membrane on insulation
• with floating concrete screed
• Floating concrete screed floor
(eg. marble, tile, industrial floor
• Floating dry floor (e.g. solid
wood/laminate flooring finish)
• with bitumen waterproofing
membrane on insulation
Accessible steel roof with FIBRANgeo BP 70 Steel roof with double layer of insulation with FIBRANgeo BP 50 + BP 70
SI 080
Special product for trapezoidal metal roof cladding
MW-EN 13162-T7-CS(10)40-TR7,5-PL(5)350-WS-WL(P)- MU1-SD27-CP2-AW0,95-AF140
FIBRANgeo Thickness Boards Quantity per Packages Quantity per
Thermal Design
BP 40
Resistance R compressive load
[mm] per package package [m2] per pallet pallet [m2]
(m2K/W) kN/m2
MW-EN 13162-T7-CS(10)30-TR10-PL(5)350-WS-WL(P)-MU1-SD20-CP2-AW0,95-AF91
FIBRANgeo Thickness Boards Quantity per Packages Quantity per
Thermal Design
Resistance R compressive load
[mm] per package package [m2] per pallet pallet [m2]
(m2K/W) kN/m2
30* 8 5,76 20 115,20 0,75 7
Certified according to ETAG 004 for ETICS
40 6 4,32 20 86,40 1,00 7
• Thermal Conductivity λD: 0.040 W/mK
50 6 4,32 16 69,12 1,25 7
• Tensile Strength perpedicular to faces,
TR > 10 kPa 60 5 3,60 16 57,60 1,50 7
• Point Load >350 N 80 4 2,88 14 40,32 2,00 7
• Compressive stress > 30 kPa 100 3 2,16 16 34,56 2,50 7
• A1 - Non combustible 120 2 1,44 20 28,80 3,00 7
140 2 1,44 18 25,92 3,50 7
160 2 1,44 16 23,04 4,00 7
Rigid Boards
B-571 Thickness
Boards Quantity per
per package package [m2]
per pallet
Quantity per
pallet [m2]
Resistance R
compressive load
• Thermal Conductivity λD: 0.035 W/mK (m2K/W) kN/m2
• Dynamic Stiffness, s’ < 9 MN/m3 at 80mm 20 12 8,64 20 172,80 0,55 7
• Point Load >350 N 30 8 5,76 20 115,20 0,85 7
• Compressive stress > 20 kPa
40 6 4,32 20 86,40 1,10 7
• A1 - Non combustible
50 5 3,60 20 72,00 1,40 7
60 4 2,88 20 57,60 1,70 7
80 3 2,16 20 43,20 2,25 7
100 2 1,44 24 34,56 2,85 7
Board dimensions: 1200 x 600 mm
MW-EN 13162-T6-CS(10)20-PL(5)200-WS-WL(P)-MU1-SD10-CP4-AW0,95-AF120
FIBRANgeo Thermal Design
Thickness Boards Quantity per Packages Quantity per
B-051 [mm] per package package [m2] per pallet pallet [m2]
Resistance R
compressive load
20 12 8,64 20 172,80 0,55 5
• Thermal Conductivity λD: 0.035 W/mK
30 8 5,76 20 115,20 0,85 5
• Dynamic Stiffness, s’ < 10 MN/m3 at 50mm
• Point Load >200 N 40 6 4,32 20 86,40 1,10 5
• Compressive stress > 20 kPa 50 5 3,60 20 72,00 1,40 5
• A1 - Non combustible 60 4 2,88 20 57,60 1,70 5
70 3 2,16 22 47,52 2,00 5
80 3 2,16 20 43,20 2,25 5
100 2 1,44 16 34,56 2,85 5
120 2 1,44 - - 3,40 5
Board dimensions: 1200 x 600 mm
RECOMMENDED USES Twin-skin metal roof cladding with insulation FIBRANgeo BP-021
• External insulation of concrete
roof/steel deck with polymer
waterproofing membrane on
• Insulation on roof with floating
concrete screed
• Floating concrete screed floor
(e.g. marble, tile, industrial floor
• Floating dry floor (e.g. solid Steel deck with waterproofing membrane with
wood/laminate flooring finish) double layer of FIBRANgeo BP 40
• Insulation of ventilated facade
(e.g. dry board cladding, marble,
ceramic tile, metal panels)
FLAT ROOFS: Steel deck with double layer of insulation with FIBRANgeo BP70 + BP 40
• External insulation of
concrete roof / steel deck
with polymer waterproofing
membrane on insulation
• Insulation on roof with
floating concrete screed
• Floating concrete screed
floor (e.g. marble, tile,
industrial floor finish)
• Floating dry floor (e.g. solid
wood/laminate flooring
MW-EN 13162-T4-CS(10)5-TR1-WS-WL(P)-MU1-AW1-AF66
MW-EN 13162-T4-WS-WL(P)-MU1-AW1-AF49
FIBRANgeo Thickness Boards Quantity per Packages Quantity per Thermal Resistance
B-570 [mm] per package package [m2] per pallet pallet [m2] R (m2K/W)
B-570-AX Thickness
per package
Quantity per
package [m2]
per pallet
Quantity per
pallet [m2]
Thermal Resistance
R (m2K/W)
Semi rigid boards with reinforced 30 13 9,36 12 112,32 0,90
aluminum kraft paper foil 40 10 7,20 12 86,40 1,20
• Thermal Conductivity λD: 0.033 W/mK
50 8 5,76 12 69,12 1,50
• A1 - Non combustible
60 7 5,04 12 60,48 1,80
70 6 4,32 12 51,84 2,10
80 5 3,60 12 43,20 2,40
100 4 2,88 12 34,56 3,00
120 4 2,88 - - 3,60
Board dimensions: 1200 x 600 mm
• Exposed internal insulation of steel deck
FLOORS: Insulation of underground parking
PITCHED ROOFS: lot ceiling with
• Insulation between roof frame elements • Insulation between wooden floor timber
joists FIBRANgeo B-570-YM
(rafters, beams, joists)
• Insulation on attic ceiling lining WALLS:
PILOTIS - CEILINGS: • Insulation of ventilated facade (e.g. dry
DRY CONSTRUCTION board cladding, marble, ceramic tile, metal
• Pilotis external insulation with dry board panels)
• Insulation of dry construction ceiling • Insulation of wall with perforated dry lining
(gypsum board, etc) (gypsum board, etc.)
• Insulation on non-perforated suspended
ceiling lining
• Insulation on perforated ceiling lining
MW-EN 13162-T4-WS-WL(P)-MU1-AW1-AF31
FIBRANgeo Thickness
per package
Quantity per
package [m2]
per pallet
Quantity per
pallet [m2]
Thermal Resistance
R (m2K/W)
MW-EN 13162-T4-WS-WL(P)-MU1-AW1-AF15
Flexible Products
• Twin-skin metal roof cladding (on site
construction) with core insulation
• Insulation between roof frame elements
(rafters, beams, joists)
• Insulation on attic ceiling lining
• Pilotis external insulation with dry board
• Insulation of dry construction ceiling
(gypsum board, etc) Mansory cavity wall insulation with FIBRANgeo B-040
• Insulation on non-perforated suspended
ceiling lining
• Insulation between wooden floor timber joists
• Twin-skin metal wall cladding
(on site construction) with core insulation
• Masonry cavity wall with core insulation
• Partition wall with core insulation
(gypsum board, etc.)
• Insulation of masonry wall with dry
lining/cladding (gypsum board,
cement board, etc.)
Insulation of mansory
PITCHED ROOFS: wall with dry lining with
• Twin-skin metal roof cladding FIBRANgeo B-050
(on site construction) with core
• Insulation between roof frame
elements (rafters, beams, joists)
• Insulation on attic ceiling lining
• Insulation between wooden floor
timber joists
We design and create together
with the top European architects, engineers
and building contractors
…places particular emphasis on the
...manufactures products for thermal, health and safety of its employees, as
sound insulation and fire protection well as their constant and specialised
for building, industrial and naval training
FIBRANgeo products should be stored indoors. If stored outdoors, they must be protected from
impregnation. Pallets shrink-wrapped weather tightly in PE film may be stored outside. Separate packages
should be placed on a flat pallet, not in direct contact with the ground.
If part of the product gets wet, it must be dried before installation. Stonewool dries quickly and its
insulating properties remain unchanged after drying.
FIBRANgeo products are chemically inert and do not allow the growth of micro-organisms, insects or
Handling, loading and unloading of the products should be carried out with care, to avoid damage both
of the packaging and the boards’ edges.
FIBRAN reserves the right to alter or amend product specifications without notice. The information included
in this publication is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing. Whilst FIBRAN will
endeavour to ensure publications are up to date, it is the users’ responsibility to check with the company
the validity of the information prior to materials use.
Production of insulation materials
[email protected]