Catalog WizMind V1.0 EN 20200702 - (28P) PDF
Catalog WizMind V1.0 EN 20200702 - (28P) PDF
Catalog WizMind V1.0 EN 20200702 - (28P) PDF
Human Applications
Thermal Applications
Powered by AI chip and deep learning
algorithm, WizMind provides
WizMind combines deep learning
comprehensive human-oriented
algorithm with thermal imaging
solu�ons, making it possible to quickly
technology to help users achieve
and accurately act on what ma�ers to
ultra-long distance monitoring in
you. In addi�on, it provides effec�ve
harsh environments, highly
AI search to locate targets, and various
accurate non-contact temperature
human-based data for business
monitoring , and early detec�on
of fire.
WizMind Ecosystem
Vehicle Applications
The Dahua WizMind series is
WizMind boasts mul�ple
vehicle-based AI solu�ons, which
compa�ble with major third party
provide more a�ributes of technology partners. Besides, the
vehicles for easy control, quick WizMind Ecosystem provides
search and business analysis. sufficient DHOP and API for our
technology partners.
Human Applications
Face Recognition
Privacy Protection
People Counting
Heat Map
Stereo Analysis
Smart Tracking
Face Recognition
Dahua Face Recogni�on solu�ons offer highly
accurate detec�on rate and recogni�on rate with its
advanced AI technology. It provides features such as
blocklist alarm, VIP recogni�on, stranger alarm, AI
search, face tracking, sta�s�cs etc. to improve user experience.
Common Mode
Face Recogni�on for further iden�fica�on
Stranger Mode
Privacy Protection
Based on Deep Learning Algorithm, Privacy Protec�on
supports real-�me mosaic masking of human face or
human body detected in the monitored scene,
protec�ng people’s personal privacy. This func�on can
achieve a targets detec�on of max. 64 objects/frame
with a detec�on rate of up to 98%.
Through the privacy protec�on system, the witnesses who tes�fy in the
witness room are automa�cally masked with real-�me mosaic to protect their
privacy and security. It encourages witnesses to tes�fy in court and saves
administrator’s �me from the heavy manual work of privacy masking.
The privacy protec�on system can help retailers protect consumers’ portrait
data in order to meet GDPR requirements . At the same �me, this system can
also aid them to legally analyze the different preferences of different types of
consumers through the BI system, so as to provide their customers with more
appropriate products.
Smart Retail
Human Video Metadata
Human Video Metadata technology with deep learning
algorithm can detect, track, and capture images of
people. It selects the best images and extracts a�ributes
of targets to locate them immediately.
20+ A�ributes
Face Human Body Non-motor
Face: 6
Human: 9 · Gender
· Age
· Gender
· Age
· Vehicle Type
· Vehicle Color
Non-motor Vehicle: 6 · Glasses · Top Color · Cycling Number
· Mask · Top Type · Top Color
· Expression · Bo�om Color · Top Type
· Beard · Bo�om Type · Helmet
*More features are coming soon · Hat
· Bag
· Umbrella
Using video metadata, the admin can quickly locate specific targets, thus improving
the �meliness of case detec�on, enhancing the u�liza�on of police resources, and
saving almost 90% of �me. It makes up for the lack of coverage of face and vehicle
cameras, increases the integrity of pedestrian and vehicle evidences, and effec�vely
improves the security personnel’s ability to detect cases.
City Sidewalk
People Counting
Dahua People Coun�ng can track and process moving
human body targets to realize accurate sta�s�cs of
people entering, leaving and currently within the
monitored area. This feature provides customers with
valuable data for business report analysis. It provides
sta�s�cs with up to 98% coun�ng accuracy.
Report export
Count+1 Count 0
Queue Management
20s 25s 30s 35s 40s
The sta�s�cs of daily people count is very important for business analysis. It is one
of the most important data for the opera�on manager. This data enables retailers to
align staff and customer-to-staff ra�o during peak hours using the traffic data. In
addi�on, retailers can also measure the performance of marke�ng campaigns
according to the change in customer traffic.
With the queue management func�on, when the number of people or the wai�ng
�me reaches the preset threshold, it will alert the manager to open addi�onal
checkout counters to serve customers without delay. This enables retailers to
deliver be�er in-store experience and reduce labor costs.
Checkout Counter
Stereo Analysis
With deep learning algorithm and 3-dimensional
technology, Dahua Stereo Analysis technology offers
various func�ons that can recognize people’s behaviors,
including fall detec�on, violence detec�on, strand detec�on,
and people approach. These features generate alarm signals
and trigger linkage alarm.
People Violence
Approach Detec�on
Heat Map
With deep learning technology, Dahua’s new heat map
func�on demonstrates two types of heat map charts
based on the number of people and average strand �me.
Being widely used in retail shops, this feature enables
business owners to easily analyze customers’ preferences.
Heat map based on
mo�on detec�on output 1. Unrecognizable objects
2. Low accuracy
AI Heat Map
Heat map based on
people coun�ng output 1. Focus on people
2. High accuracy based on
two dimensions: the
number of people and
average strand �me.
Wide Area Security
Through mul�-sensor automa�c s�tching technology,
Dahua Panoramic Surveillance realizes 360° monitoring
with high-speed PTZ camera. It considers both panoramic
and detail images to ensure that customers will not miss
other targets on the panoramic view while looking at the
details of the target’s behavior on the PTZ camera.
Using this system, when a sudden flow of traffic occurs, the security departments or the management departments are
alerted in �me, so that they can immediately ini�ate the response plan, avoiding accidents caused by unexpected
traffic events or reducing the efficiency and experience of passengers.
Smart Tracking
Aside from detec�ng humans entering a restricted
area, smart tracking also automa�cally track objects all
the �me. According to different scenarios, Dahua provides
different tracking solu�on with accuracy rate of up to 90%.
Auto Tracking
Smart tracking technology can monitor 24/7 without missing any details. At the
same �me, the system can also automa�cally warn off intruders which can help
reduce the number of maintenance personnel in the border, saving manpower and
investment of customers.
Vehicle Applications
With deep learning algorithm, Dahua ANPR
(Automa�c Number Plate Recogni�on) technology can
recognize the number plate informa�on of vehicles from
58 countries. This system can also be used to provide
higher security in restricted area.
AS 1234 AK 4056
AS 1234 AK 4056
The ANPR func�on can be used in the entrance and exit points of a residen�al
community to conduct vehicle control. With its Blocklist and Allowlist func�ons, the
ANPR can help protect the safety of the community, and provide a more efficient
service for its residents. In addi�on, the video recordings can also be restored and
searched quickly in case of an event.
There are lots of traffic accidents on city roads everyday. In case of a hit and run,
some drivers manage to escape the scene by covering their vehicle’s number plate.
In addi�on, using tradi�onal method, the policemen have to watch a lot of CCTV
recordings to find some clues that can solve the case, consuming �me and even
manpower. The video structuring technology increases the efficiency of case
inves�ga�on by providing addi�onal details of the target vehicle. It can also obtain
City Road more vehicle a�ribute for further surveillance.
Illegal Parking Detection
When a vehicle enters the monitored area, the Dahua
Parking Detec�on technology based on CNN deep
learning will capture its images and save metadata.
It helps security personnel to ensure smooth traffic, and
reduce accidents and property losses caused by illegal parking.
Illegal parking composite graph *Illegal parking dura�on can be set according to demand
Vehicles parked on and off the road increase the risk of traffic conges�on and
accidents. Through the deployed camera, 24/7 detec�on of viola�on behavior can be
achieved, significantly improving monitoring efficiency. At the same �me, when an
illegal parking has been detected, the alarm linkage can be used to remind the driver
to leave on �me, thus ensuring traffic safety on the road.
Thermal Application
Temperature Monitoring
Fire Prevention
Long Distance Monitoring
With deep learning and thermal technology, this
camera can realize long distance monitoring that can
easily recognize human or vehicle even from far distance.
In addi�on, it is also not affected by environmental factors,
enabling it to provide a highly accurate thermal image of the
Na�onal borders are o�en in remote areas with complex environments and poor
ligh�ng. Tradi�onal video surveillance cannot cover the monitored area in a large
scale, nor adapt to all weather condi�ons. Thermal imaging technology can iden�fy
people or vehicles over long distance and determine in �me whether they are
intruding the border perimeter.
Temperature Monitoring
There is a corresponding rela�onship between radia�on
energy and temperature. The different gray value can
represent the different temperature in order to achieve
an effec�ve temperature monitoring func�on.
Blackbody 36.6�
With the virus outbreak, airports, railway sta�ons and subway sta�ons are becoming
important areas of epidemic preven�on, which means human body temperature
monitoring in these sites is essen�al in preven�ng the spread of the virus. The heavy
passenger flow in transport hubs and the tradi�onal temperature measurement
methods can cause conges�on and have hidden safety hazards. Thus, a more secure and
effec�ve way of temperature monitoring needs to be applied.
Transport hub
There are lots of high-voltage equipment in a substa�on, which require maintenance
work. Under most situa�ons, electrical equipment failure indicates rising temperature.
Before the staff get into the substa�on, it is required to cut off power. Substa�ons are
usually located in suburban areas so it requires a lot of �me and cost for travelling.
Without automa�c inspec�on, the staff have to use handheld equipment which is very
�me-consuming. Thermal imaging technology can help managers to remotely monitor
Substa�on the opera�on status of equipment and locate the defec�ve equipment in �me.
Fire Prevention
Thermal cameras can detect mild differences in
temperature change. This feature allows thermal
camera to detect objects with a temperature difference
compared to the average temperature of the scene. As
fires usually have much higher temperature than the
surrounding environment, Dahua thermal cameras are able
to detect the presence of fire in the scene.
Real-�me Alarm
Millisecond rapid response, �mely push the accurate fire alarm informa�on to the
pla�orm, inform the administrator to take the corresponding plan, effec�vely solve the
problem of difficult fire patrol in a large area.
Forest is a large area covered with trees and underbrush. It is prone to fires
during hot weather and thunderstorms. Early detec�on of forest fire is also
difficult to achieve in �me. By detec�ng temperature changes in the forest
environment, the thermal imaging cameras can spot fires in �me to prevent
them from growing out of control and to keep minimal damage as much as
possible through �mely interven�on.
WizMind Ecosystem
The Dahua WizMind series is compa�ble with major third
party technology partners. Besides, the WizMind Ecosystem
provides sufficient DHOP and API for our technology partners.
Good Compa�bility
Third Party
Dahua Open Pla�orm( Wizmind IPC and thermal ), D Applica�ons
allows you to customize the camera based on your Dahua H DHOP-SDK
Dahua Hardware
Sufficient API
Sufficient API provided by Dahua, which allows any technology partners to communicate with Wizmind
Complete SDK demo and API document available in our website, with strong customer support.
Protects Network Security and Prevents Privacy Disclosure
Empowering verticals with leading AI technology
Protec�on Coming Soon
People Coun�ng Management Face Detec�on
Protec�on Fall Detec�on Strand Detec�on
Error Detec�on Detec�on
People Approach Error Detec�on Detec�on
• 2MP Dual-Lens
• 3MP Dual-Lens • Smart H.264+/H.265+, 3D noise reduc�on, AWB, HLC, BLC
• Smart H.264+/H.265+, 3D noise reduc�on, AWB, HLC, BLC, Defog • 120 dB, 0.003Lux, IP67
• Build-in MIC & Speaker, Siren ac�ve deterrence • Five Types Stereo Analysis
• 0.005Lux, IP67, IK10
• 12V DC power output, max. current 165mA
• HDW8341X-BV-3D:Five Types Stereo Analysis
• HDW8341X-3D-S2:People coun�ng,Queue management
Empowering verticals with leading AI technology
Perimeter Perimeter
Video Metadata Protec�on People Coun�ng Video Metadata Protec�on People Coun�ng
A 1234 A 1234
ANPR Face Recogni�on Privacy Protec�on Face Detec�on ANPR Face Detec�on
• 4MP (2688×1520) @50 fps/60 fps • 8MP (3840×2160) @25fps/30fps (7842 Series)
• Smart H.264+/H.265+, 3D noise reduc�on, AWB, HLC, BLC, EIS, Defog • 12MP (4000×3000) @25fps/30fps (71242 Series)
• 140 dB, 0.001Lux • Smart H.264+/H.265+, 3D noise reduc�on, AWB, HLC,
• IP67, IK10, ePoE ,Heater BLC, EIS, Defog
• Five streams for three-channel HD video • IP67, IK10, ePoE, Heater
• 12V DC power output, max. current 165mA • Five streams for three-channel HD video
• -FR: Face Recogni�on, 5 group face libraries with 200,000 face • 12V DC power output, max. current 165mA
images in total
Perimeter Perimeter
Face Detec�on Face A�ributes Protec�on People Coun�ng Face Detec�on Face A�ributes Protec�on People Coun�ng Heat Map
Face Detec�on Perimeter People Coun�ng Heat Map Face Detec�on Perimeter People Coun�ng Heat Map
Protec�on Protec�on
Empowering verticals with leading AI technology
Perimeter Perimeter
Face Recogni�on Metadata Protec�on Face Recogni�on Metadata Protec�on People Coun�ng
Heat Map Wide Panorama Thermal Crowd Map Heat Map Wide Panorama Thermal
People Coun�ng Crowd Map Smart Tracking Smart Tracking Stereo Analysis
• Up to 256 Channel IP video access, 8/16/24HDD • 16/32/64 Channel IP video access, 2/4/8 HDD
• Max 512Mbps incoming bandwidth • Max 320Mbps incoming bandwidth (when AI func�on is disabled)
• Supports max resolu�on up to 16MP • Supports max resolu�on up to 16MP
• Up to 128 channel video stream face recogni�on • Up to 4 channel video stream face recogni�on
• Up to 64 channel video metadata • Up to 4 channel video metadata
• Up to 256 Channel perimeter protec�on • Up to 16 Channel perimeter protec�on
• Up to 50 face image databases with 300,000 face images in total • Up to 20 face image databases with 100,000 face images in total
Perimeter Perimeter
Face Recogni�on Metadata Protec�on Face Recogni�on Metadata Protec�on
WizMind PTZ
SDT5X Series PTZ8 Series
Perimeter Perimeter
Smart Tracking Protec�on Smart Tracking Protec�on
Empowering verticals with leading AI technology
Perimeter Perimeter
Smart Tracking Protec�on Smart Tracking Protec�on SMD
WizMind Thermal
TPC-PT8X21A Series TPC-SD8X21 Series
Perimeter Perimeter
Fire Detec�on Protec�on Fire Detec�on Protec�on
Human/Vehicle Human/Vehicle
Classifica�on Auto Tracking Classifica�on Auto Tracking
• 640x512/400x300 VOx uncooled thermal sensor technology • 640x512/400x300 VOx uncooled thermal sensor technology
• Athermalized lens (thermal), focus-free • Athermalized lens (thermal), focus-free
• 1/2.8” 2Megapixel progressive scan CMOS • 1/2.8” 2Megapixel progressive scan CMOS
• Powerful 50X op�cal zoom • Powerful 45X op�cal zoom
• Support op�cal defog, op�cal image stabiliza�on • Support tripwire, intrusion
• Support tripwire, intrusion • Support cold/hot spot trace
• Support cold/hot spot trace
TPC-BF3221-T Series
Body Temperature
Empowering verticals with leading AI technology
WizMind So�ware
• Face Recogni�on: face database alarm, face type alarm, records searching, face
tracking, visual reports
• Flow Analysis: people coun�ng in an area, people coun�ng for line crossing, heat map
• Object Detec�on: object detec�on for human, motorized vehicles, and non-motor
vehicles, records searching, visual reports
• AI Alarm: strand detec�on alarm, people approach alarm, fall detec�on alarm, number
No.1199 Bin’an Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, China. 310053
Tel: +86-571-87688883 Fax: +86-571-87688815
Email: [email protected]