IMDT Act and Immigration in North-Eastern India: Ommentary
IMDT Act and Immigration in North-Eastern India: Ommentary
IMDT Act and Immigration in North-Eastern India: Ommentary
he Supreme Court judgment eigners in the state. Its focus was on the 2,477 illegal migrants were identified and
(July 12, 2005) on the public interest Bangladeshis though according to some 782 of them were deported. And in the
litigation filed by a student leader- estimates they were only around 40 per second term, 1996-2000, 902 persons were
turned-AGP MP, Sarbananda Sonowal, cent of the immigrants, the rest being from identified and 179 deported [Staff Re-
struck down the Illegal Migrants (Deter- the Hindi-speaking region or of Nepali porter, The Sentinel, July 13, 2005]. Little
mination by Tribunals) Act, 1983 (IMDT origin. It began as a secular movement of wonder then that the chairman of the north-
Act) as unconstitutional. That closed the all the Assamese, but always ran the risk eastern students’ organisation “lambasted”
chapter of a long saga, but did not bring of turning communal because of the reli- the ruling Congress “as well as the oppo-
it to an end. The reaction to the verdict gious slant given to it since most Bangla- sition AGP and BJP for the failure to
was on predictable lines. There was gloom deshi immigrants were Muslims. The protect the rights of the indigenous people”
in the Congress circles and joy in the BJP, Nellie massacre of more than 300 Bangla- (The Sentinel, July 13, 2005).
which claimed that it always wanted to deshis in 1983 did give it a communal An immediate effect of the judgment is
repeal the act. The All Assam Students’ angle. A VHP leader even said that Bangla- that it has deprived the state parties of a
Union (AASU) rejoiced at the verdict, but deshi infiltration was a Pakistani con- major issue on which they have fought the
some of its leaders cautioned against the spiracy to turn Assam into a Muslim state elections for two decades. The Congress
possible victimisation of the minorities. and that they “are supporting all kinds of has been accused of using the Bangladeshi
The Muslims feared reprisals and two of terrorist activity” (Staff Reporter, Assam immigrants as a vote bank, while the AGP
their bodies called for a bandh against it. Tribune, December 23, 2001). However, and BJP have allegedly used it as an
Thus the verdict polarised Assam as much now most of the AASU leaders have emotional issue but have not repealed the
as the act had done for two decades. It may appealed to the people not to communalise act and have not taken its implementation
continue till the assembly elections due this issue (The Assam Tribune, July 15, seriously [Dutta-Choudhury 2005]. The
next year. 2005) and even told the BJP recently that small number of immigrants expelled
they would not tolerate such a communal during the AGP regime is one of its ex-
Background of the Act slant. amples. The failure of the BJP to get this
The act applies only to Assam. The rest central act repealed during its years in
The IMDT act was enacted in 1983 in of India has the Foreigners’ Act 1946 power at the centre is another case of not
response to the Assam movement of 1979- which puts the onus on the accused to going beyond promises.
85 that began when the electoral rolls were prove his/her Indian nationality. The IMDT
being revised. Amid allegations that a defines foreigners as those who settled Immigration and the Communal
large number of Bangladeshi Muslim im- down in Assam after March 25, 1971 and Issue
migrants were being included in the rolls, puts the onus on the one who denounces
the Election Commission asked the Assam a person of proving that he/she is a for- Because of the communal bias given to
government to identify constituencies with eigner. Because of this stipulation many it, many fear discrimination against the
a big rise in the number of voters, but the consider the latter ineffective [Bhatta- Muslims. In fact, chief minister Tarun
state allegedly dragged its feet on the issue. charyya 2001: 154-55]. The experience of Gogoi claims that this fear was the main
Some state that the electorate had grown the past 22 years has proved them right. reason for enacting the IMDT. One of the
by 10.2 per cent between 1970 and 1971, Five tribunals set up under this act in the clauses of the Assam Accord 1985 was
10.42 per cent between 1971 and 1977 and districts bordering Bangladesh from Janu- that the National Register of Citizens
by a further 10.3 per cent during the ary 1983 registered 423,021 cases, dealt (NRC) 1951 would be updated to include
following year [Bhattacharya 2001: 90]. with 65,000 cases and have disposed of all the Assam inhabitants and their
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Acharya, S K (1990) ‘Ethnic Processes in North-
Eastern India’ in D Pakem (ed), Nationality,
Ethnicity and Cultural Identity in North-
East India, Omsons Publications, New Delhi,
pp 69-108.
Bhattacharyya, Hiranya Kumar (2001): The Silent
Invasion: Assam versus Infiltration, Spectrum
Publications, Guwahati and Delhi.