English (Specialization)
English (Specialization)
English (Specialization)
3. Which type of ESP syllabus would contain the following would contain the following set of
taking notes; writing essays; study techniques and examinations; improving reading, etc.
A. Skill-based syllabus C. Content-based syllabus
B. Method-based syllabus D. Discourse syllabus
6. One of the consistent problems of ESP teachers is the lack of an orthodoxy. This means
I. ESP teachers do not have ready-made, straightforward answers to problems they meet.
II. ESP teachers need to distil and synthesize from several options those that best suit their
III. All ESP teachers are pioneers who are helping to shape the world of ESP.
A. I only C. I and II
B. II only D. I, II, III
7. What activity in an ESP program is used when a student assumes a different role, such as
a captain pilot and gives order to his crew or reports coordinates to the air traffic control
A. Stimulation C. Role tasked-based
B. Simulation D. Cooperative learning
11. According to the Department of Education, which subject area will be integrated into the
teaching of language?
A. Reading C. Science
B. Physical Education D. Social Studies
12. Whis is the appropriate homonym of for blew in the following sentence:
Then wind blew the rain clouds away, leaving a clear ____ sky.
A. blow C. blows
B. blue D. dark
13. in the machine of language teaching and language learning, who appears to be the most
important cog?
A. The linguist C. the researcher
B. The learner D. the teacher
14. Which theory of language learning advanced by Stephen Krashen state that a student can
learn a second language if the language components are not too complex nor too easy?
A. Comprehensible input C. Linguistic output
B. Critical period hypothesis D. Language acquisition
15. Which hypothesis on second language acquisition states that grammatical structure
proceeds in a predictable order, that is, some grammatical structures are to be acquired
early and the others later?
A. Monitor hypothesis C. Affective filter hypothesis
B. Input hypothesis D. Natural order hypothesis
16. This hypothesis posits that motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety affect how an individual
acquires a language. Which hyothesis is referred to?
A. Critical period hypothesis C. Natural order hypothesis
B. Monitor hypothesis D. Affective filter hypothesis
17. Metacognition can be defined as ‘thinking about thinking’. the essence of metacognition
includes self-reflecting, monitoring, self-questioning, and _________.
A. self-concept C. self-respect
B. self-recogntition D. self-regulating
18. Maxims or guidelines ensure that conversational interactions actually satisfy the Co-
operative principle. Which Maxim is violated in the following examples?
Two people (Speakers A & B) live in the middle of a sweltering desert.
Speaker A: What is the weather like?
Speaker B: Oh, today it’s snowing, as usual.
A. maxim of relation C. maxim of quantity
B. maxim of quality D. maxim of manner
22. Which among the classroom principles is NOT part of the Communicative Language
Teaching (CLT)?
A. An emphasis on the use of interaction in the target language.
B. The introduction of authentic texts into a learning situation.
C. An enhancement of the learner’s personal experiences of the target language.
D. The distinction between language acquisition and language learning.
23. Which approach is frequently used in task-based language teaching (TBLT) and features
small group activities that promote positive interaction?
A. Total physical response
B. Academic language scaffolding
C. Cooperative learning
D. Dialogue journals
24. Schema Theory describes the way the mind acquires, categorizes, and organizes
knowledge. Which of the following is NOT a component of Schema Theory?
A. Schemata are basic units of knowledge stored in the mind.
B. Schema are linked together to form the schemata - our ‘cognitive’ or ‘thinking’ structure.
C. There can be real learning without meaning.
D. New information is organized and categorized properly integrated into the existing
25. If the teacher asks the students to prepare a written story/text of their language experience,
what kind of approach has been used?
A. Language experience approach
B. Dialogue journals
C. Culture studies
D. Total physical response
26. What kind of second language do the learners need to learn in employing the
communicative approach?
A. The kind that they have knowledge of the grammatical rules.
B. The kind that they will need for a real-world, real-life situations.
C. The kind that they communicate fluently.
D. The kind that will know the deep structure of grammar.
27. The theoretical framework for Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) includes
________ that views the learner’s use of second language as the best source for learning
the second language.
A. social interaction and sociocultural theories
B. Behaviorism theory
C. Universal grammar (UG)
D. Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
28. Which method emphasizes isolated word lists and a thorough examination of its grammar
used in second language teaching (SLT)?
A. Direct approach C. Grammar translation method
B. Total physical response D. Suggestopedia
29. What approach involves a lot of repitition of the second language grammatical forms
especially those that are different from the learner’s forst language?
A. Natural approach C. Linguistic approach
B. Communicative approach D. Audiolingual approach
30. They claim that language is primarily made up of vocal sounds produced by the speech
apparatus in the human body. As a result, they treat speech as primary, while writing as
secondary. They assume that speech has priority in language teaching.
A. structuralists C. functionalists
B. transformationalists D. interactionalists
31. Which of the following does NOT belong to the hypotheses proposed by Stephen Krashen?
A. Acquisition-learning hypothesis C. Linguistic hypothesis
B. Monitor hypothesis D. Affective filter hypothesis
32. Flu, bra, fax, and cab are words formed through _______.
A. Abbreviation C. Clipping
B. Acronym D. Eponym
33. If the prefix ‘un’ is attached to the base word to mean ‘not’, which word is INCORRECT?
A. Unserious C. Unkind
B. Uncommon D. Unsad
34. Which of these words is an example of slang?
A. Spyware C. Ammo
B. Goalie D. Scrub suit
36. Coinage is the invention of totally new terms. However, there are few coinages because the
words themselves give no clue to their meanings. Which of the following is not coined?
A. Vortal C. Xerox
B. Kodak D. Kleenex
37. In language learning, discrimination of sounds can be done thorugh minimal pairs - pair of
words in contrast. Which phrase doesn’t use minimal pair?
A. Shoes that fit his feet
B. Reach the peak
C. To eat it with gusto
D. The rich beyond reach
38. Verb tenses generally express time. Which sentence shows that an action happened at a
recent past?
A. Carlo just climbed the mountain last year.
B. Carlo has just climbed the mountain.
C. Carlo had just climbed the mountain.
D. Carlo is just climbing the mountain.
39. Which sentence shows the need for mastery of their plural form?
A. Bacteria is disease-causing microorganisms.
B. Bacteria are studied microscopically.
C. Bacteria have cell walls.
D. Bacteria abound everywhere.
44. In written communication, punctuation marks can be used to show junctures to make the
meaning clear. Which sentence expresses the idea that the speaker asks John to sleep?
A. John, don’t try to sleep now. C. John don’t try, to sleep now.
B. John don’t, try to sleep now. D. John don’t try to sleep, now.
45. What listening-speaking problem occurs when a student finds it hard to distinguish between
a word which may be used as a noun or as a verb in a sentence?
A. Pitch
B. Stress
C. Juncture
D. Diphthong
46. In oral communication, a slash mark is used to signify pauses for proper communication.
What meaning is conveyed by this line?
Nadia/ says Thelma/ is a liar.
A. Nadia is the speaker. C. Thelma is the speaker.
B. Thelma is a liar. D. Nadia tells something to Thelma.
47. Using idioms is an effective way of vocabulary enrichment. Which of the following sentence
is idiomatic?
A. She was crying because the milk was spilled.
B. At this point, it useless to crying over spilled milk.
C. The spilled milk is useless.
D. The useless spilled milk cannot be drunk.
51. Learning vocabulary can be done through context. What is the meaning of ‘set’ in this
Alice wants a chess set for her collection.
A. Apparatus C. Board
B. Model D. Kit
53. The meanings associated with the word ‘ear’ in the following sentences seem related.
I put a cotton wool in my ear.
He listened to their difficulties with an impatient ear.
The phonetician has a good ear for tone.
I tried to get her ear.
How are the words with the same spelling and related meanings called?
A. Capitonyms C. Oronyms
B. Paronyms D. Polysemes
54. Which theory emphasizes that any human behavior can be learned through a process of
stimulus-response and positive or negative reinforcement?
A. Constructivism
B. Social Interaction Theory
C. Behaviorism
D. Sociocultural Theory
55. Noam Chomsky’s Language Acquisition Device (LAD) has lead into an entirely new
approach in the field of linguistics: generative phonology and transformational grammar.
What is the focus of this new approach?
A. It focuses almost entirely on the abstract ‘deep structure’ of individual’s native
B. It focuses on the device itself and how it is used in teaching.
C. It focuses on how the individual acquires and learns a language.
D. It focuses on language teaching and not on language learning.
56. In the sentence, “Don’t take your break up with Lance too hard. don’t worry, there will be
more handsome faces that will come your way.”, the writer considered using _______.
A. Holonymic agency C. Multiple meanings
B. Meronymic agency D. Metonymic agency
57. I was on my way to the third floor of the building when I heard a thud. Then vrooom goes
the motorcycle. Which word is an example of lexical onomatopoeia?
A. Vrooom C. Motorcycle
B. Heard D. Thud
59. What sylistic device is used in the following line from William Shakespeare’s work:
All the world’s a stage
And all the men and women merely players
They have their exits and their entrances
A. Metonymy C. Simile
B. Synecdoche D. Metaphor
60. All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! All hail Macbeth, that shall be King
hereafter! (Act 1, Macbeth) is an example of _____.
A. prolepsis C. repitition
B. analepsis D. flashback
63. “You, sir, of all men whom I have known, are he whose body is the closest conjoined, and
imbued, and identified, so to speak, with the spirit whereof it is the instrument.” (Scarlet
Letter). This line is an example of _______.
A. polysyndenton C. asyndeton
B. polypton D. aphorism
64. “...and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from
the earth.” (Gettysburg Address,Abraham Lincoln). This line is an example of _______.
A. anaphora C. anastrophe
B. epanalepsis D. epistrophe
66. Ashley read one of the poems written by her favorite author and she noticed that there are
only two punctuation marks used and some of the common nouns at the middle of the lines
were written in capital letters. Ashley could conclude that her favorite author took into
consideration the use of ______.
A. Lexico-semantic feature C. Phonological feature
B. Syntactic feature D. Graphological feature
67. What modality is used in the sentence, “Marvin is probably at school now.”?
A. Deontologic C. Epistemic
B. Epistimolgic D. Ontodologic
68. A stylistic device in which a word or phrase is repeated at the end of successive clauses is
known as ___________.
A. Epiphora
B. Gradation
C. Polyptoton
D. Symploce
69. Mr. Santos has a difficulty figuring out who the culprits are in the massacre of the Yin
family. Aside from looking closely at the crime scene, he also needs to consider issues like
voice recognition and identification of regional accents. What type of stylistic analysis
should Mr. Santos need to consider?
A. Pragmatic Stylistics
B. Forensic Stylistics
C. Pedagogical Stylistics
D. Affective Stylistics
70. If the biographical approach is used to analyze John Milton’s Paradise Lost, the critic will
consider the _____.
A. author’s Puritan beliefs.
B. symbolism of the paradise.
C. description of the Garden of Eden and its prescribed location.
D. interrelated actions.
71. If the pyschological approach is used to analyze Alice Walker’s Beauty: When the Other
Dancer is the Self, the reader will consider the _____.
A. meaning of beauty.
B. point of view of the story.
C. effect of the cataract in Alice’s life.
D. setting of the story.
72. The historical approach can be used to analyze Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere if the critic
considers _____.
A. the travels of Rizal.
B. the time that shaped the events in the novel.
C. the abuses experienced by Filipinos.
D. the meaning of the title of the novel.
73. Marxist approach can also be used to study Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere if the critic considers
A. the political and social conditions of the Filipinos during Spanish regime.
B. the influence of the Americans to the independence of the Philippines.
C. the linguistic contributions of the Spanish to the Filipinos
D. the literary influence of the Spanish to the Filipinos.
75. This theory or approach involves analysis of nationality, ethnicity, and politics.
A. Postcolonial Literary Theory
B. Marxist Literary Theory
C. New Historicism
D. Deconstruction Theory
76. Using the feminist perspective in Alice Walker’s Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self,
the critic will consider the ________.
A. the time when the story was written
B. who the other dancer is
C. the author’s perception of ‘beauty’ and the world she lives in
D. the figure of speech used in the title.
77. Not only James’s governess fit the classic profile of the female sexual hysteric, she also
experiences the “hysterical fit” observed by turn-of-the-century clinicians. That her first
hallucination precipitates a “nervous explosion” of some intensity is clear from her own
account. Like that of the classic hysteric, her “mental activity...is split up, and only a part of
it is conscious.” Her initial fantasy of her handsome employer is conscious, but his
transformation into a figure embodying her fear of sexuality is generated by deep-rooted
unconscious inhibitions.
78. Which of the following methods of analyzing a literary work would be most appropriate to
use with a psychoanalytic approach to literary criticism?
A. comparing the author's treatment of a theme with that of the author's contemporaries
B. identifying and classifying syntactic patterns employed in the work
C. interpreting symbolic representations of emotional repression in the work
D. examining the work for evidence of the author's creative process
79. Which of the following aspects of a nineteenth-century novel would most likely be examined
in a work of feminist literary criticism?
A. the tone of the female omniscient narrator
B. the dialogue spoken by male and female characters
C. the descriptions of objects used for domestic chores
D. the nonlinear structure of the plot
80. According to the Greek writer, certain gods were originally great people venerated because
of their benefactions to mankind. What philosophy in the study of myths, tells us this?
A. Romanticism C. Rationalism
B. Euhemerism D. Structuralism
81. The following are believed to be the sources of mythology and folklore EXCEPT:
A. A Thousand and One Nights (The Arabian Nights)
B. Aesop’s Fable
C. The Great Vedas
D. The Great Epics of the World
82. Which philosophical foundation of Chinese mythology has taught that cosmic energy and all
life compounded of “yin” (the negative, female principle) and “yang” (the complimentary
positive, male principle)?
A. Taoism C. Buddhism
B. Confucianism D. Mohism
84. Symbol is a representation of something beyond itself. In Homer’s Odyssey, what is the
best symbolism of the ‘wedding bed’?
A. Life for Telemachus
B. Love of family
C. Constancy of Odysseus and Penelope’s love
D. Hope for the return of Odysseus
85. When Oedipus learns the incredible truth about his mother and father, he puts out his own
eyes and leaves his city and eventually die. This shows _______.
A. regret and repentance to a wrong decision
B. physical manifestation of the limitation of man
C. fate’s control over human’s lives
D. acceptance of wrongdoing and self-punishment
87. The presence of these three divinities: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos in Greek myth
symbolizes ______.
A. destiny which cannot be controlled by anyone.
B. power of immortals over mortals.
C. mortals’ fate which depends on the gods.
D. immortals that play a great part in mortal’s life.
91. This is a victorious ten-year series of battles of the Olympian gods against the Titans in
A. Trojan War C. The War in Italy
B. Adventures of Odysseus D. Titanomachy
92. What is the name of Zeus as the God of State?
A. Zeus Ktesios C. Zeus Lycaeus
B. Zeus Polieus D. Zeus Xenios
93. ‘Fame is a Fickle Food’ and ‘Hope is the Thing with Feathers’ are poems of Emily
Dickinson. What literary device do they share in common?
A. Personification C. Metaphor
B. Simile D. Metonymy
94. These poems are known for their elegant, refined and courtly culture. They are also known
as “carpe diem” or “seize the moment” poetry.
A. Metaphysical Poems
B. Cavalier Poems
C. Elitist Poems
D. Holy Poems
95. The Anglo-Saxon poem “Beowulf” is representative of which of the following techniques
often found with Old English poetry?
A. Alliteration
B. Free verse
C. Epenthesis
D. Parallelism
96. Sonnet 118 of William Shakespeare starts with “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”.
This line shows the use of rhetorical question, and what figure of speech?
A. Simile C. Metaphor
B. Chiasmus D. Personification
97. This novel about slavery prompted nationwide debate and helped triggered the war.
A. Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn
B. Walt Whitman’s Leaves of the Grass
C. Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women
D. Harriet Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin
98. The writing style that was influenced by Sigmund Freud’s ideas and the developing field of
psychology is____.
A. Stream of Consciousness
B. Magical Realism
C. Social Realism
D. Minimalism
99. This novel solidified Mark Twain as a noteworthy American writer. Some called it the
first “Great American Novel”, and became a required reading in many schools throughout
the United States.
A. Adventures of Tom Sawyer C. The Prince and the Pauper
B. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn D. The American Dream
100. In his masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer used a literary technique
which refers to a narrative within a narrative. Which technique is referred to?
A. Internal story C. Sequential story
B. Frame story D. Embedded story
101. In teaching the “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain to your third-year high
school class, what is one theme that you should help them derive from the novel?
A. Slavery is bad and must be abolished.
B. To be young and to be free are the world’s riches.
C. Time is short, so we must seize the day.
D. An honest life is a life well lived.
102. The Beat generation writers William S. Burroughs, Jack Kerouac, and Allen Ginsberg
used their writing to ________.
A. immortalize or glorify the past
B. stress the significance of connection with nature
C. condemn the evils brought about by industrialization in the 1970s.
D. reflect the rebellious, imaginative spirit of the 1960s.
103. The works of which of the following groups of writers contributed significantly to the
slave narrative genre of American literature?
A. Elizabeth Ashbridge, Mary Rowlandson, Edward Taylor
B. Harriet Jacobs, William Wells Brown, Olaudah Equiano
C. Charles W. Chesnutt, Pauline E. Hopkins, Ida B. Wells-Barnett
D. David Walker, Maria W. Stewart, Victor Séjour
104. Vanity Fair is a novel satirizing society in early 19th-century Britain. Who wrote this
A. Daniel Defoe
B. Wikie Collins
C. Herman Melville
D. William Makepeace Thackeray
105. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter depicts a belief in individual choice and
consequence. This ideal is a characteristic of _____.
A. Realism
B. Transcendentalism
C. Puritanism
D. Naturalism
106. Which of the following statements best describes a philosophical belief that was
closely associated with American transcendentalist writers?
A. Because an individual's fate is determined by natural forces, it is futile to try to exercise
one's free will.
B. Suffering great hardship and tragedy will cause an individual to build a strong, moral
C. The truth about human feelings and behavior can be discovered by using the scientific
D. Because each individual's soul contains elements of the divine, it is vital to have faith in
one's intuition.
107. The title of the poem, The Passionate Sheperdd To His Love, by Christopher Marlowe
suggests that the poem is a _______.
A. pastoral C. metrical romancel
B. ballad D. ode
108. In the first scene of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the witches said, “Something
wicked this way comes.” What plot element is employed here?
A. Exposition
B. Foreshadowing
C. Plant
D. Suspense
109. This is a collection of Indian beast fables originally written in Sanskrit. It is also known
as “The Fables of Bidpai”.
A. Aesop’s Fables
B. The Ant and the Grasshopper
C. Panchatantra
D. Indian Beasts
110. What was the technique used by Francisco Arcellana to narrate the events in his story,
The Flowers of May?
A. Dramatic irony C. Flashback
B. Symbolism D. Indirect technique
111. What important related background knowledge should a teacher take up before
teaching haiku to Grade VIII students?
A. Shintoism
B. Buddhism
C. Hinduism
D. Taoism
I love my kitten.
She is so little and cute.
She has a pink tongue,
And lots of long whiskers too.
She purrs when I stroke her back
113. The following Japanese writers are regarded as great haiku poets EXCEPT:
A. Yosa Buson C. Kobayashi Issa
B. Matsuo Bashō D. Yukio Mishima
114. Which of the following is NOT a true description of Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali:
Song Offerings?
A. It uses imagery from nature to express the themes of love and the internal conflict
between spiritual longings ang earthly desires.
B. It has many verses of prayers as divinely inspired or “heard” directly from gods.
C. It is Tagore’s best-known works for which he received the Nobel Prize in Literature in
D. It was originally published in India in 1910 and its translation followed in 1912.
115. The Mahabharata is a poem which is made up of 100,000 ____ divided into 18 ____.
A. Lines – sections
B. Stanzas – parvans
C. Stanzas – sections
D. Couplets - parvans
116. The Rig Veda, the oldest of the Vedas, is the foremost collection or Samhita made up
of 1,028 hymns, often comparable to the psalms in the Old Testament. This has come to
mean ______.
A. the Gospels of the Hindus
B. the important philosophical doctrine of the Hindus
C. the hymns of the “Enlightened one”
D. the hymns of supreme sacred knowledge
117. The following statements are true about Trojan War EXCEPT:
A. When Paris abducted Helen to Troy, all the Greek princes were bound by the oath to
help Menelaus recover Helen.
B. Athena and Hera, who were not chosen by Paris, sided with the Greeks who sent one
thousand ships to Troy.
C. Hera and Athena harbored ill feelings.
D. Zeus ordered the goddesses to take side in the war
118. What body of myths is highly dominated by tales of courageous combatants, great
feats, and activities related to tribal life such as hunting and feasting?
A. Norse Mythology
B. Indian Mythology
C. Greek Mythology
D. Roman Mythology
119. What term did Joseph Campbell use to refer to the fundamental structure of all folklore
of the olden days?
A. Monomyth
B. Plot
C. Mythic
D. Structure
120. Campbell gave an example of Hero (character), _____, who asked to sleep forever in a
cave deep in a mountain. For this he is often alluded to as having refused the responsibility.
A. God “Vishnu” C. King Muchukunda
B. Jason D. King Rama
121. One cosmic Truth holds in _____, and that is that “all things are simply a part of a
greater, whole One”. All beings and things, from the gods and demons, through humans, on
to the lowliest pebble on the beach, were and are part of this One.
A. Hindu Mythology C. Celtic Mythology
B. Egyptian Mythology D. Mesopotamian Mythology
122. A teacher wrote in her lesson plan for teaching Oedipus the King this: ‘What qualities
make a good king? Fill up the web below with words that describe an ideal king.’ What is
the primary purpose of this activity?
A. Build the student’s schema
B. Evaluate student’s learning
C. Give students some literary experience
D. Enhance student’s literary competence
123. This passage is from Oedipus the King: ‘You mock my blindness, do you?/But I say
that you, with both your eyes, are blind./You cannot see the wretchedness of your life.’
What is the objective in teaching students that the passage uses a figure of speech called
A. Literary appreciation
B. Multiple intelligence
C. Literary competence
D. All of the above
124. Which is NOT true about teaching literary appreciation in the classroom?
A. It develops a sense of self-understanding.
B. It helps in reflecting one’s sociopolitical issues in one’s culture.
C. It facilitates language proficiency.
D. It can only be facilitated through classic literature.
125. Newspaper articles, advertisement, radio announcement, etc. In the real-world when
used in the classroom situations are classified as ________.
A. Authentic materials C. audio-visual materials
B. Mass communication materials D. recycled materials
126. Since the purpose of language is communication, children need to gain confidence in
listening, speaking, reading, and writing for _____.
A. meaning C. adaptability
B. expression D. comprehension
128. Which skill involves understanding and responding to what has been heard and the
recognition of sounds, syllables, words, and sentences?
A. Speaking C. Reading
B. Writing D. Listening
129. Which macro skill invloves putting sentences together in connected discourse, but the
main focus is on basic communicability?
A. Speaking C. Listening
B. Writing D. Reading
130. What is the critical foundation for reading, writing and spelling and is the engine of
learning and thinking?
A. Written language development C. Oral language development
B. Cognitive development D. Affective development
131. A good language education program should give equal importance to meaning and
______ from the beginning.
A. fluency C. accuracy
B. speaking D. expression
133. Which one can help the students develop the habit of critical thinking?
A. Making the students prepare posters
B. Obeying authority without questions
C. Asking questions explicitly answered by the text
D. Being willing to suspend judgment until sufficient evidence is presented
135. Which option below presents CORRECTLY the steps in the listening process?
A. Understanding - remembering - evaluating - responding - receiving
B. Remebering - evaluating - responding - receiving - understanding
C. Evaluating - responding - receiving - understanding - remembering
D. Receiving - understanding - remembering - evaluating - responding
136. Miss Concepcion wants to prepare her students for a lesson that aims to sharpen the
critical evaluative listening skills of her students. Before making them listen to a recorded
advertisement, she establishes the context of the listening text and activate the background
knowledge of the students about the nature of advertisement. In what phase or stage is her
listening lesson?
A. Pre-listening stage C. While-listening stage
B. Post-listening stage D. Planning stage
137. Which teaching activities would be most appropriate if the objective of teaching
speaking is the improvement of fluency?
I. Delivering speeches, group discussions, negotiations and debates, interviews and
meetings, etc.
II. Working on specific vowels, troublesome consonants, exercises on sounds not present
in the first langauge, etc.
III. Working on reductions e.g. want to - wanna, word stress, intonation patterns, etc.
138. When teaching speaking to learners of English as a second language (ESL), the
specific learning needs that need to be addressed always are _____________.
A. improving their fluency, their pronunciation, and their enunciation.
B. exposing them to native speakers and giving them plenty of practice.
C. teaching them to speak the target language.
D. understanding the movement and location of mouth and tongue when making sounds.
139. How do cognitivists such as Chomsky perceive the commission of error by learners?
A. Errors are indicators of failure to learn; thus should be right away eliminated.
B. Error foster wrong speech habits and should be stamped out by repeated drills and
C. Errors are welcome in that they indicate what has been learned and what needs yet to
be learned.
D. Contrastive analysis before language teaching minimize error occurrence.
140. Which is NOT true about the application of Dale’s Cone of Experience?
A. It encourages educators to plan experiences that will help students apply their learning
to real-life situations.
B. Contrived experiences are those that make the learners act out a role.
C. Motion pictures limit the participation of students since it only involves seeing and
D. The more senses used in interaction with a source, the better the chances for students
to learn.
142. The type of words that a child may be able to comprehend by using context clues are
known as _____.
A. receptive vocabulary C. listening vocabulary
B. potential marginal vocabulary D. expressive vocabulary
143. The following are generally considered as preparational strategies in teaching reading
A. previewing C. schema activation
B. predicting D. determining important details
145. Which element of fiction refers to the universal aspects of life as the writer perceives
them to be so that it determines his choice and organization of action, characters, setting,
and point of view?
A. Plot C. Character
B. Setting D. Theme
146. Which type of plot device ends abruptly so that the main characters are left in a difficult
situation without offering any resolution or conflict?
A. Anti-hero
B. Archetype
C. Cliffhanger
D. Foil
147. What is another term for prolepsis which is a ‘scene that temporarily takes the narrative
forward in time from the current point of the story in literature, film, television and other
A. Flashback
B. Flashforward
C. Foreshadowing
D. Telescoping
148. In a novel or a short story, this is the point of view assumed by the narrator from which
he is able to tell everything that happens in the story. This is known as _____________.
A. Eyewitness
B. Omniscient
C. First person
D. Stream of consciousness
149. Which form of expository prose presents the personal view of its writer on a topic? It is
said to provide light as well as delight for the author tries to charm his reader with his prose
as he discusses his ideas or experiences?
A. Paragraph C. Essay
B. Discourse D. Composition
150. Which of the following reading techniques is used when the teacher requires the
learner to read the selection rapidly by using all available information, such as title,
subtitles, introductory paragraphs, first sentence, summaries, pictures, maps, and
A. Survey reading C. Skimming
B. Study reading D. Scanning
152. These are true about the reasons for teaching literature to students EXCEPT one.
Which is the exception?
A. It contribute to the holistic development of an individual.
B. It shows value to language experiences.
C. It provides an escape from one’s reality.
D. It develops mostly the analytic skills of learners.
153. Among the following learning situations, what is the most innovative way of teaching
A. Students are asked to read a literary piece at home.
B. Students memorize the stanzas of a poem.
C. Students create a collage of their experiences in relation to the story read in the class.
D. Students explain difficult words orally.
154. If you are the teacher who is about to discuss a ballad to your class, which of the
following will you NOT mention to your students?
A. Ballad uses a dialogue.
B. Ballad is a song transmitted orally and tells a story.
C. Ballad is a narrative specie of folk song.
D. Ballad typically is historical and condensed.
155. Teacher Joanna teaches in a remote barangay school where there are no available
storybooks. How can she introduce facilitate the reading skills of her students?
A. Bring the students to a nearby town library.
B. Write a short version of an existing local story in the barangay.
C. Make a request to the head of the school to procure books for Englsih subject.
D. Purchase books yourselves for the mean time.
156. According to Aristotle, plays classified as tragedy produce an effect where our baser
emotionsof lust, hatred, jealousy, feat, self-pity, greed, avarice, sloth, etc. are cleansed and
purged because of dread that the tragedy that befall the tragic character would happen to
us. In the process, we countercheck ourselves and are ennobled. How is this cleansing
process called?
A. Caveat C. Catharsis
B. Kinesis D. Mimesis
157. How do you make the story of Biag ni Lam-Ang relevant and interesting to the life of
learners today?
A. Let them make a multimedia presentation of the main characteristics of Lam-Ang.
B. Allow the learners to translate key events in their own mother tongue.
C. Let them discuss the conflicts in the stroy that they can relate to.
D. Let them write their own ending of the story.
159. “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.” -W. Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar
A. synecdoche C. hyperbole
B. metonymy D. apostrophe
160. A boy has been admitted to the hospital. The nurse says, “He’s in good hands”.
A. paradox C. synecdoche
B. euphemism D. personification
161. Which strategy will help students better understand key life events of historical literary
A. Chunking C. Word tree
B. Reader’s Theatre D. Life road maps
162. You want your students keep track of main ideas and supporting details in a narrative
by letting them illustrate important scenes in the story. What is the most appropriate
strategy that you will employ?
A. Chunking C. Storyboarding
B. Fishbone diagram D. Note taking
163. In displaying the psychology of your characters, minute particulars are essential. God
save us from vague generalizations. Be sure not to discuss your hero’s state of mind. Make
it clear from his actions. – Anton Chekov
What principle in writing is stressed by Chekov in the passage?
A. Show, don’t tell
B. Be specific
C. Revise, revise, revise
D. Dramatize
166. What would be a relevant objective for the use of blogs in your literature classes?
A. Let students acquaint themselves with the use of online tools.
B. Judge the opinions of others regarding an issue.
C. Students post their opinions an issue raised in the literary piece.
D. Students link as much resources related to the literary piece for further reading.
168. Which of the following teaching approach would suit with the learners who enjoy doing
extended pieces of work such as project work?
A. Test-Teach-Test
B. Presentation, Practice and Production
C. Task-based Learning
D. Situational Learning
170. Which of the following is the teacher’s main aim in teaching for a giving the learners a
quiz about “crocodiles” before reading a story about them?
A. to test their memory
B. to give peer feedback
C. to give learners exposure to language
D. to generate interest in a topic
171. Teaching literature is seeking the opportunity for students to relate and respond to the
themes and issues by making connections to their personal lives. Which model is
A. Cultural model C. Personal growth model
B. Language model D. Philosophical model
172. Mr. Ramirez wants to measure his students’ language ability against the learning
objectives of a specific language course. Which of the following tests should he give?
A. Norm-referenced test C. Discrete-point test
B. Criterion-referenced test D. Assessment test
175. The Grade 7 teachers in School A are evaluating the language tests prepared by the
Grade 7 teachers in School B. Specifically, the teachers are evaluating the utility, equity,
and appropriateness of the assessment techniques used. In which evaluation phase are the
A. Reflection C. Assessment
B. Preparation D. Evaluation
177. Teacher Minda collected samples of classroom tests and writings of her students to
monitor her students’ writing performance. Teacher Minda uses ______ assessment.
A. non-formal C. summative
B. achievement D. portfolio
178. Which language proficiency assessment interpretation did Teacher Matthew use when
he remarked that Luke got 80 out of 100 and that he is in the top 20 %?
A. Criterion-referenced interpretation
B. Placement test interpretation
C. Selection test interpretation
D. Norm-referenced interpretation
179. Ms. Santiago asked her students to retrace the chronological order in which the
enumerated events took place by assigning numbers. Which task did Ms. Santiago ask her
students to do?
A. Matching C. Multiple response
B. Single response D. Sequencing
180. Five English teachers assessed literary comprehension in one section of students. The
assessment result of the five teachers yielded the same results. The assessment is _____.
A. valid C. practical
B. reliable D. equally difficult
181. Teacher Homer assigned numerical values to the various criteria he listed to assess his
students’ reading performance. Which assessment tool did Teacher Homer prepare?
A. Checklist C. Rating scale
B. Rubric D. Observation sheet
182. In the language test prepared by Mrs. Alvarez, her principal commented that she
overemphasized on knowledge outcomes. What might have Mrs. Alvarez forgetten to do?
A. Predictive validity testing C. Constructive validity testing
B. Table of Specification D. Difficulty distribution
183. Which approach should Teacher Mina use if she aims to gain insight into the thinking
processes and opinions of the test taker?
A. Verbal reports C. Reflections
B. Diary studies D. Survey questions
184. One student conducted a research on the communication strategies used by the
teachers in educating students with visual impairment. In order to identify the
communication strategies, the researcher interviewed the teachers educating students with
visual impairment and also did some actual observation of the classes. What research
design was used in the study?
A. Experimental design C. Quantitative design
B. Descriptive design D. Qualitative design
185. You want to explore the effective methods used in improving the children’s way of
using the language in the classroom. Who will be the best respondents for your study?
A. Parents C. Children
B. Teachers D. Administrator
186. Aside from being the official stand of the paper on a relevant development or issue,
which of the following supports the definition of an editorial article?
A. It is written by the editor-in-chief
B. It is a concerted commentary written by any member of the staff.
C. It is the opinion of the newspaper publisher.
D. It is an opinion which the public clamor about.
187. Which according to Okoye, is an in-depth and factual write up on a topical issue which
seeks to give comprehensive information in a more captivating and relaxed style?
A. Editorial article C. Feature story
B. News article D. Sport story
189. In news writing, active tense is preferred particularly in writing headlines. Which
headline gets immediate attention?
I. Golden State Warriors Beat Miami Heat
II. New York Knicks Lost to Oklahoma City Thunder
III. 3 Million Students Entered Public School Today
191. Leads often omit the names of the people involved in news stories because _____.
A. no one will care who is involved
B. their identities are less important than what happened
C. ethical journalists always omit the names of people involved in news events.
D. the names are best left to the last paragraph of the story
192. What kind of grammatical beginning lead is being featured in the following statement?
With rakes, brooms, and other cleaning equipment, the pupils from the Little Red School
cleaned the roads leading to the school in preparation for the coming school year as part of
the annual Brigada Eskwela.
A. Clause lead C. Infinitive phrase lead
B. Participial phrase lead D. Prepositional phrase lead
193. Which is a method of speech delivery termed as ‘making it up on the spot’ where the
students use more natural delivery and the audience is less critical?
A. Impromptu C. Extemporaneous
B. Manuscript D. Memorized
195. The characteristics of effective speech based on Cicero’s canons of rhetoric include
invention, disposition, elocution, pronunciation, and _____.
A. arrangement C. voice
B. grammar D. memory
196. Invention: discovering the best arguments; __________: delivery, language and
speaking style?
A. Disposition C. Memory
B. Pronunciation D. Elocution
197. Which characteric of effective speech refers to the arrangement and organization of
A. Disposition C. Memory
B. Pronunciation D. Elocution
198. Which refers to the processes associated with the production and perception of sounds
used in a spoken language?
A. Speech C. Speaking
B. Oral Communication D. Discussing
199. If informative speaking aims to inform, what is the aim of demonstrative speaking?
A. To shift the opinions or behaviors of the audience.
B. To entertain the audience.
C. To share some facts and opinions.
D. To show audience how to perform certain tasks.