Quiz No. 4
Quiz No. 4
Quiz No. 4
BS Mechanical Engineering
Fall 2020
The blue-print of Pakistan’s foreign policy was made by Quaid when he said,
“Our foreign policy is one of friendliness and goodwill towards all the nations of
the world. We do not cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation.
We believe in the principal of honesty and fair play in national and
international dealings and are prepared to make our utmost contribution to the
promotion of peace and prosperity among the nations of the world. Pakistan
will never be found lacking in extending its material and moral support to the
oppressed and suppressed peoples of the world and in upholding the principles
of the United Nations charter”
To acheive it, The first and foremost priority of Pakistan Foreign Policy was to
make Pakistan part of United Nations Organization. Muslim Nations like Iran
obviously used their influence on World stage to help Pakistan but a major
setback was suffered by Pakistan, when a fellow Muslim country having longest
border with Pakistan refused to accept Pakistan. Afghanistan not only voted
against Pakistan’s membership in United Nations Organization but also passed
resolution against Pakistan. The disagreement was over Durand line which was
a border agreed upon by Afghans and British in 19th century. However,
Afghanistan wanted the entire land where Pushtuns lived. This created tensions
between two Muslim neighboring countries. However, the Afghan’s effort went
in vein and Pakistan became part of United Nations Organization. The Goal was
Pakistan was born right after the World War 2. The Allied countries turned out
to be victorious against their enemies. However, the tussle between Russia and
USA started another Cold war right after World War 2. Most of the countries in
the World were forging alliances with either of the two Cold war players, USA
or USSR. Pakistan however, decided to stay neutral on International stage and
promote peace and stability in the World.
Pakistan in short, continued it’s neutral policy on International stage and also
promoted unity among Muslim Nations. It also supported Palestine Cause
furiously on International stage. The early years of Pakistan’s foreign policy are
marked with great ups and downs. But in the end, Pakistan managed to achieve
it’s objectives overall.
The SEATO was made by the USA for the purpose to create deterrence to
Anthony Eden also invited these countries to join the conference and talk on
the defense of the region but there was opposition from the neutral Asian
countries because of which only Philippines, Thailand and Pakistan could be
persuaded to join the SEATO. However, SEATO did not help Pakistan in 1965
war against India. This hurted the trust Pakistan had in SEATO. SEATO also
didn’t come to the rescue of Pakistan in 1971 and therefore Pakistan withdrew
from SEATO in 1971.
CENTO was signed in 1955 with headquarters in Baghdad and later in Ankara
Turkey. Pakistan signed it with same goals as it joined SEATO with, that were
to deter India mainly and being future-proof of any aggression from Chinese
side. Other countries Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Britain were also part of the
treaty because their own interests. Like SEATO, CENTO also proved fruitless for
Pakistan in terms of India. CENTO countries did not help Pakistan in both major
wars with India. After Iranian revolution, Pakistan also left the CENTO and this
proved to be death of the treaty