Using The Existing Natural Gas System For Hydrogen
Using The Existing Natural Gas System For Hydrogen
Using The Existing Natural Gas System For Hydrogen
Welder inside Two Sections of 48" Pipe,
Welding the Seam to Create One Continous Section of Pipe
table of contents
1. Executive Summary | page 4
2. Introduction | page 6
3. Background: the role of hydrogen
in the transition towards a sustainable energy society | page 8
4. The NATURALHY-approach: what can the natural gas
system offer for the delivery of hydrogen? | page 10
5. What is the impact of adding hydrogen to natural gas
on the durability of the network? | page 12
6. What measures should be taken to control and monitor
the condition of the network? | page 14
7. What is the impact of adding hydrogen to natural gas on
the safety aspects? | page 16
8. What is the impact of adding hydrogen to natural gas on
end user aspects? | page 18
9. Separation of hydrogen from a hydrogen/natural gas mixture
and its impact on the quality of the remaining gas | page 20
10. How to assess a specific network for the NATURALHY-concept:
the Decision Support Tool | page 22
11. What are the overall benefits of adding hydrogen to natural gas? | page 24
12. Concluding remarks | page 27
1 Executive T he European Commission-supported
NATURALHY project was set up to inves-
tigate whether hydrogen could be delivered
Summary safely via the existing European natural gas
network. This has involved mapping out the
feasibility, the consequences and the ben-
efits of using the natural gas network for
the safe and efficient transport of mixtures
of hydrogen and natural gas across Europe.
As such, the project has demonstrated the
capabilities of the natural gas network for
hydrogen delivery, which can be, potentially
a major contribution towards sustainability.
Hydrogen is expected to become an im-
portant future energy carrier because it can
significantly improve the security of energy
supply and reduce/avoid emissions of green-
house gases. A range of sustainable sources,
including biomass, can be used for the pro-
duction of hydrogen. It can be produced from
the gasification of coal, with or without Car-
bon Capture and Storage (CCS) and is also a
by-product in many chemical processes. Of
course, the combustion of natural gas with
added hydrogen emits less carbon dioxide
per energy unit than the combustion of pure
natural gas, as the combustion of hydrogen
is "carbon free".
The objective of the NATURALHY proj-
ect has been to define the conditions under
which hydrogen could be added to the natu-
ral gas transport network without unaccept-
able impact on the integrity of the network,
safety, and the performance of natural gas
appliances. The project has proved that:
depending on the steel from which
high pressure pipelines are constructed,
these pipelines could be used for gas mix-
tures that contain up to 50% of hydrogen
safety related to the transmission,
distribution and use of natural gas is not sig-
nificantly compromised compared to the cur-
rent situation with natural gas if up to 20%
of hydrogen is added to natural gas. Addi-
tions up to 50% might be feasible but must
be assessed case by case
the maximum percentage of hydrogen that can be allowed to ensure proper end-use per-
formance depends on appliance type and condition as well as on local natural gas distribution
conditions. For domestic appliances, a method has been derived to address these questions on
the level of a distribution region (country)
There is no doubt that the NATURALHY project has been an important step in providing
hitherto unavailable information which could make a significant contribution to the ‘greening’
and de-carbonisation of natural gas with hydrogen.
However, there are two very important points to note:
there are no simple answers.
Each potential addition of hydrogen to a particular part of the European gas network
must be considered individually in conjunction with the project’s Decision Support Tool; (see
chapter 10)
there are some aspects of the gas network that have not been investigated in full
detail, as they were beyond the scope of the NATURALHY project.
2 Introduction I t is important to begin by stating that
the use of hydrogen can be regarded as
controversial and, contrary to much popu-
lar belief, it is not the new wonder source
of energy that will solve all of our energy
problems; it is simply an energy carrier, its
method of production being of critical im-
portance in determining its contribution to
sustainability. Nevertheless, there is con-
siderable interest in the ‘Hydrogen Econ-
omy’ which means that some way must
be found for moving hydrogen around be-
tween sources and points of use in Europe.
If we want to avoid clogging up the roads
with hydrogen tankers, an alternative
means of shipping hydrogen safely and
economically has to be found. An obvious
option was to consider using the existing
European natural gas system to transport
natural gas/hydrogen mixtures and, with a
few labour pains, the NATURALHY project
was born. The basic vision is that the mix-
ture of hydrogen/natural gas should be
suitable for use as such. In addition, the
option of separating hydrogen from the
mixture by means of membrane filters has
been investigated. Both these possibilities
are interesting options for de-carbonising
current energy systems.
This brochure presents the results ob-
tained in this ground-breaking research
project which has been designed to iden-
tify the potential of the existing European
natural gas network for the safe delivery
of hydrogen. The NATURALHY project is
a unique, international research effort,
which has been supported throughout by
the European Commission’s Sixth Research
and Development Framework Programme,
Results are presented here, in sum-
mary form, for those interested in energy
and its transition towards a more sustain-
able energy future. Our intention is to raise
awareness of the issues related to adding
hydrogen to natural gas, to highlight the
possible consequences, and to give both evidence and a flavour of what might be realisti-
cally achievable. In particular, the results are directed at decision makers at the political
level, industry professionals, including those from network companies, researchers in the
field of hydrogen and sustainable energy and interested members of the public.
The NATURALHY project has investigated how and to what extent natural gas networks
could further support the introduction of hydrogen. The following chapters summarise the
consequences of adding hydrogen to natural gas, for the whole delivery chain, from hydro-
gen injection point in the high pressure transmission grid up to and including end user ap-
pliances. Crucially, assessment of the overall environmental and socio-economic benefits of
the NATURALHY approach has been an integral part of the project. However, benefits can
only be realised if options are technically feasible. Hence, the project has focussed on poten-
tial "show stoppers", so that only the most important issues have been investigated, leaving
out subsequent considerations which are expected to be solvable, although sometimes with
substantial costs. It is very important to note that the research and development of sources
of hydrogen was outside the scope of this project.
First, a few facts about the NATURALHY project; It started on 1st May 2004, and
was completed on 31st October 2009. The project comprised 39 partners, listed in the last
chapter in this brochure. The project management team consisted of the Universities of
Loughborough and Oxford, GDF SUEZ (formerly Gaz de France), Instituto de Soldadura e
Qualidade (ISQ), DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik, EXERGIA Energy and Environment Consult-
ants S.A., and EUROGAS – GERG (The European Gas Research Group).
The project was coordinated by N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie. The project budget amounted
to €17 million, including a European Commission grant for € 11 million. Further information
is available on the project website
3 Background: I mportant energy issues that the world is facing
now concern the security of supply and polluting
emissions, particularly greenhouse gases. The cur-
the role of rent transition towards more sustainable energy
sources aims to deal with these issues. The tran-
Although research activities on crucial topics such as the sustainable production of hy-
drogen, hydrogen storage, and fuel cells are still on going, it is broadly expected that hydro-
gen will be an energy carrier of increasing importance in our energy mix. This expectation
is based on the conclusion that in the near future, say after 2015, significant volumes of
hydrogen can be produced from the gasification of coal or biomass: the gasification of bio-
mass is almost "carbon-neutral" and with carbon capture and storage (CCS), carbon dioxide
emissions related to coal gasification can be relatively low. Potential supplies of biomass
are substantial and global coal reserves are immense. Reduction of carbon dioxide emis-
sions by replacement of fossil fuels with hydrogen produced from "low carbon" sources of
energy could contribute to de-carbonisation and 'greening' of our energy economy.
4 The T he first logical step towards a transitional
delivery system suitable for hydrogen and
hydrogen-containing gases must be an investi-
NATURALHY gation of the extent to which existing assets,
including the existing natural gas pipeline infra-
very high capacity
well-established safety procedures and
mixture. The definition of the conditions under which hydrogen can be added without unaccept-
able consequences to natural gas, and the development of devices for hydrogen separation from
a mixture, has been an important part of the NATURALHY project.
In principle, hydrogen can be added to natural gas in the high-pressure grid, in the medium
pressure grid, or in the low pressure distribution grid, but it must be remembered that the exist-
ing system was designed and constructed specifically for natural gas and, as explained above,
the physical and chemical properties of hydrogen differ significantly from those of natural gas.
In particular, the addition of hydrogen to natural gas may have an impact on numerous aspects
of the existing system. The work done in the framework of the NATURALHY-project to quantify
this impact further is described in detail in the following chapters:
integrity of pipelines
5 What is G as transportation and distribution net-
works are very complex and inhomo-
geneous infrastructures. Adding hydrogen
the impact to natural gas will lead to direct contact of
gaseous hydrogen with the networks and the
of adding associated installations that have been de-
signed specifically for natural gas.
distribution networks are in place to supply
natural gas safely and reliably to the end
user. Since the late 1980’s polymers have
been heavily used for the construction of dis-
tribution networks because of their beneficial
properties for the purpose of low pressure
gas distribution. Polymer pipes do not suf-
fer from conventional corrosion even though
they undergo degradation over their lifetime.
Beyond this they have a much better perfor-
mance concerning the gas tightness of the
connections in comparison to older materi-
als such as cast iron. On the other hand they
are less gas tight regarding the loss of gases
through their pipe wall (permeation) driven
IFP test bench (2 permeation cells)
by the concentration gradient.
X70 In 100% H2 and X70 In 50%NG - 50%H2 mixture
The amount of natural gas, which can-
not be delivered to the customer because of 10
X70 in 50%NG - 50%H2 mixture
What T he material investigations identified that
additional measures will be required to
ensure the integrity of steel pipelines, when
measures hydrogen is transported by the existing nat-
ural gas system. Consequently the pipeline
Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL)
TRIAX sensors are used in the MagneScanTM tool
(able to detect corrosion and long axial defects)
Electro Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT)
results suggested that modified inspection tools such as MFL1, TRIAX2 and EMAT3 can be applied
in order to inspect gas pipelines containing natural gas / hydrogen mixtures and find critical
defects. By using in-line inspection and POF calculation results, the intervals for pipeline inspec-
tion activities can be determined for different hydrogen concentrations, loads and geometries of
pipelines and defects. It is expected that inspection intervals will be shortened in comparison to
the natural gas service, especially for higher hydrogen concentrations. As a countermeasure the
improvement of inspection tool performance can offer mitigation, as early detection and reliable
sizing of defects is beneficial for lowering the probability of failure.
After having identified defects, an optimisation process of actions has been proposed in
order to reduce the costs but still meet the required safety levels. Calculations of net present
value have shown that, depending on the amount and distribution of defects, the costs for repair
and renewal can be reduced
significantly by grouping ac-
tivities together.
Concerning pipeline re-
pair methods, three currently
applied procedures have been
investigated regarding their
suitability for hydrogen ser-
vice. The work focused on the
abililty of the repair measure
to take on the pipeline load
and on the effect of hydro-
gen on welding activities.
The investigated repair meth-
ods (“Clock Spring”, “Metallic
Sleeve” and “Weld Deposit”)
were found to be suitable
for repairing hydrogen-con- General flow chart of the integrity management cycle
taining pipelines even though (source: Report "Integrity Management and the Naturalhy Project")
performance was slightly re-
duced in some cases.
Finally the effect of adding hydrogen on the costs of integrity management has been in-
vestigated. The costs are strongly dependent on individual circumstances, especially regarding
hydrogen concentration, defect distribution, material properties, loads and integrity targets.
An example was elaborated using material data on defect distributions which reflect pipes in a
"medium condition", with a maximum operation pressure of 66 bars and meeting a POF integrity
target for corrosion and for cracks after 50 years of operation which is in line with current failure
statistics for European natural gas transmission pipelines. With the example considered, it was
concluded that, for high concentrations of hydrogen (50%) in natural gas pipelines, there were
slight effects on the inspection and repair frequency and therefore increased total costs (inspec-
tion and repair for corrosion and cracks) in the order of less than 10%.
Summarising the results overall, it can be stated that, based on the relevant data, appropri-
ate and affordable pipeline integrity management can be put in place for the transportation of
natural gas and hydrogen mixtures up to a hydrogen concentration of 50%.
7 What is T he existing gas pipeline networks are de-
signed, constructed and operated based on
the premise that natural gas is the material to
the impact be conveyed. The safety of the pipeline system
and the risk posed to the public by the supply
The closest contact that the general public has with the gas supply system is in their homes,
as customers, using the gas for heating and cooking. It is impossible to prevent all gas escapes
and currently, a small number of explosions occur each year as a result of gas escapes in domes-
tic properties. Hence, the frequency of such explosions has been re-assessed for natural gas/
hydrogen mixtures. This analysis has suggested that the explosion frequency could increase by
up to a factor of 2 as a result of adding 20% by volume hydrogen to natural gas. However, the
current risk is very low and even with this increase the risk remains within generally acceptable
From the point of view of the pipeline operator, the main concern is the assessment of
the risk that their operations present to the public at large, from the pipeline network and
from their gas processing sites, including compressor or pressure reduction stations. Hence,
operators need a methodology
which will enable them to as-
sess these risks following the
addition of hydrogen to the
pipeline network. The princi-
pal hazard posed by the fail-
ure of transmission pipelines
is that of a large fire. Hence,
NATURALHY has re-assessed
this hazard for natural gas/hy-
drogen mixtures by conduct-
ing large scale experiments
and developing a mathemati-
cal model to evaluate the fire
hazard. Using information ob-
VCE Test Rig
tained within the NATURALHY
project of the effect of hydrogen on pipeline materials, the failure frequency of transmission
pipelines conveying natural gas/hydrogen mixtures was re-assessed, and it was concluded that,
with appropriate integrity management of the fatigue life, the failure frequency of transmission
pipelines would not be adversely affected to any great extent.
By combining the work on failure frequency, ignition probability and the assessment of fire
hazard, NATURALHY has developed an easy to use screening tool (LURAP4) which will enable
operators to assess the risk posed by the transmission of natural gas/hydrogen mixtures and
compare it with current risk levels. LURAP determines, the risk posed by an individual pipeline
to a person close by, or an entire network of pipelines to the population as a whole. The results
from LURAP suggest that the addition of hydrogen increases the risk to an individual at loca-
tions near the pipeline but decreases the risk at locations further away (as the extent of the
hazardous region is reduced).
Finally, pipeline operators also need to assess the background level of leakage from their
pipeline networks as part of their integrity management and environmental assessments, since
methane is a greenhouse gas. A study of the expected background level of ‘leakage’ from the gas
system (through minor defects in the pipelines or by permeation through the pipeline material)
has shown that the level of leakage overall is very small and poses no hazard from a safety point
of view. Indeed, the addition of hydrogen results in a slight decrease in the level of methane
emissions to the atmosphere from the gas infrastructure, which is beneficial from an environ-
mental perspective.
LURAP: Loughborough University Risk Assessment of Pipelines. Available within the DST
8 What is W ith increasing hydrogen addition to
the natural gas supply, the physi-
cal characteristics and basic combustion
the impact properties of the fuel will be modified,
which, in turn, could alter the operation,
Method developed by Gasunie Engineering &
Technology, Groningen, The Netherlands
There is one effect of hydrogen addition
on the performance of combustion equipment
that must be emphasised. Taking a given
natural gas and “simply” adding hydrogen to
it will decrease the Wobbe index of the gas,
up to hydrogen fractions in excess of 80%.
Since the thermal input (power) to gas utiliza-
tion equipment is directly proportional to the
Wobbe index, the thermal input will decrease
in all combustion equipment, except those
with power controls (such as power genera-
tion equipment).
It is anticipated that, for the time being,
natural gas distribution will continue within
the existing distribution bands, as defined by a
range of Wobbe index values. In the context of
the effect of hydrogen addition on the Wobbe
index, this fact itself constrains the maximum
allowable hydrogen fraction: the Wobbe index
of a given natural gas/hydrogen mixture must
remain above that of the lower Wobbe limit of
the existing band. Concept for a hydrogen household fuel cells. AA (R6) battery with
large compartment filled with bubbling water
From this work, the following conclusions
were drawn:
9 Separation T he use of the existing natural gas network to dis-
tribute hydrogen provides the opportunity to cre-
ate local “hydrogen centres” by developing separa-
of hydrogen tion technologies to provide hydrogen for end users.
Separation of hydrogen is a mature technology and
hydrogen/ require large scale units which work best with high
levels (greater than 50%) of hydrogen in the feed gas.
There is a requirement for smaller scale separation of
natural gas hydrogen, and when the mixture contains lower levels
of hydrogen in the feed gas under typical natural gas
veloped using electroless plating to produce 3µm thick
membranes, while magnetron sputtering has been
used to deposit thin palladium/silver alloy membranes
onto smooth uniform substrates. These membranes
operate at 300oC with good hydrogen flux, high recov- Pd membrane laboratory test module
ery and 100% selectivity for hydrogen. Carbon based
membranes have been produced by pyrolysing hemi-
cellulose. These membranes have been shown to have
greater permeability with better selectivity (up to 98%)
than conventional polymeric membranes; in addition
they operate at temperatures between 30o and 90oC.
By combining the best characteristics of each of
these membranes into a hybrid scheme, it has been Electron micrograph showing commercial ceramic support
with defects and the effect of applying more uniform porous
possible to obtain an increase in efficiency and flex- ceramic layer
ibility together with lower costs for separation. De-
pending on process conditions the carbon membrane
can deliver up to 98% pure hydrogen, while the pal-
ladium membrane delivers pure hydrogen. Thus, the
system can provide different hydrogen specifications
depending on end user requirements. By using the car-
bon membrane, most of the separation is carried out
at almost room temperature and, subsequently, the Pd thin film membrane supported on tubular ceramic
feed to the palladium membrane has very high hydro- substrate
gen content, thereby improving the driving force and
reducing, substantially, the palladium membrane sur-
face area required.
Analysis of costs shows that the hybrid system,
including ancillaries, is potentially cheaper than sepa-
ration by PSA. Small scale PSA systems are currently
Hollow fibre carbon membrane
under development. However, as with all PSA systems,
separating hydrogen from streams with a hydrogen
content less than 40% is problematic and requires
additional facilities; the options are two PSA units
in series, or, a carbon membrane (as with the hybrid
concept) to concentrate the hydrogen level in the feed
before the final PSA unit.
Gas quality issues have been considered, both in
the case of adding hydrogen to the natural gas net-
work and also the effect on downstream gas quality
as hydrogen is withdrawn by end users. In a scenario
where, for example, 25% hydrogen is added, by vol-
ume, to natural gas, end users at different points in
the network may take out hydrogen at different quan-
tities and qualities. This will have an effect on the gas
quality of the remaining natural gas/hydrogen mix-
ture, although analysis shows that the downstream
gas quality will not be adversely affected since the
Wobbe index and heating value will not be outside the Packaged separator module integrating the membranes & heat-
statutory requirements. ing system, and showing the internal flow pattern
10 How to T he NATURALHY project delivers
a massive amount of information
on the economics, societal and en-
assess a vironmental aspects of transporting
hydrogen over a natural gas transmis-
Typical configuration of a Gas Transport Network (GTN)
centages are applied and to simulate, using its "what-if" analysis capabilities, the actual pipeline
degradation behaviour over certain periods of time with the option of applying, on the pipeline
model, mitigation measures. Thus, the NATURALHY DST key goals are to;
enable editing, analysis and annotation of a pipeline network, so relevant information
may be found and extracted at later stages
compute a comprehensive "what-if" analysis of applying different levels of hydrogen in
the network.
The above-mentioned analysis comprises risk assessment, cost assessment, evaluation, and
proposal of rules, guidelines and procedures that will mitigate the expected increase of risk and/
or costs when applying the gas mixture to the pipeline network.
The GTN sub-form is provided to enable the user to lay out a complete GTN using a compre-
hensive toolbox provided by the DST.
The DST is able to draw a map of the GTN so the user may actually see in the layout where
sections cross population areas and establish more accurate risk distances (e.g. proximity to
population densities).
The DST presents several "dashboards", for life cycle and socio-economic assessment, for
safety and for integrity. With the exception of the life cycle and socio-economic assessment, all
analyses are time dependent and show the evolution of the GTN properties over time.
Each of the dashboards displays a specific analysis that is carried out by the NATURALHY
DST. It is through the dashboards that comparisons between a GTN with or without hydrogen
can be performed. The DST is extremely flexible and is able to carry out GTN simulation and
comparison of any two configurations over a period of up to 50 years, yielding cost, safety and
integrity calculations for all selected sections.
11 What are T he potential benefits of adding hydrogen
have been addressed in the NATURALHY
Project through life cycle and socio-economic
the overall assessment. This has involved establishing
standard procedures for calculating various en-
Breakdown of Energy, Emissions, Jobs and Costs per Unit Output of Natural Gas Network Operation for Large Users
Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Hydrogen Production
were needed to provide a baseline against which the addition of hydrogen could be compared
in terms of relative changes in environmental impacts, economic costs and employment impli-
cations. Outputs are generated in numerical and graphical formats, giving absolute values and
relative contributions, for example to natural gas delivery by the network to large users (see the
figure in page 24).
The workbooks for the existing natural gas network cover the supply of natural gas, and the
construction, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning of the network. The actual de-
tails of these workbooks are based on a practical balance between appropriate representation
of a real natural gas network and demands on user data input requirements. In particular, the
components of a natural gas network have been simplified into a transmission (high pressure)
system (with head stations, pipes, compressors and storage facilities), a regional distribution
(medium pressure) system (with pipes and large pressure reduction facilities), and a local dis-
tribution (low pressure) system (with pipes). Aspects of these systems, such as different pipe
lengths, diameters, wall thicknesses and typical materials, can be varied to simulate existing
networks. Both design details and default values were provided for these workbooks by gas utili-
ties which were NATURALHY Project partners.
The workbook which describes the operation of natural gas networks with the addition of
hydrogen was assembled using results generated by other NATURALHY project activities. In
Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Hydrogen Delivery by Truck, Dedicated Pipeline and the Existing Natural Gas Network (NATURALHY approach)
particular, the procedure for adjusting leakages for the addition of hydrogen was provided by
studies conducted on safety, incorporating some of the results from research on durability.
Crucial information on the effects of hydrogen on the frequency of internal pipe inspections
and subsequent repairs was supplied from activities on integrity. The source of essential
performance data on hydrogen separation technologies and the effect of hydrogen on appli-
ances derived from research on end-use.
In order to complete analysis of potential benefits, it was also necessary to add evalu-
ation of methods for producing hydrogen. For convenience, this was achieved by creating a
Library of Results which included available data on a variety of different hydrogen generat-
ing technologies. This enables comparison of results such as total greenhouse gas emissions,
measured in equivalent carbon dioxide, for a range of hydrogen production technologies with
the emissions factors for the conventional supply, delivery and combustion of natural gas by
different users (bounded by the pink dotted lines as illustrated in the first figure of page 25).
Change in Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Natural Gas/Hydrogen Delivery to Large Users
Specific details of the source of hydrogen, where it is injected into the existing natural gas
network, and whether and how it is separated from the subsequent mixture determine the
occurrence and magnitude of benefits.
The addition of hydrogen to natural gas can make a significant reduction in total green-
house gas emissions if the hydrogen is sourced from certain forms of biomass (forestry
residues, straw and miscanthus), wind power (both onshore and offshore) and nuclear power.
Depending on circumstances, hydrogen production from fossil fuels with carbon capture and
storage also offers some advantages. However, reductions in total greenhouse gas emis-
sions with these sources of hydrogen are generally lower. Additionally, there may be no ben-
efits in terms of decreased primary energy demand or energy resource depletion, although
implications for energy security are governed by the location of these sources of fossil fuels.
Potential benefits of extracting hydrogen from the mixture depend on the actual perfor-
mance of the separation technology and the subsequent use of the hydrogen (including its
required purity) and the residual gas (which still contains some hydrogen). However, overall
air quality benefits (especially lower sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and particulate emis-
sions) can arise if hydrogen is subsequently used in transportation and displaces conven-
tional diesel fuel. As with the so-called “greening of gas”, the relative benefits of delivering
hydrogen, say for use in road vehicles, depends on the various considerations, especially the
original source of hydrogen.
N Concluding
ATURALHY has been a significant project,
with considerable time and effort dedicated
to testing and production of what is a vast array
of data, much of it completely new. It is almost
impossible to summarise the project in a short
space and, in fact, unfair to do so. Indeed care
must be taken in looking at summary results
from this project and jumping to simple conclu-
The data are often complex, with many pro-
visos, given the immensity of what has been at-
tempted and, in general, successfully achieved.
The reader is, therefore urged not to grasp at
what looks like a favourable or even an unfa-
vourable result, without a deeper analysis of the
specific system under consideration.
Nevertheless, some attempt must be made
to condense the key findings of NATURALHY
project. And, whilst they are presented below,
they should be read while bearing in mind the
qualifying remarks outlined previously:
1. With regard to pipeline durability, results
show that effects on pipe materials used in the
natural gas grids, caused by hydrogen, can be
mitigated by appropriate measures. Modifica-
tions to maintain a safe and reliable supply of
customers with natural gas / hydrogen mixtures
will mainly be necessary for the transportation
pipelines made of steel, but importantly, no
"show‑stoppers" have been identified.
2. Considering integrity, the material in-
vestigations revealed that additional measures
will be required to ensure the integrity of steel
pipelines, when hydrogen is transported by the
existing natural gas system. Consequently the
pipeline integrity management systems (PIMS)
in place need to be adapted. Modifications will
be necessary for wider aspects of the existing
PIMS as defects that are currently not the cen-
tre of attention need to be considered, when hy-
drogen is transported. Summarising the results
overall, appropriate pipeline integrity manage-
ment can be put in place to permit the trans-
portation of natural gas and hydrogen mixtures.
3. It was anticipated that adding hydrogen
to the gas infrastructure may affect both the
likelihood and severity of untoward events and, Gas flame inside the gas boiler
hence, potentially increase the risk to the pub-
lic. In this regard, the NATURALHY project has
that escapes of natural gas/hydrogen
mixtures within buildings behave in a similar
way to natural gas, in terms of the nature of
the gas/air mixture produced. However, the gas
concentration and volume of the accumulation
increases as hydrogen is added but these in-
creases are slight for hydrogen addition up to
50% by volume
within buildings, severity of explosions
increases if hydrogen is added to natural gas.
However, the increase is only slight for hydro-
gen addition up to 20%. Analysis has suggested
that the explosion frequency could increase by
up to a factor of 2 as a result of adding up to
20% by volume hydrogen to natural gas. How-
ever, the current risk is very low and even with
doubling the risk remains within generally ac-
ceptable limits
from the point of view of the pipeline op-
erator, the principal hazard posed by the failure
of transmission pipelines is that of a large fire.
Results suggest that the addition of hydrogen
increases the risk to an individual at locations
near the pipeline but decreases the risk at loca-
tions further away, as the extent of the hazard-
ous region is reduced
pipeline operators need to assess the
background level of leakage from their pipeline
networks, since methane is a greenhouse gas. A
study of the expected background level of leak-
age has shown that the level of leakage overall
is very small and poses no hazard from a safety
point of view. Indeed, the addition of hydrogen
results in a slight decrease in the level of meth-
ane emissions to the atmosphere from the gas
infrastructure, which is beneficial from an envi-
ronmental perspective
4. For domestic appliances, personal health
and home safety are at stake and tens of mil-
lions of appliances are involved in any given
country; as a consequence, particular attention
has been paid to domestic appliances and it is
important to note that
the maximum hydrogen concentration
for the domestic market in any country is deter-
mined by the safe operation of properly adjusted
conventional domestic appliances as well as by the
local conditions of natural gas quality (range and
current value of Wobbe Index)
for properly adjusted appliances and
favourable conditions of natural gas quality,
conventional domestic appliances can accom-
modate up to 20% of hydrogen
for poorly adjusted appliances and/or un-
favourable conditions of natural gas quality, no
hydrogen admixture is allowed
stationary gas engines and gas turbines
need readjustment and/or modification
feedstock processing and industrial com-
bustion applications require case-by-case con-
5. Gas quality issues have been considered,
both in the case of adding hydrogen to the natu-
ral gas network, and also the effect on down-
Gas Wellhead
stream gas quality as hydrogen is selectively
withdrawn by end users. In a scenario where end
users at different points in the network may be
taking out hydrogen at different quantities and
qualities, there will be an effect on the gas qual- Natural gas pump and distribution station
ity of the remaining mixture. However, analysis
shows that the downstream gas quality will not
be adversely affected since the Wobbe index
and heating value will not be outside the statu-
tory requirements.
6. The Decision Support Tool (DST) has two
functions: to inform what is expected in mate-
rial and device behaviour at particular hydrogen
percentages; and to simulate, using its "what-if"
analysis, the actual pipeline degradation behav-
iour over certain periods of time.
The analysis comprises risk assessment,
cost assessment, evaluation, and proposal of
rules, guidelines and procedures that will miti-
gate the expected increase of risk and/or costs
when applying the gas mixture to the pipeline
It also provides a comprehensive toolbox
that enables the user to simulate a Gas Trans-
port Network (GTN) to enable comparisons be-
tween a GTN with or without hydrogen addition.
The DST is extremely flexible and is able to carry
out GTN simulation and comparison of any two
configurations over a period of up to 50
years, yielding cost, safety and integrity
calculations for all selected sections.
7. The potential benefits of adding
hydrogen to the natural gas system have
been addressed by life cycle and socio-
economic assessment and it has been
possible to quantify benefits. However,
the following conclusions are, necessar-
ily, qualitative:
the addition of hydrogen to natu-
ral gas can make a significant reduction
in total greenhouse gas emissions if it is
sourced from certain forms of biomass
(forestry residues, straw and miscan-
thus), wind power (both onshore and off-
shore) and nuclear power. Depending on
circumstances, hydrogen production from
fossil fuels with carbon capture and stor-
age (CCS) also offers some advantages.
However, reductions in total greenhouse
gas emissions with these sources of hy-
drogen are generally lower
potential benefits of selective ex-
traction of hydrogen depend on the ac-
tual performance of the separation tech-
nology and the subsequent use of the
hydrogen (including its required purity)
and the residual gas (which still contains
some hydrogen). However, overall air Silver Gas Plant Towers
quality benefits (especially lower sulphur
dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and particu-
late emissions) can arise if hydrogen is
subsequently used in transportation and
displaces conventional diesel fuel Three natural gas burners with bright blue flames inside
an operating gas furnace
the addition of hydrogen can be
an effective means of "greening" natu-
ral gas so that the mixture is used di-
rectly in existing appliances for heat
production and electricity generation.
With this option, the potential benefits
are mainly as a practical measure for
mitigating global climate change and in-
creasing energy security, depending on
the original source of the hydrogen.
Project Co-ordinator
N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie