Types of Technical Writing

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Types of Technical Writing

Technical writing provides detail-oriented instruction to help users understand a specific

skill. The most common types include:

1. Traditional: Repair manuals, medical studies

2. End-user documentation: Electronics, consumer products
3. Technical marketing content: Press releases, catalogs

Each type of writing is then narrowed down with subcategories for the purpose of providing
simplified instruction for users.

Traditional Technical Writing

While traditional technical writing sounds broad, pieces of content within this category are
specifically written for professional audiences. These experts rely on traditional technical writing
for targeted research papers, programming guidelines, and repair manuals.

Science and Medical Papers

Research results can be hard to explain, so scientists collaborate with technical writers to interpret
and organize findings. These results are published in medical journals, so the presentation of
material requires fine detail, accuracy, and organization. These papers act as learning resources for
practitioners to understand procedures and results. As with any form of research, technical writers
ensure that proper credibility is given in the text.

Professional Reports and Reviews

In addition to writing for scientists and doctors, technical writers assist in creating reports for
business growth and educational institutions. Examples of professional reports include project and
business status reports, legal case reviews, and personnel activity reports.

End-User Documentation
Almost every product you purchase has a written explanation of operation. These “how-to” pieces
are written to help users understand and operate products correctly. After all, what good is a
product if users don’t know how to properly use it? Since end-user documentation requires clear
and concise instruction, it’s important to create content that breaks down technological terms to
layman’s terms. Specific examples of end-user documentation are as follows:

User Help Guides

When software product users have questions that needs specific answers, they turn to user help
guides. These are written to provide clear and sensible answers to common questions that may
develop as use of software programs continue. User help guides are broken down into sections
depending on the type of ‘help’ needed – allowing users to read ahead or re-read information to
make their understanding of a product stronger.

Product Manuals
You know you’ve seen these — and are guilty of adding them to a bookshelf before reading. Product
manuals are those small booklets that highlight a product’s main features, general maintenance,
and basic operation. Examples of product manuals you’ve heard of include owner’s manuals for
cars and operator’s manuals for heavy machinery.

Assembly Guidelines
Since assembly guidelines tell users how to physically set up a product, technical writers are
responsible for writing clear and user-friendly, step-by-step instructions. It’s important for these
instructions to be written in a way that ensure users can accurately assemble products. Just think: if
you used the assembly guide that came with your new entertainment system, you probably would
have put it together in half the time!

Technical Books
Similar to user help guides, technical writers are hired to write guides for users to understand the
ins and outs of a product; most often software products. It’s critical for these technical books to be
accessible and of interest to non-expert users. If you’re thinking of writing a technical book, check
out Udemy’s guide on writing a how-to book.

Technical Marketing Content

If you have an eye for detail and a way with words, creating technical marketing content is the
category for you. Developers’ products wouldn’t be much use if consumers don’t understand how to
properly operate them. To avoid this, technical marketing content serves as a bridge for products,
consumers, and businesses understand each other.
White Papers and Case Studies
White papers are written to highlight a company’s success — and in this case, success with certain
products or services. Technical writers investigate problematic topics of a specific audience and
integrate a company’s product to create solutions. On the other hand, case studies are experience
reports that provide details of how an account’s business goals were met with the help of a product.

Proposals and Pitches

Many B2B (business to business) sale relations involve proposals and pitches written by technical
writers. Once a company presents the specs for a collaboration or solution, tech writers join the
team to explain the technical aspects of proposals. Once the business plan is set, technical writers
then gather key elements of the executive summary to create a pitch.

Brochures in technical communications are more than pretty pictures of a tropical island you’d like
to plan a vacation to. Brochures take users to a deeper level of understanding and appeal through
clear descriptions, functions, and uses of a product.

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