A Users Guide To The Great Awakening PDF
A Users Guide To The Great Awakening PDF
A Users Guide To The Great Awakening PDF
We dedicate this book to:
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● Tanya Johnston1, who contributed the cover art, layout and design
● Martin Geddes, who contributed essays
● Ingulf Richter, who contributed photographs, optimism, spiritual guidance and the “World Peace
One” phrase
● The GAP - Great Awakening Patriots groups on the MeWe and Gab platforms, who provided
research and insight
● Family and friends, who reviewed drafts
pg. 3
The Empowered Citizen Institute, 2020
© 2020 by The Empowered Citizen Institute
A User’s Guide to The Great Awakening is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866,
Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
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Dedications ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Acknowledgments..................................................................................................................................... 3
1 – Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 12
About the Authors .................................................................................................................................. 19
Purpose of This Book .............................................................................................................................. 19
The Digital Army...................................................................................................................................... 21
Why do You Need a User’s Guide? ......................................................................................................... 24
2 – Defining The Great Awakening ............................................................................................................. 27
QAnon Introduces The Great Awakening ............................................................................................... 29
WWG1WGA - The Greatest Communications Event in History, by Martin Geddes ............................... 38
A time like no other in history ............................................................................................................ 38
The stakes could not be higher ........................................................................................................... 39
A strange moment as we all struggle .................................................................................................. 40
MAGA is a revolt and revolution ......................................................................................................... 41
“We have it all” terrifies the “mafia media” ....................................................................................... 42
The perfect double-bind ..................................................................................................................... 42
A “great awakening” is now imminent ............................................................................................... 43
Death of the deep state and its mafia media ..................................................................................... 43
Epilogue............................................................................................................................................... 44
The Great Awakening from a Sociological Perspective........................................................................... 44
3 - Q and Trump Shape The Great Awakening............................................................................................ 46
QAnon on Institutional Corruption ......................................................................................................... 47
QAnon on The Great Awakening ............................................................................................................ 54
QAnon/Trump on Propaganda, Truth, Trust and Freedom of Speech ................................................... 85
QAnon - A Positive Outcome is Assured ................................................................................................. 99
QAnon - We Are In Control ................................................................................................................... 103
Great Awakening Memes...................................................................................................................... 105
4 - The Great Awakening Code of Ethics ................................................................................................... 111
01 - We Are Awake. We Recognize the Infinite Worth of All. .............................................................. 112
02 - We Stand Equally. We Value Trust Over Authority. ...................................................................... 113
03 - We Are Rational. We Do Not Let Emotions Cloud Judgment. ....................................................... 114
04 - We Are Patriots. We Voluntarily Sacrifice to Protect Our Society................................................. 114
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05 - We Are Warriors. We Secure the Weak From Predation. ............................................................. 114
06 - We Are Justice. We Defend Our Innate Rights. ............................................................................. 115
07 - We Are Freedom. We Support Choices That Harm Nobody. ........................................................ 115
08 - We Are Truth. We Use Truth to Fight for Liberty. ......................................................................... 117
09 - We Are Speech. We Support All Rightful Expression..................................................................... 117
10 - We Are Light. We Illuminate Evil & Darkness. ............................................................................... 117
11 - We Are Love. We Love Others Unconditionally & Oppose Hate. .................................................. 117
12 - We Are United. We Support Each Other, WWG1WGA. ................................................................ 118
13 - We Are Skeptical. We Examine Motives & Sources. ...................................................................... 119
14 - We Are Receptive. We Can Listen to Others & Adjust Beliefs. ...................................................... 120
15 - We Are Independent. We Are Critical Thinkers, Not Followers. ................................................... 121
16 - We Are Accountable. We Do Not Outsource Personal Responsibility. ......................................... 121
17 - We Are Integrity. We Cannot be Bought or Blackmailed. ............................................................. 121
5 – Core Principles of The Great Awakening............................................................................................. 122
Truth is more powerful than deception................................................................................................ 123
Optimism is more powerful than pessimism ........................................................................................ 123
Small institutions are more beneficial to society than large institutions ............................................. 123
It is possible for citizens to unshackle their societal bonds non-violently............................................ 124
It is possible to continuously improve society ...................................................................................... 126
It is possible to achieve long-term peace and prosperity worldwide ................................................... 126
It is possible, and necessary, to achieve these goals by avoiding the creation of large institutions .... 127
It is possible to embrace an inevitable positive outcome for humanity without requiring outside help
.............................................................................................................................................................. 129
All that is needed to accomplish your desired future is a basic set of common principles, the Internet
and a trustworthy judicial system......................................................................................................... 131
It is worthwhile for you to join the effort that is already underway .................................................... 131
The Great Awakening Code of Ethics Aids the Process ........................................................................ 132
6 - The Great Awakening in Action ........................................................................................................... 133
Collaborating with Others ..................................................................................................................... 133
Examining the Motives/Discovering Truth ........................................................................................... 135
Exposing Institutional Corruption ......................................................................................................... 136
Worldwide Protests/Globalism Receding ............................................................................................. 137
Internet/Social Media ........................................................................................................................... 141
Organizing The Great Awakening ......................................................................................................... 142
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Restoration of Power to the Citizens and Lower Level Institutions...................................................... 143
Engaging Big Tech ................................................................................................................................. 144
Researching Connections ...................................................................................................................... 145
Engaging the Media .............................................................................................................................. 147
7 - Long Term Possibilities for Mankind .................................................................................................... 152
Maximize Personal Freedom ................................................................................................................ 154
Minimize Corruption ............................................................................................................................. 154
Maximize Information Quality .............................................................................................................. 154
Optimize Justice .................................................................................................................................... 157
Maximize Creativity .............................................................................................................................. 157
Optimize Personal Health ..................................................................................................................... 157
Optimize Spirituality ............................................................................................................................. 158
Optimize Trust Relationships ................................................................................................................ 158
Maximize Peace and Prosperity ............................................................................................................ 158
What Does The Great Awakening Mean to You? ................................................................................. 159
Why does Q and/or The Great Awakening appeal to me? ............................................................... 159
What do I expect to get out of my active involvement in The Great Awakening? ........................... 159
What benefit is there of me passing information and analyzing information if Trump/Q are already
handling the issues for us?................................................................................................................ 159
When will I know when I can stop doing this effort? ....................................................................... 159
Do we stop when Q stops? ............................................................................................................... 160
Will Trump/Q solve all of the major problems of society before they leave the scene? ................. 160
If Trump/Q are solving or have already solved the major problems, do they just want us to be
cheerleaders?.................................................................................................................................... 160
If all of the problems have not been solved when they leave, do we elect another Trump/Q team to
keep the process going? ................................................................................................................... 160
What are the odds that there is another Trump/Q-like benevolent entity waiting in the wings to
keep the process going? ................................................................................................................... 161
What are the odds that there will be many more societal problems to solve after Trump/Q leave
the scene? ......................................................................................................................................... 161
Does being awake, skeptical, rational and able to discern truth from falsehood make you a better
human? If so, why? ........................................................................................................................... 161
Are the awake citizens learning a process that has potential value to society? .............................. 161
What are the processes that awake citizens are learning? .............................................................. 161
What types of societal problems can be solved by those processes? .............................................. 162
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Is society best improved if a government agency improves it, or if the people primarily improve it?
.......................................................................................................................................................... 162
Is societal stability typically associated with avoiding monopolies? ................................................ 162
Does a continuous competition of ideas offer the best chance for society to embrace improvement
ideas? ................................................................................................................................................ 163
Does competition of ideas and societal resilience work better with fewer or more competitors?. 164
Does the process that we are using with The Great Awakening result in the breaking of
monopolistic tendencies? ................................................................................................................. 164
Does it benefit society for awake citizens to continue using these processes after Trump/Q? ...... 164
Is it possible that part of the intent of The Great Awakening was to help citizens learn that they
have an opportunity to take the ball and run with it to keep improving society? ........................... 164
What are the measurable indicators that our efforts are paying off? ............................................. 164
If we don't stop when Q stops, how do we know when to stop our efforts? .................................. 165
Further Resources ................................................................................................................................. 165
Appendix A - Q Expressions ...................................................................................................................... 167
Sheep no more ...................................................................................................................................... 167
The Great Awakening............................................................................................................................ 167
Trust yourself ........................................................................................................................................ 168
Think for yourself; be free in your thoughts ......................................................................................... 168
Expand your thinking ............................................................................................................................ 168
Emotions cloud judgment ..................................................................................................................... 168
Think logically........................................................................................................................................ 169
Think mirror .......................................................................................................................................... 169
This is not a game. Learn how to play the game .................................................................................. 169
How about a nice game of chess? Learn chess ..................................................................................... 169
Learn our communications (errors, timing, words) .............................................................................. 170
Disinformation is real. Distractions are necessary................................................................................ 170
Q mixes proper information with occasional disinformation, so beware, you never can fully trust his
statements without research and/or confirmation. One cause for this is to distract adversaries. It also
adds to plausible deniability. ................................................................................................................ 170
Future proves past ................................................................................................................................ 170
Do you believe in coincidences? How many coincidences do you need before you believe? ............. 171
This is the biggest insider drop in the history of the world .................................................................. 171
You are witnessing history .................................................................................................................... 171
Trust the plan ........................................................................................................................................ 171
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You were chosen for a reason Be the autists we know you are ........................................................... 172
There are more good people than bad ................................................................................................. 172
Has the word 'conspiracy' been branded to mean something shameful in today's society? .............. 173
Nothing is what it seems....................................................................................................................... 173
You have more than you know ............................................................................................................. 173
You are watching a movie Enjoy the show ........................................................................................... 174
Be careful who you follow .................................................................................................................... 174
No one person is above another........................................................................................................... 174
Power belongs to the people ................................................................................................................ 175
They want you divided, by race, religion, culture, class, political affiliation ........................................ 175
The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed The world cannot swallow the truth Those who
know cannot sleep Pure evil ................................................................................................................. 175
The choice to know will be yours.......................................................................................................... 176
Put on the full armor of God ................................................................................................................. 176
Those who you are taught to trust the most… ..................................................................................... 176
Symbolism will be their downfall .......................................................................................................... 177
You are not alone. Where We Go One > We Go ALL!!! ........................................................................ 177
Appendix B - Text of Q Drops .................................................................................................................... 178
Q24 - Draining the Swamp ................................................................................................................ 178
Q54 - Jeremiah 29:11 ........................................................................................................................ 178
Q140 - Families Combined (TRI) = NWO ........................................................................................... 178
Q157 - Who has All the Information ................................................................................................. 179
Q158 - Who has All the Information, Continued .............................................................................. 181
Q171 - Good over Evil ...................................................................................................................... 182
Q252 - Red Cross Corrupt ................................................................................................................. 182
Q262 - Red Cross Stringer Explained................................................................................................. 182
Q269 - Key = Info, Stone = Force....................................................................................................... 183
Q275 - Cabal/NWO Control Structure .............................................................................................. 183
Q289 - Great Awakening Spreading Exponentially ........................................................................... 183
Q310 - US Military Savior of Mankind............................................................................................... 184
Q328 - Light Will Overcome Darkness .............................................................................................. 184
Q512 - TRUTH Belongs to the PEOPLE .............................................................................................. 184
Q533 - POTUS Message to Anons ..................................................................................................... 184
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Q543 - THE GREAT AWAKENING ....................................................................................................... 185
Q833 - Reality is Labeled as Conspiracy ............................................................................................ 185
Q932 - Internet is Their Downfall...................................................................................................... 185
Q1269 - Are You Awake? Who are the True Facists/Racists? ........................................................... 186
Q1295 - Be Careful Who You Are Following ..................................................................................... 186
Q1358 - Truth Must be Earned ......................................................................................................... 187
Q1375 - Q Thanks Autists & Patriots................................................................................................. 188
Q1528 - The World is Watching Q .................................................................................................... 188
Q1615 - Q Patriot Family at Trump ND Rally .................................................................................... 188
Q1632 - Sinister Components in Most Powerful Organizations ....................................................... 188
Q1879 - 100s of Priests in PA Molested 1000s of Children .............................................................. 189
Q1950 - Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church ....................................... 189
Q2039 - IF AMERICA FALLS, THE WORLD FALLS................................................................................ 189
Q2174 - I See Q People ..................................................................................................................... 190
Q2189 - Launch the Memes .............................................................................................................. 190
Q2234 - We Are Many Tens of Millions Strong - BE HEARD ............................................................. 190
Q2420 - Conversation Between POTUS and Q Regarding Green Q Sign at Rally! ............................ 191
Q2442 - We Are The Saviors of Mankind .......................................................................................... 191
Q2450 - A Beautiful Brave New World Lies Ahead ........................................................................... 191
Q2526 - Q Patriots in Berlin, Germany! ............................................................................................ 191
Q2528 - Power Belongs to the People .............................................................................................. 192
Q2529 - This Movement is Larger Than Anyone Can Possibly Imagine ............................................ 192
Q2535 - Q Patriot in The Hague, Netherlands .................................................................................. 192
Q2651 - The Corruption (Infiltration) at the Top (Worldwide) Has Spread like Cancer ................... 193
Q2719 - POTUS Call for “Great Awakening” Synced with Q Returning Publicly (Q Proof) ............... 193
Q2770 - First Example: D’s Married to Fake News ........................................................................... 193
Q2982 - FREEDOM OF THOUGHT ..................................................................................................... 194
Q2994 - Wake Up People! See Through Their Division Tactics......................................................... 194
Q3038 - The Power of Free Thought ................................................................................................. 194
Q3075 - The United States is with European Patriots ...................................................................... 195
Q3348 - Japan Knows Q .................................................................................................................... 195
Q3580 - Dangerous Freedom over Peaceful Slavery ........................................................................ 196
Q3585 - 8kun Routes Through DoD Server ....................................................................................... 196
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Q3613 - What Happens When 90% of the Media is Controlled/Owned by (6) Corporations? ........ 196
Q3616 - Q Sign on Chicago Bridge: “Media is Complicit #Treason” ................................................. 198
Q3662 - You Awake, and Thinking for Yourself, is Their Greatest Fear ............................................ 198
Q3683 - United We Stand ................................................................................................................. 198
Appendix C - How to Create Public Banners ............................................................................................. 200
Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 200
Tools and Materials............................................................................................................................... 201
Text and Color Selection ....................................................................................................................... 201
Text Layout............................................................................................................................................ 202
Banner Sewing ...................................................................................................................................... 203
Banner Painting ..................................................................................................................................... 203
Banner Mounting .................................................................................................................................. 203
Appendix D - Meetups .............................................................................................................................. 204
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1 – Introduction
“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment, with a
new government controlled by you, the American people.”
It is a wonderful time to be alive. In previous generations, the most one could hope for was to bring in
the Lord’s harvest properly. In today’s generation, one can learn, one can come up with an idea, and
sling that idea around the world at the speed of light. Exchange of ideas is the basis for humanity being
able to start moving to the next level.
Some of us are observers. From our observations, we detect patterns. In those patterns, we extract
information. From that information, ideas form. It is our duty as citizens to share ideas. With this book,
we are simply sharing an idea.
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There is a worldwide phenomenon happening, that has been coined The Great Awakening. The
definition of The Great Awakening is still taking shape, but has been formulated well enough that the
authors think it is time to provide guidance on how The Great Awakening processes can best be used to
shape the future of human civilization.
The Great Awakening, from the public’s perspective, began on 5 October, 2017 when U.S. President
Donald Trump made a cryptic remark2 about ‘The Calm Before The Storm’. This was almost one year
after his historic election to the U.S. presidency.
In late October 2017, a person or group dubbed QAnon began posting in a public imageboard system
called 4chan.org, on a board called /pol/. The information was intriguing, and the users of that board
went through a vetting process to try to qualify the information. Vetting continues to this day, but the
size of the audience that follows QAnon and believes that QAnon is fully vetted, is in the several
millions, and growing exponentially. That is of sufficient size to ensure permanency of The Great
Awakening phenomenon.
At the time of publication of this book, some 2 years later, we can safely say that ‘The Storm is Upon
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QAnon has convinced millions that Donald J. Trump, U.S. military intelligence, U.S. military, and certain
members of the U.S. political leadership are teaming to help guide America, and even the world, toward
a brighter future.
Some continue to accuse QAnon of being a LARP (Live Action Role Player), who is contriving to fool
people into having a false hope of a brighter future, and contriving to claim that Trump is part of a group
that is saving humanity from enslavement by a shadowy worldwide “cabal” of powerful people and
institutions (the Cabal)3. The LARP accusations imply illegitimacy and unimportance, e.g. “It could be a
kid in a basement”.
“The Cabal” is a popularly-used term for a group, or a (con)federation of groups, or a syndication of groups, or a
set of groups only informally and occasionally aligned with each other, that secretly and clandestinely operate to
corruptly manipulate and control governments, corporations and other powerful, influential or economically
important organizations or institutions that, unlike the Cabal, are not fully or partially hidden from public
knowledge. We will also use the term “shadow institutions” as a synonym for the Cabal, partly to reinforce the fact
that we don’t yet really know the full organizational structure of the Cabal and its internal command and control
mechanisms. The Cabal may not be a single entity--and even if it is, we know that large organizations typically have
factions and/or internal departments/agencies that do not always fully agree with each other. Also, the Cabal is
known to use “front” organizations and institutions whose existence is not secret, but whose activities and
purposes are kept (at least partially) hidden. Other authors and sources have used yet other terms for the Cabal,
such as “The Powers That (Should Not) Be” and the “Illuminati” (but the latter term is probably technically
incorrect, at least when used to refer to the overall concept.)
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One simple response to those accusations follows. If Q simply wanted to develop a cult of fooled
believers in conspiracy theories that he could control at his whim, would he have chosen such a group of
skeptical misfits as he did? Praying Medic, on Twitter, summarized the fallacy of that type of thinking
very well, in August 2018, with this tweet4:
As you read this book, the legitimacy of QAnon will become very clear to you, as will the long-term goals
of Trump and of QAnon. In addition, a way forward for humanity will also become very clear to you.
It is not the purpose of this book to convince the reader of the legitimacy of QAnon. In fact, by the time
you are finished reading this book, you may come to the realization that the future of The Great
Awakening fully depends upon the citizens embracing the concept and does not depend upon QAnon at
all. You will learn that QAnon was simply a catalyst to help us realize the power that each citizen has
within themselves.
The Great Awakening has many parallel objectives, some of which are likely not known to the public.
Following are some of the conjectured objectives:
● Cutting off clandestine money flows of rogue U.S. and international agencies
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● Repatriating stolen funds
● Cutting the strings between controllers and their puppets5, to allow the puppets to operate
independently once again, both domestically and internationally
● Destroying the Deep State, an amorphous and powerful coalition of elected and unelected
persons whose goals are independent and mostly at odds with those of the citizens6
● Cleaning up rogue elements in government agencies
● Causing foreign governments to clean up their rogue agencies
● Causing banking and financial cartels to start better serving the populace
● Stopping human trafficking
● Exposing the corruption of media and social giants
● Eliminating voter fraud
● Causing humans to wake up, to start thinking freely again and to reclaim their freedom
worldwide, through a slow process of repeated cognitive dissonance, with citizens researching
and discussing their findings. We call this The Great Awakening.
● Accomplishing all of the above while preventing wars
A puppet is any person who is controlled by another by reasons of undue influence
The “Deep State” is not the same thing as the Cabal, although there is both overlap and collaboration between
them. The term was coined by Mike Lofgren, in an essay entitled, “Anatomy Of The Deep State” (2014.) As the
term was coined by Lofgren, it simply referred to the entrenched, permanent bureaucracy made up of civil
servants who survive unscathed no matter who wins elections or otherwise assumes state power. The deep state
is one of the levers of control used by the Cabal, but both exist independently of each other. Each synergistically
makes the other more powerful, and more dangerous. The term is now commonly used to mean, at a minimum,
the synergistic collaboration between the Cabal and the entrenched bureaucracies that infest all states and their
institutions, but may be intended by some authors as a synonym for the Cabal.
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The Great Awakening is the subject of this book, whose goal is to provide information to help humans
best manage their newfound awake state, while they retain the desire to fully regain their freedom.
The Great Awakening is enabling citizens to break from old paradigms and to form new ones. It is
allowing citizens to realize that they truly hold the power to shape civilization, and that the opportunity
is theirs to grasp. We are no longer bound by our past or our self-inflicted inhibitions and outmoded
doctrines. We are now determined to demonstrate the next phase of humanity through citizen
The Great Awakening is well in hand with the help of the most powerful leaders and military in the
world. Citizens are helping by researching, waking other citizens, exposing corruption, vetting leaders,
and voting in sufficient numbers to ensure continuity of The Great Awakening process.
One serious risk that our awake citizens face is that they can become too complacent, thinking that all of
the serious problems will be solved by our currently benevolent power structure, failing to realize that
the power structure is subject to change at the next national voting event. They may typically expect
that with the current U.S. leadership removing some global shackles on humanity, that we can coast for
one hundred years of prosperity. However, some of these awake citizens, including the authors, realize
the need for humanity to be able to operate independently of a benevolent power structure. The
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authors believe that humanity needs to be able to operate independently for long periods of time,
regardless of the political situation at the top.
To help address the future applications of The Great Awakening phenomenon, knowing that there is real
potential for achieving long-term peace and prosperity, this User’s Guide to The Great Awakening was
Unlike some treatises on this subject, this book does not require the reader to embrace any particular
spiritual beliefs, does not require the reader to hope for any particular hidden tech to be revealed, and
does not require hope for a benevolent dictator or superhuman to always be here to make the world
right again. Also, this book does not engender any fear about common threats to humanity beyond what
QAnon has already identified, as a means of motivation to collaborate as citizens. If you expect any of
those items, you should be able to find what you are looking for in other sources.
This book is designed to demonstrate the power of collaborative humans, that humans, together, using
simple, easy to embrace concepts like optimism, information, determination, and collaboration, can
reshape and perfect the world and all of human civilization, while ushering in long-term worldwide
peace and prosperity.
It is our hope that, by the time you reach the end of this book, that you ask yourself “What is the worst
that could happen? Why not join the effort?”, and that you roll your shirt sleeves up and pitch in to help
usher in The Great Awakening.
pg. 18
About the Authors
Curtis Rock is a systems engineer and small business owner in Texas USA. Curtis performs systems
modeling and use case analysis.
André van Delft is a programmer and small business owner in The Netherlands. André has been
recognized by QAnon in Q drop #25357.
Alan Lovejoy is a programmer and small business owner in California, USA. Alan writes articles on
various topics, including politics, society, science, philosophy and financial trading.
Martin Geddes is a polymath technological analyst in England. Martin writes articles and newsletters in
support of The Great Awakening and offers consulting services to help companies thrive through The
Great Awakening process.
All authors have been continuously researching The Great Awakening for 2 plus years, and all have some
experience philosophizing about the optimization of civilization.
Curtis, André and Alan are directors of The Empowered Citizen Institute8, located in Garland Texas USA.
The Empowered Citizen Institute was created to help advance The Great Awakening phenomenon..
pg. 19
As analysis of The Great Awakening progressed through 2018 and 2019, memes were created and
refined to help summarize our understanding. The following meme is intended to encapsulate one
definition of The Great Awakening, and is used as a basis for creating this book.
This book assumes that you have already been redpilled (awakened) to QAnon and The Great
Awakening. If you have not, you may still benefit from this book, but it is recommended that you first
study one or more of the following resources before reading this book:
1. This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected9 Published 24 October, 2016. This video hints at The
Great Awakening. We will reference this video multiple times in this book.
2. Q - The Plan To Save the World REMASTERED10 A video created by Twitter and YouTube user
Joe M11 that originally appeared on 25 June 2018, masterfully summarizing The Great
3. Articles by Martin Geddes on The Great Awakening12, one of which is published in this book
4. qmap.pub13, a listing of Q drops that are referenced in this book
5. Articles by Neon Revolt on The Great Awakening14, a QAnon researcher who successfully
bridged knowledge from QAnon drops to the masses
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The Digital Army
The above meme was designed to illustrate the essence of how The Great Awakening process began,
where Donald Trump, U.S. military intelligence insiders and a digital army (motivated research volunteers,
autists, anons), teamed up to launch a reshaping of the world’s perception of human potential and
opportunity. That reshaping process, aided by the U.S. military at the time of publishing, and other world
leaders and organizations, is full of promise for reducing or eliminating the enslavement of humanity by
an elite class of bad actors that are currently active on the human stage.
The elite class of bad actors that are currently active in human affairs defies easy definition. They are
amorphous coalitions of powerful persons and institutions. The institutions can include royalty, business,
government, religions, charitable organizations, foundations, societies, crime syndicates, etc. The things
that all of these bad actors have in common are accumulation of power and actions that intend harm
upon the non-elite classes of citizens.
QAnon (AKA Q) has been proving that Q has a direct association with President Trump and the U.S.
military and has been able to energize a growing group of smart, skeptical and energized citizens and
turn them into a formidable force for good, by providing seed information. This group of citizens is also
known as the Digital Army, QArmy and QAnons. Many choose to remain anonymous, while a growing
segment choose to publicly proclaim their support for QAnon and The Great Awakening.
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Does everyone need to become a digital soldier for The Great Awakening’s continued success? It only
takes a portion, say 5% to 10%, of the citizenry to perform the primary functions required for The Great
Awakening process to continue and grow, but greater numbers can accelerate the overall process.
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The above is an example of analysis by the QAnon Digital Army. This item from 7 December, 2019,
demonstrates that The Great Awakening has grown beyond the tipping point, as was discussed on the
Fox News show Watters’ World. That Watters’ World episode15 itself was an additional QAnon
milestone, being the first mainstream media analysis of QAnon.
Did QAnon anticipate the consequences of the continued operation of this worldwide united digital
army beyond QAnon and Trump? The authors say yes, and we attempt to explain how and why in this
book. We also intend to demonstrate that the concept is easy to embrace.
There is a story, often told, that upon exiting the Constitutional Convention Benjamin Franklin was
approached by a group of citizens asking what sort of government the delegates had created. His
answer was: "A republic, if you can keep it."
Imagine the following scenario: Upon exiting the White House for the final time, Donald Trump is
approached by a group of citizens asking what sort of society that he had created. His answer is: "The
Great Awakening, if you can keep it."
We believe the persistent actions of the Digital Army are ushering in the beginning of the next stage of
human civilization, which could be called the Second Renaissance.
Can we continue to operate as a leaderless force, thinking for ourselves, while improving society? We so
believe. We intend to prove that concept in this book.
We do not have to all agree, up front, on a full set of principles and methods for good things to continue
happening for civilization. The authors believe that the outcome will be the same, regardless, if we
adhere to a basic set of easily embraceable principles. You are in a good cause. We, as the Digital Army,
can make this New Renaissance last forever.
Good starting points for joining a discussion of The Great Awakening include the following:
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● MeWe via a group called The Great Awakening Worldwide16
● Gab via a group called The Great Awakening Worldwide 17
Society will inevitably be reshaped as we further learn our potential, and as we steer the evolution of
civilization to the next level.
When The Great Awakening efforts of QAnon and Trump are put into the perspective of the human history
timeline, the best time for citizens to take action to help to create, and to maintain, the societal advances
offered by The Great Awakening, is now. Right now is the best time to apply the principles defined in this
book, due to the momentum created within the first years of the Trump presidency, which can be carried
forward through citizen ad-hoc efforts.
The research identifying how to refine the principles required to further The Great Awakening was based
upon a few core principles:
● Some humans exhibit vile behavior and will not change18
● Those who commit vile behavior are also likely associated with efforts to accumulate power
● Power attracts pathological personalities19
● Power is accumulated using the most effective methods available
● Effective power accumulation methods include the creation of large institutions and hierarchical
control systems
● Effective power accumulation methods include compromising humans--using methods such as
extortion, bribery, blackmail, gaslighting20 and indoctrination--so that they will act as “puppets”
for their controllers21
● Effective power accumulation methods include the insertion of puppets into the large institutions
created by others22
● Effective power accumulation methods include using large institutions to cause free people to
become less free over time, via corrupt rule making and propaganda
pg. 24
● The QAnon digital army, using the Internet, have demonstrated effectively how to research and
expose institutional corruption
The good citizens of the world simply need to realize that they have the power to counteract the efforts
of the bad citizens, or social parasites, who live among them. The good citizens also need to realize that
the tools and principles that they need to embrace are simple to understand. Those basic tools and
principles can have a significant and lasting positive impact on civilization, hence the true intent of The
Great Awakening.
During the research required to vet QAnon and to become committed to the cause, watching how the
digital army was created, and observing how it works, it became clear that the digital army can be useful
for solving problems of smaller scale than the global problems currently being solved. It also became
clear that the same process can be used repeatedly to solve most, if not all, societal problems.
Modeling The Great Awakening process both in scale and time, helps one to realize that the process can,
in theory, be applied to resolving any societal problem, at any scale. Another part of the modeling that
was performed was to be able to translate what is happening into a condensed set of concepts and
principles. Once a condensed set of concepts and principles is identified, it is mentally exercised against
real societal issues, to see if the model needs to be further improved. In the engineering world, these
societal issues would be called use cases.
Citizens can use these same techniques to optimize a refined set of principles and methods that best fits
their particular societal needs, while still accomplishing the overall benefits offered by The Great
One thing that many have not yet realized is that this digital army does have common goals and can
continue to thrive and do good for the world after we no longer hear from Q. Another thing that many
have not yet realized is that as citizens wake up and become energized for the improvement process,
they will be looking for some leadership, and for some answers.
This book is an attempt at providing a basis for The Great Awakening society to be able to start with a
simplified set of concepts and principles, and evolve from there, rather than requiring them to try to do
the modeling and simplifying effort at the point when they are in dire need of immediate guidance. The
problems associated with a need for immediate guidance in the history of mankind have always resulted
in a society being forced to quickly acquire non-vetted leaders, who are routinely power accumulators.
This process causes human history to typically cycle through short-term prosperity cycles, only to then
return to a similar dismal state at which the cycle began.
pg. 25
● A set of core principles need to be deployed in order to prevent the chains of enslavement of
humanity from being re-created, and to establish long-term peace and prosperity
● The most important thesis that we will learn in this book is that a continuous focus on the
exposure and removal of institutional corruption has the most positive impact on humanity
There are many reasons why we advocate the continuous focus on institutional corruption as a core
The tools you need for the future good of mankind include optimism, information, skepticism,
discernment, goals, determination and collaboration. You use skepticism and discernment to help sort
the good information from the bad, while helping mankind move forward toward the common goals.
The common goals can be simple, such as embracing a process that, when repeated, naturally results in
a future that pleases all of the good people in a civilization.
As we continue to chip away at corruption, refine our methods, watch society improve, and as we see
the successful outcomes, we will start realizing patterns which will help us to anticipate significant
societal problems before they occur. We will then be able to refine society further by adopting, or
retiring, the appropriate heuristics23, principles and rules of good behavior and optimal social
interaction, in a way to minimize our efforts and to maximize the long term stability of society.
“Each and every human being on Earth has both the responsibility and the privilege
of viewing themselves as Divine beings with the power to bring about peace”
— James Twyman
pg. 26
2 – Defining The Great Awakening
“We are witnessing right now one of the greatest communications events in history”
The definition of The Great Awakening is still evolving, but in general terms, great numbers of citizens
around the world are becoming aware of worldwide institutional forces working behind their backs to
undermine their freedoms. The general hope is that this new awareness of worldwide evil intent will
spur these citizens into resolute actions, to both correct the societal structural issues and to prevent
large structural issues from ever arising again.
Many are trying to define The Great Awakening, starting with QAnon and Trump, and including authors
such as Martin Geddes and Neon Revolt. This book intends to define The Great Awakening as a long
term set of processes, defined by citizens worldwide, for both optimizing and maintaining society, such
that there is a long period of peace and prosperity.
In this chapter and in Chapter 3 are Q drops and Trump tweets that are relevant to the purposes of this
pg. 27
The above artwork can be used to create vinyl stickers, to help spread the message of The Great
Awakening and to let other citizens know that you are awake. You can download24 the artwork as a high
resolution PNG file, then submit it to a sticker producer, such as Sticker Mule25, to produce 2” x 2” round
vinyl stickers.
pg. 28
QAnon Introduces The Great Awakening
The Great Awakening phrase was introduced to us by QAnon in Q drop #15826 (Q158) on 20 November,
2017. We include Q drop #157 (Q157) and Q drop #158 (Q158) here for context.
Note that Q had first started posting just a scant 3 weeks earlier.
pg. 29
Q157 is continued below.
pg. 30
Q158 is continued below.
pg. 31
The Great Awakening has been referenced multiple times by Q, addressed more fully later in this book.
Note the phrases just above “The Great Awakening”, “Disinformation is real” and “Disinformation is
necessary”. Disinformation is an information warfare tool, and is defined as false information, spread
deliberately, to deceive. Disinformation is normally associated with deception and evil intent.
If you search qmap.pub with the search term “disinfo” or “disinformation”, you will find a number of Q
drops. When researching The Great Awakening, you will encounter much about disinformation. Q teaches
that disinformation is necessary. That means that the good guys use disinfo as a tool for good.
There is much discussion about disinfo and how and why it is used by QAnon. Most of the discussion
relates to the announcement of a particular action, such as release of evidence, to cause a reaction from
pg. 32
the Deep State, then the release does not occur. Those feints can be used multiple times, to draw out and
expose the enemy.
Near the end of Chapter 3 - Q and Trump Shape the Great Awakening, you will learn that disinfo can be
used to shape the pace of awakening of the general public, where QAnon asserts that “we are in control”.
Q303827 in March 2019 is when Q really defined The Great Awakening, which is in the continuation
pg. 33
Following is how Q defined The Great Awakening in Q3038. Read carefully. This is your future.
“The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as
a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the
corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and
regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more
importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered
(‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for
freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love,
devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who
share the same sentiment).
pg. 34
When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a
threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective),
and have ‘free thought’.
‘Free thought’ is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth
should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority,
tradition, revelation, or dogma.
Our goal, as Q researchers, thinkers, and authors, is to help guide you with simple to understand
principles and methods that may be able to help mankind sustain The Great Awakening indefinitely.
pg. 35
Martin Geddes - Celebrating The Great Awakening with Popcorn - 2019
Martin Geddes created an excellent definition of The Great Awakening in July 2018. It is included here
with his permission, and can also be found on Martin’s web site28.
pg. 36
pg. 37
WWG1WGA - The Greatest Communications Event in
History, by Martin Geddes
Having applied all of my integrity, intellect and insight to researching the matter, my belief is that we are
witnessing right now one of the greatest communications events in history. Indeed, it is arguably the
singularly greatest. So, what is this event, and why does it deserve this extraordinary description? The
answers are to be found in how the (Western) mass media has been trapped by the most exquisitely
constructed double bind.
If I am correct (and many share my view), then it portends the imminent collapse of trust in all mass
media services and social media platforms [This is happening as predicted - Ed.]. That is because they
are implicated in systemic, widespread and longstanding organised crime—that also encompasses much
pg. 38
of our political and financial system. If this is unequivocally demonstrated to be so, then the public will
unite in disgust at the media’s treacherous betrayal of its journalistic duties.
On the other hand, if I/we are wrong, then the power of social media and propaganda to create and
inflate bubbles of insanity—trapping intelligent people of goodwill—greatly exceeds anything we dared
to imagine. The information age will be darkened by having divided society, destroying a consensus
That’s one heck of a story, too! For our culture shall inevitably further atomise, as our bonds of shared
values and mutual understanding break apart. So too may the constitutional boundaries—and
consequent rule of law—that help to keep the peace.
I have previously written about the #QAnon phenomenon. My assertion is that Q is a military
intelligence team in the Trump administration (itself part of a global positive “Alliance”). They are
opening up a backchannel with the public, bypassing the compromised mass media, to reach the
“anons” and “autists” who hang out on 8chan [Now 8kun.top - Ed.]. There are good operational reasons
for choosing this exotic social media platform.
A key purpose of the #QAnon operation is to facilitate a public “Great Awakening.” One of Q’s earliest
posts states that “This will be considered the biggest ‘inside’ ‘approved’ dump in American history.” Q is
delivering a “soft disclosure” of the end game of a “shadow war” that has been silently raging around us
for years. The “drops” expose the present and past crimes and large-scale conspiracies of a
transnational negative “Deep State Cabal.”
It is a matter bigger than politics itself, since presidents and administrations of both main US parties
stand accused of profound corruption and war crimes. So too does the leadership of many supposed
allies, including the British establishment. Once full disclosure happens, the Western public’s trust in
their governing institutions will be severely shaken. Q is preparing a small slice of the population to
share the load of restoring faith in the rule of law in a post-media age.
As the American Declaration of Independence asserts, when there is such an iniquitous state of
affairs, “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.” We are in
the midst of exactly such an event, with worldwide consequences. The present US administration—a de
facto military government with a civilian veneer to prevent panic—is engaged in a complete
replacement of a “failed and corrupt political establishment.” The process is a patient and judicial one,
so as to minimise the risk of violent civil conflict.
As I wrote back in November [of 2017], what is transpiring is a second American Revolution, if not
a global “War of Independence” from a psychopathic criminal culture. No thriller or spy novel has ever
come close to the tale that is unfolding. You certainly wouldn’t dare to offer this story as fiction, as it
would be deemed far too implausible for public sale! I myself am beyond astounded at what is
transpiring, and find myself making unexpected new allies, while old acquaintances seek their distance.
“All we can say for sure is that humanity is entering uncharted territory.”
— Benjamin Fulford
pg. 39
A strange moment as we all struggle
Many others are having the same stressful experience, as family and friend relationships are strained by
vehemently opposing beliefs. Either way, something epic is in progress that affects us all. It will
profoundly change how we see each other and the society we live in. For it appears that we have been
living under “soft totalitarianism,” complete with a shadow government and power structure, while it is
falsely sold to us as freedom and democracy.
If you want to get away with war-for-profit and mass murder, it is relatively easy if you (surreptitiously)
control the mass media. While the media’s role is supposed to be to hold power to account, it has
instead become a way for those in power to control the public narrative—in a coordinated fashion. The
mass media now manufactures distractions and deceptions, being an agent of a vilely corrupt
Fixing this psychologically abusive system of social control is where Q comes in, with an immaculately
designed double-bind. How do you go about undoing decades of manipulation and lies by a media and
celebrity class that is compromised to its core? You construct an alternative channel to communicate
with the public. Then you work with “volunteer propagandists” of good standing (i.e. people like me) to
legitimise and publicise it—denuding the incumbent rival of its power to set the narrative.
One Patriot’s take29 on the Q movement. Citizen journalists like Joe M30 are the mass media now. I
recommend that you judge it on its whole, not the individual part messages. We’re all “feeling the
elephant” of the Deep State from different stances.
pg. 40
MAGA is a revolt and revolution
Whatever your political persuasion, I consider these to be unquestionable facts on the ground:
● The “Make America Great Again” (#MAGA) message got Trump elected to US President against
long odds and a powerful set of incumbents. Hence the appeal of #MAGA is broadly held, and
not a small “alt-right” view (noting that popularity and probity are orthogonal matters). I, for
example, have never voted for a right-of-centre political party.
● Trump’s election campaign was run along classic military psyop techniques, and the #MAGA
campaign was likely organised by the US military—who were in open revolt following treason by
the Obama administration, and wanted to avoid a bloody coup.
● The Q subculture is a central plank of the wider #MAGA movement—which is a desire for the
rule of law, liberty, and constitutional government. Without Q’s “anon army” #MAGA would lose
much of its core support. Therefore Q has clear social and political significance in promoting the
policies and actions of the Trump administration.
● There is extensive evidence being offered that directly links Q’s “crumbs” to the Trump
administration—see Qproofs.com (which Twitter has been caught actively censoring... another
story). For example, details of the DoJ Inspector General report, such as the precisely 13 illicit
email accounts, were advertised five months in advance. The location and nature of the North
Korea summit was also flagged up before any public knowledge existed.
● Trump’s own political “brand” is now inextricably linked to the Q movement, since he has
consistently offered implicit “confirmation” (and no explicit denial). These acts are in person—
such as vigorously pointing out people at rallies wearing ‘Q’ shirts—as well as online through
● Furthermore, the US military is also implicated, as the DoD, Marines, etc. echo Q’s phrases and
emblems. The warriors of the only superpower are visibly aligning to the #MAGA message,
having been abused for decades in dishonourable conquests.
● Q has gained some limited recognition in the mass media, being consistently dismissed as crazed
ramblings of loons and larpers. The most notable example is TIME choosing Q as one of its top
25 online influencers—but damning the whole movement in the same breath.
I have lived and worked in Kansas City for over three years; spent at least five years of my life in the USA;
have a brother who lives in California; and slept a night in 30 US states. I find my European friends
generally have little real understanding of American culture. Even American ones from the coastal cities
seem wildly out of touch with the heartland.
As I have learned more, and done the hard work of fact-checking, my own views have shifted. I once saw
Trump as a loud-mouthed billionaire with a colourful history, and the probable lesser of two evils. Now I
realise that I was hopelessly wrong—in his favour. I have therefore totally changed my perspective as
more verifiable data sources have arrived (with Q just being one of many).
My observation is that many strong political views about Trump and MAGA are underpinned with little
experiential reality—being exclusively shaped by the corporate media that serves only its own interests.
If my thesis is correct, the mass media’s hostility has a very self-serving purpose: to constantly lie and
libel, so as to protect itself from public accountability and painful justice for its institutional criminality.
pg. 41
“We have it all” terrifies the “mafia media”
Given how Q has consistently and accurately predicted major and minor world events, the last bullet
above should grab your attention. The catch-22 the media faces is that Q accuses them of complicity to
cover up treason, sedition, human trafficking, widespread corruption, false flag terrorism, paedophilia,
murder, organ harvesting, and more. (Most disturbingly—even worse—but this isn’t the time or place to
go there.)
#FakeNews doesn’t really begin to convey what’s being said here: the mainstream media has become a
“mafia media.” There is plenty of historical evidence available to back this assertion up, notably and
famously the CIA’s Project Mockingbird. Q points to a number of Congressional documents on how the
CIA (a rogue “deep state” intelligence agency) infiltrated the media after WW2.
As former CIA Director William Casey famously said, “We’ll know our disinformation program is
complete when everything the American public believes is false.” If you believe that this was an idle
boast, or that it was all ended decades ago, then I have yet another mineral and opium war to sell to
But it doesn’t stop there. Google, Twitter and Facebook — and by implication the Silicon Valley
culture — are all singled out by Q as being corrupt by inception and operation. Q tells us that once the
awful reality is known, “some [media] platforms will collapse under [the] weight of [their] illegal
If Q is indeed a military intelligence operation—and to me, the evidence is overwhelming—the team has
access to everything the NSA has ever collected (and that of over a dozen other US intelligence
agencies). Q has said ten times: “we have it all.” They know exactly what has been going on: the
criminal surveillance state has been turned upon itself. As a responsible citizen, can you in good
conscience continue to ignore this?
If the mass media engages with Q, and asks the Trump administration if Q is legitimate, then absolute
proof of their crimes will be offered at their own behest.
If the mass media continues to ignore Q, then public outrage will grow as they by association are
accomplices to traitors, thieves and murderers as those crimes are revealed.
Either way, the mass media’s credibility and legitimacy is destroyed—until they come clean and/or
“flip” to serve the painful truth.
That time is rapidly approaching. Q has even offered a list of compromised journalists who face jail for
racketeering. The “deep state” securely sends daily talking points to their media assets at 4am, with
closely coordinated stories resulting. Criminals who occupy anchor positions on the daily news are
hardly going to be sources of objective coverage of those seeking transparency and truth. If you aren’t
outraged yet, then maybe you ought to be!
By covering all of this here, I am publicly placing a large bet, and for a good reason. If what I say is
anything approaching reality, then we must unite against this evil, and abandon old divisions. It’s not
pg. 42
conservative vs liberal, or left vs right, but criminal psychopaths vs the rest of us. The military, executive
and judicial systems cannot transform society and legitimise the outcome alone. The people have to
participate, demanding truth and justice, and give their consent to the new system of government.
I feel compelled to use my (rather isolating) “autist gift” to tell you exactly what I see, no matter how
queasy it makes you feel. If you all unsubscribe, my clients abandon me, and I am never invited to speak
in public again—then so be it! My conscience is clear, and that is what matters to me. If I learned one
thing from a childhood in the Jehovah’s Witness cult, it is the fatal loss of freedom you risk from the
comfort of the crowd; critical thinking can be a distressing and lonely path.
— Julian Assange
The good news is that this journey towards collective awareness is already underway, with many
upstanding fellow travellers. Its “call to memes” is the inscription from the bell on JFK’s boat—“Where
We Go One We Go All” (WWG1WGA). This is a desire for righteous intent and collective unity in order to
overcome shared foes. Q regularly reminds us of this catchphrase—although unhelpfully lapsing at times
into the fast-fading Red vs Blue political paradigm. This is understandable, given the critical November
mid-term elections ahead, but we should look far beyond that.
The sense of our unity—the brotherhood and sisterhood of all humanity—is the antithesis of the ego
worship of the psychopath. As such, WWG1WGA is the sacred honour code of loving people against the
wicked moral doctrine of “Do What Thou Wilt”. What it offers—possibly for the first time ever—is the
prospect of defeating those interests that have knowingly animated the suffering of war, slavery and
poverty. For there is no greater prize than to end the racket of war, and this is why the “in history”
qualifier is not hyperbole. The sudden progress with North Korea is an example of this not being empty
As Washington, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and JFK himself have told us, secret societies and dark power—
who adhere to this wrongness and perpetuate conflict and tyranny—have held sway over us for too
long. My homeland is a soggy European archipelago, and not America. Yet this fight for independence
and freedom is everywhere the same, and transcends national boundaries. My loyalty is to all good
citizens of this planet, not to parasitical monarchs or power-mad egomaniacs.
Q has made a hard commitment that July is the month when the truth is made manifest, with resolution
by November. If these promises are kept, then we do not have long to wait until the lights of disclosure
are turned on. The darkness will begin to lose its grip of fear upon us, as we awaken from our induced
narcosis. [See Epilogue below and disinfo discussion at the beginning of this chapter - Ed.]
pg. 43
This means that the next few weeks and months promise to be ones of unprecedented revelation and
global revolt. If there is any recent historical parallel, think of the surprise and rapid fall of the Soviet
empire, but on a worldwide scale, and without the calamitous fallout. Traumatic—maybe, but
troublesome—emphatically not.
The “mafia media” is the last bastion of this “Deep State” organised crime network that has slowly
infiltrated and hijacked many critical institutions. Its days are numbered, and the collapse will likely be
fast and shocking to those unaware of what is unfolding. For where we all go—they are no longer
coming with us. Good riddance and WWG1WGA!
The above was written in July of 2018. I am writing this in May of 2019. A lot has happened since then.
Specifically, we have hard evidence of abuse of the FISA process, and the promise of imminent
declassification of critical documents demonstrating treason and sedition. Q has delivered on giving us
evidence, and we are waiting for the hammer to fall.
What we have learned since last year is that—as Q told us explicitly—disinformation is real and
necessary. On matters of timing, we were purposely led astray. This forced the Deep State to expend its
assets and make mistakes. In retrospect, that’s unsurprising: all war is deception. However, in terms of
direction, we are now demonstrably bang on target. For instance, the Russiagate media hoax
conclusively demonstrates this.
If the information in this article is right, then please be kind in how you use it, since many others will
have to confront the surprise that their core beliefs have been “hacked.” If it turns out to be wrong,
then be kind anyhow to those that offer it, for their strong beliefs have been “hacked” instead! Either
way, there is emotional pain to deal with, and the blame should be on the hacker, not their innocent
● If citizens are optimistic about their future, what's the worst that could happen?
● If citizens can collaborate to solve large problems without adding institutional growth of the
administrative state, what's the worst that could happen?
● If citizens can collaborate to identify and remove institutional corruption, what's the worst that
could happen?
Once those arguments are satisfied, you would simply ask, "What's the best that could happen?"
pg. 44
The French sociologist Emile Durkheim31 defined the term “collective consciousness” in 1893. The Great
Awakening takes advantage of helping citizens adjust their collective consciousness, by injecting
optimism about their innate power and their ability to achieve societal optimization through persistent
collaborative efforts.
The Internet and communications technologies, such as social media and information access systems,
provide a leveraging effect to the collective consciousness, finally allowing effective use of collaborative
citizens in the corruption removal process.
“Where love reigns, there is no will to power; and where the will to power is
paramount, love is lacking.
— Carl Jung
pg. 45
3 - Q and Trump Shape The Great
“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the
second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the
legalized version of the first”
— Thomas Jefferson
This chapter uses Q drops and Trump tweets to illustrate that both Donald Trump and QAnon are
helping to ensure that enough citizens awaken, such that The Great Awakening phenomenon can result
in long-term peace and prosperity, worldwide.
The Q drops in this chapter are categorized by type of information, using categories that benefit the
goals of this book, with each category sorted by date of posting. Trump tweets are interleaved among
the Q drops.
We will not try to explain everything in the Q drops and Trump tweets, but we will discuss relevant
information, as necessary.
pg. 46
QAnon on Institutional Corruption
Q has told us much about institutional corruption since late 2017, and continues to do so. Learning
about institutional corruption is key to understanding the purpose of this book. We will more heavily
discuss institutional corruption in Chapter 5 - Core Principles of The Great Awakening.
When you search for the keyword “corruption” at qmap.pub, there are 98 Q drops, at the time of
publication, which contain that keyword.
The full text of Q drop #140 (Q140) is not presented here, but the relevant knowledge gained from
Q14032, for purposes of this book, is that institutional corruption grows over time, and can grow in scale
and intensity, such that, as Q and Trump have made clear to us, it has now gotten to the point where
the future of humanity is threatened.
pg. 47
Q25233 teaches us an example of how a good institution, e.g. the Red Cross, can become a bad
institution, given enough growth and enough time. We are learning that institutions want to control
other institutions, and to grow to a worldwide scale, as a means of accumulating power and leverage.
Q27534 teaches that the worldwide financial system has become corrupt, and that corruption has caused
other institutions to become corrupt. Examples include one or more, or even many, national
governments. In the given example of institutional corruption involving the global financial system,
there are many layers of corruption, with each layer controlling the lower level layers.
pg. 48
Q163235 teaches that as institutions grow and become powerful, they become corrupt. These corrupt
institutions develop sinister methods to grow and maintain their power and leverage.
pg. 49
Q187936 helps to teach that institutions of any type, including charitable, religious, business,
government, and even non-profit organizations, naturally become corrupt, given sufficient time. The
Catholic Church is one example that demonstrates the depth of corruption that can occur if an
institution is allowed to grow for long periods of time, compounded by the fact that the church, as an
example, teaches its adherents to trust it based on faith.
The Q drop referenced a Fox News article: “Stunning findings on report of Catholic Church abuse: Pa.
priests molested more than 1,000 children”37.
pg. 50
Q195038 demonstrates that the Catholic Church is an example of an institution that has been able to
position itself as a sovereign international entity. Why would the Catholic Church position itself to be
above the law of any nation? This provides opportunity for additional corruption due to limited
oversight from outside auditors. Q1950 (above) references a U.S. State Department page39.
pg. 51
Q265140 demonstrates that the United Nations (UN) is now a fully corrupt organization. We learn that
organizational corruption accelerates, like a cancer, when you have a background worldwide shadow
organization whose principal goals include corrupting all large institutions. That Q drop referenced a UN
Foreign Assistance page41.
That Q drop also referenced a YouTube video42 of President Trump explaining his purpose. Yes,
President Trump’s purpose happens to coincide exactly with, you guessed it, The Great Awakening. Q
refers to this video multiple times in subsequent Q drops.
As a side note on the UN subject, President Donald Trump made a speech to the UN43 on 24 September
2019. An entire book could be written on that single speech, dissecting it word-for-word, and explaining
what it really means. The message of that speech also coincides exactly with The Great Awakening.
pg. 52
Q268544 reminds us what the great U.S. President Ronald Reagan told us about limited government.
That Q drop referenced a Ronald Reagan video45.
— Ronald Reagan
pg. 53
Q277046 demonstrates how the entire U.S. mainstream media is now corrupt, via infiltration by the
Cabal. We learn that the process of inserting a controlled person at the top of news media institutions is
rampant. The insertion of “puppets” in executive positions within the mainstream media is a means of
controlling what is presented on the news. Controlling what the news reports, and what it avoids
reporting, is euphemistically referred to as "controlling the narrative," but is more honestly and
straightforwardly called simply "propaganda." Or as Trump prefers to call it, "Fake News."
We next analyze some Q drops that help to define The Great Awakening. Although President Trump did
not Tweet specifically using the term The Great Awakening, he did hint at it in the YouTube video that
we referenced earlier, as well as in comments made during campaign rallies.
pg. 54
In Q5447 Q is giving us a hint that the purpose of Q's messages, and that of the team behind Q, and of
the Great Awakening, is trying to help humanity prosper in the future and to give the citizens hope. Q is
also hinting that a belief in a higher, beneficent power is a necessary part of The Great Awakening.
Q157 and Q158 are relevant to defining The Great Awakening, and were presented at the beginning of
Chapter 2 - Defining The Great Awakening.
Q171 48helps to provide us enhanced confidence that good will always defeat evil, and that the good
humans will triumph over the evil humans. We also learn that truth always prevails over untruth.
pg. 55
Q26949 teaches us one definition of Keystone, a term that is used frequently in Q drops. The Keystone
could be defined as truth wielded by the people to remove institutional corruption and to end
enslavement by the elite. Q's words also imply that the Keystone involves information of such power
that it will galvanize, motivate and encourage effective action, freeing us from our apathetic acceptance
of the current corrupt system we've been passively tolerating.
Q28950 inspires confidence in the growth of The Great Awakening, which was just over one month old
when that drop occurred. It claims an estimated 1.2 million citizens became aware of Q drops by that
date. Today, that number has exponentially increased.
pg. 56
Q31051 referenced President Trump's mentioning of the U.S. military to provide justice throughout the
world, already striking a note for the worldwide impact of The Great Awakening.
pg. 57
Q32852 teaches us that light and truth will always overcome and defeat darkness. It encourages patriots
to keep shining light on the institutional corruption around the world.
If you observe today, you will find many forms of The Great Awakening research and exposure that are
growing exponentially, using formats such as YouTube, Periscope, blogs, social media groups, and even
Twitter to coordinate and expose all forms of corruption.
Q51253 reminds us that the truth belongs with the people, likely as a means to further energize citizens
to demand the truth. It further relates to the concept that truth allows exposure of the ongoing
propaganda and disinformation efforts by most large institutions.
pg. 58
Q53354 defines where we go one we go all (WWG1WGA), that we stand equally, that the people can
make the world a better place, and that we are restoring stability and prosperity worldwide. The phrase
"4, 10, 20" in that post is translated to 4=D, 10=J, and 20=T, which means DJT, or Donald J. Trump. It is
commonly believed that President Trump composed that Q drop. Later Q drops will start using Q+ as a
signal that is commonly accepted as a sign that the drop was composed by President Trump.
Q3747, dropped on 22 December, 2019, posted a meme confirming that President Trump signs his
drops with Q+.
pg. 59
pg. 60
Q54355 reminds us to start using the term The Great Awakening more frequently.
pg. 61
Q126956 demonstrates how the Cabal is using its propaganda tools via the mainstream media, and via
the major social media platforms, to try to marginalize the awake citizens and to cause dissension and
tension. This is the phase of The Great Awakening during which the media started trying to tag the
awake citizens as conspiracy theorists and potential domestic terrorists.
The mainstream media had an assigned goal to intimidate those fledgling researchers that wanted to
start believing in The Great Awakening and who wanted to actively research and report their findings.
They know that fear is a powerful tool in their arsenal.
Q129557 warns about the deliberate attempt to sow confusion into The Great Awakening, via paid shills,
who would spread disinfo and who would try to cause division within the ranks.
This Q drop occurred about the time that Jerome Corsi, the MAGA Coalition, and Alex Jones became
accused of being disinformation agents, and a few popular patriots were tagged with the term "paytriot"
pg. 62
as an epithet. The implication is that "paytriots" were more interested in making money than in helping
humanity win their freedom. Allegations were also made that some were inserted into the conversation
to try to create a large following and to subtly misguide their followers, in an effort to subvert The Great
Awakening. Although that ploy failed, we should always use our discernment and critical thinking to
continuously vet all of our information sources.
Q137558 motivates the autists (a contraction of autistically enhanced artists) and patriots to grow and
cultivate The Great Awakening movement. Q makes it clear that, for the long term benefit of The Great
Awakening, it must be fully embraced and internalized by 'We, the People." And that is exactly what is
Q also says the movement will be written in the history books. This book documents part of that history
and describes how we can shape our future.
The authors believe that The Great Awakening will have a profound positive impact on civilization for a
long period of time.
pg. 63
Q152859 is reminding the QArmy that the entire world is watching, and that The Great Awakening is a
worldwide phenomenon.
This drop is a reminder that truth and light always overcome untruth and darkness. Also, it is an
encouragement to let other citizens know that we are awake, in a non-violent manner.
In mid-2018, when this Q drop occurred, it started becoming obvious that citizens around the world
were resonating with a powerful messenger. That messenger had become a trusted source, by proving
that it wanted to help citizens all around the world to achieve a long-lasting freedom.
pg. 64
Q161560 demonstrates that redpilling is occurring exponentially, and that citizens are willing to publicly
demonstrate that they know about The Great Awakening, and that they are determined to see it
through to completion.
Q is also encouraging that public display. About the time of this Q drop, in summer 2018, the
propaganda media, which is actually a puppet of the Cabal, started a further campaign to associate Q
supporters as mentally deranged, and as security risks and troublemakers. In addition, Trump rally
officials started asking people to no longer display Q paraphernalia at the rallies, to minimize the risks of
tarnishing the fledgling image of QAnon and The Great Awakening.
The authors assume that you already know about redpilling. The red pill is a metaphor (from the movie
The Matrix) about taking medicine to allow you to open your eyes and finally see the truth. The actual
process requires being exposed to several small instances of cognitive dissonance, or one large instance.
As citizens redpill their fellow citizens, the gentle, multiple exposure method is used.
pg. 65
pg. 66
Q203961 is a message from Q+ (Donald Trump) letting us know that the U.S. is the last bastion of
freedom in the world, and is encouraging us to stand united. Things that are typically associated with
freedom in the U.S. is the freedom of speech and the right to keep and bear arms. Personal freedom is
critical for the citizens to be able to use the processes of The Great Awakening to create a stable and
prosperous future for themselves.
In Q217462 Q is encouraging us to visibly proclaim our support for The Great Awakening, to encourage
our friends and neighbors to grow the movement, and to expose the motive of the mainstream media to
be one of the propaganda arms of the Cabal.
pg. 67
In Q218963 Q is encouraging us to help awaken our friends and neighbors using memes (memetic
warfare), to cause people to start thinking once again. We call that process "providing daily doses of
cognitive dissonance". When truth nuggets are included in memes, it is difficult for the naysayers to
refute the memes with logic. The only ammunition they typically have is their emotions.
Citizens learn to communicate with rational thoughts while some of their debate opponents continue to
use emotion. The contrast between rational debate and emotional debate is a form of cognitive
dissonance that helps to train the emotional communicator to start communicating rationally. One of
the symptoms of cognitive dissonance is using emotional, instead of rational, argument. When we use
rational argument, while our critics use emotional argument, we will be more effective at persuading
the neutral observers who are not emotionally committed to any particular position. We will also help
teach by example those traveling with us on our chosen path of continuous enlightenment how to be
more effective persuaders. And, although we won't convert the trolls and/or those emotionally invested
in the comfortable lies they've been sold in any one debate, over time they may eventually have an
epiphany as a result of repeated exposure to the truth--that's the way cognitive dissonance works.
Any evidence of rational thinking by a human is a positive sign that they may be affected by The Great
Awakening, unless that human has ulterior motives and tries to use words to misguide humans.
pg. 68
In Q223464 Q is reminding us that tens of millions of people are following The Great Awakening as of
September 2018. Q also indicates that the citizens should provide relentless feedback to the mainstream
media that they are fake news, that we want real information, and that we are the news now.
pg. 69
Q242065 is a summary of a conversation between Q+ and Q after a rally, to ensure that the public saw
further evidence of the direct association between Donald Trump and QAnon. It also reminded us to be
observant of actions and comments of President Trump, as potential validation indicators for QAnon.
pg. 70
Q245066 tells us that we will soon start to see the vision of a better future, that the movement is
growing, that it takes time, and that we are going there together.
Q252667 tells us that The Great Awakening movement is growing worldwide and that we have common
goals. Below is a photo from the referenced tweet.
pg. 71
pg. 72
Q252868 tells us that the people really hold the power if they can just recognize it. Trump and Q are the
spark. Become awake, think for yourself, and coordinate with others.
pg. 73
In Q252969 Q is reminding us to encourage one another, to gain confidence, to organize, and that we are
out there in great numbers. Below is a photo from the referenced tweet.
pg. 74
Q253570 is Q again reminding us that The Great Awakening is intended to be a worldwide movement,
and that it is gaining momentum. Our very own co-author André van Delft is the subject of this Q drop.
Below is a photo from the referenced tweet. This photo was taken in The Hague, Netherlands, in
solidarity with the beginning of the Yellow Vest movement in France.
pg. 75
Q257471 references a Ben Garrison cartoon that nationalist movements are starting to grow around the
world, which will help remove globalism, and the rats associated with it, from the world stage. Since
nationalism is associated with nation-state level institutions, it is better than a worldwide institution,
which is associated with globalism. We will learn that since smaller is better, that some nations should
cede some power to their regions and communities, so that the power distribution is a pyramid, rather
than an inverted pyramid. We will discuss this more in Chapter 7 - Long Term Possibilities for Mankind.
This specific cartoon is referencing the “yellow vest” protests which had recently begun in France. We
have used the term “Trump effect” to describe the confidence that is building in people around the
world, knowing that “now is the time” to join hands around the world and make this happen. As corrupt
global institutions crumble, that momentum and our associated skills as citizens, can be applied to other
corrupt institutions, on a smaller scale.
pg. 76
Q271972 refers to the often referenced Donald Trump campaign video which hints at The Great
Awakening. That Q drop references a 10 second Donald Trump video73 calling for a Great Awakening.
pg. 77
Q299474 helps to educate us on why the Cabal and their shadow institutions are trying to divide the
people, sow discord, and eventually fully control us. Q also says that The Great Awakening is their
greatest fear.
pg. 78
Q307575 is President Trump, as Q+, telling the world that the United States stands with patriots
Q334876 again demonstrates the worldwide growth of The Great Awakening, with a reference to a
Japanese public demonstration for freedom. Below is a photo from the referenced tweet.
pg. 79
Q352277 references a Ronald Reagan video, to reinforce the concept that peace is the prize. It is the
author’s contention that Q is also trying to educate the citizens to recognize that the determination of
awake citizens is necessary to maintain long-term peace and prosperity. That Q drop referenced a 5
minute Ronald Reagan video78.
pg. 80
Q358079 uses quotes from former U.S. presidents to reinforce that the responsibility for maintaining
human freedom rests with the people, again encouraging the people to help grow The Great Awakening.
pg. 81
Q361680 encourages judicious efforts to awaken fellow citizens to The Great Awakening, while
encouraging public displays of support. The below photo, from the referenced tweet, displays Veronica
Wolski, growing The Great Awakening from a pedestrian bridge over an interstate highway in Chicago,
Veronica has been doing this process since 2016. Notes on how Veronica creates these public banners
are included in Appendix C - How to Create Public Banners.
pg. 82
Q366281 reminds us once again, around the time that the DOJ Inspector General report was released,
that our greatest strength lies in being awake, thinking for ourselves, doing due diligence, showing
initiative without fear, and collaborating for The Great Awakening.
pg. 83
Q368382 illustrates that we stand equally, that we have the power of God behind us, and that we stand
united. These are addressed in The Great Awakening Code of Ethics items 2 and 12 below.
pg. 84
QAnon/Trump on Propaganda, Truth, Trust and Freedom
of Speech
Many of Donald Trump tweets, from as far back as 2015, during the initial Trump presidential campaign,
discuss how Donald Trump is associated with the truth. As we have learned, truth always wins. Citizens
learn that any candidate that primarily uses truth in their campaign, should be the candidate of choice.
pg. 85
pg. 86
pg. 87
The above tweet referenced a Heritage Foundation President’s Club meeting video83.
Q83384 is teaching us that the mainstream media is tasked with making QAnon followers feel crazy and
marginalized, and that we should be skeptical of any information we receive from the mainstream
pg. 88
Q93285 is teaching us that the Internet is a critical tool for collaboration of awake citizens. You can
observe all of the efforts that are being made to ensure free access to information, so that citizens can
achieve the full potential of The Great Awakening. We will learn that an uncensored Internet is critical to
the full success of The Great Awakening, as it allows ad-hoc citizen collaborative efforts, full research
and exposure of the truth, without requiring that citizens rely on monolithic, monopolistic (and
therefore easily corrupted) institutions in order to resolve societal issues.
pg. 89
Q135886 is Q+ (President Trump) telling us that he and QAnon are earning our trust, and that we are
fighting for truth as a collective group.
pg. 90
Trump points out that mainstream media will fail, as they are propaganda, and that the people want the
pg. 91
Q298287 is Q telling us that we need to understand that we should be awake and thinking, and to not
allow others think for us. Those who offer to think for us include political leaders as well as the
mainstream media.
Truth is a force of nature. What does that really mean for us? It could mean that truth is more powerful
than falsehoods and that truth will always win. Donald Trump ran on a truth platform and his presidency
is engaged in allowing the citizens to once again know the difference between truth and propaganda, to
expose the truth, and to demand the truth.
A twitter account named Chicken Little with handle @skyfallingsoon recognized that Donald Trump may
be paraphrasing Carl Jung with a tweet reply88 to the above tweet:
"It is the truth, a force of nature that expresses itself through me – I am only a
channel – I can imagine in many instances where I would become sinister to you.
For instance, if life had led you to take up an artificial attitude, then you wouldn't be
able to stand me, because I am a natural being.
pg. 92
The unconscious of people who live in an artificial manner senses me as a danger.
— Carl Jung
Now that you know what is going on, we believe you may now be able to do well in answering the
question posed by the other World Leaders to Donald Trump.
As events are unfolding with The Great Awakening, as of early 2020, the mainstream media still does not
change their game plan. They use obvious and blatant non-stop propaganda that does not contain truth
and/or interprets ("frames") facts dishonestly (this is called "spin,"). Putting obvious lies on blast 24/7, in
eerie emulation of Soviet propaganda, clearly demonstrates that the mainstream media is definitely
“Fixed” and Corrupt. They also use a technique that we call “lies of omission”, where they fail to report
important facts, or even choose to not report news items that should obviously be reported.
pg. 93
As we will learn in the following section, perhaps some in the mainstream media are now acting as
puppets for the “good guys”, making themselves look bad as a form of punishment for their previous
treasonous behavior in trying to prevent Trump from winning the election, and attempting to unseat an
elected President.
Donald Trump is implying that it was necessary to re-energize the U.S. economy early, in order to have
momentum for all of the other objectives of The Great Awakening strategy. Gaining support from asleep
citizens is more difficult than gaining support from awake, rational thinking citizens. Trump also makes it
clear that world peace is a goal, which perfectly corresponds with the expected outcomes of The Great
Trump again focuses on personal freedom, and unshackling from our bonds. This corresponds exactly
with the expected outcomes of The Great Awakening movement.
pg. 94
This tweet reflects the campaign video referenced in Chapter 2, where Trump explained that the U.S.
was under great risk from within, and that efforts are being made to restore its greatness.
pg. 95
Q361389 explains how the mainstream media has become further corrupted through mergers and
acquisitions, which is an effective technique used by the Cabal to insert “puppets” into executive
positions. Those puppet executives are directed to act for the benefit of their handlers. Such actions are
typically designed to marginalize the common citizen over the long term. Q3613 is continued below.
pg. 96
Q3613 is continued below.
pg. 97
Q3613 is continued below.
pg. 98
QAnon - A Positive Outcome is Assured
Q244290 encourages us that The Great Awakening movement’s successful outcome is inevitable and that
our efforts will save mankind, or make mankind’s future much better. Much of this book is designed to
address and support the concept that the future of civilization can be positive, if we want it.
pg. 99
The key phrasing in Q358591 for purposes of this book is “Project Looking Glass? Going Forward in
Order to Look Back.” It is the author’s conjecture that this phrase should be understood as Q telling us
that a positive outcome is assured for humanity. When you compare this concept against all of the Q
drops and Trump tweets shown above, a pattern emerges that helps build confidence in an “Assured
Positive Outcome” theory. That Q drop referenced a tweet92 that analyzes the 8kun routing.
In analyzing that concept, it became clearer that it could be possible for QAnon and military intelligence
to deliberately guide humanity toward a more positive outcome, or to accelerate what might already be
an inevitable outcome. One element that helps one to better understand this factor is the concept of
President Trump becoming what is known as a “trusted source”. A trusted source is someone or
something that you can rely on for truth, to help guide your own actions. When the most powerful
person in the world becomes a trusted source, that person can catalyze human efforts worldwide into
highly powerful actions.
An analysis93 of Q3585 was performed on 19 November, 2019, a week after Q made that drop. That
analysis is fleshed out below.
In Q3585, Q blends two apparently disparate subjects together, routing to 8kun via DoD server, and
Project Looking Glass. You have to dig through that post to dig for the nuggets of truth.
In looking up Project Looking Glass, most researchers looked at a Project Camelot video94 that
interviewed Mr. Bill Wood, who was purportedly a U.S. government insider. Much of the video requires
mentally sorting through information and prioritizing it in real-time, so that you will be able to avoid
overloading your belief systems with esoteric information.
The Project Camelot video was discounted previously, due to the marginalization of the insider's
reputation after that video was recorded. We wish to stress here that it is not necessary to interpret Q's
reference to Project Looking Glass as an outright claim or confirmation that all (or even most) of the
pg. 100
claims made by the alleged insiders are true. Given the nature of their claims, the prudent approach is to
understand Q's message here in the least-extraordinary, least-esoteric way that is still consistent with
known facts. That means that we need only understand Q as using Project Looking Glass as a metaphor
for a technology that provides the ability to model or forecast probable future outcomes using only
known (conventional) physics and technologies, or at least ones that are generally accepted as what
might have already been achieved in Special Access Programs, knowledge of which is "outside of the
public domain.”
Since that Project Camelot video was recorded in 2012, listening to it with what we know now, and
thinking about the details that we are hearing, it is now making almost perfect sense. Instead of using
electromagnetism, or gas, or quantum physics to look into the future, the key element could simply be a
societal model run on a powerful computer, where the results of the model show a convergence that is
no longer influenced by large changes in the input variables.
The Awakening event described in the video, is interpreted to be the convergence point in the systems
model. That convergence point could be interpreted as simply being the point at which humans
recognize their power of collaboration as the opportunity to move civilization to the next level of
societal evolution. When you start folding in variables to The Looking Glass systems model, such as the
Internet, Trump, QAnon, U.S. military, efforts etc., the convergence point could be moved closer to the
current time, because those are large influence factors. The combination of the accumulated knowledge
base provided by the Internet, combined with the most powerful person in the world as a trusted
source, can be the catalyst to accelerate humanity getting to that convergence point.
Did the Looking Glass model predict the outcome of Trump's election campaign? Probably not, but the
inevitability of society's ascension to the next level was likely assured by the model, with plus/minus
variation in exact timing. Introducing Trump and Q to the model provides exact precision on evolution of
the model. Now they can inject minute and detailed variations into the system and compare scenario
runs of the model, to get detailed and precise probability projections.
When the white hats use a tool like this, they can both help guide humanity in a positive manner, and do
so with maximum efficiency, and minimal casualties.
The Looking Glass likely provides guidance on highest probability outcomes for society. They likely feed
real-time event information back into The Looking Glass, to decide what to do next in helping to guide
The Great Awakening. They might run 10 or more scenarios at a time, mixing up variables, such as IG
(Inspector General) report release timing, etc. They would keep re-computing results to determine the
highest probability of success for achieving maximum awakening with minimum casualties.
In the video, it was reported that the controllers of The Looking Glass project wanted to suppress the
findings of the model, as it demonstrated not the end of the world, but the end of THEIR world. When
pg. 101
you model that comment further, it helps to further reinforce the vision of the inevitability of The Great
Awakening and its long-term positive repercussions.
Suggested reading: Reread Q posts in light of Project Looking Glass. Q26295 is just one example.
Imagine the implications when the world finds out the inevitability of The Great Awakening. We have
been feeling it in our bones for some time. Those feelings can be translated into actions that are
beneficial to humanity.
When supercomputers predict positive outcomes for humanity, combined with government insiders and
leaders predicting positive outcomes, and you blend that with a growing group of optimists who also
believe in that positive future, and who also actively pursue that future, then you have what can be
called a self-fulfilling prophecy96.
It is possible to conclude that Q modeled what it would take to create a self-fulfilling positive prophecy
in their supercomputer, and learned that it did not take any more effort than what they are currently
doing, in order to kick off that inevitable positive event.
pg. 102
Once humanity embraces an inevitable positive outcome and embraces the responsibility and effort
necessary to achieve that outcome, synergistic effects can start happening. Those effects would allow
acceleration of the positive outcomes, via virtuous circles. Virtuous circles are synergistic effects that
occur as cyclical feedback loops, and allow change events to stabilize through positive interactions with
other events, and to become resilient to inputs that would normally be considered destabilizing.
The Cabal does not want mankind to get to that next level, as it will then become almost impossible for
them to gain control over the common citizens.
When Donald Trump got elected, many people instantly switched from being pessimists to being
optimists, while others switched from being non-thinkers to being pessimists. As The Great Awakening
progresses, more and more will make the switch from pessimist to optimist.
Now imagine the resonance and power if the majority of people on the planet switched to being
optimists and that optimism was applied in common ways, such as voluntarily collaborating and
cooperating to achieve common goals and objectives to better the planet.
The key phrases in Q2497, for purposes of this book, are “all will do as told.” and “even on the D side.”
This means, as Q highlights later, that we are “watching a show”, a scripted series of events, whose
purposes are multifold. When you observe the behavior of our political leaders since early 2018, you
may sometimes observe odd, and even fully absurd behaviors from them. As you observe, you may
learn to readily detect patterns of behavior that indicate what we like to call “puppet” behavior.
A key element of global institutional corruption is to directly control institutions by compromising and
controlling their top executives, or by inserting well-trained “puppets” into key executive positions. We
pg. 103
may be learning that Trump and QAnon are now using the trained behavior of the deep state puppets
for the benefit of The Great Awakening.
The phrase “for the betterment of the country” in Q24, becomes more clear when we research later Q
drops and Trump tweets. The authors believe that the phrase indicates that a combination of hidden
and public justice, combined with controlled acting by the previously “bad actors”, serves to awaken
citizens around the world that the good guys are in control. Citizens now have the power and means to
continue The Great Awakening process.
Some theorize that Q hinted to us that military tribunals have already occurred in 2017 and that the top
Deep State leaders who are visible to the public are simply acting per script by direction from their new
controllers, as a way of receiving more lenient sentences for the crimes.
This theory of military tribunals in 2017 is so outlandish, that if true, would need to remain classified
information for many years, so as not to harshly disrupt the current social strata. This theory is expected
to be a conspiracy theory that is researched for many years.
If everyone knew it was just a show that they were watching, they wouldn't work as hard at developing
Ninja level researching or meme warrior skills, and would not be as energized to go to the voting booth.
The citizens do want to be angry and do want to be part of the non-violent justice process. The citizens
do need to develop excellent researching skills.
Those who assume this theory is correct remain energized, because they can redpill within the QAnon
community, they can enjoy the multi-layered reality happening around them, and they can help society
gear up for managing the process themselves after the “Show” is complete.
Finally, if we are truly watching a show unfold, why did QAnon encourage citizens to learn how to
research and to expose the corruption? It is the authors’ conjecture that the true purpose of that effort
was to help citizens get prepared for continuing the effort to improve civilization once the show is over.
pg. 104
Q373198 was dropped the day after the U.S. House voted to impeach Donald Trump. The phrase “Puppet
following orders.” caused some discussion. The Q drop referenced a tweet99 that showed House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi, with another bout of absurd behavior, in a press conference after the impeachment vote.
Whose puppet is Nancy Pelosi? Did puppet masters change for Nancy when Q arrived on the scene? I
believe you know what the authors think. #EnjoyTheShow
If we are truly watching a show, one might ask, why are whistleblowers and witnesses still dying? Or one
might ask, why are false flag shooting events still happening. Following are some thoughts on that
To successfully follow a scripted “show”, there must be a limited number of "actors" or it gets too
complex to manage. Those actors are key leaders that are visible to the public. The Deep State (to say
nothing of the Cabal) is composed of many invisible and rogue elements. If we assume that the key,
visible leaders are actors in "the show," and that rogue elements are still fighting against The Great
Awakening transition in the background (exposing themselves in the process,) then we are likely to see a
reduction in the frequency of both false flag events, and of witnesses/whistleblowers dying in the
background as the battle rages.
That means that we can be watching both a show and a background fight at the same time. The
observation of whether we are winning or not should be made over a long timeframe, e.g. several
months, in order to see a statistical improvement of what is happening in the background.
For those of you who are having great difficulty accepting that we are watching a show and that
Trump/Qanon are in control, then Rush Limbaugh has a narrative for you with an article100 from The
National Sentinel that was published on 11 December. 2019. Limbaugh does a fine job describing the
Deep State, from the U.S. perspective. Limbaugh says that it is taking so long for justice to occur due to
the broad scope and great complexity of the process, with the need to do it right the first time. Even the
slightest mistake or failure might result in death and disaster. Major mistakes almost surely would. The
powers against whom we fight are ruthless, devious, and professional killers who are used to being able
to do as they wish with impunity. They are also grandmasters of intrigue, deception and mass
Some ask why Pepe the green frog is used so heavily in The Great Awakening. Pepe has been through
the Great Meme Wars of the 21st Century, and is a useful icon for the common citizen and for the
pg. 105
anonymous autist, slogging through the process of exposing corruption and collaborating with other
citizens, to help bring dark to light.
We know what the elite class thinks about memes101. They are a threat to the status quo. We expect the
meme wars to continue, as we fight battles of ever-smaller scale, getting civilization to the next level.
The Great Awakening memes are expected to evoke the following kinds of themes:
● Optimism
● Knowledge
● Determination
● Standing Equally
● Collaboration
● Freedom
● Synergy
● Worldwide
● Peace
● Prosperity
pg. 106
pg. 107
Ingulf Richter, who provided the photos for this book, coined the phrase "World Peace One" as a
metaphor for all of the world wars that the elite class and their shadow institutions have promoted
throughout world history. Since the logic of those who are claiming that Donald Trump is harming the
U.S. and the world is so blatantly upside down, the meme below summarizes what they are so afraid of.
The photo is attributed to an Iraqi insurgency against Iranian holdings in Iraq, and beautifully
demonstrates the desire of the people for long-term peace.
pg. 108
pg. 109
“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it”
pg. 110
4 - The Great Awakening Code of Ethics
“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and
vicious, they have more need of masters.”
— Benjamin Franklin
Inspired by the original QAnon Code of Ethics meme, we created The Great Awakening Code of
Ethics. The Great Awakening Code of Ethics is designed to define a set of ethics that can be
useful for citizens around the world while managing their affairs and while collaborating with
other humans to further the progress of The Great Awakening.
pg. 111
17 is a special number in The Great Awakening, as it represents the letter Q in the alphabet. There are
17 elements in The Great Awakening Code of Ethics, some of which will become clearer as you read this
pg. 112
success. For example, it means fully accepting that ‘we are all one,’ and therefore ‘where we go one we
go all.’
Infinite worth of all means that not only can all citizens of the world apply their potential toward The
Great Awakening, all citizens can have the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential as humans,
as The Great Awakening evolves.
Standing equally also means that we recognize that every person in the world should have equal
opportunity to improve both their own condition and the condition of the world--because opportunity
can be equally shared reciprocally, but outcomes and tangible things cannot.
Valuing trust over authority means that authority is earned by trust, and not the other way around. It
means that violating trust delegitimizes authority. And it means that we recognize that the bright future
of our world depends upon the collaboration of groups of citizens, and that those collaborations must
be built on trust relationships and common, shared goals. It means that we understand that there is one
overriding goal that all sentient creatures necessarily share: the freedom to strive to achieve one’s
individually defined goals. That truth makes cooperating and collaborating so that we can each
maximally enjoy the freedom to work towards our own goals the most important goal for every
individual. This freedom applies to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, national
origin, religion or profession. The alternative is a state of interpersonal war.
Authorities should be trustworthy: they must continuously earn our trust through merit. We should only
respect their authority and hold it as legitimate as long as they behave well. Citizens worldwide right
now see President Donald Trump as a trustworthy authority. Trusted authorities are rare in these
modern times. When the most powerful person in the world becomes a trusted authority, citizens
around the world are recognizing that they can use his guidance to help them vet their new leaders as
they regain control of ensuring and exercising their freedoms in their own nations.
The rules of personal interaction, of social engagement, of civil behavior that we do honor are those
created by the reciprocal treaty of peace that we make with each other, and by our trust that others will
reciprocally respect our rights as we respect theirs. Each person in the world, with their equal
opportunity and reciprocally equal rights, can choose what they want to do as a free person, within
limits defined by the equal rights of others, and as defined by the conventions and trust relationships of
each society.
pg. 113
We recognize that hierarchies can be detrimental to maximum human potential, due to development of
elitism, and due to inevitable corruption that occurs in large institutions. Hierarchical power structures
create a single point of failure, and a high-value target of corruption, at the top of the hierarchy. For
those reasons, we place more emphasis on our horizontal, rather than on our vertical, relationships.
Martin Geddes has created an article entitled Understanding #QAnon as the Antidote to Authority102.
That article helps to address this item, as well as item 15 of The Great Awakening Code of Ethics.
The skepticism of awake citizens allows a natural and continuous rational evaluation of our belief
systems, keeping those beliefs that can withstand the scrutiny both resilient and validated.
Being a warrior can take the form of both exposing institutional corruption and preventing institutional
corruption. We understand that institutional corruption is a primary enabler of the systematic predation
of the weak.
pg. 114
06 - We Are Justice. We Defend Our Innate Rights.
Being justice means that we are committed and dedicated to honoring and defending each other’s
basic, innate human rights. That means that we take responsibility for ensuring that all humans have the
maximum opportunity to develop their ability to contribute to society, and that whatever wrongs we
discover are exposed. The victims of such wrongs are made whole (to the extent that that is possible,
and can be done in ways that are consistent with our principles.)
● life
● anonymity
● sovereignty
● pursuit of happiness
● speech
● pursuit of material wealth
● spiritual beliefs
pg. 115
pg. 116
08 - We Are Truth. We Use Truth to Fight for Liberty.
Being truth means that we allow ourselves to be exposed to all information sources, and that we use
logic, skepticism and discernment to sort good information from bad. We zealously extract the truth
from all available data. It means we use the truth to improve the overall liberty of mankind, by
relentlessly exposing and seeking to remove institutional corruption. And it means that we practice what
we preach: We strive to identify any and all logical contradictions in our thinking and behavior, and
eliminate them. We are not hypocrites.
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”
— George Orwell
Being speech also means that we understand that we each have the responsibility to react appropriately
as adults to the speech of others, especially by maintaining an adult level of control of our emotions. We
understand that the principle of proportionality must be applied when responding to wrongful or hurtful
speech: Insulting words do not justify being fined, imprisoned, maimed or murdered. Speech is not
violence. It is speech.
Love requires comprehensively applying the principle of reciprocity, using wisdom and intelligent
rationality. To love one’s neighbor as oneself is the only viable strategy for reliably creating a free and
pg. 117
just society. It is from our enhanced sense of personal responsibility and desire to help all citizens
flourish, that we help our neighbor. We express our love individually rather than outsourcing that love
through institutions.
We are united in the task of continuous exposure and removal of institutional corruption, and in the
maintenance activity required to ensure long-term peace and prosperity worldwide.
pg. 118
13 - We Are Skeptical. We Examine Motives & Sources.
Being skeptical means that we allow ourselves to be exposed to all information sources, and to treat
new information, from untrusted sources, as probably false until it has been subjected to--and survives--
diligent, rational criticism and attempts at proving it is truly false.
One usually applicable and sufficient way to reasonably identify probable truth is to demonstrate that
essentially the same information can be obtained from multiple, independent and trusted sources.
Information may also need to be checked for logical inconsistencies and internal contradictions, and
pg. 119
checked for statements/assertions that are contrary to known facts that are matters of public record
(including authoritative reference works and generally accepted scientific findings and theories.)
Information may also need to be checked for mathematical correctness, and for falsifiability.
Falsifiability103, or refutability, is the ability to test the assertion in ways that would change the odds that
the assertion is true (or false.) If the assertion is falsifiable, the odds of the information being true are
higher than for information that is not falsifiable. If the claims are not falsifiable, they are not objectively
testable, and so are unverifiable (Although that may not be a permanent condition: Future events may
make a claim verifiable.)
Being skeptical also means that we regularly audit our trusted sources, to ensure the trustworthiness
remains. That requires keeping track over time of the veracity/reliability of each information source we
Being skeptical additionally means that, when a new piece of information is received, we consider the
motive behind the release/publication of the information, to help guide our decision regarding whether
an information source should be considered ‘trustworthy,’ either in general going forward, or in the
specific instance at hand.
It’s critical that we realize and humbly accept that we can be wrong, deceived, misinformed, ignorant or
suffering from cognitive dissonance. That means we must hold all of our beliefs as falsifiable, at least in
principle. Therefore, we must be willing to consider any hypothesis or position as potentially true, no
matter how low the odds of that may appear to be. We must hold all of our hypotheses, theories and
positions, including our most fundamental standards, goals, and decisions, open to criticism. Even our
basic beliefs about how to decide what we should accept as (probably) true and what we should reject
as (probably) false, should be open to criticism. We must protect none of our beliefs from criticism by
justifying them irrationally or emotionally, or by considering them to be beyond any possibility of
falsification. We must never cut off an argument by resorting to faith or irrational commitment to justify
some belief that has been under severe critical fire. We must not be unshakably committed, irrevocably
attached, or hopelessly addicted, to any position or belief.
Committed belief--holding to a position so adamantly that we reject any possibility that it could be false-
-is irrational. There is no belief or position that cannot be challenged by asking, “And why is that true?”.
pg. 120
15 - We Are Independent. We Are Critical Thinkers, Not
Being independent means that we make our own way in life, that we do not allow others to think for us.
It means that we continuously examine information and dynamically adjust our life choices accordingly.
Being critical thinkers means that we seek to do the best we can at determining what’s most probably
true, and what’s most probably false--without being unwilling to adopt any working thesis at all, just
because there’s some doubt (perhaps significant, or perhaps just residual) in the thesis (and there’s
always doubt, no matter how small.) We do that by adopting as our working thesis, from among all
those that compete with each other as alternative, mutually-exclusive theses on the same topic or issue,
whichever one best withstands all criticism and attempts at falsification. We further select a thesis from
those whose probability of being true is sufficiently high to justify adopting it as a working thesis at all
(there may not be one that so qualifies.)
If new information becomes available that might influence what’s most probably true, we redo our
analysis, and adopt a new working thesis if the result of the re-analysis indicates we should.
“The first step in the evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human
— Albert Schweitzer
pg. 121
5 – Core Principles of The Great Awakening
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give
him power”
— Abraham Lincoln
When citizens wake up and begin to communicate with each other, they will each try to reach their own
conclusions on what the core principles should be for maximizing the benefit of The Great Awakening.
Flexibility can be beneficial when defining core principles. The authors have made an attempt at
identifying core principles, primarily driven by the need to identify the smallest set of principles that
achieve the desired effect, and that are easily understandable by citizens throughout the world. The
desired effect is long-term peace and prosperity, worldwide.
We have learned in the earlier chapters of this book what The Great Awakening can be. In this chapter
we can learn what the minimum, or core, principles need to be, so that it is easier for citizens to
understand and agree on a starting set of principles.
In Chapter 1, we discussed the purpose of the book and the concepts that we learn in this book. The
core thesis of the book that you should learn is that we need to be continuously working to expose and
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remove institutional corruption from all levels of society. Following are some core principles that can
be derived from our research.
The stabilizing benefit to society of citizens individually taking personal responsibility for seeking,
verifying and honoring truth is one of the core principles of The Great Awakening.
When we recognize the value of optimism and embrace it, it helps us to visualize possibilities. When we
collaborate with citizens that are like-minded, we can leverage the odds in our favor that the impossible
can become possible.
The synergistic power of optimistic citizens collaborating to solve societal issues is one of the core
principles of The Great Awakening.
The authors have been continuously decoding Q drops, and researching those drops to put together
clues from publicly available information. It is the authors’ belief that QAnon has been teaching citizens
how to research from clues and patterns, and to prepare us to repeat this process on our own as The
Great Awakening evolves. The evolution of The Great Awakening thus includes further exposure of
institutional corruption. This evolution can cause a virtuous circle (cyclical feedback loop) of awake
citizens causing institutions to behave properly, and leading to citizens becoming more awake and more
pg. 123
The self-fulfilling prophecy of the inevitable positive outcome for mankind that Q introduced us to with
his Project Looking Glass reference, is an example of the implementation of the virtuous circle affecting
implementation of a prediction. Continuous application of the corruption exposure/removal process
allows full fruition of this outcome.
Properly behaving institutions are like good citizens, they can be honorable, accountable and effective.
Just like citizens, institutions require a healthy fear of justice if they misbehave, in order to remain pure
and trustworthy. As institutions and their associated bureaucracy grow, their sense of trustworthiness
diminishes, and the members of those institutions behave as bureaucrats, e.g. cogs in a machine, rather
than as humble servants to the citizens.
Even worse, the larger institutions can easily be completely co-opted by replacing key executives at the
top. The bureaucratic underlings will continue to obey commands from above, even when the
commands shift from the norm due to the different motives of the new leaders. Examine how the U.S.
military, NASA, the Red Cross, and the Catholic Church have been co-opted through leadership change,
as examples of the co-opting technique. It is the authors’ contention that all institutions become
corrupt, given enough time and/or growth.
When we recognize the value of identifying and removing corruption from worldwide shadow
institutions, we can extrapolate from that knowledge to realize that continuous improvement is
possible. Continuous improvement to civilization can occur if we collaborate with other citizens to
expose institutional corruption.
The thesis that institutional corruption becomes manageable when institutions remain relatively small
is one of the core principles of The Great Awakening.
Wars typically occur when people and/or institutions seek more power. They use a tactic of pointing out
a common perceived enemy, while escalating tensions. Fighting then breaks out, which can further
escalate into war.
Some blame wars on nationalist tendencies. Others blame wars on elite class corruption and on
institutional corruption. The authors tend to believe that elite class corruption and associated
institutional corruption are the root causes of wars. If the root causes of wars could be identified and
eliminated, a world full of competing nations wouldn’t sound so bad after all.
Wars and violence can occur at any scale. Since wars and violence are always associated with societal
bondage, the citizens of the world have an opportunity to take the knowledge learned from our
pg. 124
research of The Great Awakening, and learn how to apply it at smaller scales. Collaborative groups of
citizens can break the bad societal bonds at lower levels, without violence. Those bad societal bonds
occur at all institutional levels, including world, national, state, region, and community levels of society.
Those bad societal bonds also occur with types of institutions other than governmental ones.
We might be motivated to unshackle societal bonds once we are convinced that societal problems in the
world are always associated with powerful people and large institutions. We might be fully motivated
once we have the optimism necessary to form citizen collaborative efforts.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build
a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
— R. Buckminster Fuller
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on
building the new.”
— Dan Millman
"Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place
hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer;
then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away,
fall of his own weight and break in pieces."
— Étienne de La Boétie
— Gustav Landauer
"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your
very existence is an act of rebellion.”
— Albert Camus
"Every system has a flaw. Even the tightest state system has a flaw. No matter how
total the state is there is always a zone of freedom. If you can find it, exploit it, live
within it you can live a better life. And if everybody does this eventually the state
breaks down. This is how states break down."
pg. 125
— Jeffrey Tucker
The thesis that all societal problems can be solved non-violently by citizens is one of the core
principles of The Great Awakening.
The authors have learned that it is easier to sell the concept of simple and useful processes rather than
selling an ultimate vision of society. We expect that citizens around the world will be able to see
immediate potential value in a process that they can adopt. Once that process is proven, they will want
to use that process again on a wide range of societal problems.
QAnon and Trump have used that method to teach us a process that is proving useful. That process is
the exposure of institutional corruption. We can call that process the “Corruption Exposure Process”. A
trusted judicial system is then used to remove that institutional corruption.
The Corruption Exposure Process can be used by the citizens for any societal problem, at any scale. That
process can be used in parallel by multiple collaborative groups of citizens, on a multitude of societal
Some have the ability to envision this process shaping civilization over time. Civilization could evolve
toward one of those original utopian visions that we had problems originally understanding from the
The strategic benefit of having citizens continuously collaborating for the purpose of exposing
institutional corruption is one of the core principles of The Great Awakening.
Nations can collaborate with one another to address the societal issues at global scale. Each national
society can help to reinforce the stability of other national societies, in a mutually collaborative effort
similar to the citizen level collaboration efforts.
pg. 126
We may yet learn that current systems that foster/exhibit bad human behavior, such as North Korea,
the Taliban, Iranian mullahs, Islamic bad elements, perhaps even communist China, are all manipulated
by the worldwide shadow institutions that are currently being marginalized. If that is the case, then the
Corruption Exposure process, synergistically combined with a trustworthy judicial system, can be used
to ensure that peace can break out worldwide, and that humans will have an unprecedented
opportunity to maintain that peace and prosperity.
The strategy of collaboration across national boundaries to expose institutional corruption is one of
the core principles of The Great Awakening.
The following factors are known to increase both the probability and severity of institutional corruption:
● Large size: Corruption typically accelerates as institutions grow in size, as larger institutions are
more difficult to govern, audit, monitor and control. They are also more resistant to external
authority and market forces, because their size gives them a larger capital base, more political
pull, and less dependence on the good will of others. And larger size makes an organization a
higher-value target for corruption. The size threshold at which a particular institution should
deserve more scrutiny than others is not a clear number, but would vary based upon several
factors, including history, level of influence, age of the institution, current level of turmoil,
budget, etc. What is clear is that smaller is better.
● Monopoly status: Being a monopoly confers great power. It insulates an institution from
competitive forces or concerns, gives it maximal pricing power and a captive customer base.
Monopoly status necessarily makes any institution that has it a single point of failure, and a
high-value target of corruption. That’s partly because monopoly status can easily be used to
greatly increase an institution’s power and wealth far beyond what it could achieve in the
absence of that status--and usually is so used. That’s especially true if the institution has the
most valuable monopoly there is, the one on providing justice and security services. We call an
institution with that kind of a monopoly a ‘state’ or ‘government.’ The unsavory consequences
of that kind of monopoly were beautifully explained by the philosopher Gustave de Molinari106,
in his seminal treatise The Production Of Security:
pg. 127
“Now if we consider the particular nature of the security industry, it is apparent that
the producers will necessarily restrict their clientele to certain territorial boundaries.
They would be unable to cover their costs if they tried to provide police services in
localities comprising only a few clients. Their clientele will naturally be clustered
around the center of their activities. They would nevertheless be unable to abuse this
situation by dictating to the consumers. In the event of an abusive rise in the price of
security, the consumers would always have the option of giving their patronage to a
new entrepreneur, or to a neighboring entrepreneur.
This option the consumer retains of being able to buy security wherever he pleases
brings about a constant emulation among all the producers, each producer striving to
maintain or augment his clientele with the attraction of cheapness or of faster, more
complete and better justice.
If, on the contrary, the consumer is not free to buy security wherever he pleases, you
forthwith see open up a large profession dedicated to arbitrariness and bad
management, justice becomes slow and costly, the police vexatious, individual liberty
is no longer respected, the price of security is abusively inflated and inequitably
apportioned, according to the power and influence of this or that class of consumers.
The protectors [e.g, national governments] engage in bitter struggles to wrest
customers from one another. In a word, all the abuses inherent in monopoly or in
communism crop up. [Note: The state is a business, one of whose principal products is
When they saw the situation of the monopolizers of security [i.e, those in command
of the state], the producers of other commodities could not help but notice that
nothing in the world is more advantageous than monopoly. They, in turn, were
consequently tempted to add to the gains from their own industry by the same
process. But what did they require in order to monopolize, to the detriment of the
consumers, the commodity they produced? They required force. However, they did
not possess the force necessary to constrain the consumers in question. What did
they do? They borrowed it, for a consideration, from those who had it. They
petitioned and obtained, at the price of an agreed upon fee, the exclusive privilege of
carrying on their industry within certain determined boundaries. Since the fees for
these privileges brought the producers of security a goodly sum of money, the world
was soon covered with monopolies. Labor and trade were everywhere shackled,
enchained, and the condition of the masses remained as miserable as possible.
[Examples: Patents, copyrights, professional licensing, anti-competitive government
regulatory requirements and geographic barriers to trade]”
— Gustave de Molinari
pg. 128
At the time of publication there were 98 Q drops that contained the phrase “corruption”. Q15107
discusses the scope of corruption in the U.S. government when Trump got elected. One might argue that
the corruption that we are currently fighting is a new form of corruption, but it is the same methods of
corruption that man has been fighting throughout history. Q helps us to now see a way forward where
reduction of corruption enables humanity to flourish. The authors are trying to help the audience see
that long term application of these processes can sustain the peace and prosperity.
The shadow institutions desire to control other institutions, as institutions give them the most leverage.
The shadow institutions have learned that it is efficient to take control of large institutions, and that
large institutions, especially those with monopoly power, provide the most leverage over common
citizens. The shadow institutions simply replace one or more top executives in a target institution. The
larger the institution, the easier it is to change its leadership.
QAnon lists some of the corrupt institutions, including US government agencies such as the CIA, the
Federal Reserve, the Democrat and Republican political parties, the Red Cross and the Catholic Church,
among other examples.
We have learned that corruption occurs in all institutions, including business, religious, charitable,
government, philanthropic, etc. We have learned that large institutions, and/or those with monopoly
power, are easier to corrupt and more difficult to correct. To help prevent corruption from occurring,
society should avoid creation of large institutions and/or of ones with the power of monopoly. When
society does not allow large and/or monopolistic institutions, it must become creative at solving
complex societal issues and managing large societal projects.
Item 16 of The Great Awakening Code of Ethics helps us to realize that we should not outsource
personal responsibility. A creative solution is to form ad-hoc collaborations of citizens for temporary
purposes, to resolve societal issues, using flat organizational structures.
The strategy of solving societal issues without creating or growing institutions is one of the core
principles of The Great Awakening.
It is obvious that President Donald Trump, QAnon, the U.S. military, military intelligence, and other
world leaders, have collaborated to kick start The Great Awakening. That is one example of outside help.
pg. 129
It is the authors’ position that any outside help we have seen is temporary. Even if that is not the case, it
would be imprudent to assume otherwise.
It is the authors’ goal to help citizens embrace both an inevitable positive outcome for humanity and to
embrace getting there without further outside help. It is our contention that society should simply plan
for and embrace the following scenario, of humans improving:
The strategic benefit of embracing an inevitable positive outcome for humanity without requiring
outside help is one of the core principles of The Great Awakening.
pg. 130
All that is needed to accomplish your desired future is a
basic set of common principles, the Internet and a
trustworthy judicial system
If one were to examine all competing concepts on how to optimize civilization, using the minimum
requirements necessary, we contend that one of those concepts could be defined by what is presented
in this book. The core principles defined above include:
The Cabal did not realize, as Q has pointed out several times, the power of the Internet in allowing
citizens to have the potential to take civilization to the next level. Knowing how crucial the Internet is in
allowing citizen collaborative efforts to occur, it is sobering to think of how close the worldwide shadow
organizations came to total world domination. That domination would have included heavy Internet
censorship, if not total outages, as we are seeing in totalitarian states today.
If institutions need to be created to solve societal issues, the citizens should ensure that those
institutions are created with temporary mandates, including a directive for dissolving the institution on a
particular time-frame.
It is imperative for readers and citizens to know that freedom of speech and the Internet are the
weakest links in the toolset that humanity needs to further civilization. They are the weakest links
because they are the easiest to eliminate by those who wish harm on humanity.
A trustworthy judicial system is also key to societal success. The judicial system can be examined as an
institution. Exposing institutional corruption in the judicial system is a primary citizen collaborative
effort, which can result in full trust being established in existing judicial systems.
pg. 131
The primary reason that NOW is the best time to join this effort is that the global shadow institutional
organizations are currently being stifled and broken up. In order for the citizens to start exposing and
removing corruption in all organizations, starting with the largest and/or most corrupt and working
down, it is easier to do that before the worldwide shadow organizations can regroup and resume their
march toward the total domination of world citizenry.
It is imperative that citizens make the protection of the freedom of speech and of uncensored Internet
access to all citizens of the world the highest priority, so that the other elements of The Great
Awakening can be fully organized.
Imagine that information can be vetted in real-time by technology that is citizen managed, so that
information will have to be presented truthfully in order to experience mass acceptance.
pg. 132
6 - The Great Awakening in Action
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them
who are called according to his purpose”
— Rom. 8:28
There are many ways in which The Great Awakening is advancing, including citizen collaboration, finding
the truth, exposing corruption, protests, voting, organizing, engaging the enemy in rational argument,
etc. Following are some ways to put The Great Awakening into action.
pg. 133
The Digital Army is advancing The Great Awakening. Redpilling and cognitive dissonance are working to
awaken more citizens.
Successfully changing one’s belief systems via low doses of cognitive dissonance is a slow process. It can
occur through information that people read. It can occur through people waking up and arguing from
truth rather than emotion.
Every effort counts. Each of us chooses what our priorities are. Stepping into the lion's den is sometimes
necessary. How can you best leverage your time and effort to further the cause in a non-violent
In my case (Curtis), I chose to start writing a book. Each of us should choose to use what leverage we
have, as effectively as we can e.g.:
● Relay information
● Dig for details
● Dig for connections
● See patterns in the information
● Summarize information
● Speak from truth, wearing down the opposition via memes, articles and conversation
● Create open-source tech solutions, such as free apps and distributed social media
How do you fix the world one step at a time? All you need is optimism, followed by initiative,
persistence, and a few friends that believe the same way. Take the initiative by the use of reasoning to
overcome fear, enabling you to finally take action, using truth as your sword. Ask yourself, what
motivates someone like Veronica Wolski to place banners on pedestrian bridges over interstate
highways in a place like Chicago Illinois? Is her effort making an impact? Ask yourself, “Could I do that
type of effort?”.
pg. 134
Examining the Motives/Discovering Truth
It benefits the ill-meaning shadow institutions to have turmoil occur in the world. It also benefits them
to have an enemy to point to, so that they can claim to protect the citizens from that perceived enemy.
As you observe any political unrest, protest, shooting event, war event or regime change event, you
should always examine the motives to see who is actually guiding those efforts. Examining the funding
of activist groups is the simplest tool to use to understand their motives.
Motives should always be considered, but especially anytime you see a group of people who seek to
control and/or cause harm to others. Significant societal problems are caused by subversive activities
that spread disinformation and cause unrest.
We know that mainstream media is currently one of the propaganda vehicles for the shadow
institutions. When you read a news article or view a news report, treat it with skepticism and validate
the information before accepting it at face value. Assume the motive is to shift the truth to fit a
pg. 135
narrative, until you confirm that the asserted facts are true, that material facts have not been omitted,
and that the facts are not being dishonestly mis-interpreted.
Key points:
● Even if the facts are as stated, a common tactic of the “journalists” who work for the Cabal
(directly or indirectly, whether they know it or not) is to “spin” the “news” by offering up a
dishonest or false interpretation of the facts. So you should also ask yourself whether or not the
facts are being fairly interpreted, or whether there might be other valid interpretations of the
same facts.
● “Journalists” may also fail to disclose materially relevant facts or news stories (lying by
As you hone your skills, you may develop the ability to translate from propaganda to truth in real-time.
Or you may develop an alternative journalism site to dissect the day’s news, to help citizens sift the
truth from the falsehoods.
The intention to harm grows as power grows, and can begin simply as a desire to protect one’s wealth
and power, but it typically evolves into a domination game, with efforts to justify those corrupt
protection efforts via skewed rationalization, such as feelings of entitlement and genetic, social, cultural
or religious superiority. To grow the corrupt organization, a key process is to convince underlings that
they are now also special if they join into the corruption efforts. Part of that convincing effort is claiming
to have special knowledge that is only divulged once the underling is properly initiated. That special
knowledge typically involves ritual and religious significance, as it involves an element of trust without
validation, while being combined with taboo behavior.
Once commitment to a corrupt organization occurs, the affected person must submit to direction from
their “handler”, and act like a “puppet” for the organization. As that behavior becomes second nature,
the affected person has difficulty breaking free from the organization. An element of fear normally
accompanies that difficulty in breaking free, due to the handler always holding damaging evidence
about the affected person that would make it difficult for them to smoothly assimilate back into normal
Citizens, using the Internet and social media as tools, can perfectly expose institutional corruption, and
raise enough of a hue and cry to get trustworthy judicial systems to take action against those
As part of our training for QAnon’s digital army, we were tasked with answering questions, and were
given hints, clues and actual facts about the hidden substrate beneath the surface reality we’ve been
pg. 136
(wrongly) taught was the entire truth. QAnon refers to that body of questions, hints, clues and facts as
the “map.” QAnon asked us to learn to “read the map”--which we’ve begun to do, and will continue to
do. We have learned to use the Internet and social media to collaborate on our findings from
researching “the map,” and to bring them to the forefront of public consciousness. Those efforts both
have developed our skills, and have woken up additional citizens. Once those skills were developed, we
began to apply them in research beyond “the map” that QAnon directly provided.
It is the authors’ contention that the long-term intent of The Great Awakening is to repeat the
institutional corruption exposure process on all forms of corruption, at all scales, starting first with the
largest and oldest institutions.
Learning that both our digital media and our consumer products are being consolidated by a small
number of global companies might be a good starting point for where to focus exposure of institutional
corruption. We already learned from Q about the 6 companies controlling digital media. Here is a
ZeroHedge article108 discussing the fact that 11 global companies control everything that consumers
purchase. As we learn that smaller, more competitive institutions are good for humanity, perhaps
citizens can collaborate to change this number from 11 to 1,000.
Protests have been identified in over 150 countries. The mainstream media might identify causes for
these protests that are different than reality109. “Spin”--misinterpreting the meaning/significance of
events--is one of the principal jobs for which the Cabal makes sure their puppets are paid princely sums.
French protests have been ongoing since October 2018110. The French protesters will eventually win, as
will citizens all over the world.
We know that Donald Trump feels empathy for honorable protesters. Our empathy for Trump's efforts
motivates us to show initiative also.
The Cabal enjoys the turmoil that we are seeing. In fact, they initiate, fund, and even guide much of the
turmoil. Turmoil provides an additional opportunity to consolidate the Cabal’s hold on power and
control of the populace.
It is the duty of citizens to constantly examine the shifting allegiances of resistance leaders, to see where
their funding comes from and to see if they have become Cabal controlled. With Donald Trump being a
trusted source, watching his signaling, via Twitter and more official means, helps in the vetting process
of resistance leaders/election candidates. An honorable election candidate would get Donald Trump’s
pg. 137
endorsement. After Donald Trump leaves the scene, new trusted sources will need to be developed, so
that the citizens can know which candidates are good for The Great Awakening process.
Here is an example of Donald Trump signaling via Twitter. There are many such signals in his Twitter
pg. 138
More on The Great Awakening worldwide112 from @ohboywhatashot113 on Twitter.
pg. 139
pg. 140
Internet/Social Media
The most significant tools available for advancement of civilization are science and the Internet. The
Internet will be critical to maintaining the long term stability of human civilization, as it will be highly
dependent upon citizen collaboration to solve problems before they become too large.
The worldwide shadow institutions that wish harm to humanity have been establishing their
infrastructure for hundreds of years. The Internet was developed only after the effort to enslave
humanity was already well underway.
pg. 141
As you awaken, you must decide how to cross each obstacle in front of you, such as a stream. Do you
stay there and wait for someone else to come along and build a bridge over that stream, or do you do
something about it yourself?
It is the duty of all citizens of the world to ensure access to an uncensored Internet and uncensored
social media, combined with freedom of speech. You should already be well aware of censorship efforts
to stop the dissemination of inconvenient truths via uncensored social media, and to censor users on
most social media sites. We will not go into the history of the social media censoring process, but rest
assured, the Cabal is driving the censorship efforts.
When you examine censorship, you will learn that what is really being suppressed is the truth. Truth is
critical to The Great Awakening. Censorship is harmful to the process of exposing institutional
corruption, which requires identifying and disseminating the truth.
Anna Brees, a former BBC journalist, created a YouTube channel114 that helps citizens become citizen
journalists. The trust relationship with mainstream media has been broken. The technology is now
available to bypass the mainstream media and to get the truth to the masses. Anna is also discussed in
the ‘Engaging the Media’ section below, on her recent efforts to help get the subject of QAnon better
discussed in public.
Methods can include Internet research, social media exposures, investigative reporting, public banners,
non-violent protests, and speaking at public hearings.
pg. 142
If we focus our goals based upon the principle of continuously exposing institutional corruption, we can
learn that it is easy to get others to agree on those types of goals, and that maximum benefit can occur
for humanity. Once corruption is exposed, the judicial system removes that corruption, and the affected
institution responds with policy adjustment, breakup, dissolution, or other measures designed to
temporarily appease public sentiment and/or the judicial system.
As humans fine-tune their corruption detection and investigative skills, many institutions will self-correct
by observing the damage done to other institutions by the citizens. In turn, shadow institutions may also
reform themselves and take defensive actions to reduce their exposure and/or minimize punitive
judicial judgements against them. Eventually, as the process continues, the shadow institutions will have
nowhere to turn and will also shrink, evolve to act more ethically, or simply disband.
● Corruption Detector
● Motive Examiner
● Truth Miner
● Redpilling Cold Caller
● Investigative Journalist
● Regulation Auditor
Similarly to how citizens can collaborate, lower level institutions can collaborate to restore their power
taken from them by higher level institutions. An example of this is what happened in the state of Virginia
in late 2019. Virginia counties and cities created a tidal wave of Second Amendment sanctuaries115, in
direct defiance of expected state level regulatory changes and enforcement.
Controversy in the state of Virginia began in November 2019 when state elections gave Democrats
control of both the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates for the first time since 1996116. Gov. Ralph
Northam pledged117 to pass "common-sense gun safety legislation" after the November election.
At time of publication, the new General Assembly was expected to vote, in early 2020, on two bills in
particular -- SB 18 and SB 16 -- which would ban assault weapons, raise the minimum age of purchase to
21 and require background checks for any firearm transfer.
pg. 143
Engaging Big Tech
pg. 144
QAnon has helped us to realize that the big tech organizations were either created for nefarious
purposes, or started developing harmful behavior. Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter are
Since big tech is typically represented by large institutions that affect citizens worldwide, they are a
prime target for exposing institutional corruption.
Researching Connections
A list of research tools has been compiled on 8kun.top119 that can be useful to citizens exposing
institutional corruption.
As an example of engaging with the media, Jim Edwards at Business Insider wrote an article121 on 11
December, 2019 examining the President Trump impeachment process, while trying to marginalize
Trump’s reputation. As the reader knows, it is the job of mainstream media to try to marginalize Donald
Trump, as he represents the biggest threat to their current interests.
The article caught our attention only due to the blatant marginalization attempt in the title of the article
and that the article triggered a Google Alert based on the keyword “qanon” (Yes, we use big tech tools
to fight big tech).
“Trump's very real impeachment is based on his own false beliefs — and it represents a suicidal step-
change in conservative thinking”
Why would an innocuous media organization like Business Insider go through the effort to produce such
an opinion piece on Donald Trump at that time? Let’s examine the motives. Start with Internet research,
trying to answer:
pg. 145
● The article was an opinion piece (opinion journalism allows insertion of author’s opinion and
lower standards for validated research)
● The article cited numerous other articles, to give it an air of deep well-cited research and
general truthfulness. (The numerous sources can’t all be wrong, right?)
● Jim Edwards is located in the UK (44 country code on phone number)
● Business Insider is part of a large German owned conglomerate with worldwide aspirations122 123
● The German conglomerate is in the business of digital media124 125 (Is propaganda a motive?)
● The German conglomerate, Axel Springer has a goal of European reunification126 (codeword for
● The CEO of Axel Springer is also on the boards of Netflix and Warner Music127 (Connections to
known compromised institutions)
● The UK general election was being held a few days after the article came out, with the risk of
harming the EU due to Brexit, if Boris Johnson won the election
Based on the above research, examining the motives, what do you think was the motive for Jim Edwards
to write that article? Select one or more of the following:
● Jim Edwards wrote the article in order to inform the audience of socially necessary truth (do you
feel the cognitive dissonance here?)
● Jim Edwards wrote propaganda because he is driven by emotions
● Jim Edwards wrote propaganda because he is deluded by the articles that he cited
● Jim Edwards wrote propaganda because he is a cog in a large institution that might have
motives that clash with the common citizen
Recognize that Axel Springer is a relatively small institution in the overall scheme of things, but through
digital media, it has much leverage. You could use a term called “Effective Power” to examine which
institutions to research, as it is the institutions that have the most effective power that attract the
attention of the shadow institutions that have nefarious intent.
Axel Springer is likely one of those institutions that had one or more controlled puppets inserted into
the executive committee.
pg. 146
Engaging the Media
On 13 December, 2019 Anna Brees, a former BBC reporter, posted on Twitter her desire to learn about
pg. 147
For those in the media who seek the truth, we offer our support.
In the case of those in the media who are stuck in the propaganda business for their handlers, here are
some points that can be made with those so-called journalists when engaging them in an argument
about an article or news story:
● Creating an article that cites other articles does not make one's article true, when the cited
articles are untrue. Journalists can no longer stand on an argument that their article is valid
because it is well-sourced and cited, when the reality is that it’s analogous to a pyramid scheme
constructed from a circular citation chain.
pg. 148
● Opinion journalism129 is being replaced by investigative journalism, which is real journalism
(research how opinion journalism growth correlates with Cabal control of mainstream media)
● Truth overcomes disinformation; citizens are thinking now
● Presenting extreme positions in an article in order to maximize marginalization of the intended
target is a demonstration of the true intent of the article
● To keep their careers as journalists, they will eventually need to change, as the market will
demand it
1. You are either not aware that your market is shrinking because the citizens are waking up, or
you are aware, but do not care
2. You are deluded by your information sources
3. Your emotions are the primary driver of your writing
4. You are a puppet, and your handlers are telling you what to write
On 23 December, 2019, QAnon dropped post #3753130, which referenced a Chuck Woolery tweet131, to
remind us again that the citizens are now the news. Our author André van Delft replied132 to that tweet
with a reference to a video taken at a farmer’s protest on the premises of NOS, the Dutch counterpart of
the BBC. A newscaster had "NOS = Fake News" stickers attached to him during a live broadcast.
pg. 149
This is an example of how citizens can engage the media in non-violent ways, to help wake up other
citizens to the propaganda that is being pushed on the citizenry.
pg. 150
— US Army Lieutenant General Michael Thomas Flynn
pg. 151
7 - Long Term Possibilities for Mankind
“It is not in the nature of man--nor of any living entity--to start out by giving up, by
spitting in one's own face and damning existence; that requires a process of
corruption whose rapidity differs from man to man. Some give up at the first touch of
pressure; some sell out; some run down by imperceptible degrees and lose their fire,
never knowing when or how they lost it. Then all of these vanish in the vast swamp of
their elders who tell them persistently that maturity consists of abandoning one's
mind; security, of abandoning one's values; practicality, of losing self-esteem. Yet a
few hold on and move on, knowing that that fire is not to be betrayed, learning how
to give it shape, purpose and reality. But whatever their future, at the dawn of their
lives, men seek a noble vision of man's nature and of life's potential.”
It is a goal of the authors, and a primary focus of this book, that citizens worldwide will recognize that
institutional growth is equated with corruption and potential evil intent that can harm citizens.
When you examine corruption in all forms, personal or institutional, the breadth and depth of harm to
other citizens grows as the power of the person or institution grows.
pg. 152
There are many enticements to switch from the good side to the evil side: money, dirt, extortion,
threats to friends/family. No wonder it is rare to find a person in power who is not aligned with the dark
We have learned that small is good when examining institutions. That knowledge makes it clear that
some nations should cede power to their regions and communities, so that the power distribution is a
pyramid, rather than an inverted pyramid. The bottom of the pyramid is the widest, where all of the
power should be concentrated. The citizens then hold all of the power in a nation.
The model for the optimization of human civilization requires close coordination of citizens all over the
world, who must take active, personal responsibility for ensuring that power is distributed as broadly
and equally as possible, instead of concentrated at the top of power hierarchies. That’s especially
important in light of the history of the United States, whose Constitution mandated essentially a ‘most
power at the bottom’ model, but which incrementally evolved into the reverse.
If you model continuous exposure and removal of institutional corruption, you can start mentally
picturing a leveling-out effect, which affects both how institutions are formed and maintained, and the
level of effort required by citizens to “correct” the system. As corruption removal efforts move from the
large scale downward to the smaller scale, the level of effort required by citizens will decrease and will
start leveling out. The leveling-out effect presents to the citizens an opportunity to move into a phase of
activity that could be called “system maintenance” from one that could be called “system redesign and
pg. 153
Once a societal system approaches the maintenance phase from a corruption management standpoint,
one can then start picturing acceleration of the long-term peace and prosperity that can occur. Top-
heavy governments will have ceded power back to lower levels, so that the power is distributed like a
pyramid. Personal freedoms will be maximized and the opportunity incentive inherent in free individuals
will cause the creation of jobs and security for all citizens.
When corruption has no place to grow, its level of leverage is minimized, and the incentive of those
wanting that leverage is diminished. The citizens, in effect, create small “sandboxes” for the
psychopathic elements of society to play in, thus resulting in minimal damage to society, and long-term
stability. This is part of the virtuous circle, where maintenance is much easier than system redesign and
debugging (parasite removal,) and good behavior reinforces good behavior in others.
How a nation decides to advance their civilization to the next level by systemic redesign and parasite
removal, and how they decide to maintain their society afterwards, is completely the responsibility of
that nation. However, it benefits all citizens of the world for all of the nations to collaborate on ideas
and regulations that work best for the good of humanity. Having multiple nations fully exercise the
“competition of ideas”, such that good ideas get adopted by nations that observe those ideas working
well in other nations.
Following are some goals that the authors suggest can help mankind to elevate mankind to that elusive
goal of long-term peace and prosperity.
Personal freedom can be maximized by having all national societies around the world ensuring that their
citizens control the power of the nation, and by ensuring that they have entered the maintenance mode
of The Great Awakening through application of the removal of institutional corruption.
Minimize Corruption
By continuously applying the process of removal of institutional corruption, institutions will naturally
become and remain small, nimble, and competitive, as well as wholesome. This positive outcome would
occur, in spite of many humans continuing to retain their inherent proclivity to gain power.
pg. 154
Larry Sanger, a founder of Wikipedia, has recently expressed133 the need for a new, freer version of
Wikipedia, called the Encyclosphere. Here is what Larry had to say on the subject:
Such statements can be used to influence elections, justify policies, and articulate controversial
points of view—in effect to gain, wield, and build and consolidate power. The power to declare
what is known is nearly the power to rule the world.
So the power to declare what is known should not be concentrated in the hands of Wikipedia,
Facebook, Twitter, The New York Times, governments, or any such exclusive groups.
The history of publishing, including Internet publishing, makes all too clear that the authority to
declare what is known is wielded by selfish, powerful interests to advance their own agendas,
which always unsurprisingly have the effect of consolidating their own power.
Epistemic power should be spread out among the public. But how?
We can imagine an Encyclosphere, which does for encyclopedias what the Blogosphere (and its
defining technical standards) did for blogs—not an app, but the encyclopedia layer of the
I argue that the root problem about encyclopedias and knowledge resources generally today is
that they are in the hands of big centralizing organizations—even as it becomes increasingly
normal to use such resources to push a political and cultural agenda.
Wikipedia, for example, has become more strikingly biased as the years have passed,
representing Establishment and moneyed interests, and increasingly rejecting any challenges
from outsiders. But such challenges are absolutely essential to the advancement of knowledge.
Ordinary smart people and good writers are essentially prevented from participating
meaningfully in, or even having significant input on, "the official story" according to most
knowledge resources. What happened to the "encyclopedia anybody can edit"?
pg. 155
It's the world's biggest encyclopedia. But if you want to contribute, you must work on exactly one
article and negotiate about what it says with whoever is already there—anonymous volunteers
frequently with enormous amounts of time on their hands, for some reason.
That's not how it should work. How should a more democratic Encyclosphere work?
● Writers should be able to publish their own articles wherever and whenever they want,
without asking anyone.
● Readers around the world should be given easy and unfettered access to those articles.
● Raters—either the general public, or people that others should be able to identify as
experts—should be able to rate those articles.
● Users should be able to sort and re-sort articles according to all ratings, or selected
● The control over whose ratings to pay attention to should always be in the hands of the
This way we can, in a decentralized and democratic system, do an end run around Google and
Larry created a place to sign up to help134, and an open source development project135 for the
Encyclosphere. This is an example of citizens collaborating to create technology to help make the world
freer, without creating institutions.
The same principles of operation and design that Larry Sanger proposed for the Encyclosphere could,
and should, be applied to the creation or redesign of social media platforms.
Gab.com and other social media tools have been recently created, to maximize freedom of speech and
to limit censorship.
Gab is also now leading the world with the vetting of info sources, using the Dissenter commenting
system at trends.gab.com, which allows Dissenter users to write comments on any web page, whether
or not the web site owner allows comments.
In order to help force information sources, such as mainstream media, to start being more truthful in
their reporting, the authors envision a truthfulness rating system that society could develop.
Perhaps Dissenter or similar technology could offer a form of a truthfulness rating system, where a
rating number is assigned to a particular article, and even to a particular information source, such that
consumers can choose to filter their feeds to only those whose rating value exceeds a particular
threshold that they set.
The rating number could be calculated based upon how often an article is marked as either truthful or
untruthful, and also based upon the earned trustworthiness of the reviewers who mark the article.
Information source rating systems can only achieve trustworthiness if individually trusted reviewers are
able to assign these numbers. Reviewer trust rating factors can be adjusted based upon the rating
pg. 156
history of a reviewer. A simple method to examine for automated adjustment of a reviewer’s rating is
that those who mark a known truthful article as truthful improve their trust rating, compared to those
who try to mark known trusted articles as untruthful. The inverse would apply to reviewers who mark a
known-to-be-false article as true.
Rating systems could further improve. The trustworthiness rating should allow for multiple viewpoints,
as Larry Sanger pointed out above. People should be free to choose between rating systems. Rating is
about trust. It applies to content as well as to raters.
There will likely be rating communities and commercial rating services that will rate content, and rate
other raters. End users should be able to select trusted raters, by rating them. Users could choose which
rating system they would like to use. A Rater Rank algorithm could be like Google Page Rank, but it
would offer freedom for users to specify initial ratings for raters, and how ratings propagate in the rating
Once a truthfulness rating system is put into place, the info providers may be forced, through pure
capitalism, to start doing truthful reporting once again.
Optimize Justice
A key element in both “fixing” and “maintaining” society in The Great Awakening is a trustworthy
judicial system.
As we observe the “slow roll” of Trump/Q correcting the U.S. deep state problem, part of the drive for
the slow roll is the structural corrections required in the U.S. federal judicial system, in order to allow
“proper” justice to occur for the deep state perpetrators.
Structurally correcting a judicial system uses the same process as correcting society in general, via
exposure and removal of institutional corruption. The judicial system is worth rethinking. Corruption
may well have been a design goal. Someone with the account name @Vat_city tweeted:
Funny how the historical Roman Empire serves, not only, as the basis and justification for
modern government, legal systems, materialist science, and philosophy, but also as a precedent
for consumption of stupefying alcohol and aggrandizement of elite pederasty...
Maximize Creativity
The Great Awakening causes citizens to become awake and start critically thinking again. It also causes
citizens to assume personal responsibility again. When you are both awake and personally responsible,
you become self-motivated. Self-motivated citizens are normally creative citizens. Active brains will
engender advances in product creation, art, architecture, engineering and all thinking related disciplines.
The Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries can pale in impact compared to the new Renaissance
that The Great Awakening can cause.
Tort reform, through the process of removing regulations and maximizing personal freedom, can be a
natural improvement caused by The Great Awakening, allowing services to become less bureaucratic
and more streamlined.
Optimize Spirituality
The Great Awakening, through the process of institutional corruption removal, will help citizens to
recognize that flat organizations are better for society. Citizens will also recognize that they can have a
relationship with God without relying on a human intermediary between them and God. Spirituality can
flourish when citizens can regain trust through collaborative relationships between citizens of equal
Can you embrace the concept that all of the shackles on citizen freedom are starting to become
A cartel is a syndicate or (con)federation of commercial entities that collectively have a (near) monopoly in
some set of goods and/or services. A cartel typically depends for its existence upon its members voluntarily
adopting and conforming to a set of business rules that operate to create and maintain the cartel’s monopoly,
motivated by the advantages that monopoly confers on all the members of the cartel. Some cartels may also have
the power to compel cooperation by their members, perhaps because they buy such power for a fee from an
entity that offers it for sale (e.g., an organized crime syndicate.) A cartel may also purchase its collective monopoly
power from a governmental authority, perhaps by engaging in some form of “quid pro quo” with the politicians
and or regulatory agencies of a nation-state--which is exactly what the medical and pharmaceutical cartels do.
pg. 158
Can you embrace the concept that the citizens hold the power for taking their civilization to the next
level of evolution?
Can you embrace the concept that a simple repeated process of exposure of institutional corruption can
lead to long-term worldwide peace and prosperity?
Can you embrace the concept that you should be an optimist rather than a pessimist?
Can you embrace the concept that now is the time to join that cause?
Let’s do this!
Now that you have read this book, and as The Great Awakening phenomenon advances into the future,
you should be able to improve your answers to each of these questions. We will provide general
commentary on each of them.
Typically the answer may be that you want to improve the world for yourself and for your children and
your descendants. Some may want to improve the world in general as one of their purposes in life.
There is joy in seeing citizens collaborating to guide the world in a continuously more positive direction,
reducing the odds of wars, while increasing the odds of general prosperity. There is also direct benefit,
possibly in improved opportunities for employment or to become an entrepreneur.
Assuming Trump/Q are already handling the societal issues for us, our work of analyzing and passing
information helps to amplify the benefits of their work. This book teaches us that Trump/Q are not
handling all of the issues for us, but are handling the core issues that could stifle our individual ongoing
efforts. Our types of efforts in both cases are the same, which is the exposure of institutional corruption.
The world won’t change unless we do.
If you assume that Trump/Q will handle enough issues to ensure long-term peace and prosperity, then
you can stop when Trump/Q stop. If you embrace the premise of this book, then the effort continues
pg. 159
until corruption detection/removal plateaus, and maintenance efforts predominate. That means that
the effort transforms into mostly maintenance effort and less corruption detection/removal effort.
You can stop any time that you feel that you have received the most benefit. This book teaches that
there is a long process of institutional corruption removal ahead of us, and that we should not stop
when Q stops, but should slow down our efforts as the scale of active cases of institutional corruption
shrink to a level that society deems to be of sufficiently low risk. In parallel with that slowing down of
institutional corruption removal, citizens can implement appropriate regulations and oversight such that
the risk of the need to repeat this large-scale Great Awakening process will be minimal.
Will Trump/Q solve all of the major problems of society before they leave the
Some will say yes, and will be prepared to live with the consequences of that observation, and go back
to a less awake mode. This book teaches that there will remain many unsolved societal problems after
Trump/Q leave the scene, and that mankind best benefits when they apply their existing determination
and collaborative skills toward the detection and removal of institutional corruption problems of ever
decreasing scale, until they reach a natural plateau, worldwide.
If Trump/Q are solving or have already solved the major problems, do they just
want us to be cheerleaders?
It is possible that cheerleading the efforts of Trump and Q will aid their efforts in dismantling the
worldwide shadow institutions. This book teaches that the awakeness and skillset and determination
that we are learning are for long term application via citizen collaborative efforts rather than simply
cheering on Trump and Q.
If all of the problems have not been solved when they leave, do we elect another
Trump/Q team to keep the process going?
Some will say that is the easiest course. The odds are low that we would elect a President that provides
continuity of The Great Awakening process. The only way continuity occurs after Trump is that the
citizens take on the responsibility of exposing institutional corruption in a manner that can withstand
the machinations of new national leaders who are at odds with the goals of The Great Awakening.
For the Great Awakening to have a permanent benefit, it must result in a permanent change to the way
we think, the way we behave, and the way we manage ourselves and our society.
pg. 160
What are the odds that there is another Trump/Q-like benevolent entity waiting
in the wings to keep the process going?
One might hope that there are several qualified benevolent entities prepared and waiting in the wings
to continue the process from the U.S. Presidency. The problem, as history teaches us, is getting the
appropriate persons elected to ensure continuity. That is why it is the responsibility of the citizens to
gain the momentum necessary to withstand leadership changes in the White House (and elsewhere)
that are not beneficial to The Great Awakening.
What are the odds that there will be many more societal problems to solve after
Trump/Q leave the scene?
If one assumes that removing the global shadow institutional power base is good enough, then all is
good. However, the risk of re-establishing global shackles on humanity will remain great for a long
period of time. The reduction of corruption, and of the high risks of corruption, through citizen
collaborative efforts emphasizes the need for citizen direct involvement for the foreseeable future.
Does being awake, skeptical, rational and able to discern truth from falsehood
make you a better human? If so, why?
There might initially be more stress in being awake, skeptical, rational and able to discern truth from
falsehood, but the benefits to humanity are immeasurable. Those benefits will lead to less stress as
information sources reform themselves to pass citizen vetting processes, allowing for an ever-less-
stressful auto-corrective process based on trusted sources of information. The removal of major
corruption will eventually lead to less stress as more institutions reform themselves to satisfy citizen
vetting processes.
Those who lead the way forward as awake citizens, will be more productive in society, resulting in them
being better able to collaborate with other awake citizens to solve societal issues. Society will consider
awake citizens more valuable, if society wants to avoid institutionally-based solutions.
Are the awake citizens learning a process that has potential value to society?
The Great Awakening phenomenon has a goal of long-term peace and prosperity. The exposure of
institutional corruption is expected to be ongoing for the foreseeable future. The process that awake
citizens are currently using is the same process that their children and ancestors can be using, although
with ever increasing productivity through technology, and evolutionary refinement over time. One could
argue that the jobs of the future will require these types of skills that awake citizens are currently
evolving and using.
pg. 161
● vet news articles
● identify networks of individuals and institutions
● vet the ethics of institutions
● expose institutional corruption
● collaborate with other citizens to distribute, analyze, process and disseminate information
● collaborate with others to solve problems rather than outsourcing problem solving to
● teach others the processes and procedures required to identify and minimize (and hopefully
eliminate) institutional corruption
Although the thesis is unproven, one could argue that all large societal problems can be addressed by
awake citizens collaborating to apply these processes. Society is improved, and institutional corruption
is minimized, by making institutions smaller and more responsive.
Large institutions dominate every societal segment today, in both products and services.
There are multiple phases in the civilizational model associated with The Great Awakening:
We have learned that society is improved by making institutions smaller and more responsive. For
thousands of years, government has been associated with large institutions. The goal is to have societal
improvements be handled in the following priority order:
Citizens agree that monopolies are bad. There are regulations on the books that address that concern.
Monopolies are associated with state capitalism, also called ‘crony capitalism.’ That implies that state
capitalism--even when the state’s power is strictly limited--can include failure points and must be
pg. 162
handled with care. The reality is that that risk is present in all societies, whether considered ‘socialist’ or
‘capitalist’, and whether or not there’s a state (a monopoly provider of justice and security.) There is no
such thing as utopia.
The following quote from one of the Founders of the United States frames the issues quite cogently:
"If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external
nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be
administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to
control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself." ~ James Madison
You can’t eliminate corruption using a corrupt institution. You can’t expect the police to police
themselves. It’s a conflict of interest. The same principle applies to preventing and/or regulating
monopolies. That principle applies to governments even more strongly than it does to IBM or General
Motors. The regulators must be independent of the institutions they regulate. No exceptions. That’s why
“open source,” independent, competing regulatory institutions and processes are an absolute
requirement. And that’s the level of individual responsibility we must be willing to accept, if we wish to
remain free.
It has been proven that early stage capitalism--where society is organized as a free market with limited
state intervention (or none at all)--is resilient and competitive, providing the best value to both the
consumer and to society. It is only when capitalist systems (especially state capitalist ones) are allowed
to age without proper oversight, or when that oversight is itself a monopoly, that we start seeing
monopolistic tendencies, e.g. 900 media companies shrinking to 6 media companies, or 5,000 consumer
product companies shrinking to 11 consumer product companies.
A properly managed capitalist system would be like the early stage capitalism, but would be called
“small market capitalism”, with active, “open source” monopoly prevention efforts, cartel prevention
efforts, ethics evaluations, and institutional corruption audits.
Institutions in other sectors, such as government and religion, will presumably suffer from age related
problems. The same small market capitalism oversight systems can be applied to institutions in all
sectors of society.
Does a continuous competition of ideas offer the best chance for society to
embrace improvement ideas?
Small institutions are more responsive to their customers and constituents. Multiple competing
institutions allow citizens to observe a competition of ideas between those institutions. Free market
dynamics ensure that the best ideas get adopted by institutions that want to remain viable.
pg. 163
Does competition of ideas and societal resilience work better with fewer or more
When there are multiple competing institutions in any given sector of society, the best ideas are allowed
to be displayed, and are adopted by viable institutions. In addition, with multiple competing institutions,
it is easier to vet those institutions, and the risk of institutional corruption is minimized as those
institutions will have reduced effective power, will have a fear of operating with corruption as they will
be less insulated from citizen scrutiny, and cannot use the power of monopoly to stay in business in
spite of poor service and/or corrupt operation.
Does the process that we are using with The Great Awakening result in the
breaking of monopolistic tendencies?
As institutional corruption is exposed, the affected institutions reform. As the institutions reform, one of
the likely adjustments is to downsize. Smaller institutions allow a virtuous circle to form, where
competition of ideas can flourish, risk of corruption diminishes, resilience improves, and responsiveness
In the virtuous circle, societal stability is easier to maintain, as you simply maintain status quo until
something changes, such as merger/acquisition events, rapid growth, etc. This type of societal
maintenance process will break monopolistic tendencies.
Does it benefit society for awake citizens to continue using these processes after
A key goal of The Great Awakening is long-term peace and prosperity worldwide. To achieve that goal,
citizens must embrace the use of these processes for the foreseeable future.
Is it possible that part of the intent of The Great Awakening was to help citizens
learn that they have an opportunity to take the ball and run with it to keep
improving society?
A key part of The Great Awakening is likely to have citizens become awake and apply these processes
before Trump and Q leave the scene, as the long-term peace and prosperity require eternal vigilance, in
order to achieve it and to maintain it.
What are the measurable indicators that our efforts are paying off?
● Wars
● Shooting/terror events
● Citizen freedom levels across the world
● Healthcare costs
● Employment
● Financial market stability
pg. 164
● Application of small market capitalism levels across the world
● Energy costs
● Consumer goods variety and costs
If we don't stop when Q stops, how do we know when to stop our efforts?
As The Great Awakening transitions through the four phases defined in answer to one of the questions
above, the process evolves, such that more attention is paid to maintenance and less attention is paid to
detection and removal of institutional corruption. Eventually a balance will be achieved between
maintenance efforts and institutional corruption detection/removal efforts. At that point, citizens will
have reached societal optimization.
To keep our society optimized, we will need to continue both institutional corruption detection/removal
and maintenance efforts for the foreseeable future, but the overall level of effort will be much less than
the effort required in the other phases of The Great Awakening.
Further Resources
You can purchase an Amazon Kindle version137 of this book.
You can download an OpenOffice.org presentation140 that you can use as a template for your own
pg. 165
Jacob’s Dream, by Cornelis Jacobsz. Delff142
“And Jacob awakened from his sleep, and he said, 'Indeed, the Lord is in this place,
and I did not know [it]”
— Gen. 28:16
pg. 166
Appendix A - Q Expressions
Q's messages contain several phrases that are general tips, rather than statements on events in the past,
the present or the future. Following is a list of Q expressions with our comments.
Sheep are easy to herd, easy to fool, and they are prey for predators. For thousands of years many
people have been like sheep in that sense. Even Jesus did not change that, but he left a warning.
— Matt. 10:16
The world is a dangerous place. Wolves eat sheep. In the ancient past there have been human sacrifices:
satanic rituals that probably also served cannibalism by the mighty. Both Jesus and Q suggests that such
practices are still going on; to stop these we need to become shrewd: get rid of the herd mentality, and
know your enemy. Jesus adds we must become harmless: we should be good for each other, so that we
don't fall for the temptations of the evil elite. Q encourages kindness as well.
For centuries the elites have hypnotized the masses. That has been done in various ways. Bread and
circuses; instilling fear by fake terror, cruel fairy tales, hell preaching; amusement. Our reptilian brain is
sensitive to subtle threat signals. Fluoride in drinking water diminishes the capability for critical thinking.
TV news programs have slowly moving headline scrollers, which induce gaze fixation, much like the
pocket watches of hypnotizers. The TV hosts talk with persuasive intonation, gestures and nodding.
In a normal personal hypnosis session, the hypnotist defines at the start a wake up signal. He is often the
only one who can give that signal. Without the signal it is hard for the hypnotized person to wake up. In
the current situation of mass hypnosis, no such wake up signal is defined. It is really hard to wake up
yourself, or to wake up others, in a world full of deceit.
The Great Awakening is an operation to break through this mass hypnosis. The Q team has first focused
on a growing group of free thinkers, with many autists, who can show the hypnotized masses that there
is a way out. Then the elites have been forced to expose themselves as cheaters; so blatantly that it
causes cognitive dissonance, and it awakens many from a deep sleep.
See Q drops 184, 694, 833, 953, 1010, 1644, 1926, 2683 and 3662
pg. 167
Trust yourself 144
We have been educated to trust other people, maybe more than to trust ourselves. In many cases this
trust was misplaced. Many of our political, cultural and religious leaders are currently untrustworthy.
They have manipulated people like herds of animals. Q also includes Research for yourself and Think for
yourself with this phrase.
We have been educated to think superficially. When you read a news item, the first thing that may
happen is that you believe it. That is how our brain works: with the reading you hear a kind of inner
voice that dictates the text as truth. But you can train yourself to read critically; your inner voice will
then read news items like: "this news item says …”. Would that be true? Who would gain from this?
What does it mean? What does it really mean?"
Many things that we have learned may be false; in science, politics, religion. Unlearning is hard, and it is
one of our biggest challenges.
But it is hard to really know things. You can open your mind for multiple possibilities on issues; you don't
need to fix yourself onto one interpretation. It is often good to inform yourself, but you should know
that you cannot really know many things for sure.
When you get angry or sad, your analytic capabilities shrink. We are in a big fight for freedom. The
enemy incites emotions, e.g. with fake news, aiming that we won't judge well, and fight ineffectively, or
even counter effectively.
Jesus said: be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves. Harmless implies that we can manage our
emotions; only then can we be shrewd, and can we free ourselves from the wolves.
See Q drops 1358, 1489, 1585, 1646, 1822, 2361, 2788, 3038 and 3409
See Q drops 166, 283, 299, 310, 777, 1339 and 2990
See Q drops 816, 832, 1862, 1988, 2007, 2008, 2381, 2604, 2788, 2816 and 3647
pg. 168
Think logically 147
Most of us have not been trained well to think logically in conflicts. We are used to hearing debates with
one liners; rarely are the lines of reasoning dissected, and even more rarely are debaters learning from
each other; it is mostly about punching and winning.
In this struggle for freedom the enemy is small in numbers; but it is well educated and it is proficient in
manipulation and control. We need to develop and use logic skills to win.
It is often useful to analyze situations from a mirrored point of view. This way you understand your
adversaries better, and you can use their strength against them.
● The current struggle is serious and the stakes are high. People are fighting and even dying for
our freedom. If you want to help, make sure you help achieving proper goals.
● There are rules to play by. You need to obey the law; persuade other people; only work for the
good; and also take care of yourself. The adversary is also playing a game in that sense.
● Think ahead
● Empathize with your opponent (think mirror)
● Expand your thinking; go after surprising possibilities
● Recognize your weaknesses and improve on them
● Attack the opponent’s weaknesses
● Make plans
● See through the opponent's plans
● Each asset counts. Often there seems to be a struggle for a simple pawn; both parties put their
forces in. Once such a struggle is over, the losing party's position may be weakened much more
than a mere pawn would suggest.
● Don't be too materialistic; assets are important, but also their positions and coordination
● Make self-sacrifices. When done at the right moment these are often effective, and they
confuse the opponent.
See Q drops 866, 1263, 1295, 1318, 1402, 1671, 2448 and 2788
See Q drops 666 and 1953
pg. 169
● Don't get angry with your opponent; keep calm so that you can make proper judgement
● Think clearly, without being disturbed by emotions
● Don't think too long; reserve time to think when it is needed
● Attack!
○ Attack slowly but steadily
○ Bring your pieces carefully in position before you unleash your attack
○ Keep your opponent under pressure (put them in check)
○ What defense could your opponent apply?
○ What errors could your opponent make? How can you profit?
● Don't forget to defend
○ Give each other security
○ What attacks could your opponent unleash? How do you defend yourself?
Q also provides confidential information with plausible deniability by asking rhetorical questions.
Plausible deniability allows Q to bypass the normal government restrictions on release of information.
This may explain why some of the Q posts do not match reality, while providing a certain level of
ammunition to those who are interested in marginalizing Q and his followers.
pg. 170
Official sources such as newspapers and TV programs impress many people; talking heads articulate
clearly, and their nodding helps to gain acceptance of their messages. But they are often lying.
A better way to judge a source is by the accuracy and sharpness of his past predictions. Q has a good
track record. He started saying as far back as 14 December, 2017 (Q350) that RussiaGate was fake. It
would take the mainstream media one and a half years to report that as well, and even then, they did
not do it clearly.
With "coincidence", Q often suggests that Donald Trump and he coordinate closely. Trump cannot just
say that Q is in his team because as long as Q is not officially recognized, he can disclose more
information. Proof by coincidence allows for plausible deniability. The anon community calls these Q
You may be critical about the significance of such coincidences. Rather than rejecting them, it would be
fair to think of how many additional coincidences would be needed to change your mind. Q seems to
promise that more will come, so you can use this as a test.
pg. 171
Trump allows evil to act as long as possible, so that it can be wiped out thoroughly. Jesus taught that in
one of the most important parables: the Wheat and Weeds149.
The farmer’s workers went to him and said, ‘Sir, the field where you planted that good seed is
full of weeds! Where did they come from?’
“‘No,’ he replied, ‘you’ll uproot the wheat if you do. Let both grow together until the harvest.
Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles, and burn them, and to
put the wheat in the barn.’”
Regular policing actually refines criminality. As one policeman put it: "We don't catch the smart ones".
So wait until the bad guys get rich fat and lazy on victory; then take a preplanned harvest. That works
Autism is not just a handicap; many autists have excellent analytic capabilities, and they should use their
But most news in the mainstream media is fake. There are many inconsistencies in the official narrative
of 9/11 and other alleged Muslim terror attacks, so the billion Muslims are less threatening than the
news suggests. Global warming is limited and quite harmless. And your own sins are probably much less
serious than the pure evil of the Cabal.
There are really bad people but there are relatively few of them. The Cabal may consist of about 10
thousand people; their helpers may be on the order of 10 million more. That may sound like a lot, but
that would still be less than 1% of the world population.
Matthew 13:24-30 New Living Translation
pg. 172
This is good news. It means that by using our numerical superiority wisely, we can gain control. That has
not happened before since the Cabal has always been using our weaknesses such as anger, greed and
laziness, to lure us into conflicts. It is a pity, but it does not make us bad. We can learn and wake up so
that manipulations have no effect any more, and evil will shrink.
The word is becoming less loaded, since it gets clearer to the public that conspiracies exist. If someone
tries to cut you off by calling you a conspiracy theorist, you may ask in return whether he believes in the
official 9/11 theory of 19 conspiring young man to hijack airplanes etc. That is a theory worth further
Another interpretation of this phrase is that we may have more talents than we thought. We can inspire
each other into exploring new grounds. And also the world around us gives us many opportunities, even
if our means are limited. This tweet by Martin Geddes illustrates that:
— Martin Geddes
pg. 173
You are watching a movie
Enjoy the show
Many things that are unfolding have been planned. This may well apply to the Democrats raging against
Trump: this may be the end of the DNC (Democratic National Committee). What would be the use of
this show? It could be the best way to wake up the masses, and/or to disempower the Cabal.
There may also be people who just try to make a lot of money, without real heart for the cause:
paytriots. There are as well people who dedicate their days to the cause and who ask for financial
support. On the boards some anons say that should not be done, but without support these good
amateur journalists can't work, leaving the playing field to the lying MSM.
Every now and then someone accuses someone for being a paytriot. Use your own discernment; be
careful who you follow, including accusers.
The division has been developed over thousands of years. As Q wrote in Q140:
Q has asked what the N in NWO stands for, without providing the answer. N may be New, Natural, Nobility,
Nassau, or even Nazarene.
pg. 174
Power belongs to the people
In a true democracy, the power is not in the hands of a happy few. We have not had true democracies:
the super-rich own the media and the main politicians. With mass deception there is no true free will,
and elections were, if only for that reason, in essence, fake.
To end it, the top needs to be disempowered, and for that it needs to be dispossessed.
Such power accumulations should never return; therefore there should be limits to possessions. In
general terms, for discussion purposes:
This breaks property rights at some level, and therefore it may sound communist to some. However, as
Martin Geddes put it:
Property rights also protect the proceeds of crime; so they become ‘crime rights’. Hence limiting
societal ruin risk is OK.
The authors contend that you can preserve the full self-motivation engendered by small market
capitalism (“living the dream”), and implement limits on possessions. All capitalist systems have built-in
limits now, which is the prevention of monopolies. A limitation on possessions makes sense when
managed by collaborative citizens rather than large government institutions, as a maintenance tool to
limit the risk of re-implementation of excessive institutional corruption.
Fake news can effectively cause division. It may be the most powerful tool of the Cabal.
pg. 175
The choice to know will be yours
Videos and other evidence of horrible crimes will appear on the Internet. You can find it if you want, but
the impressions may haunt you. You may ask yourself beforehand whether the knowledge would be
worth the risks. Would you need to know? Maybe to be able to judge the offenders? But will you really
know how they arrived at their bad deeds? How have they grown up? That could be in cruel families. It
may be best to leave judgement to God and to criminal courts.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you
can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against
the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to
stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt
of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your
feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up
the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the
helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
pg. 176
Also it is tempting to trust people who appear friendly; smiling and nodding. That may be genuine, but
there are also actors who deceive you that way. Some reservation would be wise. Conversely, people
who appear less agreeable, such as the autists on the chans, may be worth some more trust than you
might initially think.
There is much symbolism in nobility, royalty, freemasonry, the Catholic Church, pop culture. Many of
these old Institutions will go down as The Great Awakening marches forward.
But as the movement grows, it becomes easier to come in contact with similar minded people over the
Internet and in real life. Your common understanding builds trust; you support and you feel supported.
pg. 177
Appendix B - Text of Q Drops
The following Q drops are only those referenced in this book, and do not include all of the over 3,600
drops that Q has made at the time of publication. The titles on these Q drops are those that were added
by the administration of qmap.pub for each of their Q drops.
Any person making statements they will not be seeking re-election was put in submission. For the
betterment of the country not all will be prosecuted and all will do as told. You will see more of this
occur (not normal yet disregarded) and even on the D side.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future."
pg. 178
Why is this relevant?
What occurred in SA?
How did POTUS remove one side of the pyramid?
What did POTUS receive while visiting China?
Where did POTUS dine?
What is the significance?
What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?
Who controls NK?
Who really controls NK?
Who controls several agencies within the US, EU, and abroad?
Why is No Such Agency so vital?
Enormous scale of events currently ongoing.
Why is Russia helping to kill ISIS?
This is not easy to accept nor believe.
Crumbs make bread.
Operations active.
Joint missions underway.
The world is fighting back.
Refer back to graphic.
The Great Awakening.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA).
What is a key?
What is a key used for?
What is a guard?
What is a guard used for?
Who unlocked the door of all doors?
Was it pre-planned?
Do you believe in coincidences?
What is information?
Who controls the release of information?
pg. 179
Who disseminates information?
What is the MSM?
Who controls the MSM?
Who really controls the MSM?
Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources?
Who controls the MSM?
Who really controls the MSM?
Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources?
Why is this relevant?
Why are non MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and/or non-credible?
Why are non MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and/or non-credible?
What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?
Define corruption.
Wealth = power.
Power = influence.
Influence = control.
Rinse and repeat.
What power of influence was recently discovered (specifically re: 2016 election)?
How much power of influence does Twitter, FB, Reddit, etc. have in influencing the minds of people?
Has the stranglehold of the MSM been diminished?
What is open source?
What has become blatantly obvious since the election of POTUS?
Why would they allow this (visibility) to occur?
Were they not prepared to counter?
What miscalculation occurred?
What opposite impact did this generate?
How did POTUS recognize and invert?
What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?
Define corruption.
Define censorship.
Define ‘controlled’ censorship.
What action is Twitter taking effective mid-Dec?
What is the purpose of this action?
Possible test to understand public / gov’t response?
pg. 180
Q158 - Who has All the Information, Continued
When was this announced?
When did events in SA transpire?
Who controlled a large portion of Twitter stock?
Why is this relevant?
Define oppression.
Who controls the narrative?
Who really controls the narrative?
Who guards the narrative?
Does the MSM shelter and protect select ‘party’ members?
Does this protection insulate these ‘party’ members?
Who controls the narrative?
What laws were put in place to protect the MSM from lawsuits?
Who specifically passed this law?
What is immunity?
What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources & stories’?
What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources & stories’?
What previous SC ruling provided protection to reporters from having to reveal their ‘confidential’
How many people are unaware of the ‘truth’ due to the stranglehold?
How must people be made aware of an alternate reality?
What are crumbs (think H-wood/DC)
Define ‘lead-in’ (think play)?
What has been occurring recently?
The stage must be set.
Crumbs are easy to swallow.
What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America?
What is a honeypot?
Define blackmail.
How could this be applied?
Fantasy land.
No Such Agency.
The hunter becomes the hunted.
pg. 181
Operations underway.
Operators active.
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
Silent war (some gets out).
The Great Awakening.
Iron Eagle.
Godfather III.
The Hunt for Red October.
pg. 182
Think circle.
Expand your thinking.
Take multiple paths.
One connects to another.
Learn to read the map.
The map is the key.
Find the keystone.
What holds everything together?
Banks control Gov'ts
Gov'ts control people
SA controls elected people.
SOROS controls organizations of people.
Ready to play?
pg. 183
Q310 - US Military Savior of Mankind
Light will overcome d_a_rkness.
Light will expose darkne_s_s.
Light will _reveal_ darkness.
Light will defeat darkness.
pg. 184
4, 10, 20
The creation of the internet and ‘connecting’ platforms is bringing about their downfall.
Failure to control.
MSM is dead.
pg. 185
pg. 186
Some, the ultimate sacrifice.
Patriots are SELFLESS.
Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots?
Think logically.
To some, it’s only about the money.
Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.
You decide.
This is not a game.
The only profit we should all be striving for is TRUE FREEDOM.
God bless you all.
pg. 187
Q1375 - Q Thanks Autists & Patriots
The World is watching.
Patriots one & all!
pg. 188
Q1879 - 100s of Priests in PA Molested 1000s of Children
House of GOD?
Only the beginning.
Those who you are taught to trust the most….
Expect MANY MANY MANY similar reports to surface from around the world.
The choice to know will be yours.
pg. 189
Attention on deck.
Memes at the ready.
Lock on target.
Fire at will.
pg. 190
Q2420 - Conversation Between POTUS and Q Regarding Green Q Sign at Rally!
People are inherently good.
We stand TOGETHER.
pg. 191
Do not mistake silence for size.
This movement is larger than anyone can possibly imagine.
God bless, Patriot.
United We Stand, Patriot.
Together We Win.
pg. 192
Q2651 - The Corruption (Infiltration) at the Top (Worldwide) Has Spread like
Why, for decades, has the UN encouraged donor countries to contribute 0.7% of their gross domestic
product (GDP) on foreign aid?
The corruption (infiltration) at the top (WW) has spread like cancer.
Listen again, carefully.
The Great Awakening.
Q2719 - POTUS Call for “Great Awakening” Synced with Q Returning Publicly
(Q Proof)
What a coincidence!
Return ‘publicly’?
Pace picking up?
pg. 193
pg. 194
>Decide for yourself (be free)
Those who attack you.
Those who mock you.
Those who cull you.
Those who control you.
Those who label you.
Do they represent you?
Or, do they represent themselves (in some form)?
Mental Enslavement.
The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to
the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure
future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of
‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the
scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of
thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of
attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).
When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who
attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed
on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.
The choice is yours, and yours alone.
Trust and put faith in yourself.
You are not alone and you are not in the minority.
Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.
pg. 195
Project Looking Glass?
Going Forward in Order to Look Back.
pg. 196
When does news become propaganda?
Identity creation?
How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research
and discern fact v fiction?
Majority of people more prone to believe someone in power sitting behind a big brand ‘news’ name?
Do people [human psyche] tend to follow the ‘majority/mainstream viewpoint’ in fear of being isolated
and/or shunned?
‘Mainstream’ is used for a reason [dominate trend in opinion].
[If majority of people believe ‘x’ then ‘x’ must be validated / true]
Why do ‘mainstream’ media heads, within different orgs, always use the same keywords and/or catch
Coordinated? By who? Outside entity providing instructions?
Do they count on the fact that people [human psyche] are more prone to believe something if heard
over-and-over again by different ‘trusted’ sources?
Do ‘echo chamber’ tactics provide validation / credibility to the topic/point being discussed?
Threat to intellectual freedom?
Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations
viewpoint re: a desired topic?
Read again – digest.
Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations
viewpoint re: a desired topic?
Logical thinking.
Why, after the election of 2016, did [D]’s and media corps jumpstart a [coordinated & planned] divisive
blitz intended to create falsehoods re: illegitimacy of election, character assassination of POTUS through
sexism, racism, every other ‘ism’?
Pre/post 2016 election?
Why were violent [masked] terror orgs such as Antifa immediately created/funded?
Why were these orgs tasked w/ immediate intimidation/shut down of any pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or
Why were marches immediately organized to counter and silence pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?
Why were marches immediately organized which divided people into sex/gender, race, [ism]?
When you control the levers of news dissemination, you control the narrative.
Control of the narrative = power
When you are blind, what do you see?
They want you divided.
Divided by religion.
Divided by sex.
Divided by political affiliation.
Divided by class.
pg. 197
When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those
responsible [controllers].
Divided you are weak.
Divided you pose no threat to their control.
When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who
attempt to control the narrative and/or stable [livestock kept – sheep].
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed
on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
You are the news now.
Handle w/ care.
Q3662 - You Awake, and Thinking for Yourself, is Their Greatest Fear
Knowledge is power.
Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.
Do due diligence.
You awake, and thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear.
Sheep no more.
"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."
pg. 198
God bless you.
United We Stand.
pg. 199
Appendix C - How to Create Public Banners
In order to expose and remove corruption with minimal casualties and maximum benefit, you may need
to use tools that open eyes in the public domain. Some of the methods that can be used include social
media, creating news articles, blogs, lawsuits, and videos. One additional method is the public banner,
which has been effectively used by Veronica Wolski and others.
This information was created from an interview with Veronica Wolski, who has been using public
banners for a few years in Chicago, to raise public awareness for The Great Awakening. Veronica151 can
be found on Twitter.
Public banners have proven to be very effective in raising awareness for a cause. The banners described
in this document have been successfully used at public demonstrations, and attached to wire fences and
The above example can be seen from both sides, and the painted side faces oncoming traffic on a
Chicago pedestrian bridge.
pg. 200
Tools and Materials
Tools include:
Materials include:
● White cotton bed sheets, low thread count (maximum transparency, viewable from both sides)
● Fabric paint
● Elastic cords, such as silicone bracelets or bungee cords
● Clips to secure ends of elastic cords, if necessary (campaign pins and silicone bracelets in
example photos)
pg. 201
Text Layout
You can see rectangular pencil layouts in the above example, based on 1” increments. Typically use the
following basic rules:
● Fold the sheet in half and iron, to create a seam to mark the center, both vertically and
● Work out the lettering layout from the center, both vertically and horizontally
● 1” between letters
● 8” wide letters
pg. 202
● 14” tall letters
Banner Sewing
● The banner will be more durable if you sew edge seams into the banner
● Double fold the edges to create the edge seam
● Allow 2” margin on outside edges of banner (after edge sewing)
● Create mounting tabs by creating loops of doubled-over fabric and sewing them to the corners
of the banner
● Add mounting tabs to the centers of long banner runs
Banner Painting
Paint with fabric paint, on one side, with a goal of being able to see the design from both sides of the
Banner Mounting
Banners last longer in a windy environment if they have an elastic attachment to their mounting surface.
The above example uses a silicone bracelet to go around a fence wire, through a banner tab, and have
the 2 ends of the bracelet captured by a clip. In this case, the clip is a political pin. You can also use
short bungee cords.
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Appendix D - Meetups
Meetups, with The Great Awakening as a theme, may be inspiring and energizing. You can organize
these yourself, small or large. There are plenty of tips on the Internet152. The following may also be
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