Nano BioChip Sensors Structure and Functions - SrinivasKasulla - India

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Nano biochip sensors Structure and functions

Article · January 2021


3 authors, including:

Srinivas Kasulla ‫دﮐﺘﺮ اﻓﺸﯿﻦ رﺷﯿﺪ‬

Islamic Azad University Tehran Science and Research Branch

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Nano biochip sensors Structure and functions

Note: Nano biochip sensors are a miniature laboratory consisting

of a set of microarrays. These particulate matter act as test sites

within the biocype, and since many of them can be built into the

biocype, they serve as a multifunctional electronic nanosensor

that allows many experiments to be performed simultaneously.

This can naturally result in much higher test speeds and

efficiencies than if each test were performed separately using

other methods.

Nano biochip sensors have long existed in one form or another,

but nanosystems that can easily have more than 1000 parts

(mainly due to the electronics in the bio-chips). There are three

main types of biosypes used, and these include experiments on

nano biochip sensors , DNA chips, and protein chips. There are
four main components to any biology (simple or complex). It is the

first fine dust. A microarray is a network of biosensors built to

detect different biomolecules. Nano biochip sensorsBy delivering

the sensing molecules on a flat surface, they are physically

bonded to the surface, whereby they are integrated with

microelectronics. While this is an important part, a transducer is

also needed to translate the molecular sensing mechanism,

through the interaction of intermolecular forces or through

reaction, into a usable output. This brings us to the third and fourth

major parts, the signal processing unit and the readable output,

which connects the data and makes it readable and usable by the


Nano biochip sensors are used for various applications of

biomolecule sensing. Which includes many nanomolecular assay

techniques. Nanobiochip sensors aremainly designed to detect

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antibodies and infectious diseases (viruses, fungi, parasites, etc.).

Andgenerally identify a wide range of biomolecules in a sample -

including, but not limited to, DNA, RNA, antibodies and antigens,

enzymes, bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Nanobiochip sensors

havealso found special applications in dermatological

applications on the chip.


Note: Nano biochip sensors are a miniature laboratory consisting

of a set of microarrays. These particulate matter act as test sites

within the biocype, and since many of them can be built into the

biocype, they serve as a multifunctional electronic nanosensor

that allows many experiments to be performed simultaneously.

This can naturally result in much higher test speeds and

efficiencies than if each test were performed separately using

other methods.

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