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Junior High School Students Performance Task in MAPEH 9 (Core Subject)

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Republic of the Philippines I Division of Taguig and Pateros

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc.
# 317 M.L.Q. St., Lower Bicutan, Taguig City

Junior High School

Students Performance Task in MAPEH 9 (Core Subject)
Grade Level: Grade
Group Grade
Advanced (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2)
Author(s): Lilia G. Vengco and Teresita F. Religioso
Beginning (1)
Book Title:
1. Instrumental For Today’s
Creates an Learner MAPEH
Creates an Creates an Quarter:
Does not create an 2ndQuarter
Patterns – Teacherr: Mr. John
interlocking soundJhenas N. Biri
interlocking interlocking interlocking sound all
interlocking of six all throughout the sound for most sound for some throughout the patterns
(6) different patterns Performance Task Guidelines
part of patterns parts the patterns Rubric(s)
patterns per type 1 : Improvised Instruments
Classroom Activities
of instrument
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days
2. Pattern Does all patterns Commits a few Commits many Does all patterns
s Procedures: correctly errors in the errors in the wrongly
Playing 1. Group the class into four patterns
(4) patterns
Correct 2. Let the group performed the Ode to Joy (Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee) from
playing of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 of Classical music through improvised instruments;
the given 3. Each group provide 5 pieces of recyclable glass of battle.
patterns 4. Add water to the battle
3. Tone quality Instrument playing Instrument Instrument Instrument
- Produce good tone can be heard and playing can playing can playing is not
quality from the blend well with slightly be heard easily be heard heard at all times
instrument others over others

4. Tempo Performs tempo Performs tempo Performs tempo Performs wrong

- Accurate and accurately and accurately and accurately and tempo levels all
consistent consistently all consistently for consistently for throughout the
speed of throughout the some part of the most part of the patterns
instrument pattern pattern pattern
5. Creativity Excellent Good Good Poor
- Use of performance of performance of performance of performance of
costumes use composition in composition in composition in composition in
Monlimar accompanying
Development accompanying
Academy, Inc. I Junior High School accompanying accompanying
to accompany song/dance song/dance most part of the song/dance
song/dance song/dance
Performance Task Guidelines Rubric(s)
Activity 2: Inner Portrait Sprinting Rubrics
Need Satisfactory (15) Good (20) Excellent (25) Outstanding
Classroom Activities Improvement (30)
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days (10)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arm Never Keep Shoulders are arm are moving Shoulders are Shoulders are
Procedures: the arms in high and tight in rhythm most high, arms are relaxed, hands
- Create a painting that will spiritually inspire the viewers like that of many Baroque proper actions  arms are flapping of time but moving in a are not crossing
paintings. down in an crossing the rhythmic fashion the midline of
Materials: uncontrolled midline of the and controlled  the body
Old newspaper, magazine, bond paper etc. manner body some
20’’ x 30’’ illustration board, Pencil time 
Acrylic paint, poster paint, paintbrushes Legs and Never try to Knees are not knees are high knees are close Knees are high
Feet take the proper getting high and on average to the abdominal no crossing of
1. Choose a biblical scene that you want to depict. legs knees may cross level, section and an the midpoint and
2. Create a sketch first on a bond paper before you finalize your design movments  mid point of the sometimes occasional arms and legs
3. Transfer your design onto illustration board body, student is doing a wrong crossing of the are always
4. Paint. Make sure to apply the defining characteristics of the Baroque style in your running flat legs mid point, ball alternating in a
work. footed and heel movements  of the feet must rythmic fashion
5. Share your work with the class touches the make contact and taking long
- ground first  before heel, stride 
mostly taking a
long stride 
Breathin Never take Student will Student holds Student holds Student holds
g proper occasionally hold their breath for their breath for their breath for
breathing their breath and the acceleration the acceleration the acceleration
while running  mouth may be phase and phase and most phase and
open  breathes of time breathes through
through the breathes through their nose and
mouth their nose and out through their
out through their mouth
Speed Still try to improve usually break most of time try always try to
improving running speed for own running to break own break running
speed for short short distance timing and try running timing timing and
distance running to complete the and complete the finished the race
Running  race in speed race in speed in speed

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Junior High School

running  running running 
Ability No ability to Sometimes Has ability to as ability to
complete the Usually take a need a break to complete the complete the
800 Mtr break to complete the 800 Mtr 800 Mtr running
Running  complere the 800 800 Mtr Running without without break.
Mtr Running Running break & try to Always break
break the the own timing
running timing
Activity 3: Social Dance (Mixer Dance)
Classroom/Outdoor Activities Inicators
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days Perform the dance steps correctly 30%
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Execute good timing with the music 40%
Procedures: Master the dance sequences 30%
1. Group the class into three (3) TOTAL 100%
2. Each group will have performed the basic skills in dance (mixer dance) in front of
their classmates.
3. Rate the student’s Performance Task based on the following rubrics:

Activity 4: Prevention and Control of Substance Use and Abuse

Classroom Activities
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days
1. Divide the class into three (3) who will be in-charged of planning for and presenting Well-thought of plan relating to the topic Factual information is accurate
through a short role play of the following: (1) Recreational activities for boys and (30%)
Girls (2) Pocket Seminar (3) Counseling activities Cooperation Accept ideas of others; able to compromise
2. Rate the student’s Performance Task based on the following rubrics: (40%)
Performance task of each member - Shows confidence
(30%) - Informative
- Entertaining; engages audience
- Speak loudly
Uses appropriate body language

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Junior High School

Prepared by:
Mr. John Jhenas N. Biri

Checked and Noted by:

Ms. Rachel Ann Cerillano

Head Teacher, JHS

Mr. Ronel T. Borbon

Vice Principal

Mr. Alexander N. Ignacio `

School Principal

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Junior High School

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