1 5066561976067424462 PDF
1 5066561976067424462 PDF
1 5066561976067424462 PDF
M u h a m m a d B i n A b d u l -W a h h a a b ' s
In t r o d u c t i o n O f
to the
ISBN: 978-1-4507-8130-5
5312 M arket St.
Phila Pa 19139
authenticstatem ents.com
info@ authenticstatem ents.com
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Table of Contents
Translator’s Foreword
6 The Three Treatises
Translator's Foreword
Indeed all praises are due to Allah, the One true deity who
is deserving o f worship; the Creator o f all that is in
existence and the Administrator o f all the affairs. May
peace and salutations be upon the Noble Messenger
Muhammad (flu, j <Jc. Jjl arL^), his family, companions and
all o f those who follow them in goodness.
Fundamental Principles...”
Nafis Sparrow.
8 The Three Treatises
His Education:
Condition of Najd:
Mission of Da’wah:
Arrival at Uyainah:
The people o f Dar ’iyah knew the Shaykh very well and they
were also aware o f his mission. When the ruler o f Dar ’y ah,
Ameer Muhammad Ibn S a ’ood, came to know about the
arrival o f the Shaykh in his territory, he was much pleased
13 aJL- jll
The ruler o f Uyainah and the elites took journey to pay visit
and requested him to turn back Uyainah. But the Shaykh
rejected the proposal. They also pledged to fig h t fo r the
cause o f Islam till the last. The Shaykh also sent his
disciples to the different regions and countries to preach
the teachings o f Islam based only on the Q u r’an and the
authentic Ahaadith o f the Prophet j AJt jit
Impact of Da’wah:
- Kitab Tawhid,
- Al-irshaad ilas-Saheehil-I'tiqaad,
- Al-Mulakhkhas al-Fiqhee,
2ill jSJOlJ
% % Z Z f , o a
l"ll^ll l^LaC-J I^lol (J^T^ U] (jUuljUl (jjl J
Jjall ^laJLj l i a
* -8 f , %, , < %, .a t Z
(jjc-ja ^J1 IjLuiji Utt£ I^aLj U j LiL^jjl lj|
j i j 4ijjoijj kill jl^. fj* jj-iljJ J>UI j»jjll j 4ilU (jjlo jj lioja Aaj U
4-1 (j|j lit O <131 tdj Ijt O <JC- I j j J a j j '«*- <131 ^ j J a j O l$-)3
j jk iL ii j i <111
i • O .» O--
U^\wi^ m cH^P^J (3^^ k"ia\-k Uoj
J U u < J j3 J j l <jtla
English Text
"By time, mankind is in loss, except those who believe and worship
Allah alone, and do righteous good deeds, performing that which is
obligatory upon them and avoiding that which they are forbidden,
and enjoin one another with patient perseverance upon obedience
to Allah and in facing harm and trials." [Surah al-’Asr (103)1
"Know that none has the right to be worshipped except Ailaah, and
ask forgiveness o f your Lord for your sins." [Surah Muhammad
(47): 19]
"And the places o f worship are for Allah alone, so do not invoke
anyone along with Allah." [Surah al-Jinn (72): 18[
You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day
loving those who oppose Allah and His Messenger; even if they are
their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their kinsfolk.
Rather Allah has decreed true Faith for their hearts, and
strengthened them with proof, light and guidance from Him; and
He will enter them into the gardens o f Paradise beneath whose
trees rivers flow, and they will dwell therein forever. Allah is
pleased with them and they with Him. They are the Party o f Allah.
Indeed the party o f Allah is the successful." [Surah al-M ujaadilah
"I did not create jin n and mankind except that they should worship
Me." [Surah adh-Dhaariyaat (51 ):56]
"Worship Allah alone, making all worship purely for Him, and do
not associate anything in worship along with Him." [Surah an-Nisaa
28 The Three Treatises
these fundam entals ( o f the religion) to rem ain with them and
th em ) to others.
29 4 ^ 1 <Lo,jll
from the beginning stages o f know ledge and its branches u n til
this reason this is w hy the scholars say that the m eaning o f this
%% , o * * %%
ijjjuiySj UaJj UaJ (jjjjljj I jS ijS —l j
start with the sm aller subjects o f know ledge before the larger
this is som ething that is norm al, because all things begin with
and its nobility, then this is the one who is condem ned and
d o esn ’t obtain anything, while the one who begins with the
Jj\ QM d)JJjll
new m oon begin at one stage being small, then grew large in
and how sm all and big it is, then the know ledge o f this is
is w hy A llah says:
% of
o A fl duilj-o <Ja
Say: These are signs to mark fixed periods o f time for m ankind...
{2:189} m eaning explain to them their purpose and it is that
The Author (may Allah have mercy upon him) begins his
treatise with the Basmalah (i.e. In the Name o f Allah the
Most Merciful, the Bestower o f Mercy) (1)
follow ing the exam ple set b y the B ook o f A llah, the M ig h ty
fo r surah Tawbah.
A lso this is som ething that treatises, books and com pilations
begin with follow ing the exam ple set b y the B ook o f Allah.
A lso he (<*!"■j a3iI w ould open his serm ons with the
j ^lc.1
u ^ j j j j i i ] j j j f j Udii j j i i i i i ijijS j S fa
m V 'j Vj
And argue not with the people o f the Scripture (Jews and
Christians), unless it be in (a way) that is better (with good words
and in good manner, inviting them to Islamic Monotheism with His
Verses), except with such o f them as do wrong; and say (to them):
"We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to
you; our Ilah (God) and your Ilah (God) is One (i.e. Allah), and to
Him we have submitted (as Muslims)." {29:46} For those who are
arrogant, p rid efu l and do wrong from the people o f the book,
The a u th o r’s statem ent: ‘Know may Allah have mercy upon
from .
39 y u jii
that are recom m ended nor is from the perm issible affairs,
leave it o f f it is a sin.
som ething no one has an excuse to rem ain ignorant of. A lso, a
this are the five pillars o f Islam which are: Shahaadatain (the
Likew ise the sam e goes fo r the rulings o f the zakat, fasting and
incum bent upon him to have know ledge o f its rulings as well
as ‘um rah ( the lesser hajj) fo r the purpose o f perform ing these
‘a yn (individual obligation).
acquire the know ledge o f such m atters then the objective w ill
and other
44 The Three Treatises
A s fo r the know ledge o f the w orldly m atters like the know ledge
A llah has praised its p eople and which the M essenger ( 4il
rem ains ignorant about it, then there is no sin upon him , and
A n d even ifh e was to die while rem aining ignorant o f this type
repeated it.” It will be said to him, ‘Neither did you know nor
did you take the knowledge (by reciting the Qur’an).’ Then he
will be hit with an iron hammer between his two ears, and he
will cry and that cry will be heard by whatever approaches him
4_ui (<4)1 j Aj
and the day; and from am ong those things which H e has
awareness o f Allah.
the message.
Up ^J*-“J
said in a poem :
(Jli (Jla
AaIsi.i 1 aLLi_l] A* 11 La
And (it is) not for one to foolishly rely on the difference o f
opinions. ”
The Shark
to it.
knowledge.” [Tirmithi]
every rakah:
57 yiu,jii
iL m
A llah has addressed those who act w ithout know ledge as being
be aware o f this.
The Three Treatises
The Sharh
person has learned an d acted upon the know ledge o f which he,
(And remember) when Allah took a covenant from those who were
given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) to make it (the news of
the coming o f Prophet M uhammad and the
religious knowledge) known and clear to mankind, and not to hide
it... {3:187}
This is the covenant which A llah has taken from the scholars
does n o t call to the way o f A llah while having the ability to,
the people and the religion with which Allah has made to be of
benefit, Allah will cloak him with a bridle of fire on the Day of
j11 IAjijIj II
The Shark
The Shark
H igh:
* o
^ tjUuuUl (jl
64 The Three Treatises
65 s ^ s ii aJl , jii
the fourth m atters, which is to p a tien tly endure and bear any
harm upon the p ath o f calling to one s know ledge and action.
'jj lP j
[Abu Dawud]
Allah, the M ost H igh can swear b y w hatever H e wills, how ever
is the lesson contain w ithin this tim e, in which A llah has sworn
pursuing the day, com peting with one another; this one taking
from that one and that one taking from th is one; this one is
longer and that one is shorter, follow ing one another according
H igh says:
4ila. j
67 y u jii
{And He it is Who has put the night and the day in succession,
m eaning: th ey both follow each other, this one altering that
These are those who pass the tim e a n d waste it, so that it will
know ledge and spread it; fo r the best am ongst the people are
yt, iilj Sjlj (...) <*I S j j jy* *—jI jX. s-, jlr, dij 1ji
J j . Vlgall
are rew arded fo r being upon it; and to be rem inded o f what has
rem ained p a tien t and strove in the p ath o fA lla h u n til the help
The Shark
upon any harm one encounters in the way o f A llah, the M ost
attaining happiness. ”
The Sharh
And the proof: m eaning fo r this statem ent o f his, is the saying
ajjIj II aJLuijll
J a x II j fl-iA l L T U A j ^ \ m <a i _ l a j A jl
The Shark
does n o t do it.
% o , ,
Igjjla. C u i,j libs
» ; 0 }%*
'J 3 ' fl V*
{Eat thereof, and feed the poor who does not ask (men) {22:36}.
m eans every m ale or fem ale from the M uslim s, and it is the
the m en and the wom en, that th ey learn the affairs o f their
m ore harm ful than being ignorant, that is because the ignorant
m atter.
from the books ( w ithout a teacher), because the books are only
the m eans (at acquiring it). W hereas the reality is that the
know ledge which is taken from the scholars a n d the books are
^L# a L iS j l j j d j L a j j j L ia li aSi I
The Shark
*• ** * « ,
I jS j 'jj jAllI jja . jUaiUI ^jic. Ja
Has there not been over man a period o f time, when he was not a
thing worth mentioning? {76:1}
«, - - > . «
U li "Jj JiS (> dtila. ’J j J jA '^Jc. jA tdjj J \i ^ JS
He said: "So (it will be). Your Lord says: It is easy for Me
Certainly I have created you before, when you had been nothing!"
Allah said:
"Did you think that We had created you in play (without any
purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?" {23:115}
• * ' r +* f » 9 , - 0
And We created not the heaven and the earth and all that is
between them without purpose! That is the consideration o f those
who disbelieve! Then woe to those who disbelieve (in Islamic
Monotheism) from the Fire! {38:27}
given free-w ill n o r are th ey charged with follow ing com m ands
And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they
should worship Me (Alone). I seek not any provision from them
(i.e. provision for themselves or for My creatures) nor do I ask that
they should feed M e (i.e. feed themselves or My creatures). Verily,
Allah is the All-Provider, Owner o f Power, the Most Strong.
our deeds.
obedient w ithout being rew arded and the one who disbelieved
M ost H igh- and due to this A llah has m ade the hom e o f the
h is evil.
Lo J O jA J llI U l r iS V ^ j Laj b k j J C ij a j L i l l i u ju a . U l La I j i l i j
^ - S f o “T* ° 9
o '
U ] < jl O a !C- ^j a
And they say: "There is nothing but our life of this world, we die
and we live and nothing destroys us except Ad-Dahr (time). And
they have no knowledge o f it: they only conjecture. {45:24}. This is
with H is saying:
9- 0 f
(jjx Iu b U ! ( J » ° > jfll
* -- , f-
t jjS ^51 La
Shall We then treat the Muslims (believers o f Islamic Monotheism,
doers o f righteous deeds) like the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists
and disbelievers, etc.)? W hat is the matter with you? How judge
you? {68:35-36}
f £ f
Lq c -L jJ i.) J ^ .I^ ju j
Or do those who earn evil deeds think that We shall hold them
equal with those who believe (in the Oneness o f Allah - Islamic
M onotheism) and do righteous good deeds, in their present life and
after their death? W orst is the judgm ent that they make. {45:21}
j» l
jU k ill£ (jjS iL U l
88 The Three Treatises
Shall We treat those who believe (in the Oneness o f Allah - Islamic
Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds as Mufsidun (those who
associate partners in worship with Allah and commit crimes) on
earth? Or shall We treat the M uttaqun (the pious - See V.2:2) as
the Fujjar (criminals, disbelievers, the wicked)? T his is n o t
p o s s ib le n o r w ill i t e v e r h a ppen .
< £ 0 VL*jll
V Lijil
The Sharh
is like its day and no one deviates from it except that he w ill be
destroyed. This is like what com es in the statem ent o f A llah the
M o st H igh:
£ * - o % - % > - % of * - o
This day, those who disbelieved have given up all hope of your
religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day, I have perfected
your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have
chosen for you Islam as your religion. {5:3}
91 *£*511 <1L,jll
■ ■~'r <C-L3al
The Shark
A llah say:
O < 131 g - lL I
C s • , ' , s , s '• {
U Uj (j-° LaLuj^i llaj
ajxAsLi ^
^r.1 j i ju ialj
92 The Three Treatises
"By Him (Allah) in W hose H and M uham m ad's soul is, there is
none from amongst the Jews and the Christians (of these
disobeys him w ill enter the Fire. A n d this is what separates the
J UJ^'j?
The Shark
likew ise, this refers to the royal we a n d it m eans that A llah sen t
O -v A_l]l ^ k- (jaUli
% * % % Z - % % * * S J J - O
O 1
what has occurred betw een the previous nations and their
from before it or behind it. (It is) sen t dow n b y the All-W ise,
j\ \ \ I ^^ 11. .1 ^ y 1^ ^ all 1 ^ 1^
Every time a group is cast therein, its keeper will ask: "Did no
warner come to you?" They will say: "Yes, indeed a warner did
The Three Treatises
come to us, but we belied him and said: 'Allah never sent down
anything (of revelation); you are only in great error.'" {67:8-9}
him self:
'Jfcli ; 4 j GJ ju i
F ir’a un.
97 y u jii
Because o f their sins they were drowned, then were made to enter
the Fire. {71:25} So th ey were m ade to enter the H ell-fire w hilst
The Fire, they are exposed to it, morning and afternoon. {40:46}
They are exposed to the Fire m orning and afternoon u n til the
And on the Day when the Hour will be established (it will be said to
the angels): "Cause Fir'aun’s (Pharaoh) people to enter the
severest torment!" {40:46} This verse indicates that th ey w ill
First: That A llah drow ned and destroyed them all at once.
98 The Three Treatises
A llah says:
Such is the Seizure o f your Lord when He seizes the (population of)
the towns while they are doing wrong. Verily, His Seizure is
painful, (and) severe. {11:102} C ontained w ithin this verse is a
The Shark
(j_ o
join others in worship with Allah, (then) surely (all) your deeds will
be in vain, and you will certainly be among the losers." {39:65}
But if they had joined in worship others with Allah, all that they
used to do would have been of no benefit to them. {6:88} So
Worship Allah and join none with Him (in worship) {4:36}
And they were commanded not, but that they should worship
Allah, and worship none but Him Alone (abstaining from ascribing
partners to Him) {98:5}
Ul Ul 4— 11 U A jl a U ] Ul J j jo ij A t* U Ilu jI La j
obi Uj I j Ul t iljj
And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him.
which gathers betw een the worship o f A llah and avoiding (or
C l *1
yt>j UJ 5UIU 3
And most of them believe not in Allah except that they attribute
partners unto Him [i.e. they are M ushrikun i.e. polytheists.
{12:106} Here, The M ost H igh explains although th ey had
the statem ent o f the author (m ay A llah have m ercy upon him ):
with H im .
The S h a rk
carrying the throne o f A llah, and those who surround it. Allah
used to say:
106 The Three Treatises
this was o n ly to take them as interm ediaries betw een them and
the dead.
I 3 J -dll I Ua -U1 V I — j ' ‘J 'j : ^ j * J J jJ I j
The Proof for this is the saying o f Allah: And the mosques are
for Allah (Alone): so invoke not anyone along with Allah. {72:18}
The Sharh
inform ed us that this is what the Jew s and the C hristians have
“Beware of those who preceded you and used to take the graves
“Let there be curse upon the Jews and the Christians that they
All ^ ( j l j
from H im .
l':J <111 1j L i Ua
{so invoke not anyone along with Allah. } W hat this verse show s
a£*S1I aILojll
Jjjfi i_ijjl jl£ j l j aJjjluj
The Shark
112 The Three Treatises
And blood relations among each other have closer personal ties in
the Decree of Allah (regarding inheritance) {33:6}
And never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way (to triumph)
over the believers. {4:141} Likewise, it necessitates that the
him and sever all ties with him ; a n d as fo r the one who has
You (O M uhammad j ^ *iil ^^1-a) will not find any people who
believe in Allah and the Last Day, making friendship with those
who oppose Allah and His M essenger (M uhammad ^ (/-»
even though they were their fathers or their sons or their
brothers or their kindred (people). For such He has written Faith
in their hearts, and strengthened them with Ruh (proofs, light and
true guidance) from Himself. And He will admit them to Gardens
(Paradise) under which rivers flow to dwell therein (forever). Allah
is pleased with them, and they with Him. They are the Party of
Allah. Verily, it is the Party o f Allah that will be the successful.
{58:22} (11)
The Sharh
love fo r the disbelievers w ill never exist inside the heart o f the
to be.
“Do you love the enemies of the Beloved while you claim to
o . *a% t ^ i- . ^ S ^
jvjjii (jjih £.urji fS,j^c. j i^ j Sc. i j u i ^ioi ^jLiii i^ji u
O you who believe! Take not My enemies and your enemies (i.e.
disbelievers and polytheists) as friends, showing affection towards
them {60:1} up u n til H is saying:
I jjl
2 Al Kaafiyah-ul-Shaafiyah
116 The Three Treatises
Also, what th is verse show s is that to have love fo r the one who
It was said that this verse was revealed concerning the noble
d id n o t let the fact that he was his father p reven t him from
M essenger.
Allah has em pow ered them with the Ruh. A n d the w ord ruh
saying o f Allah:
L$ Ui r^ *— Cfc® £ j ’j <Tji J a
C-L>^ — J jj
M ost M erciful.
* • *
Hja. Ijjc. (jjijj U
enem ies com ing and seizing his p ro p erty from him . M an
‘Allah is pleased with them, and they with H im .’ {58:22} so, when
appeared betw een them A llah the M ost H igh granted them H is
‘They are the Party o f Allah.’ M eaning the p a rty o f A llah and as
in the world; rather there are som e things which are m ade an
First: That even though we have hatred and anim osity fo r them
are A lla h ’s enem ies a n d our enem ies. ” N ay! I t is incum bent
them .
-T.iU I i% (j) j
AjSSUI <1L.jl!
{But if they incline to peace, you also incline to it} -8:61 H owever,
Third: The M uslim s are n o t p reven ted from dealing ju stly with
the disbelievers when th ey dealju stly with them . A llah says:
Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who
fought not against you on account o f religion nor drove you out of
your homes. Verily, Allah loves those who deal with equity. {60:8}
< % * / ». o
pi jAole g-3 aJIjuoSj (jAj ^jlc. Ua j <-«! AjLsa. y jliajUl LuLqjj
^11 dojll jTj gJ ‘jfLil
not; but behave with them in the world kindly, and follow the path
o f him who turns to Me in repentance and in obedience. {31:14-15}
The p arent has rights (th a t h e is en titled to), even i f h e is a
Sixth: A llah has m ade th e wom en from the peo p le o f the book
123 <£5131 aIU jll
y* 0 f f (r > * if * + I * -
And let not the enmity and hatred o f others make you avoid justice.
Be just: that is nearer to piety {5:8}
124 The Three Treatises
The Sharh
m ercy upon him — that A llah guides everyone who reads this
O j * i i i jll J L j ik
Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path.
but if they see the way o f error (polytheism, crimes and evil deeds),
they will adopt that way {7:146} A l-R ush — guidance is the way
a S O 4JL0jB
The Shark
or incline.
which inclines towards Taw heed and turns away from shirk.
Prophet Ibrahim (^L Jlj o^Uall -ult) was both a M uslim and a
tj.g j.u l
° %* - - A* * '* # * f' *
(j\a Uqj O <jl C^l) I jl
.XIV. h
a nd trials from the people which no one other than him has
n o t know ing what are those things that cause a p e rso n ’s Islam
short therein.
129 aIUjll
The Shark
he fast, prays, perform ‘um rah and hajj and does m a n y acts o f
M uslim s. These are those who have no true know ledge o f the
The Shark
com m anded all o f the people, the A rab and non-Arab from
i 0 O > 0„
j JuajI Uj (jaiUIJ (3?^ i** Uqj
And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they
should worship Me (Alone). {51:56} A n d H e has com m anded
‘And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they
should worship Me (Alone).’ Allah, H e is the creator, the O ne
who created all things, and from those things in which H e has
betw een that which is harm ful a n d that which is a benefit, the
Q In l a a . j i a j l l l ^ U a j C jl jL o lJ I l!o ^ȣ1 j - . . .. j
And has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and all that is in
the earth; {45:13} A ll o f this has been m ade o f service to the
M ost H igh:
And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they
should worship Me (Alone). {51:56}
134 The Three Treatises
The jin n are created beings from the w orld o f the unseen,
• if I * ' f0 f /
o ' A u ' '-“j i i j j (4 ^
3 y* 4-U! jji
I seek not any provision from them (i.e. provision for themselves or
for My creatures) nor do I ask that they should feed Me (i.e. feed
themselves or My creatures). Verily, Allah is the All-Provider,
Owner of Power, the Most Strong. {51:57-58}
A llah is n o t in n eed o f the creation, H e created the jin n and
"If you disbelieve, you and ail on earth together, then verily Allah
is Rich (Free of all needs), Owner o f all Praise." {14:8} So A llah is
:Uj A"4
The Sharh
the purpose o f taw heed ibaadah (to single A llah o u t alone with
all worship).
Hell-Fire due to his n o t com ing with the taw heed ibaadah fo r
The Shark
o f all that A llah has com m anded is taw heed? I t is the saying o f
W orship Allah and join none with Him (in worship); {4:36} u n til
the en d o f the verse. C ontained w ithin this verse are ten rights;
due to this it is called the verse o f ten rights. The first o f these
ULulJ jjjJI^]Ijj
\ s i j ^ Lfk j
{kinsfolk,} this is the th ird right. A n d the kin sfo lk are those
establishm ent, along with keep him away from that which
him .
m entioning o f H is right:
139 y u jii
O IjluI Ij S^jIu Uj
and join none with Him (in worship); and H e d id n o t lim ited
have m ercy upon him ): the greatest o f all that A llah has
LU UJ I j i iu Ui j ^ a 'j
And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him.
{17:23} So He, the M ost H igh begins with taw heed a n d this
show s that it is the greatest o f all that A llah has com m anded.
O' ' ° 'i=°. \o' * ° % lrf»o. o%o' o*i' 'S ' ' * °f o ' ' ' ° t
*o (jix.1 •> fk'irj i u y j uuai
140 The Three Treatises
And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they
should worship Me (Alone). {51:56} The scholars o f tafsir
( worship).
fo u n d on the face o f the earth who believes that som eone other
than Allah, the M ost H igh, created the heavens a n d the earth
^ y .>
O <U1I ^ j l j i l Cy> ^ i l l —ij l l j
And if you ask them who created them, they will surely say:
"Allah." {43:87} there is no rational being fo u n d in the world
is som ething that is p resen t w ithin the fitrah and the intellect,
4 'r - ^ g > La * J a f e lj
The Shark
18. K now ing this is extrem ely beneficial. W hy? Because there
are som e people who believe that there are sins graver than
i t * •* ' L a i -•
U -- > • ' *1
O < i Ij £ UI
Join not anything in worship with Him; which show s that sh irk is
Set not up with Allah any other ilah (god), (O man)! (This verse is
addressed to Prophet Muhammad j ail JLa^ but its
implication is general to all mankind), or you will sit down
reproved, forsaken (in the Hell-fire). {17:22} H e begins with the
144 The Three Treatises
And set not up with Allah any other ilah (god) lest you should be
thrown into Hell, blameworthy and rejected, (from Allah's Mercy).
{17:39} which indicates the saying o f the author (m ay A llah
have m ercy upon him ): ‘The most serious thing that Allah
forbade is shirk.’
lu^-i i_Ami y (3Xoij 4jir. <111 <111 J C i l L o i Jla <ill jjc "jc.
cJi Jla - 1lillj J <1 cJa Jla Atl-^ j Aj Ijj <11 J*1^j <jl Jla <111 .ijc.
iiljla. <LL. ^ I J j
fact) that He has created you. He (the reporter) said: I told him
I asked him what the next (gravest sin) was. He (the Prophet)
replied: That you kill your child out of fear that he shall join
next gravest sin) is that you commit adultery with the wife of
And those who invoke not any other ilah (god) along with Allah,
nor kill such person as Allah has forbidden, except for just cause,
nor commit illegal sexual intercourse - and whoever does this shall
receive the punishment. {25:68} In another narration the Prophet
^ .u J i J l s ^y*r- a I I I <UI1 J j y l 5 ^ jc .
s J k j B J j i i i j u * jii j k l j j l j k i j j k L u i a Ii\ y j* .
pleased with him ) that the Messenger of Allah (fL j <Ac. LI ^^La)
observed: Avoid the seven noxious things. It was said (by the
shirk, likew ise the one who com m its shirk w ill never enter
i ^ i | - * • - * " * • *
Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him
(in worship), but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom
He wills {4:48}
shirk is the gravest o f sins, because all sins besides shirk can be
c - o o - • - S>
O eL ij ^ U Jp*"} d Alii
Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him
(in worship), but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom
147 ig m jii
m ajor sin less than shirk then verily he has n o t been p rohibited
from entering Paradise, either A llah w ill forgive him and adm it
worse o f sins:
^ jUk] o]
.QJ Uajl j
148 The Three Treatises
if - • M i t
I j j a<w j
O y -a j*
Then kill the Mushrikun wherever you find them, and capture
them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every
ambush {9:5} I t necessitates that shirk be warned against and
shirk, and the people are left to fall therein while the ‘Ulamaa
and rem ain quiet from p ro hibiting them from shirk? It is first
The Three Treatises
4 ju * o j C ' a j
The Sharh
A lso, there are from am ong them those who say that sh irk is to
ju d g e b y other than A llah (i.e. shirk fil H aakim iyyah), and this
Siyaasi (shirk in politics). They are those who say, that shirk by
along with H im .
Also, there are from am ong them those who say that shirk is to
UaA. lla . (J U a ll j
j^aJI Ail J
152 The Three Treatises
ij jJ j f S k ljj! j j • fS j U i J u! J s
%^ x ' ' ' ' • - rf Jo
^Sjll i—1^1 Iajl.u5 / j o j l k j j Ia^ojS^jSI
Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your
kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the comm erce in which
you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight are
dearer to you - {9:24}
A llah said:
- - * ^ ' of ^'
^ ( j J i - 'V *“J U A j j i ( j * OjP-’f } OjjJ i J o ( jia Jl » Al
153 s ju jii
For Him (Allah, Alone) is the W ord o f Truth (i.e. none has the
right to be worshipped but Allah). And those whom they
(polytheists and disbelievers) invoke, answer them no more -
j aJ « aUI Ijc.3la
O L llu j a j i £ U j a III I 1j : J U j a j js (J U .U I j
The proof is His saying, the Most High: W orship Allah and
join none with Him (in worship); {4:36} (20)
The Shark
Q 1 Ju Aj U j Alii 1j . 1jc.Ij
W orship Allah and join none with Him (in worship); {4:36} then
A llah begins the affair with taw heed and the prohibition o f
shirk, this show s that the greatest o f all A llah has com m anded
Barzakh: lit. Barrier; the life between the life o f this world
and the hereafter (i.e. the period in the grave).
‘Ilm: knowledge.
Jannah: Paradise.
Kufr: disbelief.
Salafee: one who ascribes him self to the salaf and follows
in their way.
Shaykh: scholar.
Shaytaan: satan.