Quiz2 Merged
Quiz2 Merged
Quiz2 Merged
Economies of Scale
Arijit Mitra
I know you have learnt a lot about
inventory in OM – 2!
• ~ 8000 SKUs
• Median 72
• Mode 0
Top Sellers
• What are the Biggest Sellers?
Lognormal Distribution
Uniform Distribution
Potential Distributions for our SKUs
Following each
distribution, we
can plot the
cumulative % of
sales volume
against the % of
the SKUs involved
in the sales
y = 1.1245x0.3784
% Sales Volume
0.6 R² = 0.9717
Model Fit
for Our
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
% SKUs
Po w e r l a w i s E x c e p t i o n a l l y c o m m o n i n p h y s i c a l a n d s o c i a l s y s t e m s
• S e ve r i t y o f h u r r i c a n es a n d e a r t h q u a ke s
• I n c o m e w i t h in a p o p u l a t i o n ( Pa r e t o ’s L a w )
• V i s i t s t o w e b s i t es ( N i e l se n’s L a w ) & b l o g s
• F r e q u e nc y o f w o r d s i n a n y l a n g u a g e ( Z i p f ’s L a w )
• F r e q u e nc y o f d i g i t s w i t h i n t a b l e s ( B e n fo r d ’s L a w )
• F r e q u e nc y o f a u t h o r s c i t a t i o n s i n l i t e ra t u r e ( L o t ka’s L a w )
• A n i m a l s ’ m e t a b o l i c ra t e s w i t h r e s p e c t t o m a s s ( K l e i b e r ’s L a w )
• D i s t r i b u t i o n o f vo l u m e o n t ra f f i c l a n e s
A problem:
Accor d i n g to t he T h u mb r u le use d i n A BC a n a ly s is (w h i ch i s n o t h i n g
b u t t he Pareto r u le) , on l y 20% of t he SKUs g ives 80% of t he t ot al
s a les vo l ume ( A cate gor y Item s) a n d 50% o f t he S KUs g i ves us 95% of
t he to t a l s a les vo lu me (A a n d B item s t o get her) . If yo ur ware h ouse
i nve ntor y fo l l o w ex a ctl y t h is p attern , w h at mo del w i ll f it the
d i s tr ib u t i o n a cco r d i ng t o t he p ower l aw (f i n d t he va l ues of a a n d k
w h e re t h e g e n e ra l e q u a t i o n i s y = a * x k ) ?
Y = a*X^k
If X = 0.2, y = 0.8
• And so on...
A quick recap of ABC analysis and
model fitting for an SKU
• Finished Goods
• In what quantity
• Quantity Discounts
• A l l Q t y. d i s c o un t s
• EPQ or POQ
Handling uncertainty in Supply Chain
• Empirical Distribution
• Theoretical Distribution:
• Normal Distribution
• Poisson’s Distribution
Three Critical Questions to Answer
Assume that you are running a seafood outlet at Chilika, and your outlet,
“Lobsterly Yours” is well known by its lobsters. Tourists and locals come to
your shop to try delicious lobster that your shop offers. Harish, your Head
Cook and Manager must decide how many lobsters to buy from the local
fishermen everyday.
Your shop is committed to serve only the freshest lobsters, caught and
cooked on the same day. Therefore, he only has one opportunity a day to
buy lobsters (to the fishermen in the early morning). And he cannot store
any lobsters to be cooked the day after. Could you help Harish decide how
many lobsters to buy every morning?
Your shop has the daily demand data (in units of lobsters) for the last year.
Example of Empirical Distribution
Let us solve the same problem when 1. How many lobster Harish needs to
demand varies with a uniform distribution reduce the probability of stocking out to
having a min. demand of 6 lobsters per less than 10%?
day to a max. demand of 14 lobsters per
day; it is being equally likely that the 2. What is the probability of stocking out if
demand of lobster at a day can take any Harish buys 10 lobsters in the morning?
integer value (it is discrete, that is why!)
between 6 to 14. 3. What is the expected units sold & what
is the expected units short if Harish buys
10 lobsters in the morning?
Again we need to answer the same three
critical questions.
Poisson’s Distribution: The Slow-
moving Stocks
• U se d i n th o se s i tu a t i on s w h e n w e are i n te re s te d i n me a su ri n g h o w
man y ti me s a c e rt ai n e v e n t occu r s i n a sp e ci fi c t i m e i n te rv al o r i n a
sp e c i fi c l e n g th o r are a .
• I t may b e u se d to an al y z e Sl ow - M ov i n g i te m se l l i n g e v e n ts
𝒆 −𝝀 𝝀 𝒙
P(X=x) = where,
𝒆 −𝝀 𝝀 𝒊
P(X≤x) = σ𝒙𝒊=𝟎
Handling uncertainty with Poisson’s Distribution: An
Let’s say the vendor buys papers in bulk for $0.50 each and
sells them for $2.50. Every paper sold generates $2.00 in
prof it, and at the end of the day unsold papers are
discarded for a $0.50 loss.
To find out the number of Newspaper that the vendor will buy,
we need to understand the nature of the demand
Then The ideal po int o n the demand distributio n o r the Critic ality ratio
(Pro bability value) is c alc ulated as,
P = C u / (C o + C u )
X = 100 + (0.799 5 * 1 5) ~ 113 [make sure that you are rounding off the
result to the next integer!}
ROP, Safety Stock
& Inventory Review
Arijit Mitra
Most Frequently used Replenishment Policies
1. EOQ Policy (with lead time L) – deterministic demand
• Example:
• σDL = 5000* = 693.37 units (Remember the units!)
• The z value depends on the Cycle Service Level (CSL) that the management wants
• ROP = 1000 + 1.644*693.37 = 1000 + 1140.5 = 2140.5 units; Order Q* when the
stock level reaches 2141 units
Quick Aside on Converting Times
• CR = Cu / (Cu + CO)
Base Stock Policy: An example
• Set a base stock policy for an item
• Daily Demand, D ~ N(200, 30)
• Lead Time is 3 days
• CO = $10 per day and CU = $25 per day
• Solution:
• μDL = 200*3 = 600 units
• σDL = 30*√3 = 52 units
• CR = 25 / (10 + 25) = 0.714 and corresponding z = NORMSINV(0.714) = 0.566
• S* = 600 + (0.566*52) = 629.43 units or 630 units
• Set a Level of Service (LOS) based on the Critical Ratio (CR) and set S* accordingly
• Whenever demand comes, i.e., order the same units demanded to fulfill the stock up to S* units
Continuous Review Policies
2∗𝐷∗𝑂𝐶 2∗6200∗325
Q* = = = 518.33 ≈ 518 units
ℎ∗𝑐 0.15∗100
Considering CSL = 0.95, z = 1.644 (see normal table or use excel sheet function to find z, z = normsinv(CSL)
So, the policy: Order 518 units when the stock is 496 units.
Periodic Review Policies
• Order up-to the level (R, S) • Hybrid (R, s, S) System
• Order (S – IP) at every R period • Policy: Every R time periods,
• Replenishment cycle system • Order S-IP if IP ≤ s,
• if IP>s then do not order
• General case for many policies
• Continuous Vs Periodic Review (A simple transformation)
(s, Q) (R, S)
s S
• S = μ(DL + R) + z*σ(DL + R)
• z = normsinv(CSL)
• Order up to S at every R period
• Forecasted annual demand of hand drills is ~N(3,400, 400)
• Lead Time is 1 week
• Review Period is 4 weeks
• Desired CSL = 95%
• What would be the (R, S) policy? Assume 52 weeks are there in a year.
Arijit Mitra
Role of Transportation in Supply Chain
• Movement of product from one location to another
• Significant cost component, but it is important because it gives the convenience and reach for customers
• Sending the finished products to the downstream supply chain (Outbound Transportation)
• From plant to the warehouses or
• From warehouse to Wholesalers or
• From Wholesaler to retailers
• For centralization of inventories to fewer warehouses
• In short…to facilitate the movements of products from one point of Supply Chain to the other points of a
Supply Chain
• Cost components
1. Fixed infrastructure and equipment
2. Labor and fuel
3. Variable depending on passenger/cargo
• Key issues
• Location/number of hubs
• Fleet assignment
• Maintenance schedules
• Crew scheduling
• Prices and availability
Package Carriers
• Fishy-back: It is a combination of road and water transport. Fishy back/ train-ship/container-ship are
examples of the oldest mode of the intermodal transport. They utilize waterways, which are one of the
least expensive methods for line- haul movement. The fishy back, train ship and container ship concepts
load a truck trailer, railcar, or container on to ship for the line- haul move. Such services are provided in
coastal waters between Atlantic and Gulf ports, from the great lakes to coastal points and along inland
navigable waterways
• Birdy-back: It is a combination of road and airways and is generally used in International shipments.
Local cartage is a vital part of every air movement because air fright must eventually transport from the
airport to the final delivery destination. Air- truck movements usually provide service and flexibility
comparable to straight motor freight
Transportation Policies
• Either the government must build the rail and / or road infrastructure
and create a monopoly and necessary entry barriers so that private
companies can not enter this business
• If the government is not capable, it has to deregulate so that private
companies can compete each other to create these infrastructure
• Or a hybrid model like in some modes government’s presence and in
some other modes private company’s presence can work
Design Options for a Transportation Network
• Transportation Problem
Figure 14-3 Milk Runs from Multiple Suppliers or to Multiple Buyer Locations
All Shipments Via Intermediate Distribution Center with Storage
Only Cross
- docking
Shipping Via DC Using Milk Runs
Depends on
• Customer Density
• Distance
• Size of the customer
• Product Demand
• Value of the product
Analysis of Freight
Arijit Mitra
Selecting a transportation Network: A problem
The VP is thinking whether to use direct shipping from suppliers to retail stores or setting up milk runs
from suppliers to retail stores.
• What network should you recommend if annual sales for each product at each retail store are 960,000 units?
• What network should you recommend if annual sales for each product at each retail store are 120,000 units?
Thought before we start solving the problem
• So, we need to calculate the total annual cost for each of the option
So, the Total cost for this option – ($844,800 + $128,000) = $972,800 So, the Total cost for this option – ($921,600 + $64,000) =
$985,600 (Little Higher!)
Calculation for 120K Sales per year
𝑨𝒏𝒏𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒔 = 𝟏𝟐𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎/𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑫𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑨𝒏𝒏𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒔 = 𝟏𝟐𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎/𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒌 𝑹𝒖𝒏𝒔
•The earlier case was only considering the cycle stock cost
•In practice, we should also consider another two components namely, safety stock and pipeline
•Total cost = Purchasing Cost + Ordering cost + Holding cost of all the three components of
stock + transportation cost
• Here, we calculate the total logistics cost (we may ignore the purchase and ordering cost because these
two components are same for all the modes and so, they are not relevant costs!)
• Aggregation of inventory
• Aggregate the inventories required in all the territories and keep it in a central warehouse
(ultimately a trade-off between holding cost and transportation)
• Transportation cost generally increases but the holding cost decreases due to reduction in
the safety inventory
• Level of Service
Tradeoffs When Aggregating Inventory: HighMed Problem
(See in book)