F-5 T.O. 1f-5e-34-1-1-1980 PDF

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T.O. 1F-5E-34-1-1 USAF SERIES AIRCREW NONNUCLEAR WEAPONS DELIVERY AIRCRAFT MANUAL 33657 -70-C -O7171F33657-74-C -0041 F33657-78-C -(205 SEE TECHNICAL ORDER INDEX T.0. 0-1-1-4 ‘ FOR SUPPLEMENTS THERETO FOR CURRENT THIS PUBLICATION fs CLASSIFIED 7.0, APSE34-1-1-1, ‘STATUS OF AIRCREW NONNUCLEAR WEAPONS DELIVERY MANUALS, CHECKLISTS AND te . . -1-2, AND T.O. IF-5E-34-1: SUPPLEMENTS, COMMANDERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING THIS PUBLICATION TO THE ATTENTION OF ALL AFFECTED PERSONNEL, PUBLISHED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE Fsoe10M 1 AUGUST 1979 sm vence ca7s2 CHANGE 2-1 MARCH 1980 TO. 1F-SE-34-1-1 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Origa One Aue 79 ERange cc 2c Mar & indicated by minuture pointing han TOTAL NUMBER OF PACES IN THIS PUBLICATION IS 632, CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING: rage * change Page ‘change Page “change Page Ne. No Ne. Ne No No No. Musee 2 datiReeee: oce eine a BPMs gecegercid listen: 8 Eto E30g. 52 2 SSaG'eisnes 2 oss ee go epraae ris & os 8 woe $ GRIHaE iil es Seeeiiiia wile 2 Me Sadae lille a7 6-142 ° wheal: 6 Frc tide il 2 Sian shaahc ost daw ot 2 Kap aagees! 1 age egos 2 1 Boal! 20 Yagg— haat 9 Steavemmen st ae 8 Bours crs $M RS 3 Gaeeeioa Fgh a Bede si BOMOCEE D Bilge BRACES aagridgsses.s @ Bei 2e 1 6153-—6-308..... 0 eis, sans 1 fedex §indexs 22 2 aa ls: 2 indexdowsen SO 2 Shs i 1g Bisel a 4:34 Blarie nae 2 4 Le 18 § 18 fe Fi ut 1B0A— 1968 2122 E $3 Oo dese Gaanei vast a 150 it : @ Stat ; BBR 2 EBs: } Fie oF @ CURRENT PILOT'S (NONNUCLEAR) WEAPONS DELIVERY CHECKLIST T.0. 1F-6E-34-1-10L-1 ‘aucust 1979 CHANGE 2 —1 MARCH 1080, A Change 2 NOTE: The portion of the text affected by the changes's indicated by a vertical line in the outer margins of the page. Charges to illetrations are INSERT LATEST CHANGED PAGES, DESTROY SUPERSEDED PAGES, * change No F2 USAF 1.0, [P-9B-34-1-1 L TABLE OF CONTENTS ow . PAGE Secu l DESCRIPTION M ai | I NORMAL PROCEDURES 21 a Il EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 34 tate IV suptementary pata a1 SECTION 1 eagle) ] 2 Vv vi PLANNING PROCEDURES AND SAMPLE PROBLEMS 5-1 PLANNING CHARTS AND TABLES 6-1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 1 Fos 362 iii blank) T.O, 1F-5E-34-1-1 Foreword FOREWORD PURPOSE AND SCOPE This manual provides procedures for planning and executing nonnuclear weapons delivery missions using the F-5E and F-5F aircraft, The various delivery modes are deseribed and the factors whieh influence weapons dolivery for each mode are identified. Physical and funetional descriptions of weapons and their suspension and release systems are included to establish characteristics and method of operation. Tables are provided to determine release points for each delivery mode, type of weapon, and release condition. Techniques of weapons delivery and tactics to be employed are not diseussed except as needed to describe delivery requirements and illustrate the use of data. Information on combat tacties and techniques is available in AFM 3-1 Tactical Fighter Weapons Employment, Classified information is contained in three confidential supplements: Ur. AE-SE-34- el: AIM-9B-2, launch data. Bomb end Fuzing data .0, IF-SE-34-1-1-2 AIM-9E series descriptive and Jauneh data T.O. IF-SE-34-1-1-3.AIM-90/N/P series descrip- tive and launch data The following nonnuclear weapons, associated equipment, and training devices are used with the F-5E and F-5F sireraft: NONNUCLEAR WEAPONS. Ammunition, 20 millimeter Missile, AIM-9B/E/J/N/P series (Sidewinder) Rocket, 2.75-inch (FFAR) Bomb, GP, 500-pound (low drag), MK-82 Bomb, GP, 500-pound (retarded), MK-82 ‘Snakeye I Bomb, GP, 1000-pound (low drag), MK-83 Bomb, GP, 2000-pound (low drag), MK-84 Bomb, GP, 750-pound, M117 Bomb, Leaflet, M129E2 Bomb, Practice, MK-106 Bomb, Practice, BDU-33 Series Destructor, 500-pound, MK-36 Bomb, Cluster, 750-pound, CBU-24B/B, -49B/B, -52B/B, -58/B, -58A/B, ~11/B, ~71A/B Bomb, Fire, 750-pound, BLU-1 and ~27 Series (Finned and Unfinned) Bomb, Fire, 500-pound, BLU-32 Series (Finned and Unfinned) Flare, Iuminating, MK-24, LUU-2/B Flare, Target Marking, LUU-1/B,-5/B ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Gun, 20-millimeter, M-39 Dispenser, Practice Bombs and Rockets, SUU-20A(M), -20A/A, -20B/A Dispenser, Flare, SUU-25A/A, C/A, B/A Launeher, Wingtip, for AIM-9 missile Launcher, Rocket, 19-tube, LAU-3/A, AIA, B/A, -60A Launcher, Rocket, 7-tube, LAU-68A/A, BIA ‘Target Rocket, TDU-11/B Adapter assembly for SUU-20 (used on G ony) TOW Target System, A/A37U-15 (includ- ing TDU-10/B Target) ARRANGEMENT SECTION |, DESCRIPTION ‘This section describes weapons delivery modes and weapons suspension, aiming, and release systems and contains brief physical and functional descriptions of weapons and weapons components. The information is designed to acquaint the aircrew with weapon and aircraft characteristics which influence delivery and with the systems that control the aiming and release of weapons. Change 2 iii Foreword SECTION I, NORMAL PROCEDURES. Section II presents preflight, inflight, and postflight procedures required to perform weapons delivery missions, Procedures for verifying correctness of weapons suspension and modes of fuzing, installed weapons safing and arming, weapons aiming and release, and for recovery with unexpended weapons are included. SECTION III, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Procedures for emergency release and jettison of weapons, dispensers, launchers, and other stores are furnished in this section. Evacuation distance criteria which apply when weapons are involved in fire are also provided. SECTION IV, SUPPLEMENTARY DATA. This section presents information on factors which must be considered when planning weapon delivery missions. Included are safe escepe (safe separation) criteria to avoid weapon effect, miss or error analysis, film assessing, atmospheric conversion values, gun boresighting, fuze arming data, ballistic formulas, 20mm ballistie tables, and trigonometric tables. SECTION V, PLANNING PROCEDURES AND. ‘SAMPLE PROBLEMS Weapon delivery mission planning procedures and forms, along with sample problems, are given in this section. Used with the data in section VI, they provide a systematic means of dealing with all of the factors that bear on the weapon delivery problem. Procedures and sample problems are presented for each of the delivery modes with explanations of the application of data from the tables in section VI. ‘SECTION VI, PLANNING CHARTS AND TABLES This section contains planning forms, fuze arming time end safe eseape distance iv T.O, 1F-SE-34-1-1 tables, angle-of-attaek and sight depression angle charts, altimeter and airspeed error correction charts, and tables showing release information for each type of weapon and each delivery mode for variables of delivery angle, altitude, and airspeed. PUBLICATION DATE Curreney of data is shown by the date which appears on the title page of this manual, Reference to this date should be made when questions arise on manual content. The publication date includes the cate of the latest change. CHECKLIST The manual contains itemized procedures with necessary amplifications. The cheeklist contains itemized procedures without the amplification, Primary line items in the weapons delivery manual and checklist are identical. If a formal safety or operational supplement affects your checklist, the affected checklist page will be attached to the supplement. AUTHORIZED EXTERNAL STORES For authorized external stores and inflight limitations, refer to 7.0. 1P-5E-1 flight manual. CHANGE SYMBOL ‘The change symbol, shown by a black line in the outer margin of a paragraph, indicates text changes made to the current change. Changes to illustrations are indicated with a miniature hand, WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, NOTES The following definitions apply to "Warnings," "Cautions," and "Notes" found throughout this manuel, T.O. LF-5E-34-1-1 Operating procedures, techniques, ete, whieh could result in personal injury or loss of life if not carefully followed. Operating procedures, techniques, ete, which could result in damage to ' equipment if not carefully followed. NOTE An operating procedure, techniqu ete, which is considered essential to emphasize. WORDING The use and intended meaning of the words "shall," "will", "should," and "may" in this manual are as follows: "shall" and "will" are used to indicate a mandatory requirement. "Should" is used to indicate a nonmandatory or preferred method of accomplishment. "May" is used to indicate an acceptable or suggested method of accomplishment. LOCAL REPRODUCTION All charts, forms, data, and tables contained in this manual or based on manual content may be reproduced for Jocal use. AIRCRAFT CODE SYSTEM A code system to identify text, illustrations, charts, and procedures Foreword peculiar to the following models of the F-5E and F-SF aireraft is as follows: a. AL — information applicable to the following Air Force serial-numbered aircraft: F-5E APT1-1417 thru AF71-1421 AP72-1986 thru AF72-1408 AF73-0846 thru AF73-0888 AF73-0890 AF73-0892 thru AF73-0902 AE73-0933 thru AF73-0990 AE73-1626 thru AF73-1646 AE74-0958 thru AF74-0997 AF74-1362 thru AFT4-1575 AF74-1582 thru AFT4-1617 AF75-0314 thru AF75-0373 AE75-0442 thru AF75-0461 AE75-0491 thru AF75-0527 AE75-0573 thru AF75-0627 AE76-0471 thru AF76-0490 AF76-1643 thru AF76-1676 AETT-AT7L thru AF?7-1777 AE78-0770 thru AF78-0773 AE78-0789 thru AF78-0798 AE79-1688 thru AF79-1691 F-SF AF73-0889 and AF73-0891 AFT5-0681 thru AF75-0702 AET5-0709 thru AF75-0711 AP75-0735 thru AF75-0742 AP76-1614 end AF76-1615 AFT6-1640 thru AF76-1642 AFT7-1778 and AF77-1779 AFT8-0774 thru AF78-0787 AFT8-0802 and AF78-0803 b. A. _— Information applicable to the following Air Force serial-numbered aircraft: FSE AF77-0332 thru AF77-0335 AF77-0386 thru AF77-0379 APT7-1767 thru AF77-1770 AF78-0028 thru AF78-0037 Change 2 v Foreword PSF AF77-0336 thru AF77-0350 AF77-0359 thru AF77-0361 c. Text, illustrations, and charts applicable to all models of aircraft are not coded. 4d. Text, illustrations, and charts applicable to the individual model aircraft are identified as F-5E or F-5F, or @ and @ , respectively. e. When complete paragraphs are affected, the appropriate code will appear opposite the heading. T.0, 1F-$E-34-1-1 t, Notes, cautions, and warnings are treated as individual paragraphs with regard to coding. g. Steps of a procedure have the code preceding the action item when the procedure applies to individual model aircraft. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY — TO LET US KNOW Comments, correetions, and questions regerding this manual are welcome. Any deficiencies, eomments or recommendations for changes should be submitted on AF Form 847 and forwarded in accordance with T.O. 00-5-1 thru your Commend Headquarters to San Antonio ALC/MMSRE, Kelly AFB, TX 78241. T.O. 1F-SE-34-1-1 Time Compliance Technical Orders TIME COMPLIANCE TECHNICAL ORDERS The following TCTOs and ECPs are applicable to this manual. Reference to T.O. or ECP number within brackets { ] in the text and illustrations of this manual requires referral to this list. TCTOs not yet released, or those known to be completed, are not included. Referenced TCTOs will be deleted from this list after one year beyond the rescission data published on the TCTO or supplement extension, if issued. For a complete list of TCTOs affecting F-5E/F aircraft, refer to Fighter Aircraft Numerical Index, T.0. 0-1-71 and supplements thereto, 1.0. PRODUCTION RETROFIT NUMBER TITLE EFFECTIVITY EFFECTIVITY 1F-5E-588 | FCR Antenna AFT4-1561 thru AFTI-1417 thru AFT1-1421 Angle Chenge AFT4-1575 AF72-1386 thru AF72-1406 (ECP 168) AFT5-0330 thru AF73-0846 thru AF73-0888 AFT5-0373 AF13-0890 AFT5-0493 thru AF73-0892 thru AF73-0902 AF75-0500 AF73-0933 thru AF73-0990 AFT5-0515 thru AFT3-1626 thru AF73-1646 AFT5-0527 AF74-0958 thru AF74-0997 AFT4-1362 thru AF74-1560 | AFT4-1582 thru AF74-1617 | AFT5-0314 thru AF75-0329 | AFT5-0442 and AFT5-0443 | AFT5-0457 thru AF75-0461 AFT5-0491 and AF75-0492 AFTS5-0501 thru AF75-0514 | 1F-5-736 Formation Lights | @AF74-1548 thru AFT1-1417 thru AF71-1421 on Launcher AFT4-1575 AF72-1386 thru AF72-1406 Rails (ECP 151) AF14-1617 AFT73-0846 thru AF73-0888 AFT5-0316 and AF73-0890 later AF73-0892 thru AF73-0902 AF73-0933 thru AF73-0990 AFT3-1626 thru AF73-1646 AF74-0958 thru AF74-0997 AFT4-1362 thru AF74-1547 AF74-1582 thru AF74-1616 AFT5-0314 and AF75-0315 Change 2 vit Munition Identification T.O, 1F-5B-34-1-1 MUNITION IDENTIFICATION ITEM IDENTIFICATION "U" FOR UNIT. SERIAL NUMBER. MODEL DESIGNATOR. INSTALLATION INSTALLATION DESIGNATORS LAU-3A/A A — Aireraft installed, fixed installa- tion or may be expended on mission. vehicle. oz mo ' ITEM IDENTIFICATION DESIGNATORS AD — Certain Adapting Items BB — Explosive Items BD — Simulated Bombs BL — Bombs and Mines BR — Bomb Racks and Shackles BS — Munition Stabilizing & Retarding Devices CB — ind Item Cluster Bombs or Dis~ pensing Munitions CC — Actuator Cartridges CD — Clustered Munitions (Not End Items) CN — Miscellaneous Containers FM — Munitions Fuzes FZ — Fuze Related Items GA — Aireraft Guns GF — Gun Related Items GP — Podded Guns GU — Miscellaneous Guns KM — Kits LA — Aireraft Installed Launchers Prededeeb bbe 1 — Aircraft instelled, must be ex- pended on mission. — Ground item, movable, not a Ground item, not self-propelled. — Ground item, self-propelled. Ammunition Links Ground Based Launchers Tluminating Units Miscellaneous Armament Items Miscellaneous Simulated Munitions Munitions Handling Equipment Miscellaneous Munitions Mounts Leaflet Dispensers Ammunition Internal Dispensers Dummy Rockets Rockets Gun-Bomb-Rockets Sights Stores Suspension & Release Items Miscellaneous Tanks Test Items Warheads ‘Training Warheads P.O. 1F-5E-34-1-1 Glossary GLOSSARY, REFERENCES ABBREVIATIONS AND FS SRA GLOSSARY ADVERSE YAW: A yaw opposite to the direction of turn induced by rolling motion and aileron deflection. The yaw moment is greatest at high angles of attack and full aileron deflections. AIM OFF DISTANCE: The ground distance subtended by the depression from flight path. At release this represents the distance between the flight path intersect point and the target. AIMPOINT: Preplanned sight pipper alignment point on or near the target for ‘weapon release. AIRCRAFT AXES: There are three axes which are mutually perpendicular and have a common point of intersection at the CG: a. Longitudinal axis: This axis is parallel to the fuselage reference line. ‘The aireraft rotates about this axis when rolling. b. Vertical axis: The aircraft rotates about this axis when yawing. c. Lateral axis: Parallel to a line thru the wingtips. The aireraft rotates about this axis when changing angle of attack. ANGLE OF ATTACK (AOA): The angle between the chord line and aircraft flight path or velocity vector. ANGLE OF INCIDENCE: A fixed angle between the wing chord line and the fuselage reference line, BALL AMMUNITION: Inert projectile. BOMB RANGE: Horizontal distance of bomb travel after release. BOMB TRAJECTORY: ‘The path of a bomb with reference to the airmass from release to detonation. The trajectory is the result of bomb ballistics, release velocity, release angle, and release height above burst or impact. BORESIGHT: Determine the gun bore axis and its harmonization with the sight system. BULLET DENSITY: Number of rounds passing thru a 1-square-foot area per unit of time. BULLET DISPERSION: Deviation of bullet impact from the aiming point. CEA: Cireular Error Average. Used to measure distance error about an eimpoint. Cy, MAX: Maximum coefficient of lift. CEP: Circular Error Probebility. Used to measure deviation about a center of impact. COSINE: The trigonometric function that for an acute angle in a right triangle is the ratio between the side adjacent to the angle and the hypotenuse, CORRECTED SIGHT DEPRESSION: True sight depression corrected for rangewind, DELAY ELEMENT: Fuze component- explosive train relay unit with designed burn time, Glossary DEMOLITION: effect (shock). Destruction by blast DEPRESSED SIGHT LINE: A line that results from looking thru the pipper after the sight has been depressed. DETONATOR: Fuze component-explosive train igniter relay unit. DIVE ANGLE: Negative pitch angle in relation to local horizon, EFFECTIVE ANGLE: The maximum distance at which a weapon may be expected to inflict casualties or damage. EFFECTIVE SIGHT DEPRESSION: The amount of depression between the flight path and the depressed sight line. Effective and required sight depression will be the same when preplanned release conditions are met. FIXED BORELINE (FBL): An imaginary line projected thru the gun barrel to infinity parallel to the ZSL. FLIGHT PATH (FP): Path of aircraft with reference to airmass (aircraft attitude minus angle of attack). FLIGHT PATH IMPACT POINT: Off Distance. See Aim FRAG: Fragmentation (designed shrapnel effect). F-STOP: A numerical value used to calibrate the diaphragm of a camera and controls the amount of light passing thru the aperture. FUSELAGE ANGLE OF ATTACK: Angle between fuselege reference line and flight path in mils. FUSELAGE REFERENCE LINE (FRU): A basic reference line extending thru the fuselage parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, FUZE: Munition device designed to provide controlled detonation. x P.O, 1F-5E-34-1-1 G: Gravitational acceleration 32.16 ft/see/sec. GRAVITY DROP: The effect of gravity on a bullet/missile trajectory. GROUND TRACK: Aircraft line of movement over the ground, HANGFIRE: When a missile fails to launch after all normal procedures have been accomplished. A potential hangfire period is normally considered to be 15 minutes. HARMONIZATION: Adjustment of guns to fix bullet impact point at sight pipper point at most effective range. Basically, it is the orientation of three reference lines: ADL, sight line, FBL. IGNITER: Fuze designed to initiate combustion of fire bombs. INCENDIARY: Material designed to start local combustion. LAUNCHER LINE: An imaginary line projected thru the launcher tube to infinity. LEAD: The distance between the moving target and the point at which the gun is aimed so as to hit the target. LINEAR ACCELERATION: A change in velocity or rate of such change measured in one direction, MACH: Mach number (MN). Measurement of velocity or speed with relation to the speed of sound, MEAN PARALLAX: The average linear or vertical distance or separation between sight and guns, MIL: Angular measurement that subtends 1 foot of 1000 feet. MISFIRE: A time starting 15 minutes after missile hangfire (attempted launch) condition during which no smoldering occurred, 1.0. 1F Milliseconds, one msee = 0.001 PARALLAX ERROR: The error induced by the horizontal and vertical distance between the sight to gun, launcher, or bomb rack, PASSIVE HOMING: The missile guides upon energy waves transmitted by the target. The missile does not transmit a signal that can be detected by the target. PIPPER: The 2-mil diameter aiming reference in the center of the optical sight reticle. POP UP: A rapid climb from a lower altitude to an entry or attack position, PRESSURE ALTITUDE: Altitude read on the pressure altimeter when set on 29.92 inehes mercury. PREDICTION ANGLE: Total lead angle required after calculation for target motion, trajectory shift, gravity drop, and air density. PROXIMITY: Munition fuze design and capability to detonate ordnance prior to target contact. RADAR SIGNATURE: The radar reflectivity pattern of a specific aircraft from different angles. RANGEWIND: component. Headwind or tailwind REQUIRED SIGHT DEPRESSION: The amount of depression below FP necessary to produce an effective sight picture, determined by flight conditions of dive angle, airspeed, and release altitude. RESULTANT FORCE: A single force whose direction and magnitude results from several combined forces. RIPPLE: Sequential multiple release. 4-1-1 Glossary SAT: Safe ait travel. Bomb linear fall distance before aiming. SIGHT DEPRESSION: Total sight depression. The angle between the zero sight line (ZSL) and the depressed sight line. SIGHT DEPRESSION FROM FP: The optical sight depression value in mils minus ZSL angle of attack. SIGHT PICTURE: The relationship of the pipper position to the target. SINE: The trigonometric function that for an acute angle in a right triangle is the ratio of the side opposite the angle to the hypotenuse. SLANT RANGE (SR): The distance from the aircraft to the target at the time of weapon firing/release. SNAKEYE (SE): Fin-retarded GP bomb. TANGENT: The trigonometric function that for an acute angle in a right triangle is the ratio of the side opposite to the side adjacent. TARGET ELEVATION: above MSL. Height of target TNT Trinitrotoluene. Cast loadable, general-purpose explosive compound. TOTAL G: Radial-G plus or minus component of 1-G gravity. TOTAL SIGHT DEPRESSION: ‘The sight setting which includes the angle between the zero sight line and the depressed sight line. TRAJECTORY: Final path of a munition with reference to the airmass considering all effective factors. TRAJECTORY SHIFT: Angular deviation of bullet trajectory from fixed boreline toward aircraft FP. xi Glossary TRITONAL: Explosive mixture of TNT and aluminum powder, used primarily for blast effect. VELOCITY JUMP: The angle thru which a rocket rotates, in the vertical plane, as it shifts into the relative wind. The magnitude of the angle determines the LOD, which is obtained by taking the product of the launch factor (F) and the (LL) angle of attack. 1.0, 1F-9E VT: Radio proximity. Fuze designation, ZERO SIGHT LINE (ZSL): The base or zero line for all sight computations before parallax correction. In the F-5E and F-5F, the ZSL is parallel to the armament reference line (ARL) and fixed bore line (FBL) and is 2 degrees below the fuselage reference line (FRL). 7.0, 1F-3E-34-1-1 AIR FORCE REGULATIONS 127-100 AIR FORCE MANUALS s1 127-201 AIR FORCE TECHNICAL ORDERS (T.0.s) 10A1-2-8-1 11-1-34 11A-1-1 11A-1-33 11A1-! 11A4-2-7 L1A4-5-T 11A5-8-7 LIA6-10-1 11A6-11-1 1A1-9-7 11A7-10-7 AAT-12-7 LLAT-14-1 | 11A7-24-1 1AT-18-7 11A7-21-7 REFERENCES 1AT-22-1 1A9-18-7 Explosive Safety 11A9-1$-7 11A10-24-7 Tactical Fighter Weepons Employment Safety Handbook 11A10-24-7 MALI-24-7 MA11-24-7 Camera, Type KB-26A 1A13-4-7 Aircraft Explosive Items 11A15~1~157 Ammunition, Restricted or Suspended MA18-1-7 Ground Handling of Air = 11A21-3-7 craft Containing Am- munition and Explosive 11A21-5-7 Material Disposal of Air Munitions 11A21-1-7 Firefighting Guidance MK-82 Series Bomb 11B29-3-28-1 MK-83 Series Bomb MK-84 Series Bomb 11B29-3-39-2 M117 Series Bomb General Purpose Bombs 11B29-3-40-2 BLU-27, -32 Fire Bombs BLU-1, Fire Bomb Leaflet Bomb, M129 Practice Bombs, BDU-33 M14TA1 Fuze Arming Wires, Ferrules, Swivel and Loop/Link, Safety Retaining Clips, and Bomb Sus- pension Lugs Destructor, MK-36 Bomb Fins-Conical for M128, M117, MK-82, MK-83, MK-84 Bombs Bomb Fins, Retarded, for MK-82 (Snakeye 1), MK-36 Bombs Bomb Fins for BLU-1, -27, -32 Fire Bombs FMU-26 Fuze FMU-12/B Fuze FMU-84/B Fuze FMU-56 Fuze Fuze, Proximity, FMU-110/B M907 Fuze M904 and M905 Fuzes LIFI-APQ153-2 LIFI-APQ159-2 11FI-ASG19-2 11F39-2-29-3 ALLA-2-11-2 11L1-3-21-1 11L1-3-27-1 LLW1-12-3-14 L1W1-12-3-22 21M-AIM9B-2 21M-AIM9E-2 21M-AIM9J-2 References FMU-1 Series Fuze CBU-24, ~48, -52, -58, eat SUU-30B/B, H/B Dispenser MK-24, LUU-1/B, 5/B, -2/B Flares end Markers Signals, Flares, Simula~ tors, Markers 2.75-Inch Rocket (FFAR) ‘TDU-11/B Target Rocket 20MM Ammunition AIM-9B/E/J (Sidewinder Missile) Impulse Cartridges Flare Dispenser, SUU- 25A/A Flare Dispenser, SUU- 25C/A Flare Dispenser, SUU- 25E/A Bomb Rocket Dispenser, SUU-20 Bomb Rack (CL), MAU- 40/4 Bomb Rack (Wing), MAU-50/A Fire Bombs Fire Control Radar, Type AN/APQ- 153 Fire Control Radar, Type AN/APQ- 159 Lead Computing Optical Sight System, AN/ASG-29 Lead Computing Optical Sight System, AN/ASG-31 Aircraft Guided Missile Launcher (LAU-100/A, Left, LAU-101/A, Right) Launcher, LAU-3/A Launcher, LAU-68A/A, B/A Gun, M39A3 Gun, M39A3 Missile, AIM-9B Missile, AIM-9E Missile, AIM-9J and ‘AIM-93-1 Change 2 xii References T.O, 1P-5E-34-1-1 43ELI-17-1 ‘Tow Target System, A/A3TU-15 F-5E/F TECHNICAL ORDERS 1F-5E-1 Flight Manual LF-5E-2-10 Series, Organizational Maintenance- Armament LF-5E-33-1-1 Munitions Basic Information 1F-5E-33-1-2 Munitions Loading Procedures 80J-2-2-3 Explosive Ordnance Disposal xiv Change 1 AIA ACCEL ACQ ADL AGL AHRS AIM ALT AMMO ANG AOA AOD AOP ARL APL BDU BFD BIT BLU cape CAMR cas CBU cow CDF CEA CEP cG cL cR cw ab DEG DEPR DE DEP DG 7.0. 1F-SE-34-1-1 ABBREVIATIONS “A DISP DIST Air to Air DM Acceleration Acquisition Armament Data Line Above Ground Level ECM Attitude Heading Reference ECP System ELEC Air Launches, Intereept- EMER Aerial, Guided Missile EMER Altitude ALL JETT Ammunition EOD Angle EX-G Angle of Attack Aim-Off Distance EXT Aim-Off Point Armament Reference Line ‘Armor Piercing Incendiary F BL FCR Bomb Dummy Unit FFAR Battery Firing Device FFOD Built-In Test Bomb Live Unit FLT FOD “Cc FPR FPS Centigrade (Celsius) FRL Central Air Data Computer PT Camera FWD Calibrated Airspeed Cluster Bomb Unit Counterclockwise Confined Detonating Fuze Gac Circular Error Averag GBL Circular Error Probability GLC Center of Gravity Gp Centerline cw Cruise Clockwise -D- HE HEAT Decibel HEI Degree HEI-T Depression Dogfight Hg Depression from Flight Path HOB Dogfight Gun HSI Hz, Abbreviations Dispenser Distance Dogfight Missile -E Electronic Countermeasures Engineering Change Proposal Electric(al) Emergency Emergency All Jettison Explosive Ordnance Disposal Excess G (acceleration of grevity) External - Finned Fixed Boreline Fire Control Radar Folding Fin Aircraft Rocket Firefighting Operational Distance Flight Foreign Object Damage Flight Path Frames Per Second Fuselage Reference Line Feet Forward -c- Guidance and Control Gun Bore Line Gyro Lead Computer General Purpose Gross Weight “He High Explosive High Explosive Antitank High Explosive Incendiary High Explosive Ineendiary ‘Tracer Mercury Height of Burst Horizontal Situation Indicator Hertz Change 2 xv Abbreviations IAS ICAO IMN INBD IND IN RNG KCAS KIAS KT KTAS L LAU LB LCoss LDGP LK ON LOS MAN MAX MER MFBL MIN MK MLG MM MOD MODIAW MOM MSL NM xvi - Indicated Airspeed International Civil Aviation Organization Indicated Mach Number Inboard Indicator In Range Infrared -K- Knots Calibrated Airspeed Knots Indicated Airspeed Knots Knots True Airspeed - Left Launcher Pound Lead Computing Optical Sight System Low Drag General Purpose Left Inboard Lock-on Launcher Line Left Outboard Line of Sight -M- Maneuvering/Manual Maximum Multiple Ejector Rack Mean Fixed Bore Line Minimum/Minute Mark Main Landing Gear Millimeter Modified Modified In Accordance With Momentarily Mean Sea Level/Missile “Ne Nautical Mile Change 2 7.0, 1F-SE-34-1-1 opu OPER OUTBD PER PMI PRESS PWP Qry R RBL RECON REL REP RET RET DEPR RET INT RI RIPL RKT RKT/DISP RNG RO SE SEC SPD SPD BK SR SST STRY sw sys TAC TAS TCTO -O- Optical Display Unit Operate Outboard Persistence Pearlite, Malleable Iron Pressure Plasticized, White Phosphorus Q- Quantity Right Rader Boresight Line Reconnaissence Release Range Error Probability Retarded Reticle Depression Reticle Intensity Right Inboard Ripple Rocket Rocket/Dispenser Range Right Outboard s Snakeye Seconds Speed Speed Brake Slant Range Safe Separation Time Standby Switeh System Tactical True Airspeed Time Compliance Technical Order T.O. LF-SE-34-1-1 Target Designator Control Temperature Triple Ejector Rack Time of Flight Target Acquisition Tank True Mach Number Trinitrotoluene Target Practice/Ball Ball-Tracer ue Unfinned Unlimited YEL w we wr w/wo SL Abbreviations Velocity Vertical Velocity -w- White Phosphorus Weight With or Without Ie Zero Sight Line xvLi/(xvili blank) P.O, LF-SE-34-1-1 Section I DESCRIPTION Fs ay TABLE OF CONTENTS Mission Description . cee Weapon System and Controls . . Weapon Suspension Systems .. . Nonnuelear Weapons. Nonnuelear Weapon Fuzes Nonnuclear Training Weapons and Equipment ....+++++ eee 2H MISSION DESCRIPTION AIR-TO-AIR GUN ATTACK In the air-to-air gun attack the 20mm guns are used in conjunction with the fire control radar (FCR) and the two air-to- air gun modes of the lead computing optical sight system (LCOSS) to achieve weapons impact on the target. The mode selected will depend on target tactics and defensive maneuvers. In either mode, closing to short ranges (less than 2700 feet) will reduce projectile dispersion, and smooth aircraft control will increase effectiveness. AIR-TO-AIR MISSILE ATTACK ‘The missile attack against airborne targets using the AIM-9 can be performed either heacs-down, using the FCR displey; heads-up, using the FCR and LCOSS; or heads-up, using visual sighting range estimation and the optical sight for aiming. The visual attack is the least effective due to the difficulty of estimating correct launch parameters. The LCOSS reticle and the FCR indicator provide an aiming reference, in-range, minimum range, and within-@ indications for both head-up and head-down attack to insure firing within launch parameters. Specific fighter tactics will depend on target tectics and defensive capabilities, but in general, the fighter should be maneuvered to @ short range, low angle- off, stern position with overtake speed to allow optimum missile performance. The AIM-$ missiles are self-guided heat- seeking weapons which sense infrared (IR) radiation sources. Positioning for the missile attack need not be so precise as when using guns, because of the homing and maneuver capability of the missile. However, the attack is limited in the angle-off parameter due to missile seeker head movement limits (look angle) and limitations in missile aerodynamic control. These factors, plus missile range, air density, fuze arming time, and attacking aircraft/target speed differential, restrict missile launch to an envelope outlined in figure 1-1. Section | T.0, 1F-SE-34-1-1 AIR-TO-AIR MISSILE ATT. /> Geum swum —/f /™ { axinaun [RANGE WISSILE COURSE \ cauncn_ ~~ FS M11) Figure 1~ AIR-TO-GROUND GUN ATTACK areas. Recovery considerations when planning the air-to-ground attack are The gun attack (figure 1-2) against terrain clearance and round ricochet, surface targets, commonly known as fragmentation cloud, and target explosion strafing, is a versatile and accurate avoidance. Gravity drop of the round is method of delivering ordnance and is compensated for by selecting the effective against a wide variety of appropriate sight setting for the attack targets. Attack speed, firing altitude, and which adjusts the pipper with respect to dive angle can be varied with relatively the gun bore line. The sight is depressed small effect on accuracy. Distance to the © so that the pipper position and round target (slant range) at firing, which impact are coincident at the selected determines the amount of time that firing slant range. The pipper is roll~ gravity will act on the round, is the stabilized to provide a stable and primary factor affecting accuracy. The accurate aiming reference during rolling attack may be initiated from an angle-off motion. Although the effect is small, both or straight-shead approach, and the dive rangewind and crosswind do affect the angle may be varied to fit the particular strafing attack, especially on pinpoint target situation. Key to the attack is the targets, and must be compensated for by roll-in or initial dive to the target, which adjusting depression and/or offset aiming. determines the values that can be attained in dive angle, airspeed, and slant range. The lower dive angles (5 to 15 degrees) are generally more effective, due to ease in tracking and an inerease in the For accurate delivery of bombs, the amount of ordnance that may be aircraft must be placed at the effectively placed on the target during a predetermined release point at selected single firing pass. A steeper, high-speed values of dive angle, airspeed end sight approach with early recovery may be setting. Successful arrival at the release planned for attacks in heavily defended point within the predetermined attack 1-2 BOMB DELIVERY 0. 1F. a Ve DIVE AnGLE——| BULLET TRAJECTORY SIGHT LINE SE-B4-1-1 Section 1 OPEN FIRE CEASE FIRE IGHT LINE DEPRESSED TO INTERSECT AULLET TRAJEC- TORY AT A GIVEN SLANT RANGE. pots Figure 1-2 parameters is largely dependent on the roll-in maneuver to the target. Position at the release point is determined by reference to the optical sight, which has been depressed from the armament reference line a calculated amount, and to the altimeter. Due to the effects of aerodynamic drag and gravity, the bomb falls in the curved trajectory illustrated in figure 1-3. The bomb would fall short DIVE BOMBING ALTITUDE LOST namin ALTITUDE AGL of the tanget were it released on a flight path line to the target. By depressing the sight line an amount appropriate for the planned release conditions and releasing the bomb upon the intersection of the sight line and target, the flight path is projected beyond the target a sufficient distance to compensate for the curved trajectory of the bomb. Because of wind effect on the trajectory of the bomb, it RELEASE ALTITUDE ABOVE: TARGET Figure 1-3. 13 Section I is important that the pilot have knowledge of wind velocity and direction at altitude. Several factors must be considered when determining an indicated release altitude as noted in the dive bombing diseussion below. To these must be added consideration of fragment envelope clearance and fuze arming time when performing low level attacks. The altimeter is set to target area current altimeter setting. DIVE BOMBING Dive bomb tables provide trajectory data for dive angles of 15 thru 60 degrees for the general purpose bomb categories. Determination of an indicated release altitude should consider altimeter position error, altitude loss during pullout, minimum aireraft ground clearance, altimeter lag, and target elevation. Wind effect, when known, can be compensated for by using an offset aiming point determined by wind direction and correction factors found in the dive bomb tables. Altitude loss figures shown in the dive recovery charts are based on a 4 G pullout attained within 2 seconds. LEVEL BOMBING Considerations when planning and executing a level bomb attack are essentially the same as those used in dive bombing. Selected and computed values for airspeed, altitude, and distance to the target must be attained at the predetermined release point to obtain an accurate attack, Accuracy is most seriously affected by variations in altitude and attitude (pitch). As noted for the dive bombing mission, wind effect must be considered when determining the release point. Wind correction can be effected by using a crabbed approach to the target or e drifting approach with an offset aimpoint. Rengewind component (neadwind or tailwind) may be compensated for by adjusting the sight setting in either the ctabbed or drifting approach. Methods of wind correction are 14 1.0. 1F-5E-34-1-1 discussed in section V. Low drag or high Grag bombs may be released from a level approach at either low or high altitudes. Sight setting tables for level release at various altitudes are provided in section VI. Recovery from the level bomb attack does not pose any special planning problems except for the case of the low level attack. Terrain and fragment envelope clearance must be considered when releasing et low levels. Release of weapons from the low level approach must be followed by a straight-ahead level constant speed departure or an immediate MIL power 4.0 G pullup, attained within 2 seconds of release (figure 1-4). HIGH-DRAG GP BOMB DELIVERY ‘The MK-82 Snakeye I GP bomb and MK- 36 destructor can be delivered from level flight or from a dive, depending upon airspeed, fuzing limitation, fragmentation envelope, and dive angle. Ballistic tables are fumished for altitudes of 100 thru 2500 feet above target elevation and dive angles from 0 to 30 degrees. The high- drag characteristic provided by the opening of the retarding fins reduces the bomb range (norizontal) and increases the bomb time of fall and impact angle, MK- 82 Snakeye and MK-36 deliveries should always be planned to include an immediate 4.0 G pullup or banked turn escape maneuver. © A 4.0 G pullup or a 4.0 G banked turn escape maneuver immediately after bomb release is required to provide a margin of safety in the event of retarding fin failure re- sulting in a low-drag bomb tra~ jeetory. © Do not fly over or near burst area within 20 seconds of detonation as aireraft damage can result from flying debris. T.0, 1E-5E-34-1-1 W-LEVEL BOMBING STRAIGHT AND LEVEL CONSTANT SPEED ESCAPE 141) © During training missions, at least 20 seconds spacing between air- craft must be observed when inert or sand-filled bombs are released. Observing the 20-second spacing between aireraft prevents bomb- to-aireraft collision in the event a bomb releases low drag and rico- chets into the air after impact. RIPPLE RELEASE BOMBING. Bombs may be released from all pylon stations in eutomatie sequence at three different time intervals selectable by the pilot. Release may be accomplished from a level approach or in the dive mode illustrated in figure 1-5. Ripple-release tables provide data for dive angles 0 thru 60 degrees. Ripple release delivery is identical to single bomb release except for the following additional factors: a. Safe escape and dive recovery must be based on the release altitude of the last bomb. b. The sight setting or bomb range is computed to place the center of the impact pattern on target. Section | 4,0-6 MIL POWER PULLUP ESCAPE BOMB TRAJECTORY BONG RELEASE f RELEASE ALTITUDE ABOVE TARGET Bee a Figure 1~ ¢, Wind correction is based on the time of fall of the first bomb released. d. The minimum release altitude for a level ripple release is based on a straight ahead escepe maneuver. e. During ripple release, a straight line flight path should be maintained. When the pipper is on target, the bomb-rocket button is pressed. The pipper should pass beyond the target during the ripple release, while a straight line flight path is maintained. ‘The average ground impact spacing (S) ean be determined from the ripple release tables or mey be computed by dividing the impact pattern length (PL) by the number of bombs to be released minus PL @-D one (N-1); 8 = ‘The release altitude of the last bomb in the ripple must be greater than the minimum release altitude required for fuze arming, safe es- cape from bomb fragmentation, ‘and adequate ground clearance dur- ing recovery. 1-5 Section I RIPPLE RELEASE BOMBING BONG TRAJECTORY | LAST BoMs ALTITUDE Lost RELFASE ™ 7.0, LP-5E-34-1-1 OMB RELEASE INTERVAL, FIRST BONB, RELEASE INTIAL RELEASE Sieur ALTITUDE wininum fo UME eRe ALTHUDE z BCL o ‘fe eR ercey ih atl Loxwsoaee WN TARGET AREA Figure 1 FIRE BOMB DELIVERY Fire bombs may be released from level flight or from a dive, depending on target characteristics and terrain features. a. Low-level bombing consists of a low- altitude level approach to the aimpoint, maintaining « predetermined release airspeed and altitude. Ballistic tables are furnished for altitudes of 50 thru 2000 feet above target elevation. b. Dive bombing consists of a dive approach, maintaining a predetermined release airspeed and dive angle. Ballistics tables are furnished for altitudes from 150 to 6000 feet above target elevation and at dive angles from § thru 45 degrees. The lower the dive angle the greater the splash effect of the fire bomb upon impact. During the low-level delivery, release airspeed and height above the target are established during level flight approach to the target. The optical sight depression used to determine the release point is based on the distance from release to impact, corrected for rangewind. Crosswind correction for low- drag weapons is accomplished by crabbing into the wind so that the aireraft flight 1-6 c Fo5 34-1711) path is directly over the target. An offset flight path may be required to correet for the location of the bomb in relation to the aireraft centerline. Crabbing to eliminate crosswind will cause the pipper to be offset from the target, and a slight early release should be planned. The aircraft must be flown to arrive at a predetermined release altitude, slant range from the target, and release velocity in order to have an accurate bomb impact. A depressed sight line corrected for rangewind is used as a release reference. Correction for erosswind during this delivery requires an offset aimpoint due to aircraft drift at release affecting bomb line of flight. Ballisties tables for fire bombs and practice bombs, utilizing both low-level and dive deliveries, provide sight depression data that will place the point of impact on target. When it is desirable for the fire bomb to hit short of the target, the distance must be estimated or the sight depression setting recomputed. Practice bomb ballisties tables are provided for the BDU-33 series bombs, covering the same delivery parameters listed for actual weapon delivery. Do not fly thru fire bomb smoke within 20 seconds of burst as a compressor stall or flameout could oeeur. CLUSTER BOMB DELIVERY Cluster bombs (CBU) consisting of ispensers filled with small bombs may be released from a dive approach. The SUU- 30 series, clamshell type dispensers, are designed to disperse over a wide area. Tables are used to obtain sight depression values for dive angles of 15, 30, and 45 degrees. LEAFLET BOMB DELIVERY The M129E2 leaflet bombs are released from level flignt at release altitudes of 1000 thru 10,000 feet above burst height. The bombing table states the bomb time of flight and range from release to burst for a given release true airspeed and release altitude above burst. The time of flight is used to set the mechanical time AIR-TO-GROUND ROCK are mio ALTITUDE Rocker wot ‘TRAE croRY hy, y 1 1 0, 1F-5E-34-1-1 Section 1 delay fuze to obtain the desired burst height. The bomb range is used to determine the release point. Wind effect on the bomb prior to burst will be @ function of wind velocity and bomb time of flight. The wind effect on the leaflets after detonation is difficult, if not impossible, to predict. AIR-TO-GROUND ROCKET ATTACK As with other attacks against surface targets, rocket attack variables are determind by the initial turn into the target. The flight of the rocket is affected by gravity to a greater degree than gunfire due to the lower velocity of the rocket. The attack is preplanned to place the aircraft at a launch point with specific altitude, airspeed, dive angle, and slant range values for which a sight setting has been selected (figure 1-6). The optical sight end altimeter are used to determine arrival at the release point. The rockets are fired singly, in pairs, or rippled, depending on the launcher used and the intervalometer installed in each launcher. Launch altitude computations must consider terrain clearance, altitude loss during dive recovery, minimum ground clearance, and fragmentation cloud avoidance. Rocker Fine — START PULLOUT ALTITUDE: ABOVE TARGET Aya A fagtheho, | TARGET BSE mona aN Fos 3ata(n) Figure 1-6. Change 1 17 Section 1 FLARE DELIVERY MK-24 FLARE MK-24 parechute flares are used for night illumination of ground target (figure 1-7). The SUU-25A/A, SUU-25C/A, or SUU- 25E/A flare dispenser is used to carry and release the flares. The delivery aircraft approaches the target in level flight at the preplanned release altitude and releases the first flare(s) short of the target. (Flares are released individually from the SUU-25C/A or SUU-25E/A dispenser and released in pairs from the SUU-25A/A dispenser. Normally, the second flare(s) is released approximately 3 seconds later to illuminate the target "run-in" line and the target. As each pair of flares is released from the SUU-25A/A dispenser, a connecting lanyard between each flare initiates each flare's fuze train to provide approximately 150 feet separation between flare ignition. The flares should not be released directly on the approach course of the "in-trail" weapons delivery aircraft. Horizontal travel distance from point of release will vary with airspeed and flare ejection fuze setting. Vertical drop for flare ignition and minimum release altitude above ground level (AGL) will depend on the Mod flare and ejection and ignition fuze settings. Flare burnout should occur approximately 1000 feet above ground level. A level release ballistic table for MK-24 flares is provided in section VI. LUU—1/B AND LUU-5/B TARGET MARKER FLARES The LUU-1/B parachute target marker flare is a longer burning, red colored flare designed to burn for 30 minutes on the ground (figure 1-7). The LUU-5/B is identical to the LUU-1/B flare except awit sO) aoe Rea) (UU-2/B ILLUMINATING LUU-1/B, 518 TARGET MARKER a RELEASE a RELEASE 7 _- ee trion 77 EDP FREE FALL BEE Hite, \ of x cwure oven > ‘ow hon Son AY oy vent Tow U3 ven TME ‘i Wy eins wonton WD, CSetreGran —¥ vem sun the suawour ME ag ects 9 ppg Grow roast mp Resi mae TARGET uRNaUT 30 mn AFTER IGNITION) ul Figure 1-7 1-8 TaRceT a | NNK-24 TLLUMINATING RELEASE aware. —_o— “Eerion ae omure oven iguhyow mo ae *! 3 sen it 150-180 SEC) oh a a soaber ison 2000 FT APPROX| 5000 FT FROM RELEASE (APPROX) F-341B(NA that the LUU-5/B burns with a green flame. Delivery of these flares is similar to that for the MK-24 flares, using the SUU-25A/A, SUU-25C/A or SUU-25E/A flare dispenser. During mission planning, a release altitude, an ejection fuze setting, and an ignition fuze setting must be selected which will assure flare ignition before ground impact. The flare has a rate of descent of approximately 15 feet per second after flare ignition. A level release table and a wind correction factors chart for the LUU-1/B and LUU- 5/B flares are provided in section VI. 4-1-1 Section 1 LUU-2/B FLARE ‘The LUU-2/B is a free-fall illuminating flarc with a burn time of 4.5 minutes (figure 1-7). The available free-fall distance delay settings from flare release to parachute deployment followed by flare ignition ere selectable. This selection must be determined during mission planning. Delivery of the flare is similar to that for the MK-24 flare, using the SUU-25A/A, SUU-25C/A or SUU-25E/A flare dispenser. 19 7.0.1 F-5E-34-1-1 WEAPON SYSTEM AND CONTROLS WEAPON SYSTEM The weapon system consists of the fire control system, sight camera, and the weapon release system. The basic weapon capabilities are 20mm gun(s) and AIM-9 missiles. The systems provide air-to-air gun and missile firing, air-to-ground gun firing, and air-to-ground delivery of bombs, rockets and flares. See figure 1-9 for the weapons loading capabilities of each station and refer to the flight manual for authorized configurations for takeoff. AOA [Poko 1 TWO-GYRO PITCH | platrorm FO I ROLL | AIRCRAFT COMPONENTS. Fig FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM ‘The fire control system consists of the fire control radar (FCR) system and the lead computing optical sight system (LCOSS). With the inputs from various aireraft components, the systems provide a display on the radar indicator, lead for air-to-air gun firing, launch ‘envelope indications for AIM-9 missile and roll stabilized aiming for air-to-ground targets on the sight reticle Figure 1-8 shows the signal flows between the fire control system and aircraft components, and the displays on the sight reticle and radar indicator. Note A Fire control radar system is re- moved when the RECON nose Is installed. ~ «AIRCRAFT NORIEAL ACCELERATION) iw RANGE ” ee tance __y. RANGE >. INRANGE [pipPER POSITIONS. EXCESSG r-+-4 7 AIM) | 4 SIGHT RETICLE 1 non 1 MISSILE al. | trans- |; SHUECT 32 2/5 | mire | LSM salal4 Los enio star (wear sear @) ATTITUDE [ra .RGET RANGE [TARGET AZIMUTH [TARGET ELEVATION Lock-on excess ¢ FER RADAR INDICATOR {BOTH COCKPITS@) ure 1-8. 0, 1B-5E-34-1-1 OADING CAPABILITIES & STATION REQUIREMENTS Note @ Wo M39 20m GUE ROUNDS PER GUN! @ one H-99 zor Gu @ Rte TO 1.0 CONFIGURATIONS FOR STORES 3E-1 FOR 1 280 AIH M0 ROUNDS THORIZED TAK STATION REQUIREMENTS Section 1 Takk SNAKEYE | BOMB MK-36 DESTRUCTOR K-83 GP BOMB ic84 GP BOM [Cnverniane BLU-27/3, A/B, BiB, C76 FIRE SOME BIU-204/8, WB, C/B FIRE BOMB (cau- 24878 CLUSTER BOM jejeje ‘CAU-A98/B CLUSTER BOMB (CbU-S2EB CLUSTER BOMB CHUGH, ~WBA/# CLUSTER (CBU-71/8, “TIA/E CLUSTER BOW lejejeeeecoee eeee @j\el\ejeeleeeeeceoeoo jejejeeeeooe|e eeee 2.75cIN FFA 09) 2.TEIS PAR LAU-BBA/K, B/A LAUNGHER, TAU-3/8, AZA, B/A,=60/A LAUNCHER 2, WWU-B, 278, ORE FLARES MARKERS (6) SUU-25/A,, C/A, &/A DISPENSER TAIN-9 CAPTIVE MISSILE STATION REQUIREMENTS Te. "TOU-11/8 TARGET ROCKE 2D U-99 SERIES OF MK-106 PRACTICE BOMBS (5) 8 Z.75-1N FAR WING TIP LAUNCHER WINGTIP LAUNCHER -20/A(M), A/A, 8/A DISPENSER ADAPTER & SUU-20/A(M), A/A, e eh olsenaan RMU-107A TOW REEL Figure 1-9 Change 1 Fe5 256 1 Section | FIRE CONTROL RADAR Ad RADAR SET AN/APO-153 @ The AN/APQ-153 is a multimode, forward-looking, X-band pulse, fire control radar providing air-to-air search, range, and track information for use in air-to-air gunnery and missile launch. The radar Consists of a roli-stabilized antenna, transmitter-receiver and a processor in the nose section, and a control panel, and radar indicator in the cockpit (figure 1-10). The radar interfaces with LCOSS to provide missile, gun, and dogfight gun modes of operation with the capabilities of automatic target acquisition, ranging and tracking. In missile, gun, and dogfight gun modes, the radar provides range and range rate outputs for gun or missile firing. In test mode, the built-in test funetion (BIT) is initiated, providing rader performance verification. All modes except dogfight are selected by the sight mode selector. Dogfight gun (DG) is a priority mode that provides immediate transfer from any operating mode to a head-up attack capability with visual target contact. The following modes of operation are provided by the fire control radar: a, Missile mode, om-boresight acquisition and track. b. Gun modes A/Al and A/A2, on- boresight acquisition and track for maneuvering or unaccclerated constant rate maneuvering targets. c. Dogfight gun mode, on-boresight acquisition and track. RADAR SET AN/APO-157 @ The AN/APQ-187 consists of a radar indicator and rader controls in each cockpit. The radar functions the same as the AN/APQ-153 in the @ , except that the @ radar can be controlled from either cockpit thru the transfer and override controls. An advisory FCR light in each cockpit indicates the cockpit that has control of radar and the mode 1-12 7.0, 1P-3E-34-1-1 advisory light in rear cockpit will illuminate when missile, guns or manual mode is selected in the front cockpit or when the dogfight mode is selected by either cockpit. See figure 1-10 for location and function of radar controls and advisory lights. Radar Transfer and Override Controls ‘The transfer and override controls consist of a control transfer switch in front cockpit for transferring radar control to either cockpit and an override switch in rear cockpit to transfer radar control to rear cockpit regardless of front cockpit switeh position. The cockpit that has control of radar, controls mode selections, acquisition, resume search, range selection, antenna tilt, and radar video and horizon bar positioning on both cockpit radar displays. The radar indicator controls for scope brightness, persistence, cursor, and scale brightness are controlled individually in each cockpit. Momentarily pressing the dogfight button in either cockpit will switch radar to dogfight function with no control transfer, regardless of whieh cockpit is in control. After transferring control to either cockpit, the elevation cursor of the cockpit gaining control should be adjusted, if necessary, to indicate the same previous setting of other cockpit. If settings are different, the antenna will reposition to setting in coekpit gaining control. Video Trim (Fear Cockpit) Video trim consists of adjusting (balancing) the rear cockpit video displey to match the front cockpit display when the front cockpit has control of the radar. Video trim is in addition to using the video knob on the rear cockpit radar indicator and affects the rear video display only. Balancing the video is necessary to reduce video adjustment after control of radar is transferred. No further in-flight adjustment of video trim should be required. 1.0. 1F-5E~34-1-1 Section | RADAR CONTROLS & INDICATOR LIGHTS A MIssiLe STEERING ELEVATION E PitcH INDEX ELEVATION ‘GUR SOR AZINUTH SCALE — RANGE RID HORIZON GAR Sf RADAR INDICATOR Fos 04-2201 Figure 1-10. 1-13 Section I CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS RADAR CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS (Figure 1-10)4b T.O. 1F-5E-34-1-1 FUNCTION 1 Sight MODE Selector | OFF — Disconnects electrical power to LCOSS. | MSL — Selects missile mode for the fire control system. A/AL or A/A2 — Selects gun mode for the fire control GUNS system. MAN — Selects manual mode for LCOSS. RADAR INDICATOR (2 thru 13) 2 SCALE Knob Rotate — Adjusts the brightness of azimuth and range grid lines, azimuth and elevation seales, and missile steering circle from off to full bright. 3. IN RANGE Light OrrSteady — Target in range for AIM-9 missile launch (white) or aimto-air gun attack (within 2700 feet in gun or DG mode). On-Fleshing — Target is less than minimum range for AIM-9 missile launch or air-to-air gun attack (less than 1000 feet in gun or DG mode). 4 FAIL Light (Yellow) | On — Indicates one of the following conditions: 114 a, Radar Mode Selector at OFF — Low pressurization in waveguide unit. b. Radar Mode Selector at STBY -- Low voltage power supply out of tolerance. ¢. Radar Mode Selector at OPER — Either transmitter power, low voltage power supply, or lock-on of auto- matie frequency control out of tolerance. d. Radar Mode Selector at TEST — Radar range information is not accurate. RADAR CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS (Figure 1-10) (Continued) T.O, 1F-SE-34-1-1 Section I CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS } _ _ FUNCTION. 5 LK ON Light (White) | On — Radar locked on and range-tracking target. 6 @ FCR Light On — In cockpit that has control of radar. (Yellow) (Front 1 and Rear) | 7 EX G Light (Yellow) | On — Indicates excess-G condition for suc- cessful missile guidance. Inoperative in gun and dogfight gun modes. 8 BRIGHT Knob Rotate Adjusts the background brightness of radar scope from off to full bright. 9 PER Knob Rotate — Adjusts the time video remains on radar scope. 10 VIDEO Knob Rotate — Adjusts the video intensity and effects lock-on sensitivity in missile mode. Inoperative in gun and dogfight gun modes. 11 CURSOR Knob | Rotate — Adjusts the brightness of horizon bar and elevation cursor on radar scope from off to full bright. 12 Range Seale Lights On 5/10/20 — Radar operating range in NM. (White) | 13 PITCH Knob Rotate — Adjusts the horizon ber up 20 degrees or down 20 degrees. With the horizon bar set at 0 degrees in level flight, the norizon bar indicates the pitch angle of the aircraft. 14 Dogfight Button Press — Selects dogfight gun mode. If radar is (Momentary) not locked on, compresses and stows Besweep at 20 degrees left, aligns an- tenna to 0 degrees azimuth and 2 de- grees below ARL (4.7 degrees below ‘ARL on unmodified @ [T.0. 1F-5E- | 588]). Range gate slews from 500 feet | to 5600 feet to lock on the first target encountered. 1-15 Sect RADAR CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS (Figure 1-10) (Continued) Ad fon I CONTROLS AND INDI 4 CATOR LIGHTS Dogfight Button (Continued) AF-SE-34-1-1 FUNCTION NOTE ‘ @ Selecting dogfight gun mode when the radar is locked on in missile j ‘or gun mode will not break lock- on if target signal is sufficient. ¢ When the radar is locked on in dogfight gun mode, momentarily repressing the dogfight button breaks target lock-on. The range gate slews out from rejected tar- get to lock on to the first tar- get that is at least 450 feet or greater in range. Holding the button pressed causes the range gate to slew continuously until the button is released. RADAR CONTROL PANEL. (15 thru 19) 15 ELEV Antenna Tilt Control Rotate — Adjusts the antenna tilt angle up or down 45 degrees of ARL. Elevation cursor on radar scope indicates antenna elevation tilt angle. 16 Ww 18 1-16 RANGE Selector RESUME SEARCH Button Radar MODE Selector Change 1 5/10/20 Press (Momentary) OFF STBY — Selects radar range in NM. — Initiates search phase. Breaks lock if radar was locked on and rejects dogfight gun mode, if selected. — Disconnects electrical power to FCR. NOTE The selector must be pushed in to rotate from the STBY position to OFF. — Connects electrical power to warm up radar transmitter (3 to 5 minutes), en- ergizes gyro, and aligns antenna with ARL. Within 60 seconds, the following appear on radar indicator: Horizon bar Antenna elevation cursor Range seale light 1.0. 1F-5E-34-1-1 Seetion | RADAR CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS (Figure 1-10) (Continued) Ad CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS FUNCTION 18 Radar MODE Selector | OPER — Electrical power is supplied to all cir- (Continued) cuitry for radar search and track opera- tion. If switehing to OPER before warmup time (3 to 5 minutes) is com- pleted, no search and track operation is available. ‘TEST — Activates radar built-in-test (BIT) cir- cuits. Failure of any function causes FAIL light on radar indicator to come NOTE ‘The selector must be pushed in to | rotate from the OPER position | to TEST. \ = a 19 ACQ Button Press — a. In Missile Mode — Compresses and (Momentary) stows B-sweep at 20 degrees left, aligns antenna with armament reference line (ARL), and range gate slews from 500 feet to 60,000 feet on 10-mile range and 500 feet to 30,000 feet on 5-mile range, to lock on target. — b. In Gun Modes — Compresses and stows Brsweep at 20 degrees left, aligns antenna 2 dogroes below ARL (4.7 degrees below ARL on unmodified @ T.0. 1F-5E-588 ), and range gate slews from 500 feet to 5600 feet to lock on target. NOTE Momentarily repressing the ACQ button when the radar is locked on in missile, gun or dogfight gun mode breaks target lock-on. Range gate resumes slewing from rejected target to lock on to the first target that is at least 450 feet or greater in range. Holding the button pressed slews the range gate continuously until the button is released. Change 1 1-7 Section I 7.0, 1P-SE-34-1-1 RADAR CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS (Figure 1-10) (Continued) dM CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS 20 @~ Radar CONTROL TRANS Switch | (Front) | FRONT (Up) REAR (Down) FUNCTION — Transfers radar control to front cockpit and mode selected. — Transfers radar control to rear cockpit and mode selected. 21 @_ RADAR OVER- RIDE Switch (Rear) 22 @ VIDEO TRIM Knob (Rear) 23 @ MODE ADVISORY LIGHTS (WHITE) (REAR) DF Light GUNS Light MAN Light 1-18 Change 1 oft (Guard Closed) on Rotate — Permits radar control transfer switeh in front cockpit to transfer radar control to either cockpit. — Transfers control of radar to rear cock~ pit regardless of radar control transfer switeh position. — With front cockpit in control, adjusts radar video display to match front cockpit video display. After videos are matched, no further in-flight adjustment of video trim should be required. —- Missile mode selected in front cockpit. — Dogfight gun mode selected in either cockpit. — A/A1 or A/A2 gun mode selected in front cockpit. — Manual mode selected in front cockpit. T.O, LF-SE-34~ RADAR OPERATION A SEARCH PHASE Target seareh is initiated by placing the radar mode selector to OPER after being in STBY for 3 to 5 minutes or by waiting 3 to 5 minutes in OPER. If the ACQ button has been activated, the resume seareh button must be pressed momenterily to enable the radar to search. The radar searches to a range of 20 nautical miles ahead of the aireraft in a section 90 degrees in azimuth and 5 degrees above and below the antenna centerline. The antenna tilt may be controlled 45 degrees above and below the ARL. The antenna is piteh end roll stabilized so that azimuth sean is a plane parallel to the earth surface regardless of aircraft roll attitude, preventing loss of the target and/or smearing of the display. A 360-degree compensation is provided about the aircraft roll axis and with the antenna set at either extreme limit of 45 degrees in elevation, 90 degrees of pitch compensation is provided in the opposite Ree) a mela OR Ae eal) SEARCH PHASE CLUTTER 10 TARGET, ° Seetion 1 direction. Roll attitude of 360 degrees and pitch attitude of 50 degrees, less piteh knob trim, is displayed by the horizon bar. The antenna elevation position is independent of aireraft pitch attitude, and the angle between the antenna and the ARL is indicated by th elevation cursor on the right side of the scope display. A search range of 5, 10, or 20 miles may be seleeted depending on target range. The radar scope displays a horizon ber (in all modes) and the return signals illuminated by a vertical B-sweep moving across the scope. Targets appear as short lines or "blips" (figure 1-11). Target range is read off the horizontal range lines on the face of the scope, from minimum range at bottom to maximum range at the top. For the selected range, the lines from bottom to top represent the following: 20-mile range ~- 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 miles 10-mile range — 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 miles S-mile range ~- 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 miles ALTITUDE Live TRANSMITTER SIGNAL (ORANGE) Fos ISOC 10 20 Figure 1-11. 1-19 Section I Azimuth of target in degrees is read off the azimuth scale on the bottom of the scope. Elevation of the target relative to ARL is determined by the position of the elevation cursor read in degrees off the elevation scale on the right side of the scope. In order for the FCR to detect and display a target blip on the scope, the antenna elevation must be adjusted so that the 10 degrees of beam coverage sweeps the target. After the target is acquired and range, azimuth, and elevation are established, the aireraft is maneuvered to bring the target blip to 0 degrees in azimuth and 0 degrees in elevation for acquisition. This is accomplished by adjusting the antenna elevation to keep the blip on the scope while maneuvering until the elevation cursor is at 0 degrees. VIDEO ADJUSTMENT The B-sweep moving right and left displays received video. The processor prevents an excessive amount of ground clutter by a clipping action which allows only stronger targets to appear from minimum range to approximately 6 miles. The clipping action is evident on the seope by an absence of receiver noise and a low clutter level from minimum range to 4 or 5 miles. Despite this clipping, « transmitter signal line zero range and a small portion of an altitude line in the clutter region will usually be present on the seope (figure 1-11). The altitude line is a return effect due to antenna side lobes and the nature of the terrain. Target visibility on the seope is controlled by the combination of brightness, persistence and video settings selected. Ambient light in the cockpit, target return strength, and interference and clutter conditions govern the control settings to be used. The video knob is turned clockwise to show a low level of receiver noise (beyond 5 miles) which gives a light speckled effect to the scope, If heavier, more opaque areas of whiteness appear on the scope at this 1-20 Change 2 setting, turn the video knob counterclockwise until the intensity of the clutter is reduced sufficiently in the area of interest on the scope to see targets within the clutter. MISSILE ATTACK When the radar is operating in search, and target is detected, the missile mode is initiated by selecting MSL on the sight mode selector and activating the ACQ button, Momentarily pressing the ACQ button starts the acquisition phase: automatically selects 10-mile range, compresses and stows the B-sweep at 20 degrees left and aligns the antenna to ARL, The range gate appears, slewing out from 500 feet to 10 miles. If the target was placed approximately on 0 degrees azimuth and elevation and within 10-mile range before pressing ACQ button, it will be repositioned on the compressed B- sweep at the appropriate range. When the range gate reaches the target, lock-on is automatic. At target lock-on, the radar starts the tracking phase: the antenna conically scans about the target to provide steering information, the LK ON light comes on, the range gate stows on target and the elevation cursor becomes steering bar which indicates target position. While tracking, the radar range tracks to the limit of 10 miles, the IN RANGE light will come on steady when the launch aircraft is within the computed launeh envelope and will flash when the computed minimum range is reached. For a successful AIM-9 missile launeh, the aircraft should be maneuvered to position the steering bar within steering circle while monitoring missile tone in the headset. A head-down missile attack is completed, using the radar display and indicator lights and closing to within missile launch envelope, or using the sight reticle with markers (head-up). During track, if the target amplitude fells below minimum lock-on threshold, the radar goes into memory for approximately 1.75 seconds. During memory, the range 7.0, 1F-5E-34-1-1 Section I MISSILE ATTACK (TYPICAI TARGET (20° LEFT AT 16 NM SWEEP (SWEEPING) 20-MILE RANGES. ELEVATION CURSOR ANTENNA LOOKING HorZon DOWN 20" BELOW ARL? BAR (LEFT DANG TARGET DETECTED ‘SEARCH PHASE LEFT AND Low ANTENNA 20° « BELOW ARL RANGE — NI /— 8-SWEEP - SEARCH PATTERN 2 ‘SWEEPING! —— STEER TO CENTER TARGET IN =LENATION cunso8 SEiur amie uinene vorizon AiteAie 1 O° LEVATIGN RANGE OF TARGET, ESS AC READY FOR ACQUISITION BUTTON To OBTAIN! LOCK-ON, 1O-MILE B-SWEEP (STOWS RANGES, 20° LEFT TARGET (ON COMPRESSED [3 B-SWEEP AT 6 NN) RANGE GATE (SLEWS OUT TOLOCK ON TARGET) ACQUISITION PHASE HoRIZON BAR RANGE GATE ON (RIGHT BANS TARGET AT 6 NN STEERING CIRCLE 4 LOCK-ON LIGHT STEERING BAR CraRGET Low & pune CONICAL SCAN PRESSING ACQ SUTTON ALIGNS ANTENVA WITH ARL. RANGE SCALE CHANGES TOO. LOCK-ON ~ TRACKING PHASE 2 IN-RANGE LIGHT RANGE BAR AT AN-RANGE LIGHT & (STEADY) 12,000 FT SFLAsiNe) 3 wu i LecKon manus 22 5 te? ee Ze TARGET er STEERING ana BAR ‘MISSILE LAUNCH SIGHT RETICLE MINIMUM RANGE SIGHT RETICLE Figure 1-12. 1-21 Section I tracker follows the last known rate. If the target reappears during this 1.75 seconds, the radar reverts back to tracking phase. If the target does not reappear or its amplitude does not reach lock-on threshold, the radar returns to acquisition phase. Momentarily repressing the ACQ button breks target lock-on, the range gate resumes slewing from rejected target to lock on to the first target that is at least 450 fect or greater in range. Holding the button Dressed slews the range gate continuously. Return to search phase is accomplished by momentarily pressing the resume search button. See figure 1-12 for missile attack sequence. GUN/DOGFIGHT GUN ATTACK The radar is placed in air-to-air gun mode by selecting A/A1 or A/A2 on the sight mode selector and activating the ACQ button. The dogfight gun mode, which overrides any selected mode, is initiated by pressing the dogfight button ‘on the control stick grip. Momentarily pressing the ACQ/dogfight button starts the acquisition phase: automatically selects 5-mile range, compresses and stows the B-sweep at 20 degrees left and aligns the antenna to 0 degrees azimuth and down 2 degrees (-4.7 degrees on unmodified @ T.0. 1F-SE-588 ) below ARL. The range gate appears, slewing out from 500 feet to 5600 feet. If the target was placed approximately on 0 degrees azimuth and slightly below ARL and within 5-mile range before pressing ACQ/dogfight button, it will be repositioned on the compressed B-sweep at the appropriate range. Lock-on is automatic when the range gate reaches the target at 5600 feet or less in range. At target lock-on, the radar starts the tracking phase: the antenna conically seans about the target, the LK ON light comes on and the range gate stows on 1-22 Change 2 7.0, 1F-SE-34-1-1 the target. While tracking, the radar range tracks to 5600 feet, if the target moves out beyond the 5600 feet acquisition range, the radar continues to track to 10-mile range, and the attack may be continued. When the target is beyond the 5600 feet range, rejection of the target prevents lock-on of that target until the range closes to 5600 feet or less. The IN RANGE light comes on steady when the target is at 2700 foot until the target is at 1000 feet, then the light starts flashing. For a successful gun/dogfight gun attack, the head-up attack must be applied, using the sight reticle with markers and crosschecking the radar displey and indicator lights, if necessary. During track, if the target amplitude falls below minimum lock-on threshold, the radar goes into memory for approximately 1.75 seconds. During memory, the range tracker follows the lest known rete. If the target reappears during this 1.75 seconds, the radar reverts back to tracking phase. If the target does not reappear or its amplitude does not reach lock-on threshold, the radar returns to acquisition phase. Momentarily repressing the ACQ button in gun mode or momentarily repressing the dogfight button in dogfight gun mode breaks target lock-on, the range gate resumes slewing from rejected target to lock on to the first target that is at least 450 feet or greater in range. Holding either button pressed slews the range gate continuously. Selecting dogfight gun mode when the radar is tracking in missile or gun mode will not cause loss of lock-on if target signal is sufficient. Return to search phase is accomplished by momentarily pressing the resume search button. See figure 1-13 for gun/dogfight gun attack sequence. T.0, 1F-SE-34-1-1 Section 1 OGFIGHT GUN ATTACK (TYPICAI 2O-IILE RANGE B-SWEEP (SWEEPING) HORIZON GAR (LEFT BANK) ELEVATION CURSOR (ANTENNA LOOKING DOWN TARGET (20° 20° BELOWARL) LEFT AT @ NU) SEARCH PHASE Err AND LOW. Me oN anew 20° Honizon Bat ante nn BELOW ARL (NOSE DOWN) y ELevaTion cuRSCR SEARCH PATTERN (" ELEVATION 2 TARGET(O* MANEUVER THE AIRCRAFT TO aT 31M) CENTER TARGET ON O* AZIMUTH [AND ELEVATION. READY FOR ACQUISITION TARGETION B-SWEEP AT PRESSING AOQ OR DOGFIGHT BUTTON ALIGNS ANTENNA P TO 0® AZIMUTH AND 2° BELOW ARL (4.7° ON UNNICDIFIED @ (7.0. 1F-5E-58ep. RANGE SCALE CHANCES TO 5, B-swi ‘STOWs 20" LEFT) ELEVATION CURSOR RANGE GATE (SLEWS OUT ew BN Connon &e [ se on Azur INRANGE LIGHT TANGE BAR (STEADY Ar'ar00 #7 / IF RADAR LOCK-O¥ IS LOST, IN- RANGE MARKER UP APPLICABLE AND RANGE BAR WILL DISAPPEAR FROM SIGHT RECTICLE. wn-tayoe Mame Sui Rericue MINIMM-RANGE oO waeKer — RANGE BAR AT 1000 Fr MINIIUM RANGE SIGHT RETICLE Fos 34.060))2 Figure 1-13. Section I FIRE CONTROL RADAR AL RADAR SET AN/APO-159(V!-3 @ The AN/APQ-159(V)-3 is a multimode, forward-looking; X-band pulse, fire control radar providing air-to-air search, range, and angle track information for use in air-to-air gunnery and missile launch, The radar consists of a roll-stabilized antenna, transmitter-receiver and a processor in the nose section, and a control panel, and radar indicator in the cockpit (figure 1-14). The radar interfaces with LCOSS to provide missile, gun, and dogfight modes (missile and gun) of operation with the capabilities of automatic or manual target acquisition, ranging and angle traeking. In missile mode, the radar tracks the target and provides range, range rate, and angular position from boresight for target acquisition and aireraft-to-target steering. In gun and dogfight modes, the radar tracks target and provides range and range rate outputs for gun or missile firing. In test mode, the built-in test (BIT) function is initiated, providing radar performance verification. All modes except dogfight are selected by the sight mode selector. Dogfight missile (DM) and dogfight gun (DG) are both priority modes that provide immediate transfer from any radar mode, except OFF, to a head-up attack capability with visual target contact. The radar can be operated separately without interfacing with LCOSS, in missile, manual and dogfight modes; however, the in-range, minimum-range and excess-G indications will not be available after target loek-on. The following modes of operation are provided by the fire control radar: a, Missile mode, off-boresight acquisition and range and angle track. b. Dogfight missile mode, onboresight acquisition and range and angle track. €. Dogfight gun mode, on-boresight acquisition and range and angle track. 1-24 Change 2 T.O, 1F-5E-34-1-1 d. Gun modes A/A1 and A/A2, on- boresight acquisition and range and angle track for maneuvering or unaccelerated constant rate maneuvering air targets. RADAR SET AN/APQ-159(V)-4 @ The AN/APQ-159(V)-4 fire control radar has the same components and functions as AN/APQ-159(V}3 except that the @ has @ power supply coupler in the nose section, a control panel and radar indicator in each cockpit. The radar can be controlled from either cockpit thru the transfer and override controls. An advisory FCR light in each cockpit comes on to indicate the cockpit that has control of radar. The mode advisory lights in rear cockpit will illuminate when missile, gun of manual mode are selected in the front cockpit or either dogfight mode is seleeted in either cockpit. See figure 1-14 for location and funetion of radar controls and indicator lights. Radar Transfer and Override Coatrois ‘The transfer and override controls consist of a radar/recon transfer switch in front cockpit for transferring radar control to either cockpit and an override switch in the rear cockpit to transfer the radar contro! to the rear cockpit regardless of front cockpit selections. The cockpit in control has control of mode selection, acquisition button, target designator control, range seale selection, and antenna elevation tilt control. The pitch and video controls are transferable but the brightness, persistence, cursor and seale are controlled individually in each cockpit. The dogfight modes are selected or released by elther cockpit with no control transfer. After transferring control of radar to either cockpit, the elevation cursor of the cockpit gaining control should be adjusted, if necessary, to indicate the same previous settings of the other cockpit. If settings are different, the antenna will reposition to settings in cockpit gaining control. Y.G. 1F-DE-34-1-1 Video Trim (Rear Cockpit) Video trim. consists of adjusting the rear cockpit video display to mateh the front display when the front cockpit has control of radar. Video trim is in addition to using the video knob on the rear cockpit Section 1 radar indicator and effects the rear video display only. Adjusting the rear video display to balance with the front display is necessary to reduce video adjustment after control of radar is transferred. No further in-flight adjustment of video trim should be required. Section I 7.0, 1F-5E-34-1-1 RADAR CONTROLS & INDICATOR LIGHTS A _ sexu £ cueyavon wes, @ same @ fe ARL MARK oO ‘SIGHT CONTROL PANEL AZIMUTH GRID ELEVATION cuRsOR HORIZON BAR RADAR INDICATOR Vey Pigure 1-14, T.O, 1F-5E-34-1-1 Section I RADAR CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS (Figure 1-14) CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS 1 Sight MODE Selector OFF MSL A/AL or A/A2 GUNS FUNCTION Disconnects electrical power to LCOSS. Selects missile mode for the fire control system. Selects gun mode for the fire control system. MAN Selects manual mode for LCOSS. RADAR INDICATOR (@ thru 13) 2 SCALE Knob Rotate Adjusts the brightness of azimuth and range grid lines, azimuth and elevation seales, and missile steering circle from off to full bright. 3. IN RANGE Light (White) 4 @FCR Light (Yellow) (Front and Rear) 5. FAILLight (Yellow) OmSteady On-Flashing On On Target in range for AIM-9 missile Jaunen or aimto-air gun attaek (within 2700 feet in gun or DG mode). Target is less than minimum range for AIM-$ missile launeh or air-to-air gun attack (less than 1000 feet in gun or DG mode). In cockpit that has control of radar. Indicates one of the following conditions: a, Radar Mode Selector at OFF — Low pressurization in waveguide unit. b. Radar Mode Selector at STBY — Low voltage power supply out of tolerance. ¢. Radar Mode Selector at OPER — Either transmitter power, low veltage power supply, or lock-on’auto- matic frequency control out of tolerance. d. Redar Mode Selector at TEST — Radar range information is not accurate. 1-27 Section I 7.0, 1F-SE-34-1-1 RADAR CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS (Figure 1-14) (Continued) A CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS FUNCTION 6 LK ON Light (White) | On — Radar locked on range end angle track- ing target. 7 EX G Light (Yellow) | On — Indicates excess-G condition for suc cessful missile guidance. Inoperative in gun and dogfight gun modes. 8 BRIGHT Knob Rotate — Adjusts the background brightness of radar scope from off to full bright. 9 PER Knob Rotate — Adjusts the time video remains on radar scope. 10 VIDEO Knob Rotate — Adjusts the video intensity and effects lock-on sensitivity in missile mode. Inoperative in DM, DG, and gun modes. 11 CURSOR Knob Rotate — Adjusts the brightness of horizon bar, 12 Range Scale Lights (White) 13 PITCH Knob On 5/10/20/40 Rotate elevation cursor, acquisition symbol and aim symbol on radar seope from off to full bright. Radar operating range in NM. Adjusts the horizon bar up 20 de- grees or down 20 degrees. With the horizon bar set at 0 degrees in level flight, the horizon bar indicates the pitch angle of the aircraft. 14 Dogfight/Resume Search Switch (Spring-loaded to center) 1-28 Center-Press (Momentary) Att | (Momentary) In Missile mode — initiates search phase. Breaks lock if radar was locked on and acquisition symbol reappears automatic ally at last known range and azimuth position of target. In either Dogfight_mode — rejects se~ Teeted dogfight mode, initiates search phase. In_Gun modes — initiates search phase. Breaks lock if radar was locked on. Selects DG mode. If the radar is not locked on, antenna éligns to 0 degrees azimuth and 4.7 degrees below ARL. Range gate slews from 500 to 5600 feet to loek on the first target encountered. T.0. P-SE-34-1-1 Section I RADAR CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS (Figure 1-14) (Continued) A CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS 14 Dogfight/Resume Search Switeh (Spring-loaded to center) (Continued) 15, @ RADAR/RECON TRANSFER Switeh (Front) Forward (Momentary) FWD AFT FUNCTION — Selects DM mode. If radar is not locked on, antenna aligns to 0 degrees azimuth and on ARL. Range gate slews from 500 to 30,000 feet to lock on the first tar get encountered, NOTE @ Selecting DM or DG when the radar is locked on in missile, gun mode or switehing between either dogfight mode will not break lock-on if target signal is sufficient. ¢ When the radar is locked on to a target in DM or DG mode, rese- lecting the same dogfight mode breaks target lock-on. Range gate slews out from rejected target to lock on to the first target that is at least 450 feet or greater in range. Holding switch at forward or aft position causes the range gate to return and stow at mini- mum range until the switeh is re- leased. The range gate may not be visible at minimum range. © If sight cage switch and either position (forward or aft) of the dogfight/resume search switch are actuated and held simulte- neously, the dogtight/resume search switeh should be released before releasing (approximately 1 second later) sight cage switch, to prevent radar from returning to search phase. -- Transfers radar control to front cock- pit and mode selected, — Transfers radar control to rear cockpit and mode selected. 1-29 Section 1 T.O, 1F-SE-34-1-1 RADAR CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS (Figure 1-14) (Continued) 4& CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS FUNCTION RADAR CONTROL PANEL (16 thru 20) 16 ELEV Antenna Tilt Rotate — Adjusts the antenna tilt angle up +45 Control and down -40 degrees relative to air craft ARL. Elevation cursor on radar seope indicates antenna elevation tilt angle. 17 TDC Button Displaced From — Positions acquisition symbol on radar Center seope in azimuth and range desired. Center — Acquisition symbol retains last position selected. 18 RANGE Selector 5/10/20/40 — Selects radar range in NM. NOTE ‘The VIDEO knob must be rotated counterclockwise to decrease the video intensity prior to switehing from 40 to 20-, 10-, or 5-mile range. 19 Radar MODE | OFF — Disconneets all electrical power to FCR. Selector NOTE | © The selector must be pushed in to rotate from the STBY position to OFF. © @ Doth cockpit radar mode selec- tors should be at OFF to turn off the FCR. STBY — Connects electrical power to warm up radar transmitter (3 to 5 minutes), en- ergizes gyro, and aligns antenna with ARL. Within 60 seconds, the following appear on radar indieator: Horizon bar Antenna elevation cursor Acquisition symbal (No symbol in 40-mile range.) Range seale light 1-30 Change 2 RADAR CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS (Figure 1-14) (Continued) AL CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS 19 Radar MODE Selector (Continued) 20 ACQ Button T.O, 1F-5E-34-1-1 Seetion 1 OPER ‘TEST Press (Momentary) FUNCTION — Electrical power is supplied to all cir cuitry for radar search and track opera tion, If switching to OPER before warmup time (3 to 5 minutes) is com- pleted, no seareh and track operation is available. -- Activates radar built-in-test (BIT) cir- cuits. Feilure of any function causes FAIL light on radar indicator to come on. NOTE ‘The selector must be pushed in to rotate from the OPER position to TEST. -- In Missile Mode — Compresses B-sweep at the target bracketed by acquisi- tion symbol and moves to 20-degree left azimuth after radar lock-on. If locked on, pressing button breaks target lock-on and the acquisition symbol auto- matically positions to last known range and azimuth position of target to com- mence the acquisition process. NOTE Holding button pressed will pre- vent radar lock-on. — In Gun Modes —- Compresses and stows Brsweep at 20 degrees left, aligns antenna 0 degrees azimuth and ~4.7 de~ grees below ARL and range gate slews from 500 feet to 5600 feet to lock on target. Change 1 1-31 Section 1 LE-SE-34-1-1 RADAR CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS (Figure 1-14) (Continued) A CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS 20 ACQ Button (Continued) 21 Sight Cage Switch FUNCTION — In Either Dogfight Mode — If locked on, breaks target Tock-on. NOTE Momentarily repressing the ACQ button when the radar is locked ‘on in gun of either dogfight mode breaks target lock-on. Range gate resumes slewing from re- Jected target to lock on to the first target that is at least 450 feet or greater in range. Hold- ing the button pressed stows the range gate at minimum range until the button is released, The range gate may not be visible at minimum range. Press & Hold — Aligns radar antenna to ARL in acqui- sition or track phase of DM, DG, and Gun mode. If loeked on, the radar will continue to range track target if suf- ficient signal is present. Releasing the switeh causes the antenna to go back to the previous commanded position. NOTE If sight cage switch and either position (forward or aft) of the dogfight/resume search switch are actuated and held simultaneously, the dogfight/resume search switch should be released before releasing (approximately 1 second later) sight cage switeh, to prevent radar from returning to search 22 @_ RADAR/RECON OVERRIDE Switeh (Rear) 1-32 Change 1 phase. oft — Permits radar control transfer switch (Guard Closed) in front cockpit to transfer radar con trol to either coekpit. ON — Transfers control of radar to rear cock- pit regardless of front cockpit radar/ RECON transfer switch position. 7.0. 1P-5E~34-1-1 Section 1 RADAR CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS (Figure 1-14) (Continued) AX CONTROLS AND INDICATOR LIGHTS FUNCTION 23 @ VIDEO TRIM Rotate Knob (Rear) 24 @_ MODE ADVISORY LIGHTS (White) (Rear) MSL Light | On DF Light On with GUNS Light On On with MSL Light On GUNS Light On MAN Light on RADAR OPERATION 4% SEARCH PHASE Target search is initiated by placing the radar mode selector at OPER after being in STBY for 3 to 5 minutes or by waiting 3 to 5 minutes in OPER. If the ACQ button has been activated, the dogtight/resume search switch must be pressed momentarily to enable the radar to search. In 40-mile range, the search pattern is a 1 bar antenna sean which covers 9) degrees in azimuth and 4 degrees above and below the antenna centerline. In 5-, 10-, or 20-mile range, the search pattern is a two-bar antenna scan, which steps up vertically 3 degrees when it reaches the right end, and steps down 3 degrees at the left end of the search pattern. The antenna is pitch and roll stabilized so that azimuth scen is @ plane parallel to the earth surface regardless of aircraft roll attitude, preventing loss of the terget and/or smearing of the display. A 360-degree — Adjusts radar video display to match front cockpit video display when the front cockpit has control of radar. After videos are matehed, no further in-flight adjustment of video trim should be required. -- Missile mode selected in front cockpit Dogfight gun mode selected in either cockpit. Dogfight missile mode selected in cither cockpit. -- A/A1 or A/A2 gun mode selected in front cockpit. Manual mode selected in front cockpit. compensation is provided about the aircraft rell axis and with the antenna set at either extreme limit of 45 degrees in elevation, 90 degrees of pitch compensation is provided in the opposite direetion. Roll attitude of 360 degrees and pitch attitude of 50 degrees, less pitch knob trim, is displayed by the horizon bar. The antenna elevation position is independent of aircraft piteh attitude, and the angle between the antenna and the ARL is indicated by the elevation cursor on the right side of the scope display. Target range is read off the range grid lines on the seope of radar indicator from minimum range at bottom to maximum range at the top. For the selected range, the lines from bottom to top represent the following: 40-mile range - 8, 16, 24, 32 and 40 miles 20-mile range —~ miles , 8, 12, 16 and 20 Change 1 1-33 Seetion I RADAR RETURNS (TYPICAI ‘SEARCH PHASE 10 TARGET T.O. LF-SE-34-1-1 —TRANSHITTER SIGN Al (ORANGE) F-51500 Figure 1-15. 10-mile range -- 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 miles S-mile range -- 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 miles The search phase incorporates an acquisition symbol (available in 5, 10 and 20-mile range) that is used for off boresight acquisition in missile mode. The symbol consists of two vertical bars separated 10 degrees in azimuth which corresponds to the antenna acquisition horizontal sean limits. The vertical height of the symbol corresponds to the acquisition range interval of 2,200 feet in the 5-mile range and 4,400 feet in L0- and 20-mile range. The symbol can be Positioned by TDC button out to a maximum range of 10 miles on the scope. VIDEO ADJUSTMENT The B-sweep moving right and left displays received video. The processor prevents an excessive amount of ground clutter by a clipping aetion which allows 1-34 Change 1 only stronger targets to appear from minimum range to approximately 6 miles. The clipping action is evident on the scope by an absence of receiver noise and a Tow clutter level from minimum range to 4 or 5 miles. Despite this clipping, a transmitter signal line at zero range and a small portion of an altitude line in the elutter region will usually be present on the scope (figure 1-15). The altitude line is a return effect due to antenna side lobes and the nature of the terrain. Target visibility on the scope is controlled by the combination of brightness, persistence and video settings selected. Ambient light in the cockpit, target return strength, and interference and clutter conditions govern the control settings to be used. The video knob is turned clockwise to show a low level of receiver noise (beyond § miles) which gives a light speckled effect to the seope. If heavier, more opaque areas of whiteness appear on the scope at this setting, turn the video knob counterclockwise until the intensity of the T.O. 1P-5E-34-1-1 clutter is reduced sufficiently in the area of interest on the scope to see targets within the clutter. MISSILE ATTACK, OFF-BORESIGHT ACQUISITION When the radar is operating in search and target is detected, the missile mode is initiated by selecting MSL on the sight mode selector, positioning the acquisition symbol over target on seope and activating the ACQ button. Pressing the ACQ button starts the acquisition phase: automatically selects 10-mile range, compresses the B-sweep at the area bracketed by the acquisition symbol. The antenna swings to spotlight target and seans a two-ber pattern of +5 degrees in azimuth and 21.5 degrees in elevation, centered about the horizontal position of [the symbol and the selected antenna elevation cursor position. The scope display only in the area subtended by the acquisition symbol width of 10 degrees. Video is shown throughout the selected range within the 10 degrees azimuth acquisition area. MISSILE ATTACK, TRACK Loek-on is automatic when the ACQ button is released. At target lock-on, the radar starts the tracking phase: the LK ON light comes on and the compressed B- sweep with the range gate and target stow at 20 degrees left, the acquisition symbol disappears and the elevation cursor is replaced by the aim symbol. Range and angle track occur automatically, the antenna conieally seans about the target within limits of +40 degrees in azimuth; 40 degrees, ~36.5 degrees in elevation. Angle error signals are then developed to close the angle tracking loop thru the antenna gimbal drive. The aim symbol is displayed relative to the target; i.e., horizontal position is the azimuth and vertical is the elevation position. The deflection of the aim symbol in elevation and azimuth is a linear over the entire radar tracking ‘angles. Since the aim symbol location on the scope represents true angle reletive to ARL in elevation (including wingtwist correction) and azimuth, target breaklock Section I will occur if the alm symbol deflects to the antenna gimbal limits. For the AIN-9 missile to acquire target, the aircraft should be maneuvered to position the aim symbol within steering circle. The steering circle is 7 degrees in diameter and the aim symbol is 5 degrees from tip-to-tip. With the aim symbol centered, approximately 1 degree clearance exists between the four tips of the aim symbol and the steering circle. While tracking, the radar range and angle track to the limit of 10 miles, the IN RANGE light will come on steady when the launch aircraft is within the computed launch envelope and will flash when the computed minimum range is reached. For a successful AIM-9 missile launch, the aireraft should be maneuvered to keep the aim symbol within steering cirele while monitoring selected missile tone in the headset. A head-down missile attack is completed, using the radar display and indicator lights and closing to within missile launch envelope, or head-up attack by selecting dogfight missile mode and using the sight reticle with markers. During track, if the target amplitude falls below the minimum lockon threshold, the system goes into memory for approximately 1.75 seconds. During memory, the range end angle trackers follow the last known rates. If the target reappears during this 1.75 seconds, the radar reverts back to tracking phase. If the target does not reappear, or Its amplitude does not reach lock-on threshold, the radar returns to search phase. The antenna search elevation position reverts back to that commanded by the elevation tilt control. The acquisition symbol reappears on the display at the last target position prior to going into memory. Reacquisition of the target is accomplished by adjusting the elevation tilt, as required, to regain the target and then repeating the acquisition process. If, during acquisition, the ACQ button is released with insufficient target amplitude, the radar azimuth and range commands and the antenna elevation tilt control can still be positioned by the Change 2 1-35 Section 1 Tt] ea Wel ak eB 40-4ILE RANGE HoRIZ BAR GeFT 20-ui RANGE: ‘ON BANK cau SYMBOL— SITION T.O, 1F-SE-34-1-1 TARGET (20° LEFT AT 32. NUD B-SWEEP (SWEEPING) ELEVATION CURSOR (ANTENNA LOOKING DOWN 20° BELOW ARLY TARGET DETECTED LEFT AND LOW B-SWEEP (SWEEPING) ELEVATION cuRsOR TARGET (20° RIGHT SEARCH PATTERN RANGE — m1 BAR SCAN SWITCH TO 20-NI RANGE AND CLOSE TO WITHIN L0-NMI RANGE. POSITION ACQUISITION SYNBOL OVER TARGET. ATS NM TARGET B-SWEEP COMPRESSED AT ACQUISITION SYMBOL ELEVATION CURSOR PRESS AND HOLD ACQ BUTTON To SPOTLIGHT TARGET. RANGE SCALE CHANGES TO 10. feaeer aac GATE cn rows SARCETAT ont ~ STEERWG CRCLE 4 Lock ow Licht vonzon au svupo eas nore osieut> LOCK-ON = TRACKING PHASE IN-RANGE LIGHT RANGE BAR AT (STEADY) 12,000 FT Lock-on 5 Licht + di TARGET aa ar SYMBOL W-RANGe eM MARKER MISSILE LAUNCH SUGHT RETICLE Figure 1-16. 1-36 MINIMUM RANGE CONICAL SCAN M-RANGE LIGHT FLASHING) MINIMUM- 6 Ravce MARKER” SUGHT RETICLE 7.0.1 pilot. The antenna also maintains its space position independent of aircraft motion in the same way it functions during the search phase. Momentarily repressing the ACQ button breaks target lock-on, the acquisition symbol will be positioned to the target's last range and ezimuth and the acquisition phase will be commenced. Retura to search phase is aceomplished by momentarily pressing the dogfight/resume searen switen on the control stick grip; the antenna returns to Tesume search and the acquisition symbol Will be positioned to the target's last range and azimuth to assist in reacquiring the target. See figure 1-16 for missile attack sequence. DOGFIGHT MISSILE ATTACK The radar is placed in dogfight missile (DM) mode, which overrides any selected mode, by activating the dogfight/resume search on the control stick grip. Momentarily selecting forward position of the dogfight/resume search switch starts the acquisition phase: automatically selects 10-mile range, compresses and stows the B-sweep at 20 degrees left and aligns the antenna to ARL. The range gate appears, slewing out from 500 feet to 5 miles. If the target was placed approximately on 0 degrees azimuth and elevation and within 5-mile range before selecting dogfight missile mode, it will be repositioned on the compressed B-sweep at the appropriate range. When the range gate reaches the target, lock-on is automatic. At target lock-on, the redar starts the tracking phase: the LK ON light comes on, the range gate stows on target and the elevation cursor is replaced by the aim symbol. Range and angle track occur automatically, the antenna conically seans about the target within limits of #40 degrees in azimuth; +40 degrees, -36.5 degrees in elevation. While treeking, the radar tracks to 10 miles, the aim symbol and radar indicator lights function the same as in missile mode. For @ successful dogfight missile SE-3A-1-1 Section I attack, the head-up attack must be applied, using the sight reticle with markers and erosschecking the radar display and indicetor lights, if necessary. During track, if the target amplitude falls below the minimum lock-on threshold, the radar goes into memory for approximately 1.75 seconds. During memory, the range and angle treckers follow the last known rates. If the target reappears during this 1.75 seconds, the radar reverts back to tracking phase. If the target does not reappear, or its amplitude does not reach lock-on threshold, the radar returns to acquisition phase. Momentarily reselecting forward position of the dogtight/resume search switch or repressing the ACQ button breaks target lock-on, the range gate resumes slewing from the rejected target to lock on to the first target that is at least 450 feet or greater in range. Holding the ACQ button pressed ot the dogfight/resume search switch at forward position stows the range gate at minimum range. Selecting dogfight missile mode when the radar is tracking in missile, gun or dogfight gun mode will not cause loss of lock-on, if terget signal is sufficient. Return to search phase is accomplished by momentarily pressing the dogfight/resume search switch on the control stick grip. See figure 1-17 for dogfight missile attack sequence. GUN/DOGFIGHT GUN ATTACK The radar is placed in air-to-air gun mode by selecting A/Al or A/A2 on the sight mode selector and activating the ACQ button. The dogfight gun mode, which overrides any selected mode, is initiated by activating the dogfight/resume search switeh on the control stick grip. Momentarily pressing the ACQ button or selecting aft position of the dogfight/resume search switeh starts the acquisition phase: automatically selects 5-mile range, compresses and stows the B-sweep at 20 degrees left and aligns the antenna to 0 degrees azimuth and down ~4.7 degrees below ARL. The Change 2 1-37 Section } T.O, LE-E-34-1-1 DOGFIGHT MISSILE ATTACK (TYPICAL) [igieumma TARGET i B-sWEEP gor Er EEPING) AT 16ND —HoRIZ0N BAR 1 (LEFT BANK) ELEVATION CURSOR 20-niLe (ANTENWA LOOKING DOWN RANGE. Py 20" BELOWARL’ ACQUISITION S¥MBOL SEARCH PHASE ANTENNA 20° BELOW ARL TARGET(O* AT 8 uM} ELEVATION ARCH ‘CURSOR RANGE - NN 2 BAR SCAN 2 (0° ELEVATION MANEUVER AIRCRAFT 10 CENTER B-SWEEP TARGET ON O° AZIMUTH AND (SWEEPING) ELEVATION. READY FOR ACQUISITION SELECTING DOGFIGHT MISSILE ALIGNS ANTENNA TO O° AZIMUTH AND ON ARL. TARGET RANGE SCALE CHANGES TO 10, (AT 4,2 NM) x AML -z RANGE GATE (SLEW OUT TO LOCK Ok TARGET) ro-meé . age EF | C 2 ACQUISITION PHASE ows Azimut fn SeMBOL TSRANGE LIGHT W-RANGE MARKER TARGET HIGH (STEADY) IF RADAR LOCK-ON 15 LOST, N= ND RIGHT? ANGE MARKER GF APPLICABLE) Lock-on Licht AND FANCE BAR WILL DISAPPEAR 4 FROM SIGHT RETICLE. RANGE GATE ON TARGEL WoRIZON oar 3 RANGE BAR AT (RIGHT BANK) 12,000 FEET TRACKING PHASE SUGHT RETICLE WWRANGE LigHT = @=—— FLASHING) RANGE BAR AT 1000 FEET MMUNLMUM RANGE SIGHT RETICLE F534-1060018 Figure 1-17 1-38 T.O, 1F-SE-34-1-1 range gate appears, slewing out from 500 feet to 5600 feet. If the target was placed approximately on 0 degrees azimuth and slightly below ARL and within S-mile renge before pressing ACQ button/seleeting dogfight gun mode, it will be repositioned on the compressed B- sweep at the appropriate range. Lock-on is automatic when the range gate reaches the target at 5600 feet or less in range. Al target lock-on, the radar starts the tracking phase: the LK ON light comes on and the range gate stows on the target. Range and angle track occur automatieally, the antenna conically scans about the target within limits of +40 degrees in azimuth; +40 degrees, -36.5 degrees in elevation. While tracking, the radar range end angle tracks to §600 feet, if the target moves out beyond 5600 feet acquisition range, the radar continues to track to 10 miles range, and the attack may be continued. When the target is beyond 5600 feet range, rejection of the target prevents lock-on of that target until the range closes to 5600 feet or less. The IN RANGE light comes on steady when the target is at 2700 feet until the target is at 1000 feet, then the light starts flashing. For a successful gun/dogfight gun attack, the head-up attack must be applied, using the sight reticle with markers and erossehecking the radar display and indicator lights, if necessary. Section I During track, if the target amplitude falls below minimum lock-on threshold, the radar goes into memory for approximately 1.75 seconds. During memory, the range and angle trackers follow the last known rates. If the target reappears during this 1.75 seconds, the radar reverts beck to tracking phase. If the target does not reappear, or its amplitude does not reach lock-on threshold, the radar returns to acquisition phase. Momentarily repressing the ACQ button in gun mode or reselecting aft position of the dogfight/resume search switch in dogfight gun mode breaks target lock-on, the range gate resume slewing from rejected target to lock on to the first terget that is at least 450 feet or greater in range. Holding the ACQ button pressed or the dogfight/resume search switch at aft position stows the range gate at minimum range. Selecting dogfight gun mode when the radar is tracking in missile, dogfight missile or gun mode will not cause loss of lock-on, if target signal is sufficient. Return to search phase is accomplished by momentarily pressing the dogfight/resume search switch on the eontrol stick grip. See figure 1-18 for gun/dogfight gun attack sequence. Change 2 1-39 Seetion I 0. LE-5 N/DOGFIGHT GUN ATTACK (TYPICAL) =o eA TARGET 20" B-SWEEP (SWEEPING 4 iM ECA onzow oan 4 (LEFT BANK! {i ELEVATION CURSOR f % jn pese {ANTENA LOOKING COWN KK 20" BELOW ARL) KH eo 10-MILE RANGE Acquisition: SYMBOL SEARCH PHASE aureus 20° BELOW ARL HoRIZoN Ga {OSE OWN) ELEVATION ( SEAT (O* ELEVATION, rane err READY FOR ACQUISITION PRESSING ACO BUTTON OR SELECTING DOGFIGHT TARGET (On COMPRESSED B-SWEEP (STOWS GUN ALIGNS ANTENNA TO 0° AZIMUTH AND 4.7° B-SWEEP AT 20° LEFT) RELOW ARL. RANGE SCALE CHANGES TO 5. 3 nN) i ELEVATION CURSOR iL a,7° ELEVATION) RANGE GATE (SLEWS OUT TO Lock ON TARGET 3 S SMILE RANGE ACQUISITION PHASE om SAUCE BS aa st . Se i nereke LOCK-ON FROM SIGHT RECTICLE, RANGE GATE. LIGHT ail untae inte ee LOCK-ON — TRACKING PHASE Tn RANGE U1 (FLASHING nina nance MARKER 5 RANGE BAR AT Locx-on eae LIGHT OFT ‘SIGHTRETICIE Fe H-103(3)8. IALNIMUM RANGE Figure 1-18. 1-40 T.O. 1F-SE-34-1-1 LEAD COMPUTING OPTICAL SIGHT SYSTEM anyasc-29 system AX The AN/ASG-29 lead computing optical sight system (LCOSS) consists of a gyro lead computer (GLC) unit and an optical display unit (ODU). An AIM-9 missile select switch is provided to select the appropriate missile launch envelope progrem stored in the GLC. The ODU contains sight controls, a mirror drive assembly, and a combining glass which reflects the aiming reticle. Signals from the GLC adjust the mirror drive assembly to position the reticle on the combining glass and display the lead angle. Manual adjustment produces the depression angle for ground attacks. A built-in test (BIT) feature is provided for cockpit checkout of the system. Sight panel lighting is controlled by armament light control knob on left vertical panel (front cockpit @ ). The system interfaces with the fire control radar to compute and display lead for air-to-air gun attacks, computes missile launch envelope and indicetes condition for AIM-9 missile delivery. When operating separately, the system provides a depressible roll stabilized reticle for sir-to-ground attacks. The air- to-air gun, missile, and manual modes are selectable on the sight mode selector and the dogfight mode is initiated by activating the dogfight button on the control stick grip. The reticle can be eaged to ARL in all operating modes. The two air-to-air gun modes A/A1 for use against maneuvering targets and A/A2 for unaceelerated constant rate maneuvering targets, provide attack parameters to permit the use of a "snap-shoot" aiming and conventional target tracking techniques for air-to-air gun attacks. See figure 1-19 for location of controls and a view of the reticle image. NOTE On aireraft equipped with the fast-erect switeh, bombing accuracy can be improved by insuring that the AHRS two-gyro platform is fully erected before Section I bomb delivery. If conditions permit, gyro precession error can be removed by actuating push fast-erect switeh on instrument panel. aw/asc-31 svsTem AL The AN/ASG-31 lead computing optical sight system (LCOSS) consists of @ gyro lead computer (GLC) and an optical display unit (ODU). The AIM-9 missile select switch is provided to select the appropriate missile envelope program stored in GLC. The ODU contains sight controls, mirror drive assembly, and a combining glass. Signals from GLC adjust the mirror drive assembly to position the reticle on the combining glass and display the lead angle. Manual adjustment produces the depression angle for ground attacks. A built-in test (BIT) feature is provided for cockpit checkout of system. Sight panel lighting is controlled by armament light control knob gn left vertical panel (front cockpit @) and panel light on the sight panel. The system interfaces with the fire control radar to compute and display lead for air-to-air gun attacks, compute missile launch envelope and indicate launch data for AIM-9 missile delivery. When operating separately, the system provides depressible roll-stabilized reticle for air to-ground attacks. Mode selections provide three operational modes: missile, A/AL and A/A2 guns, and manual. The air-to- air A/A1 gun mode is primarily used for a nontracking solution to attack a maneuvering target, and the A/A2 mode is limited for a tracking solution applicable against unaccelerated constant rate maneuvering target. In missile mode, the system provides steering reference toward the locked-on target which may not be visible. The dogfight missile (DM) and dogfight gun (DG) modes, which override all operating modes are initiated by selecting forward or aft position of the dogfight/resume search switch on the Change 2 14l Section | control stick grip. The reticle can be caged to ARL in all operating modes. See figure 1-19 for location of controls and @ view of the reticle image. RETICLE IMAGE ‘The reticle image is projected onto the combining glass by the mirror drive assembly and consists of a 2-mil pipper within a 50-mil-diameter cirele. After radar lock-on to the target, event markers appear outside of the circle when certain range and G-load conditions exist. ‘A range bar positioned by signals from the radar extends from the 6-o'clock position on the inner right side of the circle toward the 12-o'eloek position, depending on target range. Each range index indicates 1000 feet in gun modes and, 10,000 feet in missile mode. Range of 6000 feet in gun modes or 60,000 feet in missile mode is indicated when the leeding edge of the range bar is at the 6-o'elock position. Decreasing range is 1-42 ‘T.O, 1F-95-34-1-1 shown as the bar extends up the reticle circle with minimum displayed range of 500 feet (gun moces) indicated at the 12:30-o'clock position. In gun modes, lock- on will not normally oecur beyond 5000 feet target range. Without radar installed, the reticle will not disolay range ber, in- range, minimum-range, and excess G information at any time other than during the ground BIT checks. LEAD COMPUTING OPTICAL SIGHT SYSTEM @ The LCOSS is controlled from the front cockpit only and functions the same as the @ , except that either cockpit can switch the system to dogfight mode(s) by activating the dogfight button, dogfight/resume search switch on control stick grip. The mode advisory lights above the radar indicator in the rear cockpit provide indication of mode selected. See figure 1-19 for location of controls and lights. 7.0, LE-SE-34-1-1 Seetion I SIGHT CONTROLS & LIGH 50-41 DIAMETER CiRCLE: PIpPER— sigur WIssiLe CAMERA ‘MODE ADVISORY LIGHTS” Fessu-210¢ Figure 1-19. 1-43 Section 1 T.O, 1F-5E-34-1-1 SIGHT CONTROLS AND LIGHTS (Figure 1-19) CONTROLS AND LIGHTS FUNCTION 1 ARMT LIGHT Rotate — Adjusts light intensity of sight panel. CONTROL Knob SIGHT CONTROL PANEL 2 theu 8) 2 MODE Selector OFF — Disconnects electrical power to LCOSS. MSL — Ad Displaces the reticle piper down from the ARL due to the wingtwist. With radar lock-on, missile launch enve- lope data ere presented on the reticle. — A Aligns the reticle piper to ARL. With radar lock-on, missile launch en- velope date are presented on the reticle, and pipper is slaved to the radar an- tenna to indicate the relative position to target. A/A1 GUNS —— Selects lead computation for maneuver ing target. With rader lockon, pipper is computed and positioned by GLC. A/A2 GUNS —— Selects lead computation for unaceel- erated constant rate maneuvering target. With radar lock-on, piper is computed and positioned by GLC. MAN — Piper is roll-stabilized and mey be manually depressed for air-to-ground attack. Slip Indicator Indicates slip or skid. 4 RET DEPR Readout | Indicates reticle depression setting selected with RET DEPR Window knob. 5 RET DEPR Knob Rotate — Selects retiele depression in MAN mode. 6 RET INT Knob | Rotate — Adjusts light intensity of reticle. 7 Sight BIT Switch | Provides activation of sight built-in-test circuits. See SIGHT | CHECK in section II for test selections and indications. io L 144 1.0, 1F-SE-34-1-1 Section SIGHT CONTROLS AND LIGHTS (Figure 1-19) (Continued) CONTROLS AND LIGHTS FUNCTION 8 A PNL LT Button | Push On — Turns on the sight panel light. NOTE Armt Light Control Knob should be On. Push Off — Tums off the sight panel light. 9 Ad Dogfight Button | Press — Selects DG mode (A/A1 gun mode), (Momentary) regardless of sight operating mode A. Dogfight /Resume Search Switen Aft Position (Momentary) Forwerd Position (Momentary) Center Position Press (Momentary) selected, and piper is slaved to GLC. Resume search button actuation returns sight to mode selector control. Selects DG mode, regardless of sight mode selected. ‘The sight functions as in A/A1 gun mode. Selects DM mode, regardless of sight mode selected. Displaces reticle pipper below ARL by an angle equal to the wingtwist. With radar loek-on, missile launch envelope data are pre- sented on the reticle. Rejects Dogfight mode and returns sight to mode selector. 10 AIM-9 Missile Select Switeh AIM-3B AIM-9E, AIM-95 Selects AIM-9B series missile launch envelope programmed in GLC. Selects AIM-9E series missile launch envelope programmed in GLC. Selects AIM-9J series missile leunch envelope programmed in GLC. NOTE AIM-9J position should be selected when carrying AIM-9N and AIM-9P series missiles. 1-45 Seetion I T.O, LE-SE-34-1-1 SIGHT CONTROLS AND LIGHTS (Figure 1-19) (Continued) CONTROLS AND LIGHTS 11 SIGHT CAGE Switeh Press and Hold FUNCTION — A Electrically cages (eligns) pipper to ‘ARL in all modes except OFF. Piper returns to computed or preset depres- sion position when switch is released. — A Electrically cages (aligns) pipper to ARL in all modes except OFF, and aligns radar antenna to ARL in aequi- sition or track phase of DM, DG, and guns modes. Pipper returns to computed or preset depression position when switch is released. @ ope apvisory LIGHTS (White) (Rear) (12 thru 15) 12 MSL Light On — Missile mode selected in front cockpit. 13. DF Light On A. Dogfight mode selected in either cockpit. On with GUNS — Dogfight gun mode selected in either Light On AY cockpit. On with MSL © — Dogfight missile mode selected in either Light On A cockpit. 14 GUNS Light on — A/A1 or A/A2 gun mode selected in front cockpit. 15 MAN Light on — Manual mode selected in front cockpit. 1-46 1.0. 1F SYSTEM OPERATION missite mone AL In missile mode, the LCOSS computes the selected launch envelope, using altitude, true airspeed, and mach number signals from the central air data computer (CADC); and range and range rate signals from the radar (figure 1-20). The sight is placed in missile mode of operation by positioning the sight mode selector to MSL. The reticle is caged in azimuth and displaced down in elevation from ARL to compensate for the downward rotation of SIGHT SYSTEM MISSILE MODE -5E-34-1-1 Section the missile resulting from wing twist and seeker head precession. Downward rotation is calculated from G's measured by an accelerometer in the GLC. After radar lock-on, the range bar is displayed on reticle, indicating target range from 0 to 60,000 feet. Appearance of the in- range ‘marker with no excess-G marker indieates that you are within the missile launeh envelope for a pure pursuit attack of (he target. Appearance of the minimum-range marker or excess-G marker, or both, indicates that you are outside ‘the missile launen envelope. GYRO LEAD COMPUTER (OPTICAL DBPLAY UNIT sigur cage a SIGNAL i; A \ Nowa «| cane ° ws paves [I = I {cantatas \ ——.] ice so Lint pena)... oe _| ARKER — ALmTupe Teue issue [AN TINTON Lmacn ARSPEED} envevore ANCE Jane ies eomoure aek RaNGe| —_— tare em — RANGE ewan aaoan [RANGE a] nance Seve Ts ae PIMC Figure 1-20. missiLe moe AX In missile mode, the LCOSS computes selected launch envelope using altitude, true airspeed, and mach number signals from CADC, with azimuth, elevation track, and range, and range rate signals from radar (figure 1-21). The sight is placed in missile mode of operation by positioning sight mode selector to MSL, which eages reticle pipper to ARL. After radar lock-on, the pipper is slaved to radar antenna, indicating the relative position to target within gimbal limit (approximately +104 mils in azimuth, +35 mils to -200 mils in elevation), and range bar is displayed on the reticle, indicating target range from 0 to 60,000 feet. The in-range marker is illuminated when radar range is equal to or less than the computed maximum launch range and greater than minimum- 1-47 Section I 7.0, 1F-SE 34-1-1 SIGHT SYSTEM MISSILE MODE ‘GIRO LEAD COMPUTER AcceeRMerEs| JACCELBRATION, cao ‘OPTICAL DSPLAY UNIT sicarcace 7 Stenat c maanoe 1] ave Co aoa [comanne: Stas “orm Gee Bee oo aunmuoe mye sarin wsne TaN sacs AIRSPEED] missILe [RANGE Bnet NONE jcoveuiee acer wale asxanum ance insane mance rer [RANce! [AZINUTH AND ELEVATION TRACK Fosaaaa Figure 1-21. range. The minimum-range marker is illuminated when radar range is equal or less than the computed missile minimum launch range. The exeess-G marker illumination indicates the G force affected on aircraft is in excess of the values for missile firing during pursuit tracking. DOGFIGHT MISSILE MODE A& The sight is placed in dogfight missile mode by selecting forward position of dogfight/resume search switeh on the control stick grip. With radar lock-on, the reticle is caged to 0 degrees in azimuth and displaced down in elevation to compensate for rotation of the missile resulting from wingtwist and missile seeker head precession. The range bar, in- range, minimum-range, and exeess G markers are presented as the same in missile mode. GUN A/A10R A/A2 MODES In gun modes of operation, the sight system ealculates the lead angle and 1-48 displaces the reticle from the ARL (gun line). The GLC computes target motion, projectile drop, and trajectory shift components of the lead angle by sensing motion and using range and range rate information from the radar and air density, true airspeed, and angle of attack from the CADC (figure 1-22). The sight is placed in the gun modes of operation by selecting A/Al or A/A2 on the sight mode selector. After radar lock-on, the GLC uses radar range and range rate out to 2700 feet, the effective range of the guns, for lead angle computation. At target ranges beyond 2700 feet, a fixed 2700-foot range value and actual range rate are used to prevent excessive reticle movement. The range of the target is indicated by the position of the range bar. At displayed ranges of 2700 feet to 1000 feet, the in- range marker will appear. At ranges below 1000 feet, the minimum range (breakaway) marker appeers and the in- range marker disappears. If radar lock-on 7.0. 1F-5: is lost or is not aquired, the GLC uses fixed values of 1500-foot target range and approximately $0-knot overtake speed for lead angle computation. DOGFIGHT GUN MODE The sight is placed in dogfight gun mode, which overrides all operating modes by momentarily A pressing the dogfight button, A selecting aft position of the dogfight/tesume search switch on the control stick grip. The sight functions the same es in A/Al mode. AANUAL MODE In the manual mode, the sight provides a roll stabilized, manually depressible pipper for air-to-ground attack. Roll stabilization compensates for the pendulum effect for bank angles up to 22.5 degrees, which is the servoed limit of the mirrors. The pipper will represent actual ground track while the pilot corrects pipper drift Seetion | toward the aim point at 22.5 degrees of bank or less. The pipper will be a valuable aiming reference if the bomb must be released in a slight bank to compensate for errors. The manual mode may also be used for air-to-air as a backup aiming reference if the gun, missile or dogfight modes are inoperative. Range bar positioning with a radar lock- on is the same as gun; however, the in- range, minimum-range and exeess-G limits are inoperative. If target lock-on is lost, an approximation of target range can be obtained by comparing the target wingspan with the reticle diameter. BUILT-IN TEST (BIT) A sight built-in test function is provided for ground eheeking proper operation of the sight in all modes of operation (with aircraft at rest). During the test in each mode, correct sight reticle displays indicate the proper funetioning of the LCOSS. See section II for sight BIT procedures. SIGHT SYSTEM GU OGFIGHT GUN MO sroas sexvanviy | gevation ft ceituia” Fy, ih onion : ne Nc amteartl sl rnc or- wonen saatirt tl Cone Sore 3 ANGLEOF ATTACK {iat orion OD ¢ r | ; \ i 1 \, ' I \ 4\ |! ss {conan i - we Llu S aAnON wae Sinemne ave ance Te “TIME OF FiGHT Th “eoneurie rive ns sancs tance—t Fos e240 Figure 1-22. 1-49 Seetion | GUNS EMPLOYMENT CONCEPT LEAD COMPUTATION The largest component of the lead angle is usually lead for target motion (figure 1-23), Precession of the sight gyro measures the turning rate of the line of sight to produce target motion lesd. The pipper is linked to the gyro which maintains its orientation in space unless acted upon by sn outside foree. When the attack aireraft is meneuvered to bring the pipper to the target, a magnet which is aligned with the gun line and is one of the precessing forces acting on the gyro causes the gyro spin axis to follow the magnet axis thru the eddy current control system (figure 1-22). The amount by which the gyro spin axis lags behind the magnet axis is target motion lead angle and depends on turning rate and current N ATTACK TRAJECTOLY SHIFT CORRECTION, (AIRCRAFT VERTICAL PLANE) GRAVITY DROP CORRECTION _ (EARTH VERTICAL PLANE) —— UVAGCELERATED CONSTANT RATE MANEUVERING FLIGNT PATH x TARGET FLUGHT PATH = MANEUVERING TARG: strength supplied to the magnet. Magnet current is controlled by measurements of target range, range rate, air density, and attack airspeed, which adjust the gyro spin axis (and pipper) in azimuth. Corrections for gravity drop of the projectile and for trajectory shift are introduced by @ torque motor on the vertical axis of the gyro which exerts a precessing force and depresses the gyro and pipper in elevation. The amount of current supplied to the motor, and the resultant depression, depend on acceleration, angle of attack, time of flight, and air density measurements. ‘Thus, current supplied to the magnet and torque motor, along with the turn rate, produce the lead angle. The lead angle th / YJ comune ancer Accevena TRAVEL PROJECTILE PATH ) PLANE oF syWMETRY FS 34-101N A, Figure 1-23 T.O. 1F-5E calculation process is accomplished when target range and air data enter the time- of-flight computer. Time of flight is supplied to the sensitivity computer which applies a factor, depending on the selection of A/A1 or A/A2. The resulting value is converted to current and is supplied to the magnet which, interacting with the eddy current dise, modifies the gyro axis displacement due to turning to produce azimuth lead and a portion of elevation lead. Concurrently, time of flight and air data, along with the accelerometer signal, enter the precession computer where the current for the gimbal torque motor is developed to produce elevation lead. The gyro-produced components of the lead angle are transmitted to the mirror drive in the ODU which positions the reticle on the combining glass. During air-to-air engagements, projectile time of flight for the effective range of TRACKING SOLUTION RETICLE CONSTANT RATE NANEUVERING ATTACKER 34-1-1 Seetion I the guns (2700 feet) is approximately 1 second. Approximations of time of flight for other ranges are 0.7 second for 2000 feet, and 0.3 second for 1000 feet range. TRACKING SOLUTION ‘The pipper is displayed one projectile time-of-flight from the gun line for the rate the attack aireraft is turning and target range. When tracking, the pipper remains one time-of-flight away from target future position to provide a continuous solution to the aiming problem. Keep the pipper on the target while turning and firing to direct the projectiles to the target future position for hits. ‘Track the target for 1/2 second to eliminate any motion between the pipper and target before firing. Keep the pipper exactly motionless on the target to get maximum concentration of hits (figure 1- 24). Any pipper motion with respect to the target can result in misses. The PROJECTILE Fes 24-1470) Figure 1-24. 1-51 Seetion I tracking solution is primarily used in A/A2 gun mode against the unaccelerated constant rate maneuvering target. NONTRACKING SOLUTION ~ SNAPSHOOT The nontracking solution should be used only in A/A1 gun mode when unable to track a maneuvering target. The sight system provides a momentary solution to the aiming problem. Start to fire one time-of-flight before the pipper reaches the terget future position (figure 1-25). The aim and open fire point is no longer the target position as in tracking solution because pipper displacement results from the relative motion of the target to the pipper. The task is to project target and pipper motion to a point of intersection and to fire approximately one time-of- flight before intersection would occur. It is not necessary that the piper and NTRACKING SOLUTIO RETICLE Mane DVERING TARGET 7.0. 1F-SE-34-1-1 target to actually intersect. Rather they need only to appear to approach intersection one time-of-flight later. Figure 1-26 illustrates the nontracking (snapshoot) technique and shows the pipper at I-second intervals during an attack. Assuming a projectile timo-of- flight of 1-second, if firing is initieted at position 2 and pipper and target motion are such that the pipper would have been at position 3 one second later, hits will occur at position 3. If firing is continued from position 2 to position 3 (the top two view of figure 1-26), and pipper and target motions are constant during this period such that the pipper would have moved from position 3 to position 4 in the next 1-second interval, hits will occur from position 3 toward position 4. The rate of convergence of the pipper with the target determines the projectile concentration at the target. A relatively low rate of convergence (5 to 15 mils per ATTACKER Fe5 2 148(0) Figure 1-25. 1-52 T.O. 1F-SE-34-1-1 second) is optimum for projectile concentration and estimating the timing of the firing burst. An attack in the plane of the target will make estimation easier. However, the pipper may be brought to the target from any direction as shown in the bottom view of figure 1- Section 1 26. In either the tracking or snapshoot attacks, move the controls smoothly to reach and maintain firing position. Allow for 0.25-second delay in firing after squeezing the trigger caused by operation of the gun gas purging and deflector system, if not already opened. Section | SNAPSHOOT ATTACK T.O. 1F-5E-34-1-1 aS, a - ea TARGET MOVEMENT SE : SE e aa Fine TARGET MOVEMIENT rt MOVENENT ATs a PIPPER MOVEMENT airs TARGET AT OPEN FIRE Figure 1-26. 1-54 TARGET AT IMPACT Fe5 3426001 1.0, 1F-5E-34-1-1 SIGHT CAMERA ‘The KB-26A sight camera mounted on the sight provides photorecording of the sight picture and target during air-to-air and air-to-ground attacks. The camera ean be operated with or without the delivery of weapons. The camera consists of a body assembly, lens assembly with necessary prisms, and a removable 65-foot capacity 16mm film magazine. When the magazine is not installed on the camera, a dust cover must be inserted in its place. The tion 1 body assembly contains controls for selecting frames per second, lens aperture ‘openings, and overrun times, and a switeh for eamera test. An event lamp in the body assembly illuminates to provide the bright mark on the edge of the film to record the instant of weapon release or firing, and the dim mark for the selected overrun time. See figure 1-27 for location and function of camera and associated cockpit controls. SIGHT CAMERA CONTROLS & INDICATOR MAGAZINE CAMERA CONTROL STICK GRIP Fos Se 15¢(% Figure 1-27. Seetion | T.O. 1F-SE-34-1-1 SIGHT CAMERA CONTROLS AND INDICATOR (Figure 1-27) CONTROLS AND INDICATOR FUNCTION 1 Ad Guns and Camera | OFF — Disconnects electrical power to guns and Switch (Guard Closed) camera, 4, gun(s), missile and camera. A. Guns, Missile GUNS & — Selects AX gun(s) and camera, AX gun(s), and Camera Switch CAMR & missile and camera circuitry. ‘If the overrun time was selected, the camera | GUNS MSL & will continue to run after the trigger CAMR A (second detent) or 4, bomb-rocket button is released. | CAMR ONLY — Selects camera circuitry only. The preset overrun time is not available. 2 EXTERNAL STORES | SAFE — Disconnects electrical power to camera Selector cireuitry. BOMB = Selects camera and store release circuitry. | RIPL — Selects camera and store release inter- val circuitry. | aim-o A — Selects camera and wingtip launcher | circuitry. | RKT/DISP — Selects camera and pylon launcher or dispenser circuitry. 3 FPS Select Switch Permits selection of 24 or 48 frames per second. 4 Motor Run Knob Indicates film feeding, Rotates counterclockwise to indi- cate film feeding and camera is operating. 5 Lens f-Stop Permits selection lens f-stop opening. Placarded settings Selector are: 2.8D(dull), 5.6, 11.0 and 22B(bright). 6 Overrun Selector Permits selection of film exposure overrun time after trigger (second detent) or bomb-rocket button is released. Settings are: 0, 3, 10, and 20 seconds. CAMERA RUN Press and Hold — Advances film and provides check of (Test) Switch camera operation, Indicates feet of film remaining in magazine. 8 FILM/FT Indicator 9 LOAD/LOCK Button | Raise button to load magazine or dust cover into camera. (Spring-loaded to Lock by releasing button and checking thet hole in button LOCK) | is aligned with LOCK line. 7.0, 1F-5E-34-1-1 Section I SIGHT CAMERA CONTROLS AND INDICATOR (Figure 1-27) (Continued) CONTROLS AND INDICATOR FUNCTION with AX guns and camera switenh at GUNS & CAMR or CAMR ONLY, A guns, missile and camera switch at GUNS. MSL & CAMR or CAMR ONLY: 10° Trigger Out of Detent — Camera deactivated. First Detent © — Runs camera. Releasing trigger stops camera. Second Detent — Runs camera. Releasing trigger stops camera efter preset overrun time is completed. NOTE The preset overrun time is not available when CAMR ONLY posi- tion is selected. 11 Bomb-Rocket Button | With external stores selector at any position, except SAFE: Press — Runs camera. Releasing button stops camera after prosct overrun time is | ‘completed. wore A With external stores selector at SAFE, the guns, missile and eam= era switch must be at GUNS MSL & CAMR or CAMR ONLY to run the camera. Section | 7.0.1 CAMERA OPERATION The camera can be operated on the ground only by use of the camera run test switch to advance film and check camera operation. TRIGGER with the AX guns and camera switch at GUNS & CAMR, A guns, missile and camera switch at GUNS MSL & CAMR, squeezing the trigger to first detent runs camera only end will stop when the trigger is released. Squeezing the trigger to second detent runs the camera and energizes the event lamp to record the bright mark on the film as long as the trigger is held. When the trigger is released, the camera will continue to run, if overrun time selected, and the event lamp will record the dim mark on film until the overrun time is completed. BOMB-ROCKET BUTTON With external stores selector out of the SAFE detent, pressing the bomb-rocket button runs the camera and energizes the event lamp to record a bright mark on the film, regardless of the position of the Av guns and camera, guns, missile and camera switch. On A aircraft, with external stores selector at SAFE or if fire control system is in DG or DM mode, the guns, missile and camera switch must be at GUNS, MSL & CMR or CAMR ONLY position for the camera to run, FILM EXPOSURE TABLE MISSION LIGHTING CONDITION FPS E-STOP ~ Air-to-Air r Bright Sunlight 24 fis Heavy Overcast 4 tu | Twilight 4 £8 | Bright Sunlight 48 cu | Heavy Overcast 48 £8 Twilight 48 £86 ‘Air-to-Ground Bright Sunlight 43 | £56 Hazy 48 £45 Heavy Overcast | fas Exposure time (T) w/60 shutter: T = 1/150 at 24 FPS T = 1/300 at 48 FPS Section I NOTE © Camera has detents for each f-stop position between f-stops marked on the periscope as follow: Dull Bright F-stop markings 28 5.6 aL 22 F-stop detent 28 45 5.6 8 nl 1b 22, oR stop settings are for color film or black and white film with yellow filter. © On multiple mission of air-to-air and air-to-ground and using black and white film, 48 FPS is recommended. The f-stop can be set between the f-stops appropriate to each phase of the mission. For exemple, in bright sunlight at 48 FPS, the aimto-air set ting is f 11 and the air-to-ground setting is f 5.6. For the multiple mission, use f 8. Section] WEAPON RELEASE SYSTEM ‘The weapon release system consists of @ normal release and firing system end a jettison release system, providing the different methods of jettisoning weapons and a pylon jettison capability. Weapons WEAPON RELEASE CONTROLS LEFT THROTTLE 1.0. 1F-5E-3 4-1-1 are force-ejected from pylons by electrically fired impulse cartridges. Pylons are jettisonable when explosive bolts and studs are installed. Detonation of the explosive devices releases the pylons from the aircraft. Fes ae 190014 Figure 1-28. 1-60 1.0, 1E-SE-34-1-1 Section I WEAPON RELEASE CONTROLS (Figure 1-28) CONTROLS FUNCTION ARMAMENT PANEL | (1 theu 6) 1 A AIM-9 VOLUME | Rotate — Adjusts volume of audio tone in pilot's Knob headset (front and rear cockpit @) from left missile (selection not required) A MISSILE VOLUME or from right missile, if selected. Knob | NOTE | The audio tone cannot be manually | turned off. 2 INTERVAL Switeh — | .06/.10/.14 — Blectrically selects external stores re~ | lease interval (in seconds) to the se- lected pylon stations when the external stores selector is in RIPL. Sequence of | release is left outboard, right outboard, CL, left inboard, and right inboard. 3 NOsBS ARM Switch | SAPE/Center — Disconnects electrical power to all bomb rack solenoids. | Nose — Selects arming circuits to the nose and | center arming solenoids of selected | pylon stations. NOSE & TAIL — Selects arming circuits to the nose, center, and tail arming solenoids of selected pylon stations. | TAIL — Selects arming cireuit to tail arming | solenoid of selected pylon station. 4 A Guns and Camera | OFF — Disconnects electrical power to dk Switch (Guard Closed) A. Guns, Missile and | GUNS & Camera Switeh camR A GUNS MSL. & CARA CAMR ONLY guns and camera, A\ guns, missile and camera. Selects AL guns and camera, AX guns, wingtip launchers and camera circuitry. On A aircraft, pressing bomb-rocket button with wingtip armament position selector switch up fires AIM-9 missile fand camera starts running. Selects camera circuitry only. 1-61 Section 1 1.0, LF-5E-34-1-1 WEAPON RELEASE CONTROLS (Figure 1-28) (Continued) CONTROLS FUNCTION 5 EXTERNAL STORES | SAFE — Mechanically locked in detent. Diseon- Selector neets power to all firing/release cir- cuits, Selector must be pushed in and i tumed to select desired position. Nore A When the external stores selector is out of SAFE detent and DM/DG mode is not selected, the AIM-9 missile controls are deactivated. When DM/DG mode is selected, the external stores selector is de~ activated. The left missile audio tone is not affected. BOMB — Connects electrical power to stores re- lease cireuitry of selected pylon stations, and selects camera circuitry. (External tanks are released by means of the se- lect jettison system.) RIPL — Connects electrical power to stores re- lease interval circuitry of selected pylon stations, and selects camera circuitry. aims & — Conneets electrical power to selected wingtip launcher, and selects camera j eireuitry. | RKT/DISP — Connects electrical power to selected pylon launcher or dispenser, and selects camera circuitry 6 A ARMAMENT OFF — Disconnects electrical power to corre- POSITION sponding external store station. SELECTOR Switches (7) Up — Connects electrical power to correspond- ing external store station for normal or A. arnt posttion select jettison release. SELECT Switehes (7) 7 Trigger Out of Detent — Gun(s) and camera circuits deenergized. | First Detent © — with Ad guns and,camera switch at GUNS & CAMR, A. guns, missile and camera switch at GUNS MSL & CAMR: Runs camera and opens the gun gas purge and deflector doors. Runs camera only when switeh is at CAMR ONLY. 1-62 T.O, 1P-SE-34-1-1 Section I WEAPON RELEASE CONTROLS (Figure 1-28) (Continued) CONTROLS 7 Trigger (Continued) Second Detent FUNCTION Fires gun(s) and runs camere. Camera continues to run the preset overrun time, if selected, after trigger is released. Runs camera only with switch at CAMR ONLY. NOTE@ ‘Trigger inoperative in reat cockpit. 8 Bomb-Rocket Button Press ‘Activates the firing or release circuits of the selected pylon and wingtip sta~ tions, and runs camera. 9 A. Dogfight/Resume Search Switeh (Spring-loaded to Center) 10 Missile Uncage Switeh (Spring- loaded Off) Center-Press (Momentary) aft (Momentary) Forward (Momentary) Press and Hold Releases dogfight modes (if actuated), and reactivetes normal release circuitry. Selects DG mode, and overrides all nor- mal release circuitry except guns and AIM-9 missile. Selects DM mode, and overrides all nor- mal release circuitry except guns and AIM-9 missile. Uneages AIM-9 missile seeker head when the bh external stores selector is at AIM-9, AX guns, missile and camera switeh at GUNS MSL & CAMR and wingtip armament position selector switch is at up, to permit target to be tracked to seeker head gimbal limits. Switch must be held pressed to retain uneaged condition. The seeker head will retum to missile boresight line when the switch is released. 1-63 Section | NORMAL RELEASE AND FIRING SYSTEM The normal release and firing system provides selective release of bombs singly, in pairs, sequentially (ripple), or salvo, and firing of gun(s) and AIM-9 missiles. Rockets are selectively fired singly, in pairs, or ripple fired by launcher~ contained intervalometers. See figure 1-28 for location and function of weapon release controls. NOTE Weapon firing and release circuits are deactivated when the weight of the aircraft is on the left main gear. Cireuits can be activated on the ground when the armament safety switch linkage is disconnected and the switeh arm rotated down. * Normal bomb release, arming, rocket firing, and missile firing circuits will not funetion if the A jettison selector, A, select jettison switch is not in the OFF position. External Stores Selector, BOME Selecting BOMB on the external stores selector directs firing impulses to selected pylon stations or to the SUU-20 dispenser bomb circuitry when the bomb- rocket button is pressed. Simultaneous release of two weapons should be from symmetrical stations. If all wing pylon stations are selected and the bomb-rocket button is pressed, the outboard weapons will release first followed by the inboard weapons 150 milliseconds later. When all pylon stations are selected and the bomb- rocket button is pressed, the outboard and centerline weapons are released simultaneously, followed by release of the inboard weapons 150 milliseconds later. 1-64 7.0, 1F-5E-34-1-1 External Stores Selector, RIPL Selecting RIPL on the external stores selector causes @ sequential release of weapons from selected stations when the bomb-rocket button is pressed. The release interval is controlled by the three-position interval switch. The release sequence is left outboard, right outboard, centerline, left inboard, and right inboard. The release interval is not affected by intervening empty or nonselected stations. Excomal sts Seloctor, AIMS AM Selecting AIM-9 on the external stores selector, with the left or right wingtip ‘armament position selector switch up, and pressing the bomb-rocket button fires the Tespective AIM-9 missiles. If both stations are selected, the left missile is fired first. Pressing the bomb-rocket button a second time fires the right missile. After simulated launeh of the left AIM-9 captive missile, place external stores selector to SAFE, then back to AIM-9 to regain the left missile audio tone and firing cireuitry. External Stores Selector, RKT/DISP Selecting RKT/DISP on the external stores selector, selecting the appropriate stations, and pressing the bomb-rocket button releases flares and fires rockets from launchers and dispensers. Guns, Missile, and Camera Switch A Selecting GUNS, MSL & CAMR and squeezing the trigger to the second detent fires the guns and operates the camera. Pressing the bomb-rocket button when the wingtip armament position selector switch is in the up position fires the AIM-9 missile and operates the camera. If both wingtip stations are selected, the left missile is fired first. Pressing the bomb-rocket button a second time fires the right missile. 7.0. 1F-SE-94-1-1 Dosfih/Resune Seareh Switch AM When a dogfight mode has been selected, the normal weapons release circuitry te the pylon stations are deactivated. The guns and AIM-9 missile firing circuit Femain operative. To reactive the pylons weapons release circuitry, momentarily press the dogfight/resume search switch. JETTISON RELEASE SYSTEM Jettison of weapons and pylons can be faecomplished on the ground or in flight with the gear up or down. See figure 1-29 for location and function of jettison controls. Emergeney All Jettison Button Pushing the emergency all jettison button (either cockpit @_) Jettisons all pylon weapons/stores in safe condition. Outboard weapons are jettisoned first, followed by the centerline weapon 200 milliseconds later, and the inboard weapons 300 milliseconds after the centerline weapon. When inboard tanks are carried and contain fuel, the jettison interval is 800 milliseconds. Empty inboard tenks are jettisoned 300 milliseconds efter centerline jettison. Extemal Stores Jetson -Hancle A. Pulling the external stores jettison T- handle jettisons all pylon weapons in safe condition in the sequence and interval noted for the emergency all jettison system. A. sorsizon Satoctor, A Select Jenison Switch, SELECT POSITION ‘The select jettison system provides for a single store jettison or simultaneous Section 1 jettison of two stores from a right and left wing pylon station or wingtip. The centerline armament position selector switch must be at OFF to jettison any wing or wingtip station. To select jettison, place the Ad jettison selector, Ad select jettison switch at SELECT POSITION, place the armament position selector switch at the up (on) position for the station(s) to be jettisoned and push the & jettison selector, select jettison pushbutton. When the station seleeted has been jettisoned, the armament position selector switch must be placed at OFF before another station ean be jettisoned. Jettison release priority is centerline, inboard, outboard and tip stations. For example, with inboard and outboard stations selected, the inboard stores will jettison first and must be deselected before the outboard stores are jettisoned. Stores are jettisoned in the safe condition and AIM-9 missiles are fired in an unguided (sefe) condition. NOTE A. Settison selector, AL select jettison switch must! be at OFF fer normal release/firing circuits to function. Da sertson Selector, Ad Select Jetson Switch, ‘ALL PYLONS Selecting ALL PYLONS and pushing the jettison selector,Aselect jettison push- buiton ceuses explosive bolts to shear, al- lowing the pylons to separate from’ the aireraft. A time delay of 1 second will elapse before all pylons are salvo jettisoned, If pylons are loaded with stores, the stores will be sequentially jettisoned within the time-delay period before the pylons are jettisoned. Section I T.0, LE-5E-34-1-1 JETTISON SYSTEM A JETTISON contiot EMELGENCY ALL JETTISON JETTISON ConTROL Fe534-27(0)0 Figure 1-29. 1-66 P.O. 1P-5B-34-1-1 JETTISON SYSTEM CONTROLS (Figure 1-29) Section I FUNCTION CONTROLS 1 & EXT sToRES Pull — Connects thermal battery power to clec- JETTISON trieally salvo-jettison stores in safe ‘T-Handle condition from all pylons, bypassing all armament control selections. 2 AX EMER ALL PUSH — Connects aircraft battery bus power to JETTISON Pushbutton AL _EMER ALL JETT Pushbutton electrically salvo-jettison stores in safe condition from all pylons, bypassing all armament control selections. 3 dy JETTISON SELECT -- Completes stores jettison electrical cir- SELECTOR POSITION cuits to pylons or wingtip launchers se~ Switeh lected by armament position selector switeh(es). Switch must be pulled out A SELECT JETTISON and up. Disconnects normal release and Switeh arming circuits. OFE -- Diseonnects electrical power to select jettison circuits. NOTE Switch must be at OFF for normal release/firing circuits to funetion. ALL PYLONS — Completes pylon jettison electrical cir- cuits to all pylons. Switeh must be pulled out and down. Diseonneets normal release and arming circuits. 4 A JETTISON PUSH mn With the switeh at SELECT POSI- SELECTOR TION, connects aircraft battery bus Pushbutton power to electrically jettison se~ A SELECT JErTISON Pushbutton lected stores individually or in pairs in a safe condition from selected pylons and wingtip launchers. NOTE All Armament Position Selector Switches must be OFF except the switeh of the selected station of the store to be jettisoned Section I JETTISON SYSTEM CONTROLS (Figure 1-29) (Continued) 7.0, 1F-5E-34-1-1 CONTROLS FUNCTION 4 A gerrison PUSH b. With the switch at ALL PYLONS, SELECTOR connects aircraft battery bus power Pushbutton, to electrically jettison stores in safe condition {if carried) from all A SELECT JETTISON pylons followed by jettison of all Pushbutton pylons. (Continued) 5 AL ARMAMENT OFF — Opens respective jettison select circuits. POSITION SELECTOR Switches (7) Up — Closes respective jettison select circuits. A ARMT POSITION SELECT Switches (7) 1-88 T.O, 1E-5E-34-1- ARMAMENT CIRCUIT BREAKERS Armament circuit protection provided by cireuit breakers is shown in figure 1-30, Resetting of circuit breakers is safe, provided cireuit breaker operation and the individual circuit involved are understood. A cooling period is required before the breaker can be reset. ARMAMENT CIRCUIT BREAKERS To (ROTATED 90° FOR CLARITY) Figure 1-30. 1 NOTE Section I Using cireuit breakers as awitehes should be avoided. 1-69 Seetion I WEAPON SUSPENSION SYSTEMS PYLONS Pylons are jettisonable when initiators, confined detonator fuze (CDF) assemblies, and explosive bolts/studs are installed. All pylon structures (figure 1-31) contain a bomb rack assembly and the necessary electrical wiring for carrying various types of launchers and weapons. In addition, the centerline and inboard pylons contain the necessary plumbing, fittings, and electrical wiring for installation of auxiliary fuel tanks, A four-position rotary ordnance selector on the left side cf each pylon is provided for completing the pylon electricel circuitry necessary for the weapons carried. The selector must be positioned before flight to match the store on the pylon to obtain normal release/firing of weapon from that pylon. Pylons are jettisoned by firing the initiators, which are connected to the explosive bolts and studs by the confined detonator fuze (CDF) assemblies. This produces a shock wave, which detonates the explosive bolts/studs pylon attachments. A J-hook at the rear of the pylon causes the leading edge of the pylon, to rotate down and aft during separation to assure airera{t clearance. Pullaway connectors are used on electrical, fuel, and air lines. If pylon jettison is seleeted, stores are released first in the jettison’ sequence, followed 1 second later by the pylons. Insertion of a pylon jettison safety pin isolates the initiator from the electrical circuit for ground operations. BOMB RACKS The bomb rack is a separately contained unit installed as a complete assembly in the pylon. Each bomb rack is an electrically activated ges ejector type, consisting of a dual cartridge breech, suspension hooks, two gas orifice blocks, two gas-operated ejector pistons, a gas~ operated slave piston, four adjustable swaybraces and pads, hooks manual Change 1 release, three arming solenoids, and ground safety pin. The four underwing pylon bomb racks (MAU-50/A) have 14- inch spaced suspension hooks. The centerline pylon bomb rack (MAU-40/A) has 14-inch and 30-inch spaced suspension hooks. The impulse cartridges are electrically fired when the pilot activates the firing circuits. The dual cartridge breech is designed to assure dual- cartridge firing. In ease one cartridge fails to fire, the expanding gases from the fired cartridge will fire the unfired cartridge, utilizing the "sympathetic firing" features of the cartridge. A forward and eft orifice block, each with an access hole for inserting an orifice pin, meters detonated cartridge gas pressure to two ejector pistons and to the suspension hooks for store ejection. Each block requires a metered setting to assure proper ejection velocity for the particular store carried on the rack. Removable orifice pins are inserted into the orifice bloek of the bomb rack from the left side of the pylons: one pin for the forward block and one pin for the aft block. Two additional pins for settings not in use are carried in the orifice pin stowage on the pylon. Orifice pins are identified by letters stamped on one or both ends of the pin. Orifice pin sizes required for ejection of the various stores are as follows: srone [aura [neo Ta _| wo | arr [Fo | AFT] Fw | arr | we-eace cfelele MSiidoween | & [81 els] | | MecBace lelel ele meses - lo) e) é Wefsauner | ele] e}ele|é tiaaer eleleje}e]e MEF ora | &[e| ele] e] Sura | els |e] el] ele ote tjelelefele tozeoe fel e| ‘ ‘suu-20 | c c] Nocatee | > cle|e|é eam | [2 fefel ele T.O, 1P-5E-34-1-1 Section | Bou sIETER ELECTRICAL DisconwecT aio PYLON JETTISON INITIATOR ACCESS, ELECTRICAL ORIFICE PIN DISCONNECT STOWAGE ACE mee ORIFICE BLOCK ACCESS HOLE ORIFICE PIN STOWAGE 2 PYLON Po oa Season inmiaTOR 2 Ay ACCESS a bf oronance = — SELECTOR 6) ‘i PYLON JETTISON fo 6 iad SAFETY PIN ORIFICE BLOCK ‘ACCESS HOL: SELECTOR BOMB RACK PYLON JETTISON - ‘SAFETY Pll ~ gous mack SAFETY PIN. SAFETY PIN OUTBOARD PYLON INBOARD PYLON ELECTRICAL DISCONNECT ‘AND PYLON JETTISON. INITIATOR ACCESS PYLON JETTISON SAFETY PIN oiice sock ACCESS HOLE ome rack aS SAFETY PIN SELECTOR ——[- CENTERLINE PYLON ORIFICE PIV STOWAGE F-5 34-29(118 Figure 1-31. 1-71 Section I The dual purpose bomb rack safety pin, when fully inserted in the left side of the pylon, mechanically locks the bomb rack suspension hooks and opens the electrical circuit to the cartridge breeches, thus preventing inadvertent firing of the impulse cartridges or release of the store. With the sefety pin at the first detent (not fully inserted), the electrical circuit to the cartridge breeches is closed, but the suspension hooks will remain meehanically locked. Three arming solenoids at the front, center, and rear of the bomb rack provide for nose, tail, or nose and tail arming of bomb fuzes. WINGTIP LAUNCHERS Two wingtip launchers (LAU-100/A, left, and LAU-101/A, right) (figure 1-32) are provided for carrying and firing AIM-9 missiles. Only the left launcher is equipped to carry the 5-inch TDU-11/B target rocket. The launcher, although detachable from the wingtip, must be installed for flight. The launcher contains the missile power supply units, missile firing and interlock relays, and other electrical equipment necessary to control the guidance and launching units of the missile. The launcher is equipped with a detent latch to retain the missile on the launcher and snubber bars which wedge the missile suspension lugs firmly in place, to prevent missile sway during flight. A forward thrust of 1500 to 1800 pounds is required to overcome the spring tension of the detent lateh. T.O, LF-5E-34-1-1 A receptacle on the forward end of the launcher and two striker points in the detent lateh provide for electrical connection of the missile. The power supply assembly supplies power to the guidance and control section of the missile thru the forward electrical receptacle, to the missile influence fuze thru the forward eontact point, and to the missile rocket motor igniter thru the aft striker point. The power supply circuitry elso permits the missile guidance head to be uneaged while still on the launcher to allow the missile to lead a target and maintain lock-on. A safety switch inboard of the detent latch release socket interrupts the missile motor firing circuit whenever the launcher safety pin is installed. The launcher electrical cireuits are energized by the aircraft armament circuitry. Each launcher contains a formation light in the aft fairing, except 4, @ not modified [7.0. 1F-5-736]. On the left wingtip launcher, an electrical receptacle on the rear provides for electrical connection of the target rocket. The target rocket is secured on the left wingtip launcher in the same manner as is the missile. A clamp on the side of the launcher provides for securing the rocket igniter cable to the launcher, to prevent the rocket electrical igniter plug from pulling free during flight. T.O, 1F-SE-34-1-1 Section 1 FORWARD ELECTRICAL HOSE FAIRING RECEPTACLE LOCKING SCREWS can-9) AFT SNUBDERS NOSE FAIRING UumaiLicat’ aLock RETAINER AFT SLOTS: CENTER SLOTS ius ROCKET IGNITER CABLE CLAMP (TDU-11/8) AFT ELECTRICAL RECEPTACLE crou-11/8) FORWARD, SNUBBERS: em oe DeTENT Larch Renew ZZ C3 “a A. UNMODIFIED LEFT LAUNCHER ONLY DE ag aeT AIR SEAL FARING DETENT LATCH FORMATION LIGHT RELEASE SOCKET =~ ELECTRICAL EPTACLE, AFT STRIKER POINT i ROCKET MOTOR IGNITER) FORWARD STRIKER POINT INF LUENCE FUZE) FORWARD SNUBBERS AFT ELECTRICAL, RECEPTACLE ove frov-11/8) LEFT LAUNCHER SHOWN — RIGHT teunciexsntiaexcert FOR NO MOWSIONS TO CARRY AND AG, A, WAG FORMATION LAUNCH A TOU-11/8 TARGET MODIFIED (1F-5-736] LEFT LIGHT ROCKET. LAUNCHER ONLY. —e 5 20008 Figure 1-32. 1-73 Section I 1,0. 1P-5E-34-1-1 NONNUCLEAR WEAPONS EXTERNAL LOADING CONFIGURATIONS The approved euthorized load configurations for takeoff are provided in section V of T.O. 1F-3E-1 flight manual. FACTORS AFFECTING ACCEPTABILITY OF LOADING CONFIGURATION The configurations shown in the Authorized Configurations chart in the flight manual have been determined as safe for flight. Without knowing all the factors which affect the acceptability of @ loading configuration, one could assume that two apparently similar configurations could be accepted when one of them is listed as approved. Such an assumption, however, is dangerous. All factors which can affect acceptability of loading configurations and limitations for the aircraft, such as structural, flutter, aerodynamic and CG limitations and controllability requirements, must be considered in determining acceptability of any loading configuration. Every configuration must possess satisfactory aircraft longitudinal stability and control characteristies. For this, each configuration considered must be examined to see that the aircraft in- flight CG travel, due to the use of internal and external fuel and expenditure of weapons and emmunition, stays within the established CG limits of the configuration throughout the flight envelope. CG position is generally affected by external store location as follows: a. Centerline store moves the CG forward. b. Inboard pylon stores move the CG aft. c. Outboard pylon stores have the least effect on CG but move the CG aft. 1-14 Wingtip stores move the CG aft. e. 20mm ammunition load moves the CG forward. The analysis required to determine acceptability of loading configurations must eonsider each weapon's flight limits, the aireraft flight limitations when earrying the weapons, and the desired sequence for releasing external weapons and selecting the external tank fuel. In addition, the analysis considers single failure conditions, such as failure of an external store to release or the external fuel tank to transfer. These effects on configuration acceptability must also be examined to determine if any special limitation or operational procedure is necessary to maintain aircraft CG position within limits. LOADING, DRAG NUMBERS, AND WEAPON WEIGHTS The total external store drag number for each weapon load configuration, including the accessories (pylon, adapters, and launchers), depends on the size and shape of the weapons and associated accessories and their location on the aircraft. The drag numbers for wing pylon stores depend on the type of stores on the adjacent pylons. Refer to T.0. 1F-SE-1 for drag numbers. M.39 GUN SYSTEM The @ has two M-39A3 20mm guns mounted in the upper forward section of the fuselage, one on each side of the centerline of the aireraft (figure 1-33). The guns are gas-operated, and the rate of fire per gun Is 1500 to 1700 rounds per minute. Both guns are manually eharged on the ground. Ammunition is belt-fed to the guns from two ammunition boxes, one directly below each gun. Each ‘7.0, 1F-SE-34-1-1 Section 1 Rey W aU dae cHaroine HANDLE 7 FEED CHUTE ‘case EJECTION CHUTE EXPENDED LINKS COMPARTMENT BAY PURGING INTAKE ANC EXHAUST DOORS TRACTABL AMINO BOX (ONE PER GUN) casncny 2a0 ROUNDS (INCLUDES 34 FOUNDS IN FEED CHUTE) ANMO WEIGHT <5 «5 197 LB (INCLUDES LINKS) 569 ROUNDS G LEFT SIDE IRIGHT SIDE SIMILAR! FE GUN BAY TOTAL capacttY (230x88), Link 2ING un. SIMULATED ; M-39 GUN q o A 5 CMACIY sess e+ + HOROUNDS (INCLUDES y eB AROUNDS IN'EED CHUTE) anaes Ny Fag) Noun anv PRESSURE AMMO WEIGHT... . « 67 LB{INCLUDES LINKS) F-$ 34-3301 a RELIEF DOORS: Pigure 1-33. Section I ammunition box, including feed chute, has a capacity of 280 rounds. The expended cases are ejected overboard (thru tubes having outlets in the fuselage bottom) with sufficient velocity to clear the aircraft. The guns, ammunition, and expended links compartments have @ purging system for removing explosive gases resulting from gun firing. The purging system uses outside air that enters a retractable purging intake door ‘on each side, outboard of the nosewheel well. The outside air mixes with conditioned air and is exhausted overboard thru a retractable door just aft of each intake door. Gun gas from each gun is deflected from the engine inlet duets by a retractable deflector door immediately in front of each gun barrel. The intake and exhaust purge doors and the gun gas deflector doors are actuated automatically during gun firing. FEEDER ASSEMBLY DRUM ASSEMBLY LINK EJECTION CASE EJECTION CHUTE CHUTE CHARACTERISTICS LENGTH DD. D lan wire 2222 IN FLIGHT UiiitS {11 2 REFERTO FLIGHT MANUAL DRUM CRADLE ASSEMBLY, ‘THREE-QUARTER LEFT VIEW FiRING ciRcuIT ELECTRICAL RECEPTACLE: 7.0, 1F-SE-34-1-1 cuNsystem @ The gun system is similar to @ except that @ has one M-39A3 gun in nose section on left side of aircraft centerline (figure 1-33). Ammunition box capacity ineluding feed chute is 140 rounds. The gas purging and deflector doors system functions the same as in the @ The right simulated gun berrel allows ram air to enter the avionics bay. The gun bay door contains three louvered pressure relief doors. The louvered doors are held closed magnetically and will open if the gun bay is overpressurized during gun firing. The doors will close due to external aerodynamic air pressure. RECEIVER ASSEMBLY THREE-QUARTER RIGHT VIEW F-5 36-31()) Figure 1-34. 1-76 1.0, 1F-DE-34-1-1 M-39A3 GUN The M-39A3 20mm automatic gun (figure 1-34) is an electrically fired, revolver type weapon with a muzzle velocity of 3250 feet per second. A metallic link belt of the disintegrating type is used to feed the ammunition into the gun. The main components consist of a barrel assembly, a receiver assembly, a drum and cradle assembly, a feeder assembly, and a gun charger assembly. Prior to loading, the 20mm ammunition is assembled into cartridge belts. The belt is formed by inserting the 20mm cartridges into individual cartridge links which are then connected together by link rings (figure 7-33). NOTE To improve gun effectiveness and reduee gun malfunctions, gun firing should be limited to a firing burst fof no more than 3 seconds duration (approximately 75 rounds), with a l-minute cooling period between bursts, AMMUNITION, 20-MILLIMETER All 20mm ammunition for the M-39 gun is issued in the form of complete rounds of "fixed ammunition." A complete round, also called a cartridge, consists of a cartridge case, a projectile (bullet), propellant powder, and an electric primer (figure 1-35). Certain 20mm projectiles contain high explosives and are assembled with point detonating fuzes. All 20mm cartridges have a rotating band at the rear of the projectile, to effect projectile rotation (stabilizing it in flight) and to prevent the escape of gases past the projectile. The firing of the projectile is initiated when the firing pin ignites the primer by means of an electrical impulse. The resulting flame passes thru a vent leading to the propellant chamber and ignites the propelling charge. The expansion of the Section I resulting gases forees the projectile out thru the bore of the weapon. Upon impact, a fuze causes initiation of the explosive in one type 20mm projectile (HEI); initiation of an incendiary composition in another (API) is caused by the erushing force and heat generated upon impact. Ammunition for the M-39 gun is further classified according to the type projectile used, There are presently five types of cartridges available: Ball (TP), Ball-Tracer (TP-T), Armor-Piercing- Incendiary (API), High-Explosive-Ineendiary (HEI), and High-Explosive-Incendiary- ‘Tracer (HEI-T). CARTRIDGE, 20MM BALL, MSSA1 AND MS5AZ This cartridge is for use in prectice firing (figure 1-35). The projectile consists of @ body, nose, and rotating band. The body is made of steel, is hollow, and contains no filler. The brass cartridge case is Joaded with approximately 0.084 pound of propellant and contains an electric primer. CARTRIDGE, 20MM, ARMOR-PIERCING INCENDIARY, MS3 ‘This cartridge (figure 1-35) is used against armored targets, functioning with a combined incendiary and penetration effect. The body of the projectile is solid shot made from bar alloy steel. The nose, which is made of aluminum alloy, is charged with three separately pressed increments of incendiary composition weighing a total of 80 grains. The nose is sealed with a closure disc. This cartridge does not require a fuze, since functioning is initiated by impact of the nose upon the target. The cartridge case is made of brass and contains an electric primer. CARTRIDGE, 20MM, HIGH-EXPLOSIVE-INCENDIARY, M56 WITH FUZE This cartridge (figure 1-35) is designed for use against aircraft and light meterial targets. The projectile body is a steel, 1-77 Section I 20-MILLIMETER AMMUNITION N55 TP (BALLIM220 TP-T (TRACER) BLUE WHITE LETTERING? WEIGHT, CONPLETE ROUND 0.56 POUND i WEIGHT, PROJECTILE 0/22 POUND LENGTH, COMPLETE ROUND 6162 INCHES LENGTH, CARTRIOGE CASE 202 INCHES Sai ail LENGTH, PROJECTILE. 2°98 INCHES wees DIAMETER, PROJECTILE «| o:7o meu | , M ng Biron fF Wt { PROPELLANT. | 2owns 1-1 2 CASE VENT SEAL ELECTRIC PRIMER M52A3B1 s. (ENLARGED! vecraic (TYPICAL ALL THREE ROUNDS) ss. TRACER PRIMER MEZA ~ eis INCENDIARY. ff UNPAINTED. COMPOSITION: ALUIAINUIE neo. an [4 CLOSURE: zon ari { | LETTERING) ose M53 APL M93 = WEIGHT, COMPLETE ROUND 0.57 POUND \ SERS ERE: MENT, PROJECTILE Sazroume PROIECTILE LENGTH, COMPLETE ROUND 662 INCHES | LENGTH, CARTRIDGE CASE 4:02 CHES PROPELLANT LENGTH, PROJECTILE 298 CHES DIAMETER, PROJECTILE » 0.79 INCH | z : | CASE VENT SEAL ~ oe ELECTRIC PRIMER M'S2A381 — a FUZE, POINT a DETORATING (PD) — | | veto ROX —ie BLACK zon wer {Jee} | TETERIC) M5GA3 INCENDIARY M56 HEI/XM242 HEI-T (TRACER) { ‘COMPOSITION’ WEIGHT, COMPLETE ROUND ...... 0.56 POUND o WEIGHT, PROJECTILE, (0122 POUND . BASE COVER LENGTH, COMPLETE ROUND elozincnes | 2 LENG Tt, CARTRIDGE CASE Sioamenes | =. | coumner-rf PROPELLANT LENGTH, PROJECTILE 3105 mcHes 1 xz DIAMETER, PROJECTILE 0:79 men a ie CASE VENT SEAL = ELECTRIC snithe Prien Ms2aao Fose ah Figure 1-35. 1-18 1.0, 1F-5E-34-1-1 relatively thinwalled casting. The weight of the composite explosive-incendiary charge is approximately 0.024 pound. Upon impact, the charge functions with a combined detonation and incendiary effect. Functioning is initiated by an instantaneous impact type fuze. The brass cartridge case is loaded with approximately 0.083 pound of double-base western ball propellant and contains an electric primer. M05 Fuze HEI projectiles require a fuze to complete the explosive train. The M505A2 fuze is used with the MS6A2 cartridge, or the M505A3 fuze (figure 1-36) is used with the M56A3 cartridge. These fuzes will not funetion unless the detonator is in line with the firing pin. The meehanisms are arranged so that the fuze We ai Seeds} FIRING PIN cover a _ CENTRIFUGAL <_- ROTOR SAFETY SPRING DETONATCR —~ ROTOR ASSEMBLY MS05A2 Seetion I is said to be boresafe (detonator safe), A boresafe fuze is one in which the explosive train is interrupted so that while the projectile is still in the bore of the weapon, premature action of the bursting charge is prevented if any of the more sensitive elements (primer or detonator) function. The fuze has a delayed arming distance of 20 to 35 feet from the muzzle of the gun. Before the HEL projectile is fired, the rotor containing the detonator (which is out of line with the firing pin) and the firing pin are locked in position by a rotor safety spring. Centrifugal force created by the projectile spin allows the explosive train components to align. Being armed, the fuze may function when the projectile has moved an optimum distance after impact, crushing the nose of the fuze and forcing the firing pin against the detonator. The booster, initieted by the detonator, causes the projectile to explode. FIRING PIN DETONATOR ROTORASSIMBLY Booy bETOWATOR— u-sHAPE — CENTRIFUGAL ROTOR SAFETY SPRING BoosTER ASSEMBLY Figure 1-36. Section I ‘A fragmentation cloud exists when the HEI projectile detonates. An- alytical studies and flight test re~ sults have proven that a fragmen- tation cloud contains projectile particles of sufficient size and weight to produce engine foreign object damage (FOD) if ingested as well as aireraft/windshield dam- age. The maximum altitude of the fragments is 300 feet. The prod- ability of fragmentation ingestion increases rapidly at recovery alti- tudes lower than 300 feet AGL. Slant ranges sufficient to permit flyover of the fragmentation cloud at above 300 feet AGL are mandatory. CARTRIDGE, 20MM, TARGET PRACTICE-TRACER, M220, AND CARTRIDGE, 20MM, HIGH EXPLOSIVE. INCENDIARV-TRACER, XM242 These cartridges are identical to M55 and M56 cartridges with the addition of a tracer element and two igniters in the base of the projectile. The cartridges are identified by a band of red T's around the projectile body (figure 1-35). The tracer and igniter components are enclosed in a tracer cavity by a metering disc and an aluminum seal, which preclude the ignition of the tracer element while the projectile is still in the gun barrel, When the cartridge is fired, the burning propellant gases burn through the aluminum seal as the projectile travels thru the barrel of the gun. As the projectile exits from the muzzle of the gun, the first igniter charge ignites and burns for approximately 15 yards. The second igniter charge ignites from the first igniter charge and burns until the projectile has traveled 75 yards from the muzzle. As the second igniter burns out, the tracer element ignites and burns for a minimum of 1500 yards. 1-80 Change 1 7.0. 1F- 34-1-1 AIM-9 SERIES MISSILE There are five different AIM-9 series missiles that are authorized for use on the F-5E/F aircraft. They are the AIN- 9B, AIM-9E, AIM-9J, AIM-SN, and AIM-9P series. The different series missiles can be most easily identified by their different infrared domes and the canards on the guidance and control section (figure 1-37). Each series of missile Is further identified as a basic, -1, -2, or -3 configuration depending on whether the missile utilizes an influence fuze or target detector or whether it has a MK- PY ec) sd ‘CANARD (@) INFRARED DOME. utoance ANO CONTROL AIML-OB SERIES — INFRARED owe. ALN-9E SERIES ainioe Sentes (2 INCHES SHORTER) GUIDANCE Ano. ContRoL secrion AIM-SJINIP SERIES Figure 1-37. Fos 94158004 T.O, LF-9E-34-1-1 17 or SR116-HP-1 rocket motor. See figure 1-38 for the physical characteristics difference in the AIM-9B series missile. For complete description of AIM-8E series missile, refer to T.O. 1F- 5E-34-1-1-2, and for the AIM-9J, -9N, and -9P series missile, refer to T.O. 1F- 5E-34-1-1-3, The AIM-9 missile is a supersonic air-to-~ air intercept missile. The missile has an infrared (IR) radiation seeker in the G & C section that controls missile guidance and controls the amplitude of a tone heard in the pilot's headset. The audio tone is used to establish that the seeker head is operating and is used to monitor target lock-on (tracking). The guidance commands, within the selected launch envelope computed by the sight system, move the canards to steer the missile on a collision course to the target. The IR system is a passive means of detectior thus the enemy cannot detect when he is under attack. Since the missile does not require guidance from the launching aircraft, evasive action can be teken immediately after launch. NOTE The launch data for AIM-9B/B-1 missiles are contained in this manual. Refer to classified supplement T.O, 1F-5E-34-1-1-1 for deseription of SR116-HP-1 rocket motor and DSU-21/B target detector for AIM-9B series missile. AIM-098 SERIES MISSILE The AIN-9B missile (figure 1-38) corsists of five basic sections; guidance and control section, warhead, contact fuze, influence fuze, and rocket motor and wings. Aircraft power is supplied to the missile when electrical power is on the aircraft. Aircraft elecrical power causes Section I the missile seeker gyro to uncage mechanicslly but it becomes electrically caged as it comes up to speed. When the bomb-rocket button is pressed, the selected missile fires almost immediately. The initial firing impulse fires a grein generator. Gas pressure from the generator rotates the electrical (turbo) generator in the G & C, which supplies internal electrical power for missile operation. When the electrical generator reaches operating speed, its output voltage is applied to a relay in the missile launcher to energize the relay, which applies aircraft electrical power to the striker points of the missile launcher. The time to effect this is 0.75 second nominal. If the sequence is interrupted before the relay is closed, the grain will continue burning, but motor firing will not occur and the missile will not leave the launcher. Continued burning of the grain does not cause any safety hazard. If the sequence described is uninterrupted, the firing power is delivered simultaneously to the squib of the rocket motor and thermal battery of the influence fuze. The missile will then leave the launcher. When the missile is jettisoned, only the missile motor squib if fired. During missile acceleration, both the contact and influence fuzes are mechanically armed between 480 and 840 feet from the firing aircraft. The influence fuze is electrically armed approximately 800 or 3000 feet from the launch aircraft, depending on missile fuze modification. Power to the contact fuze is furnished by the guidance and control section. Power for the influence fuze is furnished by the thermal battery. A disabling circuit prevents any turn signal from being sent to the canards for the first 0.5 second of flight. This assures safe separation from the aircraft prior to missile guidance. At firing, the gyro is free to precess to its limits in any direction necessary to Change 2 1-81 Section I T.O. 1F-5E-34-1 AIM-9B SERIES MISSIL GUIDANCE AND. . CONTROL SECTION UMBILICAL CABLE INFRARED owe DOME cover CANARD(4) INFLUENCE rue SRIN6-HP-1 ROCKET MOTOR m= oP ARMING KEY (SAFE POSITION CONTACT FUZE WARHEAD HANGERS & MING (4) ROLLERON (4) wrrudace FUCE COVER ELECTRICAL ROCKET = counters toroR BUTTONS tinea) E-2oWw TARGET DETECTOR cone cuaracrerisrics au.se 98-2 welch 165 t8 16518178 LB ve. Leno nem nen uw 12 IN ouMETER a 3W si 51M wnesPaw 22m 2a zn 2m SEEKER-FIELO-OF-viEW 4.086 40ec 4 0e2 4 Dec Gime Limits 26 0&6 s260e #26 DEC 26 066 SEEKER TYPE Lao suLeibe Fuzine conTacT + wuk-309 k-304 e304 nix-304 rueuee wwecaos weed eB ils TARGET DETECTOR ty owas | osi-2i/8 WARHEAD EFFECTIVE RADIUS 22 FT ar 2ert zor MISSILE STEERING PROPORTIONAL NAVIGATION ROCKET MOTOR K-27 Mike? SRIL6-HP-1——SRIL6-HP-A THRUST/DURATION ‘AT 70°F) 4000 L/2.1 seo REFER TO T.0, 1F-5E-34-1-1-1 Qh fax GUIDED FLIGHT TIME 20 see 20 sk 20SEC 20se¢ InFLighT oaReiage & REFER TO FLIGAT MANUAL SEQUENEING LIMITATIONS * OPTIONAL WHEN mK=203 NOD 4 INFLUENCE FUZE OR OSU-22/8 TARGET DETECTOR INSTALLED rea sean Figure 1-38. 1-82 Change 1 track the target. The gyro drive power is removed at launch, and the gyro coasts during the flight time of the missile. Maximum burning time of the grain and, therefore, maximum guided flight of the missile is approximately 20 seconds. The warhead is detonated either on contact with the target, or in the case of a near miss, by action of the influence fuze or target detoctor. The missile has approximately 11G lateral single-plane maneuver capability. If the missile does not approach the target close enough for fuze action, a self-destruct sequence is initiated in the influence fuze to detonate the warhead. Guidance and Control Section The guidance and control (G & C) section contains the infrared target seeker, which tracks the target, the canards, which control the flight of the missile, and the umbilical cable for interface with the launcher. See figure 1-38 for the field of view, gimbal limits, ete. ‘The G & C section performs two primary operations. First, the missile optical system, which is a space-stabilized gyro, detects angular deviations between the gyro axis (also the optical axis) and the Tine of sight to the target. As the line of sight moves off the gyro axis, a signal is generated by the tracking circuit which precesses the gyro axis toward the line of sight. Second, the signal generated by the tracking circuit is used to deflect the canards to produce a missile turning rate approximately four times greater then the gyro-axis turning rate and in the same direction. By this means, the missile is brought to an interception course in the manner of conventional proportional navigation. Warhead ‘The section of the missile immediately aft of the G & C section is the warhead. ‘The warhead is designated the MK-8 Mods Section I 1, 2, 3 or 4, The Mod 1 and 2 are basieally the same except for minor internal differences. The Mod 3 warhead is a modified Mod 1 or 2 werhead incorporating a neoprene gasket under the loading port; whereas the Mods 1 and 2 utilize a fiber gasket. The purpose of the neoprene gasket is to retain any explosive exudate caused by melting of the HBX explosive due to aerodynamic heating. The Mod 4 warhead also has the neoprene gasket installed under the loading port. The AIM-9 missile is not restricted by any aircraft speed or flight profiles when the Mod 3 and 4 warhead is installed. The 25-pound warhead consists of approximately 14-1/2 pounds of metal and 10-1/2 pounds of HBX explosive. The explosive charge produces about 1300 high-velocity (6000 feet per second) fragments. The lethal radius of the warhead is about 22 feet. The fragments are capable of penetrating 3/8-inch steel plate at this radius. The warhead can be detonated by either the contact or influence fuze. The warhead is detonated upon impact or by passing near the target. Detonation by impact is accomplished by the MK-304 contact fuze. If the missile passes near the target, the MK-303 influence fuze, or DSU-21/B target detector, will generate & firing signal to detonate the warhead. An exercise warhead is similar in weight and configuration to the MK-8 warhead and may be used against drones and target rockets. Contact Fuze ‘The MK-304 contact fuze is mounted on the rear of the G & C section, and the end containing the booster charge fits into the center of the warhead section. Safety during handling and in use is assured by the incorporation of two different safety devices. The pyrotechni¢ firing train is interrupted by an escapement-type mechanism which can be armed only by a strong, prolonged acceleration. The contact fuze does not receive power until the turbo-generator within the missile has reached operating speed and until the safety short in the Change 1 1-82

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