2 Banking Services
2 Banking Services
2 Banking Services
Téma 3
Banking services
The varied services of the financial sector are carried out by a large number of financial
institutions which all have one thing in common: they all collect funds from the public and
then use these funds to make loans and investments
Commercial banks (known as clearing banks) provide a very wide range of services to
costumers. Core banking operations can be classified as traditional branches of banking,
electronic transfers and non-financial branches of banking.
Internet Banking
Loading statement of your account in the same form that you would receive by post.
You can give a transfer order to one account or a group transfer order to several,
different accounts
You can open credit accounts, currency account (transfer in currency, exchange
operations, tying up) or securities deposit account
Témakör 6 2
Téma 3
Retail customers can open savings accounts and handle deposit accounts.
To whom it is recommended:
To retail customers with a current account
To companies with small turnover
To one-man businesses
You can settle the transfers more easily with computer programs.
There is no need to fill in transfer order forms.
It is a safe system therefore there is no need for confirmation.
It provides more efficient cash-flow management.
Note: The customer has to sign an internet banking contract with the bank and then he will
get the necessary software to be able to connect to the system. Some banks do not require
branch bankfiók
statement of account számlakivonat
transfer order átutalási megbízás
group transfer order csoportos átutalási megbízás
currency account devizaszámla
tying- up lekötés
securities deposit account értékpapírszámla
one-man business egyszemélyes vállalkozás
turnover forgalom
cash-flow management likviditás (pénzforgalom) menedzselés