S-Block Notes-1
S-Block Notes-1
S-Block Notes-1
These are s-block elements and have one electron in the valence shell in
s-orbital. In general their electronic configuration may be represented as [noble gas ] ns1 where ‘n’
represents the valence shell.
Element Atomic no. Electronic configuration Valence shell configuration
Li 3 [He] 2 s1 2 s1
Na 11 [Ne] 3 s1 3 s1
K 19 [Ar] 4 s1 4 s1
Rb 37 [Kr] 5 s1 5 s1
Cs 55 [Xe] 6 s1 6 s1
Fr 87 [Rn] 7 s1 7 s1
The alkali metals atoms have the largest atomic radii in their respective periods.
Atomic radii increases as we move down the group from Li to Cs due to the addition of a new
shell at each step.
The ions of the alkali metals are much smaller than their corresponding atomic radii due to lesser
number of shells and contractive effect of the increased nuclear charge.
The ionic radii like atomic radii of all these alkali metal ions goes on increasing on moving down
the group because of the same reason.
These are light metals having low densities. Lithium is the lightest known metal.
On moving down the group, both the atomic size and atomic mass increases and since the increase
in latter is not compensated by increase in former,consequently density increases from Li to Cs.
The density of potassium is lesser than that of sodium because of the abnormal increase in size on
moving from Na to K.
The melting and boiling points of alkali metals are quite low and decreases down the group due to
weakening of metallic bond.
Fr is a liquid at room temperature.
These are soft,malleable and ductile solids which can be cut with knife. They possess metallic lustre when
freshly cut due to oscillation of electrons.
Atomic volume of alkali metals is the highest in each period and goes on increasing down the group
Element Li Na K Rb Cs
Gram atomic volume in cm3 13 24 46 56 71
The first ionisation energy of alkali metals is the lowest amongst the elements in their respective
periods and decreases on moving down the group.
Element Li Na K Rb Cs Fr
IE, (kJ mol–1) 520 496 419 403 376 ----
The second ionisation energies of all the alkali metals are very large because on releasing an
electron from the elements, the resulting ions acquire noble gas (stable) configurations.
Because of their low ionisation energies, alkali metals are strongly electropositive or metallic in nature and
this character increases from Li to Cs.
All alkali metals possess body centred cubic structures with coordination number 8
The alkali metal atoms show only +1 oxidation state, because their unipositive ions have the stable
gas electronic configuration in the valence shell.
Since the alkali metal ions have noble gas configuration with no unpaired electrons, they are
diamagnetic and colourless but their permanganates and dichromates compounds are coloured.
All alkali metal salts are ionic (except Lithium) and soluble in water due to the fact that cations
get hydrated by water molecules. The degree of hydration depends upon the size of the cation. Smaller the
size of a cation, greater is its hydration energy.
The alkali metal ions exist as hydrated ions in the aqueous solution.
Since the degree of hydration of decreases as we go down the group, the hydration
energy of alkali metal ions decreases from
All alkali metals and their salts impart characteristic colours to the flame because of the bonding
of the outermost electron.The outer electrons of these atoms are excited to higher energy levels. On
returning to the original state they give out visible light of characteristic wavelength. This gives a
characteristic colour to the flame.
On moving down the group, the ionisation energy goes on decreasing and hence the energy or the
frequency of emitted light goes on increasing in the order Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs. As a result, the colour
shows following trend-
Li Na K Rb Cs
crimson golden pale purple sky blue
red yellow violet (violet)
Due to low I.E., alkali metals especially K and Cs show photoelectric effect (i.e. eject electrons when
exposed to light) and hence are used in photoelectric cells.
Due to the presence of loosely held valence electrons which are free to move throughout the metal
structure, the alkali metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. Electrical conductivity increases
from top to bottom in the order
(Lithium can form covalent compounds because of its high ionisation energy) and others form ionic
compounds because of their large atomic size and low I.E.
Due to low I.E. and high electropositive character the alkali metals are chemically very reactive.
On exposure to moist air, their surface is tarnished due to the formation of their oxides, hydroxides and
carbonates at the surface.
Hence they are kept under inert liquid kerosene oil but lithium is kept wrapped in paraffin wax because it
floats on the surface of kerosene oil due to its very low density.
All the alkali metals when heated with oxygen form different types of oxides for example, lithium
forms lithium oxide, sodium forms sodium peroxide , while K, Rb and Cs form their respective
superoxides ( where M=K, Rb or Cs). The increasing stability of peroxides and superoxides of alkali
metals from Li to Cs is due to stabilisation of larger anions by larger cations through lattice energy.
Superoxides are coloured and paramagnetic as these possess three electron bond where
one unpaired electron is present.Sodium peroxide acquires yellow colour due to the presence of traces of
superoxide as an impurity.is orange, is brown and is orange in colour.
All oxides, peroxides and superoxides are basic in nature.
All the alkali metals readily react with water evolving hydrogen.
All alkali halides except LiF are freely soluble in water (LiF is soluble in non-polar solvents.
Since it has strong covalent bond.)
The power of the cation to polarise the anion is known as the polarising power while the
tendency of the anion to get polarised is known as its polarisability. The polarising power of cation and
polarisability of anion depends on the following factors (which are collectively referred to as Fajan’s rules)
o Size of the cation - Smaller the size of cation greater is its polarising power. So LiCl is
more covalent than KCl.
o Size of the anion - Bigger the anion, larger is its polarisability. Hence the covalent
character of lithium halides is in the order -
LiI > LiBr > LiCl > LiF
o Charge of the ion and electronic configuration - Larger the charge on the cation,
greater is its polarising power
Thus the covalent character of various halides is in the order
when two cations have same charge and size, the one having 18 electrons in their outermost shell will have
larger polarising power than a cation having 8 electrons in the outermost shell. For example CuCl is more
covalent than NaCl.
Above rules help to predict the ionic /covalent character of metal halides.
For the same alkali metal, the melting points decrease in the order with the increase in the size
of halides ion. Fluorides > chlorides > bromides > iodides
For the same halide ion, melting points decreases with the increasing size of the metal but lithium
halides being covalent have lower melting point than corresponding sodium halides.
Alkali metals react with sulphur and phosphorus on heating and form respective sulphides and
All alkali metals dissolve in liquid ammonia giving deep blue solution, which has some characteristic
properties given below due to formation of ammoniated metal cations and ammoniated electrons in the
Colour - The blue colour is due to the excitation of ammoniated electron to higher energy levels
and the absorption of photons occurs in the red region of the spectrum.Thus the solution appears blue.But
at very high concentration the solution attains the colour like that of metallic copper.
Conductivity - It is highly conducting because of the presence of ammoniated electrons and
ammoniated cations.However, on cooling,the conductivity increases further.
Paramagnetism - It is paramagnetic due to the presence of an unpaired electrons and ammoniated
cations.However the paramagnetism decreases with increasing concentration due to the association of
ammoniated electrons to yield diamagnetic species containing electron pairs.
Reducing property - Due to the presence of ammoniated electrons, solution is a very powerful
reducing agent and used in organic chemistry under the name Birch reduction.
Alkali metals have a weak tendency to form complexes but polydentate ligands such as crown ethers and
cryptands form highly stable complexes collectively called as Wrap Around Complexes. Cryptands are
macrocyclic molecules with N and O atoms and their complexes are called cryptates. The name cryptate
came from the fact that metal ion is hidden in the structure.
Alkali metals hydroxides are very strong bases, highly soluble in water and are not decomposed on
heating.However, LiOH decomposes on heating to give because latter is more stable than former.
Their basic strength increases from LiOH to CsOH due to a corresponding decresae in the I.E., of the
metal in a group,i.e., the order:-
LiOH < NaOH < KOH < RbOH < CsOH
The thermal stability of carbonates increases with the increasing basic strength of metal hydroxides on
moving down the group.Thus the order is
The bicarbonates of all the alkali metals are known. All the bicarbonates (except which exits in
solution) exist as solids and on heating form carbonates.
The solubility of the carbonates and bicarbonates increases on moving down the group due to
lower lattice energies. Thus, order is
On heating decomposes to give while the nitrates of the other alkali metals decompose on
heating to form nitrites and.
All nitrates are soluble in water.
Li2SO4 is insoluble in water whereas other sulphates i.e, Na2SO4, K2SO4 are soluble in water.
Lithium sulphate does not form alums and is also not amorphous with other sulphates.
Lithium, the first member of the alkali metal family shows an anomalous behaviour because of the
following main reasons:-
It has the smallest size in the group
It has very high ionization energy and highest electronegativity in the group.
It has no vacant d-orbital in the valence shell.
As a result, it differs from the other member of the alkali metal family in following respects:
Lithium is harder than other alkali metals, due to strong metallic bond.
Lithium combines with to form lithium monoxide, , whereas other alkali metals form
Peroxides , and superoxides .
Lithium, unlike the other alkali metals, reacts with nitrogen to form the nitride.
LiOH is a weak base and decomposes to give the corresponding oxide while the hydroxides of
alkali metals are stable to heat and sublime as such.
, LiF and lithium phosphate are insoluble in water while the corresponding salts of other
alkali metals are soluble in water.
LiH is the stablest among all the alkali metal hydrides.
Lithium when heated with ammonia forms lithium imide while other alkali metals
form amides of the general formula ( where M=Na,K, Rb and S).
Only lithium combines directly with carbon to form lithium carbide, , while other alkali
metals react with ethyne to form the corresponding metal carbides.
Lithium shows diagonal relationship with magnesium, the element of group 2 and this resemblance is due
Both lithium and magnesium nitrates on heating evolve and leaving behind their
Sodium does not occur in the free state because of its high reactivity.
Important minerals of sodium are -
o Common salt or rock salt,NaCl
o Chile saltpetre,
o Sodium carbonate,
o Sodium sulphate or Glauber’s salt Na2SO4. 10 H2O
o Cryolite,
o Borax,
Sodium metal is extracted by electrolysis of fused NaCl containing a little and KF at 873 K. This
process is known as Down process.
Reactions during electrolysis
Difficulties during the process
o Sodium cannot be extracted from aqueous NaCl because the metal liberated at the
Above difficulties were removed by adding and KF to fused NaCl which themselves do not
undergo decomposition at the voltage employed and lower the melting point of NaCl to about. The
electrodes are separated by a wire gauze to prevent the reaction between Na and
o Carnallite,
o Feldspar,
o Kainite,
Potassium is not obtained by the electrolysis of fused KCl because K has lower boiling point (1039 K)
than the melting point of KCl (1063K) and hence it get vaporises. Therefore, K metal is extracted by the
following methods :-
By the electrolysis of fused KOH - The reaction involved are
Modern method - By the reduction of molten KCl with metallic sodium in stainless steel vessel
at 1120-1150 K.
It is obtained by evaporation of sea water in sun but due to presence of impurities like
it is deliquescent It is purified by passing HCl gas through the impure
saturated solution of NaCl and due to common ion effect, pure NaCl gets precipitated.
28% NaCl solution is called Brine.
Causticizing process ( Gossage process) - A 10% solution of is treated with milk of
lime, .
Electrolytic process - In this process a concentrated solution of sodium chloride is electrolysed
where is evolved at the anode and at the cathode. However gas reacts with NaOH forming NaCl
and sodium hypochlorite.
At Cathode :
In central compartment -
Anode - Mercury
Cathode - Iron rods
Electrolyte - dil. solution of NaOH
Reaction - At Anode :
At Cathode :
Lowing's Process
The filtration on evaporation give pure NaOH
It is a hygroscopic, deliquescent white solid, absorbs CO2 and moisture from the atmosphere.
Reaction with salts:- It reacts with metallic salts to form hydroxides out of which some are
unstable and decompose to insoluble oxides,
o Formation of insoluble hydroxides, e.g.
o Formation of unstable hydroxides, e.g.
o Formation of insoluble hydroxides which dissolve in excess of NaOH e.g. Zn, Al, Sb,
Pb, Sn and As.
(where X= Cl,Br or I)
Reaction with metals :- Less electropositive metals like Zn, Al and Sn etc. give H2 gas with
Reaction with CO :-
It breaks down the proteins of the skin flesh to a pasty mass and hence it is commonly known as
caustic soda.
Solvay or ammonia - soda process :- In this process,NaCl (brine), ammonia and are taken
as raw materials. The involving reactions are
Electrolytic Process :- In this Nelson cell is used for the manufacture of NaOH, CO2 under
pressure is blown with steam
Aqueous sodium carbonate solution react with CO2 gas and forms sodium bicarbonate.
It is obtained as an intermediate product in Solvay ammonia process.
Heating effect :- It gives
It is used as a constituent of baking powder and in medicine to remove acidity of the stomach (as
It is present in Selidlitz powder.
Baking powder is a mixture of starch, sodium bicarbonate and potassium hydrogen tartarate.
Fire extinguishers contain
It is prepared in a cell similar to that used for NaOH. In this cell electrolysis of an aqueous
solution of KCl takes place.
It is prepared by following two methods-
By Leblanc process
By Precht process (magnesia process)
By heating potassium ferrocyanide with metallic potassium
It is used in electroplating and due to the formation of soluble complexes with gold and silver, it
is used in extraction of these metals.
By passing through boiling concentrated KOH solution.
It used as an oxidising agent and in the laboratory and preparation of .
Physical properties of alkaline earth metals are:-
Like alkali metals, these are s-block elements, and have two electrons in the valence shell in s-orbital.
Hence their electronic configuration may be represented as [noble gas] ns2 where ‘n’ represents the valence
Element Atomic Electronic Configuration Valence Shell configuration
Be 4 [He] 2s2 2s2
Mg 12 [Ne] 3s2 3s2
Ca 20 [Ar] 4s2 4s2
Sr 38 [Kr] 5s2 5s2
Ba 56 [Xe] 6s2 6s2
Ra 88 [Rn] 7s2 7s2
The atomic radii of these elements are quite large but smaller than those of the corresponding
elements of group 1, due to increased nuclear charge of these elements which tends to draw the orbital
electrons inwards.
The ionic radii are also large but smaller than those of the alkali metals.
The atomic as well as ionic radii go on increasing down the group due to the gradual addition of
extra energy level and also because of the screening effect.
These are much denser than alkali metals because of their smaller size and greater nuclear charge.
The density, however, first decreases from Be to Ca and then steadily increases from Ca to Ra due
to difference in crystal structure
These have higher melting and boiling points than those of alkali metals because the number of
bonding electrons in alkaline earth metals is two.
The melting and boiling points decrease down the group with the exception of magnesium.
Melting points of halides decrease as the size of the halogen increases. The correct order is
MF2 > MCl2 > MBr2 > MI2
They are silvery white metals, soft in nature but harder than alkali metals due to stronger metallic bonding.
Atomic volume of these metals increases considerably on moving from Be to Ra as the atomic radius
The first I.E. of alkaline earth metals are higher than those of the corresponding alkali metals due
to smaller size and higher nuclear charge.
The second I.E. values are higher than their first I.E. values but much lower than the second I.E.
values of alkali metals.
On moving down the group due to increase in atomic size the magnitude of I.E. decreases.
The ionization potential of radium is higher than that of barium.
These are strong electropositive elements due to their large size and comparatively low ionisation
On moving down the group, the electropositive character increases due to increase in atomic radii.
Alkaline earth metals uniformly show an oxidation state of +2 despite the presence of high
ionisation energy because
o In the solid state, the dipositive ions M2+ form strong lattices due to their small size and
high charge (i.e., high lattice energy).
o In the aqueous solution, the M2+ cations are strongly hydrated due to their small size and
high charge. The hydration energy released by the M2+ cation is very large.
The divalent ions are diamagnetic and colourless due to the absence of unpaired electron.
These are good conductors of heat and electricity due to the presence of two loosely held valence electrons.
Like alkali metal salts, alkaline earth metal salts also impart characteristic flame colouration.
As we move down the group from Ca to Ba, the ionisation energy decreases, hence the energy or
the frequency of the emitted light increases. Thus,
Ca Sr Ba Ra
Brick red Crimson red Apple green Crimson
Be and Mg because of their high ionization energies, however, do not impart any characteristic
colour to the bunsen flame.
Alkaline earth elements are quite reactive due to their low ionisation energies but are found to be
less reactive than alkali metals because the alkaline earth metals have comparatively higher ionisation
Reactivity of the group 2 elements increases on moving down the group because their ionisation
energy decreases.
Group 2 elements are less reactive with water as compared to alkali metals. They react with H2O
evolving H2 gas.
The chemical reactivity of the metal with H2O, however increases as we move from Mg to Ba, i.e.,
Be does not react even with boiling water and Ba react vigorously even with cold water. Thus, increasing
order of reactivity with water is
Mg < Ca < Sr < Ba
The affinity for oxygen increases down the group. Thus, Be, Mg and Ca when heated with O 2 form
monoxides while Sr, Ba and Ra form peroxides.
Except Be, all other elements combine with hydrogen on heating to form hydride (MH 2).
The hydride of beryllium can be prepared indirectly by reducing beryllium chloride with lithium
aluminium hydride.
BeH2 and MgH2 are covalent and polymeric whereas the hydrides of Ca, Sr and Ba are ionic and
monomeric in nature.
CaH2 is also called hydrolith.
All the hydrides react with water to evolve H2 and thus behave as strong reducing agents.
All the elements of group 2 combine with halogens at high temperature and form their halides
Beryllium halides (BeF2, BeCl2 etc.) are covalent, hygroscopic and fume in air due to hydrolysis.
The halides of other alkaline earth metals are fairly ionic and this character increases as the size of the
metal increases.
The halides are soluble in water and their solubility decreases in the order:
MgX2 > CaX2 > SrX2 > BaX2
BeF2 is very soluble in water due to the high solvation energy of Be2+ in forming
but the fluorides of other alkaline earth metals have high melting point and they are insoluble in water.
BeCl2 has a polymeric structure in the solid state but exists as a dimer in the vapour state and as a
monomer at 1200 K.
These metals burn in nitrogen to form nitrides of the types M3N2 which are hydrolysed with water to
evolve NH3.
The ease of formation of nitrides increases from Be to Ba. (Be3N2) is volatile in nature.
Anhydrous CaCl2 is a good drying agent due to hygroscopic nature (CaCl2.2H2O) and cannot be
used to dry alcohol or ammonia as it forms addition products with them.
When heated with carbon, these form their respective carbides of the general formula MC 2 (except
Be) and are called acetylides containing the discrete anion.
Under these conditions beryllium, however, forms Be2C called methanide containing the discrete
C4– anion.
All these carbides are ionic in nature and react with H2O to form acetylene (except Be2C which
gives methane).
On heating MgC2 gives Mg2C3 called allylide which contains the discrete anion and gives
allylene (methyl acetylene) on hydrolysis.
All the alkaline earth metals, because of their low electrode potentials, are strong reducing agents
but these are weaker than the corresponding alkali metals.
As we move down the group from Be to Ra, the reducing character increases due to decreasing
I.E. from Be to Ra.
Like alkali metals, these dissolve in liquid ammonia giving coloured solutions.
The tendency to form ammoniates decreases with increase in size of the metal atom (i.e., on
moving down the group).
Complex formation is favoured in case of alkaline earth metals because of their small sizes as
compared to the alkali metals.
Both Mg2+ and Ca2+ form six coordinate complexes with EDTA (ethylenedi-aminetetracetic acid)
which are used to determine the hardness of water.
Beryllium due to small size forms complexes of type [BeF3]–, [BeF4]–2 [Be (H2O)4]2+.
Mg exists as a natural complex, chlorophyll where it is complexed with pyrole rings of porphyrin.
BeO and Be(OH)2 are amphoteric while the oxides and hydroxides of other alkaline earth metals
are basic. The basic strength, however, increases from Be to Ba as the ionisation energy of metal decreases
down the group thus the order:
BeO < MgO < CaO < SrO < BaO and
Be(OH)2 < Mg(OH)2 < Ca(OH)2 < Sr(OH)2 < Ba(OH)2
The basic character of hydroxides of group-2 elements is lesser than those of group-1 hydroxides
because of the larger size elements of latter than former group.
Aq. Ba(OH)2 is known as baryta water.
Bicarbonates of these metals do not exist in solid state but are known in solution only, when these
solutions are heated, these get decomposed to evolve CO2.
The carbonates of alkaline earth metals can be regarded as salts of weak carbonic acid (H 2CO3)
and metal hydroxide, M(OH)2. The carbonates decompose on heating form metal oxide and CO2.
Carbonates and sulphates of Ca and Mg are responsible for permanent hardness of water while
their bicarbonates cause temporary hardness.
Solubility of sulphates: The solubility of sulphates of alkaline earth metals decreases as we move
down the group from Be to Ba due to the reason that ionic size increases down the group. The lattice
energy remains constant because sulphate ion is so large, so that small change in cationic sizes do not
make any difference. Thus the order:
The negligible solubility of BaSO4 in water is used in both qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Solubility of carbonates: The solubility of the carbonates in water decreases down the group due
to the decrease in the magnitude of hydration energy. However these insoluble metal carbonates are
dissolved in water having CO2 as shown:
Anhydrous chlorides of both i.e., BeCl2 and AlCl3 act as Lewis acids and dissolve in organic
Both do not impart any colour to the flame.
Magnesium along with KClO3 or BaO2 is used in photography flash bulbs, fireworks and as a deoxidiser in
metallurgical process.
MgCl2.5MgO xH2O is called Sorel’s cement or Magnesia cement and used to fill the cavities of teeth.
Mg(OH)2 in water is used in medicine as an antacid under the name ‘Milk of Magnesia’, while 12 gm of
MgCO3 per 100 c.c. of H2O containing CO2 is known as ‘Fluid Magnesia’.
The finely divided BaSO4 is called Blanc fire and used in paints.
Suspension of slaked lime in water is called white wash (milk of lime).
A solution of MgCl2 + NH4Cl in ammonia is known as Magnesia Mixture.
Plaster of paris CaSO4.1/2 H2O is used in surgery for setting broken bones.
Pure Ca(H2PO4)2 is used as American baking powder.
Gypsum gives different products on heating as
Magnesium occurs in the combined state in nature and it is the essential constituent of chlorophyll,
the green colouring matter of the plants.
The important minerals of magnesium are.
o Magnesite, MgCO3
o Dolomite, MgCO3.CaCO3
o Carnallite, KCl.MgCl2.6H2O
o Epsom salt, MgSO4.7H2O
o Asbestos, CaMg3 (SiO3)4
o Talc, Mg2(Si2O5)2.Mg(OH)2
It is extracted by the electrolysis of fused mixture of magnesium chloride (which is obtained from
carnallite and magnesite), NaCl and CaCl2 (added to provide conductivity to the electrolyte and to lower
the fusion temperature of anhydrous MgCl2) at 700ºC in Dow’s process. In Dow’s process, MgCl2 is
obtained from sea water as MgCl2.6H2O which can be changed to anhydrous MgCl2 only by passing dry
HCl gas through it because even by strong heating it gets hydrolysed by its own water of crystallisation.
Anhydrous MgCl2 is fused with anhydrous NaCl and CaCl2 and electrolysed at 700ºC.
At Cathode :
At anode:
Mg being a light metal forms alloys with Al and Zn which are used in aircraft construction. e.g.,
elektron (95% Mg + 5% Zn) used in construction of aircraft, magnalium (1-15% Mg + 85-99% Al) used in
construction of aircraft and light instruments.
Magnesium powder is used in flash bulbs used in photography.
With MgCl2, it forms a mixture of composition MgCl2.5MgO.xH2O which is known as Sorel’s cement or
magnesia cement.
It shows isomorphous nature with ZnSO4.7H2O, deliquescence and efflorescence. It is used as a purgative
in medicine and as a stimulant to increase the secretion of bile.
Its 12% aqueous solution is known as fluid magnesia and is used as an antacid, laxative and in
It is an important constituent of bones and teeth (as calcium phosphate), sea shells and corals (as
calcium carbonate).
The important minerals are
o Limestone, marble, chalk or calcite, CaCO3
o Dolomite, MgCO3.CaCO3
o Gypsum, CaSO4.2H2O
o Fluorspar, CaF2
o Anhydrite, CaSO4
o Hydroxyapatite, 3Ca3(PO4)2.Ca(OH)2
o Phosphorite, Ca3(PO4)2.
It is extracted by the electrolysis of a fused mixture of calcium chloride and calcium fluoride (lowers the
fusion temperature of the electrolyte).
It is used to remove air from vacuum tubes, sulphur from petroleum and oxygen from molten
It is used as a reducing agent in the extraction of such metals from their oxides where carbon is
By the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate.
It is a basic oxide.
Its aqueous suspension is known as slaked lime Ca(OH)2.
It is used as basic flux, for removing hardness of water for preparing mortar (CaO + Sand +
By dissolving quick lime in water.
Its suspension in water is known as milk of lime.
It gives CaCO3 (milky) and then Ca(HCO3)2 with CO2.
By passing CO2 through lime water.
It is insoluble in H2O but dissolves in the presence of CO2, due to the formation of calcium bicarbonate.
When it is mixed with water, it forms first a plastic mass which sets into a solid mass with slight
expansion due to rehydration and its reconversion into gypsum.
On heating at about 200ºC, it also forms dead burnt plaster of paris (it has no tendency to set).
By heating a mixture of quick lime (CaO) and powdered coke in an electric furnace at 3300K.
It reacts with water to form acetylene.
When heated with nitrogen, it forms calcium cyanamide which on reaction with steam under
pressure gives NH3.
By passing a current of chlorine over dry slaked lime.
The manufacture of bleaching powder is carried out in (i) Hasenclever plant or (ii) Bachmann's plant
It is a mixture (mixed salt) of calcium hypochlorite (Ca.(OCl)2.4H2O) and basic calcium chloride
Its aqueous solution gives Ca2+, Cl– and OCl– ions.
With dil. H2SO4, it gives nascent oxygen which causes its oxidising and bleaching power.
With excess of dil. H2SO4 (or CO2), it forms Cl2 known as available chlorine.
The average percentage of available chlorine is 35 - 40%. Theoretically it should be 49%, which
diminishes on keeping the powder due to following change
It is used for bleaching, as disinfectant and germicide in sterilization of water, for making wool
unshrinkable and in the manufacture of Chloroform.
Cement is essentially a mixture of complex silicates and aluminates of Ca containing less than 1.0% free
lime and some gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O)
An approximate composition is as follows :
Lime CaO 60-69% 62%
Silica SiO2 17-25% 22%
Alumina Al2O3 3-8% 7.5%
Magnesia MgO 1-5% 2.5%
Iron oxide Fe2O3 0.5-5% 2.5%
Sulphur trioxide SO3 1-3% 1.5%
Sodium oxide Na2O 0.3-1.5% 1.0%
Potassium oxide K2O 0.3-1.5% 1.0%
Two processes are employed (i) Wet process (ii) Dry process
Raw material : Lime and Clay
Clay + Lime ➝ Cement clinker ➝ Cement
Gypsum regulates the setting time
When mixed with water, the cement forms a gelatinous mass sets to hard mass when three dimensional
cross links are formed between ... Si-O-Si---and ---Si-O-Al--- chains.
The reactions involved in the setting of cement are :
Hydration : Hydration of 3CaO.Al2O3 and 2CaOSiO2 forming colloidal gel.
Hydrolysis : Hydrolysis of 3CaOAl2O3 and 3CaO.SiO2 forming precipitates of Ca(OH)2 and
Fly ash : A waste product of steel industry possess properties similar to cement. It is added to cement to
reduce its cost.
Rice Husk : It has high silica content and employed to make cement.