On General Matrix Application of Quasi Power Increasing Sequences
On General Matrix Application of Quasi Power Increasing Sequences
On General Matrix Application of Quasi Power Increasing Sequences
http://pvamu.edu/aam Mathematics:
Appl. Appl. Math. An International Journal
ISSN: 1932-9466 (AAM)
Hikmet Seyhan Özarslan and 2 Ahmet Karakaş
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Erciyes University
38039 Kayseri, Turkey
[email protected]; 2 [email protected]
In this paper, we give a general theorem dealing with absolute matrix summability by using quasi σ-
power increasing sequences. This theorem includes some results concerning absolute summability
1. Introduction
34 H. S. Özarslan and A. Karakaş
There is an important application area of these methods. They have some different applications
on sequences such as positive non-decreasing, almost increasing and quasi power increasing se-
quences. The purpose of this paper is to obtain a general theorem on absolute matrix summability
of an infinite series.
defines the sequence (ωn ) of the (N̄ , pn ) means of the sequence (sn ), generated by the sequence
of coefficients (pn ) (see Hardy (1949)). The series an is said to be summable | N̄ , pn , β; δ |k ,
k ≥ 1, δ ≥ 0, and β is a real number, if (see Gürkan (1998))
∞ β(δk+k−1)
X Pn
| ωn − ωn−1 |k < ∞.
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Let A = (anv ) be a normal matrix, i.e., a lower triangular matrix of nonzero diagonal entries.
Then, A defines the sequence-to-sequence transformation, mapping the sequence s = (sn ) to
As = (An (s)), where
An (s) = anv sv , n = 0, 1, ...
We say that the series an is summable | A, pn , β; δ |k , k ≥ 1, δ ≥ 0, and β is a real number, if
∞ β(δk+k−1)
X Pn
| An (s) − An−1 (s) |k < ∞.
p n
Given a normal matrix A = (anv ), two lower semimatrices Ā = (ānv ) and  = (ânv ) are defined
as follows:
X n
ānv = ani , n, v = 0, 1, . . . , (1)
â00 = ā00 = a00 , ânv = ānv − ān−1,v , n = 1, 2, ... (2)
It may be noted that Ā and  are the well-known matrices of series-to-sequence and series-to-series
transformations, respectively. Then, we write
Xn Xn
An (s) = anv sv = ānv av , (3)
v=0 v=0
¯ n (s) =
∆A ânv av . (4)
Theorem 2.1.
Let (Xn ) be an almost increasing sequence and let there be sequences (γn ) and (λn ) such that
| ∆λn |≤ γn , (5)
γn → 0 as n → ∞, (6)
n | ∆γn | Xn < ∞, (7)
| λn | Xn = O(1), (8)
36 H. S. Özarslan and A. Karakaş
Lemma 2.2.
Let (Xn ) be a quasi σ-power increasing sequence for some 0 < σ < 1. If conditions (6) and (7)
are satisfied, then
nXn γn = O(1), (12)
γn Xn < ∞, (13)
3. Main Result
Many works concerning absolute matrix summability methods have been done (see Özarslan
(2013, 2014, 2015, 2019a, 2019b, 2019c), Özarslan and Yavuz (2013, 2014)). The aim of this
paper is to generalize Theorem 2.1 to |A, pn , β; δ|k summability by using a quasi σ-power increas-
ing sequence instead of an almost increasing sequence.
Theorem 3.1.
Let A = (anv ) be a positive normal matrix such that
an0 = 1, n = 0, 1, ..., (14)
where ∆v (ânv ) = ânv − ân,v+1 . Let (Xn ) be a quasi σ-power increasing sequence, for some
0 < σ < 1. If (λn ) ∈ BV, and the conditions (5)-(8), (10)-(11) of Theorem 2.1 and
m β(δk+k−1)−k+1
X Pn |sn |k
= O(Xm ) as m → ∞, (18)
pn n
∞ β(δk+k−1)−k+1 β(δk+k−1)−k !
X Pn Pv
|∆v (ânv )| = O , (19)
pn pv
∞ β(δk+k−1)−k+1 β(δk+k−1)−k+1 !
X Pn Pv
|ân,v+1 | = O , (20)
p n p v
are satisfied, then the series n=1 an Pnp
n λn
is summable | A, pn , β; δ |k , k ≥ 1, δ ≥ 0, and
−β(δk + k − 1) + k > 0.
Let (In ) denotes A-transform of the series n=1 an Pnp
n λn
. Then, by (3) and (4), we obtain
¯ n=
X av Pv λv
∆I ânv .
X n−1
ân,v+1 = ān,v+1 − ān−1,v+1 = ani − an−1,i
i=v+1 i=v+1
X v
X n−1
X v
= ani − ani − an−1,i + an−1,i
i=0 i=0 i=0 i=0
X v
=1− ani − 1 + an−1,i
i=0 i=0
= (an−1,i − ani )
≥ 0,
≤ ann .
Therefore, we have
Now, using the fact that ann = O( Ppnn ) by (16) and (λn ) ∈ BV, we obtain
AAM: Intern. J., Special Issue No. 5 (August 2019) 39
m+1 β(δk+k−1) m+1 β(δk+k−1) n−1
X Pn X Pn X |ân,v+1 |
| In,2 | = O(1) ak−1
|λv | |sv | k
pn n=2
pn v=1
40 H. S. Özarslan and A. Karakaş
Now, we have
m+1 β(δk+k−1) m+1 β(δk+k−1) X n−1
X Pn X Pn P v
|In,3 |k ≤ |∆v (ânv )| |λv ||sv |
pn n=2
pn v=1
vp v
m+1 n−1
X Pn β(δk+k−1) k
X Pv
= O(1) |∆v (ânv )| |λv |k |sv |k
p n v=1
vp v
! k−1
× |∆v (ânv )| .
4. Conclusion
In this paper, absolute matrix summability of an infinite series has been studied. A general theo-
rem on | A, pn , β; δ |k summability method has been proved by using a quasi σ-power increasing
sequence instead of an almost increasing sequence under weaker conditions. This general theorem
brings a different perspective and studying field, and so it creates a basis for future research of in-
terested researchers; also, the | A, pn , β; δ |k summability method can be used to generalize some
different theorems on absolute summability.
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