Engineering Surveying LAB: Lecturer: Eng Fuad Abdirizak Elmi

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Lecturer: Eng Fuad Abdirizak Elmi
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia

Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
Contents of the Course
Here is a listing and brief description of the material in
this set of notes.
 Introduction to A Theodolite
 Adjustment Of A Theodolite
 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 Errors in Theodolite
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.1 Introduction to Theodolite
 A theodolite is a surveying instrument used for precise angular
measurement in both horizontal and vertical planes.
 Theodolites are commonly used for land surveying, route
surveying, construction surveying, and in the engineering
 Theodolites may be of two types
i. Based on movement of telescope
ii. Based on arrangement to measure angles
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.1 Introduction to Theodolite
 Theodolites may be of two types
 Based on movement of telescope
a. Transit Theodolite:
 A theodolite in which if the telescope can be revolved through a
complete resolute about its horizontal axis in the vertical plane is called
as a transit theodolite.
b. Non-Transit
 The telescope, cannot be revolved through a complete revolution in the
vertical plane.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.1 Introduction to Theodolite
 Theodolites may be of two types
 Based on movement of telescope
a. Transit Theodolite: b. Non-Transit
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.1 Introduction to Theodolite
 Based on arrangement to measure angles
a. Vernier Theodolite
 For reading the graduated circle if Vernier are used, the theodolite is
called as a Vernier Theodolite. It can measure an angle up-to 20”. This
theodolites are commonly used.
b. Micrometer Theodolite
 If Micrometer is provided to read the graduated circle then it is called
as a Micrometer Theodolite. It can measure an angle up-to 1”.
c. Electronic Theodolite
 In Electronic Theodolite, the readings of angle is obtained in digital
form. When EDM instrument is attached with Electronic Theodolite it
becomes Total Station.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.1 Introduction to Theodolite
 Based on arrangement to measure angles
a. Vernier Th. b. Micrometer Th. C. Electronic Th.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.1 Introduction to Theodolite
Parts of theodolite/Nomenclature

(1) Carrying handle (2) Handle screw (3) Objective lens (4) Plate level (5)
Circular bubble (6) Vertical tangent screw and motion clamp (7) Operating
key (8) Foot screw (9) Sighting collimator (10) Eyepiece (11) Display (12)
Base plate (13) Focusing knob (14) Battery (15) Horizontal tangent screw
and motion clamp (16) Communication interface (17) Base locking lever
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.1 Introduction to Theodolite
Parts of theodolite
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.1 Introduction to Theodolite
i. Centering
The setting of a theodolite exactly over a station mark by means of a
plumb bob. Is known as centering.
ii. Vertical axis
It is the axis of rotation of the telescope in the horizontal plane
iii. Horizontal axis
It is the axis of rotation of the telescope in the vertical plane. Temporary
iv. Line of collimation (line of sight)
It is the imaginary line passing through the intersection of the cross hairs
(vertical and horizontal) and the optical center of the object glass and its
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.1 Introduction to Theodolite
v. Transiting
It is the process of turning the telescope vertical plane through 180‟ about
the trunnion axis. This process is also known as plunging or reversing.
vi. Face left
Face left‟ means that the vertical circle of the theodolite is on the left of
the observer at the time of taking reading.
vii. Face right
If the vertical circle of the instrument is on the right side of the observer
while taking a reading, the position is called the face right.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.1 Introduction to Theodolite
Fundamental Axes Of Theodolite
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.1 Introduction to Theodolite
 The theodolite is an intricate instrument used mainly for
accurate measurement of horizontal and vertical angle up to
10” or 20”, depending upon the least count of the instrument.
 Because of its various uses, the theodolite is sometimes known
as “Universal Instrument”.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.1 Introduction to Theodolite
 The following are the different purpose for which the
theodolite can be used:
i. Measuring Horizontal Angle
ii. Measuring Vertical Angles
iii. Measuring Deflection Angles
iv. Measuring Magnetic Bearing
v. Measuring the horizontal distance between two points
vi. Finding the vertical height of an object
vii. Finding difference of elevation between various points
viii. Ranging of a line.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.2 Adjustment Of A Theodolite
 The adjustments of a theodolite are of two kinds:
i. Permanent Adjustments
ii. Temporary Adjustments
i. Permanent adjustments:
 The permanent adjustments are made to establish the
relationship between the fundamental lines of the theodolite
and , once made , they last for a long time.
 They are essential for the accuracy of observations.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.2 Adjustment Of A Theodolite
i. Permanent adjustments:
 The permanent adjustments in case of a transit theodolites are :
a. Adjustment of Horizontal Plate Levels.
b. Horizontal axis adjustment.
c. Collimation Adjustment.
d. Adjustment of Telescope Level or the Altitude Level Plate Levels.
e. Vertical Circle Index Adjustment.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.2 Adjustment Of A Theodolite
ii. Temporary adjustments:
 The temporary adjustments are made at each set up of the
instrument before we start taking observations with the
 There are three temporary adjustments of a theodolite:
i. Setting up and Centering
ii. Levelling
iii. Elimination of parallax
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 Theodolites are majorly used to measure horizontal and
vertical angles.
 Horizontal angles are usually ,measured by using any of these
i. Ordinary method
ii. Method of repetition
iii. Method of reiteration
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 Horizontal angles are usually ,measured by using any of these
i. Ordinary method
 Set up the theodolite at station point O and level it accurately.
 Set the vernier A to the zero or 360° of the horizontal circle. Tighten the
upper clamp.
 Loosen the lower clamp. Turn the instrument and direct the telescope
towards A to bisect it accurately with the use of tangent screw. After
bisecting accurately check the reading which must still read zero. Read
the vernier B and record both the readings.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 Horizontal angles are usually ,measured by using any of these
i. Ordinary method
 Loosen the upper clamp and turn the telescope clockwise until line of
sight bisects point B on the right hand side. Then tighten the upper
clamp and bisect it accurately by turning its tangent screw.
 The reading on vernier A and B are noted. Vernier A gives the angle
directly. But in the case of vernier B, the angle is obtained by
subtracting the initial reading from final reading.
 The face of the instrument is changed and the previous procedure is
followed. The reading of the verniers are noted in the table.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 Horizontal angles are usually ,measured by using any of these
i. Ordinary method
 The mean of the observations (i.e. Face left and face right) is the actual
angle AOB. The two observations are taken to eliminate any possible
errors due to imperfect adjustment of the instrument.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 Horizontal angles are usually ,measured by using any of these
ii. Repetition Method
 This method is used for very accurate work. In this method ,the same
angle is added several times mechanically and the correct value of the
angle is obtained by dividing the accumulated reading by the no. of
 The No. of repetitions made usually in this method is six, three with the
face left and three with the face right .In this way ,angles can be
measured to a finer degree of accuracy than that obtainable with the
least count of the vernier.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 Horizontal angles are usually ,measured by using any of these
ii. Repetition Method
To measure horizontal angle by repetitions:
 Set up the theodolite at starting point O and level it accurately.
 Measure The horizontal angle AOB.
 Loosen the lower clamp and turn the telescope clock – wise until the
object (A) is sighted again. Bisect B accurately by using the upper
tangent screw. The verniers will now read the twice the value of the
angle now.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 Horizontal angles are usually ,measured by using any of these
ii. Repetition Method
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 Horizontal angles are usually ,measured by using any of these
iii. Reiteration Method
 This method is another precise and comparatively less tedious method
of measuring the horizontal angles.
 It is generally preferred when several angles are to be measured at a
particular station.
 This method consists in measuring several angles successively and
finally closing the horizon at the starting point. The final reading of the
vernier A should be same as its initial reading.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 Horizontal angles are usually ,measured by using any of these
iii. Reiteration Method
 Suppose it is required to measure the angles AOB, BOC and COD.
Then to measure these angles by repetition method :
 Set up the instrument over station point O and level it accurately.
 Direct the telescope towards point A which is known as referring
object. Bisect it accurately and check the reading of vernier as 0.
Loosen the lower clamp and turn the telescope clockwise to sight point
B exactly. Read the vernier again and the mean reading will give the
value of angle AOB.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 Horizontal angles are usually ,measured by using any of these
iii. Reiteration Method
 Similarly bisect C & D successively.
 Finally, close the horizon by sighting the object A again. The vernier A
should now read zero degree. If it does not, note down the reading and
find the total error in closing the horizon and distribute it equally
among all the angles respectively.
 Now change the face and repeat the whole procedure to obtain the
individual angle in anticlockwise direction.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 Horizontal angles are usually ,measured by using any of these
iii. Reiteration Method
 Determine the final value of each angle by taking average of the value
obtained by face left and face right.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 A vertical angle is an angle between the inclined line of sight
and the horizontal line.
 When it is above the horizontal line, it is known as the angle of
elevation. When this angle is below the horizontal line, it is
called the angle of depression.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 To Measure the Vertical Angle of an object A at a station O:
 Set up the theodolite at station point O and level it accurately with
reference to the altitude bubble.
 Set the zero of vertical vernier exactly to the zero of the vertical circle
clamp and tangent screw.
 Bring the bubble of the altitude level in the central position.
 The line of sight is thus made horizontal and vernier still reads zero.
 Loosen the vertical circle clamp screw and direct the telescope towards
the object A and sight it exactly by using the vertical circle tangent
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.3 Measurement Of A Theodolite
 To Measure the Vertical Angle of an object A at a station O:
 Read both vernier on the vertical circle. The mean of the two vernier
readings gives the value of the required angle.
 Change the face of the instrument and repeat the process. The mean of
the two vernier readings gives the second value of the required angle.
 The average of the two values of the angles thus obtained, is the
required value of the angle free from instrumental errors.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.4 Errors in Theodolite
 The errors in this system may be classified as:
i. Instrumental
ii. Personal
iii. Natural
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.4 Errors in Theodolite
 The errors in this system may be classified as:
i. Instrumental Errors
 Imperfect level of plate level
 LOC not perpendicular to horizontal axis,
 Horizontal axis not perpendicular to vertical axis,
 LOC & axis of telescope not parallel
 Eccentricity of inner & outer axis,
 Imperfect graduation
 Eccentricity of vernier.
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.4 Errors in Theodolite
 The errors in this system may be classified as:
ii. Personal Errors
a. Errors in Manipulation
 Inaccurate centering
 Inaccurate leveling
 Slip & Wrong tangent screw.
b. Errors in Sighting & Reading
 Inaccurate sighting
 Ranging rod is not vertical
 Parallax
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia
6.4 Errors in Theodolite
 The errors in this system may be classified as:
iii. Natural Errors
 Atmospheric refraction due to high temperature
 Strong winds
 Unequal settlement
Department of Civil Engineering
University Of Somalia

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