Mooring TrainingCourse Framework
Mooring TrainingCourse Framework
Mooring TrainingCourse Framework
1.0 AIM
1.1 The course covers the important requirements of the IMO Guidelines on
minimum training and education for mooring personnel, Code of Safe Practice on
Safety by ILO and STCW Code 2010 Manila Amendment Section A-II-5 Code
of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seaman.
2.1 The objective of the course is to provide an adequate level of knowledge to the
participants of the important element to be proficient for maintaining port safety,
security, environment protection and facilitation of maritime traffic at port. The
course will cover the following;
2.2 At the end of the course the participants shall be able to understand and able to
demonstrate the proper mooring & unmooring, standard communication between
shore & ship mooring party, boat handling and understand the application of
safety rules and regulations at port and awareness of risks to their health and
safety and how these risks are controlled.
3.2 Participants must not be less than 18 years of age, must be physically fit
approved Malaysia Medical Practitioners and should be able to swim.
Class size may be limited in order to allow the instructor to give adequate
attention to individual participants. In general it is recommended that a maximum
of 10 students be the upper limit that a single instructor can be expected to train
satisfactorily to the level of competence involved. Larger numbers may be
admitted if extra staff and tutorial periods are provided to deal with participants of
an individual basis.
Student/teacher ratio shall be 10:1 for the theory lessons while demonstrations
and practical shall conducted with a ratio of 5:1
ii. be professionally and academically qualified in the task for which training
is being conducted;
7.1 Facility
iii. Mooring boat, Ship Model, mooring rope and wire rope, bollard model
8.2 Equipment
Portable VHF Radio, PPE, mooring rope, manila rope, wire rope and seaman
8.3 References to relevant legislation and guidance
The assessment will be done by professional judgment of the trainer using the
following method;
i. Attendance - 100%
17.1 A Safe Mooring Practice for Mooring Personnel attendance certificate shall be
awarded to the participants at the end of the course.