Arcega, Russel C. Bsba - MM 3-1

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Arcega, Russel C.

BSBA – MM 3-1

3-minute story

In this time of pandemic, it is a struggle for me and my brother overcoming the

new mode of learning which is the online class or e-learning. Especially in terms of
having some technical issues just like when there is a problem with the internet provider
or the internet connection. In Polytechnic University of the Philippines, there was a
misunderstanding with choosing of the mode of learning. Some of the students wants to
choose online class for their mode of learning but the university didn’t give them the
chance to choose what would be convenient for their students. We are lucky because
we get the type of learning that we want, but still it is hard for us to cope up with this
new normal learning. But like many other students, we don’t have a high bandwidth or a
strong internet connection that online courses require, and because of that we
sometimes fail to catch up with our virtual classmates. Sometimes, there are also a
technical problem with the apps that is being used during the online class. Just like what
is happening in one of my subjects. I’ve already sent a request to join the teams but my
professor told me that they didn’t got the request. Also, since we are using e-learning,
we tend to use also these apps for sending our tasks, assignments and activities but the
problem is there are errors in terms of sending these files. Instead of the students were
able to learn easily because of the e-learning, it gets problematic because of these
technical problems. I think it is really effective that there are sometimes that classes are
synchronous and asynchronous. Professors used synchronous to discuss and give
update but at the same time we are able to manage our time for us to do our given
tasks. The professors should familiarize their selves with the application that we are
using for the e-learning.
Big Idea

The Synchronous and Asynchronous type of learning helps the students to make
their learning experience more convenient and easier, even though it is very helpful for
the students, I still suggest that the university should still improve this new mode of
learning and professors should study more and familiarize their selves with these
applications that we are using in this e-learning.
Story Board

Problem Technical Issues

Coping Up with Online -Slow internet connection

classes because of -Errors on Applications that we
Technical Issues are using during e-learning

Solutions Describe Synchronous

Using synchronous and Synchronous learning is online or

asynchronous type of distance education that happens in real
learning time, often with a set class schedule and
required login times.

Describe Asynchronous Recommendations

Asynchronous learning does not
The university should still improve this
require real-time interaction; instead,
new mode of learning and professors
content is available online for
should study more and familiarize their
students to access when it best suits
selves with these applications that we
their schedules, and assignments are
are using in this e-learning
completed to deadlines.

Explain the importance of storyboarding in presenting your data.

Indeed, the single most important thing you can do up front is storyboarding to

ensure that the dialogue you make is on track. A framework for the contact is defined by
the storyboard. It is a visual overview of the material that you plan to create. As you dig

through the specifics, it will be open to adjustment, but creating a framework early on

can set you up for success. If you can and make sense, your customer or stakeholder

can support it at this point. It would help to make sure that your proposals are in

accordance with your specifications.

Explain further the concept of 3- minute Story and Big Idea. How could it impact the audience?

Build a good picture of who you want to know or do, the way you interact with

them and the evidence you use to back up your point. Using principles such as 3-minute

plot, Big Picture, and story-boarding to express and organize the content and flow you


Almost everyone will place any data in a graphics program and construct a

graph. This will totally ruin or make the most exciting story worse. Your data contain a

narrative. But what the story is, tools don't know. It takes us – the researcher or

intelligence communicator – to bring this tale to life creatively and contextually.

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