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1.0 Input 1.1 Design Soil Parameters: 0.0 0.0 Ground Level

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1.1 Design Soil Parameters

Soil Parameters Interaction Parameters

Reduced Level Depth of layer from ground
Sl.No. Description c f g Sub k d a

From To From To t/m2 deg. t/m3 deg.

1 Loose Sand 0 -1.5 0.0 1.5 0 31 1.8 0.484961925 31 0

2 Very Loose sand -1.5 -4.5 1.5 4.5 0 27 1.8 0.5460095 27 0

3 Loose Sand -4.5 -6 4.5 6.0 0 31 1.8 0.484961925 31 0

4 Medium Dense Sand -6 -7 6.0 7.0 0 36 1.8 0.412214748 36 0

1.2 Pile Details

Existing ground level = 0 m

Pile Diameter, D = 0.116 m
Pile Cut-off level = 0.0 m
Dredge level = 0.0 m
Scour level = 0.0 m
Pile Tip level = 7.0 m
Depth from G.L.corresponding to F.L. = -7.0 m
Pile Embedment length = -7.0 m
Total Pile Length, L = -7.0 m
Pile Density = 7.86 t/m
Factor of Safety = 2.5

Pile Fixity condition at top = fixed (Fixed or Free)

Grade of Concrete = 2.4 t/m
Modulus of subgrade reaction at fixity zone = 2800 t/m3
Type of soil in fixity zone = Sand (Sand or Clay)
Unsupported Length of Pile, L1 = 0.0 m
Allowable displacement of pile at head = 7.0 mm
(For Horizontal capacity)

1.3 Sketch
0.0 Ground Level 0 m

0.0 -1.5 m

-4.5 m

-6 m

-7 m
7.0 m Pile Tip Level
2.0 Calculation of Vertical Capacity

Ultimate Capacity of Pile , Qult = Qb + Qs - Wp

Whetre, Qb = Ultimate End Bearing

Qs = Ultimate Skin Resistance
Wp = Self weight of Pile

Qsafe = Qult / FOS

Where, FOS = Factor of Safety

2.1 Calculation of Skin Resistances

2.1.1 Layer-1:
Layer thickness, L1 = 1.5 m
Pile embedment in the layer, h1 = 1.5 m

Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs1 = (a* c1 + K * Pd1 * tand ) x As1

Where, Reduction factor, a = 0

Cohesion, c1 = 0 t/m
Coefficient of Lateral earth pressure, K = 0.484962
Unit weight of soil , g1 = 1.8 t/m
Effective Overburden Pressure at middle of layer, Pd1
Pd1 = h1/2 *g1 = 1.35 t/m
Angle of wall friction, d = 31 deg.
Surface area of Pile in layer 1, As1 = pi * D * h1 = 0.54636 m

Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs1 = (a*c1 + K*Pd1*tand ) x As1 = 0.214795 t

2.1.2 Layer-2:
Layer thickness, L2 = 3 m
Pile embedment in the layer, h1 = 3 m

Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs2 = (a* c2 + K * Pd2 * tand ) x As2

Where, Reduction factor, a = 0

Cohesion, c2 = 0 t/m
Coefficient of Lateral earth pressure, K = 0.54601
Unit weight of soil, g2 = 1.8 t/m
Effective Overburden Pressure at middle of layer, Pd2
Pd2 = Pd1 + h1/2 *g1 + h2/2 *g2 = 5.4 t/m
Angle of wall friction, d = 27 deg.
Surface area of Pile in layer 2, As2 = pi * D * h2 = 1.09272 m

Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs2 = (a*c2 + K*Pd2*tand ) x As2 = 1.640636 t

2.1.3 Layer-3:
Layer thickness, L3 = 1.5 m
Pile embedment in the layer, h3 = 1.5 m

Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs3 = (a* c3 + K * Pd3 * tand ) x As3

Where, Reduction factor, a = 0

Cohesion, c3 = 0 t/m
Coefficient of Lateral earth pressure, K = 0.484962
Unit weight of soil, g3 = 1.8 t/m
Effective Overburden Pressure at middle of layer, Pd3
Pd3 = Pd2 + h2/2 *g2 + h3/2 *g3 = 9.45 t/m
Angle of wall friction, d = 31 deg.
Surface area of Pile in layer 3, As3 = pi * D * h3 = 0.54636 m

Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs3 = (a*c3 + K*Pd3*tand ) x As3 = 1.503565 t

2.1.4 Layer-4:
Layer thickness, L4 = 1 m
Pile embedment in the layer, h4 = 1 m

Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs4 = (a* c4 + K * Pd4 * tand ) x As4

Where, Reduction factor, a = 0

Cohesion, c4 = 0 t/m
Coefficient of Lateral earth pressure, K = 0.412215
Unit weight of soil, g4 = 1.8 t/m
Effective Overburden Pressure at middle of layer, Pd4
Pd4 = Pd3 + h3/2 *g3 + h4/2 *g4 = 11.7 t/m
Angle of wall friction, d = 36 deg.
Surface area of Pile in layer 4, As4 = pi * D * h4 = 0.36424 m

Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs4 = (a*c4 + K*Pd4*tand ) x As4 = 1 t

Total Ultimate Skin resistance, Qs = Qs1 +Qs2 +Qs3 +….. +Qsn = 4.63 t
2.2 Ultimate End Bearing Resistance

Ultimate End bearing Resistance, Qb = (c* Nc + Pd * Nq ) * Ap

Where, Cohesion at Pile Toe, c = 0 t/m
Bearing Capacity Factor, Nc = 0
Effective overburden pressure at Pile tip, Pd
Pd = Pd6 + h6/2 *g6 = 12.6 t/m
Angle of internal friction at pile toe,f = 36
Bearing Capacity Factor, Nq = 45
Area of Pile at toe, Ap = 0.010563 m

Ultimate End bearing Resistance, Qb = (c* Nc + Pd * Nq ) * Ap = 5.99 t

2.3 Self Weight of the Pile, Wp

Self weight of the Pile , W p = Ap * L * gp

Where, Area of pile, Ap = 0.002072 m
Total Length of Pile , L = 7 m
Unit Weight of Pile material, gp = 7.86 t/m

Self weight of the Pile , W p = Ap * L * gp = 0.11 t

2.4 Ultimate Capacity of the Pile , Qult = Qb + Qs - Wp

Where, Ultimate End Bearing, Qb = 5.99 t

Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs = 4.63 t
Self weight of the Pile, Wp = 0.11 t

Ultimate Capacity of the Pile , Qult = Qb + Qs - W p = 10.51 t

2.5 Safe Capacity of Pile, Qsafe = Qult / FOS

Where, Ultimate Capacity of Pile, Qult = 11 t

Factor of Safety = 2.5

Safe Capacity of Pile, Qsafe = Qult / FOS = 4 t

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