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Morphea-Like Lesions After Botulinum Toxin A Injections: Ase Series

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Morphea-like lesions after botulinum toxin

A injections
Marina Landau, MD,a Ekaterina Emelyanova, MD,b and Ranella Hirsch, MDc
Herzliya, Israel; Volgograd, Russia; and Cambridge, Massachusetts
Key words: atrophic lesion; atrophy; botulinum toxin A; morphea; silicone.

Abbreviation used:
There is a marked global increase in the admin-
istration of botulinum toxin A (BTXA) for the man- BTXA: botulinum toxin A
agement of facial rhytids. In proper hands, this
procedure is safe, with rare, mild, and self-limiting
adverse effects. Because of the extensive worldwide resolution of the lesions (Fig 1, B). The lesions
use of BTXA, it is noteworthy when a new possible existed overall about 4 weeks.
adverse event is reported. We describe a thus-far
unpublished side effect of aesthetic BTXA injections, Case 2
specifically the development of morphea-like le- A 36-year-old white woman with a noncontribu-
sions, a phenomenon identified in 3 separate events tory medical history and 3 prior uneventful sessions
at unrelated medical centers. of BTXA injections, presented with a depression on
her forehead 1 week after her fourth injection session
(In the United States). On examination, noted just
CASE SERIES above the right eyebrow, there was a marked area of
Case 1 dermal tissue loss (Fig 2, A). Concern was for coup
A healthy 35-year-old white woman with an de sabre or an alternative presentation of new-onset
unremarkable medical history and 3-year history of morphea and a representative biopsy obtained for
successful treatments with BTXA at another medical histopathologic examination.
facility, was referred to our clinic (Israel) for the Pathologic examination found a normal distribu-
diagnosis and management of asymptomatic lesions tion of dermal collagen, adnexal structures, and
on her lateral forehead. Notably, 6 weeks before the underlying subcutis. Elastic tissue staining found
examination, she had been injected with BTXA for elastic tissue fibers in normal number and distribu-
the softening of glabellar and forehead rhytids. By tion and no evidence of morphea obtained (Fig 2, B).
report, 3 weeks after the initial injection, a touch-up Over the course of the next 3 months, the patient
treatment was performed to enhance the results on showed gradual resolution of the lesions. Of note,
the forehead with the resulting lesions appearing the patient has continued to have BTXA treatments
1 week thereafter. with excellent cosmetic outcomes.
On examination, 3 round atrophic plaques
ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 cm in diameter were noted Case 3
on the left upper forehead without any associated A 31-year old white woman with a history notable
textural changes (Fig 1, A). The injecting physician for atopic dermatitis received BTXA injections for the
confirmed that there had been no intentional or treatment of glabella, forehead, and periorbital
unintentional injection of any pharmaceutical agent wrinkles (Russia). This was her second injection
other than BTXA. The patient was scheduled for skin session with BTXA, the prior one was 2 years earlier.
biopsy to exclude new-onset morphea; however, At her 2-week follow-up, satisfactory outcomes
prior to the performance of the biopsy there was full were observed. One week subsequently, a

From Dermatology, Herzliyaa; Dermatology, Volgogradb; and JAAD Case Reports 2020;6:1185-7.
Dermatology, Cambridge.c 2352-5126
Funding sources: None. Ó 2020 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published
Conflicts of interest: None disclosed. by Elsevier, Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
Correspondence to: Marina Landau, MD, Arena Dermatology, 2 NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/
Hashunit street, Herzliya, Israel. E-mail: dr.marinaclinic@gmail. 4.0/).
com. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdcr.2020.08.029

1186 Landau, Emelyanova, and Hirsch JAAD CASE REPORTS

Fig 1. A, Initial presentation 6 weeks after BTXA injections to the. glabella and forehead. Three
atrophic plaques of the upper forehead. B, Follow-up 4 weeks later. Spontaneous resolution of
atrophic plaques.

Fig 2. A, Initial presentation 1 week after BTXA injection to glabella. and forehead. A dent
above the right brow. B, Skin biopsy. Normal distribution of dermal collagen, adnexal
structures, and elastic tissue.

Fig 3. A, Initial presentation 3 weeks after BTXA injection to glabella, forehead, and periorbital
area. A 1-cm diameter round atrophic lesion is seen in the lower part of the central forehead. B,
Follow-up 2 weeks later. Spontaneous resolution of the defect.

depression developed in the treatment area of the that report, injections were performed (among other
forehead. On examination, a round atrophic area sites) to the corrugator musculature. At the follow-up
1 cm in diameter without any overlying epidermal visit, bilateral round indentations were noted at the
changes was noted in the lower part of the central corrugator injection sites. The indentations
forehead (Fig 3, A). On the follow-up visit 2 weeks described are remarkably similar to the findings in
later, the defect had entirely resolved (Fig 3, B). our patients.
Most BTXA-related side effects can be explained
DISCUSSION by their mechanisms of action.2 When BTXA is
We describe 3 discrete cases of atrophic circular injected into skeletal muscles, such as the masseter
depressions on the forehead, appearing subsequent or gastrocnemius, transient muscular atrophy is
to aesthetic BTXA injections. Patients’ histories and intentionally produced. BTXA is used in this manner
previous treatment sessions were uneventful, and to recontour the lower face or refine the shape of the
histology obtained from one of the patients pre- calves.3,4 Atrophy of another skeletal muscle, the
cluded an unrelated skin disorder. temporalis muscle, was also reported as a result of
A single publication describes atrophic lesions in BTXA injection to treat migraine headaches, causing
a patient treated by BTXA for tension headaches.1 In an hourglass deformity of the upper face.5
JAAD CASE REPORTS Landau, Emelyanova, and Hirsch 1187

Clinically visible atrophy of the mimetic muscles represent a previously unreported adverse effect of
after cosmetic BTXA injections has not yet been BTXA. Reported from 3 unrelated medical centers,
reported in the dermatologic literature. Yet, when the cases carry striking clinical resemblance. We
assessed by magnetic resonance imaging, the vol- propose that the pathologic mechanism is either
ume of the mimetic procerus muscle decreases after related to focal neurogenic atrophy of the injected
a single BTXA injection for about 12 months.6 muscle or to dislocation of minuscule amount of
We hypothesize that focal atrophy of the muscle syringe lubricant into the injected drug. If the latter is
can be rarely induced by BTXA injections because of the mechanism, flushing of the syringe, or avoiding
a transient lack of neural stimulation (neurogenic of tapping on it, would likely minimize the risk of its
atrophy). This hypothesis is supported by the round occurrence.8
shape of the atrophic depressions that follow the
action halo of the neuroprotein.7 REFERENCES
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