Full Stack Development in 7 Days

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A week course aims to cover all basics to advance

concepts for developing a complete project from
scratch. The course includes working on version
control system and connecting to database, sending
emails and eventually deploying on server.

Day 1 – Version Control System .............................................................................................................. 2
Day 2 – HTML, CSS & LESS....................................................................................................................... 2
Day 3 – Using Template & PHP Intro ...................................................................................................... 2
Day 4 – DB & DBMS & CRUD ................................................................................................................... 2
Day 5 – Let PHP Talk to DB ...................................................................................................................... 3
Day 6 – Let Form Talk to Server .............................................................................................................. 3
Day 7 – Deployment................................................................................................................................ 3
Day 1 – Version Control System
• What is a version control system and why we use it? Using bitbucket or GitHub. I will be
using bitbucket and letting participants to play with GitHub their own.
• Creation and cloning of repository on dev machine using terminal. Introduction of Git
Extension for windows user.
• Using git commands like git add, commit, push and pull etc. using terminal.
• Git branches and merging a branch to another branch.
• Working with visual code.
• Introduction of WAMP, XAMPP for Windows users. For Linux user’s introduction of entire
LAMP stack and setting a dev environment on local machine via terminal and using apt
• Introduction of virtual host and setting it up on dev machine via terminal.

Day 2 – HTML, CSS & LESS

• Introduction of HTML and CSS. Setting up a workspace in visual code.
• Connecting HTML with CSS. Using internal, external and inline CSS.
• CSS with OOPS.
• BEM of CSS.
• Using LESS to let multiple users work together on same CSS in real time development
environment of a typical software company.
• Using LESS compiler on terminal & WinLess on windows to compile LESS to CSS.

Day 3 – Using Template & PHP Intro

• Working with readymade HTML templates to save design time.
• Letting participants aware about their future in web development and what should be their
future targets in order to make a sound career in web development.
• Introduction of Parallax design.
• Introduction of PHP, why it is used and what are the benefits. Why not Python for web
• Myth in market about languages and choosing the right fit for right project. Introduction
about Polyglot programming.
• Starting Basic PHP, running and debugging it. Finding errors in error logs.

Day 4 – DB & DBMS & CRUD

• Introduction of Data, DB and DBMS.
• CRUD commands
• Introduction and use of PMA and DBeaver
• Connecting to DB via terminal and writing SQL commands.
Day 5 – Let PHP Talk to DB
• Using loops in PHP.
• Advance PHP with OOPS.
• Introduction of MySQLi to talk to DB.
• Using PDO and its methods to talk to DB
• Using PHP Filters to check security

Day 6 – Let Form Talk to Server

• Creation and playing with HTML Forms and doing HTML level validation.
• Difference between GET and POST.
• Form validation using jQuery library.
• Form handling via server-side language, PHP.
• Let submitted data talk to DB via PHP.
• Send email using PHP Library.

Day 7 – Deployment
• Introduction of domain and web hosting. What is the advantage of purchasing domain and
web hosting from same company? Difference between Linux and Windows Hosting. Types of
Web Hosting.
• What are name servers and why do we need it? Domain redelegation & domain transfer.
• To purchase domain and webhosting from two different places and mapping them together
to make it work and cutting the cost.
• Introduction and working with cPanel and FTP clients.
• cPanel tools like creating sub domains, email accounts, FTP accounts, File manager, File
permissions and etc.
• Setting up databases, creating a database user and adding user and DB together.
• Deployment

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