Final Year Project ADERMCB

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Satdobato,Lalitpur, Nepal




Submitted to Department of Civil Engineering

In the partial fulfillment of Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering

Submitted by: Project Supervisor:

Aashish Adhikari 130532 Er. Anil Gautam

Bikash Bohora 130526

Jitendra Thapa 130531

Paras Sharma Sapkota 130512

Prabin Bikram K.C. 130518

Ravi Kumar Thakur 130517

This is to certify that the report entitled “Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resistance
Multi-Storey Commercial Building” which is submitted in the partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the award of degree in B.E. in civil to Pokhara University, Dhungepatan,
lekhnath, kaski comprises only my original work and due acknowledgement has made in the
text to all other material used.

Date: November, 2017

Project Group Members

Aashish Adhikari 130532

Bikash Bohora 130526

Jitendra Thapa 130531

Paras Sharma Sapkota 130512

Prabin Bikram KC 130518

Ravi Kumar Thakur 130517

Approved By



Cosmos College of Management And Technology


This is to certify that the project entitled “ANALYSIS & DESIGN OF EARTHQUAKE
SAPKOTA(130512), BIKASH BOHARA (130526), students of BE Civil_013, is accepted as
their final project report for the award of degree in Bachelors in Civil Engineering under
Pokhara University.

The project is carried under my supervision and the materials they have included in this report
are the outcome of last semester’s authentic work.


Er. Anil Gautam



External Examiner


Er. Siddhartha Rimal

Head of Department

Cosmos College of Management & Technology

Date: November, 2017


This report has been prepared as part of project work to fulfill the requirement of course syllabus
prescribed to Civil Engineering final year course. Among several projects which were offered to
us, we have chosen the project entitled “Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resistance Multi-
Storey Commercial Building” under the guidance of our dedicated supervisor and Department of
Civil Engineering.

Comparing various models of building structures, we found commercial building as the most
challenging project. Thus, we have given preference to the construction of the frame structured
five-storey commercial building with basement, shear wall, lift. Building frame is the three
dimensional structure as space which consist of rigidly interconnected beams, slab and columns.
It produces greater number of the redundancy thus reduces the moments and facilitates the even
distribution of the load.

This project enabled us to acquire knowledge on proper analysis and design of building for
earthquake safety including the capability of solving and tackling the field problem to somewhat.
It has taught us to work in team which will surely help us in the future to come.

The results of calculation are presented in tabular form and sample calculations are provided in
details to reduce the bulkiness of the report. Sufficient figure and sketches have been introduced
to illustrate the theories. Reference to the appropriate clauses of standard codes of practices has
been made wherever necessary. It is clear that for understanding the process physically and
realizing the structure behavior, manual steps by steps procedure is necessary. However due to the
time constraint and to be familiar to the modern technology, the structural analysis and design part
is performed using computer software “SAP 2000 V-19”. The burden of repeated calculations in
analysis has been reduced due to use of computer software. Report is focused on the design of
slab, beam (primary and secondary), column (square), staircase (open newel and dog-legged),
concrete roof and foundation (raft foundation).

We gratefully acknowledge our Civil Department Head Er. Siddhartha Rimal Cosmos College
of Management And Technology for permitting us for building project and encouraging us by
providing Er. Anil Gautam a well experienced professional in building design as project
supervisor. His constructive and influencing suggestions and supervision have helped us to fulfill
goals of our project. We would like to express a deep sense of gratitude to our HOD Er.
Siddhartha Rimal for his tremendous encouragement and cooperation throughout the project.

We would like to express a heartfelt thanks to Research Department Head Er. Rabindra Adhikari
for helping in every problem arising during project formulation and for valuable suggestions. We
are also thankful to him for providing training for SAP2000 and for valuable suggestion on
problem associated to SAP analysis.

We also want to thank all the teaching staff and non-teaching staff associated with civil engineering
department of Cosmos for their kind help and support and all the friends of BE Civil_013 and
other who helped us directly and indirectly.

We are also would like to extend our gratitude to the college administration for providing college
library for providing books and references.

We also acknowledge our gratitude towards our own group for such a unite coordination among
the group members during the project. At last but not the least, we also acknowledge our heartily
gratitude towards our family members for their continuous support not only during this project but
also during our academic career and finally thanks to all those who assisted directly or indirectly
while preparing this report.


Aashish Adhikari 130532

Bikash Bohara 130526

Jitendra Thapa 130531

Prabin Bikram K.C 130518

Paras Sharma Sapkota 130512

Ravi Kumar Thakur 130517


The report presents the analysis and design of a commercial RC framed building for earthquake
resistance. Undertaken as a partial fulfillment of Bachelor in Civil Engineering (BE CV) 8th
semester of course requirement. A selected frame is considered for manual analysis for preliminary
sizing of element. The same frame is checked using the Structural Analysis Program (SAP2000 v
19). Meanwhile, MS-EXCEL is used for general calculation. In the view of seismic vulnerability
of the country, seismic load on the building was given due consideration, in addition to the wind
load. Load calculation was done as according to IS: 875-1987 (code of practice for Design Loads
for building & structure) and IS: 1893-2016 (criteria for Earthquake resistant- Design and
structure). Modeling & Analysis was done with the help of SAP2000 structural analysis software.
Design is based on Limit state of Method. Detailing has been carried out as according to SP 34 (S
& T)-1987 (Handbook on concrete Reinforced & Detailing) and IS: 1392-1993(Ductile Detailing
of RC structure subjected to seismic forces). In addition, relevant issues of NBC are referred in the
case of regional varying behavior of design approaches. Thus the report seems to be a valuable
achievement from Civil Engineering prospective.
Page No:


1 Introduction 1-2
1.1 Background 3
1.2 Objective of project work 4
1.3 Principle of Earthquake resistance building 4
1.4 Identification of loads 4
1.5 Methodology 4-8
1.5.1 Selection of building and data collection 4
1.5.2 Study of Architectural Drawing 4
1.5.3 Preliminary design 4
1.5.4 Load calculation 5
1.5.5 Loading pattern 6
1.5.6 Load cases 6
1.5.7 Modeling and analysis of building 8
1.5.8 Design 8
1.6 Earthquake resistance design philosophy 9-10
1.6.1 Configuration 9
1.6.2 Connection 10
1.6.3 Construction quality 10
1.7 Brief description of the proposed project 11
1.8 Description of structural elements 12-15
1.9 Units 16
1.10 Interpretation 16
1.11 Detailing 16

2.1 Background 17

2.2 Design philosophy 17

2.3 Loads 17-18

2.4 Load combinations 19

2.5 Codes used 19-23


3.1 Design Data 24
3.2 Preliminary Design of Structural Elements 26-30
3.2.1 Slab 26
3.2.2 Beam 27
3.2.3 Column 28
3.3 Load calculation 28-30
3.3.1 Seismic Load 29-30

Chapter 4: MODELLING

4.1 Introduction 36
4.2 Sample Input and Sample Output 37-49


5.1 Slab 50-58

5.2 Beam 59-75
5.3 Staircase (Open well and Doglegged) 76-84
5.4 Mat Foundation 85-89
5.5 Column 89-93

Chapter 6: DRAWINGS

Chapter 7: CONCLUSION 95


Ast = Area of steel

bf = Breadth of slab/compression face/flange

bw = Breadth of web or rib

D = Overall depth of beam or slab

Df = Thickness of flange

DL = Dead load

LL = Live load

EQ X = Earthquake load in X direction

EQ Y = Earthquake load in Y direction

d = Effective depth of beam or slab

d’ = Depth of compression reinforcement

Ec = Modulus of elasticity of concrete

EL = Earthquake load

Es = Modulus of elasticity of steel

e = Eccentricity

fck = Characteristics compressive strength of concrete

fy = Character strength of steel

I = Moment of inertia

K = Constant or coefficient or factor

Ld = Development length

leff = Effective span of beam nor slab or effective length of column

lx = Length of shorter side of slab

ly = Length of longer side of slab

αx , αy = Bending moment coefficient

l0 = Distance between points of zero moments in beam

M = Bending moment

P = Axial load on a compression member

q0 = Calculated maximum bearing pressure of soil

Asv = Total cross sectional area of stirrup legs or bent-up bars within a distance Sv

Ac = Area of concrete

Sv = Spacing of stir ups

Vus = Strength of shear reinforcement

T = Torsional moment

t = Thickness of wall

V = Shear force

W = Total load

WL = Wind load

w = Uniformly-distributed load

wu = Ultimate load

Mu = Ultimate bending moment

Mlim = Limiting bending moment

X = Depth of neutral axis

Xlim = Limiting neutral axis depth

Ʈbd = Design bond stress

Ʈc = Shear stress in concrete

Ʈc,max = Maximum shear stress in concrete with reinforcement

Ʈv = Nominal shear stress

Ф = Diameter of bar
IS = Indian Standard

ƴ = Unit weight

Pc = Percentage of Compression Reinforcement

Pt = Percentage of Tension Reinforcement

Q = Design Lateral Force

R = Response Reduction Factor

Sa/g = Average Response Acceleration Coefficient

Sv = Spacing of Each Bar

Ta = Fundamental Natural Period of Vibrations

V′ = Additional Shear

VB = Design Seismic Base Shear

W = Seismic Weight of Floor

Xu = Actual Depth of Neutral Axis

Xul = Ultimate Depth of Neutral Axis

Z = Zone Factor

RCC = Reinforced Cement Concrete

L = length


Force in ‘KN ‘

Moment in ‘KN-m ‘

Length in ‘ m ‘

Bar Dia. in ‘mm ‘

Spacing in ‘mm ‘

The outputs of SAP 2000 are corresponding to force in KN and Length in m.

All dimensions are in mm units unless specified


1.1 Background

Nowadays, for the development of any nation, it is essential to construct the infrastructures
regarding various construction works. To carry out such works engineers and various
technicians play an important role entirely through the governmental or private sector.
Governments having inadequate resources, nowadays, private sectors are immensely
activated towards the construction on contract basis.

Earthquake is a natural phenomenon as old as the history of the earth itself. It occurs rarely at
any particular location. However the effects of these events are very destructive. Amongst
the other natural disasters, earthquake is the most unpredictable one with maximum risk.
Massive loss of lives and properties occurs. It is one of the dominant constraints while
designing the frame building in the earthquake prone zone like Nepal. As well as Nepal is a
disaster prone country. The various causes for disaster are landslides epidemic and fires
which causes considerable losses to life and property in Nepal every year. But one of the
major and devastating is earthquake. Hence, nowadays, designers and engineers are giving
more emphasis towards the earthquake resistance while analyzing and designing any
structure to minimize the seismic impact.

Nepal is located between the Indian and Tibetan plate, along which a relative strain of about
2 cm per year has been estimated. The Indian plate is also sub ducting at the rate through
about 3 cm per year. The existence of Himalayan range with the world’s highest peak is
evidence of high tectonics beneath the country. As well Nepal lies in the fifth zone which is
at high risk of vulnerability and this can cause havoc to the people living here causing death,
loss of property, injuries, loss of the public as well as historical monuments. So there is
higher demand for the earthquake resistance design of the building for saving from these
devastating disasters.

Building designs are increasingly becoming more efficient. To increase design efficiency,
light-weight floor systems utilize components such as joists and composite construction to
increase both strength and span lengths. While strength is not a limiting factor in these floor
systems, serviceability may be compromised. Due to decreased floor mass and longer span
lengths, floor vibrations have become an area of concern. One being a good designer has to
deal with various structures ranging from simple ones like the curtailment rods, and electric
poles to more complex ones like multi-storied frame buildings, shell roofs, bridges etc. These
structures are subjected to various loads like concentrated loads, uniformly distributed loads,
uniformly varying loads, internal or earthquake load and dynamic forces which are
considered during the design phase. The structure transfers its load to the supports and


ultimately to the ground. While transferring the loads, the members of the structure are
subjected to internal forces like axial forces, shearing forces, bending and torsional moments
which are discussed while analyzing the structures.

First of all the most appropriate structural system and initial proportioning of members is
done. Generally the initial drawing of architecture is referred. After that the loads are
estimated based on functionality and purpose of building based on codes. Then the process of
structural analysis and design evolves. . While analysis, frames are analyzed for earthquake
as lateral or horizontal load. During the earthquake, structural and non-structural damages
occur in which both of them are hazardous to occupants. When earthquake shaking occurs, a
building gets thrown from side to side or up and down i.e. ground moves violently side by
side and building stay at rest. Thus the building gets thrown back and forth by the motion of
the ground with some part of building lagging behind and then moving in the opposite
direction. The level of damage depends upon how well the building has been designed and

In our context, the analysis of earthquake is based on seismic coefficient design methods as
described in IS 1893:2016. According to 1893:2016, Nepal lie's on Vth zone the severest one.
Hence the effect of earthquake is pre-dominant than the wind load. So the building as
analyzed for earthquake as lateral load. The lumped masses are calculated in floor level and
with the help of horizontal base shear, the lateral load (earthquake load) is calculated as well
as distributed.

The project report has been prepared in complete conformity with various provisions in
Indian Standards as code of practice for plain & reinforced concrete IS 456:2002, code of
practice for design loads IS 875 part-2:1987, design aids for reinforcement concrete (SP 16)
IS 456-1978, Handbook on concrete reinforcement and detailing SP 34 (1987) are thoroughly
referred for proper analysis, design and detailing of structural elements viz. beam, slab,
column, staircase, foundation, with respect to safety, strength, stability, ductility & economy
in addition to adequate serviceability requirements cracking and deflection in concrete
structures. All the codes are based on the principles of limit state of design.

The project report possess modeling output SAP20000, analysis result, load calculations,
architectural drawings, structural drawings and simple calculations of various structural
elements and their detailing as well.


1.2 Objective of the Project Work

The main aim of project work under the title is to acquire knowledge and skill with emphasis
on practical application. Besides the utilization of analytical methods and design; approaches,
exposures and application of various available codes of practice is another aim of the work.

The building project work assigned to us is as per the course of syllabus for B.E. Civil-
Engineering fourth year last semester. It enables us to use the theoretical knowledge gained
in previous semesters.


 To achieve a practical knowledge on structural analysis, design and detailing of

structural components using principle of earthquake resistant design.


 Modeling of the building for the structural analysis.

 Sectional design and structural detailing of the members.

The project work entitled “Analysis and Design of Multi-Storey Commercial Building”. The
building is analyzed and designed in this project is for commercial purpose. The project will
assist in gaining knowledge about detail analysis and design of framed structure and develops
confidence on student.


1. Identification of the building and requirement of the space.

2. Structural analysis and Design of commercial building for earthquake resistance.

2. Determination of the structural system of the building to undertake the vertical and
horizontal loads.

3. Estimation of loads including those due to earthquake.

4. Calculation of base shear and vertical distribution of equivalent earthquake load.

5. The structural analysis of building by SAP 2000 V19 for different cases of load.

6. Design of RC frame members, walls, mat foundation, staircase and other by limit state
method of design.

7. Detailing of individual members and preparation of drawings as a part of construction



1.3 Principles of Earthquake Resistant Building

Every building structure is expected to experiences moderate to major earthquake during its
life period.

Design of building structures should follow the principle of earthquake resistant design. A
well designed earthquake resistant building should be able to:

a. Resist minor earthquake without damage.

b. Resist major earthquake without collapse but with some structural as well as non-
structural damage.

1.4 Identification of loads

a. Dead loads are calculated as per IS: 875 (Part 1) -1987

b. Seismic load according to IS: 1893(Part 1) - 2016 considering zone V

c. Imposed/Live load according to IS: 875 (Part 2) – 1987

1.5 Methodology

To proceeds any sorts of work, various methods or steps are adopted from its initial stage to
final stage. Following are some of the methods been adopted during the analysis and design
of Five-storey commercial building.

1.5.1. Selection of building and data collection

After having proper concept about the project, the building was selected then the data
required for the analysis and designing of the building were collected.

1.5.2. Study of Architectural Drawing

Architectural drawings of the building were properly studied. Rooms within this commercial
and office building were allocated to various purposes such as Bedroom, administration,
store room, kitchen, restaurant etc.

1.5.3. Preliminary design

Estimation of various structural elements such as beam and slab were designed and checks
were done with the help of deflection criteria and moment criteria. For the column, vertical
axial capacity was taken for the design and percentage of steel was checked.


1.5.4. Load calculation

After the study of architectural drawing and preliminary design, load calculations were done
using the IS 875:1987 as reference. The exact value of unit weights of the materials from the
code was used in the calculation. The thickness of materials was taken as per design

There are three types of loads for which are considered in this analysis.

1. Dead load

2. Live load

3. Lateral load Dead load

Dead load consists of the self-weight of the column, beam, slab and wall. Dimensions of
column, beam, and slab were taken from preliminary design. For wall load, thickness of wall
was taken from plan, deduction of opening was done according to the average size of
opening in the outer and inner walls and deduction was not made in solid wall. In the case of
the partition wall in the middle of slab, the total weight of the wall was calculated as
uniformly distributed load and assign over the nearest beam. Live load

Live load was determined by using code for design loads (IS 875:2000 part 2) for various
types and purposes of rooms. Lateral load

Lateral load acting in the building is earthquake/seismic load and wind load. Earthquake load
is determined by calculating lumped mass at floor level and horizontal base shear (IS 1893).
It was done by Response Spectrum Method. Wind load (IS 875 Part 3) is obtained by design
wind speed and design wind pressure. Earthquake load being the pre-dominant one between
the two lateral loads, hence its effect was only considered. For the analysis of earthquake
load, following methods is generally carried out:

1. Seismic Coefficient method (Static)

2. Response Spectrum method (Dynamic)


1.5.5. Loading pattern

The loading is applied to the slab elements directly. The load on slab is taken as per the
requirement stated in IS875:1987(Part I & II). The uniformly distributed dead and live load
acting on the slab are transferred to the beams holding the slab. The slab load is distributed
on the floor beams as shown in figure below. The smaller beam holds the triangular load and
the longer beams hold the trapezoidal load as shown in figure. The beam element also resists
the self-weight and the wall load including all the finish loads on wall such as external and
internal plaster.


1.5.6. Load Cases

Load cases are independent loading for which the structure is explicitly analyzed. Earthquake
forces occur in random fashion in all directions. For building whose lateral load resisting
elements are oriented in two principal directions. It is usually sufficient to analyze in these
two principal directions (X and Y direction) separately one at a time. Thus the load cases
adopted are as follows.

1. Dead load (DL)

2. Live load (LL)

3. Earthquake load in X direction (EQX)

4. Earthquake load in Y direction (EQY)

Following load combinations are adopted for design as per IS 456: 2000, Table 18, Limit
State of Collapse:

a) 1.5(DL ± LL)

b) 1.5(DL ± EQX)

c) 1.5(DL ± EQY)

d) 1.2(DL + LL ± EQX)

e) 1.2(DL + LL ± EQY)

f) 0.9 DL ± 1.5 EQX

g) 0.9 DL ± 1.5 EQY


1.5.7. Modeling and Analysis of building

For the purpose of Seismic analysis of our building we have used the structural analysis
program SAP 2000. It has a special option for modeling horizontal rigid floor diaphragm
system. A floor diaphragm is modeled as a rigid horizontal plane parallel to global X-Y
plane, so that all points on any floor diaphragm cannot displace relative to each other in X-Y
plane. Initially, the characteristics of the materials used were defined such as concrete – M20
and reinforcement – Fe500. Then, the load cases as well as their combinations with load
factors were introduced. Next, structures were analyzed for different load combinations and
the final output was determined in the form of SF, BM and AF etc. Methods and tools for analysis

1. Creating grid/ model

2. Defining

a) Material

b) Section (beam, column, slab)

c) Load cases

d) Load pattern

e) Load combination

3. Assigning

a) Section

b) Load

4. Analyze the structure

Earthquake loads are calculated using Response spectrum method.

5. Design of structural elements

6. Limit state design using above mentioned codes.

1.5.8. Design

Design was done on the basis of limit state of design for collapse and serviceability. The
sample calculations of various structural elements were done with numerous checks and with
the help of MS-excel, the formulation was done for each and every structural member in the
building. We adopt limit state design method for design.


1.6. Earthquake resistant design philosophy

The primary objective of earthquake resistant design is to prevent building collapse during
earthquakes thus minimizing the risk of death or injury to people in or around those

Engineers do not attempt to make earthquake proof buildings that will not get damaged even
during the rare but strong earthquake; such buildings will be too robust and also too
expensive. Instead the engineering intention is to make buildings earthquake-resistant; such
buildings resist the effects of ground shaking, although they may get damaged severely but
would not collapse during the strong earthquake. Thus, safety of people and contents is
assured in earthquake-resistant buildings, and thereby a disaster is avoided. This is a major
objective of seismic design codes throughout the world.

Design Philosophy

1. Under minor but frequent shaking, the main members of the buildings that carry vertical
and horizontal forces should not be damaged; however buildings parts that do not carry load
may sustain repairable damage.

2. Under moderate but occasional shaking, the main members may sustain repairable
damage, while the other parts that do not carry load may sustain repairable damage.

3. Under strong but rare shaking, the main members may sustain severe damage, but the
building should not collapse.

The earthquake resistant design process involves various factors to be considered

Some of them are sort listed below:-

1.6.1. Configuration

1. Symmetry:

The building as a whole or its various blocks should be kept symmetrical about both the axes.
Asymmetry leads to torsion during earthquakes and is dangerous

2. Regularity:

Simple rectangular shapes behave better in an earthquake than shapes with many projections.
Torsional effects of ground motion are pronounced in long narrow rectangular blocks.
Therefore, it is desirable to restrict the length of a block to three times its width. If longer
lengths are required two separate blocks with sufficient separation in between should be


1.6.2. Connection

Proper selection of the material in proper ratio is needed for the construction of earthquake
resistant design. Material properties should match the requirement of earthquake resistant
concept. This involves various material properties. Ductility is the major parameter need to be
considered in the building performance during earthquake. Earthquake resistant buildings,
particularly their main elements, need to be built with ductility in them. Such buildings have the
ability to sway back-and-forth during an earthquake, and to withstand the earthquake effects with
some damage, but without collapse.

Thus, a necessary requirement for good earthquake-resistant design is to have sufficient ductile
materials at points of tensile stresses. Again base isolation of the structure from the ground
motions which actually impose the forces on the structure can also be done. For reduction of the
coefficient of friction between the structure and its foundation, one suggested technique is to
place two layers of good quality plastic or flexible connection between the structure and its

1.6.3. Construction quality

Though the connection and configuration of the structure is properly planned, but if the
execution of the work is not accomplished using the planned format or specification then it may
be difficult to achieve earthquake resistant structure. Proper supervision of the work by expert is

1.7. Brief description of the proposed project

Type of the Project: Structural Analysis and design of Commercial Building for
Earthquake Resistance

Building type: Commercial (Hotel)

Location: Bhairahawa

Structural system: RCC Structure

Plinth area covered: Basement floor = 419.719 m2

Ground floor = 419.719 m2

First floor = 439.863 m2

Second, third, fourth= 448.649 m2

Type of foundation: Mat foundation is provided


No. of Storey: 5 plus Underground Basement

Basement floor height: 3.556 m

Floor to floor height: 3.7338 m for each storey

Total height: 22.225m (including basement floor)

Floors: Basement floor + Ground floor + 4 upper floors

Seismic zone: V (as per IS 1893:2016 part I)

Type of Slab: Two way Slab and One way Slab 125 mm

Type of Beam: Primary beam: 250x400 mm

Secondary Beam: 250x350 mm

Type of Column: 400x400 mm

Type of Staircase: Open well and Dog-legged

Foundation: Raft Foundation

Design Concept: Limit State Method

Concrete Grade: M20 and for foundation M25

Reinforcement: Fe500

Dead load: calculated as per IS 857 part I 1987

Live load: calculated as per IS 857 part II 1987

Seismic load: calculated as per IS 1893 (part I) 2002

Preliminary design: IS 456:2000

Soil type: Medium soil

Bearing capacity of soil: 150 KN/m2 (As per NBC 205:1994)


1.10 Description of Structural Element

The reinforced concrete flexural member should be able to resist tensile, compressive and shear
stress induced in it by loads acting on the member. Concrete is fairly strong in compression
however weak in tension. Plain concrete members are thus limited in carrying capacity by the
low tensile strength. Steel is very strong in tension. Thus the tensile weakness of concrete is
overcome by the provision of reinforcing steel in tension zone around the concrete to make
Reinforced Concrete Member. A Reinforced flexural member may be Slab, Beam, Column, Wall
or component of Foundation. Detail of each element is given below.

a) Slab

Slab is most widely used structural elements forming floors and roofs of building for supporting
loads normal to its surface. They may be supported by beams or walls or continuous over one or
more supports. Loads are transferred from the slabs by flexure, shear and torsion to the support.
One way slabs are those in which the length is more than twice the breadth. A one way slab can
be simply supported or continuous. When slabs are supported on four sides, two way spanning
occurs. Such slabs may be simply supported or continuous on any or all sides. The deflection and
bending moment in two way slab are considerably reduced as compared to those in one way slab.
A two way slab may be considered to consist of series of inter connected beams.

b) Beam

Beam is horizontal structural members which carries the load transferred from the slab and
ultimately to the column. They are usually designed for the induced bending moment due to
combination of dead load, live load, partition load etc. A suitable cross section and reinforcing
steel is required which would give adequate safety and serviceability. The major consideration in
beam design is the bending moment, hence taking it as the design parameter and corresponding
shear is taken. The design of the section may result as singly or doubly reinforcement which may
be ascertained by comparing the design moment (Mu) with the moment of resistance of balanced
section (Mu,lim) and the section is usually designed as under reinforced section. If Mu,lim>Mu, the
section is designed as singly reinforced section and for Mu,lim<Mu, the section is designed as
doubly reinforced section.

Doubly Reinforced Beam

In doubly reinforced concrete section is reinforce both compression and tension regions. The
section of the beam may be rectangular, T-section or L-section. The necessity of using steel in
the compression region arises due to following regions.


1. When depth of section is restricted, the strength available for the singly reinforced section
is inadequate.
2. At a support of a continuous beam where bending moment changes sign, such a situation
may also arise in design of a beam circular in plan.

If Mu,lim > Mu, then it is doubly reinforced section and the area of tensile reinforcement A st is
determined as,

Ast= Ast1+ Ast2

𝑀𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑚 𝑀𝑢−𝑀𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑚
Ast1= +
0.87𝑓𝑦(𝑑−0.42𝑋𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑚) 0.87𝑓𝑦(𝑑−𝑑 ′ )

The area of compression reinforcement Asc is determined as,

(𝑓𝑠𝑐−𝑓𝑐𝑐)(𝑑−𝑑 ′ )

Where d’= effective cover to the reinforcement

Fsc, fcc= stresses in compression steel and concrete respectively.

𝑀𝑢−𝑀𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑚 0.0035(𝑋𝑢−𝑑 ′ )
Corresponding to strain e= =
(𝑓𝑠𝑐−𝑓𝑐𝑐)(𝑑−𝑑 ′ ) 𝑋𝑢

𝑋𝑢,𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑋𝑢,𝑚𝑎𝑥 2
Mulim = 0.36* *(1-0.42* )*bd *fck
𝑑 𝑑

For transverse reinforcement (vertical stirrups):

Refer IS 456: 2000, Clause 40.3, 40.4 and Table 19.

C) Column

Column is structural member, which is subjected to axial compression forces. All columns are
subjected to some moment which may be due to accidental eccentricity or due to end restraint
imposed by monolithically placed beams and slabs. The strength of column depends upon the
strength of materials, shape and size of cross section, length and the degree of positional and
directional restraints at its end. The column may be classified based on different criteria as:

1. Shape of cross section

2. Type of reinforcement
3. Type of loading
4. Slenderness Ratio

The column section may be rectangular, square or circular shaped depending upon the
architectural or structural requirements.


A column may be classified as follows based on type of loading:

a) Axially loaded column

b) Column subjected to axial load and uni-axial bending

c) Column subjected to axial load and bi-axial bending

The following assumptions are made for the limit state of collapse in compression:

1) Plane section normal to the axis remains plane after bending.

2) The relation between the stress-strain distributions in concrete is assumed to be parabolic.
The maximum compressive stress is equal to 0.67*1.50 or 0.446fck
3) The tensile of concrete is ignored.
4) The stress in reinforcement is derived from the representative stress-strain curve for the
type of steel used.
5) The maximum strain in axial compression is taken as 0.002.
6) The maximum compressive strain at the highly compressed fibre in concrete subjected to
axial compression and bending, but when there is no tension on the section is taken as
0.0035 minus 0.75 times the strain at the highly compressed extreme fibre.
7) The maximum compression strain at the highly compressed extreme fibre in concrete
subjected to axial compression and bending, when part of the section in tension is taken
as 0.0035.

The design of column section for given axial load and bi-axial moments can be made by
assigning the sections and then checking adequacy. The design of column depends upon the
eccentricity of loading and the moment acting different directions. The minimum eccentricity
specified IS 456:2000 (Clause 39.2) is:
𝐿𝑜 𝐷
emin= +
500 30


Lo = Unsupported length of column

D = Lateral dimension in plane of bending

If emin< 0.05D, then column is designed as axially loaded column. If the eccentricity exceeds
0.05D, then the column is designed for both moment and axial load.


d) Staircase

Staircase is an inclined structural system, for the movement from one level to another. Since it is
stepped it is called staircase. A staircase behaves like ordinary slab, it may span either in the
direction of the step or in the direction of going. Structurally, staircase may be classified largely
into two categories depending on the pre-dominant direction to which the slab component of the
stair undergoes flexure: stair slab spanning transversely stair slab spanning longitudinally.

Design of staircase requires proportioning of its different component and determining of

reinforcement and it’s detailing to satisfy both the serviceability and strength requirements. The
design of staircase is made for the serviceability requirement of deflection and cracks. The
serviceability requirement of deflection is controlled by effective span to effective depth ratio.
The design of reinforcement is made to satisfy the strength requirements for moment and shear.
The design for moment is made for maximum moment either by working method or by limit
state method. The area of steel is expressed as diameter and spacing of the bars. Generally the
shear reinforcement is not requirement in staircase as shear strength of concrete is much greater
than the nominal shear stress. The shear strength of concrete in staircase is determined as in the
case of edge-supported slab.

e) Foundation

Foundation is a structural element that transfer load from the building or individual column to
the earth foundation must be designed to prevent excessive settlement or rotation, to minimize
differential settlement foundations are classified as:

1. Isolated foundation

2. Combined foundation

3. Raft or mat foundation

4. Pile foundation

The type of foundations to be used in a given situation depends on number of factors:

a) Soil-strata

b) Bearing capacity of soil

c) Type of structure

d) Type of loads

e) Permissible differential settlement

f) Economy


Here we define designed raft foundation for the building. Raft foundation is a foundation unit
continuous in two directions, covering an area equal to or greater than the base area of the

1.9. Units

SI (i.e. metric) units are used in this report. Whenever dimensions are not mentioned in figure
and drawing should be taken as mm.

1.10. Interpretation

Whenever reference to the clause of an Indian standard is made, it will be written as IS 456:2000
for structural design. Also some of clauses are written from the IS 1893:2002, SP-16 and other
important factors from our book other reference books.

1.11. Detailing

The structure is considered as a special moment resisting frame (SMRF) with a special detailing
to provide ductile behavior and comply with the requirements given in IS 13920: 1993 and
handbook on concrete reinforcement and detailing (IS SP- 34).


2.1 Background

We are mainly detailing with the seismic analysis and structural design of RCC framed concrete
structure. Our main focus will be on obtaining design output by limit state method on the basis of
structural design incorporating seismic considerations. Earthquake is the natural phenomena
caused by released by seismic wave (p-waves) from the earth surface from a faint tremor to a
wild motion due to sudden released of energy stored to the rocks beneath the earth surface. It
occurs in cluster.

All engineering designs are based on past knowledge and experience. Whether we perform a
conventional design or introduce entirely new concepts, it becomes necessary to support or
justify our action with reference to pre-existing knowledge. This project having a conventional
design approach, is invariably based on certain established particles. The literatures relevant to
this project are discussed below.

2.2 Design philosophy

There are three philosophies for the design of reinforced concrete viz.

i) Working stress method

ii) Ultimate Load method

iii) Limit State method

Among above, the limit state method has been adopted for the design of the structural elements.

The limit state method

Limit state method has been originated from ultimate or plastic state method the object of design
used on the limit state concept is to achieve an acceptable probability that a structure will not
become unserviceable in its life time for which it is intended, i.e. it will not reach a limit state.

2.3 Loads

Basic objectives of construction building or any structure to supports loads. There are different
types of loads, which comes across and have to be dealt during analysis and design of and


Design loads

The building and structure are subjected to different loads, forces and effect during their service
life such as those listed in IS 456-17 and IS 874-8.1 the following loads are usually determine the
size of the structure element.

Dead load (DL)

Imposed load (IL)

Wind load (WL)

Earthquake load (EL)

The following are the cause which generally cause internally equilibrated stresses forming crack
in the structure, but not collapse.

Load assessment

The proposed building is RCC frame structure, located in the Kathmandu valley. Thus wind
loads, snow loads and other special types of loads described by IS: 875 (part 5): 1987can be
taken negligible as compared to dead, live, and seismic loads.

a. Dead Loads

According to the IS875:1987(part I), the dead load in the building shall comprise the weight of
the all walls, partition, beam, column, floor, and roof and shall include the loads of other
permanent feature in the building.

b. Live loads

It means the load assumed or known resulting from the occupancy or use of use of a building and
include the loads on balustrades and from movable goods machinery and plant that are not an
integral part of the building. These are to be chosen from codes as IS875: (part II) for various
occupancies where required.

These codes permit certain modifications in the floods intensities where large contributory areas
are involved, or when the building consists of many stories.

c. Eccentricity of vertical loads

When transferring the loads from parapets walls, cladding walls, and facade walls etc. to the
supporting beam or columns and the eccentricity with these load should be properly considered
in the case of rigid frames of reinforced concrete. Such eccentricities will produce externally
applied joint moments similar to these arising from projecting cantilevers and these should be
included in frame design.


d. Seismic Loads

These are the loads resulting from the vibration of the ground underneath the superstructure
during an earthquake. The earthquake is an unpredictable natural phenomenon.

2.4 Load combinations

The analysis was performed for various 13 combinations and time history separately.

Following are those 13 combinations as suggested by IS: 1893 -2002, clauses

1) 1.5(DL + LL)

2) 1.2(DL+ LL + Ex)

3) 1.2(DL+ LL - Ex)

4) 1.2(DL + LL + Ey)

5) 1.2(DL+ LL- Ey)

6) 1.5(DL + Ex)

7) 1.5(DL-Ex)

8) 1.5(DL+ Ey)

9) 1.5(DL - Ey)

10) 0.9DL + 1.5Ex

11) 0.9DL - 1.5Ex

12) 0.9DL + 1.5Ey

13) 0.9DL - 1.5Ey

2.5 Codes Used

A. Nepal National Building Code (NBS 000-1994)

This code aims to standardize building construction practice in a way that is practicable in the
Nepalese context. But its development is relatively recent and it still lacks many documents
(codes) required to support it. To compensate for this unavailability, the code frequently refers to


Indian Standard Codes. This code has classified the sophistication in design and construction
into the following four types:

1. International state-of-art

2. Professionally engineered structures

3. Buildings of restricted size designed to simple rules-of-thumb

4. Remote rural buildings where control is impractical

This project belongs to type-II according to this classification. Furthermore, this code allows the
use of international codes provided their use also meet the NBC requirements. Hence, using IS
codes for this project is justified.

B. Indian Standard (IS) codes

The following IS code shall be referred to in particular:

I. IS 456: 2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice

This code forms the main basis for the design of RCC structures in this region. It includes the
design of structural elements such as beam, columns, slabs, staircase and footings. It also
mentions the design criteria.

II. IS 875: 1987 (Reaffirmed 1997) Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than
Earthquake) for Building and Structure

Part 1: Dead Loads – Unit Weights of Building Materials and Stored Materials

Part 2: Imposed Loads

Part 2: Special Loads and Combinations

The codes provide information for estimation of design loads on the structures. The part 1
provides the unit weights of several construction materials as well as the materials that are
commonly stored in building. The part 2 presents data for live loads that may be assumed for
various building types: it does not deal with the loads occurring in the construction phase and
those due to special vibrations. Part 5 deals with load effects due to temperature, earth pressure,
hydrostatic pressures etc. It also prescribes various load combinations. Part 3 and 4 deal with
wind and snow loads and are not relevant to present design.


III. IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures (Part 1:
General Provisions and Buildings)

This code deals with the assessment of seismic loads on various structures and design of
earthquake resistant buildings. It deals with the mechanics of seismic engineering insofar as it is
concerned with the methods of determining seismic loads and the affects various irregularities in
a building can have upon its seismic response.

IV. IS 4326: 1993 (Reaffirmed 2003) Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of
Buildings – Code of Practice

While IS 1893 is concerned with mechanical aspects of earthquake engineering, IS 4326 is

concerned with the overall architectural layout, material selection and construction techniques
for seismic resistance. For instance it provides guidelines for special construction features such
as separation of adjoining structures and architectural plans for better seismic resistance.
Structural elements exhibit most efficient seismic resistant behavior when they possess adequate
ductility. Reinforcing the structures such that they show ductile behavior when subjected to
dynamic loads is one of the main principles of seismic resistant design. This code addresses this
issue and quantitatively describes the positioning and dimension of reinforcement in various
structural elements such that they show ductile behavior.

V. IS 1642: 1989 (Reaffirmed 1994) Fire Safety of Buildings (General): Details of

Construction – Code of Practice

Fire safety, although a separate and important topic in itself, is often related with seismic
resistant design because it has been observed that fires are likely to follow earthquakes. Fire
safety demands attention in the design of air conditioning and smoke venting, special protection
to plumbing, electrification and surface finishes, as well as architectural considerations for
emergency exit and refuge areas. In addition to these, proper provisions in the structural design
(such as minimum dimensions and cover to reinforced concrete members) are necessary, and this
is the only matter of concern in this project. All of these issues are addressed in this code.

C. Bureau of Indian Standards Special Publications (SP)

I. SP 16: Design Aids for Reinforced concrete to IS 456-1978

This handbook explains the use of formulae mentioned in IS 456 and provides several design
charts (for rectangular cross sections) which can greatly expedite the design process if done
manually. This shall be particularly useful in the preliminary design.

II. SP 22: Explanatory Handbook on Codes for Earthquake Engineering (IS 1893: 1975 and
IS 4326: 1976)


III. SP 24: Explanatory Handbook on Indian Standard Code of practice for Plain and
Reinforced Concrete IS 456: 1978

While SP 16 is meant to aid the calculation process, SP 22 is meant to aid the conceptual
understanding of the IS 456 code. It contains clause by clause explanation of the original code.
The logic and justification behind the various equation and assumption in the code are well
explained here.

IV. SP 34: Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

The compilation of provisions and guidelines regarding reinforcement detailing scattered

throughout IS codes 456, 4326, 5525 and 1392 can be found in this handbook. This handbook
presents all those information in a well-organized manner.

E. Textbooks on RCC Design, Earthquake Engineering and other books

i. Reinforcement Concrete Limit State Design ( Jain A.K )

ii. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete( Varghese P.C )

These two textbook have been written in the Indian context and they present the practice as laid
down by IS 456, SP 16 and SP 24 in a pedagogical manner.

III. Design of Reinforced Concrete (Mc Cormac, Nelson)

This textbook has been written in the American context and it explains the method enjoyed by
ACI codes. This book contains more elaborate explanations of reinforced concrete design theory,
which will be found to be very useful regardless of the code of the practice followed.

IV. Dynamics of Structures (Clough R.W & Penzien J)

V. Dynamics of Structures (Chopra A.K)

Structural dynamics forms the very basis of earthquake engineering. These books present the
subject in detail, with adequate explanations and examples, which will be essential in
understanding the seismic codes.


VI. Raft Foundations – Design and Analysis with a Practical Approach (Sharat Chandra

Foundation design has always been more of an art than science. No hard and fast rules can be
laid down in this discipline, which demands a superior judgement on the part of an engineer.
This book addresses the subject of mat foundation design in greater depth. It presents a
comparison of various design approaches, their limitation and finally a set of guidelines for
design based on the author’s experience.

VII. Three Dimensional Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures - A Physical Approach
with Emphasis on Earthquake Engineering (Wilson E.L)

This book explains the advanced computational techniques and principles involved in computer
aided structural analysis. Although manual calculation shall not be done based on those methods
and much of the material presented therein is beyond the scope of undergraduate level, software
such as SAP2000 and ETABS shall nevertheless be used in the design process. Engineers using
software to perform structural analysis and design must understand the underlying principles of
the software they use. This book aids such understanding.


Preliminary design is carried out to estimate approximate size of the structural members.
Grid diagram is taken as basic guideline for analysis. Preliminary design of flexural members
of the structural system i.e. for beam and slab are done as per the limit state of serviceability.
Work out is done from deflection criteria and moment criteria. And for column, it was done
from net vertical axial load capacity assuming suitable percentage of steel. For analysis of the
building, it requires the rough idea on the member sizes used in the building as beam,
column, and slab. According to which the contributed dead load of the member structure to
the structure could be estimated.

The size of the members is dependent on the limit state of serviceability on deflection and
cracking. For this, IS code 456-2000 is referred to make sure.

The principal purpose for preliminary design of any structure is:

1. Obtained a clear picture of structural action

2. Established the dimension s of structure

3. Use the preliminary design as a check on the final design

The preliminary bridges the gap between the design concept and the detail phase.

3.1. Design data

Construction Material
RCC Specific Weight: 25KN/m3
Bearing Capacity of Soil: 150 KN/m2(NBC 205 Table 3.1 for Medium Soil)

Concrete Grade M20

Steel Grade: Fe500
Live load on slab 4 KN/m2 (IS 875-1964 Table I)
Live load on staircase: 3 KN/m2 (IS 875-1964 Table I)
Live load on roof: 0.75 KN/m2 (IS 875-1964 Table II)
Marble stressed: 26. KN/m2 (IS 875-1964 Table I)


3.2 Preliminary Design of Structural Element

IS code 456-2000 is referred

3.2.1. Slab

Critical Slab is of 6.071x5.944 m

Taking shortest span of largest slab

L = 5944 mm

L/d = (30-32) (IS 456: 2000, clause 24.1)

Approx. Depth = 198.133 mm exceeds 150 mm, hence providing secondary beam to decrease
the depth of slab.

Adopting overall Depth of slab as 125 mm

3.2.2. Beam

For beam preliminary design is done according to deflection criteria.

IS 456: 2000 clause 23.2.1

Beam along X-axis

Taking longest span along X-axis L = 5944 mm

L/d = (12-15) (IS 456: 2000, clause 23.2.1)

Approx. Depth = 396.26 mm

Taking D=d+ + clear cover (25mm)

= 450 mm

B = (1.5D to 0.67D) (IS 456: 2000)

Approx. B = (225 to300) mm

Adopting 300x450 mm


Beam along Y-axis

Taking longest span along X-axis L = 6071 mm

L/d = (12-15) (IS 456: 2000, clause 23.2.1)

Approx. Depth = 404.73 mm

Taking D=d+ + clear cover (25mm)

= 450 mm

B = (1.5D to 0.67D) (IS 456: 2000)

Approx. B = (225 to300) mm

Adopting 300x450 mm

Secondary Beam

For secondary beam taking 75% of depth of primary beam as it’s depth and for breadth
taking nearly half of primary beam breadth.

Adopt 250x375 mm

3.2.3. Column

Intensity of load from slab

Slab UDL =25KN/m3 ×D =25×125/1000=3.125 KN/m2

Live load = 4KN/m2 (IS 875 part II)

Density of marble=26.5KN/m3 (IS 875 part I)


Density of screed=24KN/m3


Density of Gypsum board with suspended lathes=0.49 KN/m3

Thickness=25mm (used as false ceiling)

Total Floor Finish with Slab=3.125+26.5x0.02+24x0.04+0.49x0.025+4=8.625 KN/m2


Slab area=5.944x6.071=36.08 m2

Load on Slab= 8.625x36.08=311.2 KN

Load of Beam=0.45x0.3x25x5.944+0.45x0.3x25x6.071=40.55 KN

Wall load:

External wall thickness=0.230 m

Internal wall thickness=0.127 m

External wall height= 3.2838 m

External wall length= 12.015 m

Wall load= 12.015x19x3.2838x0.230=172.417 KN

Self-weight of Column= B x D x height x Density

Self-weight of column= B x D x (3.7338*25) KN/m2

Total load transfer to a column = Transfer load from (slab+Prim.Beam+ Sec.Beam+ wall) +
self-wt of column

=BD x 94.345x10-6+3348.63

For 5-storey with 20% consideration for Earthquake

ΣWu=5 x 1.5 x 1.2 x (BD x94.345x10-6+3348.63) KN


Puz= 5×1.5×1.2× (BD x94.345x10-6+3348.63) KN

From IS Code 456:2000 Clause 39.6,


Assume 3% of Ag of steel

Fck =20 MPa Fy =500MPa & BD=Ag,

5×1.5×1.2× (BD x94.345x10-6+3348.63) = 0.45fckAC+0.75fyAs

Ag = 157785.6 mm2

B = 450


Adopt square Column of 450x450 mm

(Note: This sections are changed for primary beam 250x400 mm, secondary beam 250x350
mm, slab 125 mm and column 450x450 mm after analysis from SAP2000.)

3.3. Load Calculation

Adopting 1% reinforcement for slab

(1.5-2)% reinforcement for beam

2% reinforcement for column

Assuming 30% opening in wall.

Live load

part II)

Public lounges: 3.0 KN/m2

Bed room: 2.0 KN/m2

Kitchen, laundries: 3.0 KN/m2

Store room: 5.0 KN/m2

Restaurant: 4.0 KN/m2

Office room: 2.5 KN/m2

Toilet, bathroom: 2.0 KN/m2

Corridor, passage, staircase including fire escapes, lobbies: 3.0 KN/m2

Balconies: Same as rooms to which they give access but with a minimum of 4.0 KN/m2

Garage floors for vehicles not exceeding 4.0 tonnes gross weight (including access ways and
ramps) -to be calculated but not less than: 5.0 KN/m2


3.3.1. Seismic Load

This load on a structure is a function of the site, maximum Earthquake intensity or strong
ground motion and the local soil, the stiffness, and its orientation in relation to the incident
seismic waves. It is the combination of overall dead load and approximate amount of live load
acting on the building. For the calculation of the seismic weight of a floor the floor takes the half
the load above and half of the load below the floor for wall and column dead load this is called
lumping of floor mass .The seismic weight W of the whole building is the sum of the seismic
weight of the floor .

Base Shear Calculation

According to IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 Cl. No. 6.4.2 the design horizontal seismic coefficient
Ah for a structure shall be determined by the following expression:

𝑍 𝐼 𝑆𝑎
Ah =

Z = Zone factor given by IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 Table 2, Here for Zone V, Z = 0.36
I = Importance Factor, I = 1.3 for commercial building
R = Response reduction factor given by IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 Table 7, R = 5.0
Sa/g = Average response acceleration coefficient

According to IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 T=0.075 x h0.75

Height of building, h= 18.669 m


So we get, T= 0.67 sec

Sa/g = 2.5

Ah = 0.108

According to IS 1893 (Part I): 2016 Cl. No. 7.5.3 the total design lateral force or design

Seismic base shear (Vb) along any principle direction is given by,

𝑉b= 𝐴ℎ x 𝑊 = 0.108 * 15650.198 = 1690.3 KN (For Block A)

𝑉b= 𝐴ℎ x 𝑊 = 0.108 * 9265.891 = 1000.66 KN (For Block B)


Calculation Of Loads (in KN) Bock A

Description Slab Column Beam Staircase Secondary Wall Floor Total Live Load DL+LL
Beam Finish Dead load

5th floor 773.11 141.76 343.40 - 121.00 636.00 248.26 245.23 46.55 2496.77

4th floor 724.06 283.53 343.40 34.23 121.00 1271.78 349.86 3127.87 157.47 3285.34

3th floor 724.06 283.53 343.40 34.23 121.00 1271.78 349.86 3127.87 157.47 3285.34

2th floor 724.06 283.53 343.40 34.23 121.00 1271.78 349.86 3127.87 157.47 3285.34

1st floor 724.06 283.53 343.40 34.23 121.00 1271.78 349.86 3127.87 157.47 3928.10

Total Load 15650.91 KN

(Note: taking live load on roof as 0.75 kN/m2 for access only for maintenance, referred from IS 875 part II )


Calculation Of Loads (in KN) Bock B

Description Column Beam Secondary Wall Floor Staircase Total Live DL+LL
Beam finish Dead Load
5th floor 419.40 113.41 235.00 39.06 370.11 134.20 28.45 1339.635 25.16 1364.80

4th floor 419.40 226.82 235.00 39.06 740.22 202.64 28.45 1891.601 79.85 1971.45

3th floor 419.40 226.82 235.00 39.06 740.22 202.64 28.45 1891.601 79.85 1971.45

2th floor 419.40 226.82 235.00 39.06 740.22 202.64 28.45 1891.601 79.85 1971.45

1st floor 419.40 226.82 235.00 39.06 740.22 202.64 28.45 1891.601 79.85 1986.24

Total 9265.89 KN


Lateral Force distribution for Block A

𝑾𝒊 𝑾𝒊 * 𝒉𝒊 𝟐 𝒒𝒊 =
𝑾𝒊 * 𝒉𝒊 𝟐 𝑸𝒊 = 𝒒𝒊 *𝑉𝐵
𝞢 (𝑾𝒊 * 𝒉𝒊 𝟐 )

1364.80 18.66 475674.82 0.36 360.23

1971.451 14.935 439752.25 0.33 330.21

1971.451 11.22 247360.64 0.19 190.12

1971.451 7.46 109938.06 0.08 80.052

1986.241 3.73 27360.642 0.02 20.01

𝞢 (𝑾𝒊 * 𝒉𝒊 𝟐 ) =


Lateral Force distribution for Block B

𝑾𝒊 𝒉𝒊 𝑾𝒊 * 𝒉𝒊 𝟐 𝒒𝒊 =
𝑾𝒊 * 𝒉𝒊 𝟐 𝑸𝒊 = 𝒒𝒊 *𝑉𝐵
𝞢 (𝑾𝒊 * 𝒉𝒊 𝟐 )

1364.80 18.66 475674.82 0.36 360.23

1971.451 14.93 439752.25 0.33 330.21

1971.451 11.20 247360.64 0.19 190.12

1971.451 7.46 109938.06 0.08 80.05

1986.241 3.73 27360.64 0.02 20.01

𝞢 (𝑾𝒊 * 𝒉𝒊 𝟐 ) =



Flow chart of Beam Design (Moment Bars)

Take the moment of each


Calculate Mlim


Over reinforced section
If Mu<Mlim

Calculate Ast1 from Mlim by
Ast>Ast,min= 0.12% of bD
Under reinforced section

Calculate Ast from Calculate Ast2 by

Mu=0.87fy(d-0.42Xu) Ast2=M/(0.87*fy*(d-d’))

Calculate numbers of bars

Calculate Asc by
= Ast/Abar

Calculate Ast= Ast1+Ast2

Ast>Ast,min=0.12% of bD
Calculate number of bars =

Flow chart of Beam Design (Shear Reinforcement)

Take maximum shear force Vu

Calculate % of steel by

P= Ast/(bd)*100

Mlim= 0.133fckbd2

Calculate 𝜏v by

𝜏v= Vu/(bd)

From code, find 𝜏c and 𝜏max

Mlim= 0.133fckbd2

Provide minimum shear reinforcement

IF 𝜏c< 𝜏v< 𝜏max as per IS 456:2000 clause

Vus = ( 𝜏v- 𝜏c)*(bd)

Using suitable stirrup, find Asv Find spacing by

Sv= (0.87fyAsvd)/Vus

Check minimum spacing as per IS

13920:1993 clause 7.2

4.1 Introduction

Structural Analysis deals with the prediction of performance of a given structure under stipulated
loads and other external effects. The performance characteristics of interest are stresses and stress
resultants such as axial forces, shear forces, bending moments, deflections and support reactions.

The analysis of the building was done by the estimation of dimensions of various structural
members such as slab, beam, column, staircase, foundation, and basement wall with the help of
preliminary design. And different types of loads such as vertical load (Dead + finishes, and Live)
and earthquake load were calculated. Earthquake being predominant, only its effect was taken for
lateral loads.

For the structural analysis of the structure, mainly four load cases are considered which are
mentioned below:

1. Dead load (DL)

2. Live load (LL)

3. Earthquake load in X direction (EQX)

4. Earthquake load in Y direction (EQY)

With the help of SAP 2000, element stresses in beams and column were calculated in the
provision of rigid diaphragm system

Salient features of SAP 2000 used for analysis

Sap 2000 represents the most sophisticated and user friendly releases of the SAP series of computer
programs. Creation and modification of the model, execution of the analysis, and checking and
optimization of the design are all done through this interface. Graphical displays of the results,
including real time display of the time history displacements, are easily produced.
The finite element library consists of different elements out of which the three dimensional frame
element was used in this analysis. The Frame element uses a general, three dimensional beam-
column formulations which include the effect of biaxial bending, torsion, axial deformation and
biaxial shear deformation.


Structures that can be modeled with this element include:

1. Three-dimensional frames
2. Three-dimensional truss
3. Planar frames
4. Planar grillages
5. Planar trusses
A frame element is modeled as a straight line connecting two joints. Each element has its own
local coordinate system for defining section properties and loads, and for interpreting output.
Loading option allows for gravity, thermal and pre-stress condition in addition to the usual nodal
loading with specified forces and or displacements. Dynamic loading can be in the form of a base
acceleration response spectrum, or varying loads and base accelerations.

4.2 Sample Input and Sample Output

The design of earthquake resistant structure should aim at providing appropriate dynamic and
structural characteristics so that acceptable response level results under the design earthquake.
For the purpose of seismic analysis of our building we use the structural analysis program SAP
2000 V14, which has a special option for modelling horizontal rigid floor diaphragm system. A
floor diaphragm is modelled as a rigid horizontal plane parallel to global X-Y plane, so that all
points on any floor diaphragm cannot displace relative to each other in X-Y plane


Fig: SAP model of Block A (with Slab) separated by 8 inch expansion gap.


Fig: Deformed Shape at Dead load


Fig: Deformed Shape at Live Load (XZ view)


Fig: Axial Force at Envelope (XZ view)


Fig: Moment 3-3 at Envelope (XZ view)


Fig: Shear 2-2 at Envelope (XZ view)


Fig: SAP model of Block B (with Slab) separated by 8 inch expansion gap


Fig: Deformed shape at Dead Load


Fig:.Deformed shape at Live Load


Fig: Axial Force at Envelope


Fir: Shear 2-2 at Envelope


Fig: Moment 3-3 at Envelope



The design section is the most important part. The design of the structural elements should be done
for durability, construction and use in entire service life of the structure. The realization of design
objectives requires compliance with clearly defined standards for materials, production,
workmanship, and also maintenance and use of structure in service.
This chapter includes all the design process of sample calculation for a single element as slab,
beam, column, staircase, basement wall, lift wall, shear wall, mat and isolated foundation.

1. Design of slab
2. Design of beam (Primary and secondary beam)
3. Design of staircase (open-newel and Dog-legged staircase)
4. Design of column (Square column)
5. Design of mat foundation

5.1. Design of Slab

RCC slabs are designed on the assumption that they consist of a number of series of beams having
a width of one meter, even though it is cast monolithic. They are the plate elements forming floors
and roofs of building and carrying distributed loads primarily by flexure. They may be supported
by beams or walls or columns and may be used as the flange of T or L-beam. Slab may be simply
supported or continuous over one or more supports and is classified according to the manner of
support as: one way slabs spanning in one direction, two-way slab spanning in directions, circular
slabs, and grid floor slabs resting directly on columns with no beams and grid floor and ribbed
Slabs are designed by using the same theories of bending and shear as are used for beams. The
following methods of analysis are available:
1. Elastic analysis-idealization into strips or beams.
2. Semi empirical coefficients as given in the code.
3. Yield line theory


Important information regarding the design of slab according to IS456:2000

1. Slab is designed for 1m wide strip
2. Ast min = 0.12% bD for deformed bars (Cl.
3. Cover = 20mm
4. If Ly/Lx < 2, two way slab is designed.
Compression reinforcement is used only in exceptional cases in a slab. Shear stresses are usually
very low and shear reinforcements is never provided in slabs .It is preferred to increase the depth
of a slab and hence reduce the shear stress rather than provide shear reinforcement. Temperature
reinforcement is invariably provided at right angles to the main longitudinal reinforcement in a
slab. There are two types of slabs described as follow:
One way slab:
These slabs have length more than twice the breadth and may be simply supported or continuous
or can be analyzed in a manner similar to that for continuous beam. It consists of main
reinforcement spanning between the supports (shorter of the length and breadth) with distribution
or temperature reinforcement at right angles to it.
Two way slab:
The slab is said to be spanning in two directions, when the length to breadth ratio falls below 2.
The deflection and bending moments in a two-way slab are considerably reduced as compared to
those in one- way slab .In a square slab, the two-way action is equal in each direction. In such case,
main reinforcement is provided in both directions in the form of a mesh.
(We have designed Two-way Slab)

Type: Two adjacent edge discontinuous panel (SAB lable-18)

Grade of Concrete M20
Grade of Steel Fe500
As per IS 456:2000


Reference Step Calculations Output

3.30355 x 2.972 1 Thickness of slab, effective span and

effective depth d = 100 mm

From preliminary design D= 125

Effective Length
For clear cover = 20 mm
Ф = 10 mm

Effective depth (d) = 100 mm Lx = 3.072 m

Ly = 3.1355 m
Lx = 2.972 + 0.1 = 3.072 m
Ly = 3.0355 + 0.1 = 3.1355 m

Ly / Lx = 3.1355 / 3.072 = 1.02 < 2

So, Two-way slab

2 Design of loads

Self-load of slab =0.125x 25 = 3.125 KN/m2

Finishing load =1.5 KN/m2
Dead load = 3.125+1.5 = 4.625 KN/m2
Live load = 4 KN/m2 (according to occupancy)
Total load = 8.625 KN/m2
IS 456-2000 Design load , w = 1.5(DL+LL) = 13 KN/m2
Table 26
Considering unit width of slab, w= 13 KN/m

3 Moment Calculation

-ve Bending moment coefficient at continuous


αx = 0.04823 αy = 0.047


Reference Step Calculations Output

+ve Bending moment coefficient at mid span

αx = 0.0360 αy = 0.035

For Short Span

-ve moment

M = - αx *w* lx2
= 6 KNm

+ve moment

M = αx *w* lx2
= 4.41 KNm

For long Span

_ve moment

M = - αx *w* lx2
= 5.76 KNm

+ve moment

M = αx *w* lx2
= 4.3 KNm

IS 456-2000
Table 26 4 Depth Check
cl. Mu,lim = 0.133 fck b d2 d = 100 mm
= 0.133*20*1000*1002
= 26.6 KNm > 6 KNm
Since limiting moment greater than actual


Reference Step Calculations Output

IS 456-2000 5 Calculation of Area of Steel

Min. Ast = 0.12% bD = 150 mm2

𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑠𝑡
Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- 𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏𝑑)…….(i)
At top,
Ast provided =
Area of steel at Top shot span 314.16 mm2
@ 250 mm c/c
From calculation with equation i
And taking dia. 10 mm bar of area 78.534

We get, Ast required = 143.04 mm2

Spacing , S= 143.04 = 549.07 > 300 mm
So provide, dia. 10 mm bar @ 250 mm c/c

Ast provided = 314.16 mm2

Pt = 1000∗100 ∗ 100 = 0.314 %

Area Steel at mid span

Ast required = 153.68 mm2

Spacing ,S= 153.68 = 511.06 > 300 mm
So provide, dia. 10 mm bar @ 250 mm c/c Bottom Bars
at mid span,
Ast provided = 314.16 mm2 Ast provided =
314.16 mm2
314.16 @ 250 mm c/c
Pt = 1000∗100 ∗ 100 = 0.314 %


Reference Step Calculations Output

IS 456-2000 Area of steel at long span

Annex G G-
1.1.b Top bar design
At top,
Ast provided =
𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑠𝑡 314.16 mm2
Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- 𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏𝑑)…….(i)
@ 250 mm c/c
From calculation with equation i
And taking dia. 10 mm bar of area 78.534

We get, Ast required = 113.40 mm2

Spacing , S= 113.40 = 692.6 > 300 mm
So provide, dia. 10 mm bar @ 250 mm c/c

Ast provided = 314.16 mm2

Pt = 1000∗100 ∗ 100 = 0.314 %

Area Steel at mid span

Ast required = 101.42 mm2

Spacing ,S= 101.42 = 774.40 > 300 mm
So provide, dia. 10 mm bar @ 250 mm c/c Bottom Bars
at mid span,
Ast provided = 314.16 mm2 Ast provided =
314.16 mm2
314.16 @ 250 mm c/c
Pt = 1000∗100 ∗ 100 = 0.314 %


Reference Step Calculations Output

6 Check for Shear

IS 456-2000
(Cl.40.4, Table
19 Table 20 For x-direction i.e. short span Shear force at
the face of the support,
𝑊𝑢 𝐿𝑥
Vu = = 19.1318 KN
Vu = 19.1318 KN
Nominal shear
𝜏𝑣 = 𝑏𝑑 = 19.1318 * 103 / (1000* 100)
= 0.19 N/mm2

𝜏𝑐, 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 2.8 N/ mm2

For Pt = 0.314, M20 and for depth of 125 𝜏𝑐 = 0.507 > 𝜏𝑣 =
with modification factor , k 0.19 N/mm2
𝜏𝑐 = 1.30 * 0.39 = 0.507 > 𝜏𝑣 (ok) Hence, Safe.

𝜏𝑣 < 𝜏𝑐 < 𝜏𝑐, 𝑚𝑎𝑥 (ok)

7 Curtailment of the reinforcement

Curtailment is done by as per simplified

method and Indian Standard Code IS SP 34

8 Check for Deflection

IS456-2000 𝐿
cl.26.2.1 = 𝛼𝛽𝛾𝛿𝜆
𝛼 = 26
𝛽= 1
𝛾= 1
𝛿= 1
For 𝜆 we find from fig.4. Cl 23.2.1


Reference Step Calculations Output

𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑
𝐹𝑠 = 0.58 𝐹𝑦 𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑
= 0.580 * 500 * 143.04/314.16
= 132 N/mm2 for Pt = 0.314

𝜆 = 1.8 𝐿
, 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑 <
𝐿 𝑑
, 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 = 𝛼𝛽𝛾𝛿𝜆 = 1.8 * 26 = 46.8 𝐿
𝑑 , 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒
mm 𝑑
𝐿 3.072
, 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 0.100 = 30.72 < 46.8 mm

Hence safe

9 Check for Development Length

𝐿𝑑 =

𝜏𝑏𝑑= 1.6 * 1.2

Cl. 𝜎𝑠 = 0.87fy

𝐿𝑑 = 566.40 mm

Ast’ = 314.6/2 = 157.08 mm2

Moment of resistance by Ast’

𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑠𝑡
Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- 𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏𝑑)
Mu = 6.56 KNm
Vu = 19.13 KN

𝐿𝑑 ≤ + 𝐿𝑜
For providing 90o bent with 60 mm straight
bar we use,
Lo = 8Ф + 60mm


Reference Step Calculations Output

10 1.3*(6.56*106)/(19.318 * 103) + 8*10+60

= 581.45 Hence safe at
Ld < 581.45 (ok) Lo = 8Ф + 60mm

11 Distribution Bar
Ast,minimum = 150 mm2
Ast provided =
1000∗78.54 261.8 mm2
S= = 523.6 > 300 mm
So provide 10 mm dia bar @ 300 mm c/c
10 mm dia bar @
300 mm c/c for
Astprovided = 261.8 mm2
both directions.


5.2. Design of beam

Beam is a flexural member and supports the imposed load. It carry load by bending action. The
beam may be rectangle, L and T section consisting of singly and doubly reinforcement.

Design of beams requires determination of the cross-sectional dimensions and reinforcement

details to satisfy both serviceability and strength requirements. The serviceability requirement for
deflection is controlled by effective span to effective depth ratio. Generally depth of the beam is
large and governed by the strength requirement. The spacing of reinforcement controls the
serviceability requirement for crack. In beams, spacing of reinforcement bars are small and
governed by the minimum spacing requirement than maximum spacing for crack control. The
reinforcements are provided to satisfy strength requirements. The detailing of longitudinal and
transverse bars should satisfy the bending, shear and bond requirements. The bending moment and
shear are determined from the analysis generally based on the elastic theory.
Beams are designed for the worst condition. So the maximum values from the combination have
been used for the design.


Design of primary beam (250 x 400) first floor Beam ID-19

Clear cover = 20 mm
Effective cover(d’) = 40 mm
Effective depth (deff) = 360 mm
Beam width (bw) = 250 mm
Slab depth = 125 mm

Reference Step Calculations Output

1 Limiting depth of neutral axis = 0.46 * deff

SP 16, Table 54 Xu,lim = 0.46 * 360 = 165.6 mm deff = 360 mm

Mu,lim = 0.133 fck b d2 =86.184 KNm Mu,lim =86.184KNm

a. At left end
Mu > Mu,lim
For hogging moment (-ve moment) Hence doubly
reinforced section

Mu = 139.4182 KNm > Mu,lim

Doubly reinforced section

𝑀𝑢 139.418 ∗ 106
= = 4.3
𝑏𝑑 2 250 ∗ 3602

d’/deff= 0.1

For top reinforcement,

so, we get Pc = 0.452%

For bottom reinforcement

Pt = 1.174 %


Reference Step Calculations Output

For Sagging moment (+ve moment)

SP 16, Table 3
Mu = 70.88 KNm < Mu,lim
So, singly reinforced section
For bottom reinforcement singly reinforced

= 2.18

From Table 3 of SP16 we get

Pt = 0.558%

Reinforcement provided:
Ast, required at top = (0.452/100)*250*360
= 406.8 mm2

Ast,required at bottom = 1.1174%*250*360

= 1056.6 mm2
3 -16 mm dia. bars
at top
So provide , 3 -16 mm dia. bars at top And 4-20 mm dia.
And 4-20 mm dia. bars at bottom. bars at bottom.
Ast, provided for
Ast, provided for bottom bars = 1256.63 mm2 bottom bars=
1256.63 mm2
SP 16, Table 54
b. For mid span

Taking +ve moment for design

Mu = 115.034 > Mu,lim Mu > Mu,lim
Hence doubly
Hence doubly reinforced reinforced section

= 3.5
𝑏𝑑 2

d’/deff= 0.1


Reference Step Calculations Output

For top bar

Pc = 0.232%

For bottom bar

Pt= 0.970%

So we get , 3- 20 mm dia.
rebars at bottom
Ast, at bottom = 873 mm2 and 3- 16 mm dia.
as compression
rebars at top
Providing 50% of bottom rebars area at top
as compression rebars.

So provide 3- 20 mm dia. rebars at bottom

and 3- 16 mm dia. rebars at top.
Ast, provide at
Ast, provide at bottom rebars = 942.47 mm2 bottom rebars =
942.47 mm2

c. At right end
Mu > Mu,lim
For hogging moment (-ve moment) Hence doubly
reinforced section
Mu = 148.159 > Mu,lim
SP 16, Table 54 So doubly reinforced.
For rebars at top

= 4.6
d’/deff = 0.1
for top rebars
Pc = 0.535%
For bottom rebars
Pt = 1.251 %


Reference Step Calculations Output

2 Check for minimum and maximum area

of reinforcement
Ast,max=4000 mm2

Ast,min= =156.6 mm2

Ast,max=4%*bw*D= 4000 mm2

3 Check for Shear

At left end,
Vu = 152.307 KN 𝑉𝑢
𝜏𝑣 = =
Nominal shear stress 1.7N/mm2
𝜏𝑣 = = 1.7N/mm2
IS 456:2000
Table 19 Ast,provided= 1256.63 mm2

Pt = 100*Ast/bd =1.4 %

𝜏𝑐=0.7 N/mm2 𝜏𝑐=0.7 N/mm2


𝜏𝑣 > 𝜏𝑐 no need to redesign the section and

no need to design for torsion.


Reference Step Calculations Output

𝑉𝑐 = 𝜏𝑐𝑏𝑑
IS 456:2000 Vc= 63 KN
Table 19
Shear strength of reinforcement Vc= 63 KN
𝑉𝑢𝑠 = 𝑉𝑢 − 𝑉𝑐
Vus= 89.307 KN
Vus= 89.307 KN

SP-16 Table 62
Providing 2-legged stirrup fe415

Adopt dia. 8 mm 2-legged stirrup

Asv = 2*50.26 = 100.53 mm2 Stirrup

providing dia. 8
0.87 𝑓𝑦𝐴𝑠𝑣 𝑑 mm 2-legged
Spacing Sv = = 146.31 < 300mm
𝑉𝑢𝑠 stirrup @ 100 mm
< 0.75d
So, providing dia. 8 mm 2-legged stirrup @
100 mm c/c.

At mid Span
Vu= 79 KN 𝜏𝑣 = =0.87
𝜏𝑣 = =0.87 N/mm2

Ast,provided = 942.47 mm2

Pt = 1.047%
𝜏𝑐=0.63 N/mm2
𝜏𝑐=0.63 N/mm2

𝜏𝑣 > 𝜏𝑐 no need to redesign the section and

no need to design for torsion.


Reference Step Calculations Output

𝑉𝑐 = 𝜏𝑐𝑏𝑑

Vc= 56.7 KN
Vc= 56.7 KN
Shear strength
𝑉𝑢𝑠 = 𝑉𝑢 − 𝑉𝑐
Vus= 22.3 KN Vus= 22.3 KN

0.87 𝑓𝑦𝐴𝑠𝑣 𝑑
Spacing Sv = = 585 > 300mm
𝑉𝑢𝑠 8 mm 2-legged
> 0.75d
stirrups @ 150 mm
Adopt smaller spaving between 300 mm and

Adopt dia. 8 mm 2-legged stirrups @ 150

mm c/c

At right end

Vu = 188.094 KN
𝜏𝑣 = 𝑏𝑑 = 2.08 N/mm2
For Pt = 1.39 %

𝜏𝑐=0.69 N/mm2

dia. 8 mm 2-legged
𝜏𝑣 > 𝜏𝑐 no need to redesign the section and stirrup @ 100 mm
no need to design for torsion. c/c.

Adopting dia. 8mm 2-legged stirrrups with

same spacing as of left end ie. @ 100 mm c/c


Reference Step Calculations Output

1 Limiting depth of neutral axis = 0.46 * deff

SP 16, Table 54 Xu,lim = 0.46 * 360 = 165.6 mm deff = 360 mm

Mu,lim = 0.133 fck b d2 =86.184 KNm Mu,lim =86.184KNm

a. At left end
Mu > Mu,lim
For hogging moment (-ve moment) Hence doubly
reinforced section

Mu = 135.02 KNm > Mu,lim

Doubly reinforced section

𝑀𝑢 135.02 ∗ 106
= = 4.2
𝑏𝑑 2 250 ∗ 3602

d’/deff= 0.1

For top reinforcement,

so, we get Pc = 0.425%

For bottom reinforcement

Pt = 1.149 %


Reference Step Calculations Output

For Sagging moment (+ve moment)

SP 16, Table 3
Mu = 49.37 KNm < Mu,lim singly reinforced
So, singly reinforced section section
For bottom reinforcement

= 1.52

From Table 3 of SP16 we get

Pt = 0.378%

Reinforcement provided:
Ast, required at top = (0.425/100)*250*360
= 382.5 mm2

Ast,required at bottom = 1.149%*250*360

= 1034.1 mm2
3 -16 mm dia. bars
at top
So provide , 3 -16 mm dia. bars at top And 4-20 mm dia.
And 4-20 mm dia. bars at bottom. bars at bottom.
Ast, provided for
Ast, provided for bottom bars = 1256.63 mm2 bottom bars=
1256.63 mm2

a. For mid span

Taking +ve moment for design

Mu = 63.52KNm < Mu,lim Mu > Mu,lim
SP 16, Table 3 Hence singly
Hence Singly reinforced reinforced section

= 1.88

d’/deff= 0.1


Reference Step Calculations Output

For bottom bar

Pt= 0.48%

So we get ,

Ast, at bottom = 432 mm2 2- 20 mm dia.

rebars at bottom
and 2- 16 mm dia.
Providing 50% of bottom rebars area at top as compression
as compression rebars. rebars at top

SP 16, Table 3 So provide 2- 20 mm dia. rebars at bottom

and 2- 16 mm dia. rebars at top.

Ast, provide at bottom rebars = 628.31 mm2

Ast, provide at
bottom rebars =
628.31 mm2

a. At right end

For hogging moment (-ve moment)

Mu = 86.81KNm almost equal to Mu,lim

For rebars at top

= 2.68 2-20mm dia bars at
𝑏𝑑 2
d’/deff = 0.1 bottom and 2-16
mm dia bars.
providing 2-20mm dia bars at bottom and 2-
16 mm dia bars.


Reference Step Calculations Output

2 Check for minimum and maximum area

of reinforcement
Ast,max=4000 mm2

Ast,min= =156.6 mm2

Ast,max=4%*bw*D= 4000 mm2

3 Check for Shear

At left end,
Vu = 141.863 KN 𝑉𝑢
𝜏𝑣 = =
Nominal shear stress 1.57N/mm2
𝜏𝑣 = = 1.57N/mm2
IS 456:2000
Table 19 Ast,provided= 1256.63 mm2

Pt = 100*Ast/bd =1.4 %

𝜏𝑐=0.7 N/mm2 𝜏𝑐=0.7 N/mm2


𝜏𝑣 > 𝜏𝑐 no need to redesign the section and

no need to design for torsion.


Reference Step Calculations Output

𝑉𝑐 = 𝜏𝑐𝑏𝑑
IS 456:2000 Vc= 63 KN
Table 19
Shear strength of reinforcement Vc= 63 KN
𝑉𝑢𝑠 = 𝑉𝑢 − 𝑉𝑐
Vus= 78.863 KN
Vus= 78.863 KN

SP-16 Table 62
Providing 2-legged stirrup fe415

Adopt dia. 8 mm 2-legged stirrup

Asv = 2*50.26 = 100.53 mm2 Stirrup

providing dia. 8
0.87 𝑓𝑦𝐴𝑠𝑣 𝑑 mm 2-legged
Spacing Sv = = 166.18 < 300mm
𝑉𝑢𝑠 stirrup @ 100 mm
< 0.75d
So, providing dia. 8 mm 2-legged stirrup @
100 mm c/c.

At mid Span
Vu= 56.48 KN 𝜏𝑣 = =0.627
𝜏𝑣 = =0.627 N/mm2

Ast,provided = 942.47 mm2

Pt = 1.047%
𝜏𝑐=0.63 N/mm2
𝜏𝑐=0.63 N/mm2

𝜏𝑣 > 𝜏𝑐 no need to redesign the section and

no need to design for torsion.


Reference Step Calculations Output

IS 456:2000 𝑉𝑐 = 𝜏𝑐𝑏𝑑
Table 19
Vc= 56.7 KN
Vc= 56.7 KN
Shear strength
𝑉𝑢𝑠 = 𝑉𝑢 − 𝑉𝑐
Vus= -0.22 KN Vus= -0.22KN

Hence no need for stirrups at mid span.

At right end

Vu = 108.71 KN
𝜏𝑣 = 𝑏𝑑 = 1.27 N/mm2
For Pt = 1.39 %
Vu = 108.71 KN

𝜏𝑐=0.69 N/mm2
Vc= 62.1 KN
𝑉𝑐 = 𝜏𝑐𝑏𝑑

Vc= 62.1 KN

Shear strength
𝑉𝑢𝑠 = 𝑉𝑢 − 𝑉𝑐
dia. 8 mm 2-legged
Vus= 46.61 KN
stirrup @ 100 mm
𝜏𝑣 > 𝜏𝑐 no need to redesign the section and
no need to design for torsion.

Adopting dia. 8mm 2-legged stirrrups with

same spacing as of left end ie. @ 100 mm c/c

(NOTE: 50 % 0f reinforcement of bottom is

provided as compression bars)


Reference Step Calculations Output


BEAM ID- 221

Designed as T-beam
IS456:2000 Df = 125 mm
Cl.22,2. d’ = 40 mm
D= 350 mm
deff = 310 mm
bw = 250 mm

Effective span = clear span + effective depth

or c/c
= 5486 mm
1 𝐿𝑜
bf = 6 + 𝑏𝑤 + 6𝐷𝑓
=(0.7*5486)/6 + 250 + 6* 125
= 1640.03 mm

Check: b/d = 0.8 > 0.3 (ok)

IS456:2000 0.87𝑏𝑤𝑑
Cl.23.1.2.a Ast,min= = 134.85 mm2

Df/d = 0.403
IS 456:2000 bf/b = 0.56
Annex G-1.1(b)
Mu,lim = 0.948 fck bw d2
Mu,lim = 455.51 KNm

At left end , L=0

P V2 T M3
42.112 -109.93 12.9057 -71.08
12.15 -65.77 7.6048 -41.08


Reference Step Calculations Output

Torsion (Tu)= 12.957 KNm

Maximum moment = -71.08 KNm
Minimum moment = -41.08 KNm
Maximum shear = -108.267 KN
Mt= 18.28 KNm
Moment due to torsion
(1 + )
𝑀𝑡 = 𝑏 𝑇𝑢 Md- = 89.36 KNm
Mt= 18.28 KNm
Total moment (-ve) (Md-) = 71.08 + 18.28
= 89.36 KNm
Mu< Mu,lim
SP16 TABLE 3 For hogging moment (-ve)
Mu= 89.36KNm < Mu,lim singly reinforced singly reinforced
section section
Mu/bf*d2 = 0.56
Pt = 0.134 %
So we get
IS456:2000 Ast = 0.134% * 1640.03 * 310 = 681.26
Annex B6.4.2 >Ast minimum

So provide 3-20 mm dia bar at top and 2- So provide 3-20

16mm dia. bar. mm dia. bar at top
and 2-16mm dia.

At mid span , L=2.71018

P V2 T M3
156 2.587 2.246 21.98
261.525 5.651 3.8045 36.69


Reference Step Calculations Output

Torsion (Tu)= 3.8045 KNm

Maximum moment = 36.69 KNm
Minimum moment = 21.98 KNm
Maximum shear = 5.651 KN Mt= 5.37 KNm
Md+ =42.06 KNm
Moment due to torsion
(1 + )
𝑀𝑡 = 𝑏 𝑇𝑢
1.7 Mu< Mu,lim
Mt= 5.37 KNm
SP16 TABLE 3 Total moment (+ve) (Md+) = 5.37+36.69 singly reinforced
= 42.06 KNm section
For sagging moment (+ve)
Mu= 42.06 KNm < Mu,lim singly reinforced

Mu/bf*d2 = 0.3
Pt = 0.071 %
So we get
Ast = 0.071 %* 1640.03 * 310 = 360
>Ast minimum
(0k) So provide 1-16
mm dia bar at top
So provide 1-16 mm dia bar at top and 3- and 3-16mm dia.
16mm dia. bar. bar
At Right end , L=5.4075

P V2 T M3
33.208 107.063 -7.709 -37.62
5.705 64.026 -13.151 -64.22


Reference Step Calculations Output

Torsion (Tu)= 13.1513 KNm

Maximum moment = 64.223 KNm
Minimum moment = 37.628 KNm
Maximum shear = 107.063 KN
Mt= 18.56KNm
Moment due to torsion
(1 + )
𝑀𝑡 = 𝑏 𝑇𝑢 Md- = 89.36 KNm
Mt= 18.56KNm
Total moment (-ve) (Md-) = 64.223+18.56
= 82.783 KNm Mu< Mu,lim
For sagging moment (+ve) singly reinforced
Mu= 82.783 KNm < Mu,lim singly reinforced section

Mu/bf*d2 = 0.52
Pt = 0.125 %
So we get
IS456:2000 Ast = 0.125% * 1640.03 * 310 = 634.5
Annex B6.4.2 >Ast minimum
(0k) Provide 3-20 mm
dia bar at top and 3-
So provide 3-20 mm dia bar at top and 3- 16mm dia. bar.
16mm dia. bar.

For development length

𝐿𝑑 =
Ld = 56.64 𝜙


5.3. Design of Staircase

A staircase is a construction designed to bridge a large vertical distance by dividing the distance
into smaller vertical distances, called steps. Stairs may be straight, round, or may consist of two or
more straight pieces connected at angles.

a. Open well Staircase

Known Data:
Riser height, R= 150 mm Floor to floor height= 3.7338 m
Tread height, T= 250 mm No. of riser = 25(total) No. of tread = 22


Reference Step Calculations Output

Along X-X axis

Effective length(l) = 0.12+1.041+2.057+0.61
= 3.833 m
Length/depth = 20 Assuming simply
Depth (d)= 3833/20 = 191.65

For clear cover = 20 mm

Waist slab depth
10 mm dia. rebars D= 250 mm

Overall depth, D= 191.65+20+5= 216.65mm

Adopting, overall depth (D)= 250 mm

Load calculation

On going:
(𝑇 2 +𝑅 2 )
i.waist slab self wt. = 25 *0.25* 𝑇
= 7.28 KN/m2
ii.self wt. of steps = D/2 *b*𝛾
= ∗ 25 ∗ 0.291
factored load on
= 1.378 KN/m (for one step) going = 46.07
For nine steps = 12.40 KN/m2 KN/m
iii.Floor finish = 1.5 KN/m2
iv.Live load = 4 KN/m2

per width total load=25.18*1.22=30.72KN/m

factored load on going = 46.07 KN/m

On landing:
i.self wt. of slab = 25*0.250=6.25 KN/m2
ii.Floor finish = 1.5KN/m2
iii.Live load= 4KN/m2
Total load on landing
= 11.75 *1.22=14.335KN/m


Reference Step Calculations Output

Factored load on landing = 21.45 KN/m Factored load on

landing = 21.45
IS456:2000 KN/m

2 Analysis
Taking moment along X-X about A.
ΣMA= 0
RB *3.833 = 10.75*1.22*(0.61+2.057+1.041)
+46.07*2.057*(1.028+1.041)+21.5*1.041*0.5205 RB = 66.89KN

RB = 66.89KN Total loads along

Total loads along X-X X-X=130.26 KN
=46.07*2.057+21.5*1.041+10.75*1.22=130.26 KN
RA = 63.37 KN

RA + RB = 130.26 KN
RA = 63.37 KN

Dist. where shear force is zero be X dist. from A.

0= 66.89 – (21.5*1.041) – 46.07*(X-1.041+0.12)
X = 1.89 m MX = 83.3 KNm
Maximum bending at X= 1.89 m, width = 1.22 m
MX = 66.89 *1.89- 21.5 – 46.07*0.969*0.484 Maximum Shear
MX = 83.3 KNm = 66.89 KN

Maximum Shear = 66.89 KN

d= 225 mm
3 Depth Check

𝑀𝑥 = 0.133 𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏 𝑑2
d= 160.21 mm< 225 mm , Hence ok


Reference Step Calculations Output

IS 456:2000 4 Shear Check

Table 19

𝑉𝑢 66.89∗103
𝜏𝑣 = = = 0.24 𝑁/𝑚𝑚2
𝑏𝑑 1220∗225

For D=250 mm,

IS 456:2000 K= 1.1 𝜏𝑣 < 𝜏𝑐 <
Cl. 𝜏𝑐, 𝑚𝑎𝑥 , hence ok
𝜏𝑐=1.1*0.28 = 0.380 N/mm2

𝜏𝑐, 𝑚𝑎𝑥=2.8 N/mm2

𝜏𝑣 < 𝜏𝑐 < 𝜏𝑐, 𝑚𝑎𝑥 , hence ok

4 Design for Main Reinforcement

For per unit width:

𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑠𝑡
Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- 𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏𝑑)
Taking Mu = 83.3 KNm
b= 1000 mm
d=225 mm

we get, Ast,required= 951.728 mm2

Adopting 10 mm
dia. rebars @ 75
Adopting main rebars of 10 mm dia.
1000∗78.54 mm c/c
Spacing , S= 951.728 = 82.52 < 300 mm
Ast, provided =
Adopting 10 mm dia. rebars @ 75 mm c/c 1047.2 mm2

Ast, provided = 1047.2 mm2


Reference Step Calculations Output

For Distribution bars

Ast,min = 0.00012*1000*250 = 300 mm2 8 mm dia. bars as

Providing 8 mm dia. bars as distribution distribution bars @
bars @ 160 mm c/c 160 mm c/c

Similarly for section Y-Y

At landing ‘2’ taking 50% of the load acting
in landing ‘1’.
And landing ‘2’ and ‘3’ being equal we take
same amount of load acting in landing ‘2’.

And Design is done similarly


b. Dog-legged Staircase
Known Data:
Riser height, R= 150 mm Floor to floor height= 3.7338 m
Tread height, T= 250 mm No. of riser = 25(total) No. of tread = 22


Reference Step Calculations Output

Along X-X axis

1 Effective length(l) =G+x+y
=2.515+0.535+0.535= 3.5851 m
Length/depth = 20

Depth estimation of slab, Assuming simply

𝐿 supported
= 𝛼𝛽𝛾𝛿𝜆
L/d = 26 *1.8 = 33.8
Waist slab depth
d=3.5851*103/33.8 = 133.58 D= 150 mm

Adopting, overall depth of 150 mm and

d=125 mm Clear cover= 20
Load calculation:: Dia. 10 mm main
α= tan-1( )=30.94o, so dv=174.93 mm

i.waist slab self wt.= 25*0.1749


ii.self wt. of steps = 0.5*150*0.25

=0.01875 m2
Wt.of all steps = 25*0.01875*11=5.156 KN
iii.Floor finish = 1.5 KN/m2 load on landing =
iv.Live load = 4 KN/m2 9.9KN/m

net load on landing=(3.75+1.5+4)*1.07

= 9.9KN/m

Dead load in flight part

w = 4.373 + + 2.05
= 9.54 KN/m


Reference Step Calculations Output

Total load on flight = 9.54 + 1.7*4 = 13.82 KN/m Factored load on

Factored load= 1.5 * 13.82 = 20.73 KN/m flight =
IS456:2000 20.73KN/m

2 Analysis Design Moment and Shear

Considering fixity of end condition

𝑊𝑢 𝐿𝑒𝑓𝑓 2 20.73∗3.5852
Mu = = = 26.643 𝐾𝑁𝑚
10 10
𝑊𝐿 20.73∗2.515
𝑉𝑢 = = = 26.08
2 2

Check Shear 𝜏𝑣 < 𝜏𝑐 <

𝑉𝑢 26.08∗103 𝜏𝑐, 𝑚𝑎𝑥
𝜏𝑣 = = = 0.195𝑁/𝑚𝑚2
𝑏𝑑 1070∗125 (ok)
For Pt = 0.3 %
𝜏𝑐= 0.28*1.3 = 0.364
𝜏𝑐, 𝑚𝑎𝑥=2.8

𝜏𝑣 < 𝜏𝑐 < 𝜏𝑐, 𝑚𝑎𝑥

IS 456:2000
Table 19

3 Design for Main Reinforcement

For per unit width:

𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑠𝑡
Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- 𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏𝑑)
Taking Mu = 26.643 𝐾𝑁𝑚
b= 1000 mm
d=125 mm

we get, Ast,required= 545.634 mm2

providing, 10 mm dia bars no. of bars 7


Reference Step Calculations Output

Adopting main rebars of 10 mm dia.

Spacing , S= = 160 < 300
Adopting 10 mm
dia. rebars @ 100
Adopting 10 mm dia. rebars @ 100 mm c/c
IS 456:2000 mm c/c

For Distribution bars

8 mm dia. bars as
distribution bars @
Ast,min = 0.00012*1000*250 = 300 mm2
160 mm c/c
Providing 8 mm dia. bars as distribution
bars @ 160 mm c/c


5.4. Design of Mat/Raft Foundation

If the loads transmitted by the columns in the structure are so heavy or the allowable soil pressure
so small that individual footings would cover more than 50% of the whole area it may be better to
provide continuous footing under all columns and walls. Such a footing is called a raft or mat
foundation. The raft is designed by analyzing it as a series of continuous strips centered on the
appropriate column rows in both directions. The shear and bending moment diagram may be drawn
using continuous beam analysis or coefficients for each strip. The depth is selected to satisfy shear
requirements. The steel requirement will vary from strip.
Required Data:
Case Considered = 1.5(DL+LL)
Total Design (factored) Load = 25253.1 KN
Service Load = 25253.1/1.5 = 16835.4 KN
Safe Soil Bearing Capacity = 150 KN/m2
According to 1893( Part 1 ): 2002 (clause, table 1, the percentage of Permissible
Increase in Allowable Bearing Pressure or Resistance of Soils for soft soil in case of mat
foundation is 50.
So, for load combination with EQ load safe bearing capacity= 200 KN/m2
Grade of concrete = M-25
Grade of steel = Fe-500
Calculation of center of gravity of plan area
Geometric center og gravity (considering end projection of 500 mm)
X = 10.9645 m Y = 6.431 m
Taking moment of column load about outer face of mat,
X’ = 10.5327 m Y’ = 5.70821 m
ex = X’ – X = - 0.43 m
ey = Y’ – Y = -0.723 m

Calculation of Moment of Inertia

I = BL3/12
Ixx = 3888.33 m4 Iyy = 11302.74 m4

Area of coverage = 295 m2

Mxx = P * ey = 25253.1 * 0.43 = 18258 KNm
Myy = P * ex = 25253.1 * 0.723 = 10858 KNm

Calculation of Soil Pressure

𝛴𝑃 𝑀𝑦 𝑀𝑥
Stress, 𝜎= ± ∗𝑋 ± ∗𝑌
𝐴 𝐼𝑦𝑦 𝐼𝑥𝑥

column ID Pu (KN) Pxx (KN) Pyy (KN) X (m) Y (m) Stress

A1 821.52 0 0 -10.96 -6.43 105.23
B1 1451.01 5822.91 0 -6.95 -6.43 109.11
C1 2074.35 19706.33 0 -1.46 -6.43 114.41
D1 2148.47 32197.05 0 4.02 -6.43 119.71
E1 1123.83 23521.93 0 9.96 -6.43 125.45
A2 1364.13 0 8281.64 -10.96 -0.36 76.69
B2 2291.34 9195.15 13910.74 -6.95 -0.36 80.57
C2 2800.91 26608.68 17004.35 -1.46 -0.36 85.87
D2 2958.15 44330.97 17958.98 4.02 -0.36 91.18
E2 1813.76 37962.10 11011.37 9.96 -0.36 96.92
A3 792.38 0 9399.22 -10.96 5.43 49.48
B3 1366.44 5483.52 16208.72 -6.95 5.43 53.35
C3 1568.06 14896.59 18600.35 -1.46 5.43 58.66
D3 1649.77 24723.56 19569.65 4.02 5.43 63.96
E3 1028.92 21535.55 12205.19 9.96 5.43 69.70
Total 25253.10 265984.30 144150.20 -10.96 -6.43

Note all soil pressure at different points are less than 150 KN/2, hence Safe.
Now, in X- direction the raft is divided into three strips, that are equivalent beam. The bending
moment is obtained by using a coefficient of 1/10 for span more than two span whereas 1/8 for
two or less and L as the length of the longest beam c/c distance of column.
+𝑀 = −𝑀 =
1. Beam 1-1, width 3.535 and soil pressure of 125.46 KN/m2
2. Beam 2-2, width 5.931 and soil pressure of 0.5(125.46+96.925) KN/m2
3. Beam 3-3, width 3.3955 and soil pressure of 0.5(96.925+69.70) KN/m2
Maximum moment for strip 1-1, M= 125.46*5.9442/10 = 443.26 KNm per meter

Maximum moment for strip 2-2, M= 111.2*5.9442/10= 392.88 KNm per meter
Maximum moment for strip 3-3, M= 83.3125 * 5.9442/10 = 294.35 KNm per meter

Maximum moment Mmax= 443.26 KNm per meter

Similarly, in Y-direction:

Maximum moment for strip A-A, M= 105.232*6.0712/10 = 387.85 KNm per meter

And so on…
i. Calculation of depth of foundation

Depending on moment criteria

Mu,lim = 0.133 *fck *b*d2

M=443.26 KNm per meter

So we get depth, d= 369.3 mm

ii. Calculation of depth from two-way shear

The depth of raft will be governed by two-way shear at one of the exterior column,
in case location of critical shear it’s obvious to check all possible location. When
shear reinforcement is not provided, the calculated shear stress at critical section
shall not excess Ks 𝜏𝑐.

i.e. 𝜏𝑣 = Ks 𝜏𝑐 (IS456:200, Cl.31.6.3)

Ks = 0.5 + βs not greater than 1

βs =1
Ks = 1.5 > 1 so take Ks=1

Shear strength of concrete

𝜏𝑐 = 0.25*(fck)0.5 (IS456:200,Cl 31.6.3)

𝜏𝑣 = Ks 𝜏𝑐 = 1*0.25(25)0.5 = 1.25 N/mm2

𝜏𝑣 ≤ 𝜏𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒

For corner column say A-1


821.525 ∗ 103
1.25 =
2 ∗ (0.5𝑑 + 450) ∗ 𝑑
d=477.20 mm

For interior column say C-2

2800.914 ∗ 103
1.25 =
4 ∗ (0.5𝑑 + 450) ∗ 𝑑
d= 700.15 mm

For side column C-3

1568.062 ∗ 103
1.25 =
(2 ∗ (0.5𝑑 + 450) + (𝑑 + 450)) ∗ 𝑑

d= 523.38 mm

So adopting effective depth , d= 750 mm

Overall depth, D =750 + clear cover(50 mm) = 800 mm

iii. Reinforcement calculation

𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑠𝑡
Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d (1- 𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏𝑑)

For reinforcement is X-direction taking M= 443.26 KNm per meter

d = 750 mm
we get, Ast, required = 1411.80 mm2/m
Ast,min = 0.12% of bD = 960 mm2
So provide dia. 20 mm rebars in X-direction
Spacing ,
S= 1411.80 = 220.52 mm

Adopting dia. 20 mm rebars along X- direction @ 250 mm c/c.

Ast provided = 1256.64 mm2
For reinforcement in Y-direction taking M= 387.85 KNm per meter and d=740mm
So we get Ast required = 1246.89 mm2

Spacing , S= = 251.52 mm


So we provide 20 mm bars @ 250 mm c/c along Y-direction. Ast provided = 1256.64 mm2
For distribution bars
Ast,min = 0.12% of bD = 960 mm2
Spacing , S= = 327.25 mm > 300 mm

Adopting, dia. 20 mm distribution bars @ 300 mm c/c.

5.5 Design of column
Column ID-151

Frame Station Output Case Step P M2 M3 Frame Element

Case Type Type KN KNm KNm Elem Station

151 0 Envelope Combination Max -1633.81 23.59 9.34 151-1 0

151 0 Envelope Combination Min -3129.34 -2.31 22.45 151-1 0

151 1.87 Envelope Combination Max -1627.09 -2.55 4.24 151-1 1.87

151 1.87 Envelope Combination Min -3118.14 -7.04 -17.12 151-1 1.87

151 3.73 Envelope Combination Max -1620.37 -7.10 -0.27 151-1 3.73

151 3.73 Envelope Combination Min -3106.94 -33.56 -6.12 151-1 3.73


Reference Step Calculations Output

1 Column size = 450 x 450 mm

Height = 3.7338 m
Assuming clear cover = 40 mm
IS456:2000 d’ = 52.5 mm
Cl.25.1.2 Unsupported length, Lo =3.7338 – 0.4= short column
3.3338 m
Effective length, Leff = 0.65*3.3338 =2.167m
Along X-direction
Slenderness ratio = Leff / 0.45 = 4.8125 m
Along Y-direction
Slenderness ratio = Leff / 0.45 = 4.8125 m
< 12
Hence short column.

2 From SAP output

Factored Axial force (Pu) = 2958.16 KN
IS456:2000 Factored moment (Mx) = 11.0048 KNm
Cl.25.4 Factored moment (My) = 10.456 KNm

3 Minimum Pt = 0.8 % Ag
Maximum Pt = 4% Ag

IS456:2000 4 Eccentricity consideration

Cl.39.3 Minimum Eccentricity:
𝑙𝑜 𝑏
𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛 = +
500 30
Or 2.0 cm whichever is less.
emin = 21.67 mm > 20 mm


Reference Step Calculations Output

5 Moment due to eccentricity

Mex = Mey = Pu * emin = 64.10 KNm > Mx/My
Mux = Muy = 64.10 KNm

SP-16 6 Calculation of Reinforcement
Chart 49
Assuming Pt = 3% Mux1=Muy1 = 182.25
Pt / fck = 0.15 KNm
d’/D = 0.1167 taking 0.15

= 0.73
𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏 𝐷
From chart
= 0.1
𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏 𝐷2

Now Mux1=Muy1 = 182.25 KNm

Assuming equal distribution of bars in all Puz = 4046 KNm

four sides.

𝑃𝑢𝑧 = 0.45𝑓𝑐𝑘𝐴𝑐 + 0.75𝑓𝑦𝐴𝑠𝑡

IS456:2000 Puz = 4046 KNm
= 0.73
So we get 𝛼𝑛 = 1.88
𝑀𝑢𝑥 𝛼𝑛 𝑀𝑢𝑦 𝛼𝑛
( ) +( ) ≤1
𝑀𝑢𝑥1 𝑀𝑢𝑦1


Reference Step Calculations Output

IS456:2000 0.28 < 1 (ok)

Cl. c For dia. 25 mm longitudinal bars no. of bars 𝑀𝑢𝑥 𝛼𝑛
required is too much hence we check at 32 ( )
mm 𝑀𝑢𝑦 𝛼𝑛
Ast = Pt * (bD/100) =6433.98 mm2 +( ) ≤1
We use dia. 32 mm bars
Area of single dia. 32 mm bars
A = 804.24 mm2 0.28 < 1 (ok)
So we use 8-dia. 32 mm bars as
reinforcement in column @ 125 mm c/c use 8-dia. 32 mm
bars as
reinforcement in
6433.981 column @ 125 mm
𝑃𝑡 = = 0.03 ≤ 3% (𝑜𝑘)
450 ∗ 450 c/c

Design of transverse Reinforcement

Dia. of transverse reinforcement
𝜙 < 8 𝑚𝑚 < 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑎𝑟
= 28/ 4
Provide dia. transverse reinforcement = 8
mm dia.

Spacing of transverse reinforcement :

Spacing is minimum of:
Sv > minimum dimension of column i.e
450 mm


Reference Step Calculations Output

Sv > 16 times smaller dia. of longitudinal

IS456:2000 bar i.e 16*25 = 400 mm
Cl. c >300 mm Provide 8 mm dia.
bars @ 300 mm c/c
Provide 8 mm dia. bars @ 300 mm c/c.


Basement wall:
Basement wall or retaining wall is a reinforced cement concrete structure generally built beneath
the ground level to retain the earth and prevent moisture from seeping into the building. Since the
basement wall is supported by the mat foundation, the stability is ensured and the design of the
basement wall is limited to the safe design of vertical stem. It is designed for both moment and
shear criteria.
Basement walls carry lateral earth pressure generally as vertical slabs supported by floor framing
at the basement level and upper floor level. The axial forces in the floor structures are, in turn,
either resisted by shear walls or balanced by the lateral earth pressure coming from the opposite
side of the building. Although basement walls act as vertical slabs supported by the horizontal
floor framing , keep in mind that during the early construction stage when the upper floor has not
yet been built the wall may have to be designed as a cantilever.
Due to constraint of time we didn’t do detail design of basement wall but its design is necessary.



This project is the result of group effort of whole group’s member and the valuable guidance of
our supervisor. The project work enables us to consolidate the knowledge of analysis and design
of structure during our B.E course.
1. Since the project site is located at Bhairahawa we have given more emphasis on earthquake
load rather than others.
2. The response spectrum method is used to analysis the building due to more practicable and
easy. SAP 2000 V19 provided to be helpful tools in the analysis of frame for various
loading condition. In the project, the analysis, design and detailing of all require element
of building were done based on 3-D frame analysis by SAP 2000 V19.
3. Detail structural design of building is important aspect of construction procedure.
Practically an engineer employed must have knowledge on designs, construction
procedures, site study etc. Design and layout of the building services like pipeline,
electrical appliances, sanitary and sewage system were not covered in this project.
4. The environmental, social and economical condition of the locality was not taken into
consideration. The project work was only related with the practical application of the
studied courses in the field. Detail cost estimate of the project was not included in this
Finally we hope that efforts and coordination for the project work will prove much useful in our
career and project will be helpful in providing information on the earthquake resistant design and
its safe practice and we hope, this project will help us in similar jobs that we might have in our
hands in the future.



1. Jain, A. K. - Reinforced Concrete-Limit State Design
2. Agarwal, Pankaj and Shrikhande, Manish – Earthquake Resistant Design of Structure
3. Pillai, S. Unnikrishna and Menon, Devdas - Reinforced Concrete Design
4. Sinha, S. N. - Reinforced Concrete Design
5. Varghese, P.C. - Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete

1. IS 456: 2000 Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete
2. IS 875: 1987 Code of Practice for Design Load for Building and Structures (Part I – Dead
Loads; Part II – Imposed Loads)
3. IS 1893(Part I):2002 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
4. IS 13920: 1993 Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic
Forces – Code of Practice
5. SP 16 Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS 456:1978
6. SP 34 Hand book on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing


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