Shape Optimization of Geotextile Tubes For Sandy Beach Protection
Shape Optimization of Geotextile Tubes For Sandy Beach Protection
Shape Optimization of Geotextile Tubes For Sandy Beach Protection
beach protection
Damien Isebe†,∗, Pascal Azerad† , Frederic Bouchette♭ ,
Benjamin Ivorra♮ and Bijan Mohammadi† .
Institut de Mathématiques et de Modélisation de Montpellier, Université de Montpellier II, 34095 Montpellier, France
Montpellier Geosciences, Université de Montpellier II, 34095 Montpellier, France
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, 28040 Madrid, Spain
The paper describes how to tackle new challenging coastal engineering
problems related to beach erosion with a shape optimization approach.
The method modifies the shape of the sea bottom in order to reduce beach
erosion effects. Global optimization is shown to be necessary as the related
functionals have several local minima. We describe the physical model
used, the proposed protection devices against beach erosion and real case
1 Introduction
Beach erosion problems bring increasing engineering demand. Indeed, about
70% of world beaches are crossing an erosion phase, 20% are stable and 10%
show signs of fattening [1, 2]. Obviously, this has major economical and envi-
ronmental impacts. Groins, breakwaters and other coastal structures are used
to decrease water wave energy or to control sediment flows. The shape of these
devices are usually determined using simple hydrodynamical assumptions, struc-
tural strength laws or empirical considerations. However, as we will see, these are
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not fully satisfactory because of secondary effects. Our aim is to take advantage
of shape optimization techniques, mainly used in aeronautics [3, 4], to propose
new solutions to tackle this problem. This approach is fully innovative in coastal
Also, efficient global optimization algorithms are necessary to avoid the design
to converge to local minima. Indeed, we will see that the related functionals have
several local minima. Moreover, the search space is often non-connected. We use
a semi-deterministic algorithm to allow global optimization of systems governed
by PDEs with a low calculation complexity [5, 6].
The paper is structured as follows. In section 2, we recall the state of the art
on geotextile tubes and we describe their parameterization. Section 3 presents
the flow model used for the water waves propagation. Section 4 is dedicated
to the description of the minimization problem. Finally, section 5 displays and
discusses optimization results for two beach protection studies in Northwestern
Mediterranean sea with the aim of reducing the energy available for sediment
transport. In the Appendix, we briefly expose the optimization method used.
drift, whereas erosion is amplified downstream. Hence, it is soon necessary to
build another groin further downstream... and so on).
Currently, interest goes to a new generation of soft structures having less im-
pact on coastal hydro-sedimentary system [12, 13, 14]. These devices are geotex-
tile tubes, also called geotubes (figure 2-Up). These geotubes are long cylinders
made of synthetic textile and filled up with sand.
This paper discusses shape and location optimizations of geotubes for two
sites both located on the Northwestern Mediterranean French coast.
The first analysis concerns the protection of a 2.4 km beach located between
Sète and Agde [15] (figure 2-Down-(Left)). This is an large-scale industrial
project under strict feasibility constraints. The Bas-Rhône Languedoc Company
(BRL) is in charge of the device layout and installation. This company has a great
experience of land-use management and development in Languedoc-Roussillon
(a french area) in order to perform engineering studies and advisory services.
Concerning the studied site, the coastal zone is characterized by a very low tidal
excursion and moderate waves. This beach is subjected to severe erosion and the
coastline has recorded a shoreward displacement of about 50 m since 1967 with
a rate of shore retreat of about 1 m/year since 10 years [16]. In this spot, the
critical wave height Hlim is about 2 m.
The second situation concerns the protection of the Le Grau du Roi Le Bou-
canet beach (figure 2-Down-(Right)). This problem leads to a higher dimension
design problem, as we shall see below.
shape (cross-section) of the geotube is given by a Gaussian function of the form
f (d) = He−sd where d is the normal distance to the spline. This adds two addi-
tional parameters (s, H) for the control of the height and width of the geotubes.
Thus, we have in each node a modification of the topobathymetry (see figure 4)
which accounts for the presence of the geotubes.
3 Flow model
The propagation of water waves over linear irregular bottom bathymetry and
around islands involves many processes such that shoaling, refraction, energy
dissipation and diffraction.
To compute the water wave propagation, we use the REF/DIF code [18, 19,
20]. REF/DIF is a open source software designed for modelling wave propaga-
tion over a weakly varying seabottom. It takes into account both refraction and
diffraction phenomena or wave attenuation. However, this model does not ac-
count for the reflection phenomenon. This appears, for instance, in water wave
propagation in a harbor with vertical emergent structures. Our applications only
concern propagation toward sandy beaches. The model has been validated on
various experimental test cases [21, 22, 23].
REF/DIF is based on a parabolic weakly nonlinear combined refraction and
diffraction model which incorporates all of the effects mentioned above [24, 20].
This model combines the essential features of the two specific approaches, a mild
slope model [25, 26, 27, 28] and a diffraction model [29, 30]. In this section, we
briefly present the nonlinear combined refraction/diffraction model.
∂A ∂ (kCCg )
2ikCCg + 2k (k − k0 ) (CCg ) A + iA (1)
∂x ∂x
∂ CCg ∂A
+ − k (CCg ) K ′ |A|2 A = 0
where r
C= tanh kh (phase speed), (2)
(1 + sinh 2kh
Cg = C (group velocity), (3)
C cosh 4kh + 8 − 2 tanh2 kh
′ 3
K =k , (4)
Cg 8 sinh4 kh
h(x, y) is the local water depth and g the gravity. The local wave number, k(x, y),
is related to the angular frequency of the waves, ω, and the water depth h by the
nonlinear dispersion relationship
4 Cost function
An optimization problem refers to the minimization of a cost function J, also
called objective function (see the Appendix ). In this study, our aim is to optimize
the shape of a given geotube and its distance to the coast in order to minimize
the energy available for sediment transport in the near-shore zone. We have seen
in section 2 that this cost function can be expressed as a function of the water
wave mechanical energy E = 81 ρgH 2 where ρ is the water density and H = 2A
[7, 8]. This energy is crucial in the erosion process as it fosters the motion of
Another important issue for the modified geometry (i.e. after addition of the
geotube) is that the geotube should not increase the sea bottom fluid particle ve-
locity1 shoreward. For a water wave propagation in the x-direction, the stationary
Also called bottom orbital velocity
bottom orbital velocity Uorb is given by [30]
Uorb = cos k · x (7)
with x = (x, y) and k = k(cos θ, sin θ) where k is the wave number and θ the
wave direction.
However, section 2 and Table 1 suggest two main categories of water waves:
the constructive and the erosive ones which, as we said, correspond to waves with
heights below and above the critical water height Hlim = 2 meters. Hence, for a
given direction of propagation θ, the following cost function is considered
EH>Hlim dS
D initial initial
Jθ = R + (kUorb k − kUorb k)+ + ( EH<Hlim dS − EH<H dS)+
D H<Hlim
dS D D
where (x)+ = max(x, 0) is any regularized max operator in order to have Jθ
differentiable and initial is related to the initial unmodified sea bottom. D is the
area where the minimization is desirable. The first term of J aims to maximize
the constructive waves and minimize destructive ones (as a low-pass filter for
waves). The second (resp. third) term penalizes orbital velocity energy (resp.
energy produced by constructive waves) greater than their initial values (i.e. for
the unperturbed region).
As we are interested by multi-point optimization, we consider the following
weighted combination X
J= p θ Jθ (9)
where pθ is the observation frequency for a given wave direction. This last point
again brings the importance of global minimization tools.
This is also clear from figure 5 which shows a sampling of the functional J
along one dimension for a situation where the only parameter is the distance
of the geotube to the beach. The area D where functional J is computed lies
between 100 and 250 meters far from the coastline. The height of the geotube
has been set to 3 m, its width to 12 m and the offshore distance sampled between
100 and 750 m seaward for a simple straight geotube. The minimum is obtained
for a geotube located at around 350 m from the coastline (we come back to this
simulation in section 5).
5.1 Straight geotube
We first design a straight geotube. This problem arises in the protection of a beach
located between Sète and Agde (Northwestern Mediterranean sea, Languedoc-
Roussillon, France) where industrial constraints reduce the number of design
parameters to two: the distance from the coast and the height of the tube. The
computational domain for the flow is 2400 m longshore and 1200 m shoreward.
The mesh size is 1m cross-shore and 5m longshore. The tube is of the same
length as the studied costal zone. In that case, as the tube was already pre-
designed, the width is fixed to 12 m. The propagation is performed for water
waves data available at 1.2 km of the coastline, stemming from French National
Center Archive for In Situ Wave Data (e.g. from table 1). Recreational sailing
and tourism navigation constraints due to local topobathymetry imply that the
search space [100 m, 200 m]∪[300 m, 850 m] is disconnected. This because no tube
should be placed on the second natural sandy bar (see figure 3) to keep a minimum
depth of 2 m. Coastal engineering suggests to build devices to control the energy
generated in the area between 100 and 250 meters far from the coastline (denoted
by D in the cost function definition, see section 4). This zone corresponds to the
gap between the first and the second natural sand bar.
Coastal engineering first guess would suggest to set the geotextile tube around
550 m from the coast to recreate the third natural sand bar which is missing in
this site. Available geotubes are 3 m high which leaves an acceptable depth of
water to float ships. The optimization procedure locates the geotube at 353
m far from the coast with a height of 2.5 m. This result is confirmed by the
sampling of figure 5. For this reduced number of parameters, which was imposed
by industrial constraints, we could have manually searched the design space. But
we preferred to test our optimizer on this case for which the cost function J is
clearly non-convex and possesses several local minima (see figure 5).
Table 2 shows that the optimized geotube is inactive for the constructive
water waves and reduces the erosive ones. In addition, because of the multi-
point problem considered, this is true for all studied propagation directions : the
geotube plays its low-pass filter role.
Global functional histories for the current and best element found are shown
in figure 6. We plot the output of the core minimization algorithm for different
initializations provided by our multi-layer construction. Several local attraction
basins have been visited. The core minimization algorithm has been called about
50 times. Overall the optimization has required about 700 functional evaluations.
Each state evaluation requires about 15 min on a (3 GHz - 1 GB) personal com-
puter. Figure 7 shows the water wave height for the protected and unprotected
beaches for erosive SSE condition (See Table 1).
This shows that a geotube set immediately before the second natural sand bar
makes it possible to break the water waves, therefore attenuating their energy in
the nearshore zone. More precisely, this study reveals that the geotube must
break the water waves sufficiently far away from the coastline but not too far,
otherwise the wave recreates itself. In addition, figure 8 ensures that this opti-
mized configuration does not increase the bottom orbital velocity compared to the
initial configuration, which guarantees that bottom shear-stress is not amplified
(see section 4).
6 Conclusion
A coastal engineering problem has been modelled and optimal shape design per-
formed for sandy beach protection. Results have shown that geotubes can be de-
signed to reduce beach erosion, under the constraint of minimum water draught
for coastal navigation. These devices permit reduction of wave energy, orbital
velocity and free surface elevation. Finally, complementary studies have shown
that despite not being accounted for during design, the generated currents [32]
are also lower after the introduction of the protection device.
7 Acknowledgements
This work is part of the COPTER research project (2006-2009) NT05 - 2-42253,
supported by the French National Research Agency. The authors would like to
thank the Bas-Rhône Languedoc Engineering Co. for their feedbacks during this
work realization.
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A Optimization method
In this appendix, we briefly present the global optimization method used for the
We consider the following minimization problem
consider v0 = s as a new variable and solve the following optimization problem,
which is a reformulation of (10),
• Input: v1 , N1 , ε
• v2 chosen randomly
For i going from 1 to N1
• oi = A0 (vi )
• oi+1 = A0 (vi+1 )
• If J(oi ) = J(oi+1 ) EndFor
• If min{J(ok )k=1,...,i } < ε
• vi+2 = vi+1 − J(oi+1 ) J(ovi+1
i+1 −vi
)−J(oi )
• Output: A1 (v1 , N1 , ε) := argmin{J(ok ), k = 1, ..., i}
• Input: w1 , N2 , ε
• w2 chosen randomly
For i going from 1 to N2
• pi = A1 (wi )
• pi+1 = A1 (wi+1 )
• If J(pi ) = J(pi+1 ) EndFor
• If min{J(pk )k=1,...,i } < ε
• wi+2 = wi+1 − J(pi+1 ) J(pwi+1
i+1 −wi
)−J(pi )
• Output: A2 (w1 , N2 , ε) := argmin{J(pk ), k = 1, ..., i}
South South South East East South East East
water == == == ==
weights 24.66% 22.75% 22.75% 17.5%
water 15% gain 30% gain 16% gain 15% gain
weights 2.84% 3.25% 3.25% 2.5%
overall gain 23%
Figure 1: Secondary effect of emerged groins: erosion has been amplified on one
side of the groins (downstream from the longshore drift).
Figure 2: Up- A geotextile tube before submersion (source: BRL engineering);
Down- Left: the barred beach between Sète and Agde, Right: the beach of Le
Grau du Roi Le Boucanet (source: Google Earth).
Figure 3: The improvement of the considered site (source: BRL engineering).
modification of
the topobathymetry A ε
due to the geotube
the initial
−ε topobathymetry
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Distance Coastline/Geotextile (m)
Figure 5: Cost function evolution w.r.t to the geotube position. This is difficult
to solve with a local minimization algorithm.
Best convergence
History of convergence
value of J
0 10 20 30 40 50
call to core minimization algorithm
Figure 6: Functional values history for the best element found by the core min-
imization algorithm and the current value of the functional. One sees that the
optimization algorithm is not a descent method.
−6m D
0m 100m 200m 300m 400m 500m 600m
offshore distance
orbital velocity
−6m D
0m 100m 200m 300m 400m 500m
offshore distance
Figure 9: (Left): The initial topobathymetry where the white box represents the
region D for the cost function computation; (Right): The modified topobathym-
etry with the optimized geotube.
Figure 10: The water height H in the whole domain: (Left) for the initial con-
figuration, (Right) for the optimized configuration.
Figure 11: The bottom orbital velocity in the domain: (Left) for the initial
configuration, (Right) for the optimized configuration.
Figure 12: The free surface elevation in the cost function region D: (Left) for the
initial configuration, (Right) for the optimized configuration.