Removing Food Stains: How To Remove Food Stain
Removing Food Stains: How To Remove Food Stain
Removing Food Stains: How To Remove Food Stain
Alcoholic Sponge with cold water or club soda. If stain remains, rinse
Beverages with white vinegar. Wash with laundry detergent in hottest
water safe for fabric.
Coffee Soak in cold water. Wash with laundry detergent and fabric-
safe bleach in cold water.
Egg Scrape off dried egg. Pre-soak in cold water. Wash with
laundry detergent in hottest water safe for fabric.
Fruit/Fruit Juice Sponge with cold water or club soda. Pre-soak in cold water.
Wash the item in cold water with laundry detergent and
fabric-safe bleach.
Gum/Wax* Rub with ice or place item in freezer, and then scrape off as
much as possible. Use a dry cleaning solvent for any greasy
residue. Then wash as usual.
Meat Juices Scrape off dried juices. Pre-soak in cold water. Wash the
item in cold water with laundry detergent and fabric-safe
Milk/Ice Cream Pre-soak in cold water. Wash the item in cold water with
laundry detergent. Treat any remaining grease spot with
dry cleaning solvent and wash again.
Soft Drinks Sponge immediately with cold water or club soda. Wash the
item in cold water with laundry detergent.
Tea Sponge with cold water or club soda. Wash with laundry
detergent and fabric-safe bleach.