UNIT 1 Ost - Part-1

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Open Source Technologies(UNIT 1) CSE Department

UNIT - 1
Introduction to open source
Unit 1 contents at a glance:
1. Introduction to open sources
2. Need of open sources
3. Advantages of open sources
4. Applications of open sources
5. My4SQL: ​Introduction​,
6. Setting up an account, Starting, Terminating and writing your own MySQL Programs,
7. Data types in MySQL
8. Record Selection Technology
9. Set operations and joins
10. Sorting Query Results
11. Generating Summary
12. Working with Strings, Date and Time
13. Working with Metadata, Using Sequences

1. Introduction to open sources:

software: ​software is a collection of instructions that enable the user to interact with a
computer, its hardware, or perform tasks.
software license​: A ​software license is a legal instrument (usually by way of contract
law, with or without printed material) governing the use or redistribution of software.
how to get software's:
we can get software as a :
● Shareware or trial software is software that gives you a few days to try the software
before you have to buy the program. After the trial time expires, you'll be asked to
enter a code or to register the product before you can continue to use it.
● liteware ​(shareware with some capabilities disabled)
● Freeware is completely free software that never requires payment, as long as it is not
modified. free software but with copyright restrictions
● public domain software ​(free with no restrictions)
● Open source software​ is similar to freeware. Not only is the program given away for 1
● free, but the ​source code used to make the program is as well, allowing anyone to
modify the program or view how it was created.

open source s/w​: Open-source software (​OSS​) is computer software with its source
code made available with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study,
change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose

Open Source Technologies(UNIT 1) CSE Department
Open: collaboration is open to all
Source: source code is freely shared

2. Need or importance of open source:

Open source software is needed for following reasons
a. to Reduce dependency on closed source vendors
b. to have high quality software
c. the annual costs wont increases
d. more access to tool
e. try before use
f. access to source code will be there
g. more secure
h. bugs will be fixed fastly
i. customizable

3. advantages of open source software:

i. secured
ii. customizability
iii. high quality
iv. free of cost
v. source code available
vi. freedom
vii. bug detection with in less time
viii. extensibility
ix. flexible
x. Interoperability
xi. try before buy
xii. support
xiii. transparency
xiv. collaboration
xv. accountability
xvi. redistributable
xvii. innovative

● no proper system testing and documentation
● late defect discovery

Open Source Technologies(UNIT 1) CSE Department
● Vulnerable to malicious users.
● Might not be as user-friendly as commercial versions
● Don’t come with extensive support.
● less usability
● poor GUI etc

4. Applications of open source:

Examples for open source software applications:

mozilla,firefox,openoffice,VLC,7-IP,joomla,WAMP,MySQL,php,perl,python,ruby,apache web
server etc
Examples for open source OS:

Linux,Google Chrome OS,Android

software licenses: ​A ​software license is a legal instrument (usually by way of contract
law, with or without printed material) governing the use or redistribution of software.
examples are ​GNU General Public License, BSD(postgres SQL), MPL, Creative Commons
Software liscense are 2 types:
1.permissive license (MIT,MPL, etc)-we can add our own copyright restrictions to
2. copy-left license: (License should be same for all versions)-GNU GPL

Open Source Technologies(UNIT 1) CSE Department


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