UNIT 1 Ost - Part-1
UNIT 1 Ost - Part-1
UNIT 1 Ost - Part-1
UNIT - 1
Introduction to open source
Unit 1 contents at a glance:
1. Introduction to open sources
2. Need of open sources
3. Advantages of open sources
4. Applications of open sources
5. My4SQL: Introduction,
6. Setting up an account, Starting, Terminating and writing your own MySQL Programs,
7. Data types in MySQL
8. Record Selection Technology
9. Set operations and joins
10. Sorting Query Results
11. Generating Summary
12. Working with Strings, Date and Time
13. Working with Metadata, Using Sequences
open source s/w: Open-source software (OSS) is computer software with its source
code made available with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study,
change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose
Open Source Technologies(UNIT 1) CSE Department
Open: collaboration is open to all
Source: source code is freely shared
● no proper system testing and documentation
● late defect discovery
Open Source Technologies(UNIT 1) CSE Department
● Vulnerable to malicious users.
● Might not be as user-friendly as commercial versions
● Don’t come with extensive support.
● less usability
● poor GUI etc
mozilla,firefox,openoffice,VLC,7-IP,joomla,WAMP,MySQL,php,perl,python,ruby,apache web
server etc
Examples for open source OS:
Open Source Technologies(UNIT 1) CSE Department