Instrumentation For Measurement of Moisture: Literature Review and Recommended Research
Instrumentation For Measurement of Moisture: Literature Review and Recommended Research
Instrumentation For Measurement of Moisture: Literature Review and Recommended Research
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JAY W. BROWN, First Vice Chairman
MILTON PIKARSKY, Second Vice Chairman
W. N. CAREY, JR., Executive Director
Executive Committee
HENRIK E. STAFSETH, Executive Director, American Association of State Highway Officials (ex officio)
RALPH R. BARTELSMEYER, Federal Highway Administrator, U.S. Department of Transportation (ex officio)
FRANK C. HERRINGER, Urban Mass Transportation Administrator, U.S. Department of Transportation (ex officio)
ERNST WEBER, Chairman, Division of Engineering, National Research Council (ex officio)
CHARLES E. SHUMATE, Executive Director-Chief Engineer, Colorado Department of Highways (ex officio, Past Chairman 1971)
ALAN M. VOORHEES, President, Alan M. Voorhees and Associates (ex officio, Past Chairman 1972)
HENDRIK W. BODE, Professor of Systems Engineering, Harvard University
JAY W. BROWN, Director of Road Operations, Florida Department of Transportation
W. J. BURMEISTER, Executive Director, Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association
DOUGLAS B. FUGATE, Commissioner, Virginia Department of Highways
WILLIAM L. GARRISON, Professor of Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh
ROGER H. GILMAN, Director of Planning and Development, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
NEIL V. HAKALA, President, Esso Research and Engineering Company
ROBERT N. HUNTER, Chief Engineer, Missouri State Highway Commission
GEORGE KRAMBLES, Operating Manager, Chicago Transit Authority
SCHEFFER LANG, Office of the President, Association of American Railroads
SAUNDERS MAC LANE, Department of Mathematics, The University of Chicago
HAROLD L. MICHAEL, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University
GRANT MICKLE, President, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility
JAMES A. MOE, Director, California Department of Public Works
ELLIOTT W. MONTROLL, Professor of Physics, University of Rochester
MILTON PIKARSKY, Commissioner of Public Works, Chicago
DAVID H. STEVENS, Chairman, Maine Department of Transportation
R. STOKES, General Manager, San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District
ROBERT N. YOUNG, Executive Director, Regional Planning Council, Baltimore, Maryland
Advisory Committee
WILLIAM L. GARRISON, University of Pittsburgh (Chairman)
JAY W. BROWN, Florida Department of Transportation
MILTON PIKARSKY, City of Chicago
HENRIK E. STAFSETH, American Association of State Highway Officials
RALPH R. BARTELSMEYER, U.S. Department of Transportation
ERNST WEBER, National Research Council
CHARLES E. SHUMATE, Colorado Dpartment of Highways
ALAN M. VOORHEES, Alan M. Voorhees and Associates
W. N. CAREY, JR., Highway Research Board
Program Staff
K. W. HENDERSON, JR., Program Director
LOUIS M. MACGREGOR, Administrative Engineer HARRY A. SMITH, Projects Engineer
JOHN E. BURKE, Projects Engineer DAVID K. WITHEFORD, Projects Engineer
GEORGE E. FRANGOS, Projects Engineer HERBERT P. ORLAND, Editor
Systematic, well-designed research provides the most ef- Project 21-1 FY '70
fective approach to the solution of many problems facing ISBN 0-309-02023-9
highway administrators and engineers. Often, highway L. C. Catalog Card No. 72-9486
problems are of local interest and can best be studied by
highway departments individually or in cooperation with Price $4.00
their state universities and others. However, the accelerat-
ing growth of highway transportation develops increasingly This report is one of a series of reports issued from a continuing
research program conducted under a three-way agreement entered
complex problems of wide interest to highway authorities. into in June 1962 by and among the National Academy of Sciences-
These problems are best studied through a coordinated National Research Council, the American Association of State High-
program of cooperative research. way Officials, and the Federal Highway Administration. Individual
fiscal agreements are executed annually by the Academy-Research
In recognition of these needs, the highway administrators Council, the Federal Highway Administration, and participating
-state highway departments, members of the American Association
of the American Association of State Highway Officials of State Highway Officials.
initiated in 1962 an objective national highway research The study reported herein was undertaken under the aegis of the
program employing modern scientific techniques. This National Academy of Sciences—National Research Council. The
program is supported on a continuing basis by funds from National Cooperative Highway Research Program, under which
this study was made, is conducted by the Highway Research Board
participating member states of the Association and it re- with the express approval of the Governing Board of the NRC.
ceives the full cooperation and support of the Federal Such approval indicated that the Board considered that the prob-
Highway Administration, United States Department of lems studied in this program are of national significance; that solu-
tion of the problems requires scientific or technical competence,
Transportation. and that the resources of NRC are particularly suitable to the con-
duct of these studies. The institutional responsibilities of the NRC
The Highway Research Board of the National Academy are discharged in the following manner: each specific problem, be-
of Sciences-National Research Council was requested by fore it is accepted for study in the Program, is approved as appro-
the Association to administer the research program because priate for the NRC by the Program advisory committee and the
Chairman of the Division of Engineering of the National Research
of the Board's recognized objectivity and understanding of Council.
modern research practices. The Board is uniquely suited The specific work to be performed in each problem area is defined
for this purpose as: it maintains an extensive committee by an advisory panel that then selects a research agency to do the
work, monitors the work, and reviews the final reports. Members
structure from which authorities on any highway transpor- of the advisory panels are appointed by the Chairman of the Divi-
tation subject may be drawn; it possesses avenues of com- sion of Engineering of the National Research Council. They are se-
munications and cooperation with federal, state, and local lected for their individual scholarly competence and judgment, with
due consideration for the balance and breadth of disciplines.
governmental agencies, universities, and industry; its rela- Responsibility for the definition of this research project and for the
tionship to its parent organization, the National Academy publication of this report rests with the advisory panel. However,
of Sciences, a private, nonprofit institution, is an insurance the opinions and conclusion expressed or implied are those of the
research agency that performed the research, and are not necessarily
of objectivity; it maintains a full-time research correlation those of the Highway Research Board, the National Research Coun-
staff of specialists in highway transportation matters to cil, the Federal Highway Administration, the American Association
bring the findings of research directly to those who are in of State Highway Officials, nor the individual states participating in
the Program.
a position to use them.
Although reports in this category are not submitted for approval to
The program is developed on the basis of research needs the Academy membership nor to the Council, each report is re-
identified by chief administrators of the highway depart- viewed and processed according to procedures established and
monitored by the Academy's Report Review Committee. Such
ments and by committees of AASHO. Each year, specific reviews are intended to determine, inter alia, whether the major
areas of research needs to be included in the program are questions and relevant points of view have been addressed, and
whether the reported findings, conclusions and recommendations
proposed to the Academy and the Board by the American arose from the available data and information. Distribution of the
Association of State Highway Officials. Research projects report is permitted only after satisfactory completion of this review
to fulfill these needs are defined by the Board, and qualified process.
research agencies are selected from those that have sub-
mitted proposals. Administration and surveillance of re- Published reports of the
search contracts are responsibilities of the Academy and NATIONAL COOPERATIVE HIGHWAY RESEARCH PROGRAM
its Highway Research Board.
are available from:
The needs for highway research are many, and the
National Cooperative Highway Research Program can Highway Research Board
make significant contributions to the solution of highway National Academy of Sciences
transportation problems of mutual concern to many re- 2101 Constitution Avenue
sponsible groups. The program, however, is intended to Washington, D.C. 20418
complement rather than to substitute for or duplicate other
highway research programs. (See last pages for list of published titles and prices)
This report is the result of a comprehensive review of literature on all known meth-
FOREVVO RD ods of moisture measurement likely to be applicable to highway problems. It con-
By Stall tains (1) a listing of highway moisture measurement problems, (2) a description
Highway Research Board of a number of applicable measurement principles, and (3) an evaluation model
for estimating the best moisture measuring instrument for specific operating condi-
tions. Soils and materials engineers will find information in the report useful during
selection of instruments for particular moisture measurement problems. In addition,
the study findings provide a sound basis for development of research programs
aimed at more satisfactory resolution of moisture measurement needs in the highway
50 APPENDIX B Bibliography
SUMMARY The objective of this study was to evaluate the suitability of existing instrumenta-
tion and techniques and to stimulate development of modified or new procedures
to measure the amount and state of water in highway components, such as embank-
ments, subgrades, base courses, pavements, and structures. In accomplishing this
objective, the researchers conducted an extensive literature review. Those tech-
niques that appear to be immediately applicable to highway problems were evalu-
ated using a linear decision model for comparing instrument performance charac-
teristics with specific moisture measurement needs. A comprehensive list of
performance characteristics with which to make this comparison was compiled.
The description of moisture measurement instrumentation is divided into cate-
gories according to the chemical and physical processes involved in the principle
of measurement. Commercial instrumentation is available in most of these cate-
gories; however, as a rule, the instruments are not designed for use in highway
engineering applications. The most suitable techniques currently available for use
in highway problems are the gravimetric methods and nuclear scattering methods.
For nondestructive surface or near-surface measurements, the nuclear method
appears to be unexcelled. Where samples can be removed for analysis, gravimetric
methods are most suitable. Oven drying is most commonly used, and normally is
the standard method for correlating various highway component characteristics with
moisture content. For field use, chemical extraction techniques appear to be most
effective. Problems occur with all of these techniques; however, their performance
is such that they can be of significant value in certain applications.
Uncontrolled moisture in highway construction and maintenance is a serious
economic problem worthy of a sustained research effort to develop adequate
instrumentation. Instrumentation needs to be developed and evaluated for such
broad applications as unconsolidated materials in stockpiles, bins, and conveyors;
compacted materials in depth or in layers; and cemented materials in layers and
other shapes. Candidate methods for evaluation in these areas are nuclear, radio-
wave, microwave resistance, capacitance, hygrometric, tensiometric, thermal con-
ductivity, and rapid chemical and thermal extraction techniques.
Certain modifications may improve the over-all performance of nuclear meth-
ods, with concurrent additional costs. One of these is the additional measurement of
neutron-absorbing materials by means of the neutron gamma technique. Ignition
tests also may be helpful in interpreting some measurements in clay materials.
Hygrometric techniques using aluminum oxide films might benefit from im-
proved construction methods. Extreme care in fabrication and the use of thick
sputtered ifims should add to the quality of performance of these units.
Many of the measurement problems lacking sufficient instrumentation could be
handled through the development of remote-sensing techniques. One particularly
promising technique is that of implant telemetry. Moisture measurement principles
that are compatible with this type of remote sensing should receive future research
Water in its various states, when insufficient or in excess in highway components such as embankments, subgrades,
the components of a highway system, adversely affects the base courses, and structures.
service behavior. Despite recognition of the importance of During the course of this study, a literature search was
the relationship between the presence of water and service conducted to determine the state of knowledge of moisture
behavior, the engineer has been hampered in his effort to measurement instrumentation as it relates to the needs of
provide predictable performance by the lack of instrumen- the highway engineer. The results of this survey were used
tation and techniques for adequate water or moisture mea- to assess the various specific needs for this instrumentation
surement. The economic significance of the problem in and to provide the basic data to evaluate the degree that the
highway construction and maintenance is evidenced by the instrumentation satisfies these needs.
large financial investment aimed at removal of excess water Definitions of performance were compiled to form the
that causes loss of supporting capacity of subgrade soils basis of comparing a measurement need with instrument
and aggregate bases, embankment instability, and deteriora- capability. A linear decision model was used to apply indi-
tion of pavements. vidual weights to each performance requirement and sum
Techniques currently in use in the highway field to mea- the results to estimate the most desirable method for a
sure moisture content in situ generally are insufficient to particular need. This model was used to evaluate instru-
meet the researchers' needs because of their high cost, time mentation for measuring moisture in base-course compac-
requirements, disturbance of the site, long-term instability, tion control, the study of long-term soil-culvert interaction,
or a combination of these factors. Instrumentation is spe- and the study of moisture in concrete during drying. These
cifically needed for remote readout of local sensing, for areas were chosen as being representative of a larger group
of moisture measurement problems that are being studied
remote sensing of subsurface conditions, for high-precision
by using one or more available techniques.
measurements, and for long-term continuous monitoring.
The results of the literature search and the evaluation
Devices that can be installed permanently and portable
procedure indicated several additional areas of research
devices for sampling at random locations are needed to
that should receive attention. Seven programs were briefly
provide data to allow for the development of new designs defined in the area of evaluation of instrumentation for
and the use of new materials. measurement of moisture in soil and mineral materials and
The ultimate objective of research on this problem is to mixtures; two were defined for development of new instru-
evaluate the suitability of existing instrumentation and tech- mentation for significant problems lacking sufficient instru-
niques and to stimulate development of modified or new mentation; and three were defined in the modification and
procedures to measure the amount and state of water in application of nuclear methods.
Moisture measurement problems are related to the storage The requirements for coarse aggregate moisture measure-
and use of construction materials, particularly aggregates ment are essentially the same as those for fine aggregate,
for use in concrete, and stockpiled, blended, or graded ag- except that the amount of moisture to be measured by
gregate base materials. Moisture monitoring may be re- weight of aggregate held or processed is decreased as the
quired for knowledge of moisture content at time of use size of the aggregate is increased. For extremely large
(Walker et al., 1970), or for maintenance of a specified aggregates, the measurement of moisture may be unneces-
level of moisture as a condition of use. The latter condition sary; for blended coarse aggregates and aggregates ap-
is particularly true for aggregate and soil materials used proaching fine aggregate in size, surface moisture held by
directly in layer construction in highway embankments and aggregates may be appreciable. Generally, absorbed or
other controlled fills. In most cases, knowledge of moisture nonsurface water held by aggregates is a constant for any
aggregate supply, and does not require constant monitor-
content at time of use is sufficient for concrete aggregates.
ing because most field aggregates are found in a saturated-
Moisture measurement problems also are related to post-
plus moisture condition. One area where this condition of
construction needs of short and long duration. Moisture
saturation is questionable is that of highly vesicular or
problems for which information may be valuable include:
otherwise porous aggregates recently processed or stored
moisture migration in embankments; loss of moisture in under cover. In this less-than-fully-saturated condition,
volume-change-susceptible soils, particularly those envel- knowledge of the degree of saturation would be important
oped in moisture-control membranes; buildup of moisture in concrete control, because a moisture adjustment would
immediately below pavements in locations with remote be required to allow for full saturation of accessible pores
water tables; seasonal fluctuations in ground water tables, and vesicles.
including intermittent springs; and change in moisture con-
ditions due to adjacent construction activity or to inad- Moisture in Concrete
vertent changes from unanticipated maintenance practices.
Specific instrument requirements are discussed in the Moisture measurement in concrete depends on whether
concrete is fresh (plastic) or hardened. In fresh concrete,
water content affects such properties as workability, blend-
ing, segregation, and potential strength gain. In most in-
Moisture in Fine Aggregates
stances these properties are determined and controlled by
Chutes and Bins means other than moisture measurement in fresh concrete.
These means include moisture measurement in aggregates
Mixing materials for highway construction, particularly before weighing, appropriate adjustments of batch weights,
concrete, would benefit from the use of a reliable, accurate including mixing water, consistency tests such as the slump
instrument as a control element. The instrument will be test, and visual inspection.. For most concreting operations,
exposed to hundreds of tons per hour. It must be placed measurement of moisture content in fresh concrete does
in the chute, and will be exposed to a highly abrasive not seem very important. However, with newer techniques
environment. It should be small enough so that it does not (such as continuous feed mixing, and other types of volu-
interfere with aggregate flow such as to form a dead pocket metric batching and "tube" mixing), immediate sensing of
or aggregate buildup that would shield the probe or ele- mixture moisture for feedbacks to automatic adjustment of
ment from the active flow. It should have a short-time input quantities could become extremely useful. Moisture
response on the order of seconds. The instrument size or sensing also could be useful for no-slump mixes where
the power requirements are not critical so long as the normal consistency measurements will not indicate the
technique meets the noninterference criterion in the flow quantity of lubricating water. In this sense, water control
or bin. would be substituted for consistency control.
Moisture measurements of fresh concrete, then, probably
Field Stockpiles and Storage Bins would be made on unconsolidated mixtures, and perhaps
techniques similar to those for aggregates in motion or
This application requires a portable instrument that can be process could be applicable.
used by an engineer or a technician in the field. Accuracy Moisture measurement in hardened concrete is another
may be sacrificed for portability in this case. This instru- matter entirely; here sensing would be desirable for a
ment need not make readings in situ, although it would be variety of reasons, including degree of hydration, degree
desirable. of saturation, periodic moisture fluctuations, moisture gra-
dients, and relation of moisture changes to deterioration or category of requirements, referred to as the research needs
durability. of moisture measurement in highway engineering. Two
Water exists in hardened concrete as (1) chemically areas that currently are receiving attention are D-line
fixed, as water of hydration in clinker constituents and cracking in concrete and ice formation in base and sub-
aggregates, (2) absorptively fixed in cement gel and ag- grade materials. A brief discussion of these and other
gregates, (3) capillary fixed in cement gel and aggregates, research needs follows.
and (4) free water. A single instrument is not likely to
provide information on all forms of water present. D-Line Cracking
For instance, changes in density, thermal conductivity,
heat capacity, and dielectric constant depend primarily on D-line cracking is a moisture-related defect that occurs at
total amount of water present. corners and along the joints between concrete sections; it
Electrical conductivity may depend on total amount of is evidenced by more or less parallel surface crack lines
water, but it is influenced primarily by free water. that advance from boundaries inward as deterioration
Resistance to frost action depends primarily on freezable progresses. The research needs here are to be able to
water content, or free water plus loosely fixed capillary measure the total amount of water in the locality of the
water. Other water present is important in that it affects crack formation. This water needs to be broken down into
the resistance to the stresses induced by freezing. that (1) absorbed in the concrete, and (2) retained in
Resistance to high temperatures depends on the amount hairline cracks and surface layers. These measurements
of water that will evaporate at elevated temperatures need to be made simultaneously with soundness measure-
generating internal stress and strain. ments to determine at what state in the history of the water
Generally desirable characteristics of the instrumentation variation the most serious cracking occurs. These measure-
for making the foregoing measurements are (1) non- ments are difficult to make without disturbing the natural
destructive, (2) telemetering, (3) continuous measuring conditions of the pavement.
for weeks or months, and (4) a large number of measuring
points (Mertin, 1965). Lens Formation
Moisture in Base Materials The random freezing cycle experienced during cold weather
results in extremely nonuniform distribution of the frozen
There is a general tendency in subgrade, subbase, and base water. This is related primarily to the difference in soil
materials to increase moisture. This increase may result moisture tension and low vapor pressure near the ice sur-
from surface water infiltration or transport from adjacent face. This low vapor pressure causes subterranean water to
areas. The result may be unsatisfactory pavement per- migrate upward. This migrated moisture freezes in layers
formance from swelling or decreased shear strength of or lenses because of the random variation of temperature.
supporting structures (LeFevre, Manke, 1968). Satisfac- On thawing, these layers and lenses provide an excess local
tory measurement of moisture could be correlated to over- concentration of liquid water, resulting in saturated soil
all pavement performance, resulting in possible revisions in and base layers that provide inadequate support to the
design methods and construction procedures. paving surface; severe failure is a probable consequence.
This instrument needs to be portable for field use. It
should be free from interference that may result from a Frost Heaving
variety of soil and aggregate types. This instrument needs
to be of the remote or in-situ type. Frost heaving occurs when there is sufficient lens formation
to actually raise or heave the pavement surface. Heaving
Moisture In Situ in Concrete Aggregates, can occur whether the freezing cycle is consistent or ran-
Embankments, Subgrades, and Cut Slopes dom; heaving of several feet has been observed in certain
This instrument also requires portability for field use. Ac- soils. Research is needed here to determine what moisture
curacy could be sacrificed for a remote sensor. The mini- content can be tolerated in each type of soil without
mum requirement is for an instrument for making in-situ significant degradation of the structure.
measurements using a very small probe.
Culvert Leakage or In filtration
Special Research-Related Needs
Culvert leakage or infiltration can be the beginning of
Much research is being conducted relating the physical major road failure. Discovery of such leakage at an early
characteristics of paving, grading, and structures in their stage would allow preventive maintenance, with consider-
variation and degradation with time. There is a distinct able savings in time and expense.
limitation to properly relating these physical characteristics
to trafficability without concurrent measurements of mois-
Subgrade Seepage
ture. These measurements, covering long periods of time,
need to differentiate between the form of the water— Surrounding geology may contribute a significant amount
whether it is bound or unbound, nonevaporable or evapora- of water to the subgrade material, necessitating continual
ble. The physical state, whether liquid or frozen, and the foundation repair. One problem with subgrade seepage in
nonhomogeneous distribution over relatively large volumes cut areas is that water flow may be seasonal, and not rec-
also need to be determined. Thus, there is a significant ognized as a potential defect during warm-weather con-
struction operations. Repair also may be made during Moisture Measurement Related to Highway Safety
warm weather when evidence of seepage has disappeared.
Surface Moisture on Pavement
Continuous monitoring of moisture variations would show
presence of water seasonably ajid point to the possible need The hazards of highway travel are amplified by moisture
for remedial drainage, in addition to pavement repairs. on the wearing surfaces.'this is particularly significant in
Sufficient distribution of moisture or water measurement the early stages of water film formation, before many
devices could localize such problems and, in many cases, drivers have altered their driving attitudes from those of
result in repairs with a minimum of effort, and possibly dry conditions. Moisture sensors need to be developed to
even before damage occurs. signal this condition and control visual warning systems.
infrared A bsorption and Transmission Hygrometers equilibrium before the measurement is made. This type of
measurement is most accurate at very low moisture content.
The existence of optical absorption bands and transmission It has the disadvantage of a long response time to reach
windows in the JR region provides a specific and accurate equilibrium.
means of measuring humidity. Wood (1959) designed an
optical instrument with a 12-in, absorption path and Capacitance Techniques
germanium narrow-band filters to compare the transmission
of 2.54 p. and 2.60 p.. A rotating disk that alternately The measurement of capacitance is one of the simplest,
passes each wavelength is installed in front of a lead most rapid, and least expensive methods for determining
sulfide detector. The ratio of the amplitudes at the two soil moisture. This is because the dielectric constant for
frequencies is a function of water vapor concentration. most soils is about 2.6, whereas the dielectric constant for
Wavelengths of 2.3, 1.87, 1.37, and 1.12 also have been free water between 15° and 35°C, within the frequency
used. range of 105 to 108 Hz, is about 80. Fundamentally the
method involves the measurement of the dielectric constant
of the material between two electrodes. Thus, variation in
Dimensionally Varying Element Hygrometers the dielectric constant of nonwater components is an in-
Engineers have long been aware of the variation in size herent source of error. Other inherent errors are variations
of certain materials as the humidity changes. The prac- in particle size, packing density, and ionized salts.
ticality of using this phenomenon in humidity measurement
is evidenced by its wide use in industry (Fraade, 1963). Nuclear Methods
Some of its desirable features are easy calibration, little
manual know-how required, and the easy recording of Neutron Scattering
results. It is characterized by poor accuracy and a host Since the pioneering work of Belcher, Cuykendall, and
of other difficulties, but it performs well where these Sack (1950), much work has been devoted to a better
deficiencies can be tolerated. understanding of the interaction between neutrons and
the soil-water-detector system. The technique depends on
Dew Point Hygrometers the ability of hydrogen in water to slow down fast neutrons.
The form of the hydrogen cannot be distinguished by this
Dew or frost point hygrometers depend on the measure- method. The measurement interferences existing in pres-
ment of temperature and are relatively simple and in- ently used commercial gauges consist of sensitivity to: (1)
expensive devices. The temperature at which dew or frost the total sample density, (2) sample composition (par-
appears on the surface of a cooled object denotes the ticularly the presence of thermal neutron absorbers, such
point at which the RH at the surface is 100 percent. This as chlorine and boron, and of other moderators, such as
temperature thus may be related to the partial pressure hydrogenous material), (3) surface roughness, and (4)
of water in the sample gas via the known saturation vapor sample homogeneity. These measurement interferences can
pressure of water or ice. be minimized by several methods. One such method con-
sists of the use of the new He3-filled proportional counters
Psychrometric Hygrometers to detect epithermal neutrons that are relatively insensitive
to the presence of thermal neutron absorbers. Another
Psychrometric instruments form another major grouping method consists of the use of a gamma-ray gauge for the
of hygrometers. All such instruments depend on the cool- measurement of density and the subsequent use of calibra-
ing of a wetted thermometer and the subsequent tempera- tion curves for various densities. Where each detector
ture difference between the "wet bulb" and the "dry bulb" has a different sensitivity to composition, use of a dual
of the temperature sensor. Data usually are reduced by the
gauge is another possible way to eliminate the effect of
use of the psychrometric formula or a set of tables based
variable amounts of thermal neutron absorbers.
on this formula. Comparative_evaluationstudies have led to the conclu-
Electrical Resistance Techniques sioTfiflnterferences 'lea&to errors in moisture_measure-
ment in soils (sometimes prohibitive errors), but the errors
The resistance of a material, its specific conductive ca-
pacity, and its dielectric losses vary with the amount of \
(Stewart, Taylor, 1957; Johnson, 1962; Wofford, 1964;
moisture it contains. An instrument for measuring one
Ballard, Gardner, 1965; Waters, 1965; Gardner, Roberts,
of these quantities thus can be calibrated in terms of 1967; Hughes, Anday, 1967, 1970). Over-all, the neutron
moisture content. method appears to be the best method for nondestructive
Resistivity measurements can be made by direct contact
measurement of moisture in a 3- to 4-in, surface layer.
of the electrodes with the material of concern. With this
principle, a calibration first must be obtained for the
specific material. The electrical resistance method devel- Gamma-Ray Interaction
oped by Bouyocous and Mick (1948) relies on the change
of resistivity of the soil with changes in moisture content. Gamma-ray interaction is applicable where it is desired to
Two electrodes covered with nylon, fiberglass fabric, or measure moisture within a ½-in, layer of soil (Smith,
plaster of paris are buried in the soil and allowed to reach Taylor, Smith, 1967). It is assumed that the specific
gravity of soil remains constant as moisture gain or loss Dessi cant Weight Gain
changes the wet density. The wet density is determined by
gamma transmission techniques. The relative change in Dessicant weight gain can be used with other drying
moisture content can then be calculated from the change techniques (Geary, 1956). Inert gas or dry air is drawn
in wet density. over the samples and passed through a dessicant. The
weight gain of the dessicant is assumed to be water. A
Neutron-Gamma Technique dessicant may be chosen that passes volatiles other than
water where normal drying techniques result in ambiguity.
Babinets and Zvol'skii (1966) proposed a logarithmic
relation between moisture and the gamma radiation in-
Alcohol Burning
duced by neutron-activated atoms near the source of fast
One of the more rapid gravimetric techniques is alcohol
R=A+Bln(w H ) ( 1) burning. This consists of mixing alcohol with the sample
and igniting the mixture. Most of the water is removed
A and B are experimentally determined constants; WH
during the process (Geary, 1956; Bouyoucos, 1937). The
is the total hydrogen content. The mean deviation of their
same is reweighed after the water-removal process. After
experimental results from this model was 0.02 g cm-3.
three successive burnings the method correlates very closely
Gravimetric Techniques to oven-drying results, even at high moisture content.
(Antrim, 1970.)
The gravimetric method of determining moisture content
involves five steps: (1) collecting a soil sample, (2)
weighing it, (3) removing the moisture, (4) weighing the Alcohol Extraction
dry sample or the removed water, and (5) calculating the
moisture content. The gravimetric method is the most Alcohol extraction is one of the simplest of the liquid-
direct way of measuring soil moisture; therefore, it is re- extraction methods (Bouyoucos, 1931). The water con-
quired for calibrating equipment used in other moisture tent is determined by the density of the alcohol-water
measuring techniques. mixture after extraction from the sample. A hydrometer
can be used to measure the liquid density.
Oven Drying
Calcium Carbide (Hydride)
A practical and easily controlled technique for water re-
moval is oven drying. Heating raises the vapor pressure The calcium carbide method is used widely. The moisture
of the free water within the porous material. A reduced content usually is related to two measurements: (1) the
vapor pressure in the environment serves as a force to decrease in the weight of the sample carbide mixture after
move this vapor out of the solid. This reduced pressure evolution of acetylene, and (2) the rise in pressure inside
is obtained either by evacuation, or by dessication, or by an enclosure containing the mixture that determines the
the flowing of dry air over the samples. As the difference volume of gas produced. The latter is commonly known
between the vapor pressure in the porous material and as the speedy moisture method. Extensive comparative
that of the environment decreases, the drying rate also evaluations of this method with oven-drying, nuclear, and
decreases. At this time, a greater portion of the remaining alcohol-burning methods have been made (Antrim et al.,
moisture is tightly bound.
1970; L.B. Blystone, 1961). It is generally considered to
be relatively accurate, inexpensive, and rapid.
Freeze Drying
Physical Characteristics
TABLE 1 Portability: Measure of the capability to be moved. Small
COMMERCIAL INSTRUMENTATION size and low weight are desirable. Durability and shape
also may enter into the assessment of portability.
MEASUREMENT Size: The dimensions of the complete instrument. Height,
PRINCIPLE MANUFACTURER width, and depth usually are adequate to describe size. The
Hygrometric American Standard basic instrument is assumed to include the sampling,
Aminco analysis, and detection systems, in one or more packages.
Beckman Instruments Data display and recording systems are considered acces-
Bell and Howell sories unless they are an integral part of the instrument
Consolidated Electrody- in a single cabinet.
namics Corp.
Foxboro Weight: Low weight is desirable, although its importance
Honeywell may vary from one user to another. It is a significant
Hygrodynamics measurable characteristic related to portability.
Manufacturers Engineering Space Requirement: The dimensions of height, width, and
Phys-Chemical Research
Corp. depth required for installation, operation, and maintenance
Reiss Engineering Co. of an instrument. It includes space needed by auxiliary
Yellows Springs Instrument items and equipment, and swinging space for cabinet access
Co. doors and panels.
Electrical Resistance: Auxiliary Equipment: Additional equipment required by
Sample resistivity Electronic Automation Sys- the instrument to perform its measurement and data dis-
tems play function.
Hartley Controls Corp.
Mount Hope Machine Co. Power Requirement: The type of power and the amount
Sever-Hall required for operation.
Sensor resistivity Delmhorst Instrument Co. Versatility: The capability of being used for more than
Soiltest one purpose; a laboratory instrument would be more de-
Capacitance Forte Engineering Corp. sirable if it also could be used for field measurements.
Foxboro Co. Hazards: Sources of irritation or harm to which the
James Hunter Machins Co. instrument operator or other personnel may be exposed
Moisture Register Co. while using or servicing the instrument. Typical hazards
Seedburo Equipment Co.
are chemical, electrical, nuclear, and acoustical in nature.
Nuclear Campbell Pacific Nuclear
Control Service Co. Measured Responses to Standard Test Procedures
Pitman Limited Miliworks
Seaman Nuclear Corp. Temperature Effect: The change in instrument output per
Texas Nuclear Corp. unit temperature change.
Troxler Electronic Labora- Interference: The positive or negative output caused by a
Gravimetric: substance other than the one being measured (see Inter-
ference Equivalent).
Thermal extraction Bell and Howell Interference Equivalent: The indicated moisture content
Central Scientific Co. that is attributable to a given concentration of an inter-
Ohaus Scale Corp. ferent. A low interference equivalent is desired for those
Chemical extraction Ashworth & Co. interferences that are likely to be found in the instrument
Beckman Instruments environment.
E. H. Sargent & Co. Specificity: The ratio of instrument response related to
moisture and the response related to interfering substances.
Radiation: Range: The minimum and maximum measurement limits.
Mechanical Soiltest
Electromagnetic The effective range may be limited by the points where no
readable response can be obtained. A more useful, effec-
Boonton Polytechnic Co.
General Electric Co. tive range in analytical instrumentation is the range over
Moisture Register Co. which a single calibration curve gives sufficient calibration
Tensiometry NIC Instrument Co. precision. This specification is of primary importance in
Gravimetric with Colorimetric Technicon Control matching an instrument and a specific measurement prob-
Minimum Detectable Sensitivity: The smallest amount of performance. Additional subjective judgment by the per-
input concentration that can be detected with a specified son performing the maintenance and repair is necessary in
degree of confidence. The statistical calculation of decision an evaluation.
limit or detection limit from calibration data provides an Reliability (Failure): The mean time between failures.
unambiguous measure of this sensitivity. Much of the The record of field operation can provide the necessary
same information is contained in the zero drift and pre- data. Conclusions must be statistically qualified by the
cision data. number of instruments being observed and the length of
Minimum Detectable Change: The smallest change in the observation period.
moisture content that can be detected at a given operating Maintenance Requirements: The frequency and severity
level. The equivalent information for this term is given of problems preventing proper operation of the instrument.
by zero and span drift, and are best represented by con- The best estimate of this performance is the percentage of
fidence limits on the calibation curve. The minimum available time spent in maintenance. Parts and operator
detectable change is estimated by the difference Ymax - Ymin time are considered under cost.
in Figure 2. Operational Period: The mean time over which the
Decision Limit: The lowest signal, ed in Figure 2, that instrument can be expected to operate without maintenance
can be distinguished from background with a specified recalibration or adjustment.
degree of statistical confidence (1 - ce). Lifetime: The expected total useful life of the instrument.
Detection Limit: The moisture content, y in Figure 2, Instrument Cost: The cost of buying the instrument
below which there is a specified probability, $, that the (capital cost), operating cost (operator time per sample,
sample may erroneously be taken as zero. consumable supplies), and maintenance cost (spare parts,
repair time). These three costs could be evaluated in-
Functional Capability dependently, depending on the economic needs of the user.
Generally, however, lowest total cost would be the basis for
Availability: Obtainability from a supplier. selection.
Practicability: Capability of being manufactured and Simplicity of Operation: Ease with which the instrument
applied to a specific problem. can be operated properly.
Fragility: The delicacy of the instrument and the need Operator Experience: Operator training time required.
for careful handling. Rugged iñsfrutheiitsáie preferred. Effect on Sample: The destructive or disturbing influ-
Durability: Ability to withstand normal use. This term ence of the measurement method on the sample.
is related to fragility under normal operating conditions. Applicable Materials: The composition, size, or shape
Serviceability: Ease with which an instrument can be of material most suited to an instrument's over-all
serviced and repaired. Long periods of repair indicate poor performance.
Calibration: The development of a graphical or nu-
merical relationship between instrument response and the
moisture content of a set of standards.
Transfer Function: The inverse of the calibration
Calibration Requirements: The time between calibra-
tions, the time required to perform individual calibrations,
the difficulty in using available standards, hysteresis effects,
and nonlinear response.
Hysteresis: Apparent hysteresis is synonymous with lag,
and disappears if measurements are conducted over a long
enough time. Permanent hysteresis is a characteristic of
the sensor. It is the difference in the response curve when
going from zero to maximum and from maximum to zero.
Remote Sensing: The capability of sensing the sample
condition at one position and relaying the signal response
to another.
Type 1—Phenomena that are remote by nature.
Type 2—Wireless transmission of information.
Type 3—Physical contact with the sensor element.
For more information on this subject see Appendix C.
Instrument Evaluation Model
Baseline drift (% span) ±5%/day ±10%/day
Span drift ±2%/day ±3%/day
Interference (% span) Typically ±10% Typically± 10%
Weight (lb) 76 30
Size (cuft) 15 10
Has carrying handles No handles required
importance of one performance requirement. A procedure result is given in Tables 5 and 6. Table 6 is the ranking
known as sensitivity analysis adds to the confidence in the that results from the value analysis of Table 5. It shows
decision reached. In this analysis, shifts in relative ranking that Method 2 is the best choice if accuracy is rated at
are observed as each weight factor is varied over a reason- 60 percent or less and portability is rated at 40 percent or
able range. All other weight factors remain the same rela- more.
tive to each other, but normalization is maintained. This This agrees with the comparison matrix that shows that
is especially simple to do for the sample problem. This Method 2 is best with respect to portability and Method 1
GRAVIMETRIC, General use Could be made As required Destructive As precise as the
OVEN DRY Many hours
portable, but nor- technique for ex-
mally is not tracting the
sample; volatile
materials interfere
GRAVIMETRIC, General use Portable design 0.5-2 lb Destructive Similar to oven
ALCOHOL Typically 5 mm
GRAVIMETRIC, General use Portable design 13-26 grams Destructive Similar to oven
CALCIUM Typically 1-5 mm
drying; operator
CARBIDE care and cleanli-
ness also affect
NUCLEAR Units designed for Portable units 2-12 in., depend- Nondestructive Precision > 0.1% Typically 1-5 mm;
NEUTRON highway use in use ing on moisture (dry), depending 20 measurements
SCATTER content on counting time; in time of 1 gravi-
interferences are metric measure-
density, neutron ment
absorbers, and
hydrogenous ma-
TENSIOMETRIC Primarily for agri- Small, but not Determined by Requires installa- Inadequate for Afew minutes
cultural use, oc- necessarily port- region of moisture tion in sample many applications with small cavity
casionally in high- able equilibrium and solid-state
way use pressure trans-
ducer; others are
much longer
CONDUCTI- In limited use in Small, but not Broadly defined Nondestructive Accuracy is poor
METRIC, Real-time response
R/D necessarily by electrode posi- for a variety of except where
ELECTRICAL portable tion, but exact materials; salts electrodes are
RESISTANCE size is unpre- interfere; 2 mea- covered with fiber-
dictable surements give glass or other ab-
precision of one sorbent material
THERMAL CON- In limited use Small but not Small Requires installa- Thermal contact, Limited by time to
DUCT1VITY in R/D necessarily tion in sample density, and pore install; non-equi-
portable size are influential librium conditions
can be used
HYGROMETRIC R/D units for con- Small but not Region of vapor Normally requires Poor for ionic or Limited by time to
RESISTANCE crete; primarily necessarily equilibrium installation in hygromaterials or install and time to
used in areas un- portable sample those containing reach equilibrium
related to high- volatile substances; with sample
way engineering hysteresis occurs
MICROWAVE Laboratory proto- None available, Depends on mois- Nondestructive Less accurate than Real-time mea-
type but size not a ture content and oven drying surement
major limitation frequency
is best with respect to accuracy. Other ways to use sensi- quirements and for which reasonable estimates of the
tivity analysis have been described (Thompson, 1970). decision probabilities (P 5) can be determined either from
The first step in applying the evaluation model is to the data compiled in Appendix A or by engineering
construct the comparison matrix giving concise information judgment.
about candidate methods that appear to be applicable to The comparison matrix of Table 7 lists the candidate
one or more highway problems. Performance characteris- methods as column headings and the performance require-
tics are chosen that constitute important measurement re- ments as row headings. This table is used to consider four
Little chance No unstable corn- Thermal; chemical Very small >10 years No
Free or partially Rugged
bound of failure ponents
Rugged Little chance No unstable corn- Thermal; chemical Corrections ap- >10 years No
Surface water plied to calcula-
of failure ponents
Primarily responds Adequate except Proven electronic Electronic system Nuclear; electrical Slight temperature >5 years Type 1
to hydrogen for extreme condi- system requires occasional dependence be-
tions recalibration tween 0-32° C
determined by
electronic system
and detector
Free Rugged Air entry causes Air entry changes Electrical Strong tempera- >6 months Type 3
failure calibration ture dependence
Free or partially Generally rugged; Good except in Contact is diffi- Electrical —3% resistance! 1 mo to 1 yr Type 2 or 3
bound electrical contact severe thermal or cult to keep con-
must be main- chemical environ- stant
tamed ment
Free or partially Generally rugged; Electrical system Thermal contact Electrical Very small >1 year Type 3
bound electrical contact is very simple must be main-
must be main- tamed
Evaporable water Generally rugged; Sensor failure de- Sensor aging oc- Electrical Most have a strong 1 mo to 2 yr Type 2 or 3
at ambient-tern- electrical contact pends on environ- curs; this is irn- negative tempera-
perature must be main- ment proved by po1y- ture coefficient
tamed styrene insulation
or moisture-perme-
able membranes
Free or partially Adequate except Proven electronic Electronic stability Electrical Sensitive to tern- >5 years Type 1
bound for extreme con- system required perature
0.200 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.004 0.019 0.004 0.019 0.004
Availability 0.010
Portability 0.100 0.007 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.014 0.014 0.014
0.100 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.012 0.004 0.008 0.004 0.012 0.012
Sample size 0.018
Effect on sample 0.100 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.016 0.015 0.016 0.015 0.015
0.150 0.026 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.009 0.013 0.009 0.009 0.018
0.050 0.003 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.002 0.008 0.008 0.002 0.008
Speed of measure
0.050 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.006
Moisture type 0.003
Durability 0.030 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.002
Reliability 0.050 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.005 0.005 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.004
Time stability 0.030 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.003
Hazards 0.020 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.002
Temp. stability 0.050 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.005
Lifetime 0.050 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.006 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.006
Remote sensing 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004
Total performance
value 0.136 0.137 0.139 0.140 0.069 0.102 0.082 0.093 0.103
Availability 0.189 0.189 0.189 0.189 0.019 0.094 0.019 0.094 0.019
Portability 0.069 0.103 0.103 0.103 0.103 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.103
Sample size 0.093 0.093 0.093 0.070 0.070 0.209 0.233 0.070 0.070
Effect on sample 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.100 0.100 0.225 0.200 0.200 0.100
Accuracy 0.176 0.147 0.147 0.147 0.059 0.088 0.059 0.059 0.118
Speed of measure 0.065 0.097 0.129 0.161 0.032 0.161 0.161 0.032 0.161
Moisture type 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.105 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.123
Durability 0.125 0.139 0.139 0.111 0.083 0.111 0.111 0.083 0.097
Reliability 0.167 0.167 0.167 0.100 0.100 0.067 0.083 0.067 0.083
Time stability 0.152 0.152 0.152 0.091 0.106 0.076 0.106 0.076 0.091
Hazards 0.082 0.082 0.082 0.033 0.164 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.115
Temp. stability 0.152 0.152 0.152 0.121 0.076 0.076 0.106 0.076 0.091
Lifetime 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.111 0.022 0.022 0.044 0.022 0.111
Remote sensing 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.160 0.040 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.080
Availability 0.050 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.001 0.005 0.001 0.005 0.001
Portability 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Sample size 0.100 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.007 0.007 0.021 0.023 0.007 0.007
Effect on sample 0.200 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.020 0.020 0.045 0.040 0.040 0.020
Accuracy 0.100 0.018 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.006 0.009 0.006 0.006 0.012
Speed of measure 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.002
Moisture type 0.030 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004
Durability 0.040 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.004
Reliability 0.050 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.005 0.005 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.004
Time stability 0.050 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.005
Hazards 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Temp. stability 0.050 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.005
Lifetime 0.100 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.011 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.011
Remote sensing 0.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.032 0.008 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.016
Total performance
value 0.098 0.097 0.097 0.120 0.067 0.152 0.149 0.128 0.091
The problem of inspection testing during and after con- relative humidity. Thermal conductivity and electrical con-
struction is weighted in about the same manner as base- ductivity also ranked well. The high ranking of microwave
course compaction control; therefore, no additional tables methods is related primarily to methods for observing
were prepared for this problem. laboratory-controlled samples.
Instrumentation for the study of moisture in concrete The evaluation model is seen to provide insight into the
during drying was evaluated in Tables 13 and 14. Highest relationship between instrument methods and measurement
weight was given to moisture type. Effect on sample and problems-a relationship based on performance require-
remote sensing were weighted heavily also. The highest ments. It suffers noticeably from lack of more specific
ranking for hygrometric methods results because the bound data. Much more satisfactory results should be achieved
or unbound condition of the moisture to be measured in in the evaluation of field tests that employ all the instru-
this case is considered to relate directly to the equilibrium ments under identical conditions.
Availability 0.189 0.189 0.189 0.189 0.019 0.094 0.019 0.094 0.019
Portability 0.069 0.103 0.103 0.103 0.103 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.103
Sample size 0.093 0.093 0.093 0.070 0.070 0.209 0.233 0.070 0.070
Effect on sample 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.087 0.087 0.196 0.174 0.174 0.217
Accuracy 0.176 0.147 0.147 0.147 0.059 0.088 0.059 0.059 0.118
Speed of measure 0.065 0.097 0.129 0.161 0.032 0.161 0.161 0.032 0.161
Moisture type 0.098 0.098 0.098 0.073 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.366 0.085
Durability 0.125 0.139 0.139 0.111 0.083 0.111 0.111 0.083 0.097
Reliability 0.167 0.167 0.167 0.100 0.100 0.067 0.083 0.067 0.083
Time stability 0.152 0.152 0.152 0.091 0.106 0.076 0.106 0.076 0.091
Hazards 0.082 0.082 0.082 0.033 0.164 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.115
Temp. stability 0.152 0.152 0.152 0.121 0.076 0.076 0.106 0.076 0.091
Lifetime 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.111 0.022 0.022 0.044 0.022 0.111
Remote sensing 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.148 0.037 0.222 0.222 0.148 0.222
Availability 0.050 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.001 0.005 0.001 0.005 0.001
Portability 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Sample size 0.100 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.007 0.007 0.021 0.023 0.007 0.007
Effect on sample 0.150 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.013 0.013 0.029 0.026 0.026 0.033
Accuracy 0.100 0.018 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.006 0.009 0.006 0.006 0.012
Speed of measure 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.002
Moisture type 0.200 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.015 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.073 0.017
Durability 0.050 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.004 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.005
Reliability 0.050 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.005 0.005 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.004
Time stability 0.050 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.005
Hazards 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Temp. stability 0.020 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002
Lifetime 0.050 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.006 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.006
Remote sensing 0.150 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.022 0.006 0.033 0.033 0.022 0.033
Total performance
value 0.098 0.096 0.096 0.107 0.065 0.129 0.126 0.156 0.127
Title: Evaluation of Instrumentation for Moisture Mea- Each of the foregoing research problems has essentially the
same basic research plan:
surement in Unconsolidated Materials in Storage and
Weigh Bins. 1. Literature search and review.
Choose candidate methods. many different methods. There has been much interest
Optimize instrument design to match field-test con- recently concerning the nature of moisture movement and
ditions (except for commercially adapted systems). rate of moisture loss in the presence of temperature gra-
Develop operating procedures under laboratory con- dients (McDonald, 1970; Thompson, Dempsey, 1970).
ditions or through the use of a simulation model. Through the verification of theoretical models (including
Install instruments in field-test environment. the interrelation of moisture and temperature) projections
Data analysis—apply the evaluation model to test re- may be made into the more difficult problems that defy
sults to determine the most suitable method(s); relate the accurate measurement.
tests results to problem solutions.
D-Line Cracking
The problem with D-line cracking is determining the
Costs and priorities are summarized in Table 15.
amount, type, and state of the water present, and resolving
minute inhomogeneities, without interfering with the nor-
Lens Formation and Frost Heaving
Insufficient instrumentation for a given measurement prob-
lem may be attributed to lack of prior awareness of the Spatial resolution is important here but not as much as in
problem, lack of effort to solve the problem, or techno- the foregoing problems.. It would be helpful to determine
logical difficulty of the problem. The following problems the state of water in a nondisturbing manner.
(as noted in Chapter Two) are hampered by the extreme
Subgrade Seepage
difficulty of performing the measurements necessary to
study the problem. A significant contribution to the solu- Sufficient distribution of remote moisture measurement
tion of these problems could result from the development devices could localize subgrade seepage and in many cases
of a small, rugged, remote sensor for measuring moisture result in repairs with a minimum of effort, and possibly
in highway materials. even before damage has actually occurred.
A primary problem encountered in measuring moisture is One solution to culvert infiltration and leakage might be
the many ways in which water exists in concrete. This the installation of many small sensors characterized by low
problem may require the simultaneous measurement by maintenance and low cost.
Gradation and Characterization of Earth Movements total absorbing power of some of the rare earths such as
Remote sensing is a necessary requirement, together with gadolinium in the earth's crust is much higher than that of
a large number of inexpensive sensors. The effective the more abundant or commonly considered elements, such
sample size must be extremely large. as iron, boron, and chlorine. This may account for the
occasional anomalies in nuclear measurements and also
Long-Term Moisture Changes in Highway the frequent coincidence of the compensating effects of
Structural Section hydrogenous material and absorbing elements in some
Small sensors that can be remotely monitored and that do clays. A modification that would indicate the presence of
not interfere with normal component behavior are required. abnormally high neutron absorbers would be to use the
neutron-gamma technique in conjunction with the neutron
scattering method. This should reduce some of the inter-
Research Program 8
ference errors due to absorbers. Ignition tests also should
Title: Development of Miniature Remote Sensors for be made occasionally in troublesome soils. These two
Measuring Moisture in Highway Materials. added measurements should contribute to understanding
and confidence in the nuclear method.
Literature search and review. Research Program 10
Design and develop miniature moisture sensors that
Title: Improved Nuclear Method for Moisture Measure-
operate on the basis of resistance, capacitance, and thermal
conductivity, and can be monitored remotely by physical ment in Highway Materials.
contact with the sensor or by electromagnetic signal Program:
Conduct laboratory and field evaluation. Literature search and review.
Data analysis and reports. Develop and evaluate a nuclear method for measur-
ing moisture, using the combined principles of neutron
The problem of monitoring moisture content of bulk
scattering and the neutron-gamma reaction.
aggregates was identified by Walker et al. (1970) as having
Data analysis and reports.
a substantial priority. Water in aggregates must be in-
cluded in determining total water of concrete paste. Be-
cause the water/cement ratio is of primary importance to Research Program 11 (Walker et al., 1970)
the performance characteristics of concrete, the moisture Title: Evaluation and Development of Radioactive Tech-
content of the aggregate needs to be measured continuously niques for Evaluating Moisture, Density, and Strength of
to determine the amount of water to be added to the mix. Pavement Components.
Although there are suitable batch methods in use, there is
no method that can continuously and accurately measure
Research Program 12
the moisture content of aggregate as it exists in stockpiles
and bins. Title: Evaluation and Adaptation of Radioactive Tech-
niques for Measurement of Moisture in Highway Ma-
Research Program 9 terials (other than base courses under construction).
Title: Improved Field Method for Continuously Measur- The 12 research programs are summarized in Table 15.
ing Moisture Content of Bulk Aggregates. The priority index and costs were obtained in the manner
used by Walker et al. (1970). The ease of solution was
Program (From Walker et al., 1970):
given a weight of 1; value of solution, 3; ease of imple-
Literature search and review. mentation, 1; and geographical significance, 2. The costs
Develop a field method for continuously and accu- were based on an average rate of $3,000 per man-month.
rately measuring moisture content of an aggregate mass. Estimates of equipment costs varied between $5,000 and
Test and evaluate method. $20,000.
Data analysis, synthesis, and reports. The total cost of the 12 programs is $1,191,000. The
total cost of the two programs having the top priority index
SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS OF AVAILABLE is $153,000. The top five programs have a total cost of
TECHNIQUES $508,000. These programs represent needed research in
the area of moisture measurement instrumentation. The
Although the nuclear method is probably the most suitable cost is small in comparison with the costs associated with
method for in-situ measurement of moisture in compacti- the problems they are intended to solve. Although all of
ble materials, there are potential modifications to this mea- these problems are not likely to be solved in one or two
surement that would reduce its susceptibility to inter- years, a significant contribution can be made through a
ferences. It is assumed that bulk density corrections continuous research effort guided by an awareness of pres-
normally are applied. Interferences occur from slow ent technological capabilities and the proper perspective of
neutron-absorbing materials as well as organic or hydroge- moisture measurement requirements in the many facets
nous materials. Although it is not widely considered, the of highway engineering activities.
In searching for all possible methods of measuring mois- retention characteristics of the material and the RH of the
ture, it was found convenient to divide potential methods cavity. These methods have application, however, where
by the chemical and physical processes on which the mea- RH in the material is related directly to other properties;
surement principle is based. In this way the methods were e.g., the drying shrinkage of concrete. In evaluating hygro-
broken down into sufficiently small categories in which the metric methods, the following characteristics are especially
title is a partial description of the method used. It is not significant: (1) range of water contents of interest,
the purpose of this study to completely describe and (2) hysteresis effects in both the material and the sensi-
characterize each of these methods and document the tive element, (3) the size of the sensitive element, (4) the
extensive research in this area. Consequently, an effort type of water to be measured, and (5) the durability of the
was made to be brief, and yet present the information sensor in the particular medium.
needed by the highway engineer. Some background in- For a detailed study of humidity sensors, see Wexier and
formation is provided on the principle behind each mois- Ruskin (1965).
ture measurement, and as much information as possible is
presented concerning the instrument performance charac- 1.1 Electrical Resistance Hygrometer
teristics. In many cases little specific information on these
1.1.1 Chemical Salts and Acids
characteristics was available. In other cases extensive in-
formation was found in research reports, textbooks, and The electrical resistance of sensors is modulated by changes
journals. In those sections of this appendix where it is in the water content of volumetric and electrolytic proc-
desirable to present the results of many publications, an esses. Most resistive humidity transducers consist essen-
abbreviated format of presentation is used: the material is tially of a hygroscopic material that absorbs water from
grouped by the author or agency conducting the work, and the surrounding atmosphere. Generally, the material con-
date (month/year) of publication. Pertinent material is tains a salt that disassociates in the presence of water. The
described by a brief review, followed by a summary listing concentration of these disassociated ions is determined by
of the performance characteristics for which the work con- the measurement of the electrical resistance between the
tributed additional information. The performance charac- electrodes applied to the transducers. The hygroscopic ma-
teristics are indicated on the left by numbers from 1 to 35, terial is deposited on a substrate-either ion-impervious
which represent the numbered definitions of performance insulating surfaces, or fibers, or fabrics, or ceramics. Typi-
listed in Table A-i. Where only limited information on a cal examples of hygroscopic materials that have been sug-
particular method was available, it is presented in textual
large change of RH at room temperature, the element will The typical transducer is essentially a capacitor with a
assume 63 percent of its equilibrium resistance within porous dielectric film of aluminum oxide. One capacitor
several seconds. However, the speed of the response plate should be permeable to water vapor to permit
depends on the air turbulence in the vicinity of the sensor. penetration into the aluminum oxide.
In a cavity, diffusion is the limiting mechanism. The speed The porous oxide layer is formed by various means such
of response also depends on the magnitude of the humidity as (1) sputtering, (2) vapor deposition, and (3) anodiza-
change and on the temperature. The resistance changes tion. Anodization is more popular and is generally an acid
faster when the humidity varies from a low to a higher electrolyte (17.5 volume percent H2SO4, current density
value than it does in the opposite direction. The response 100 ma cm-2, 30 mm).
time generally increases with increasing temperature. The apparent dielectric constant of such an oxide in the
Faster response transducers are described by Wexler et al. vicinity of saturation ranges from 1,000 to 8,000. A typi-
(1962) using potassium metaphosphate in the humidity cal calibration curve is shown in Figure A-i.
range of 83 to 100 percent. These transducers will reach The sensitivity decreases near the saturation values of
63 percent of the final resistance in approximately ½ sec RH. Typical accuracy is estimated to be about ±3 percent
at room temperature and in about 10 sec at —20°C. The (Cutting, Jason, Wood, 1955). The dynamic response to
response time of this transducer is decreased by factor of a sudden variation of ambient humidity depends on the
20 to 30, compared to the previously described LiC1 sensor. magnitude and direction of such a change. Response times
The, response time of sodium dichromate elements is a range on the order of 10 to 100 sec. Response is slower
few minutes at room temperature and higher humidity and slight hysteresis effects are noticeable at high degrees
values. However, at 0°C and humidity of less than 30 per- of humidity. The resistance increases and the capacitance
cent this time increases to about 1 hr. Barium fluoride films decreases, causing aging effects during the first few months
have been designed with a 1-sec response time at —20°C after oxide formation. The transducer output is practically
and 3 sec at —30°C. Response is essentially instantaneous independent of temperature between 0° and 80°C. Changes
at higher temperatures. in resistance and capacitance with variations in relative
Accuracy.—Transducers of the described type are ac- humidity may be irreversible in the temperature range of
100° to 400°C.
curate and reproduce to within ±2.5 percent. However,
special sensing elements with an error that does not exceed Cutting, Jason, and Wood (1955) list the following
advantages and disadvantages of aluminum oxide sensors:
± 1.5 percent are commercially available (Wexler, Ruskin,
1965). The calibration curves generally are nonlinear, and I. Advantages:
an empirical calibration is required. Hysteresis is almost Insensitive to temperature variation from 0° to
always a problem in the material being monitored, and 80°C.
frequently occurs with the sensor as well. The interpreta- With care some calibration curve can be used
tion of results for the worst cases is thus very difficult. for many units.
Applicable Materials.—Shiba and Ueda (1965) suggest Change fabrication for different characteristics.
the use of resistance hygrometry for estimating the drying Displays humidity as one electrical parameter.
rate of a concrete wall. The difference in vapor pressure Physical size can be varied.
of ambient air and the surface of the wall was found to Air velocity insensitive.
have an exponential relation with time. Remote monitoring possible.
Stable after aging.
z p= ae t (A-3) Rapid response time.
Rugged construction.
The constants were determined for mortar blocks and
2. Disadvantages:
were found to be: a = 7.3 Torr, and n = 0.2 day-1. Problems above 90% RH are slow response,
The stability of these sensors in most materials for long drift, hysteresis, low sensitivity, and possible
periods of time probably is inadequate. Some improvement destruction of element.
may be gained by the use of RH wells (Monfore, 1963). Applied voltage above 80% of formation volt-
age may cause temporary breakdown.
1.1.2 Aluminum Oxide Oil or grease ruins response.
Results of other research with aluminum oxide are given Del Pico (10/67)
in the following, in the format mentioned at the beginning
of this appendix. The numbers on the left refer to per- Used aluminum with 1.5% manganese. Anodized in
formance characteristics listed in Table A-i. The order 17.5% (V/V) H2SO4 at 25°C, 50 ma cm-2 for 30 mm.
is chronological. Aquadog electrodes were applied. Table 1 (p. 15)
gives solutions for calibrating RH.
Films were about 30 thick.
Stover (6/63) 21 Polar gases such as ammonia, CO,, CO, NO2, and
SO2 interfere, but low concentrations should give neg-
Anodized aluminum (99.99%) 0.075 mil (-4.9
ligible effect.
thick is used. Fabrication formula is 50% sulfuric
acid, 90°F, 25 mm, and 12 a (AC) per ft2 .
Morrissey, Brousaides (10/67)
4 Foil is 3 mils X .o in. X % in. and weighs about 12 mg.
20 Linearity of 2% between 10 and 90% RH (good re- Takes issue with Chleck (1966). Time constant may
sponse curve on p. 634) between _800 and 120°F. be longer and element may have temperature as well
21 Condensation on surface has no permanent effect. as RH coefficient. Glueckauf (1947) predicts an in-
(May not be true in presence of salts.) verse dependence of response time on pressure.
23 Too-thin coating of gold causes high resistance; too-
thick coating causes tight layer that does not allow Lai, Hidy (8/68)
moisture to migrate freely.
24 Range is 0-100% (0.000614-145 mm Hg, —106° to Used 20,000- to 40,000-A-thick sputtered films, on a
thin quartz fiber. Electrodes were gold on platinum
130°F dewpoint, 1 ppm up to pure water).
with a gap between. A1209 was sputtered on gap and
26 Recalibration may be required if the unit is subject to
topped with porous graphite.
severe conditions, or stored for long periods. 23 C and R curves shown on p. 1200.
28 75°F, 100% - 50% RH ..... < 300 msec.
24 Range is from 30 to 90%.
75°F, 0% —*50% RH .. <100 msec.
28 Response time is about 0.1 sec.
Units were similar to those used by Stover, who con- I. Low sensitivity at less than 20% RH.
sulted on the program. Loss of sensitivity in storage for a few days.
Behaved as a pure capacitor (Z 1/f). Any conve- Hysteresis-like effect given longer response time for
nient frequency can be used. changes from high humidity to low, then vice versa.
4 Element dimensions: /io X % X 0.003 in. Limited range.
23 Elements were calibrated to frost points of —100°C.
A linear response was obtained of impedance vs frost Barton, Maffei (10/68)
33 Shift of 5°C in frost point resulted from high-vacuum In nuclear reactor gases.
12 Unit performed satisfactorily for a year or more.
storage for 4 mo.
24 Range is from —110°C (<0.01 ppm) to 10°C
(>10,000 ppm).
Chleck (12/66) 28 Response time was less than 10 sec.
Stover consulted in fabrication of sensor but does not
Brousaides (10/68)
give detailed description. Results are inconsistent with
Brousaides (1968). Fabrication is an art. This technique is based on the fact that thin, porous
25 1. Measured absolute humidity. films of A1203 are hygroscopic. Common practice is
± 1.5° to 3°C error in dew point. to prepare films by anodization in a porous-oxide-
Good stability and aging. producing electrolyte. Behavior has not been satis-
Negligible hysteresis. factorily explained in terms of diffusion and sorption
28 Response time is 2 sec at ambient conditions. theory. Large variations in reported results may be
related to different construction techniques. Stover
Locke (8/67) (1963) used AC anodization and Jason (1963) used
DC anodization.
Describes construction and operation of a small instru- Figure 2 (p. 3) shows the sensor configuration.
ment for Martian water vapor detection. 20 The temperature dependence is approx. 10% RH per
4 Instrument weighs 0.8 lb with a volume of 36 in3. °C.
25 Error is ±2°C dew point. 23 Response curves are shallow.
32 Power required is 0.4 w. Factor of 2 change occurs between 20 and 95% RH.
(The ML-476 carbon element changes by factor of
Refers to date; (6/63) = June 1963. 100.)
of paris cement that sets hard, is pure, has low solubility, formed with evaporated gold electrodes thin enough to be
and has no added salts. This unit operates over a range of pervious to water vapor yet electrically conductive.
12 to 100 percent RH and is independent of temperature Charison and Buettner (1963, 1964) used a hygroscopic
liquid to improve the performance of this technique. The
between 2° and 32°C. When calibrated with saturated salt
solutions the resistance as a function of RH exhibits a very sensor consists of a porous plate capacitor through which
small hysteresis. Recalibration should not be necessary for air passes. Fluoropak granules covered with a thin layer
at least a year. The over-all accuracy of the unit is between of a hygroscopic liquid form the dielectric. The humidity
1 and 2 percent up to 75 percent RH, and between 2 and is described by the relative capacitive response:
3 percent from 75 to 100 percent RH. The design reflects AxC
the authors' previous experience in using resistance probes RH= (A-9)
ALC + 1
for soil moisture measurements.
in which A is the experimentally derived sensitivity co-
1.2 Dielectric Systems efficient approximately equal to 0.1 pF'. Liquids used are
carbowax, polyethylene glycol, glycerol, ethylene glycol,
1.2.1 Capacitive Transducers and triethlene glycol dimenthyl ether. The sensor is free of
hysteresis, and experimentally exhibits a 63 percent re-
The high dielectric constant of water (approximately 80)
sponse in 10 sec. This response time is theoretically given
suggests the use of capacitive methods for determining
water content of gases and solids. (Discussion of water by
content in solids appears in the capacitance section.) The ns
low concentration of water in air, even at saturation, causes =
a very small variation in capacitance. The dielectric con-
in which t063 = 63 percent response time;
stant of gases under normal conditions changes from
1.000247 for dry air at 45°C; for saturation it is 1.000593. n. = number of moles of hygroscopic solvent;
For such small capacitance changes, very complex equip- = gas phase mass transfer coefficient (mole sec-1
ment for readout is required. mb-1); and
Capacitive systems have been developed using two con- Pr = saturation vapor pressure of water at sensor
centric cylinders for the capacitor plates (Webb, Neuge- temperature.
bauer, 1954). The capacitance change in response to water
vapor variation causes a frequency variation of an oscilla- Many problems are evident with this system. The tem-
tor at about 2 MHz, indicated by the beat frequency perature coefficient is about 6 percent per degree Centi-
method. Dynamic time response is limited only by the grade. Interference occurs with ethanol, carbon monoxide,
time required for flushing the cell. The system is capable and other polar molecules. Irreversible damage may result
of detecting changes of 1 mg of water vapor per liter of from 03, NO2, NO, SO2 , or a RH of more than 50 percent.
air. Typical flow rates permit 50 percent of the final The accuracy of the measurement is 3 to 5 percent or
indication in 0.1 sec. about 0.1 mb in field tests with a precision of about 1 per-
Sensors of this type are usable in the range of 10 to cent. The minimum detectable level is 0.1 mb (-40°C
100 percent RH over a temperature range of —35° to 80°C frost point); the developers believe it is possible to reduce
(Nelson, 1965). A sensor with a typical capacitance of this to 10-3 mb, or better.
500 picofarads at 25°C will result in a capacitance varia-
tion of 11 percent for a RH change from 10 to 90 percent. 1.2.2 Microwave Re/ractometer
The dynamic response is 15 sec at 25°C, but increases to
1 hr at —35°C. The microwave system is an arrangement to determine the
These sensors show a substantial variation of capacitance resonant frequency of a cavity. The resonant frequency
with temperature as well as RH; however, it appears varies with the dielectric constant of the material in the
feasible to compensate with additional circuitry. cavity. If / is the resonance frequency of a cavity con-
Improvements in the capacitive method have resulted taining a reference gas (dielectric constant t0) and /1 is the
from the work of Nelson and Amdur (1965). The main resonance frequency of the cavity with the gas to be
disadvantage of this technique is the relatively small change measured, then
in capacitance of the sensor with a change in humidity.
One way to increase this capacitance change is to displace ;:=: 7: (A-1 1)
. (fl)2
the air with a material that will pick up an increased
amount of water. Some desirable qualities of the dielectric The quantity € is the complex dielectric constant of the
material are: (1) low water absorption (<½ percent at form € = A + JB; however, experiments have shown the
100 percent RH), (2) high permeability to water vapor, loss factor for gases and water vapor may be neglected in
(3) low permeability to contaminants, (4) good mechani- the region 1010 Hz (Sargent, 1955).
cal strength, (5) high bulk resistivity, and (6) stability with A frequency modulator shifts the Klystron frequency in
wide ranges of temperature and humidity. such a fashion that one cavity will resonate before the
Such a capacitive transducer is constructed with a thin other cavity if the gases in the two cavities have different
plastic film of acetal resin, which is a crystalline form of dielectric constants. The resonance maximum at the de-
highly polymerized formaldehyde. The capacitor plates are tector will be displaced in time by an amount that is pro-
1.5 Dimensionally Varying Elements instrument (Wexier, Ruskin, 1965). Commercially pro-
duced instruments of this type may be the most accurate
Engineers have long been aware of the variation in size of
hygrometers currently available. However, the slow re-
certain materials as the humidity changes. The practicality
sponse necessitated by the thermal characteristics of Peltier
of using this phenomenon in hnnfidity measurement is evi-
coolers limits their application to relatively static situations.
denced by its wide use in industry (Fraade, 1963). Some
Such instruments may be useful for calibration of faster-
of its desirable features are easy calibration, little manual
responding sensors.
know-how required, and easy recording of results. It is
Commercial instruments are produced by Illinois Test-
characterized by poor accuracy and a host of other diffi-
ing Laboratories, Compu Dyne Corp., and Technology/
culties, but it performs well where these deficiencies can be
Versatronics. Interference may be caused by condensable
vapor such as hydrocarbons (Fraade, 1963).
Monfore (1963) developed a system for determining
In the Technology/Versatronics (1968) instrument a
moisture in concrete based on the expansion of a dacron
thermoelectric cooler is used and a quartz crystal serves
thread monitored by a wire strain gauge. The accuracy
as an internal reflector that is affected by condensation on
was found to be ±2 percent of the calibration value. The
its surface. The accuracy of this instrument is about 0.5°F
response time was less than 5 mm.
dew point.
A special need exists for a small probe for measuring
Units designed for smallness and portability include one
moisture condition in concrete specimens that are to be
using alpha radiation attenuation by a condensing film at
fire tested, because moisture content and distribution affect
the dew point (Brousaides, Morrissey, 1967), and another
the test results for fire resistance. The Monfore type was
that uses a small jet of freon from a 1-lb tank to cool the
found to be better than the Dunmore type (LiCI) for this
condensation mirror. The latter unit weighs 1,800 g and
application (Abrams, Monfore, 1965). Narrow-range
Dunmore types require 10 elements to cover the range operates for only 1 hr.
The most likely candidate for measuring RH in a cavity
between 2 and 99 percent RH. A copper wire in series
is a small unit designed for space application by Cambridge
with the wire gives sufficient thermal compensation between
Systems (1966). It weighs 2 lb 4 oz. The sensor is 1 in.
70° and 80°F. A two-point calibration (0 and 100 per-
in diameter and 3 in. long; the control unit is 6 X 2 X
cent) requires about 20 mm. Humidity wells are required
2.5 in., including telemetry circuitry. Other specifications
for concrete. Little difference is noted between %2- and
1-in.-diameter wells. The units have a long life and are
reusable in many samples. Linearity ....... 1.2°F.
Dimensional variation adapts readily to vibrating wire Range .........40° to 100°F dew point or greater.
strain gauges. A vibrating wire "telehygrometer" is de- Accuracy ......±1°F dew point.
scribed by de Castro (1962). Using 16-cm white oak and Response time . <10 sec.
scotch pine strips as sensing elements, an accuracy of Power ......... <3w(28vDC).
±2 percent RH is obtained over the range of 5 to 27 per-
cent. The maximum operating range is a function of soil 1.7 Psychrometry
type. Hysteresis of up to 10 percent RH is noted.
This method should be adaptable to remote monitoring Psychrometric instruments form another major grouping of
of RH in porous cavities. The apparent need is for sensing hygrometers. All such instruments depend on the cooling
materials that are compatible with the highway component of a wetted thermometer and the subsequent temperature
environment as well as strain sensing devices. Ceramic difference between the "wet bulb" and the "dry bulb" of
materials are potentially useful, but their response to the temperature sensor. Data usually are reduced by the
moisture variation normally is very long (Cole, Birtwistle, use of the psychrometric formula or a set of tables based
1969). on this formula. Although this principle and its theories
The use of very thin materials and miniature strain have been known more than 250 years, definitive papers
gauges could mhimize this defieiency. on the sensitivity and time response of the psychrometer
were still being presented in the 1930's. The chief advan-
1.6 Dew Point
tage of the psychrometer is its simplicity. If the ambient
Dew or frost point hygrometers depend on the measure- air has a velocity of more than 3 m sec 1, two thermome-
ment of temperature and are relatively simple and in- ters, one covered with a wet wick, are all that is needed. If
expensive devices. The temperature at which dew or frost wind is nonexistent, aspiration must be provided either by
appears on the surface of a cooled object denotes the point a fan or by moving the wet bulb through the air, as with
at which the RH at the surface is 100 percent. This tem- the sling psychrometer (Assman, 1892). Details of the
perature thus may be related to the partial pressure of theory for psychrometric methods are found in Arnold
water in the sample gas via the known saturation vapor (1933), Spilhaus (1937), and Wexier, Ruskin (1965).
pressure of water or ice. Many different methods of cool- Difficulties leading to erroneous readings arise when the
ing a surface and of detecting the formation of condensa- RH is low and the wet bulb depression is large. Further
tion have been used. Modern improvements in these meth- problems arise with the response time with wet bulb
ods, including the use of Peltier devices for cooling and temperatures of less than 0°C.
photometric detection of condensation, have both added to Fraade (1963) describes an instrument manufactured by
the cost of the device and afforded an accurate and useful Mine Safety Appliances Company. The technique is based
on the wet-dry principle. Materials such as cotton and veloped by Bouyoucos and Mick (1948) relies on the
wool absorb; their temperature rises. Upon desorption, change Of resistivity of.-the soil With changes in moisture
their temperature falls. Alternate exposure to sample gas content. Two electrodes covered with nylon, fiberglass
followed by dry gas results in 'a fluctuation in temperature fabric, or plaster of paris are buried in the soil and allowed
that is related to the RH of the sample gas. Each cycle to reach equilibrium before the measurement is made. This
requires about 4 mm. type of measurement is most accurate at very low moisture
The requirement of a flowing gas prevents the use of this content. It has the disadvantage of a long response time to
technique in solids. reach equilibrium.
Some typical examples of electrode configurations are
(1) sample cells for loose material, (2) clamps for boards,
The resistance of a material, its specific conductive ca- rollers or parallel plates for moving sheet material,
pacity, and its dielectric losses vary with the amount of probes for plunging into loose material, (5) sword
moisture it contains. An instrument for measuring one of electrodes for insertion between stacked sheets, (6) needle
these quantities thus can be calibrated in terms of moisture electrodes for penetrating wood or textile fiber, and (6)
content. surface electrodes for pressing against flat surfaces (Geary,
Some of the earliest work of importance in this area was 1956).
done by Whitney et al. (1897) in soil and Spencer (1938) The resistivity measurements are related to the free water
in concrete. The use of gypsum absorbent blocks has re- content (Monfore, 1968), although some authors believe
sulted from many difficulties in making direct contact, salt partially bound water also plays a role (Roth, 1966).
interference, and similar problems (Bouyoucos, 1940).
Other types of absorbents used are nylon and gypsum, 2.1.1 Interference
fiberglass and gypsum (Bourget, 1958), aluminous cement
Even in the early work of Whitney et al. (1897) the soil
(Croney et al., 1952), and portland cement mortar (Mer-
resistivity was found to depend on soil type and the pres-
tin, 1965). Four-point electrical probes have been used
ence of ionized salts. This is an inherent problem with the
(McCorkle, 1931, and Neto, 1962) to overcome electrode
method, because the conductivity of the sample or sensor
contact problems.
material results from impurities and soluble components in
Instrument characteristics that have received most of the
the material that are dissolved in the water. The interpre-
attention in application and evaluation studies are response
tation of results obtained using these methods must recog-
time, size, interference, sensitivity, and accuracy. The ad-
nize the limitations imposed by the basic source of the
vantages of the method generally are considered to be the changes in resistivity of moist materials.
small size, simplicity of operation, and rapid response. The
The variable contact problem can be partially overcome
disadvantages are primarily those characteristics that are
by using four electrodes. McCorkle (1931) placed his
reflected in the relatively poor accuracy of the method.
electrodes in a line about 2 ft apart. The resistances were
In spite of the problems cited, Mertin (1965) concluded
then measured as shown in Figure A-2, in which K de-
that electrical conductivity methods most nearly satisfied
pends on probe length and distance between probes.
four important requirements for measuring moisture in
Smaller electrodes have been used. The portable hand
concrete: (1) nondestructive, (2) telemetering, (3) con-
unit of Szuk (1965) attempted to achieve reproducibility
tinuous measuring for weeks or months, and (4) a large
in the contact pressure applied for each measurement. This
number of measuring points.
unit and others require calibration for each type of soil or
2.1 Sample Resistivity material.
Resistivity measurements can be made by direct contact of
2.1.2 Sensitivity
the electrodes with the material of concern. With this
principle, a calibration must first be obtained for the The sensitivity of the method is relatively high, except near
specific material. The electrical resistance method de- saturation. Neto (1962) found this to be true also with the
four-point probe.
2.1.3 Accuracy
With a rather limited variation in type of material the
k R2 >R*
accuracy is usually adequate. Kondo and Norose (1962)
made surface measurements on mortar and plaster with an
estimated standard deviation of less than 1 percent, using
conducting rubber electrodes with a constant contact pres-
R5H sure. The errors in McCorkle's data appear to be about
2 percent (dry).
R5 + R2 - R6 - R1 Szuk (1962) made moisture measurements on sand and
R= gravel samples by adding a potassium chloride solution.
S K This masked the effect of electrolytes dissolved out of the
Figure A-2. Measurement of re- sample, but the effect of particle size remained significant.
sistances. His accuracy was about 0.5 percent.
Szuk observed a significant feature with concrete in the Salaruddin and Khasbardar (1967) describe a portable
form of an inflection point that occurs in the resistance unit. Most applications take the form of inserted probes
proflic as the w/c ratio gradually changes with the addition or semi-permanent sensor installation.
of water. This corresponds to the point at which all parti-
cle surfaces are wet, and coincides with the maximum 2.2.2 Reliability
crushing strength of the concrete. This inflection point is Clean procedures in preparing gypsum improve reliability
also useful in indicating the wetting point of various (Nielsen, 1967) .. Soil moisture blocks are more dependable
aggregates. at low moisture content below field capacity than at higher
Roth (1966) describes an instrument for measuring moisture content (Johnson, 1962).
moisture in sheet materials manufactured by several com-
panies (Electronic Automation Systems, Mt. Hope Ma-
2.2.3 Temperature Effects
chine Co., Hartley Controls Corp.). The method is a
nondestructive surface measurement in which the instru- These units are temperature-sensitive, but it is not their
ment continually balances the resistance and capacitance major cause of error (Taylor, 1955; Bourget et al., 1958).
of the test material, using two well-balanced servo-loops. A 3.5 percent change in resistance per degree Centigrade
Percentage of moisture is proportional to the position of occurs in the portable unit mentioned previously.
the resistance balancing loop. Compensation is provided
for other materials that contribute to the conductivity of 2.2.4 interference
the sample. The transfer function is a direct exponential
relationship with percentage of moisture in the low mois- All units are sensitive to salts (Bourget et al., 1958). NaCl
ture range. The over-all range is 3 to 50 percent (dry). content greater than 0.01 N (1,800 ppm) causes significant
An accuracy of ±0.5 percent is claimed. The response deviation (Hancox, Walker, 1966). Fiberglass units are
time of the system is limited only by electrical components more sensitive to salts than are gypsum units (Taylor,
so that it is suitable for rapid measurement and control 1955).
2.2.5 Sensitivity
2.2 Sensor Resistivity An S-shaped response curve is common with the sensitivity
The fundamental difference between sensor resistivity being low at the higher moisture content (Building Re-
methods and sample resistivity methods lies in the require- search Station, Watford, 1962; Johnson, 1962). The sen-
ment that the sensor reach moisture equilibrium with the sors of Hancox and Walker (1966) exhibited a log-log
sample. Thus, the sensor resistance depends on (1) the relation between resistance and moisture.
relative attraction of the soil and the matrix material R = K(c(A) (A-14)
(sensor) for moisture, (2) the amount of moisture pres-
ent, (3) the rate that water transfer can be made from one in which
material to the other, and (4) the electrical conductivity c = ratio of moisture content to the value at saturation;
of the components (moisture, solution, soil) within the and
electrical influence of the electrodes. = porosity.
The most common sensor materials that are used for soil
and concrete are gypsum (plaster of paris), nylon-gypsum, Typical values for the constants are
fiberglass-gypsum, and resin-treated gypsum. A relation- K = (3.2 ±0.2) X 10
ship exists between this technique and the tensiometric and n= 1.3 ±0.05
hygrometric techniques. The difference lies in the equi-
librium mechanism. Closs (1954) developed a calibration These sensors were formed as plaster cylinders 5 cm long
technique for the resistance block and the soil moisture and 0.5 to 1 cm in diameter, with conducting silver point at
tension based on the relation between the freezing point each end as the electrodes.
depression (sr) due to pressure on the water. The re-
sistance is measured at the freezing point and the moisture 2.2.6 Range
tension is given by Fiberglass blocks normally have a greater range than gyp-
pF = 4.097 + log ii (A-1 3) sum. Salaruddin and Khasbardar (1967) used two sensing
elements: (1) a combination of fiberglass and gypsum for
Nielsen (1967) used a gypsum cell to relate shrinkage and the high moisture range, and (2) gypsum for the low
creep to moisture content in concrete. Capacitance and moisture range. The resistance changes from about 500
phase difference at 1 KHz were calibrated with RH. Care ohms to 105 ohms for the normal range of gypsum blocks.
must be taken in the comparison of results obtained by the
different methods, however, because vapor transport and 2.2.7 Accuracy
equilibrium may be entirely different from total moisture
transport between two materials. Moisture retention re- Bouyoucos (1961) found an increase in accuracy and
lationships vary between materials and between soils. sensitivity by using 80 parts of water to 100 parts of
gypsum. This ratio gives increased pore space, with some herent source of error. Other inherent errors are variations
sacrifice of stability. The variation between measurements in particle size, packing density, and ionized salts.
by different units made by Hancox and Walker was A comprehensive treatment of the method appears in
<± 1.5 percent. The best accuracy claimed by the de- Wexler (1965). Roth (1966) compared the method with
velopers of soil moisture blocks is 1 percent. other methods suitable for application in industry. Mon-
The data taken at the Building Research Station, Watford fore (1970) and Geary (1956) reviewed its application in
(1962), with different types of limestone and brick indi- highway engineering.
cated that 90 percent of the data were within ±2 percent
(dry). 3.1 Sample Capacitance
Penner (1962) contends that their accuracy is good
enough for irrigation purposes, but not good enough for Many relatively inexpensive instruments have been de-
most other applications. signed and used to measure the moisture of solids, based
Ashcroft and Taylor (1953) used plaster resistance on the sample capacitance method. They are primarily
blocks to measure moisture tension in 32 plots, with 8 low-frequency designs, and have been successful only when
different locations in each plot at depths of 6, 12, 18 and the variability of nonwater components was small, or when
24 in. The variability for locations and plots was much high accuracy was less important than speed and low cost.
greater than the variability for the resistance blocks. This An instrument operating in the vhf range offers much
justified their use, even though the coefficients of variability superior performance but is inherently larger, more compli-
were 6 to 12 percent. Because block data are much faster cated, and more expensive. One such instrument has been
than sampling data, the number of measurements can be designed by Thomas (1966), with the sensing element in
increased to gain a reduction in the location variability the form of a long, slender probe to be inserted in the
coefficient. sample. The sensitivity of the probe was improved by
Relating accuracy and range, Bourget et al. (1958) con- designing electrodes with a large fringing field. Other
cluded that gypsum is best above 0.3 atm tension. Nylon- problems normally associated with capacitance methods
gypsum is best below 0.3 atm tension. Fiberglass-gypsum (such as temperature dependence and ionized salt inter-
with big electrodes is the best compromise from 0 to ference) contribute their effect through the imaginary com-
15 atm tension. ponent of the complex dielectric constant. By operating
above 30 MHz these effects were significantly reduced. A
2.2.8 Stability Wayne-Kerr (B 801) vhf admittance bridge was used to
measure the capacitance in the prototype instrument. Low
Nylon, fiberglass, and resin treatment are added to gypsum or moderately priced meter-type instruments were not com-
to stabilize its use for long periods of time. This is es- mercially available at that time, but Watson indicated that
pecially true for the more sensitive blocks of Bouyoucos development work to meet this need was being conducted
(1961). Several years' stability of calibration has been in his laboratory. Test results with this instrument were
claimed in some cases. excellent using a wide variety of soils. A functional rela-
tion between the volume fraction (0) of water in soils and
2.2.9 Precision the charge of capacitance (SC) when the probe was in-
Taylor (1955) has compared the precision of several serted was determined together with the standard error,
S(0), in a given measurement (Ok). These functions are:
methods. He found that two resistance measurements or
two neutron measurements are equivalent to one gravi- 0=0.245(C-2.6) 0<0<0.1 (A-is)
metric determination. To detect a mean difference between
groups of less than 10 percent requires 8 resistance, 5 S(0) = 0.07 0k (A-16)
neutron, and 4 gravimetric measurements. 0 = 0.38 log(C - 0.21) 0.045 <0 < 0.45 (A-17)
Hancox (1966) and Bell et al. (1963) also noted the Another method consists of the use of a gamma-ray gauge
need for different calibration curves and dissolved salt for the measurement of density and the subsequent use of
interference. Except for these effects, Bell et al. determined calibration curves for various densities. Use of a dual
an accuracy of 0.25 percent below 6 percent total moisture gauge where each detector has a different sensitivity to
(dry) in concrete. composition is another possible way to eliminate the effect
Roth (1966) evaluated the method for measuring mois- of variable amounts of thermal neutron absorbers.
ture in granular and sheet materials in industry. Instru- Recent theoretical studies on neutron gauge design have
ments manufactured by Foxboro Co., James Hunter Ma- been conducted by Gemmell, McGregor, and Moss (1966),
chines Co., Forte Engineering Corp., and Moisture Register ølgaard and Haahr (1967), Gardner and Roberts (1967),
Company were identified. The minimum detectable limit of Nagy and Vertes (1968), McDougall, Dunn, and Gardner
this group of instruments was 2 percent (dry). The range (1969), Lippold, Carnesale, and Gardner (1969), and
of measurement was 2 to 25 percent (dry). The precision ølgaard (1969). These studies used multigroup theory and
was estimated to be ±2 percent. Calibration for each ma- Monte Carlo methods to estimate the effects of the inter-
terial was required. One of their desirable attributes was ferences discussed previously. The results in some cases
their almost instantaneous response. were used to optimize the gauge design with respect to
minimizing interference effects.
3.2 Sensor Capacitance The results of a survey by the American Society of Civil
It is somewhat difficult to distinguish sensor capacitance Engineers (Roberts, Waananen, 1964) indicate that about
from the capacitance hygrometer methods or the electrical 80 gL
tensiometer methods. It is easy to see how the problems iits are used to obtain data for construction. The survey
encountered in the sample capacitance method are com- also indicated that gauges
pounded with the sensor technique. In addition to the Research studies in
problems of relating the capacitance of the sensor material recent years have shown a similar distribution of emphasis.
to the moisture in the sensor, the interface between the Comparative evaluation studies have led to the conclu-
sensor and the sample introduces variability into the mea- sion that the previously mentioned interferences lead to
surement problem. This is related to quality of contact, errors in moisture measurement in soils (sometimes pro-
physical characteristics of sensor and sample surfaces, hibitive errors), but the errors are commonly less than
temperature, and other moisture transport parameters. those for any other method (Stewart, Taylor, 1957; John-
Some of the early work was done with plaster of paris son, 1962; Wofford, 1964; Ballard, Gardner, 1965; Waters,
blocks, similar to the resistance-type measurements. The 1965; Gardner, Roberts, 1967; Hughes, Anday, 1967,
accuracy appears to be sufficient in agriculture for deter- 1970). Over-all, the nuclear method appears to be the
mining moisture content of soil between the permanent best method for measurement of moisture in a 3- to 4-in.
wilting percentage and the moisture equivalent points surfceAayer. The relatively high cost has been a deterrent
(Anderson and Edlefsen, 1942). Sufficient accuracy, how- to its use in some cases; but, unlike with some commercial
eyer, has not been demonstrated for highway engineering instruments, the cost of nuclear gauges has decreased for
measurements of moisture content. As indicated in the several years to around $3,000 to $4,000. This is not a
discussion of hygrometric techniques and tensiometric prohibitive cost for an instrument that is to be used on a
methods, there may be other uses where quantities other routine daily basis.
than the free water content are important. Extensive material was reviewed in the literature. To
present as much of it as possible, an abbreviated format is
4.0 NUCLEAR METHODS used that is similar to the abstracting notes that were taken
4.1 Neutron Scattering
during the literature review. The first entry is the author
and the date (month/year) of publication. The numbers
Since the pioneering *ork of Beicher, Cuykendall, and on the left represent the 35 performance criteria that
Sack (1950) much work has been devoted to a better formed the basis of the review and evaluation (Table A-i).
understanding of the interaction between neutrons and the The order is chronological.
soil-water-detector system. The technique depends on the
ability of hydrogen in water to slow down fast neutrons.
The form of the hydrogen cannot be distinguished by this Gardner, Kirkham (5/52)
method. The measurement interferences existing in pres-
Gives theory of methods. Tabulates scattering co-
ently used commercial gauges consist of sensitivity to:
efficients of a few elements.
(1) the total sample density, (2) sample composition
16 Shows effective range for water of —12 in.
(particularly the presence of thermal neutron absorbers,
such as chlorine and boron, and of other moderators, such
as hydrogenous material), (3) surface roughness, and Sharpe (3/53)
(4) sample homogeneity. These measurement interferences
23 D(cm) —8 1 3 1 5 1 10
can be minimized by several methods. One such method S/N 3.5 5 8 6
consists of the use of the new He-filled proportional count-
ers to detect epithermal neutrons that are relatively in- Variation of source to base of counter dimensions indi-
sensitive to the presence of thermal neutron absorbers. cates best discrimination at 5 cm. B'°F countr length
21 With 0.015-in. Cd shield, 8% ±4% reduction in count ment. Concluded that theory was sufficient for present
is seen per gm cm-3 NaCl. Absorbers are given in measurement capability.
Table 2 in terms of NaCl equivalent. A systematic 16 Sphere of importance is consistent with theory used and
correction can be applied by using the slope of the model fits data better than van Bavel model. For typical
calibration curve. soil:
iCR ACR 100
(absorption) R cm
R1 dCR/dw 1.4 + 0.1 M,
25 Time to achieve a certain accuracy due to counting M = moisture percent (Vol)
statistics is
Composition and cross-section data that were used are
T CR included.
(R1cr) 2 21 Interferences were indicated to be density, absorbers,
and hydrogen content of dry soil.
Roberts, Wyndham, Waananen (11/64)
This paper reports the results of a survey by the ASCE Benz, Willis, Nielsen, Sandoval (6/65)
Task Force on use of neutron meters. Observational Advantages:
procedures are reviewed.
Greater accuracy if calibrated.
Nuclear Chicago, Test Lab. Corp., Troxier.
Response is convertible directly into volume
Hydrodensimeter made by Viatec Division of Tellur- moisture percent.
Successive samples can be taken from the same
Kaiser-Tempe made by Kaiser Aircraft and Electronics. location.
Mobile logging unit by Dresser Research.
Disadvantages: Dependence on soil composition, es-
Most sources are 3-5 mc.
pecially neutron absorbers.
Use by highway departments (15 responses):
1 Nuclear Chicago instrument is used in this study.
Data for construction ......... ..12 21 During field calibration as much as 20% reduction in
Data for agriculture ............1 rate was observed for high-salinity soils. In the labora-
Data for other use ..............1 tory NaCl in a water bath resulted in approximately
Equipment for depth moisture. . . . 4 5% depression of counting rate for 5,000 ppm. Results
Equipment for surface moisture. . . Ii were nonlinear.
10 Effective application requires trained personnel.
11 Most reliable of available methods. Ballard, Gardner (65)
13 High initial cost.
A review of simple models is given, together with the
17 Nondestructive nature is primary advantage of this
definition of important neutron transport parameters.
method for studying moisture movement and profiles.
A literature review of experimentally determined ac-
20 Ratemeters made require shading in field use.
curacies and interferences is given in Table 9. Type of
21 Close fit of access tubes required in depth measure- system and operating range are included.
ments, organic soils with organic salts.
25 A simple regression model is proposed that is based on
High accuracy.
the absorption and scattering probabilities of the ma-
Interpretation of data is important in such effects as terial to be measured.
air-soil interface, response to gradients, effect of stones
and stratification. Smooth surfaces and uniform meter
contact are required.
27 Good reproducibility. in which
29 Observation time is reduced from weeks to days; gives
P3 = probability of a thermalizing collision;
on-the-spot guide to compaction.
p = density of medium;
30 Ideal for repeated measurements.
w j = weight fraction of the ith element in barns per
33 Of total users, 44 used manufacturer's calibration; 74
indicated field calibration.
= scattering cross-section of the ith element;
Calibration required for special soils and different ac-
Ai = mass of the ith element; and
cess tubes or surface conditions.
34 = logarithm of the average energy decrement per
Radiation safety requirements.
collision of the ith element.
Equipment and cable breakdown are problems resulting
in significant down-time. The probability of thermal neutron absorption is
The model proposed is tion of hydrogenous material other than water would
cause serious error.
R - B = a(P8 )b exp(cP, + dPa) 24 2-80%.
in which 25 Depends on the material being measured. It is about
0.2% if the material has zero or a fixed hydrogen
R = counting rate of detector;
B = background counting rate; and
27 CanbeO.2%.
a, b, c, d = constants determined by a regression
analysis using calibration standards. 29 Instantaneous.
30 Continuous.
25 Best accuracy in the review was 1% (Vol); the worst 35 Most solids. For a conveyor-belt application, the sam-
results were obtained by Mintzer (6/60) with 35% ple must be 16 in. wide and at least 2 in. thick. See
error using a single calibration for 4 New York soils. Figure 10 (p. 88).
25 Water in sand, 0.8%. 23 Boron detector with frontal placement of source has the
highest sensitivity up to 30% moisture (Vol). Lateral
placement of source is the only one of several configura-
Kasi, Koskinen (65)
tions that had a linear correlation curve.
Combined Monte Carlo and diffusion theory calcula- Slow neutron density (at r) is given by:
tions are used.
21 Large effect of density is shown in Figure 4 (p. 6) N(r) =exp(_ _)
23 Increased sensitivity with iron reflector on back is in which
shown in Figure 7 (p. 8). Q = fast-neutron source length;
r = distance from source;
Waters (65) r = lifetime; and
L f = moderation path length.
Neutron method appears to be best method available
for surface measurements of concrete and masonry L1 =L
structures. no8 3
1 Hydrodensimeter made by Viatec Division of Tellur- in which
25 A wide variation (as much as 0.1 g cm-3 ) for different n = atomic density;
materials was observed. Differences correlated with ab- = anisotropic scattering coefficient;
sorbers present in significant quantities such as 0.02% a-a = neutron-scattering cross-section per atom; and
boron in plywood and 3 to 5 ppm gadolinium and other j = amount of collisions resulting in thermalization
rare earths in some cements. (E= 0.025).
27 Lower at high moisture. Carlo technique for surface probes indicate the need
Air gap variation results in decrease of 0.4% per 1,k6 in. for simpler model. Theoretical models can be used in
of gap for 13-15% moisture range. gauge design (sensitivity, etc.).
33 Uncertainty in generality of calibration when applied 21 Density effects are shown in Figure 4 (p. 70).
to diverse materials. 33 Discrepancies between calibration curves for low mois-
Requires understanding of error that may occur and ture can result from too-small calibration samples.
that may be tolerated.
Monfore (1/70)
Cameron (69)
16 Radius from 4-18 in.
A good review is given. Need is for simple, accurate
Thickness from 4-24 in.
model besides group theory.
Advantages: rapid, precise, nondestructive, large-vol- 19 Measures total water content.
ume average, lightweight, portable, reliable, simple, 21 Scattering and absorption of other atomic nuclei are
not negligible. Cadmium shield reduces composition
inexperienced operators.
Detector using 6 Li-loaded glass scintillators may be dependence.
used for moisture and density measurements. 25 Calibration of meters has received considerable atten-
It is common to have an accidental correlation between tion.
bound water content and absorbing elements, so that
the two cancel each other (as was observed in work of Anday, Hughes (6/70)
Anday and Hughes).
Precision: Electronic ±0.1%. 25 1 calibration curve: 3 pcf standard error.
Accuracy: 1% (Vol) or 0.01 g cm-3. 2 calibration curves:
Hönig, Pospililova, Klablena, Pape (69) (unpublished)
Optimum moisture content (%) >18 <18
Probably the most comprehensive collaborative testing Percent passing No. 200 screen >48 <48
program of international commercial gauges. Impor- Percent sand <30 >30
tant characteristics that were considered are: Standard error (pcf) 1.5 0.84
Calibration relationships. Correlation coefficient 0.907 0.971
Temperature stability. No trend for addition of Fe2O3 was noted.
Chemical influences of measured medium.
Optimum measuring time. In Class B ignition loss at 1,000CC was relatively low;
Resolution of subsurface probes. content of neutron absorbers also was low (i.e. Fe2O3,
Depth effect of surface probes. TiO2 ). (Density was not indicated.)
Short- and long-time stability.
4.2 Gamma-Ray Interaction
Simplicity of operation.
Measurement of time. Two gamma-ray-interaction methods have been proposed
Design of scaler. for highly specialized applications. The first is applicable
Design of probes. where it is desired to measure moisture within a 1/2 -in.
Weight of complete instruments. layer of soil (Smith, Taylor, Smith, 1967). This technique
Suitability of instruments for field work (including assumes that the specific gravity of soil remains constant
auxiliaries for driving in access tubes and for as moisture gain or loss changes the wet density. The wet
surface leveling). density is determined by gamma transmission technique.
charging of batteries.
Servicing arrangements. Wp(def) —p(dry) (A-l9)
Safety of work. p (dry) (100)
Field capacity moisture deficit, p(def), was defined as a
Results of this program will be published soon.
relative measurement because both p(soil) and p(dry) are
undetermined. The density measurement at or near field
Lippold, Carnesale, Gardner (69)
capacity is designated as Pj. Subsequent measurements of
A Monte Carlo simulation was used for gauge calibra- P2 give the moisture deficit with respect to field capacity
tion and design optimization. moisture.
Predicted effects of density and thermal neutron ab-
sorbers (in terms of iron equivalent) are shown in (100)
WI,1 - Wv 2 = ( P2 - P2) (A-20)
Figure 3. Pw
in which
Ølgaard (69)
W1,1 = volume moisture percent at field capacity;
Presents 3-group diffusion theory and experimental re- W 2 = volume moisture percent at subsequent time; and
sults for depth probe. Preliminary studies using Monte Pw = density of water.
The standard error was determined to be 2.35 percent be fixed to the solid phase in various degrees ranging from
(Vol). chemically bound to essentially unbound or free. The re-
A second method was studied by Babinets and Zvol'skii moval of chemically bound water generally drastically
(1966). They proposed a logarithmic relation as the first changes the properties of the solid material. The chemi-
approximation of the gamma radiation induced by neutron- cally bound water often is described as the nonevaporable
activated atoms and detected near the source of fast water. It should be noted that aggregates, concrete, and
neutrons. soils may contain an appreciable amount of nonevaporable
R = A +BIn(w11 ) ( A-21)
The evaporable water customarily is defined as that
A and B are experimentally determined constants; WH is which is removed under a vacuum of 0.5 microns of
the total hydrogen content. The mean deviation of their mercury at 23°C. This pressure and temperature corre-
experimental results from this model was 0.02 g cm-3. spond approximately to the water lost during oven drying
Neither of the foregoing methods appears to be a sub- at 105°C. The evaporable water in soils frequently is
stitute for more conventional methods, but they may be classified as (1) hydroscopic, and (2) gravitational. The
useful for special applications. The second method is a hydroscopic water is under the influence of surface forces;
good candidate for incorporation into the operation of the gravitational water is that part that will drain from the
conventional moisture gauges to provide a dual-gauge soil under the force of gravity.
capability for discrimination of neutron absorbers.
5.1 Thermal Extraction
5.1.1 Oven Drying
The gravimetric technique is the most commonly used tech-
nique for measuring moisture in soil. Some general appli- A practical and easily controlled technique for water re-
cations of this technique appear in Wexler (1965), Mon- moval is oven drying. Heating raises the vapor pressure
fore (1970), and Geary (1956). of the free water within the porous material. A reduced
The gravimetric method of determining moisture con- vapor pressure in the environment serves as a force to move
tent involves five steps: (1) collecting a soil sample, this vapor out of the solid. This reduced pressure is ob-
(2) weighing it, (3) removing the moisture, (4) weighing tained either by evacuation, or dessication, or the flowing
the dry sample or the removed water, and (5) calculating of dry air over the samples. As the difference between the
the moisture content. The gravimetric method is the most vapor pressure in the porous material and that of the
direct way of measuring soil moisture; therefore, it is environment gets small, so does the drying rate. At this
required for calibrating equipment used in other moisture time, a greater portion of the remaining moisture is tightly
measuring techniques. To collect the best soil samples, the bound.
soil should be homogenous; just moist enough to permit Although oven drying is the widely accepted standard for
easy cutting by the sampling equipment; and free from measurement of moisture, there are sources of error that
roots, stones, organic matter, and other unwanted particu- must be considered. Interferences are present in the form
lates. In practice, these conditions are seldom met. The of absorbed volatiles, sample decomposition, water of crys-
technique and equipment used for sample collection should tallization, and adsorbed gas into or out of the sample. An
be such that the samples do not lose or gain moisture or impervious crust may trap moisture within the solid. Mois-
otherwise become altered or contaminated during sampling ture or gases may be adsorbed between the time the sample
in the first weighing of the sample material. In collecting is dried and the time it is weighed.
samples, one must proceed with caution when sampling Dryness of the sample when drying stops depends on
through a wet layer into a drier layer. The sampling equip- ambient vapor pressure. Turbulent drying air also may
ment should be kept as dry as possible to prevent water remove solids. At the same time water may not be re-
from running down the hole into the drier material. In moved that is partially bound. Under these conditions
sampling some very wet soils, some of the water may be absolute equilibrium is never reached. Thus, a standard
squeezed out during the compaction and probably will in- drying time—say, 1 hr—has to be specified.
dicate less than the correct value of moisture content. In Several multisample units are available to speed the mea-
sampling hard, dry, fine-textured sediments, it is difficult surement process and provide economy where large num-
to drive the core barrels or sampling tubes into the sample bers of samples are to be measured. Two of these are
region. Dry, coarse-textured sediments may slide out of described by Roth (1966). The units accepted a sample
the sampling tube or the core barrel as it is withdrawn from of approximately 10 g. The range of measurement was
the sample hole. The gravimetric method requires con- between I and 100 percent. The accuracy and precision
siderable time and effort to collect samples, especially from are quoted at 0.2 percent. Between 5 min and 1 hr is
depths greater than a few feet, and to oven dry and weigh required for each drying cycle. The units are applicable
the many samples required for most projects. For many to any oven-driable material, preferably with a maximum
projects the sampling procedure (making numerous holes) of surface area.
alters the area of the experiment. Under some conditions, The long times required for oven drying have led to
the holes may have to be refilled and packed. It is desirable searches for faster methods. Microwave ovens have been
to discuss some background information on the kinds of applied to this problem; these were found to be very fast
water usually found in materials. Water in materials may and agreed well with standard oven drying procedures at
105 to 110°C (Ryley, 1969). GHz waves are absorbed 5.1.4 Heating in Oil
by polar molecules. After water removal, some soils were Geary (1956) also discusses the method of heating the
found to cool; others were found to heat. In the foregoing sample in nonvolatile oil. This is an empirical technique
work, a laboratory prototype oven was used. Its cost was that may be used for specialty applications. The few refer-
about five times that of the conventional oven. Ryley found ences given by Geary are not especially important in the
that primarily unbound water is removed. At higher oper- measurement of highway components.
ating levels the removal of some bound water. is evident by
the greater loss in weight of high-clay-content soils when
5.1.5 Dessicant Weight Gain
compared to conventional oven drying. An over-all agree-
ment of 0.4 percent was found when this method was Dessicant weight gain can be used with other drying tech-
compared with standard oven drying methods. Sample niques (Geary, 1956). Inert gas or dry air is drawn over
time is between 10 and 15 mm. the samples and passed through a dessicant. The weight
Microwave ovens should be especially good for cement- gain of the dessicant is assumed to be water. This tech-
stabilized soils. One precaution is noted: fuel ash materials nique often is applied to coal. A dessicant may be chosen
may ignite. A unique control feature was added by Algee, that passes volatiles other than water where normal drying
Callaghan, Creelman (1969). The load voltage-standing techniques result in ambiguity. Thus, this is a good
wave ratio was found to be a good indicator of the time supporting technique.
if the sample is "just dry." A change in the reflected
signal occurs as moisture is removed. Samples of 200 to 5.1.6 Alcohol Burning
300 g were used and an accuracy of 0.5 percent was ob-
tained, as compared to a conventional oven drying method One of the more rapid gravimetric techniques is alcohol
at 110 ±5°C. Some samples were dried for 3 min at 2 kW burning. This consists of mixing alcohol with the sample
(2.45 GHz). Others were dried for 30 min at 200 w and igniting the mixture. Most of the water is removed
(2.987 GHz). during the process (Geary, 1956; Bouyoucos, 1937). The
It is often desired to measure the water of hydration in sample is reweighed after the water-removal process. An-
hardened concrete. Wesche and Schlotmann (1962) found trim et al. (1970) found that three successive burnings
that loss on ignition was a more accurate method than were required for high moisture content. A correlation
determination of specific volume or specific density. Care coefficient of 0.999 with oven-dry results was obtained with
was taken to deduct the CO2 content. a standard error of 0.42 percent (dry).
an enclosure containing the mixture that determines the of the H2, and, thus, the moisture of the sample. The
volume of gas produced. The latter is commonly known average error for this method was found to be ±0.1 percent
as the speedy moisture method and is produced by Ash- (wet) for a 0.5-g sample, and ±0.05 percent (wet) for a
worth & Co. (Geary, 1956) and Soiltest, Inc. Extensive 1.0-g sample (Güven, Kerr, 1965). This method measures
comparative evaluations of this method with oven-drying, free water that is held by physical adsorption similar to
nuclear, and alcohol-burning methods have been made condensation forces. The heat for each is 5 to 10 Kcal
(Antrim et al., 1970; Blystone, 1961). It is generally con- mole-'. The rate of adsorption is very rapid. Chemisorp-
sidered to be relatively accurate, inexpensive, and rapid. tion holds water tightly, similar to chemical bonds. Hydra-
The calcium carbide (CaC,) reaction with moisture tion involves a discontinuous adsorption of water. The en-
proceeds as follows: CaC2 + 214,0 -+ Ca(OH) 2 + C,H,. ergy may be more or less than that of physical adsorption.
The calcium carbide gas pressure method measures the Because heating to 105 to 110°C removes some chemi-
moisture content indirectly by gauging the pressure of sorbed water and water of hydration, the results of this
C 2H2 gas generated by the reaction in a closed vessel. The method may vary significantly from the weight loss during
tester used in the work of Blystone is a hollow aluminum oven drying. This difference is typically 5 to 15 percent
vessel, with a pressure gauge on one end and a cap with (wet).
a clamping arrangement on the other. A 26-g sample size
is used. Two steel balls, 11/4 in. in diameter, were effective
5.2.3 Karl Fischer Reagent
in pulverizing soil samples. Attempts to correlate the tem-
perature rise of the sample and holder with moisture were The Karl Fischer reagent is used widely with the titration
unsuccessful. This study led to a recommendation of a method for measuring moisture in solids. It is prepared by
six-step procedure for this method of measurement: reacting SO, with iodine dissolved in pyridine and methyl
Place three measures (approx. 22 g) of calcium alcohol. A more stable reagent is obtained by substituting
carbide and two 11/4 -in, steel balls in the large chamber ethylene glycol for methyl alcohol. The titration is con-
of the moisture tester. ducted on the sample in methanol or other suitable solvents.
Using the tared scale, weigh a 26-g sample of soil. Both direct and back titration are effective. The endpoint
A 13-g sample should be used if the moisture content is is commonly determined electronically. When free iodine
much greater than 20 percent. Moisture percentage is in excess reagent is present, the sample solution will con-
given on a dry-weight basis. duct electricity. A sharp change in conductivity is observed
Place the soil sample in the cap. With the pressure at the equivalence point. Two commercial instruments
vessel in a horizontal position, insert the cap in it, and using this principle are described by Roth (1966). These
tighten the clamp to seal the cap to the unit. are the Auto-Aquatrator (manufactured by E. H. Sargent &
Raise the moisture tester to a vertical position so that Co.) and the Aquameter (manufactured by Beckman In-
the soil in the cap falls into the pressure vessel. struments, Inc.).
Holding the moisture tester horizontally, manually This method measures the total bound and free water
rotate the device for 10 sec so that the steel balls are put that will react with the reagent. It is very specific relative
into orbit around the inside circumference. Rest for 20 sec. to other techniques, because many common substances are
Repeat the shake/rest cycle for a total of 3 mm. Do not inert to the Fischer reagent. Interference may come from
allow the steel balls to fall against either the cap or the (1) oxidants such as chromates, dichromates, cupric and
orifice leading to the dial because this might cause damage. ferric salts, higher oxides, and peroxides; (2) reductants
Read the pressure gauge of the moisture tester and such as sulfates, sulfides, and stannous salts; and (3) bo-
rates, basic oxides, and salts of weak oxyacids that might
determine the moisture content of the soil on a dry-weight
react with the reagent to form water.
basis from the calibration curve.
The technique is extremely sensitive; the lower limit of
As compared with the oven-dried methods, with this detection is 0.01 percent. Samples with water content up
method the average moisture content difference is approxi- to pure water can be measured. The precision of measure-
mately 0.5 percent dry weight (Blystone, 1961). The ment is 0.025 ml of titrant.
measurement range is from 0 to 45 percent dry weight. The response time is normally a few minutes. However,
Applications are considered to be in-place density tests, the total measurement time may be long if interfering
auger and split-spoon samples, sands used in concrete mix- materials are present, or if moisture is difficult to extract.
tures, and proper moisture content for earth work. Field Thus, finely divided solids require a shorter measurement
laboratory applications may include hygroscopic moisture, time than coarser materials.
development of compaction curves, and low-value liquid
and plastic limits (Blystone, 1961). 5.3 Mechanical Extraction
The hydride method is similar to the carbide method. Samples containing high water content can be mechanically
The reaction is: CaH, + 2H20 -4 Ca(OH)0 + 2H2. pressed to remove water (Geary, 1956). The weight before
The reaction is exothermic, with a standard heat of and after compression can be used to calculate the water
reaction (iH°) equal to —122.38 Kcal mole-1. The stan- content, or the weight of the water removed can be mea-
dard free energy of the reaction (F°) is a highly negative sured. This technique has not been applied to highway
—121.24 Kcal mole-'. When the reaction is complete the components, and there are no obvious applications to
cell is cooled to 20°C. The pressure in the cell is a measure which it is suited.
5.4 Immersion (Pycnometer) Studies of the effect of temperature indicated little vari-
ance from 0° to 30°C. However, a marked difference
The immersion method is based on classical procedures for
occurred on freezing.
determining specific gravity. It is in fairly common use in
Interference from salt ions and organic material was
the measurement of loose materials such as sand and ag-
found at 15.9, 19.8, and 59.0 MHz. Very little interference
gregates (Geary, 1956). Some of the early work in this
was found at 114 and 142 MHz.
area is attributed to Tortensson and Eriksson (1936).
Garton and Crow (1954) used a 150-cc laboratory bottle
equipped with an aluminum stopper with a hole in the 6.2 Electromagnetic
center. Soil was added to the bottle and it was weighed.
6.2.1 Radiowaves
Water was added to completely fill the bottle and it was
weighed again. Moisture percentage was determined by: By definition, radiowaves include microwaves; however, an
attempt is made here to separate the two in terms of fre-
W3Wm (A-22) quency. Microwaves are considered to start between 300
W p(W m 1) and 1,000 MHz and to extend up to 300 GHz. The radio-
in which wave section considers frequencies below microwave fre-
= moisture percent of dry weight; quencies. Although there is some overlap, the purpose of
W, = specific weight of soil particles; and making this distinction is the difference in equipment used
W. = specific weight of moist soil. at the different frequencies. Similarities also may be seen
in the capacitance and resistance parameters.
A convenient curve can be plotted for 0 to 40 percent RF energy is highly absorbed by moisture. The method
moisture for W. of 1.80 to 2.50 and 2.52 to 2.68. is not very specific, because many polar compounds also
The mean difference between this technique and the absorb this energy. Thus, the primary disadvantage of this
oven-drying method was determined to be 0.152 percent. technique is that it requires a calibration curve for each
Obviously, the moisture determined in this manner is free material on which it is to be used. The calibration slope
water in the sand. This is especially important when one is very steep, however, and with adequate control of other
is using wet sand in proportioning concrete. variables the precision and accuracy can be achieved in the
Results obtained by Wilde and Spyridakis (1962) during low fractions of a percent. Roth (1966) has noted the
field tests were not nearly as accurate as the foregoing. availability of instruments by Boonton Polytechnic Co. and
They attributed an error of 2 percent to the normal varia- Moisture Register Co. The operating range is between 0.01
tions of specific gravity of soil particles. and 60 percent (dry). Specific materials may have a much
more restricted range (e.g., concrete blocks have a range
of 10 to 50 percent; molding sand has a range of 2 to
15 percent). Probe-type electrodes normally are designed
With modern refinements in electronic techniques there has for the particular material to be measured.
been a concurrent effort to apply mechanical and electro- Using an airplane overflight technique, Geleynse and
magnetic waves to the measurement of moisture because Barringer (1965) accomplished remote sensing of conduc-
of their compatibility with electronic systems. Nuclear tive bodies located in the ground by transmitting a train
methods could be grouped under this category as nuclear of high-powered unipolar electromagnetic pulses of half-
radiation. sine-wave shape and receiving the reflected signal. The
pulses have a base width of 1.5 X 10 sec and are spaced
6.1 Mechanical 2 x 10-3 sec apart (3.5 X 10 sec between peaks). Pulse
decay in the receiver depends on conductivity of the re-
6.1.1 Ultrasonics flecting material. Close inspection of the return pulse is
Ultrasonic energy propagation was studied experimentally required for interpretation, but it was found that ore bodies
at frequencies of 15.9, 19.8, 114, and 142 MHz by Mack could be detected at depths of 50 to 100 ft. Increased
and Brach (1966). Samples were sealed in 130-cm3 con- conductivity of wet soils also has a characteristic effect on
tainers and placed between matched transmitter and re- the reflected pulse.
ceiver transducers. The 114-MHz signal provided the best The transmitter is several hundred ampere-turns around
discrimination between water and the solid matrix. A a small airplane. The receiver is a coil towed in a bird
laboratory-type oscillator was used in the studies, manu- behind the plane at a height of about 100 ft. The total
factured by Marconi Instruments Ltd. The Model TF 1246 weight of the equipment is 600 lb.
was used in the range of 40 KHz to 50 MHz; the Model A very high frequency sweeping technique with a log
TF 1247 was used in the range of 20 to 300 MHz. spiral antenna also was used to study layered structures.
A correlation coefficient of 0.95 was obtained for a wide An undetermined calibration shift was related to the sam-
variety of materials at 114 MHz. This was improved to ple homogeneity. Layered structures or nonhomogeneous
0.97 by including an effect for density variation. The water content were difficult to analyze. This could be re-
moisture content ranged from 0 to 56 g water/130 cm3. solved only by elevating the transmitter and receiver such
At lower frequencies the range is limited from 0 to 12 g as with an airplane. A spatial resolution was obtained
water/130 cm3. An instrument sensitivity was observed of (using delay line correlation techniques) of 2 in. in a total
1.20 amp/g water. layer spacing of 20 in.
General Electric. The range is from 0 to 40 percent mois- order of ½ hr to many hours. Several workers have
ture (dry). The accuracy was determined to be 0.1 to devised methods for reducing this response time.
0.3 percent. A drift of 0.1 percent was observed in 7 days. Miller (1951) and Dumbleton and West (1968) used a
Various sources of error were found. A 0.75 percent manometer pressure balance system to measure tension
change was found from 20° to 170°F. A 10 percent basis without flow of moisture through the porous cup. An
weight change gives a 0.3 percent change in moisture indi- improvement in accuracy also results in that moisture is
cation. Plasticizers also affected the response. Spacing neither gained nor lost from the sample. The time response
between the gauge and the surface was critical, with a is about 30 sec for a reading accuracy of 0.1 cm water.
0.1 percent error for a 0.05-in, deviation. Although salt concentration in the soil may affect the
An instrument made by Anacon Inc. (1968) also uses tensiometric method, it is considered to interfere less than
the filter wheel technique. The reflection of 1 .9-s radiation with electrical methods (Johnson, 1962). Organic content
indicates moisture. The 1.7-1, wavelength is used as a of soil also results in a shift in the calibration (Stoeckeler,
reference. Aamodt, 1940).
Jumikis (1969) has been studying the problem of mois-
ture transfer under freeze-thaw cycling conditions. He
includes 85 references in his report, many of which report
7.1 Porous Cup his previous work. Porosity appeared to be the principal
factor in determining film flow, vapor flow, or pure vapor
The name "tensiometer" was used by Richards and Gard- diffusion. In common soils, where the porosity is less than
ner (1936) as an unambiguous reference to the porous cup 50 percent, the most effective mechanism for upward flow
and vacuum gauge combination for measuring capillary of moisture is the mechanism of film flow. His moisture-
tension or the security with which water is held in soil. related measurements include a tensiometer plus gravi-
This term replaced earlier designations such as "capillary metric measurement at termination of his experiments. He
potentiometer" (Gardner et al., 1922), "soil hygrometer" used a conical-shaped tensiometer with effective surface
(Heck, 1934), and "soil moisture meter" (Rogers, 1935). area of 30.52 cm'. The porosity was 67 percent with an
The term "pF," introduced by Schofield (1935), is com- average capillary radius of 0.3 microns. The bubbling
monly used to describe tensiometer response. It is defined gauge pressure (equal to air-entry value) is 2 atm.
as the common logarithm of the height of a water column The air entry value is the tensiometer pressure difference
in centimeters equivalent to the soil moisture tension. necessary to bring about an air leak through the porous
Richards and Gardner (1936) found that air entry in wall when the wall is saturated with distilled water. Nor-
dry soil was a serious problem with the early porous cups. mally when one is measuring soil tensions up to about
They observed hysteresis errors of about 3 percent. Tem- 1 atm., the tensiometer must test an air-entry value greater
perature corrections were based on the temperature
than 1 atm.
dependence of surface tension. During freezing the tensiometers used by Jumikis were
Tensiometers were more fully developed by Richards found to contain ice; however, no damage was found on
(1942), following earlier work by Neal, Richards, and thawing. His restriction of about 0.85-atm water pressure
Russell (1937, 1939) and Stoeckeler and Aamodt (1940). apparently was the result of the porosity of his sensing
Agriculture has been the most notable beneficiary where element and the use of flexible tubing to transmit pressure.
high accuracy is not required. Using inexpensive porous Combining pressure transducers with tensiometers in
cups costing less than $1.00 each, Kenworthy (1945) ob- recent years has resulted in an improvement in over-all
tained sufficient air entry values and determined laboratory performance of this method. Klute and Peters (1962)
and field calibrations to have an accuracy of 5 percent used a strain gauge pressure transducer to obtain a short-
(dry). The cup conductance of about 0.02 cm3 atm.-' time response of less than 1 sec, including the recorder.
sec-1 gave a response time of less than 1 mm. Based on cup conductance (K) and gauge sensitivity, the
In a revue of tensiometers, Johnson (1962) was some- time constant (T) was figured to be 0.02 sec from the
what more generous in his estimate of the accuracy attain- relationship
able. He indicated about 2 percent using a vacuum gauge, (A-25)
T = 1/Ks
and a little better using a mercury manometer. Taylor
(1955) attributed the largest source of error to air bubbles. The gauge sensitivity was 3 X 103 mb cm 3. With the strain
His units were pretested at 20 psi or greater, but dis- gauge bridge voltage at 6 v, a 4-mv-per-volt transducer
solved air in water passing through the cup was indicated output corresponds to 12 v cn of water. This resulted
as an additional source of bubbles. in a minimum detectable change of 3 mm of water. With
Temperature also has been a source of error. Haise and the exception of the recorder drive, the unit was powered
Kelley (1950) and Taylor (1955) attributed large diurnal by a 6-v dry cell (or a regulated power supply).
variations to temperature-related vapor-pressure gradients Thiel, Fouss, and Leech (1963) developed a pressure
and distillation transfer between cup and soil. transducer ceramic tip combination for laboratory and field
Hysteresis is significant with this technique. A moisture use for measuring hydrostatic pressures in a porous me-
tension curve generally indicates a higher soil moisture dium. As a deflection sensor, linearly variable differential
tension during drying than during wetting. Some of this is transformers (LVDT) were found to be superior to strain
real, possibly from the ink-bottle effect, but part of it is gauges and semiconductor force transducers. The system
apparent as a result of the long response times, on the cost $50, assembled and calibrated.
For maximum sensitivity a stainless steel diaphragm in field situations. This equipment appears to be able to
should be designed for a specific operating range. The achieve increased accuracy and response with a minimum
maximum height of water that the diaphragm can with- of development effort and fabrication complexities.
stand is
Srt2 7.2 Permeable Membrane
h— (A-26)
- 0.027 a2
in which A permeable membrane tensiometer is similar to the porous
cup tensiometer. Instead of capillary flow through a porous
Sr = maximum radial stress in the diaphragm (44,000 ceramic wall, the flow mechanism of a permeable mem-
psi is a typical proportional limit for stainless steel); brane is more nearly described by osmosis. According to
a = diaphragm radius; Coleman and Marsh (1961), seven components of a soil
t = diaphragm thickness; and stress tensor are determined by the moisture content den-
h = water pressure inches of water. sity, shear strength, and total free energy depression of soil
A typical gauge sensitivity is 0.3 v/50 cm water. water. The components are the principal total stresses,
The unit was powered by a 6-v audio-oscillator at 01, O, o- pore water pressure, ; pore air pressure, IT;
10 kHz. The resulting accuracy was ±0.5 cm water. osmotic pressure, P; and temperature, 0. A model relating
Watson (1963, 1965, 1967) has contributed to the de- these parameters would be very useful in the design of a
velopment and application of self-contained pressure trans- functional field instrument.
ducer tensiometers. He lists their advantages for field use For laboratory use, Coleman and Marsh developed two
as: (1) rapid response of system due to small volume pressure-membrane apparatus, one for low and one for
displacement of transducer, (2) convenience of obtaining high pressures. Another laboratory technique for high
a chart record of the pressure changes with time, (3) avoid- pressures has been designed by L. A. Richards (Patent
ance of diurnal temperature effects such as those that oc- No. 2353760—Pressure membrane extraction apparatus).
cur in tensiometer-manometric systems with above-ground A field unit is known commercially as the Aquapot. It is
components, (4) applicability of the method to the mea- manufactured by NIC Instrument Co., Victoria, Australia.
surement of the capillary pressure at depth, (5) relative
ease in which the system can be instrumented for automatic 8.0 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY
control, and (6) elimination of the response problems that
occur in soils of low conductivity when one is using a The Lheriiial conductivity method relies on the increase in
selector valve to switch from one tensiometer to another. thermal conductivity of porous materials with increasing
Commercially available pressure transducers are small moisture content. This principle can be applied through
in size, highly accurate, and very stable. This should make transmission in which a rise in temperature of the material
it possible to achieve sensitivities and responses in the field is measured at a distance from the heat source. It also may
equivalent to those achieved in the laboratory. A typical be applied through dissipation, by measuring the tempera-
transducer is Type PM-i 3 1TC manufactured by Statham ture rise of the heating element. In the former case, the
Instruments, Inc. Characteristics of this transducer are as response time is a function of the spacing between the
follows: thermocouples and the heating element. Although thermal
contact may present problems, there are inherent advan-
tages to the technique that make it suitable for incorpora-
CHARACTERISTIC VALUE tion into highway embankments, or pavements, or struc-
tures where moisture is to be measured. Thermocouples
Rated excitation 5 v DC or AC and heating wires normally have little disturbing effect on
Nominal output 4 mv/v these materials, and salt or other compositions of the ma-
Nominal bridge resistance 350 ohms terial offer less interference than in any other technique.
Hysteresis and linearity 0.75% normal, 0.25% The continuous monitoring of variations of moisture with
special time is the most notable need to which this technique may
Compensated temperature 650 to 250°F be applied. According to Johnson (1962), the transmis-
range sion type or thermal conductivity cell has been the most
Thermal shift: Sensitivity 0.01 % / °F satisfactory.
Thermal shift: Zero 0.01% / °F Shaw and Bayer (1939) applied a laboratory apparatus
Weight ¼ oz of their own design to a variety of soils. No hysteresis was
Differential pressure ranges ±2.5, ±5, ± 10, ± 15, observed with their method, but a wide variation in cali-
±25 bration curves was obtained for different soils. The repro-
Differential overload 200% of range ducibility with the same soil was relatively good, being less
Hydraulic sensitivity (S) 5.9 X 10 cc/mb than 1 percent (dry). The sensitivity of the method was
found to be increased by the fact that conductivity and heat
capacity change with moisture content in the same direc-
Pressure changes of 0.2 mb are detectable with this system. tion. Their instrument was designed to keep the tempera-
With a ceramic 600-mb bubbling pressure, the time con- ture difference between the heat source in the soil very
stant .is approximately 0.2 sec. This method is particularly small to prevent the movement of moisture from the point
applicable to the movement of water in unsaturated soil where heat is applied.
The temperature rise is given approximately by peculiarities, and density. These variations can be greater
than 20 percent (dry). A porous envelope was found to
(A-27) improve performance through improved reproducibility of
dQ/dt = KzT + A (1 - e
_K) physical contact.
when heat is added at a constant rate. A and K are con-
stants, and C is the specific heat.
A negligible effect from ambient temperature of soil 9.1 Vapor Pressure
between 0° to 54°C was found. Also, a negligible effect
Upon evaporation, the volumetric expansion of water is
from 10,000 ppm KC1 was observed.
Because heat transport in moist, porous materials oc- very large. When the sample is enclosed in a small volume
and the temperature is raised to evaporate the water that
curs with some distillation of water vapor, de Vries (1952)
proposed a nonstationary method and small temperature it contains, the pressure of,the container will rise. This
gradients for measuring thermal conductivity of soils. pressure can then be related directly to the moisture con-
The soil parameters of primary interest are thermal con- tent. Minute amounts of moisture can be measured through
ductivity (X) and thermal diffusivity (a). At a point, 4, the use of small volume, heating, or condensation and re-
from the center of a long heated wire, the rise of tempera- evaporation techniques (Geary, 1956). Volatile materials
in the sample would be expected to interfere.
ture (0) is given by
0 = (q/41rX){_Ei(_r2 /4at)} (A-28) 9.2 Colorimetry
The literature survey portion of this research effort en- of Soil Properties." Final Report, Virginia Highway Res.
countered several thousand references. This was expected Council and BPR (June 1970) [4.1, R2].
for such a broad coverage of moisture measurement tech- ANDERSON, A. B. C., and EDLEFSEN, N. E., "The Electri-
niques. Included in this bibliography are those publica- cal Capacity of the 2-Electrode Plaster of Paris Block as
tions that were either referenced in this report, or reviewed an Indicator of Soil-Moisture Content." Soil Science,
and rated for usefulness of contents, or for which abstracts Vol. 54, pp. 35-46 (July 1942) [3.2, R21.
were reviewed. Brackets following each bibliographic item ANSBACHER, F., and JASON, A. C., "Effects of Water
provide additional information concerning measurement Vapour on the Electrical Properties of Anodized Alumi-
methods reported. For instance, [4.1, Ri] indicates the num." Nature, Vol. 171, p. 177 (1953) [1.1.2, R21.
measurement category that refers to Appendix A, where ANTRIM, J. D., BROWN, F. B,, BUSCHING, H. W., CHISMAN,
section 4.1 is devoted to neutron-scattering techniques; Ri J. A., MOORE, J. H., ROSTRON, J. P, and SCHWARTZ,
is the review rating code. The following abbreviations are A. E., "Rapid Test Methods for Field Control of High-
used: way Construction." NCHRP Report 103 (1970) [5.0,
Ri—Good experimental data on a specific measure- 6.0, Ri].
ment method. ARIIzuMI, A., "Some Applications of Radioisotopes in the
R2—Good general data on moisture measurement. Field of Engineering." Oyo butusuri, Vol. 32, No. 6,
R3—Reportable data with questionable interpretation. pp. 411-420 (1963); AERE Trans. 1044, Harwell, Berk-
R4—Vague applicability. shire, Eng. [4.1, R4].
R5— In applicable. ARNOLD, J. H., "The Theory of the Psychrometer." Phys-
Abs.—Only the abstract was available for review. ics, Vol. 4, p. 334 (1933) [1.7, R2].
Gen.— General moisture-related work. ASCE, "Use of Neutron Meters in Soil Moisture Measure-
Sur.— Survey of many methods. ments." ASCE Proc., Vol. 90 (HY6), pp. 21-43 (Nov.
Bib.— Bibliography. 1964); Vol. 92 (HY3), pp. 72-75 (May 1966) [Sur.].
Tel.—Telemetering. ASHCROFT, G., and TAYLOR, S. A., "Soil Moisture Tension
as a Measure of Water Removal Rate from Soil and Its
Relation to Weather Factors." Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.
Proc., 171 (1953) [2.2, R3].
ABRAMS, M. S., and MONFORE, G. E., "Application of ASSMAN, R., "Aspiration Psychrometer: An Apparatus to
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Resistance of Concrete." PCA Res. and Development sisches Meteorologisches Institut, Abhandlungen, Vol. 1,
Labs. J., Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 2-12 (Sept. 1965) [1.1.1, R2]. No. 5, pp. 117-270 (1892) [1.7, Abs.].
AITCHISON, G. D., "Simplified Measurement of Soil Tem- BABINETS, A. E., and ZVOL'SKII, S. T., "Method of Scat-
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ALBERO, C. M., and PATTEN, M. C., "A Psychrometric brane Pore Size on Measurement of Water Tension in
Primer." Naval Eng. J., pp. 717-722 (Oct. 1968) [1.71 Bentonite Suspensions." Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.,
R6]. Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 306-309 (May-June 1968) [7.2,
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curacy." Nature, Vol. 175, p. 118 (1955) [1.1.1, R21. Ser. No. ii, Amer. Geophys. Union—Nat. Res. Council,
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mental Sciences, pp. 19-23 (June 1968) [1.7, R6]. Abs.].
The remote measurement field can be divided into three telemetry has reached a stage of development where it
basic categories: (i) phenomena that are remote by deserves serious consideration for highway engineering
nature, (2) wireless transmission of information, and applications, particularly in the area of moisture-related
(3) physical contact with the sensor element. Of the research (Caceres, 1965; see also NASA Rept. SP-5023,
three categories, the first is the most attractive; however, Rept. SP-5054, and Tech. Brief 66-10057). The incentive
it is the most difficult, and to a large extent has eluded for this development has been the combined requirements
the researcher, except for a few specific cases such as the of the aerospace industry and medical implant bioteleme-
nuclear techniques for near-surface measurements. This try. Some of these requirements are small size and weight,
category includes the transmission and reflection of elec- high reliability, low power drain, and long life.
tromagnetic and acoustical energy as well as nuclear par- A small circuit developed by MacKay is shown in Fig-
ticles. A good understanding of these phenomena within ure C-i (MacKay, 1965). This circuit may be used to
the highway engineering environment should prove fruit- demonstrate the basic compatibility of this technique with
ful in the development of future measurement methods. most of the moisture measurement techniques that have
The major limitation to date in this field has been the lack been identified. A notable exception is the nuclear method.
of understanding of interactions and interferences. Variation of the capacitance, C2, with moisture could be
The second category involves the transmission of data transmitted externally. The resistance, R, could be soil
from a point of interest to a remote location. This category resistance or a hyroscopic film resistance. By replacing
includes the radio transmitter. The sensing mechanism is R with a thermistor, soil temperature could be measured.
considered separately from the transmission mechanisms. Soil moisture tension could be measured by allowing
A typical application of this category would involve the pressure changes to move the transmitter core, M.
implanting of a transmitter with the sensor in the location
of the measurement and then telemetering the data outside
the system. The major problem here is the lack of a good,
inexpensive energy source that will last long enough to
meet present requirements and not significantly disturb the
The third technique involves a physical link with the
sensor element. An example here is a capacitance probe
implanted into the medium of interest, with wires attached
to the probe and extending outside the medium to the read-
out system. The range of materials, geometry, and sensing
techniques that can be considered is very wide. This cate-
gory of techniques has found some use in the research field,
but in general is frustrating and difficult to use on any
broad scale.
The second category appears to be the most fruitful area Figure C-i. A biotelemetry transmitter circuit (Mac-
of development at present. The technology of implant Kay, 1965).
Although the simple circuit of Figure c-i is inadequate There are commercial units available (American Elec-
in terms of long life and stability, the general technique tronic Laboratories, for instance), for special application,
can be greatly improved by using advanced microelectronic but effective use of this technique will require further work.
circuit techniques. For example, Fryer (1965) has re- Significant benefits should result from an applied research
ported an implantable microwatt transmitter that accu- and development program for the purpose of adapting im-
rately measures and telemeters deep body temperature for plant telemetry to specific moisture measurement methods
up to two years. to meet the needs of the highway engineer.
Published reports of the Rep.
No. Title
20 Economic Study of Roadway Lighting (Proj. 5-4),
are available from: 77 p., $3.20
Highway Research Board 21 Detecting Variations in Load-Carrying Capacity of
National Academy of Sciences Flexible Pavements (Proj. 1-5), 30 p., $1.40
2101 Constitution Avenue 22 Factors Influencing Flexible Pavement Performance
Washington, D.C. 20418 (Proj. 1-3(2)), 69 p., $2.60
23 Methods for Reducing Corrosion of Reinforcing
Steel (Proj. 6-4), 22 p., $1.40
Rep. 24 Urban Travel Patterns for Airports, Shopping Cen-
No. Title
ters, and Industrial Plants (Proj. 7-1), 116 p.,
-* A Critical Review of Literature Treating Methods of $5.20
Identifying Aggregates Subject to Destructive Volume 25 Potential Uses of Sonic and Ultrasonic Devices in
Change When Frozen in Concrete and a Proposed Highway Construction (Proj. 10-7), 48 p., $2.00
Program of Research—Intermediate Report (Proj. 26 Development of Uniform Procedures for Establishing
4-3(2)), 81 p., $1.80 Construction Equipment Rental Rates (Proj. 13-1),
1 Evaluation of Methods of Replacement of Deterio- 33 p., $1.60
rated Concrete in Structures (Proj. 6-8), 56 p., 27 Physical Factors Influencing Resistance of Concrete
$2.80 to Deicing Agents (Proj. 6-5), 41 p., $2.00
2 An Introduction to Guidelines for Satellite Studies of 28 Surveillance Methods and Ways and Means of Com-
Pavement Performance (Proj. 1-1), 19 p., $1.80 municating with Drivers (Proj. 3-2), 66 p., $2.60
2A Guidelines for Satellite Studies of Pavement Per- 29 Digital-Computer-Controlled Traffic Signal System
formance, 85 p.+9 figs., 26 tables, 4 app., $3.00 for a Small City (Proj. 3-2), 82 p., $4.00
3 Improved Criteria for Traffic Signals at Individual 30 Extension of AASHO Road Test Performance Con-
Intersections—Interim Report (Proj. 3-5), 36 p., cepts (Proj. 1-4(2)), 33 p., $1.60
$1.60 31 A Review of Transportation Aspects of Land-Use
4 Non-Chemical Methods of Snow and Ice Control on Control (Proj. 8-5), 41 p., $2.00
Highway Structures (Proj. 6-2), 74 p., $3.20 32 Improved Criteria for Traffic Signals at Individual
5 Effects of Different Methods of Stockpiling Aggre- Intersections (Proj. 3-5), 134 p., $5.00
gates—Interim Report (Proj. 10-3), 48 p., $2.00 33 Values of Time Savings of Commercial Vehicles
6 Means of Locating and Communicating with Dis- (Proj. 2-4), 74p., $3.60
abled Vehicles—Interim Report (Proj. 3-4), 56 p. 34 Evaluation of Construction Control Procedures—
$3.20 Interim Report (Proj. 10-2), 117 p., $5.00
7 Comparison of Different Methods of Measuring 35 Prediction of Flexible Pavement Defiections from
Pavement Condition—Interim Report (Proj. 1-2), Laboratory Repeated-Load Tests (Proj. 1-3(3)),
29p., $1.80 117p., $5.00
8 Synthetic Aggregates for Highway Construction 36 Highway Guardrails—A Review of Current Practice
(Proj. 4-4), 13 p., $1.00 (Proj. 15-1), 33 p., $1.60
9 Traffic Surveillance and Means of Communicating 37 Tentative Skid-Resistance Requirements for Main
with Drivers—Interim Report (Proj. 3-2), 28 p., Rural Highways (Proj. 1-7), 80 p., $3.60
$1.60 38 Evaluation of Pavement Joint and Crack Sealing Ma-
10 Theoretical Analysis of Structural Behavior of Road terials and Practices (Proj. 9-3), $2.00
40 p.,
Test Flexible Pavements (Proj. 1-4), 31 p., $2.80 39 Factors Involved in the Design of Asphaltic Pave-
11 Effect of Control Devices on Traffic Operations— ment Surfaces (Proj. 1-8), 112 p., $5.00
Interim Report (Proj. 3-6), 107 p., $5.80 40 Means of Locating Disabled or Stopped Vehicles
12 Identification of Aggregates Causing Poor Concrete (Proj. 3-4(1)), 40 p., $2.00
Performance When Frozen—Interim Report (Proj. 41 Effect of Control Devices on Traffic Operations
4-3(1)), 47 p., $3.00 (Proj. 3-6), $3.60
13 Running Cost of Motor Vehicles as Affected by High- 83 p.,
42 Interstate Highway Maintenance Requirements and
way Design—Interim Report (Proj. 2-5), 43 p., Unit Maintenance Expenditure Index (Proj. 14-1),
$2.80 144 p., $5.60
14 Density and Moisture Content Measurements by
43 Density and Moisture Content Measurements by
Nuclear Methods—Interim Report (Proj. 105),
Nuclear Methods (Proj. 10-5), 38 p., $2.00
32 p., $3.00
15 Identification of Concrete Aggregates Exhibiting 44 Traffic Attraction of Rural Outdoor Recreational
Frost Susceptibility—Interim Report (Proj. 4-3(2)), Areas (Proj. 7-2), 28 p., $1.40
$4.00 45 Development of Improved Pavement Marking Ma-
66 p.,
16 Protective Coatings to Prevent Deterioration of Con- terials—Laboratory Phase (Proj. 5-5), 24 p.,
crete by Deicing Chemicals (Proj. 6-3), $1.40
21 p., 46 Effects of Different Methods of Stockpiling and
17 Development of Guidelines for Practical and Realis- Handling Aggregates (Proj. 10-3), 102 p.,
tic Construction Specifications (Proj. 10-1), 109 p., $4.60
$6.00 47 Accident Rates as Related to Design Elements of
18 Community Consequences of Highway Improvement Rural Highways (Proj. 2-3), 173 p., $6.40
(Proj. 2-2), 37 p., $2.80 48 Factors and Trends in Trip Lengths (Proj. 7-4),
19 Economical and Effective Deicing Agents for Use on 70 p., $3.20
Highway Structures (Proj. 6-1), 19 p., $1.20 49 National Survey of Transportation Attitudes and
Behavior—Phase I Summary Report (Proj. 20-4),
* Highway Research Board Special Report 80.
71 p., $3.20
Rep. Rep.
No. Title No. Title
50 Factors 1nfluencing Safety at Highway-Rail Grade 76 Detecting Seasonal Changes in Load-Carrying Ca-
Crossings (Proj. 3-8), 113 p., $5.20 pabilities of Flexible Pavements (Proj. 1-5(2)),
51 Sensing and Communication Between Vehicles (Proj. 37 p., $2.00
3-3), 105 p., $5.00 77 Development of Design Criteria for Safer Luminaire
52 Measurement of Pavement Thickness by Rapid and Supports (Proj. 15-6), 82 p., $3.80
Nondestructive Methods (Proj. 10-6), 82 p., 78 Highway Noise—Measurement, Simulation, and
$3.80 Mixed Reactions (Proj. 3-7), 78 p., $3.20
53 Multiple Use of Lands Within Highway Rights-of- 79 Development of Improved Methods for Reduction of
Way (Proj. 7-6), 68 p., $3.20 Traffic Accidents (Proj. 17-1), 163 p., $6.40
54 Location, Selection, and Maintenance of Highway 80 Oversize-Overweight Permit Operation on State High-
Guardrails and Median Barriers (Proj. 15-1(2)), ways (Proj. 2-10), 120 p., $5.20
63 p., $2.60 81 Moving Behavior and Residential Choice—A Na-
55 Research Needs in Highway Transportation (Proj. tional Survey (Proj. 8-6), 129 p., $5.60
20-2), 66 p., $2.80 82 National Survey of Transportation Attitudes and
56 Scenic Easements—Legal, Administrative, and Valua- Behavior—Phase II Analysis Report (Proj. 20-4),
tion Problems and Procedures (Proj. 11-3), 174 p., 89 p., $4.00
$6.40 83 Distribution of Wheel Loads on Highway Bridges
57 Factors Influencing Modal Trip Assignment (Proj. (Proj. 12-2), 56 p., $2.80
8-2), 78 p., $3.20 84 Analysis and Projection of Research on Traffic
58 Comparative Analysis of Traffic Assignment Tech- Surveillance, Communication, and Control (Proj.
niques with Actual Highway Use (Proj. 7-5), 85 p., 3-9), 48 p., $2.40
$3.60 85 Development of Formed-in-Place Wet Reflective
Markers (Proj. 5-5), 28 p., $1.80
59 Standard Measurements for Satellite Road Test Pro-
gram (Proj. 1-6), $3.20 86 Tentative Service Requirements for Bridge Rail Sys-
78 p., tems (Proj. 12-8), $3.20
60 Effects of Illumination on Operating Characteristics 62 p.,
of Freeways (Proj. 5-2) 148 p., $6.00 87 Rules of Discovery and Disclosure in Highway Con-
demnation Proceedings (Proj. 11-1(5)), 28 p.,
61 Evaluation of Studded Tires—Performance Data and
Pavement Wear Measurement (Proj. 1-9), $2.00
66 p., 88 Recognition of Benefits to Remainder Property in
$3.00 Highway Valuation Cases (Proj. 11-1(2)), 24 p.,
62 Urban Travel Patterns for Hospitals, Universities,
Office Buildings, and Capitols (Proj. 7-1), $2.00
144 p., 89 Factors, Trends, and Guidelines Related to Trip
$5.60 Length (Proj. 7-4), $3.20
63 Economics of Design Standards for Low-Volume 59 p.,
$4.00 90 Protection of Steel in Prestressed Concrete Bridges
Rural Roads (Proj. 2-6), 93 p., (Proj. 12-5), $4.00
64 Motorists' Needs and Services on Interstate Highways 86 p.,
91 Effects of Deicing Salts on Water Quality and Biota
(Proj. 7-7), 88 p., $3.60 —Literature Review and Recommended Research
65 One-Cycle Slow-Freeze Test for Evaluating Aggre- (Proj. 16-1), $3.20
gate Performance in Frozen Concrete (Proj. 4-3(1)), 70 p.,
92 Valuation and Condemnation of Special Purpose
21 p., $1.40 Properties (Proj. 11-1(6)), $2.60
47 p.,
66 Identification of Frost-Susceptible Particles in Con-
$2.80 93 Guidelines for Medial and Marginal Access Control
crete Aggregates (Proj. 4-3(2)), 62 p., on Major Roadways (Proj. 3-13), 147 p.,
67 Relation of Asphalt Rheological Properties to Pave-
ment Durability (Proj. 9-1), $2.20 $6.20
45 p.,
68 Application of Vehicle Operating Characteristics to 94 Valuation and Condemnation Problems Involving
Geometric Design and Traffic Operations (Proj. 3- Trade Fixtures (Proj. 11-1(9)), 22 p., $1.80
10), 38 p., $2.00 95 Highway Fog (Proj. 5-6), 48 p., $2.40
69 Evaluation of Construction Control Procedures— 96 Strategies for the Evaluation of Alternative Trans-
Aggregate Gradation Variations and Effects (Proj. portation Plans (Proj. 8-4), 111 p., $5.40
10-2A), 58 p., $2.80 97 Analysis of Structural Behavior of AASHO Road
70 Social and Economic Factors Affecting Intercity Test Rigid Pavements (Proj. 1-4(1)A), 35 p.,
Travel (Proj. 8-1), 68 p., $3.00 $2.60
71 Analytical Study of Weighing Methods for Highway 98 Tests for Evaluating Degradation of Base Course
Vehicles in Motion (Proj. 7-3), 63 p., $2.80 Aggregates (Proj. 4-2), 98 p. $5.00
72 Theory and Practice in Inverse Condemnation for 99 Visual Requirements in Night Driving (Proj. 5-3),
Five Representative States (Proj. 11-2), 44 p.. 38 p., $2.60
$2.20 100 Research Needs Relating to Performance of Aggre-
73 Improved Criteria for Traffic Signal Systenis on gates in Highway Construction (Proj. 4-8), 68 p.,
Urban Arterials (Proj. 3-5/1), 55 p., $2.80 $3.40
74 Protective Coatings for Highway Structural Steel 101 Effect of Stress on Freeze-Thaw Durability of Con-
- (Proj. 4-6), 64 p., $2.80 crete Bridge Decks (Proj. 6-9), 70 p., $3.60
74A Protective Coatings for Highway Structural Steel— 102 Effect of Weldments on the Fatigue Strength of Steel
Literature Survey (Proj. 4-6), 275 p., $8.00 Beams (Proj. 12-7), 114.p., $5.40
74B Protective Coatings for Highway Structural Steel— 103 Rapid Test Methods for Field Control of Highway
Current Highway Practices (Proj. 4-6), 102 p.' Construction (Proj. 10-4), 89 p., $5.00
$4.00 104 Rules of Compensability and Valuation Evidence
75 Effect of Highway Landscape Development on for Highway Land Acquisition (Proj. 11-1).
Nearby Property (Proj. 2-9), 82 p., $3.60 77 p., $4.40
Rep. Rep.
No. Title No. Title
105 Dynamic Pavement Loads of Heavy Highway Vehi- 133 Procedures for Estimat11g Highway User Costs, Air
cles (Proj. 15-5), 94 p., $5.00 Pollution, and Noise Effects (Proj. 7-8), 127 p.,
106 Revibration of Retarded Concrete for Continuous $5.60
Bridge Decks (Proj. 18-1), 67 p., $3.40 134 Damages Due to Drainage, Runoff, Blasting, and
107 New Approaches to Compensation for Residential Slides (Proj. 11-1(8)), 24 p., $2.80
Takings (Proj. 11-1(10)), 27 p., $2.40 135 Promising Replacements for Conventional Aggregates
108 Tentative Design Procedure for Riprap-Lined Chan- for Highway Use (Proj. 4-10),
nels (Proj. 15-2), 53 p., $3.60
75 p., $4.00 136 Estimating Peak Runoff Rates from Ungaged Small
109 Elastomeric Bearing Research (Proj. 12-9), 53 p., Rural Watersheds (Proj. 15-4),
$3.00 85 p., $4.60
137 Roadside Development—Evaluation of Research
110 Optimizing Street Operations Through Traffic Regu- (Proj. 16-2), $4.20
lations and Control (Proj. 3-11), 78 p.,
100 p., $4.40 138 Instrumentation for Measurement of Moisture—
111 Running Costs of Motor Vehicles as Affected by Literature Review and Recommended Research
Road Design and Traffic (Proj. 2-5a and 2-7), (Proj. 21-1), $4.00
60 p.,
97 p., $5.20
112 Junkyard Valuation—Salvage Industry Appraisal
Principles Applicable to Highway Beautification
(Proj. 11-3(2)), 41 p., $2.60
113 Optimizing Flow on Existing Street Networks (Proj.
3-14), 414p., $15.60
114 Effects of Proposed Highway Improvements on Prop-
erty Values (Proj. 11-1(1)), 42 p., $2.60 Synthesis of Highway Practice
115 Guardrail Performance and Design (Proj. 15-1(2)), No. Title
70 p., $3.60
116 Structural Analysis and Design of Pipe Culverts (Proj. 1 Traffic Control for Freeway Maintenance (Proj. 20-5,
15-3), 155 p., $6.40 Topic 1), 47 p., $2.20
117 Highway Noise—A Design Guide for Highway En- 2 Bridge Approach Design and Construction Practices
gineers (Proj. 3-7), $4.60 (Proj. 20-5, Topic 2), 30 p., $2.00
79 p.,
118 Location, Selection, and Maintenance of Highway 3 Traffic-Safe and Hydraulically Efficient Drainage
Traffic Barriers (Proj. 15-1(2)), Practice (Proj. 20-5, Topic 4), 38 p., $2.20
96 p., $5.20 4 Concrete Bridge Deck Durability (Proj. 20-5, Topic
119 Control of Highway Advertising Signs—Some Legal 3),
Problems (Proj. 11-3(1)), 28 p., $2.20
72 p., $3.60 5 Scour at Bridge Waterways (Proj. 20-5, Topic 5),
120 Data Requirements for Metropolitan Transportation $2.40
Planning (Proj. 8-7), 37 p.,
90 p., $4.80 6 Principles of Project Scheduling and Monitoring
121 Protection of Highway Utility (Proj. 8-5), 115 p., (Proj. 20-5, Topic 6),
$5.60 43 p., $2.40
7 Motorist Aid Systems (Proj. 20-5, Topic 3-01),
122 Summary and Evaluation of Economic Consequences 28 p., $2.40
of Highway Improvements (Proj. 2-11), 324 p., 8 Construction of Embankments (Proj. 20-5, Topic 9),
$13.60 $2.40
38 p.,
123 Development of Information Requirements and 9 Pavement Rehabilitation—Materials and Techniques
Transmission Techniques for Highway Users (Proj. (Proj. 20-5, Topic 8), $2.80
3-12) 41 p.,
239 p., $9.60 10 Recruiting, Training, and Retaining Maintenance and
124 Improved Criteria for Traffic Signal Systems in Ur- Equipment Personnel (Proj. 20-5, Topic 10), 35 p.,
ban Networks (Proj. 3-5) 86 p., $4.80 $2.80
125 Optimization of Density and Moisture Content Mea- 11 Development of Management Capability (Proj. 20-5,
surements by Nuclear Methods (Proj. 10-5A),
$4.40 Topic 12), sop., $3.20
86 p.,
126 Divergencies in Right-of-Way Valuation (Proj. 11- 12 Telecommunications Systems for Highway Admin-
4), 57 p., $3.00 istration and Operations (Proj. 20-5, Topic 3-03),
127 Snow Removal and Ice Control Techniques at Inter- 29 p., $2.80
changes (Proj. 6-10), 13 Radio Spectrum Frequency Management (Proj. 20-5,
90 p., $5.20 Topic 3-03),
128 Evaluation of AASHO Interim Guides for Design 32 p., $2.80
of Pavement Structures (Proj. 1-11), 14 Skid Resistance (Proj. 20-5, Topic 7), 66 p.,
111 p., $4.00
15 Statewide Transportation Planning—Needs and Re-
129 Guardrail Crash Test Evaluation—New Concepts
and End Designs (Proj. 15-1(2)), quirements (Proj. 20-5, Topic 3-02), 41 p.,
89 p., $3.60
16 Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (Proj.
130 Roadway Delineation Systems (Proj. 5-7), 349 p., 20-5, Topic 3-08), 23 p., $2.80
131 Performance Budgeting System for Highway Main-
tenance Management (Proj. 19-2(4)), 213 p.,
132 Relationships Between Physiographic Units and
Highway Design Factors (Proj. 1-3(1)), 161 p.,
T H E NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES is a private, honorary organiza-
tion of more than 700 scientists and engineers elected on the basis of outstanding
contributions to knowledge. Established by a Congressional Act of Incorporation
signed by President Abraham Lincoln on March 3, 1863, and supported by private
and public funds, the Academy works to further science and its use for the general
welfare by bringing together the most qualified individuals to deal with scientific and
technological problems of broad significance.
Under the terms of its Congressional charter, the Academy is also called upon
to act as an official—yet independent—adviser to the Federal Government in any
matter of science and technology. This provision accounts for the close ties that
have always existed between the Academy and the Government, although the Academy
is not a governmental agency and its activities are not limited to those on behalf of
the Government.
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