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Short Term Financing Practice, Problem

& Perspective in Nepalese Joint Venture


(With Special reference to Nabil Bank Limited and Standard Chartered

Bank Nepal Limited)

A Thesis
Submitted By:
Arati Baidya
Thakur Ram Multiple Campus
M.B.S. First Years Symbol No.2032/065(2067/02/06)
M.B.S. Second Years Symbol No.561/065(2066/10/28)
T.U. Registration No.7-2-400-01-2003

Submitted To:
Office of the Dean
Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University

In Partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of

Master of Business Studies (M.B.S.)

Birgunj, Nepal
Oct. 2010

This is to certify that the thesis

Submitted by

Arati Baidya


Short term Financing: Practice, Problem and Perspective in Nepalese Joint Venture Bank

With special reference to

Nabil Bank Limited and Standard Chartered Bank Ltd

Has been prepared as approved by this department in the prescribed format of Faculty of
Management. This thesis is forwarded for examination

Supervisor Head of Department

…………………… ……………………………
Mr. Krishna Kumar Shah Mr. Rajeshwar Prasad Acharya


Campus Chief



We have conducted the viva-voce examination of the thesis presented by

Arati Baidya


Short term Financing: Practice, Problem and Perspective in Nepalese Joint Venture Bank

With special reference to

Nabil Bank Limited and Standard Chartered Bank Ltd.

and found that the thesis to be the original work of the student and written according to the
prescribed format. We recommended the thesis to be accepted as partial fulfillment of the
requirement for

Master’s Degree in Business Studies (MBS)

Viva-Voce Committee

Head of Research Department …………………………………….

Member (Thesis Supervisor) ……………………………………..

Member (External Expert) ……………………………………..


I, hereby, declare that the work reported in this thesis entitled "Short term Financing; Practice,
Problem and Perspective in Nepalese Joint Venture Bank (with special reference to Nabil Bank
Limited and Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited) submitted to Thakur Ram Multiple
Campus, Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, is my original work done in the form of
partial fulfillment of the requirements of Master Degree in Business Studies (M.B.S.) under the
supervision of Mr. Krishna Kumar Shah, Reader, Thakur Ram Multiple Campus.

Arati Baidya


Thakur Ram Multiple Campus



I would to like to express my heartily appreciation to my thesis supervisor Mr. Krishna Kumar
Shah, Associate Professor, Thakur Ram Multiple Campus, for his guidance, critical suggestion,
encouragement, support, co-operation and continuous supervision for this study.

Likewise, I would to express my sincere gratitude to my father Hari Bahadur Baidya, Associate
Professor, Thakur Ram Multiple Campus and mother Amrita Baidya, Kripa Sindhu Prasad,
Campus Chief, Thakur Ram Multiple Campus, Rajeshwar Acharya. Associate Professor, Thakur
Ram Multiple Campus and Chairperson of Research Committee.

This thesis repost has been completed with the great deal of support and guidance from many
people, without their co-operation, this research work would not have been completed.

At last but not least, I am thankful to Mr. Hari Chaudhary and Nabin Chaudhary, who co-
operated me in tabulating, the data and computer typing, setting and printing of this thesis.

Arati Baidya

Thakur Ram multiple Campus

Birgunj, Nepal

List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviation
Chapter – I

1. Introduction Page
1.1 General Background 1
1.2 Statement of the Problems 12
1.3 Objective of the Study 15
1.4 Significance of the Study 16
1.5 Assumption and Limitation of the Study 17
1.6 Organization of the Study 18

Chapter – II

2. Review of Literature 20
2.1 Conceptual Frame work 20
2.2 Literature Review 41

Chapter – III

3. Research Methodology 67
3.1 Research Design 67
3.2 Population and Sample 68
3.3 Source of Data and Collection Procedure 70
3.4 Data Analysis Tools 70
3.4.1 Financial Tools 71
3.4.2 Statistical Tools 77
Chapter – IV

4. Data Presentation and Analysis 81

4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis 81
4.1.1 Financial Tools 81
4.1.2 Statistical Tools 105
4.2 Major Findings of the Study 119

Chapter – V

5. Summary, Conclusion And Recommendation 125

5.1 Summary 125
5.2 Conclusion 127
5.3 Recommendation 130


Table No. Title of Table Pages

0 Population of the study (total no. of commercial banks) 68

1 Current Ratio 82
2 Cash and Bank Balance to Total Deposit Ratio 84
3 Cash and Bank Balance to Current Assets Ratio 85
4 Loan and Advances to Current Assets Ratio 87
5 Loan and Advances to Total Deposit Ratio 88
6 Total Investment to Total Deposit Ratio 90
7 Return on Loan and Advances Ratio 92
8 Return on Short Term Financing Ratio 94
9 Total Interest Earned to Total Short Term Financing Ratio 95
10 Total Interest Paid to Total Short Term Financing Ratio 97
11 Credit Risk Ratio (Total Loan and Advance to Total Assets) 98
12 Credit Risk Ratio (Short Term Financing to Total Assets) 100
13 Growth Rate of Total Deposit 102
14 Growth Rate to Total Short Term Financing 103
15 Growth Rate to Total Loan and Advances 104
16 Correlation between Short Term Financing and Deposit 106
17 Correlation between Short Term Financing and Current Assets 107
18 Correlation between Short Term Financing and Investments 108
19 Trend Values of Total Deposit of NABIL and SCBNL 110
20 Trend Values of Loan and Advances of NABIL and SCBNL 112
21 Trend Values of Short Term Financing of NABIL and SCBNL 114
Figures Title of figures Pages

0 Sources of Short Term Financing 33

1 Current Ratio 83
2 Cash and Bank Balance to Total Deposit Ratio 84
3 Cash and Bank Balance to Current Assets Ratio 86
4 Loan and Advances to Current Assets Ratio 87
5 Loan and Advances to Total Deposit Ratio 89
6 Total Investment to Total Deposit Ratio 90
7 Return on Loan and Advances Ratio 92
8 Return on Short Term Financing Ratio 94
9 Total Interest Earned to Short Term Financing Ratio 96
10 Total Interest Paid to Short Term Financing Ratio 97
11 Credit Risk Ratio (Total Loan and Advance to Total Assets) 99
12 Credit Risk Ratio (Short Term Financing to Total Assets) 100
13 Growth Rate of Total Deposit 102
14 Growth Rate to Total Short Term Financing 103
15 Growth Rate to Total Loan and Advances 104
16 Trend Values of Total Deposit of NABIL and SCBNL 111
17 Trend Values of Loan and Advances of NABIL and SCBNL 113
18 Trend Values of Short Term Financing of NABIL and SCBNL 115

B.S. : Bikram Sambat

C.V. : Coefficient of Variation

EPS : Earning Per Share

F/Y : Fiscal Year

JVB : Joint Venture Bank

NABIL : Nabil Bank Ltd

PEr. : Probable Error

r : Coefficient of Correlation

RBB : Rastriya Banijya Bank

Rs. : Rupees

S.D. : Standard Deviation

SCBNL : Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Ltd

i.e. : that is

w.r.t : with respect to

GDP : Gross Domestic Product

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