Department of Information System Coures Title: System Analaysis and Desiagn Project Titile: Library Management System
Department of Information System Coures Title: System Analaysis and Desiagn Project Titile: Library Management System
Department of Information System Coures Title: System Analaysis and Desiagn Project Titile: Library Management System
1. EBISA EDESSA……………………………………CIR/142/11
2. ATINAF LAMESSA…………………………………CIR/117/11
3. DERARO BEREYE…………………………………CIR/137/11
1.1. Background wolkite university…………………………………..1
1.2. Statement of the problem ……………………………………….1
1.3. Objective of the project …………………………………………2
1.3.1. General Objectives ……………………………………………2
1.3.2. Specific Objectives……………………………………………..2
1.4 Methodology ………………………………………………………4
1.4.1. Data collection methodology ………………………………….4
1.4.2. System Analysis and design Methodology …………………..4
1.4.3. Programming Development Languages and tools ……………6
1.5. Scope and Limitations of the project …………..……………….6
1.5.1. Scope of the project ……………………….…………………..6
1.5.2. Limitations of the Project ……………………………………..7
1.6 Feasibility Study (pre project committing)………………………7
1.6.1. Economic Feasibility …………………………………………..7
1.6.2. Technical Feasibility …………………………………………..7
1.6.3. Operational Feasibility ……………………………………….8
1.6.4. Schedule Feasibility ……………………………………………8
1.6.5. Political Feasibility …………………………………………...8
1.6.6. Legal and Contractual Feasibility………………………….8
1.7. Significance & Beneficiaries of the project …………………8
1.8. Project plan ……………………………………………………9
1.8.1 Work Breakdown Structure and Deliverables …………....9
1.9. Communication Plan & Project Organization……………..10
1.9.1 Project Schedule ……………………………………………10
The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion of any task would
be incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation made it
possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts with
We are grateful to our project guide Miss. Hana for the guidance, inspiration and
constructive suggestions that helpful us in the preparation of this project.
We also thank our teacher who have helped in successful completion of the project.
Our system introduces or deals with how to modernize good library system in wolkite
university by reducing errors that make the system not to be more efficient and competent with
other systems in the compound just like registrar, cafeteria systems etc.
Lack of security: the data of manual library where not secured with
respect to the confidentiality of reports and documents of library
Lack of data storage: there were a lot of library files, reports and documents
which are not well accommodated/ saved.
Poor data storage: the data storage of manual library management was not
enough to accept a number of files and reports.
Lack of information: reports and updates with respect to library transaction and
services are not well disseminated.
Slow retrieval of data: the viewing of library reports and files in terms of
issuing and returning of books where not well established/implemented.
Misplaced library cards: the library cards with respect to issuing and returning of
books where lost and rejected.
Issuing of book is slow: the issuing of book is slow where borrowers (faculty,
students, staff and clients) will have to wait for further library transaction.
Time consuming: the library services in terms of issuing of books through library
cards consumed a lot of time.
Lost books: there where books in the library which were not included in
inventory of books per semester.
The general objective of this project is:
To develop a fast and efficient system for Wolkite University students and
To accomplish the mission of the university.
After the project work, after analysis, after design, and implementation create or
develop fast efficient system for WKU library employee and WKU student.
1. To develop a system that will solve the problems that are being observed in the
library system.
6. Build collections that support the academic, research and curricular needs of
10. Provide for an effective organization, beginning with the recruitment, high
performance and ration of well qualified, motivated and diverse work force.
to the classification scheme on the shelf ,computerized all library
resources and display for public access
An important aspect of modelling is its role as communication tool in determining requirements.
For what they require, and its current system satisfying their requirements.
Books Management Manageme
Library management System User
management system management
We use to do our project in different tools.
Computer-to do project
We use software – Microsoft word
We use hardware – printer and mouse
We have collected the necessary information to do our project in different method.
Questioners: - we have prepared question to managers of library and to get some
fact about the current system.
Revised documents: -we have revised different documents and we gathered some
information that we need.
• Any education institute can make use of it for providing information about author,
content of the available books. • It can be used in offices and modifications can be
easily done according to requirements.
In adequate resource to solve a real world problems.
In efficient information from library managers about a current system of the system.
Economic feasibility: usually known as cost analysis, determines whether the adoptions
of a system can be cost justified.
For preparing our document we use about 20 birr.
Development risk
Resource availability
Technological risk
Technical management
The team of the project produce schedule for the progress report and other activities
of the project is feasibility and it is done on time which can be proposed
When developing the new system is not contradict or conflict with political of the
current when developing a new system by comparing the situation of library to
modify their system. So no situation is exist that the system is conflict with current
Before start these project our project is announce to organization and also modify it
by the organization.
Patron center service the library responds to local and individual needs for
assistance with research teaching, learning, practice service, and engagement by
taking advantage of its wide range of resources and expertise for all users of the
The current library management system works at their own level. Their works as the
following sequence.
Manager of library management system appointed by WKU president. Current
Library management system is working based on KOHA software system. The
library manager control employee in library with any activity that employee if that
incorrect passion that work correctly that the employee fail its function ;library
manager has the power to dismiss the employee from library with that placed
another employee.
The budget that administer employee is reduced when the system is completely
based on computer based information is apply in the library.
Day Time of start Time of end
&background 1 day 08/03/ 2012 09/03/2012
This project Develop and made automate the library Management System in
Wolkite University. Currently WKU Inventory Management System uses
computer based system which creates the some problems like: employee
communication to manager, transfer of information problem, Lack of required
Security and all problems mentioned above. So the objectives of this project is
to solve problem of library Management System exist now by making it